Gromet's PlazaSelf Bondage Stories


by Mikel

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© Copyright 2024 - Mikel - Used by permission

Storycodes: Sbf; rope; collar; cuffs; stuck; gag; enclosed; transported; toys; tease; corset; M/f; chain; clamps; climax; cons; reluct; XX

“Margo the Magician” loved bondage that’s what had gotten her started in magic, using it as an excuse to have her friends and family tie her up. It also explained why she was bound and gagged alone when someone caught her in the “act”, letting her tell them “I was just practicing.”

Margo had been practicing so much that when her family caught her bound and gagged, rolling around on the floor of her room, basement and even the garage they normally just ignored her, leaving her to free herself. To Margot that was perfect even though a few times she could have used a helping hand.

She sat thinking back to the only time she hadn’t been able to free herself, smiling as she remembered the hard concrete floor and how hot she had gotten in the garage. It had started out as a basic hogtie with her changing her plans last minute adding a loop of rope around her elbows then connecting them to the back of the rope collar, she wore way too often.

The collar had been made for her by a boyfriend, it had three layers of soft cotton rope half inch thick that he wrapped around her neck following her neck from just below her chin to her collar bone. Margot loved it instantly begging him to make it so it could be taken on and off.

He had used the thin leather straps for the buckles making the collar able to be taken on and off and worn tighter if she wanted to. She had tied the looped ropes to the collar, looping it under the wide collar back down to the ropes around her elbows. Margot hadn’t thought about the increase in tension when she tightened the elbow ropes and when she pulled her elbows together it pulled back on the collar significantly.

Once her elbows were drawn together, she held the end, slipping her wrists into the loops she had waiting and quickly tying the loose end around the loops. She tugged on the tail feeling her wrists get crushed together tying several knots until she was satisfied with the tension.

Margot had already tied her ankles and legs in four places, welding them together, stuffing her mouth with a washcloth before wrapping her lower head and face with duct tape. Margot struggled to reach for her ankles, wrapping the tail from her wrists around the ropes holding her ankles together.

The highly aroused girl began pulling her ankles towards her wrists grunting and yanking until her hands were under her heels. Margot was struggling to breathe as she tied the rope off looping and tying until there were too many loops and knots to count. When the young Margot relaxed her body hung limply in the ropes.

Margot learned quickly she had roped herself tighter than she had ever done before twisting and wriggling, grinning behind the tape covering her face. Margot had never felt so helpless even though she was certain she could free herself when she was ready, spending the half hour enjoying her bondage.

Margot had just started to get aroused in her struggles when the garage door opened, Margot lay helpless on her stomach, her firm breasts pressing on the ground with a huge wet spot on the concrete from her sweat. She tried to hang her head feeling the rope collar pull hard on her throat stopping her, the tension forcing her to keep her gagged face up towards the headlights of her mother’s car.

Her attempts to free her hands were useless as the lights went off and she heard her mothers’ high heels walking into the garage and her mother mumbling “Oh really, you couldn’t have practiced in the basement?” Margot watched helplessly as her mother stomped past her shaking her head hearing her say “You better be done by dinner.” Slamming the door.

It wasn’t until some years later that Margot learned her mother and father had been into bondage for years and knew why she was “practicing” all the time. At that moment, lying bound and gagged in the garage, she noticed her mother had, out of habit, flipped the main lights in the garage out.

Margot waited helplessly to be thrust into total darkness when the small light of the garage door opener went out. Margot struggled long past dinner, lying in her own sweat and other fluids before she finally was able to wiggle out of her self-applied bonds. It had been wonderful and scary but excited her and forced her to try to duplicate it every chance she got.


Margot’s practice paid off, years later she was one of the country’s premier escape artists traveling every week to different places to entertain and amaze people. She had gotten so comfortable escaping she started having audience members try to bind her on stage promising if they did, they would win a prize.

Eventually she had an open challenge that she also extended to the bondage community that no one could restrain her with rope or chains for longer than an hour, if they could she would serve them as their personal bondage slave for one year. During her bondage experiences she felt she had mastered escaping but loving the challenge of being bound tightly until she was freed or freed herself.

