
The machine that holds you helpless is some sort of robot - it consists mainly of four large metallic tentacles, each tentacle ending in a vicious claw. The robot travels on caterpillar tracks, and seems to be controlled partly by a remote control in N1tEGeeK's possession and partly by artificial intelligence. You struggle in the steel grip of the robot, but soon realise that it is far stronger than you... and that your struggles are providing much entertainment for your captors. N1tEGeeK presses a button, and the machine lowers you so your feet touch the floor (but are still held apart) and moves your wrists so that your arms cross behind your back. N1tEGeeK nods to Venom, and his sexy sidekick steps towards you, grinning evilly. You know that these two have a tendancy for nymphomania, so you're not worried for your life... but you are worried for your honour and integrity.

Venom's evil grin turns into a sweet smile with a hint of a pout as she reaches forward and strokes your blonde hair - you turn your head away, but that's about as much as you can do.

"Please," she purrs, "resist me. It will make your experience so much more... interesting..."

Her gloved hand moves to stroke your cheek and she parts your lips slightly with her thumb. You can't help but feel slightly aroused, and as you realise your body's betrayal it motivates you to struggle all the harder. But your struggling doesn't stop Venom from fondling you... her hand moves down your neck to your green leotard, where her fingers grip the zip at the front.

"Please..." you say, "don't..."

You look across to see N1tEGeeK licking his lips as he watches, the growing bulge in his trousers clearly visible.

"Please... don't..." Venom says, her voice full of false innocence, mocking you. "Don't what? Do this?" Venom grins, pulling the zip down a little way, to the top of your breasts.

"No... you mustn't... I'll..." you say, but she interrupts you.

"You'll what? Report me to the police? I think you'll find they're already looking for me. Or maybe you think you can threaten me with physical violence? I hardly think you're in a position to do that. This is just the punishment you deserve for breaking into our hideout dressed in the skimpiest of skintight outfits... any superheroine worth her salt would have captured the two of us with no effort, so you can't be a superheroine... you must be the entertainment."

As you open your mouth to complain, N1tEGeeK steps forward and pushes a ballgag between your lips - Venom quickly fastens it tightly behind your head as N1tEGeeK returns to his desk to watch the rest of the show. All you can do is mmmmmph pitifully into the gag.

"Now, if you're the entertainment," Venom continues, "I'd say you're a stripper. I'm sure we can get N1tEGeeK's new machine to make you dance for us... but, for now, I'm feeling very curious about your breasts."

You shake your head as Venom walks around you, gloating like the villainess she is. Your wrists and ankles are beginning to ache from the cold, harsh metal grip of the machine, and your mouth is filled with the taste of the rubber gag... and your head is buzzing with the possible tortures this evil woman plans to inflict upon you. She is now more strutting than walking, oozing with confidence, looking like a cat that has trapped a scared little mouse and wants to play with it. She stops in front of you and looks directly at where your breasts are straining against the thin material of your leotard.

"Those are really quite large," she mutters to herself, putting her hand on your shoulder and shaking you slightly to watch them move inside your skintight outfit, "I wonder if they're a D or a double-D?"

You mmmmmph defiantly into your gag and try to twist away from her, but the grip of the tentacled contraption behind you has you held fast. As she continues to admire your breasts, her hands find your slender waist and move down to your hips, past your yellow belt, to your yellow tights. She strokes your spread thighs, smiling, but soon returns to your breasts.

"You don't mind if I..." she smiles, pulling the zip down a little further, until it rests between your generous orbs.

"Mmmmmph!" is all you can manage, struggling hard at your bonds - but all your struggles do is make your breasts wiggle and, straining as they are against your tight green leotard, they cause the zip to venture further south.

"Oh, so you want me to reveal your breasts?" Venom purrs, grinning very evilly.

