Gromet's PlazaSelf Bondage Stories

Almost Damsel in Almost Distress

by Shawna Summers

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© Copyright 2024 - Shawna Summers - Used by permission

Storycodes: M/t; FM/t; bond; gag; anal; cd; M2f; chastity; ponygirl; collar; mittens; buttplug; outdoors; club; hypno; urine; oral; latex; cons; XX

Continues from

Part 5

I awoke slowly, feeling something hard against my back. I came to with that delightful feeling of being in bondage with Alex snuggling against me, his cock hard and digging into me. Of course, as the obedient little slave girl I was, I positioned him against my ass and began grinding on him. 

I'm not sure if he was that deeply asleep or just enjoying my playing, but it took him several minutes to be aware of my moving around. Eventually Alex maneuvered himself enough to slip my plug out and slide his cock into my ass. I mmmpphh-ed in pleasure around the breather gag I had in.

I heard his voice, husky and quiet from sleep, in my ear, “Does my little sissy slut like that?”

  I nodded and pushed myself deeper on him, groaning with lust as I did. Alex pumped me slowly, letting my bound and gagged form stew as I groaned and pleaded around the gag as best I could, “Pwesh, fwck meh!”

“I am fucking you, slut,” he reasoned.

If I asked for it harder or faster, he'd do it, for a couple strokes, then he'd slow back down and let me stew more. Eventually he took pity on me, he rolled me onto my stomach, climbed on top and began to really plow into me.

I groaned and pushed back as best I could, but in that position, I was pretty much at his mercy, and of course, I loved it. Being held down and taken so thoroughly just tickled my little submissive heart. Hearing him growling and panting in my ear really also did it for me.

I built up but I didn't seem to quite get close to the edge, no matter how hard I tried. After some time of plowing my ass, Alex whispered in my ear, “You okay?”

I nodded my head and thrust back on him. “Are you going to cum?” he asked grunting.

I tried to shrug my shoulders, but with my hands behind my back, that was a little tough. I think he got the idea. “Want me to do something else?”

Damn he was sweet. I shook my head, thrusting back harder and said through the gag, “Fwck meh!”

“Your wish is my command,” and he began plowing me mercilessly. After several minutes of pounding my ass, he grunted and groaned as he came deep in me. Feeling him cum was pretty amazing. I realized most of the times he'd filled me previously, I was deep in either subspace or sissygasm, so I hadn't really experienced feeling his orgasm. The warm, wet feeling of his cum filling me was one I hope to never forget.

We flopped onto the bed into a sex puddle, trying to catch our breaths. Once Alex settled down and began slipping out of me, he slid the plug back into me. He then pulled my helpless form tight against him and wrapped me in his arms until we both drifted back off.

I awoke when Alex got out of bed to go to the bathroom. I squirmed to the edge of bed and managed to get most of the way into a sitting position when Alex came back in. He smiled seeing me up, “You have to go, girl?”

I nodded, and then waited for him to come and free me. Instead he just looked at me sideways and said, “Well, you better hurry, you'll get in trouble if you pee the bed.”

He then laid back down on the bed and watched me, clearly enjoying himself. I gave him a pleading look, but I could tell by the smug smirk he wasn't letting me out any time soon.

So, I got to my feet and half-hopped, half shuffled to the bathroom. Getting myself onto the toilet was a task with my hands behind me, but I managed. Then getting back up was pretty tough. I tried pushing off the tank to get some leverage, but I couldn't maneuver myself enough. So, I had to get my legs off to the side and partly under me, then push myself off. It was tiring. I then hop-shuffled my way back to bed and sat down as best I could.

Alex reached over and pulled me close, asking teasingly “Would you like me to release you?”

I shrugged as best I could, and snuggled into his shoulder. So, we dozed for a bit like that until Alex released my hands. I undid my gag as he freed my ankles. He smiled up at me, “I'm going over to my place and grab a shower. I want you to get cleaned up and ready to head out for some lunch.”

I grinned at him, my eyes wide with excitement at going out with him en femme. “How should I dress?” I asked.

He smirked up at me, “How would you like to dress?”

I made a face back at him, “Well, I'd love to go in a latex dress, but I'm not sure where we're going. So, I'd like to make sure I'm not over, or under, dressed.”

“We're just going for a drive and then to get some lunch, so whatever you think would be appropriate for that,” he laughed at me.

I took my time getting ready. I did stretch a bit in the shower since I was still a bit sore from being bound most of the night. I touched up on my shaving. I wondered about getting laser treatments, or at least waxed. Maybe I'd talk with Alex, he seemed to know someone who did everything.

Out of the shower I took my time getting femmed up. Lots of lotion on my freshly shaven skin, so I was nice and smooth. I did my make-up light. Nothing too crazy, just a little powder on my highlights, some tan eye shadow with a nice pink lipstick. It was subtle but still said, 'Look at me!'

I went the same way with my outfit. Nothing too crazy. Just a nice mid-thigh length blue skirt and an off the shoulder tan top paired with some strappy wedge heels. Just enough to be sexy and flirty, without being completely slutty. I did go with a strapless bra just so I could put in some falsies and have some tits. I wore a g-string just so I could be a little slutty, though the chastity cage and butt plug probably said slutty more than a g-string.

Alex came in, smiled and kissed me on the cheek. I did a little twirl and enjoyed his eyes roaming over me. It was fun to be so girly and sexy. Having my guy's attention made it even more fun.

We hopped in his car and took off for a nice little Saturday drive. It was a gorgeous day, sunny and warm, but still nice enough to have the windows down and the radio up. It was hard to talk with the windows down, so we just enjoyed the radio.