Finding that special moment when she knew she was truly stuck had become her obsession and she began binding herself leaving no escape having to fight her way out moving from ropes to steel cuffs and chains. The gags had been added to increase the difficulty and muffle her moans of pleasure. Margot had started using hoods and corsets to limit her breathing, adding to the difficulty of her escapes and sometimes letting guests adjust her corsets as tight as they could.

Margot began wearing corset dresses twenty-four seven, the long restrictive dresses becoming her trademark attire only being removed before she was bound on stage. Margot had been building her perfect sleep chamber, it was originally made for her act but she found if she was properly restrained in it, she got those lovely feelings of helplessness she craved.

During each stop at her prop builders shop she would have him add something to the stage prop until she felt it was perfect. For the last year she had been sleeping in the custom-made escape proof box she had designed. Not only did Margot find that once inside the box and fully restrained she got those wonderful feelings again but it was the only time she was truly comfortable.

The box was made of bullet proof plastic having been made for her show but now the box spent its time in her room waiting for her. Margot had added two vibrating phalluses made into the saddle he had shaped to fit her perfectly, mounted in the bottom of the box. She found that if she wore her ballet boots, she could press her legs flat to the front of the box, so she had it remade with small “boxes” that would hold her pointed feet up to her knees.

Margot would slide her ballet booted feet into the boxes wedging them deep into them before sitting down on the phalluses. The box had more small boxes added for her arms that would force her hands into the small spheres at the bottom forcing her hands into fists. Asking for the top of the box to close itself was easy for her props guy, making it so that she would be required to accept the large plug for her mouth as the top slowly lowered into place.

The timer would lower the lid over her head, the lid of the box pressed firmly on her shoulders guaranteeing she couldn’t lift her arms when latched. With the lid closed she was literally sealed inside the bullet proof box until the mag locks activated snapping the latches open. Once she was sealed inside it, she could only breathe through the small tube running through the gag that forced her mouth open.

The top of the box fit snugly over her head, limiting her head's movement while forcing the plastic mouthpiece deep into her mouth. It kept her head immobile and forced her mouth shut around the gag. It was the only time she felt truly helpless and totally comfortable being relaxing enough for her to sleep peacefully. Sleep was of course, always after she spent some time being tormented by the phalluses buried deep inside her. If she felt she had done well enough during the day she might adjust the settings to the point she could possibly cum but it was never a guarantee.

She had added a restrictor tube to the mouthpiece to help her learn to control her breathing better and to add a little excitement to her confinement. She had been slowly closing the tube until now she slept panting for air through the restricted tube and over the tight corset completely immobile watching the plastic fogging up during her struggles before drifting off to sleep each night.

After the first time she had been packed up and carried away, still trapped in her sleep box, she would occasionally have the crew move the box with her trapped inside it to the next hotel. Margot had accidently set the timer to hold her trapped in the box too long. She had asked to have the layer between the thick plastic panels made to appear like a mirror when in use, to camouflage if someone was inside or not, a trick often used in magic acts.

The mirror effect allowed her to see out, hiding the prisoner from anyone outside and with the heavy layer of fog inside the crew had quickly closed the wooden cover that it sat on when she was using it. The crate concealing the plastic box had been built by her prop guy, made to be easily opened, with the panels folding neatly around it. Once it was closed it covered the small box completely, having multiple latches and a retractable cord.

They unplugged the control box letting the cord retract into the crate latching the thick panels around the plastic box. Margot woke as she was carried to the truck as just another piece of equipment and left trapped inside the box for another eighteen hours. During her long trip in total darkness only able to feel the vibrations from the truck as it rumbled along. The vibrations were wonderful and awful at the same time, arousing and frustrating her into bouts of fitful struggling.

Margot sat impaled by the phalluses finding she had designed the box too well, realizing with the crate closed and latched even if she got the box to somehow magically open the lid would remain closed due to the crate. The air inside the crate was limited causing Margot to pant for air forcing her to relax and concentrate on her breathing. After the first couple of hours Margot sat calmly breathing, accepting her fate until she and her temporary prison were delivered to her next hotel room.

