Selfbondage Stories by Author L-Z
⇚ A-K | L | M | N | O | PQ | R | S | T | UV | W-Z
- Lacey SextonThe Joy Of Glue A Walk in the Park
- Lady KatherineMidnight in the Thunderstorm Nineteen Days Too Long Stupid, Stupid, Stupid! Walking Into Torment
- Lady RenA Close Call Gift Wrapped Life of the Party
- Lara V CatalunaSelf Bondage Humiliation
- Larkshead76Saddle Sore
- Lash SartayHer Gift
- LauraHusband’s Hard End of a Day The Pub Guy and Selfbound Fun Selfbondage for a Stranger Selfbound for Visitors at my Online Masters Request Two Guys and Suspension
- LckdnrbbrIt’s a Slippery Slope The Lockbox
- LeahDesert Run
- learning whyAdvanced Pussycat
- LeeGet This Party Started A Little Selfbondage 2 3 Oh Crap Not Now! The Pole Sara’s Accident Sneak Attack Steel Lover The Trip
- Lee and JamesMemory Lane
- LeftyAlone Again Orchestrating Pleasure Training Day
- LegarsiKeeping House
- LegsThe Cable Discovery in the Woods 2: Caught Origins of a SB life 2 A Slave in the Desert
- lenaFriday Night Walk Home
- Leon01Satin Toys
- LeotardguyGoing For A Self-Bondage Walk Trapped & Ready for Torment
- LeviticusIt’s Amazing Who You Bump Into in the Middle of the Night!
- Lewd LloydMountain Retreat
- LinnearMary’s Selfbondage Adventure
- LionAnother Evening
- Lisa CThe Release 2 3 True Story: Own Chastity
- Lisa LatexThe Chair Wrap
- Lobo De la SombraBondage Fan Carly Dave’s Adventure Her Gift The Invention 2 Party Favor Perfect The Race 2: Stacy Sandy’s Bondage Adventures 2 Surprised
- LoBoNoxyRoxanne's Self-bondage Trial
- lockedup4evaCaught in Self Bondage, and a Fantasy Fulfilled
- LonelyGuy2020Alex & Jessie
- LordMS Bondage 1.0b
- Lord ZhametThe Long Wait For The Keys Marie
- LordBondA Dream of Devotion
- LorigirlLorigirl’s Self Bondage Afternoon
- Love2bindTrip to the Store
- Loves_Tied_GirlsLori’s Self Bondage
- Lucky JessLucky Escape
- LuckynleatherRainsuit Selfbondage
- LudovicShannon Succumbs to Temptation 2
- Luther LexusFinally, They Meet
- LycraLoverSpandex Bondage Spandex Self-bondage
- LycramonkeyA Story for Jennifer
- MBuried Treasure The Program Vermont Weekend 2 - The Gift 3 - Turnabout 4
- MélodieUnexpected
- M88Rigid Rubber Rubber Walk Self Bondage Embrace Self Destruction Silent Pain 2 3 Spandex BDSM The Stink Suit 2 Walk 2: Endless Keys
- Madhatter815Going Home 1: Rude Awakening 2: Patience is the Key 3: Out and About
- manc_angelAll His Own Doing!