We'd been on the road for a while, when I realized we were heading out of the city and into the suburbs. I tried asking where we were going, but Alex couldn't hear me over the wind. I'm sure he was intentionally being mysterious about the whole thing, so I just enjoyed the ride.

My suspicions about our mystery destination were confirmed when we turned into a driveway. We went past a high hedge and into a large yard. There was a decent sized house and a separate barn. The house was an old farm house that had been converted to a family home some years earlier.

Alex parked the car and we got out. As I came around, I looked suspiciously at Alex, “So, you want to tell me where we are?”

Alex grinned and pulled me in to kiss him. He then turned me to the farm house and gestured, “This is my house.”

I looked from him to the house and then back to him, waiting for an explanation. When he didn't say anything else, I inquired, “Your house? What do you mean, your house?”

He then explained that when his folks passed, the house was left to him and his siblings. Since they lived out of the area, he took the house and bought them out of their part.

“So, you've had a house, and you're still living in your apartment?” I wondered.

He nodded, “Yeah, since my folks died, I didn't really feel right living here. Besides, I was still in my lease, so I figured I'd wait to move in here… besides, I wanted to meet the cute girl next door.”

I gave him a sideways look and smiled, “So, this is why you're moving out of your apartment? You're coming here?”

“Yeah, I've been cleaning it up a bit. It still needs some work, but it's pretty homey. It's got a lot of space. Two people could make a nice home of it,” he said quietly, almost a little embarrassed.

“Well, are you going to show me around then?” I took his arm.

So, we toured the house. It was a little odd since you could see where he had cleaned up and moved stuff out, but in some places there were old pictures and things. He took me around and showed me the kitchen, which as you'd expect was pretty outdated. As was the furniture, and the wallpaper. Yeah, the whole thing had clearly been done a while back, but nothing had been updated since.

The layout was also odd since some renovations had moved doors or added walls. There was a nice screened in patio on the back that looked like it was part of the additions. We went upstairs and there were four bedrooms with two bathrooms, one in the Master Bedroom.

“Which was your bedroom?” I asked.

He gestured to one room, “That one, but we moved here when I was 15, so I really didn't live here that long.”

“Oh that's kind of good. Honestly, I was thinking having sex in the bedroom where you were conceived might have been a little weird,” I said. He was about to reply when I added, “I'll bet you jerked off in here a lot though, huh?”

Alex grinned at me, “You are bad.”

“Oh, does that mean you're going to spank me?” I batted my eyelashes.

“Damn straight, girl,” he said forcefully. Then softly added, “But not yet, so behave yourself.”

My clit throbbed when he called me 'girl'. It was amazing how much just a word could impact my psyche. So, I reigned it in. Overall, it was pretty big, yeah, the house. I was a bit surprised they would have moved to this large a house when their kids were almost grown.

I mentioned that to Alex when we headed back downstairs, “I'm surprised they moved here when you and your siblings were almost grown.”

“Yeah,” he sighed. “Dad always wanted to have a workshop and mom always wanted some farm animals. They'd gotten goats once we moved out, but they only had the animals for a few years before they both got sick. Dad did repair the barn and they had the goats out there.”

“Do you still have the goats?” I asked, curious to see them.

“No, but I have some ideas for the barn, but first I want to show you why I really think you'll like this place,” he smiled slyly.

“Lead on, Sir,” I looked at him wondering where this was going.

We took the stairs down into the basement. It was cool and a little dark as you'd expect. There were a lot of boxes and things stored down here, as well as the washer and dryer. It looked like they started to finish the basement, but never completed it. Alex took my hand and led me to a small room in the back. It was a decent sized room, but it reminded me of, well, of a…

“What does this make you think of, girl?” he asked right by my ear.

“A dungeon, Sir,” I said breathlessly. 

“Good girl,” he beamed in my ear. “Do you think you could spend a few hours chained to the wall down here?”

“Oh my,” I gasped, my clit throbbing with excitement. “Yes, Sir!”

I could see me on all fours, crawling to him with a thick heavy chain collar securing me as he proceeded to bind me tighter.

“Good, it will need some work, but I think it will be perfect for my little sissy slave girl,” he pulled me in and kissed me deeply. “Come on, I want to show you something else.”

He led me back up the stairs and out the back porch. As we walked towards the barn, he rubbed on my new butterfly tattoo, “How is that healing up?”

“It's going well,” I said. “I think it'll be cute when it's healed. Of course, now I want more.” 

Alex laughed, “Well, we can make that happen. I think we should get you some piercings first.” He tugged on my earlobes.

“Oh wow, really? Yeah, I guess we should. I've always wanted to wear regular earrings. Clip-ons are okay, but real ones would be great,” I said as we strolled across the yard.

“Yeah,” Alex noted. “And you can learn how to handle getting other things pierced.”

I purred as he said that and wrapped myself around his arm. All this talk of dungeons and piercings had me worked up. We entered a small door to the side of the main barn doors. I could immediately smell the hay and the musty scent of the barn. It was primal and stirred something in me.

“Well, here it is. You might be able to see that it was fixed up a few years ago, so it's in pretty good shape. Now, I was thinking we could convert this area to a proper garage.” 

We walked to a small side area with a bunch of tools hung on the wall. “This was my dad's workshop, so this will stay,” he explained.

“So, you don't want to keep it as a barn anymore?” I asked, a little puzzled.

Alex led me to a divider in the middle. There were more barn doors on this side with several stalls to each side. The smell of hay was even stronger here.

“This side could stay as the barn,” he explained.

“Oh,” I said, then wondered aloud, “If you don't have goats, why is there fresh hay?”