Thankfully the crew had placed the one-person prison in her room as usual, plugging it back in with the cover open so that when the timer counted down the remaining time it freed her. Margot was desperately thirsty and incredibly sore but now had them repeat it more and more often. After that first transport Margot had more modifications done to the box making the collar that closed around her neck slightly tighter and much taller, supporting her head and neck better and adding to her restriction.

Another modification was having a plate added into the top of the box that would press against her face holding her head backwards against the box. He used the mold of her face to shape more of the plastic inserting the mouthpiece and breathing tube adjusting it so another layer of plastic pressed onto her face sealing it. She loved the face shield, he had left space over her eyes so she could open them but everything else was covered tightly by the plastic.

The last modification had been to make the small braces that closed around her corseted waist more secure. During her struggles in the truck, she had been able to twist and shift inside the box more than she wanted. The “Clamps” had been designed to use her own body as the way to close and keep them closed, when she would sit down, they lined up with her narrowed waist. When she was forced to press her back against the box as the top closed around her that made the clamps close around her but there was no actual latch.

Now Margot had the clamps close tightly around her waist being latched in place by the top when it closed, eliminating any movement from her torso. The prop guy had added his own modification knowing her very well, not telling her, only explaining what she needed to do on the next use. Margot sat in the box guiding the phalluses into her, she had been without the box for a few weeks forcing her to bind and gag herself each night just so she could get a few hours of sleep.

Margot had begun wearing her ballet boots as her normal footwear along with neck corsets and or posture collars everyday so when she slipped her feet into the tubes while slowly lowering herself onto the phalluses, she could only smile knowing she was already feeling much better. Margot settled into the formed saddle reaching back lowering her hands and arms into their tubes hearing the small beep off the timer telling her the top was about to close.

She leaned her head back pressing her waist against the back of the box, snickering as the wider clamp snapped closed around her waist. The clamp would now squeeze her and when the top lowered, added pressure on her shoulders pushed the levers down that kept the clamps from opening again. She had tested the clamps and loved the new feeling of total immobility they gave her. The lid started lowering and she watched the clear faceplate approaching, opening her mouth as the gag slowly spread her further until her teeth popped into place.

Seconds after the lid latched Margot was twisting and flexing, she felt a humming noise realizing the strange sensation of pressure on her breasts had not been her imagination. He had added breasts cups, all the clear plastic inside the box made internal parts almost disappear and she had been so distracted by the face plate so she hadn’t noticed. Now the two cups encased her bare breasts pressing her firmly into the back of the box.

The humming noise intensified as she felt an odd sensation around each breast squealing when she felt them being pulled on. It only took a moment for them to fill the cups forcing her nipples into the openings leaving them protruding as they grew bigger from her arousal.

Margot smiled as she muttered around the gag “That dirty-minded bastard” knowing there was absolutely nothing she could do to change her position. For the next twelve hours she was forced to sit motionless panting for air as the phalluses hummed slowly inside her and her breasts were pulsed with the vacuum making her nipples feel like they were clamped.


“You dirty bastard!” Margot said through the phone, “I love it!” making both of them laugh, “But you could have given me a heads up or a way to adjust the tension,” she continued jokingly. She had also not been told that the pattern and intensity of the vacuum as well as the vibrators were randomly changed so she could never predict what she would feel.

A few nights later she sat bound and gagged in the clear box waiting for the teasing vibrations to start when her body was assaulted by quickly changing high speed vibrations. While she gasped for air and fought for freedom her breasts were suckled on much more strongly pulsing with the changing speeds of the vibrators.

Margot fought for each breath as her orgasms slammed through her making her think she would be forced to cum for the next eight hours. Thankfully the program ended after the first hour leaving Margot panting and mumbling until she fell asleep. Thankfully, he had at least made it stop.

The surprise timer gift he had left her kept her aware of her helplessness changing randomly sometimes making her cum multiple times other times only teasing her brutally. Margot loved not knowing and being forced to endure all his devious torments, only complimenting him on his creativity the next time she visited him.