You shake your head, but she ignores your protests. The last thing you want is to have your breasts revealed to your enemies like this... it feels so humiliating... so degrading... especially with N1tEGeeK sitting in the background, idly rubbing the bulge in his trousers as he watches the drama unfold.

"Don't worry," Venom smiles, "you don't need to be shy. We're all friends here. I just want to take a quick look..."

She pulls the zip so that it is just below your breasts, revealing more of your flesh - the V of your leotard has not yet revealed your nipples, but it is only a matter of time.

"Perhaps you're shy because of N1tEGeeK watching? Well, if I stand here, I block his view... and you don't mind showing little ol' me, do you? I just want a peek. Nothing more... honest..." She pulls at the side of your leotard, stretching it slightly, and the zip travels a little further down by itself. "I just want to see what you have hidden under there... what do you say?"

You shake your head, looking at her with pleading eyes.

"No?" she asks, "Well, that's your opinion. Personally, I think we should take a vote... but I can already guess the outcome. But I'm sure it's not as bad as you think. Really. Would it really be so bad if I tugged this zip just a little bit lower..?"

You nod, but she ignores you and pulls the zip quickly all the way down to your belt. The gap in your leotard widens, stopping just short of revealing your rather erect nipples... which happen to be making a significant impression in your costume anyway. You look away, embarrassed, and can feel your cheeks going red.

"You really don't have to be so shy," Venom grins, "you have a gorgeous body." She steps to the side, revealing you to N1tEGeeK once more, and he nods in agreement.

All you can do is struggle.

"Have you ever slept naked in your bed?" she asks. "Do you wear a towel to and from the shower? Have you ever let your boyfriend see you naked? Or do you prefer girls?"

You look away again, as her fingers move lightly over your body. She is clearly enjoying embarrassing you, and you resolve to stop being so embarrassed by her actions... but you can't help it. You've always been somewhat shy, and dressing as a superheroine has been your outlet, your chance to pretend to be someone else who isn't as shy, who can go forth and combat the bullies and villains of the world. But Venom's actions now are making you feel more like your true self, not your superheroine self... and try as you might, you can't get back into the superheroine frame of mind. Especially now that she has gripped the sides of your leotard and started shaking them, to make your breasts jiggle and bounce very pleasantly...

"I can't believe that anyone who dresses in such an outfit can be so shy underneath!" Venom says. "Well, I think I have a cure for you."

She grips either side of the open zip and pulls them apart, revealing your breasts in a flash for N1tEGeeK's viewing pleasure. He grins, and then leans forward, as if studying them. But your attention returns to Venom, who has started to play with your hardening nipples. She cups your breasts, gripping your nipples firmly between her fingers, kneading as you groan into your gag. You're very aroused now, and you find that you can't take your eyes off your tormentor's erect nipples, poking through her fishnet outfit.

"You seem to be enjoying this far too much," she smiles, her fingers going down your bare tummy to stop at your belt, "I don't think you're as shy as you want us to believe..."

"Enough!" N1tEGeeK announces, interrupting his sidekick, "It's almost time to sleep. We have a lot to do in the morning. Take off her mask."

You breathe a sigh of relief... saved from this humiliation by the last person you thought would stop it... wait a second, hold on a moment, what did he just say? Take off her mask? Are they serious? Since when has a villain taken off a superheroine's mask to discover their true identity? That's hardly playing by the rules... you thought they were meant to capture you, gloat a bit, put you in some easily-escapable situation and then wander off, allowing you to escape and win the day. You struggle furiously as Venom reaches up and quickly pulls the mask from your face, and you look away in a vain attempt to hide your identity. You have a famous face, and you expect them to recognise you instantly... but they don't. True, in your line of work, your breasts are technically more famous but, still... you feel slightly insulted that there is no glimmer of recognition in their eyes. Maybe it's the ballgag, disguising your identity just enough..?


You look up as N1tEGeeK speaks, and blink as his camera flashes in your face, taking your picture as proof of your true identity... and at that moment, you resolve to get your hands on that camera, no matter what it takes!