“Like I said,” Alex smiled mischievously. “I have some ideas for the barn.”

He walked to one of the stalls and reached in. He pulled out a small bridle gag.

I gasped in surprise and arousal, “Oh my! Am I going to…”

“Be my little pony girl? Yes, you are. Now get undressed, my little filly.”

I nervously took off my top and skirt, kicking off my heels. Alex helped me with the strapless bra and g-string, while I slipped out my falsies. Alex took this chance to run his hands all over me, kissing the back of my neck.

“Your panties are soaked, girl. You like the barn and being my pony?”

I moaned as he hit my erogenous zones, “Yes, Sir. I love being your play toy.”

“Well, then we need to get you kitted out properly,” he held the bridle up to my mouth and I bit down on the soft rubber, taking it in my teeth. Just this act had me feeling very in the role. Alex picked up more leather straps and wrapped a sturdy leather harness around my waist and stomach. The feel and smell of the leather had me falling into a submissive headspace.

He wrapped several of the straps around my shoulders and down to my legs, with the straps wrapping around my thighs and shoulders pulling the whole thing tight. Alex then reached into the stall and pulled out two oddly shaped pieces of leather. When he held them up to my face, I realized they were hoof boots. Holy shit! When did he get those?

He smiled at me and winked. He knelt down and put the first boot by my foot, I leaned on the stall as I lifted my foot and slid it in. This was a serious piece of hardware. The arch meant I was almost up on my toes. Since there was no heel, I thought I would have very little support, but the well-designed piece had lots of arch support, but had no give. So, I would be up on my toes like in a high heel, but my foot now looked like a hoof.

Alex transformed my other foot and I was soon balancing in the strict footwear. I was dripping out of my cage, I was so worked up. I was busy admiring the shiny boots when Alex suddenly wrapped something around my neck. As he buckled the collar on, I realized this was a strict posture collar.

I could barely move my neck. What little movement I had let me watch as Alex pulled out another bundle of leather. Did he have a bottomless bag of leather gear? He took my hand and started sliding a leather glove up my hand. The elbow length gloves ended in a small ball at the end, so I had to make a fist in it. The glove as you can probably guess ended in a small hoof. Alex transformed my other hand a moment later.

I also realized this had the effect of rendering my hands almost useless. Alex took each hand and hooked them to my harness with small clips, so that my hands were held near my shoulders and I had extremely limited movement. All this bondage and gear had me horny out of my mind.

Alex grinned as reached into the stall and pulled out a set of blinders with a large brown plume of hair on the top, trailing down the back. He set the blinders on my head, limiting my vision to the side. I could only see straight ahead and with the posture collar I could really only look in a limited view. Alex then straightened the plume of hair so it trailed down my back like a mane.

I was trying to take in my transformation, when Alex smiled in my limited vision, “You okay?”

I nodded and whinnied. With the collar and bit, it was hard to move my head or say much.

“Good girl,” he petted my flank tenderly. “We're almost done, just a few more additions.”

What else could he do? Oh, I had a pretty good idea actually. My thought was confirmed when a moment later he showed me a large butt plug with a brown tail sticking out of it. Naturally, it matched the plume on my head, and was very close to my natural brown.

Alex reached behind me and pulled out my current plug. I grunted and bit down slightly on the bit in my mouth. Alex then bent me over and leaned me over the low wall of the stall. He then slowly pushed the large plug into my already open and greased hole. I was a bit surprised how much I stretched with the plug. This thing felt huge! It was really only slightly larger, but it still made me groan when it settled in and my ass closed around the flared base.

“Oh, very lovely, my good little pony girl,” Alex said, rubbing my sides and patting my ass.

He stood me back up and walked around me, inspecting me. I hoped he was going to take some pictures, too. It felt amazing, I wanted to see how I looked, as well.

When Alex walked back in front of me, held up two small bells. Bells? Well, I guess they have sleigh bells, or something. I thought he was going to attach them to the harness, but when he grabbed my exposed nipple and began pinching, I realized they were going directly on me.

Sure enough a moment later, pain flared in my nipple as he clamped the bell onto my little nub. He started playing with my other nipple while flicking the bell on the first nipple. The mix of pleasure and pain had my head swimming. The flash of pain told me he clipped the other bell on. He shook both of them, making them ring and causing ripples of sensation to roll through my body.

I was so hoping he was going to take me now. I was pretty sure he couldn't add anything else. I really didn't have anything else available to cover, tease or torment! Alex reached up and attached reins to my gag, then started pulling me forward. Wait, where were we going?

Sure enough, he was pulling me towards the large barn doors. Was he really taking me outside? I clomped over towards the door as Alex leaned in close, “I know what you're thinking, girl. 'Are we going outside?' Don't worry, my pet. There are almost three acres of land, it's about a half mile to the next house and the lane is covered by woods and there is a hedge around this part of the property.”

I snorted softly and nodded my head, in response. He leaned in close and whispered, “And I have a little surprise for you out here.”

Oh boy… He opened the barn doors, took my lead and led me nervously out into the warm sun. Never mind the fact that I was half-naked, bound in leather with a giant tail plug up my ass, I felt very nervous, like everyone could see me. Not quite the near panic I'd get going out dressed, but similar.

As we walked to the side, into a shady spot, there was a small pole there. It looked a bit like an old laundry pole or something. I had a feeling we weren't going to do laundry though.

Alex walked over to the pole and turned it a little. There were two bars sticking out of the top of the pole making it into a t-shape. As he took two leather straps and hooked them to my harness, I realized I was being put on a walker. Apparently, we were really going to do some pony training. Alex talked me through the exercises we were going to do.