Margot had been defeating her challengers regularly, she had become so disinterested in their attempts to bind her she had extended the parameters adding they could use hand and or ankle cuffs on her as well. She had even started wearing her corsets and corset dresses during the challenges to make it more interesting.

Her web series had become very popular so she had started filming the attempts letting her fans and other enthusiasts watch her being bound and then escaping. When her latest challenger wrote to her, she half-heartedly agreed, not having her manager do a background check on the challenger as she had been doing.

Margot had her cameras running when he arrived. He was an attractive man and seemed very accommodating, smiling as she watched his two assistants roll in a small trunk. She watched the two women open the trunk exposing the ropes and chains he intended to use, noticing both were very attractive and oddly silent.

Margot watched the women move expertly on their towering high heels, noticing how well they were able to carry themselves wearing not only the shoes but in the tight leather dresses that each wore. He asked if she wanted to remove the corset dress and after she had said “No” he insisted that she did remove it.

“Oh, don’t worry I have a corset I brought with me just for you,” he said confidently.

Margot smiled, letting his assistants help her out of the long dress explaining she couldn’t remove the ballet boots or posture collar due to them being locked on and she didn’t have the keys.

“They are perfect for our purposes,” he confidently answered.

Margot stood in only her panties, collar and boots as the assistants wrapped a long corset around her torso making sure her breasts were squeezed through the openings in the front busk. Margot was getting the butterflies in her stomach again as the corset was drawn tighter.

The assistants worked as a team constantly moving around her making sure everything was lined up as one continued to tighten the corset. When the corset was closed Margot stood gasping unaware the laces had been tied off then cut before a thick panel had been locked closed over the seam of the corset.

Margot knew everyone would be watching so she didn’t want to make a big deal of how tight the corset was so she stood red faced panting for a moment before asking “OK, what’s next?” The man smiled as he admired her determination knowing the corset was more than four inches smaller than what she normally wore and pointed to the bed.

Margot was concentrating on her breathing, not willing to give up and admit defeat for the corset and lay on her stomach as instructed. The man began binding Margot’s arms together behind her back with the rope he had brought, crushing them together from her elbows to the palms of her hands.

Margot was impressed when he pressed on a muscle group in her arms forcing them to relax making it possible for him to draw the ropes deep into her flesh while keeping her from tensing up to be able to loosen the ropes. With her arms secure she felt the women start to bind her legs with the ropes smiling as she felt them not being nearly as tight.

With her legs bound from her thighs to her ankles with six bands of rope the man started speaking to the helpless woman.

“You may have noticed that I have knowledge of how an escape artist uses their trained muscles to ease the tension on the ropes.” Margot lay silent as he continued, “I have been what is considered a bondage master for the past ten years spending my time learning how to bind and restrain women making them completely helpless without damaging them.”

As he spoke Margot was straining against her bonds already getting nervous about his skill, wishing she had checked him out before they had started. Margot felt the trio adjusting and adding ropes around her as she struggled to breathe, opening her mouth when ordered, to feel a large knot of rope forced behind her teeth.

“I’m following the rules set by you only using ropes and chains,” he explained as he pulled the rope harness for the gag very tight. Margot was now very securely bound and reduced to muffled grunts as she panted for air in the extremely tight corset wondering if she had screwed up this time, secretly hoping she had.

With his captive bound he began speaking again, “I bet you noticed that your legs are not bound as tightly as your arms were?” he asked teasingly.

“That’s because we are nowhere near being finished binding you my dear, see when I am finished, we will have used every foot of rope and chain in the trunk I rolled in, before using it to carry you out to serve me for the next year,” he finished with a slight chuckle.

Margot wished she could turn her head to see what was happening but the stiff posture collar prevented that so she was forced to lie only able to listen to the chains rattling as they were pulled out and organized. Soon the trio was wrapping chains around her already helpless body, each one wrapping wide bands using multiple locks on each, with Margot only able to hear the clicks of the locks.

When all the bands of rope had been covered by bands of chains Margot was rolled onto her side only seeing his smiling face for a moment before one of his assistants started wrapping her head in rope covering her eyes and head before repeating the procedure in the chain.