"Is it really bedtime already?" Venom moans, pouting her lips and blinking her large eyelashes at N1tEGeeK.


"Can we at least let Rufus play with our guest first?"

"Oh... okay... if you must. But be quick."

Venom almost squeaks with delight and runs away into the darkness of the warehouse, leaving you alone with N1tEGeeK... wondering who Rufus is. N1tEGeeK takes a step towards you, and flicks your left nipple. You gasp into your gag, and he smiles at your response. He cups your breast, as if weighing it in his hand, and strokes your hard nipple with his thumb.

"Ahem!" comes Venom's voice from the shadows, "I hope I'm not interrupting anything!"

"Of course not," N1tEGeeK says, returning to his original position.

Venom glares at him as she steps into the light, but you're more concerned by the huge snake wrapped around her body... Some sort of constrictor, unfortunately your knowledge of snakes isn't too good. It is coiled around her left thigh, up her body, around her leather corset, under her breasts and up her right arm, where it has turned to face her and is sniffing the air with its tongue - she sticks her tongue out at it in return, and grins.

"This is Rufus," she purrs, slowly unwinding the serpent from her body, "and he is the reason I got into this business in the first place. We go way back..." She looks at you, her expression deadly serious. "So, be nice to him. I saw him being mistreated and vowed to steal him, which I did... I was such an innocent young thing at the time, as well. No-one even suspected it was me."

Her expression returns to a grin, and she glances back at N1tEGeeK and nods - he presses a button, and the machine holding you fast moves slightly, changing your position so you are spreadeagled, still held vertically. Venom steps towards you and begins to coil the snake around your body... you freeze, petrified with fear as you feel the serpent tighten around your helpless flesh.

You have one choice. You:

Last Words

"You may have won this time, but you can't escape justice..."

Your words are interrupted by his forcing the ring-gag between your teeth and buckling it tightly. You shake your head from side to side violently in an attempt to dislodge it, but it is to no avail. He plants a kiss on your gagged lips, forcing his tongue into your mouth... something which you can't do anything about... and then withdraws, placing your facemask back over your eyes to hide your true identity once more.

He presses a few buttons on the remote control and your ankles are brought together - he takes his time, using a rough length of old rope to tie them tight. Once he's finished, the robot arms gripping your ankles release their grip. He presses another button and your wrists are brought together and lowered in front of you - again, he ties them together with rope, his expert knots looking worryingly inescapable. He presses another button and your bound wrists are raised above your head again, and you are lifted from the ground - a hook on a length of chain lowers from the ceiling and the rope binding your wrists is hung from it - the robot withdraws, leaving you dangling by a hook, your feet a metre above the floor.

"Now," N1tEGeeK says, "I wouldn't be a proper villain if I didn't have some horrible and painfully slow death for my captured superheroine... as is traditional, I have told you my plan and I will soon leave you to your demise..."

"Mmmmmph!" you moan, defiantly.

"But what form will your demise take, you may ask. Well, allow me to show you..." he grins, pressing another button on his remote control - the floor beneath your feet opens up to reveal a large vat full of yellow liquid, which smells rather like custard...


"Yes, your nose isn't deceiving you, that is a vat of custard. But why custard? Well, custard has some rather strange properties... it is a liquid that behaves like a solid when impacted. It's vicious stuff... you will be lowered slowly into it, so that it behaves like a liquid, but any attempt to remove yourself from it will have it behaving like a solid... you will be stuck fast, and the police will have one hell of a time trying to free you..."


"Yes, I can see in your eyes that you get it... you're going to be my decoy. Goodbye, Übergirl."

He turns and walks away, leaving you struggling on the end of a hook - you hope he remembers to call the police about your current situation, since being arrested is much more preferrable to being dessert. You hear a noise to your left, and turn to see his robot gathering up all of his tools and equipment before it follows him into the darkness of the warehouse. But now you have other things to worry about, since the hook from which you are hanging has started to slowly move downwards.