“And since you're practicing to be a show pony, you'd better keep those knees up. Now, walk, girl!” He smacked my ass with a riding crop he must have pulled from the bottomless bag of leather.

I hopped forward and began walking the circle the trainer would make me follow. As I walked I tried to step my feet high, but Alex wasn't satisfied and smacked the backs of my legs with the crop. Each smack, I'd get my legs up higher until it felt like my knees were hitting me in the chest.

I was sweating profusely and breathing hard around the bit. Oddly, I didn't feel tired, I was so thrilled and excited to be training that my clitty was steadily dripping down my legs. The constant pull of the bells on my nipples and the fullness of the plug had me getting more aroused with each step.

We took a quick break, and Alex gave me some water, “You're doing good, girl. But you need to keep those knees up high. We'll also do some other steps and in the future, maybe we'll see about getting a cart and having you practice as a working pony. But with how lovely you are, you should definitely be a show pony.”

I snuffled softly and nuzzled him with what little I could move my head. I bumped my ass against his leg, trying to get his attention. This earned me a smack on my ass, which just fueled my fire even more.

“Is my pony a little worked up?” Alex teased and hit my ass with the crop hard.

I snorted and shook my ass more. He took my reins and unhooked me from the trainer. He walked quickly back to the barn making me clomp along as fast as I could. I was dripping sweat and out of breath once we got back into the barn. Alex hustled me over to the stall. He opened the door and led me in, the hay rustling under our feet, the cool air making the sweat on my skin dry quickly.

“Are you horny, my little pony girl?” Alex asked, leaning in close to my ear. “Well, maybe we'll see if we can find you a stallion to breed you. I'll be right back,” he grinned and closed the stall door. 

I could see him walk back to the other side of the barn. I could only stand there with my bells and plug driving me absolutely mad with lust. I hoped he was coming right back, or was at least going to put the vibrating plug back and let me get off that way.

I'm not sure how long he was gone, it felt like an hour, but was probably only about five, maybe ten minutes. When he came back, I felt my heart race. Then I saw he had more leather. What did he have planned now?

He walked over to me with a wide smile on his face. He turned me around and pulled my arms behind my back. He put cuffs on my wrists and hooked them together. Then he put cuffs on my elbows and hooked those together. Damn! That really pulled my shoulders back. My elbows didn't quite touch, but with the hook between them they were still pulled pretty close.

He then pushed my shoulders and I had to bend over. He then did something and my arms were secured putting me into a serious strappado. I really hoped this meant I was getting fucked!

He then smacked my ass with the crop. The line of fire burning across my cheek. The sting made me gasp around the bit, but the feeling burned out to the rest of my body making me even hornier, if that was possible.

Alex then proceeded to smack and crop my ass brutally. Between his hands and the crop, I was dancing and trying to avoid the strikes, but he found my tender ass and thighs pretty much every time. Even as I twisted and turned, the crop drew a line of fine on my sensitive and tender skin. I could feel I was covered in red lines and wondered if I'd have any welts. I certainly earned them. It was a painful and thrilling experience that had me gasping for air until I was a sweaty, dripping, horny mess.

Alex came around to my front, “Still horny, girl?”

I nodded and snorted, shaking my ass. If I wasn't so into the pony idea, I would have started begging for him fuck me. As it was I pleaded with my eyes. I couldn't believe how horny I was.

Alex grinned, and slowly stepped around me, running his hands across my bound form, until I was quivering with anticipation. He stepped behind me and ran his hands across the stripes and welts on my ass, the pain flaring and making me shake, so that my bells rang as he did it.

Finally, he pulled out my plug and slid himself deep in my ass in one quick thrust! I moaned around the bit gag with relief. Alex then proceeded to start pounding my hole hard. This was pure animal fucking and it was so much what I wanted. Between my grunts, the bells, the clicking of my chastity lock and the smack of flesh on flesh there was so much going on my brain basically went to mush.

Alex pounded on and on like a man possessed. My grunting grew louder and louder as I built up and it didn't take long before I was squirming and squirting my way through a powerful sissygasm. It felt like fireworks going off in my head.

Amazingly, Alex kept going right through my shaking and convulsing until I was biting on the gag and having a second orgasm. This one was strong enough to set Alex off and he buried himself in my ass cumming deep in me.

I hung there, panting and feeling so much better as I slowly came down. Alex unhooked my arms and I collapsed into a heap in the hay. Alex gently pet my head as he took the bit gag out. He gave me some water and I sipped it as he released my arms, taking off the gloves. He started taking off the rest of the gear as I undid the headpiece and the posture collar.

Alex undid my boots, while I gently reached to the nipple clamps. As I took the first one off I hissed in pain and Alex gently took my nipple in his mouth. The mix of sensation made my head spin. Then he quickly pulled off the other clamp and I squirted a bit with the mix of pleasure and pain.

Alex petted my head, as I collapsed in a heap in the hay. I must have dozed off because I woke up later with a start. All the gear was gone and so was Alex. I lay naked in the hay feeling a wonderful soreness in my legs and especially my deeply tanned ass.

I made my way to my feet, and saw my femme clothes hanging outside the stall. I got dressed quickly, but realized I probably needed a shower. I was also really hungry.

I set out to find Alex, but he was right on the other side of the barn in the workshop. I came in and he smiled at me. “Hey, sleepy head. Feeling better?” Alex smiled as he looked up from his phone.

I nodded, “Yes, but I could use a shower, and something to eat. I got a real workout.”