While her head was being wrapped Margot felt her breasts being wrapped in rope, wiggling and grunting as each loop was pulled tighter causing her breasts to scream in pain. Margot started complaining around the gag desperately trying to tell them to stop since this wasn’t part of the challenge.

Of course, she couldn’t stop them and soon her breasts were turning a dark red from being squeezed tightly by a two-inch-wide band of rope around the base of each. “This is always my favorite part.” He said with a smile in his voice as he took the clamps with four strong prongs and carefully closed them around each of her nipples.

The clamps bit harshly into her soft flesh making her scream in pain, “Now, now, I know these hurt but just wait it only gets worse!” he said, tightening the spring tension of each until she was wailing and thrashing in pain.

When she had exhausted herself, she felt her bound legs being pulled out straight from her body then brought up until her face touched them. Margot started complaining as her legs were bound to her torso, making the tight corset cut off even more air. The peak that pointed down between her legs pressed hard on her dampening patch.

Margot felt the chains being tightened drawing her bound legs even tighter against her corseted body until she thought she would pass out. Screaming and thrashing again as her legs were made to press on her clamped nipples, finding she was only able to kick her bound feet and move her arms slightly behind her back. Now Margot was lying on her side gasping with her arms bound excruciatingly tight behind her back and her legs bound straight up in front of her.

Margot stopped thrashing, barely able to keep from passing out. She felt her pointed feet being forced down and this time when the ropes and chains were wrapped around her, they trapped her lower legs and her bound arms. In minutes Margot was bound in an agonizingly tight ball tie, the corset was crushing the air from her while the clamps and large knot of rope filling her mouth made both scream in pain.

Margot decided she had been bound long enough and began struggling to free herself, he noticed her struggling had changed. Smiling, he said “Oh, my dear, I haven’t finished binding you yet so don’t go starting to escape just yet.” Rolling her onto her folded legs leaving her ass sticking up and her face planted into the mattress before taking a long thin chain from one of his assistant’s hands.

Margot fought to breathe barely noticing him wrapping her wrists with the thin chain or that he continued wrapping around her bound hands up her fingers crushing her hands into one another. Now she couldn’t even flex her fingers as she felt herself being rolled onto her ass.

“We’re all set!” he said excitedly, “The girls and I are going to go get some lunch, don’t worry we’ll be monitoring you on your web site and once we are done, we will return here to take you home with us.”

Margot listened as she was propped up in her sitting position as the women straightened up the room packing her things for her as she struggled in her bonds. Margot learned each time she tried to take a deep breath the corset forced her chest to expand, pressing her clamped nipples harder into her legs making them scream in pain.

Margot sat flexing and twisting, finding she was truly inescapably bound, whining as she tried to move the knot in her mouth and feeling its rough surface rub the insides of her mouth. The more she struggled the more aroused she became until she exploded into a massive orgasm.

When Margot realized her new master had returned, she had no idea her room had been cleared of her things as she felt him grab her bonds lifting her in the air then sitting her down into what she knew was the trunk.

“It has been four hours and you're still bound, so I win!” he said gleefully.

“Now you will be my bondage slave for the next twelve months as agreed.”

Margot could do nothing but lay on her back and be thankful the bottom of the trunk was padded so the chains and ropes were not cutting into her. She heard the lid close squealing slightly as the latches were snapped shut and large locks slipped through them and before they left the room, she heard him say to her.

“If you are very good, I may let you out of that trunk when we get home, it's only a twelve-hour drive, but if not, I may leave you in there indefinitely.”

Margot came again, knowing she was now his property and there was nothing she could do to change that. The man held the face of one of his assistants running his fingers across her sealed shut mouth and said,

“We have one year to convince her to stay, I want her bound twenty-four seven, the corset, boots and collar are not to be removed and if we do this right, you will be my number one, if not you will take her place.”

The silent woman nodded. She understood being highly motivated to break the escape artist, so she wouldn’t have to go back to being his bondage slave. She had already spent two years in constant bondage and liked being one of his girls, who could help him when he needed it. Even though she thought she would miss being used as his suck toy and hoped one day he might unseal her mouth so she could show him her gratitude for being her master.


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