- MarciaNew Tricks for an Old Dog
- Margaret BKey Vacation Plans Wet Dream Bondage
- Maria TheMaidSandra and Bill
- Maria WellsAfternoon in the Park
- MarinaCaught in Selfbondage
- Mark BMy Scary Selfbondage Mistake
- Marky JCaught
- Martha & DanTight And Caught
- Mary Elizabeth MooreA Colorado Country Girl’s Self Bondage
- MaryLynnWater Barrel Bondage
- masonandlaraLara’s Chair
- Master LeaThe FAX
- Master TiesAngie’s Fix Didn’t Bank on This! Not What She Expected
- Master7402Karen’s Delight
- MasterxloveClaudia’s Fantasy
- MattyThe Longest Restraint 2: My Hooded Claw 3: Prisoner in my Own Home 4: Dream becomes a Reality
- Max RoperAnother Time in the Woods Back Again Bound in the Woods Freely Given A Second Visit Should’ve Locked The Door
- MaxxsterCalculated Misfortune 2 The Gift What A Day! ! 2
- MaypoleWalkerJoyce and Shawna: The Hotel Shawna and Joyce - Weekend Burial Shawna's Maypole 1 2
- Med11A little about myself before starting
- MelissaMel’s Day Off
- MelvinStuck in the Mud
- MemyselfnayeLongest Day My Friday Night My Selfbondage Experience Red Handed Snow Day
- MichaelCross Dress Hogtie
- Michael DAbsolutely Trusting
- MichelleFull Body Suit A Kind Of Revenge Learning the Ropes A Lesson Learnt My Initiation The Sands of Time Teaching Others The Ropes When Things go Wrong
- Michelle HarperSelf Bound Slut Self Bound Slut 2
- Michelle StevensMistakes Can Be Easy
- Mick & DeeDee’s Instructions
- Mike DAlmost Caught
- Mike KellyFurs & Chains Stocks & Chains
- Mikelsee stories below
- MikeroperDressed Up, Tied Up & Nowhere to Go Endurance vs Annoyance SB Experienced Checked off this Year True Story of my Reluctant Bondage Experience
- Mila VIf I Could Change Your Mind Soon But Not Today 2
- Mindful_boundCaught on a Walk in Bondage
- Miss FortuneAll Aboard! ! 2: The Banister Customer Service A Hot Job Rain Gauge The Rivals 2: The Aftermath 3: When It Rains, It Pours Traffic 2: Susan and the Cat 3: Success at Last Wet and Warm
- Missy ManaraA Little Garden Time
- missytvCumming in the Closet The Plough
- Mistress MelindaAbsolute Trust
- mmWhen the Wife’s away…
- mmmmpphMy Housekeeper Harriet 2
- MonstahRevenge
- MoosehunterMoosehunter’s Selfbondage Fantasy Moosehunter’s Walk in the Woods 2: Return Challenge
- Mr. ShackleMeg
- Mr. SmithThe Speaker
- Mrs. LocksLast Night Self-bondage Adventures 2: Caged 3: Reclaiming the Cage 4: Punishments The Weekend
- MrsPinkOutdoor Nightmare
- MSNThe Outing
- mtrsRough Night
Mikel (see their stories page)
- Back to Basics
- Bad Idea
- Be Careful What You Wish For
- The Board
- Body Mold Mistake
- Boots
- Bright Idea
- Bright Sunny Day
- The Cage
- Caught by my New Mistress
- Caught Casted
- The Cave Challenge
- The Chair
- The Chase
- Chastity Tube
- The Coating
- Cold Day Mistake
- Collar
- Combination
- Computer Timer
- Confused
- Corsets
- Corset Theory Testing
- The Cravat
- The Design
- Directions (Read the)
- The Drive
- Dual Purpose
- Electricity
- Escape
- Exhausted
- Exhausting
- Fantasy Kidnap Mistake
- The Find
- Forever Chastity
- Frustration
- Full Time Job
- Gag
- Gina
- Happy Accident
- Hard Encasement
- Hashtag Challenge
- His Trip
- Hogtie Admission
- Isolation
- Jinni’s Day of Training
- Last Cage
- The Lid
- Lori Under Glass
- Masked Adventures
- Maybe it’s Fate
- The Metal Suit
- Mina
- 2: The Message
- 3: Dress Up
- 4: Anticipation
- 5: 24 hours
- 6: The Next Day
- Mystery Vibrator
- New Belt
- A Night Alone?
- Now What?
- Oops!