Alex laughed and showed me a few of the pics on his phone. They were me done up in the pony gear. Oh wow! They looked really hot. He even got a few pics of me bound in the stall and my ass showing the fresh stripes and welts.

I hugged him close, “That looks amazing!”

Alex nodded, “You make everything look good. So, you enjoyed the whole scene?”

I nodded, my eyes lighting up with excitement, “Oh my, yes! I hope we can make that a regular thing. Did you really want to get me a cart?”

Alex nodded, “You bet, I hope to see you become a good show and work pony, but let's get to the house and clean you up.”

We went to the house and I took a quick shower, then we headed out to grab some lunch. We headed back towards the city. We pulled into a familiar place for lunch. I wondered if Jan was working. Sure enough, we came in and Alex asked for Jan to be our server. So, we were seated in her section. 

Jan came up and was very excited to see us, “Hey, you two! Glad to see you back again.”

I beamed, “It's nice to see you, too.”

Since we'd been playing so much in the morning, it was a little late in the afternoon, so the lunch crowd had started to clear out. I was famished. Lots of exercise for the morning, I guess. While we ate, Alex and I chatted a bit about the pony scene and how we felt about it. We'd enjoyed it, but clearly it was physically draining for me.

“It was also emotionally a lot for me, too,” I noted.

“How so?” Alex asked, cocking his head to the side.

I tried to explain, “It was a bit like being out en-femme. When we first went out of the barn, my heart was racing. I felt like the world could see me and were laughing at me for being dehumanized.”

“So, would you be okay to do it again?” he asked.

“Oh, hell yes!” I added enthusiastically. “It's just that first time freaked me out. I'll need to be mentally ready for those doors to open. I will say, seeing those pics made me feel a lot better about it.”

“Was the food okay?” asked Jan as she came up to check on us.

“Fantastic!” I said. “I was really hungry.”

“It was great,” added Alex.

“What did you feel better about?” asked Jan. “Something that worked up an appetite?”

Remembering Jan's handcuff earrings, I said, “We had a fun and new scene this morning. It was physically a lot for me.”

Jan smiled with a twinkle in her eye, “He wore you out, huh?”

“Yes, but not all that way. I… uh… I got to be a pony girl for the first time.” I blushed a bit. I'm not sure why I told her, I guess knowing she was a fellow kinkster made me more comfortable.

“Oh awesome!” Jan gushed. “I've only gotten to train a few ponies, but it was always a lot of fun. I loved getting to wear my riding outfit for it.”

She pulled out her phone and scrolled for a moment, then showed us a picture of her done up as in a riding outfit with jodhpurs, a riding crop and riding boots. She would have looked like a dressage rider if not for the naked girl in a bit and bridle next to her.

“Wow! You look amazing. So does she. Would you like to see me?” I blushed deeper.

Jan's eyes lit up, “Oh, yes. Can I?”

Alex pulled up his phone and showed her my pics.

“Oh wow! Girl you look amazing,” she gushed. Then quietly added, “I'd love to put you through your paces sometime.”

My cheeks went beet red, but I squeaked out, “Thank you, Ma'am. That would be… amazing.”

“I would love to see that,” Alex added, his eyes sparkling as well.

“I'll bet,” said Jan, giving me a wink.

“You should come out tonight if you're not working. We're going to a local gay and trans friendly club called Lucy's. Someone is going to have a special outfit tonight,” Alex grinned at me.

I blushed even deeper, looking down at the table. It felt like my face was on fire, but my clit was absolutely throbbing in its cage.

Jan frowned, “Damn, I wish I could. I'm going out with a friend to a BDSM club a few towns over. It's called Crimson. I've never been, but I've heard good things about it.”

“Oh, the guy who did the leather work for her outfit has talked about Crimson,” Alex added.

I looked sideways at him, “Oh?”

“What? You think I'm revealing everything? I've got to have some surprises,” Alex grinned.

I leaned in and kissed him on the cheek, “Please keep surprising me, Sir.”

“Well, I'll let you know how Crimson is next time I see you both,” Jan added.

I smiled, “Sounds great!”

Alex nodded, “Yeah, we'll come in for lunch soon.”

We chatted a bit more, being sure to exchange numbers with Jan so we could keep in touch more. We made our way back to our apartment complex and I started getting nervous. I realized I was going out tonight in a latex dress. While I was excited about the idea, I was also more than a little nervous about it, too.

Alex walked me to my place. He kissed me at the door, taking my breath away. As we broke the kiss, he smiled at me, “Are you ready for tonight?”

I nodded, then shrugged, “I am, I'm just…”

“Nervous,” he finished for me. I nodded and he said, “It's okay. You'll look amazing.”

“Thanks, that's sweet, but it's not about how I look. It's about how I feel. And I'm going to feel like everyone is looking at me showing up in that latex dress,” I explained.

“I've got news, girl, everyone IS going to be looking at you in that dress,” he said smiling.

“That's not really helping to settle my nerves,” I grinned back, in spite of my nerves.

“And they're either going to want you, or want to be you,” he finished.

I smiled and nodded, “Now that thought does help. Thank you.”

He kissed me on the cheek and smacked me on the butt cheek, “Now, go get ready. Will you need help getting into everything?”

I nodded, “Yes, Sir. The corset if nothing else. Come over in about an hour?”

He nodded, “I can't wait.”

I turned and headed in. I was amazed at how light my heart felt with Alex. As I hopped in the shower to shave , well… everything. I mean, let's be honest, wearing that much latex, I didn't want any body hair getting in the way.