What a sight you must be... a busty blonde wearing just a superheroine facemask and cute pink panties, bound hand and foot, being lowered by a hook towards a vat of custard... hoping the police will get to you before you drown!

You have two choices. Do you:


Worrying about Rufus and the fact that you're trying to get to sleep in a cold, damp basement means that you have trouble getting to sleep... but eventually you do, and you suffer from nightmares.

One in particular that you remember involves you running through a jungle, fleeing from some unseen menace... crashing through the undergrowth, your heart pounding in your chest... for some reason, you're totally naked... and your hair is dark... You're not sure why your hair is dark, but you instinctively feel that it'd be wrong otherwise. Just as you find a break in the dense jungle, vines whip down from the trees and snare your wrists and ankles, pulling you spreadeagled... naked... at the edge of the jungle... Your heart is racing as you struggle, filled with panic, knowing that that which is pursuing you will find you at any moment...

You eventually catch your breath and calm down, realising that your struggles are in vain, and that whatever is pursuing you should have caught you by now. You notice a cave straight ahead of you, the entrance to which is filled with an enormous spidersweb. There is a girl, in the cave, naked like you, and she charges towards the web, aiming to break through it... but it is too strong and within moments she is trapped, like you, struggling and writhing in the sticky strands until she eventually stops, exhausted. It's only then that you notice the large tarantula that has appeared on the web next to her hand... you open your mouth to warn her but you're too late - it brushes against her skin and she sees it, and she renews her struggles but can do nothing to stop it climbing onto her body and exploring downwards...

She looks away from the spider and her panic-filled eyes see you for the first time - she looks briefly curious, and her gaze becomes accusatory, as if to ask what you're doing in her dream. But this is your dream. You notice something in the tree you're tied to... a huge snake, some sort of constrictor, coiling around the vine holding your right leg... it moves slowly and purposefully and you freeze, petrified, as it coils around your foot, your ankle, your shin, you knee, your thigh... It rears up, looking straight at your pussy, it's tongue flicking menacingly... and then it strikes...

You scream as you wake, and spend the next few minutes making sure that there are no snakes in the cage with you. Once you're satisified that you're alone, you curl up in the corner and try unsuccessfully to get back to sleep.

You have one choice. You:

Sinking Feeling

You look upwards, twisting your arms, trying to work your fingers towards the knot binding your wrists. You feel custard around your feet but continue to work on the knot, beginning to feel a little desperate now, moaning into your gag. Within moments, you are ankle-deep - you try to pull your feet out but the custard grips you hard with a shlurping noise, and you begin to realise that there's no escape...

Despite your best efforts, you can do nothing to stop yourself sinking deeper and deeper into the cold, viscous liquid... soon, it is around your knees, then your thighs, then your cute pink panties. You struggle in vain as the liquid continues up your body, covering your naked breasts, then your shoulders...

It's then that you hear a loud bang, and within the moments the warehouse is full of police... but are they in time to save you?

"Übergirl, you are under arrest!"

Soon you have a crowd around you, debating on how to free you while you mmmmmph pitifully into the gag. They manage to stop your descent, but now you're firmly in the grip of the liquid it's going to take many very slow, very careful hours to extract you...

You have no choices. You have discovered the whereabouts of N1tEGeeK's temporary hideout... but you don't think that that will be much help to the police. Once you are free and can tell them of his plan, he will already have succeeded and be long gone... You have scored 57%. Have another go.

Light Of Hope

Worrying about Rufus and the fact that you're trying to stay alert when you're feeling really quite tired means that you have trouble staying awake... but you manage, keeping your mind occupied in the dark cage, until eventually you see a beam of red light blink into existence a few metres from your cage.