- Over Eager and Trapped
- Pain
- Pillory
- The Plan
- Plastic Casting
- Private Dreams
- Punishment Routine
- Quitter
- Restriction
- Robot Costume
- The Screw
- Self Bondage Water Torture
- She
- 2: Casting
- 3: Leather Sleep Sack
- A Simple Rope Restraint
- Simply Stuck
- Sixty Four
- Slave No More?
- Strange Discovery
- The Tens Unit
- Undercover Leashed
- The Weave
- Weekend Get Away
- Well Built
- What a Nightmare
- What Have I Done?
- What's New
- Nakia KeslerDirty Dungeon
- Nakia KesslerSelf Bondage Story Sticky Mess
- NatalieExperimenting
- NerbusXi 1 - The Locked Box 2 - The Key Experiment 3 - "Damn You" 4 - Flash 5 - Frisson 6 - 7 - Image
- New GuyWinners & Losers
- NewbieMandy’s Bad April Fools Day
- NickerlasDamsel in Distress A Lot of Bull Night Drive Offa’s Dyke The Tape Recorder Walking the plank
- NightguyDust Miles Part 1 - The Journey begins... 2 - Fear or pain! 3 - The Farmhouse 4 - Caught! A Stable Mess
- NighthawkJoanne's Self-Bondage Selfbondage Patrol Wait until I get my revenge
- nikkiroseleeAngry Sister
- NimrodMy True Stupid Story
- NosbertSandy’s act of selfbondage
- O2BTiedStacey’s World
- Ocontrol4uLinda’s Denial Linda’s First Self-Denial
- OdethaSelf-Bondage Workout
- OgreOgre’s Story
- OkmrocksUJennifer’s Restrained Afternoon 2 3 The Finale Something Interesting On The Pier A Surprise in the Park
- oneropetownStupid
- Opa69Opa69 Selfbondage
- Orion1701Anita 2 Carrie Fun & Games The Lake House Laura’s Christmas Nancy Spirited Experience What Amber Saw... 2: What Amber Did
- Otto Dixsee stories below
Otto Dix
- The Art of Self-Bondage
- The Big Risk
- Bound for Vengeance
- Bound for You
- The Chastity Files
- Computer Bondage
- Electrical play and Self-bondage
- Instructions for "Stereo Electro-Stimulation" (SES)
- Leashed
- One Hot Session
- The Raspberry Patch
- Selfbondage Master
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- Shocking Bondage
- Shocking Vibrations
- University Bondage
- Yoked
- Zipped & Shocked
- PainslutJulieWaisted Forever
- Pallum 1-2-3Outdoors Bondage Adventure
- Paneuf19Hospital Walk 2 The Missed Detail Trespassed 2: The Voices Return
- PegasusNadia’s Thrill
- pegslavePipe Dreams
- PegusasEarly Bird
- Peter LockMotel Tales: Rest Assured
- PeteZaHer Arrival?
- PetraI Stood Itching For My Partner To Come Home
- PetulantKimCaitland’s Perfect Evening
- PhilberBy Her Own Hand 2 The Snowsuit 2 Straitjacket Selfbondage 2 3 4
- PhoebeClothesline Cable A Halloween Tail Mile High Mishap The North Pole Praying For Daylight
- PhoebegetsitQuiet Diet
- PiperPiper’s Selfbondage
- PrenecSelf Bondage Tie Struggle
- Professor Challengersee stories below
- PShadowPhazerJane’s Magnetism Janice Comes Home
- PussySlaveNice Pussy
- PVAndrea’s Selfbondage
- p_jay2001Sally Racked
- QuiltThe Pool
Professor Challenger
- At the End of My Tether
- The Cage Experiments
- 1
- 2
- The Crawling Experiment
- The Gates of Hell Experiment
- The Knots Experiments
- The Machine
- The Misadventure of the Empty House
- The Night Drive Experiment
- The Purgation Experiment, or Making a Vice of Necessity
- The Real Inescapable Self-Bondage Rope Tie
- The Scenario
- The Stake-out Experiment
- The TimeCuff Experiment
- Weekend Fantasia-Work
- R G BargyClimactic Oversight Katie’s Surprise No Place Like Home One Mistake
- Ralphsee stories below
- RawlBack Up Power Supply Capri 1: Capri’s Daytrip 2: Latex Selfbondage 3: Beverly’s Designs My Early Years
- Rawn1950’s Night Appliance Repair Gail’s Night Out Gail’s Saturday Morning
- RayMitten’s Selfbondage
- Ray WriterFortieth Birthday
- Res IpsaReady to Play? 2
- RestrictedBondage Ballet A Christmas Carol Jan Brown Orgasmochair Stuck Again Terry’s Terrible Torment
- Richard FSelf Induced Torment
- RicheThe Bus Ride 2 3
- RiptieronSelf Bondage with an Air Mattress
- RobTo Himself
- rob AKA- pierced_mBondage before Vegas 2 Bondage Nights
- RobertA Weekend in Bed
- Robert DeaneJulie’s Time Kimberly’s Night One Tie too Many
- Robert KingsleyBound to Serve Runaway Chair The Silent Intruder Surprise, Surprise!