As I lathered up and re-shaved, I made sure to pay special attention to any of the areas that would be in or passed over by the latex. While running the razor over my skin, I thought back to earlier at the house. I recalled Alex mentioning two people could be very comfortable in the house. Was he really asking me to move in with him? Was I ready to move that fast on something like that? I guess one thing at a time. Get latexed up and maybe we could talk about it at the club. Or tomorrow. There was no need to rush, I still had my lease for several months.

I stepped out of the shower and lotioned up. I figured I should start my make-up since I was probably going to get sweaty getting into the latex. I wanted to go basic with my make-up, since the latex dress was already going to scream 'look at me!'

I started with some light foundation and powder. Not a lot, just enough to tone down my highlights on my chin, nose, cheeks and forehead. I spent a good amount of time blending all that in to get a nice even tone.

Next, I went with the eye shadow. I just went with a nice pink color. I did mix in some red on the outside to give a blended color that went from light to dark. I'd been playing with colors like that, so I thought this might be a fun way to dress things up. I then did my mascara. I wanted a heavy look there. I rolled the brush slightly as it went on my lashes to get a nice thick look, basically painting each lash. I debated trying false eyelashes, but I figured the latex was enough experimenting for one night.

Once I had the mascara where I liked it, I did my eye liner. I really hated the feeling of doing eyeliner, but the effect was so amazing. Especially if I could get the nice flourish at the edge of my lid and trace the outside of the eye shadow. This look came out pretty good. It wasn't quite the look I had hoped for, but it was still very dramatic. I guess I still needed to practice my eye liner.

I put a bit of the pink from the eye shadow on my cheeks and used that for a matching blush. I spent some more time getting the pink nice and blended. It gave a nice highlight of color. I then did my lipstick in a pink hue to match the inside color of my eye shadow. I was pretty happy with the look, but I wanted a different effect, so I did a layer of lip gloss in a shiny pink. That gave my lips a shiny look like the latex. I was pretty happy with how the whole effect came off, so I moved to getting dressed.

First, I powdered up all of the skin that was going to be touching the latex. I was soon doing my best ghost impression with a light cover of white on most of my skin. The plume of powder in the air told how much I had used. 

I got my red latex corset. I knew it would be better if Alex could really cinch me in, but I'd get it as tight as I could now. I used my old reliable method of tying the strings off to the door handle and pulling forward to get the laces nice and tight. I felt so cinched in, it was delightful. I loved a nice tight corset. It was like wearing bondage. If Alex came back before I got the dress on, maybe I'd have him tighten it. Until then, I wrapped the strings around my waist and tied them, so I could keep the wrap as tight as possible by myself.

I next pulled on my red latex garter belt and wrapped that around my hips. The delightfully cool and slick feeling of the latex making my clit twitch in its cage. I slid the latex stocking up my leg. The smooth feeling made my head swim a little.

I pulled my red latex thong out, but before I slid that up, I reinserted my plug. It felt so good to be filled again. As I slid the thong up to encase my locked up bits, I delighted in the slick feeling of the latex there, too. I was getting worked up again from the second skin feeling and having my hole delightfully filled was getting me very worked up.

I grabbed my largest falsies and slid them into my corsets cups. The D sized inserts made me look like I had pretty large tits. I glanced in the mirror at the effect. The hourglass of the corset with the falsies made me look like I had some Jessica Rabbit level curves.

I eyed the red latex dress and grinned as I prepared to wrap myself even further in the second skin. I smelled the dress, reveling in the heady smell of the rubbery material. I slid the dress on and a shiver ran down my spine as my pleasure centers spiked. As I wriggled the dress in place I smoothed out the areas that had bunched up, delighting in the rubber on rubber from the corset and the dress.

Once I had the dress straightened up, I looked through my wigs. I debated going with the black since that was my favorite, but I figured I was going with a theme, so I grabbed the extra long pink wig. I liked this one because it hung down to about the middle of my back. The bright pink was a fun color, too. Once I had the cap adjusted, I hooked in the hairpins to connect the wig to my hair. It made a nice and secure way to have the hair on.

I looked over myself in the mirror, the pink and red were very eye-catching and made for a nice color palette with my skin tone, just as I'd hoped. I grabbed my red pumps and slid my feet into the four inch heels. Yeah, those added a whole new level of sexy to the equation. I was getting worked up just looking at myself. I decided to do something a little different and put a black latex headband to wrap up my long hair. It was a different kind of look, but I liked it. It also had the bonus of keeping the long hair out of my face.

I flashed myself a smile since I knew there was one thing missing from this outfit. I powdered up my hands and forearms. I grabbed the red latex elbow gloves and worked them onto my hands. The bitch of wearing latex gloves was putting the second one on. Once the first was on, your dexterity was a bit limited. I could still do things like pick up a glass, but doing detailed things could be tough. It was possible, you just had to be patient. That's why getting the second glove on was such a pain. Trying to get each finger into the latex and get everything smoothed out was a time consuming task.

Once I had it done, I checked myself out again and I was now horny as fuck. I packed up a few things into my purse. I was just walking out into the Living Room when Alex came back into my place. I struck a quick pose as he came in. He caught sight of me and his eyes lit up.

“Holy shit, girl!” he grinned from ear to ear. “They're not going to know what to do with you!”

I smiled and acted a little shy, “Really? You think so?”

Alex pulled me in, his hands rubbing along the shiny material making me shiver with excitement. He kissed me on the neck and I smiled at him. 

“I know so, also,” he pulled something out of his pocket. “I have a present for you.”

Alex held up a small swath of red latex. It took me a moment to realize it was a latex collar. And it had 'SISSY SLUT' emblazoned across the front of it. I gasped and I squirted a little into my panties.