The beam appears to be emanating from a metal plate low on the basement wall, under a sign which has become illuminated by the light. The sign reads: Emergency Cage Release. You wonder if breaking the beam will let you out of the cage... but how will you break the beam? You'd have to throw something, but all you have is your clothes...

You have two choices. Do you:

A Good Night's Sleep

You are surprised by Venom slapping your face. You blink, and realise that you must have fainted with fear... Rufus the snake is no longer coiled around your body, he is coiled around hers, but you wonder to yourself how much of your body he explored. You are still held spreadeagled by the machine, and a quick test of your bonds proves that you are still quite helpless... but you are no longer gagged.

"Time for bed," N1tEGeeK smiles, pressing another button.

The contraption holding you helpless moves, carrying you across the warehouse to where a section of floor retracts to reveal an open-topped cage in the basement - the tentacled robot lowers you inside and drops you to the floor, and the lid of the cage slams shut over your head. You look up to see N1tEGeeK and Venom looking down at you, grinning.

"Sweet dreams," N1tEGeeK says, before turning and walking away.

"But you'd better keep one eye open," Venom grins, evilly, "just in case Rufus comes looking for lunch..."

You shudder, and watch her leave. And there you are, sitting in the middle of a dark cage, pondering your future. The first thing you do is refasten your zip, hiding your breasts back inside your green leotard... and then you think about escape.

You have two choices. Do you:


You yawn, waking up, but still tired - you haven't had a good night's sleep. You rub your eyes and look up to see N1tEGeeK and Venom looking down at you.

"I hope you had a good night's sleep," N1tEGeeK says, "you have a busy day ahead of you today."

"Hope you didn't stay up too long keeping an eye out for Rufus..." Venom smiles, as N1tEGeeK puts an arm around her waist.

"Not at all," you reply, "I slept like a baby."

"Good for you," N1tEGeeK says, reaching for his remote control and pressing some buttons.

The roof of the cage retracts and four robot tentacles snake in to grab you - your sleepiness prevents you from putting up a decent fight, and you are quickly hauled up into the warehouse proper. As the robot carries you back towards the bench in the centre of the warehouse, the arms do a surprisingly agile and delicate job of stripping you while keeping you utterly helpless... you fight back as best you can, but within moments they have stripped you down to your panties (and what cute panties they are, pink with little fluffy bunny rabbits frolicking playfully on your bottom).

You have one choice. You:

Already Prepared

You yawn, waking up, but still tired - you haven't had a good night's sleep. You rub your eyes and look up to see N1tEGeeK and Venom looking down at you. You cover your naked breasts as best you can.

"I hope you had a good night's sleep," N1tEGeeK says, "you have a busy day ahead of you today."

"I see you fell for the Emergency Cage Release trap..." Venom smiles, as N1tEGeeK puts an arm around her waist.

"Not at all," you reply, "I always strip for bed."

"Yeah, right," N1tEGeeK says, reaching for his remote control and pressing some buttons.

The roof of the cage retracts and four robot tentacles snake in to grab you - your sleepiness prevents you from putting up a decent fight, and you are quickly hauled up into the warehouse proper. With the harsh light shining on you, you quickly realise that you are almost naked and utterly helpless, and completely in the power of these two villains.

You have one choice. You:

A Proposition

You wish you'd chosen sexier panties when you got dressed yesterday morning... but all your green and yellow thongs were in the wash... what sort of crimefighter extraordinaire wears pink panties? The machine holds you spreadeagled, vertically, a tentacle gripping each of your limbs, and once again you can barely move a muscle... but this time, you are almost naked and unable to hide from the lust-filled eyes of N1tEGeeK and Venom. Neither of them is hiding the fact that they find your choice of panties very amusing.

"Aren't you at least going to give me something to wear?" you ask, finally breaking the silence.

"Why?" N1tEGeeK asks, stepping towards you, putting a finger to your lips to stop you replying.