- Robin ZeroMidnight Stroll in the Desert Sunrise - Part 1: Reality 2: Fantasy
- RockeretteToo Smart by Half
- RockettChair Tie Electrochair Electro-stim Hogtie New Twist on Hogtie A Self-Bondage Fairy Tale Self-Strappado A Tie Too Tight Way Too Tight
- Roger WilliamsBackyard Selfbondage Fun Bound in the Garden A Night or Two in the Spa Perfect Companion Taking A Short Bondage Walk A Visit To The Local Dungeon
- RollerChair Bound
- Ron McIngleDesert Daisey Grand Junction Personal Trainer Serving in Cyberspace
- RopedgirlConfessions of a Teenage Bondage Slut 4 - Self-Bondage Surprise
- RopemeisterEscaped Slave
- RopepullWith Some Assistance
- RubberHOver a Barrel
- RupesThe Decision The Jacket
- Another Self Bondage Mistake
- Discovered in a Bad Position 1: Caught
- 2: Punishment
- 3: Morning Torment
- 4: Sunday Afternoon
- Distress Call
- Distressing Development
- Home Alone
- More than a Walk in the Park
- Motel Room Meeting
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- Not Just a Walk in the Park
- The One Small Mistake
- Reunion
- Sara’s Discovery
- S M Ackermansee stories below
- SadistiqDesert Escapade 2
- Sahara McEyreSahara’s Chair
- SalokinIndulging Him
- Sammy 4187Is today Wednesday? The Listing Memories of a Small Town A Walk in the Rain
- Sara BladeSara Discovered Sara’s Terrifying Adventure
- SaturnWillow finds the Key
- ScarecrowThe Headbox
- ScottHere is what i did the other week
- SeahawkMy Wife Won’t Do It
- Sean DunneUnexpected Mind Blower
- Sean MaloneComfort Flatmates A Tale of Possession Tempted
- Secretive1Click 2: Who’s Counting 3: Turning the Tables
- SeidenkiIced and Locked
- Self Bound CoupleDual Self Bondage
- Selfbound LatexsubFun Weekend
- SelfBoundORDouble Jeopardy In a Pinch 2 The Mistress 2 Precious Cargo 1 2 The Villain
- selfbound_2000Balltied Belinda Chained on the Chair The Outage Samantha in the Shed Strapado
- SelfhelpAt His Mercy Bed Bondage Caged Self Bondage In the Closet
- SelftiedgrrlRoommate Fun Summer Fun A Typical Friday Night
- Sensual EroticThe Fetish Ball The Party Ultimate Selfbondage Tease
- Sensual RobertBoy-toy to Older Women 2 Perilous Walk in Heels Self-bondage on Display Time for Self-Bondage
- Servant JoannaReluctant Cam Girl Setting my Own Trap 2 3
- ShannaShanna’s First Time
- SharonFirst Time Selfbondage with a Big Surprise
- Shawna SummersAlmost Damsel in Almost Distress 1 2 3 4 5
- Shy RookieA Stubborn Ice Timer
- Silent SatinThe Tryst
- SimpletonSpring Break 2
- SimsTwelve Hours
- Single Kinky GuyA Best Friends, Friend
- SinthiaBest Laid Plans: Golf Course Edition Best Laid Plans: Ravine Edition Plugged Stuffed Stocking 2: Redux 3: Round Three Stumped
- sin_dysee stories below
- SiobhannSharon Alone
- Sir JamesGina’s Flight into Reality
- Sir PsychoFirst Time Shock Outdoor Key Dash Sucking for Freedom
- Sir StephenChloe Joey Potter Self Bondage 2 Seven of Nine 2 3
- sissy susanCareful What You Wish For
- Sissy SuzyI Promised Myself This so I’m Going to Do It!