“So, you like it?” Alex smirked.

I nodded, “Oh, yes Sir! It's perfect.”

“So, you'll wear it for me?”

I smiled, squirting more into my already wet latex panties, “Oh, hell yes!”

Alex held my hand, “Good girl, get on your knees.”

I knelt down, the latex making it feel odd to be on the floor, but I was steady dripping into my panties with how fired up I was. I looked up at Alex, smiling brightly.

Alex reached down and had me kiss the collar. I smiled up as he buckled the latex choker around my neck. The hair band made it a bit easier for him to wrap it around me. It felt odd having the stretchy material on my neck, but I liked having the collar. Being owned made me feel reassured. Knowing how it advertised me was beyond thrilling

Alex looked at me, smiling as I licked my lips and looked at his cock through his pants. Looking back up, I bit my lip. He shook his head, “Not yet my little sissy slut, or we'll never get out.”

I frowned, batting my eyelashes. Alex pulled me up to my feet, holding me close. His hands on the latex leaving little lines of erotic fire on my skin.

We reluctantly headed out, making our way out to the car and driving to the club. I had that moment of nerves in the car again, but it was shorter this time and I was ready to go in just a few minutes. Alex was very sweet and chit-chatted about his plans for fixing up the house to distract me until I announced I was ready to go.

I got out of the car and Alex came around offering his arm like a gentleman. I giggled a little as I took his arm, tottering on my heels, feeling every inch of the latex dancing across my skin. We walked into the club and sure enough, heads turned and people whispered as we went by. A few guys gave me winks or appreciative looks. Some of the girls tried to strike poses or were mentally taking notes on what they needed to wear next time. That's what I was telling myself anyway.

As we wound our way through the crowd, I heard, “Oh my God! Look at you!”

Candy was there, along with her very tall friends Yasmine and Tina. Candy came over and gave me a little hug. Alex let go of my arm and said, “I'll grab us some drinks, you chat with the girls.”

Yasmine and Tina also hugged me, then all three of them started gushing at the same time about my dress. 

“Girl, that dress is fire!” intoned Tina,

“I would never have the balls, or the ass, if we're being honest, to wear something like that, but you look fucking amazing!” Yasmine piped in.

“That is a hot look,” said Candy. “And I mean that literally and figuratively Does the latex get a little sweaty?”

I nodded, “It can, but I also used lots of powder, so hopefully it won't be too bad. And if it is, well, that's the price to pay to look sexy.”

Tina ran her hand along my neck, “Mmmmm and this collar.”

I blushed a little as I grinned, “Well, truth in advertising, I guess.”

Candy laughed, “We all might have to take you up on that.”

“Oh come on, Candy. Did you see that hunk of man on her arm? She's getting all the dick she wants tonight,” said Yasmine.

“I don't know,” said Candy, looking deep in my eyes. “If she's really a sissy slut, she'll never get enough dick.”

I blushed even deeper and tried to steer the conversation away, “Are there any seats open?”

Tina nodded, “Are you kidding, girl? You're with us, come on.”

I caught Alex's eye and pointed to where the girls were sitting. They introduced me to Dave, Kim and Mick. Dave and Kim were a heterosexual couple, but were good friends with Tina, so they came out to the club a lot. Mick was Kim's gay brother, so he was looking for fun. I sat and chatted with the group. At some point Kim leaned in and told me how much she loved my latex. She wished she would have the guts to wear something like that out. Everyone also met Alex and we blended right in. All in all, it was a really nice group, and everyone seemed to be hitting it off.

The drinks were flowing and although I didn't drink, I was still having a great time. I was having such a good time, I almost forgot I was dressed in latex, wrapped in a corset, locked in chastity and plugged. I did get reminded on several occasions though.

The first was when all the girls went to the bathroom. I will say wrangling myself out of the latex to pee was an exercise in itself. I had worked up a pretty good sweat just sitting down to pee.

I was also reminded when we took some time to hit the dance floor. Candy, Tina, Yasmine, Kim and I all danced together. Needless to say, my outfit got me lots of appreciative looks. The wildest part was that Candy made sure to rub against me as often as she could. With the second skin feeling, every time she touched me was like fire on my skin.

I sat back at the table while the rest of the girls kept dancing. Alex smiled at me, “Having a good time?”

I nodded, smiling and kissing him on the cheek, “I am! It's been a really fun night.”

“You really seem to be hitting it off with the girls,” Alex noted.

“Yeah, they're great girls. It's nice to be around others like me, y'know?” I said.

Alex nodded, “I can see that. Seems like Candy is really into you.”

I blushed a little, “Yeah, she's very… friendly.”

“Uh-huh, would you like to take her home?” Alex smiled slyly at me.

Okay, that made me squirt a bit. Did he mean that? “I… I… wait, are you serious? I know we kinda talked about that last time, but…”

Alex leaned in and kissed me, making me thrill for a moment. He looked me in the eyes up close, “Of course, I'm serious. I'm pretty sure she'd be up for it.”

“And I thought I was going to spend some time in the bathroom with a ring gag in,” I giggled.

“Oh, we're still going to do that, but you're going to be in there for a while. Maybe I'll see if some of the girls want to use you,” he looked away thoughtfully.

Yeah, I squirted again. “Oh my,” I muttered breathlessly.

He handed me my bag, with the familiar weight of some extra gear in it. Where did he bring this stuff so that I didn't see it? I knew what was expected and made my way to the bathroom.

Sure enough, when I got into the stall, my bag was full of all the usual gear. Usual? This was becoming usual for me and help me, I was loving it.