You decide not to try to reply - you don't want to be gagged again. N1tEGeeK nods, apparently approving of your silence, and places his large hands on your slender waist. He moves his fingers slowly up your body, stopping just below your breasts. You look away, not wanting to watch him fondle and grope your helpless body, but your nipples have betrayed your underlying arousal already... they harden as he cups your breasts, and all you can do is wriggle slightly as he plays.

You hear a cough from behind your tormentor, but he doesn't seem to notice. You look over his shoulder to see Venom scowling at him - she coughs again to get his attention and, when he doesn't respond, she turns and marches away into the darkness of the warehouse. You wonder if she's jealous... and whether you could use this to your advantage... but for now, you suddenly realise that she has left you with this kinky nymphomaniac villain. You feel a little nervous and intimidated, now that you are alone with him... vulnerable... helpless... almost naked...

"Now," N1tEGeeK says, "what am I going to do with you?"

"Let me go?" you ask, timidly.

"Very funny," he replies, pinching your nipple... hard... making you yelp with surprise and pain, "but actually I have a proposition for you. I'd like you to help my accomplice steal the Randolph Diamond. If you agree, I'll let you have your costume back... and my camera. You can do what you want with the pictures I've taken of your true identity... If you disagree, I think the police will be very pleased to know that I've captured a wanted vigilante and am willing to hand her over..."

You struggle in your bonds, trying to reach your squeezed nipple, but can't. So, instead, you stop struggling and think about N1tEGeeK's proposition. Do you join Venom in stealing the Randolph Diamond, and hope to get your chance for revenge at a later date? Or do you let them hand you over to the police? A difficult choice...

You have two choices. Do you:

Breaking Beams

Praying that this isn't some perverted trick of N1tEGeeK's, you remove your cape and roll it into a ball. You throw it across the room at the beam, but it falls short. You curse to yourself and remove your left glove, which you throw and it also falls short. Your right glove sails right over the beam and your boots also manage to fall either side of it. Gritting your teeth, you defiantly remove your leotard, baring your breasts in the cold darkness of the basement, and it misses the beam by millimetres. You remove your yellow tights and scrunch them up into a ball, kneeling at the bars of your cage now in just your panties (and what cute panties they are, pink with little fluffy bunny rabbits frolicking playfully on your bottom). You throw your tights, and this time manage to successfully break the beam! You grin to yourself, punching the air as you celebrate... but nothing happens!

Two things are immediately apparent to you. The first is that the red beam is a perverted trick of N1tEGeeK's. The second is that you could've tied your clothes together, so that you could've retrieved them after you'd thrown them... Now, all you can look forward to is a very cold night shivering on the cold stone floor in just your panties, which don't even cover your buttocks properly.

You lay in the corner of the cage, hugging your knees in the foetal position, shivering, trying to get to sleep...

You have one choice. You:


"I will never join your evil schemes!" you say, defiantly.

Your bold stance is deflated somewhat by N1tEGeeK tweaking your other nipple, but he still looks disappointed by your choice. However, he soon recovers and brandishes a ring-gag.

"Any last words, before I turn you over to the police?"

You have two choices. Do you say:


You wriggle and writhe, struggling violently, stamping your feet towards the ever-approaching custard... and then your bare feet hit dessert, and it's solid. You continue to stamp your feet, knowing that the impact will keep the custard solid and hopefully stop you sinking... then, once the hook has lowered enough, you should theoretically be able to free your wrists... at least, that's the theory. Unfortunately, your stamping only seems to be slowing your downward progress... and not by nearly enough. Within moments, you are ankle-deep - you try to pull your feet out but the custard grips you hard with a shlurping noise, and you begin to realise that there's no escape...

Despite your best efforts, you can do nothing to stop yourself sinking deeper and deeper into the cold, viscous liquid... soon, it is around your knees, then your thighs, then your cute pink panties. You struggle in vain as the liquid continues up your body, covering your naked breasts...