- Sissy_MayuriAlmost All Nighter
- Skull DuggeryDiary of Carolyn
- slaveplaydohPlaydoh Submits
- SlaveVikkiThe Day I Became Her Slave
- Slut DonnaHotel Bound
- slutannaAnd It Started In The Woods
- slut_jennieAn Afternoon in the Woods A Close Call in the Woods A Day In The Woods The Gamble 2 Late Night Adventure Late Night Drive Risky Self-Bondage Session Self-bondage in Abandoned Factory Building
- slut_tracyThe Sound of High Heels
- SnapAlice Takes a Vacation
- SneakerslaveRubber Epiphany
- Soloistsee stories below
- SpankerTantalising Self Bondage Tease
- SprinttriA Naked and Shackled Walk in the Rain Naked Walk in the Woods Self Bondage Discovered in the Woods Walking in the Woods Shackled and Naked
- Stanley93Wishful Thinking
- StealthbinderBest Laid Plans Caught Red Handed
- SteffCastle in the Swamp The Hired Help’s Play Toy 2 Power Outage They Don’t Make Them Like They Used Too! A Walk in the Back Yard
- Stephanie_CDLeather & Steel
- Steve FowlerAn Experiment in Self Bondage
- Steve Spandexsee stories below
- StevenCaged & Left Punished by my Sister-In-Law
- StigThump!
- Stingray 5Sylvia’s Bunny
- Strange MindBunny Hopping to Freedom
- StuartThe Tree of Lights
- SubgambleAlmost Stuck Caught and Enslaved Cyber Date Internet Mistress
- SubJadeThe Exercise Bike
- Susan CI was Caught in Self Bondage by my Mom 3 Self Suspension Gone Wrong
- SuttonKathie’s Mistake Lisa 2 What Was I Thinking 2
- SuziCUltimate & Last Fantasy?
- suzy maidMy Selfbondage Session
- Sweet CharleneIn-Tents Bondage
- SwiftIn the Mountains Teen Selfbondage
- SwitchfunctionAfterwork Stress Relief
- SynJo’s Lunch Break
- SynikallWhere Are You?
S M Ackerman
- Almost Deserved Retribution
- Coal Faced
- A Farm Girl Punished
- 2
- 3
- 4
- A Good Girl
- Grandma & I
- I Need a lot of Bottle
- 2
- I Should Not Be Doing This
- Life Returns to Torment
- Loren in Trouble
- My Mine Trouble
- 2
- 3
- My Tail
- A New Beginning, A New Year
- 2: The Other Side Of The Fence
- A Normal Adventure!
- The Rain Coat
- Risk
- 2
- Thrill Seeking
- The Tree
- The Trunk
- A Walk on the Dark Side
- What a Drag
- After Midnight
- The Door
- Have Fun
- High Chair
- Honey
- Imagine
- Melt Down
- Midnight
- Once Upon a Time
- Satisfied
- Sin_dy’s Surprise
- Sin_dy Stretched
- Sin_dy Surprised Again
- Surprised Again
- Wagon Trained
- WAM It!