I opened the bag and saw a similar kit to last time. I buckled the ring gag in my mouth and the click of the lock made me thrill. I could feel my clit dripping in my panties again. The familiar ear buds were there, too. I put them in with a heavy, pulsing electronic beat. I slid the blindfold on and was again amazed at the difference having my vision removed made. Everything seemed so much more vivid, especially the latex clinging to my body.

I figured I better hurry up, so I pulled out the handcuffs and wrapped them around my wrists. The click of the cuffs made me cream my latex undies, again. I was getting quite a puddle in there. I settled in and explored my body and my bonds. My tongue tested the rubber ring of the gag, while my latex gloved hands explored the cuffs.

As expected, my plug started vibrating. Alex started it on the low setting this time, just letting me get a little buzz, but bit by bit the plug increased and built until it hit the high level and my brain melted. He also changed the music in my headphones to the sissy hypno with the repeating of phrases like “I'm a sissy slut and do what my Master wants” and “I worship cock. I will do anything for cock” and “My Master is my life”. 

I was so focused on my torment I didn't hear anything and almost jumped out of my second skin when a hand softly touched me. I looked up as best I could as my visitor's hands began exploring my latex covered and bound body. I moaned softly out of the gag. That earned me a finger exploring the gag while the other hand continued exploring my body making me squirm and quiver with excitement. The hand pointedly ran across my collar before a rock hard cock was presented to my helpless mouth. I snaked my tongue up to lick the tip, tasting the pre-cum there before the manhood insistently pressed into my mouth. I swirled my tongue along the bottom as my lover began probing deeper into my helplessness. The gurgles as they hit my throat, urging them on to push all the way into my throat literally taking my breath away.

They now picked up the pace, fucking slowly but steadily into my open and willing hole. Their hand on my shoulder shifted to the back of my head and began steadily pulling me deeper onto the prick probing my throat. My gurgling clearly urged them on as they picked up the pace even more, steadily pounding into my mouth and throat.

My lover held on for a few minutes of really deeply fucking my throat, their hands gripping the back of my head and holding me deep every few strokes until they finally pulled me tight and slammed all the way in. I could feel them groaning and the twitching of their cock in my throat as they came hard into me. I played the good little cum dump and sat obediently as they finished their orgasm before they pulled their cock back out and I was able to catch my breath.

My lover ran their hands over my head and down to my latex covered shoulders before I felt their shrinking cock start to pulse and they started pissing in my helpless mouth. I drank the acrid taste as quickly as I could and before long they pulled out and left me a panting, dripping frustrated mess.

I was expecting Alex to come in and release me like last time, so after stewing for a few minutes with my plug buzzing away and frustrating me even more, I was surprised to feel another set of hands start exploring my latex clad body. I was excited, but also a bit thrown off since I was about to be used again.

The hands again roamed over me, tracing lines of fire across the bare skin and the latex. The collar was definitely popular with my anonymous users. This time I was used for a much longer time, but I was eventually given the same throat filling reward. And then another came in… actually I was used five times in a row. How did he find so many willing to fuck my mouth? And most of them used me as a urinal, as well. While not my favorite thing, the submissiveness of being used like that really hit some of my buttons.

The fifth person had some pretty long, wicked nails, so I was sure it was one of the girls. I figured it was Tina, but I was hoping it was Candy. Whoever it was also unlocked my locks, but they didn't stick around, so I was really an anonymous sex toy. The idea both thrilled and scared me a little. Of course, I was so worked up and horny by that point I'd have stayed in there and taken the whole bar. And help me, I really would have. That thought excited me and scared me more than a little.

I packed all the toys back in my bag, and went to the mirror to try and see if I could save my make-up. I looked like a pretty well used whore, so I did what little I could. I refreshed my lipstick and cleaned up the drips of cum and spit that were all over my rubber covered tits.

I made my way back out to the table. Candy saw me first and stood, holding my arm and kissing me on the lips. That was really freaking hot. I poured all my frustration and arousal into kissing her.

At one point, she kissed over my ear and whispered, “Did you have fun?”

I nodded, “Hell, yes! That was… damn.”

“I know,” she giggled in my ear. “You looked so hot and so helpless. Such a wanton little slut.”

I was thrilled with knowing she saw me. I wondered if she used me, or just checked me out. “Did you take me while I was helpless?”

“You really don't know?” she asked, genuinely curious. I shook my head in response and she grinned, “Well, then I'm not going to ruin the mystery. How many loads did you take?”

I blushed and answered, “Five.”

“Oh you, dirty sissy slut. I might have to take you home,” she smiled, licking her lips.

I looked at her curious, she nodded to Alex. I looked at Alex. He came over and kissed me, then he kissed Candy, before he said, “Are you ladies ready?”

I looked back and forth between the two of them, “Are we…” I trailed off.

Candy smiled and answered by kissing me deeply. I could taste her lipstick as her tongue explored my mouth. I could have just kissed her like that for hours.

Alex apparently felt the same, “Damn that is hot as hell, I could watch that all night.”

“Well, hopefully you'll get a full show,” Candy said to him, but was looking me in the eyes. “Ready sissy girl?”

I nodded, “Yes, Ma'am.”

“Ohhh, Ma'am? I think you should be calling me 'Mistress', right girl?” Candy said softly, inches from my lips.

“Yes, Mistress!” I replied breathlessly.

She took my arm and Alex took my other arm and we swept out. The few members of the gang still there calling out good-byes as we went.

We got to the car and Alex opened the back door saying, “I'll drive, you two have fun.”

Candy smiled and she practically attacked me as she kissed me and pushed me into the back seat. It was going to be a wild ride and hopefully an even wilder night.


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