Steve Spandex
- The Call of the Cuffs
- In a Tight Spot
- Long Time Bound
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- Melissa’s Quality Time
- A Moment of Madness
- Nicki’s Self-Bondage Mishap
- Suzy’s Day Off
- Tracy-Janine’s Finest Hour
- Unforeseen Circumstances
- 2
- T S FesselnDecorations Go Fetch Mr. Murphy and Me Not Your Garden Variety Ornaments Pipe Dreams Route 21 Red Walking the Line The Web They Weaved
- Tamara STamara’s Self Bondage Experiment
- TantalisSelfbondage for Two
- Tar FeathersRiding Lessons 2 3 4 5 6
- Teann DaorsaJane’s Tormentor Lonely Together Payback on the Thirteenth Floor The Thirteenth Floor
- TeaSerAssisted Selfbondage
- TechieHappy Anniversary Hooked
- Techie & TechsterQuitting Smoking the Sybian Way
- Techie and techsterWhat a Ride!!!!
- TechsterAn Engineer’s Approach to Selfbondage The Horse Mother’s Day Gift Our Game (Self) Bound to please her Steel Bound Pet Would you...
- Techster & Techiesee stories below
- TechTrollThe Little Lost Doggy The Long Weekend Playing Hooky
- TeeCeeAlone in the Dark Caught In Chains
- TektaperDouble their pleasure, Double your fun What if Vennomm had possessed a Bondage Sub
- TeresaBrass Bed
- TexvectorCasualty of Junkyard Wars The Chocolate Factory A Day Alone in the Woods Painted Black Torment of a Bad Boy
- That GuyMy Surprise for Him The New Library Policy Tale of Two Brides
- The BearHome Game
- The CityWolfSally’s Christmas Break
- The Dark TunaThe Dark Bag Dark Closet
- The FranchiseMy Self-Bondage Adventure Gone Wrong
- The MousterThe Mouse Will Play
- The Old ManFitting
- The PayeeCoastal View Search and Rescue
- The RookHunting Property 2: Kate’s Story 3: Slave Kate
- The StorytellerBreezy and The Seven Year Itch Janie Jen’s Predicament Jen’s Predicament 2 The Perfect Trap
- The Techniciansee stories below
- the TechsterThe $12.00 folding stocks and a sister’s revenge Trapped
- The Third ThaneDangerous Leigh 2 3 4 5
- The WatcherBBF 1: Vicky & Suzan 2: The Pillory 3: Exercising with a Twist 4: "The Discovery" 5: Into the Woods
- The West Coast CometHolly’s Hotel Session Mary Jane Slipping off the Bed
- Thomas DennyFound Out Hole in my Bag A Weighty Issue Who’s Walking Funny
- ThrilldudeCrystal City The Waist Chain
- ThrillskiA Memorable Trip
- Tied TightlyHomeward Bound Self Inflicted
- tiedashOn a Hot Summer Day
- TieutiteThe Campground
- TiffiniOh Shit!
- TigonI Pushed My Luck and Got Stuck The Straight Jacket and the Elevator Took a Risk and Got Away With It An Unexpected Adventure
- TinaSelf Bondage & Rubber Bands! Tina’s Selfbondage
- Tom MWho Done It
- Tom SmithI Need Help!!
- Tommy SoxRoommate’s Helping Hand 2 3 4: Hardware Store 5: Playing the odds 6: Paying the debt
- Tony-BBicycle Seat
- TonyaAnother Fine Mess Do Not Open Until A Friendly Little Reminder Safety First Something Something Eat a Dick Roomba Vacation Time Fun 2 3 4 5 6 7 White Out
- TonymThree Way Bondage
- Too ShyCoffee Table Outdoor Adventure Sofa Fun Too Shy’s SB Adventure
- Topgun1956Ant Attack Auto Zipper The Bucket Trick Caught in the Dog Pen The New Obstacle Course A New Rope Obstacle Course Roped in the Shed Rope & Nettles The Shed The Third Time & Released Tied Myself Up in the Garage
- TorquemasterConnie’s Gift It takes more than Courage The Nosey Babysitter Road Trip Tease
- ToyboyGreen’s Keeper
- TrishMy First Experience
- tttttt9876Double Surprise
- Turbo BruinHow I Met Her 2: How I Trained Her Just Something New Mansion Maid Puppy Love 2 3
- TweakDiscovered by Bridget The Key is in the Cum
- Ty DownsTy Down Self Bondage
- Ty M GoodeWet Behind the Ears
- TycordTimed Trial
Techster & Techie
The Technician (see their stories page)
- The Bunker
- 2
- The Candle Factory
- Darlene
- Deer Season
- Diary of a Pain Slut
- - Week 2
- - Week 3
- - Week 4
- - Week 5
- Hothouse
- Kelly’s Quest
- 2
- 3
- 4
- Mary Christmas
- Self-Sub Susy
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- Spelunker
- Take Your Wife to Work Day
- UltrazokkiThe Estate Agent
- UnderdogMy Not Quite Selfbondage Tied and Tormented
- Unknownsee stories below
- Vampire MedicGoth Chick Appreciation Day
- VaughanRBodysuit Selfbondage Forced Exposure
- viper821Self Bondage Sisters
- vo-girlSelfbondage on the West Coast of Sweden
- voltsjoltsElectro Experimentation
- VoodooThe Meeting A New Beginning Sara, Christina & Lynn
- Boys will be Boys
- A Difficult Walk
- Laura
- Mary’s Self Bondage Night
- Sally
- Self Bondage Stretch
- Self Bound
- The Ultimate in Helplessness
- W MoreGuys Next Door
- WallaceDon’t Try This 2 3
- WandaForced Impressions
- WannabeasuBHow to go Clubbing when you’re Single What I wanted and more...
- WannabmeSelf-Bondage Caught
- WattNancy’s New Work Out Bench
- Weird ThoughtsRubber Ducky
- West Coast Cometsee stories below
- WhippycaneCaught! A Painful Finale
- Wicked TricksBound, Tied & Tickled 2: Masturbatory Buzz Friend with Benefits Woodpecker
- WingcoJenna's Final Journey 2 Jesse in Jeopardy 2 Shelley’s Silly Saturday The Spirits of Sumburgh 2: Master Henry 3: Welcome Home M’Lady
- Wishful HusbandChristmas Stocking The Easter Bunny’s Bondage Surprise Holiday Hogtie A Pet for Valentine’s Day Santa’s Toy Bag A Special New Year’s Resolution Summer Bikini The 12 Straps for Christmas
- Wizard54Command Phrase
- XulValhallaGetting Myself Caught
- XVXFluke The Game
- yourbdtopThe Box You Wait
- ZackThe Bilbo Igor & Ivan Kept in the Dark Loneliness Suspended The Merry-Go-Round Treed
- ZalipsoBoxed
- ZeferageSummer Vacation
- ZenMaster ShawnNever Insult A Fetish Writer
- ZephyrDesert 2 Self-Bondage Humiliation 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4
- ZMClaudia's Vacation Stefanie’s Mistake
- Zorro666Discovery
West Coast Comet
- Elle & the Old Farmhouse
- 2: Zipties
- 3: The Basement
- Ellie in the Field
- Ellie & the Phone Call
- Emma and the Stable
- 2: Opening the Stall
- Gang of Four 1: Real Estate Lady
- 2: Diane was on a Mission
- 3: Sally the Snake
- 4: Rosie’s Story
- 5: The Long Winter of Discontent and Planning
- Karen Discovers Her True Nature
- Meeting Ellie
- Patty Pole
- Penny’s Chains
- 2
- The Repair Garage
- So Little Time
- No authors found