It's then that you hear a loud bang, and within the moments the warehouse is full of police... but are they in time to save you?

"Übergirl, you are under arrest!"

Soon you have a crowd around you, debating on how to free you while you mmmmmph pitifully into the gag. They manage to stop your descent, but now you're firmly in the grip of the liquid it's going to take many very slow, very careful hours to extract you...

You have no choices. You have discovered the whereabouts of N1tEGeeK's temporary hideout... but you don't think that that will be much help to the police. Once you are free and can tell them of his plan, he will already have succeeded and be long gone... You have scored 62%. Have another go.

Life Of Crime

"Okay," you say, feeling somewhat beaten, "I'll do what you want."

Your captors both smile, and you wonder just what exactly you've let yourself in for...

Congratulations - you have successfully completed part one of Übergirl's Choice, and have scored 100%! Stay tuned...

Plan B

"Now that Venom has left, how about you and I..."

"How about we what?" N1teGeeK interrupts, smiling, obviously working out where this is going.

"I find you very attractive," you lie, seductively.

"Hmmm... the heroine's last ditch effort to seduce the villain before he can carry out his evil schemes. I like it. I like it a lot. In fact, I think I might even choose to fall for it..."

"This isn't part of some plan..."

"Of course it isn't... silly me... well, how about I release you so you can seduce me properly?"

"Would you? I'd make it worth your while..."

"I'm sure you would, just before you knock me out, tie me up and call the police."

"I can see why you might not trust me..."

"Why should I untie you to have my wicked way with you? Believe me, it would be a lot easier to keep you bound..."

"I am very skilled with my hands..."

"So am I. All this talk is making me horny. I think it's time for you and I to get to know each other better."


Your words are interrupted by his forcing the ring-gag between your teeth and buckling it tightly. You shake your head from side to side violently in an attempt to dislodge it, but it is to no avail. He plants a kiss on your gagged lips, forcing his tongue into your mouth... something which you can't do anything about... and then withdraws. As you look at him, you begin to wonder if this was the best course of action... especially now that he seems intent on using and abusing your helpless body... but gagged as you are, you can't do anything about it. Perhaps seducing him wasn't the best course of action...

He turns and walks away from you, and his contraption follows, carrying you with it. A section of floor opens up to reveal steps leading down into a basement bedroom - you can't help but admire it... the room is dominated by a large iron bed, complete with manacles at the four corners. You raise an eyebrow when you see the manacles, but you are wrong - they're not what N1tEGeeK has in store for you...

The villain moves around to the foot of the bed and pulls a device out from beneath it. The machine has a solid wooden base, on which is mounted a number of metal clamps designed to grasp wrists and ankles... There is also a small platform at the rear of the machine which contains a large vibrator, with a mechanism for thrusting it back and forth at various speeds and rhythms. The machine is simple... but effective. You look again at the vibrator... it does look very large...

"This," your captor announces, "is the Thrustomatic 3001! I can see you're dying to try it out..."

Despite your gagged protests, and shaking of your head, he seems intent on continuing to let your few words before you were gagged 'seduce' him... and you're hardly in a position to change your mind, since every time you struggle it makes your huge breasts bounce around very invitingly.

He presses a button on his remote control and the contraption lowers you into the bedroom, positioning your wrists and ankles so that they line up with the clamps on the Thrustomatic 3001. You struggle as best you can, but you can't stop all eight clamps closing simultaneously - one at each ankle, one below each knee, one around each wrist and one just below each elbow. You moan softly into the gag, helpless on all fours, as you realise just how vulnerable you are. The contraption releases you and withdraws, and you become acutely aware of N1tEGeeK walking around you, admiring your body up close in this new position.

"You don't mind if I..?"

He smiles at you as he speaks, and rips your cute panties from your body, tearing them in the process. You groan into your gag, partly because he has so effortlessly bared your most intimate parts, partly because he has destroyed your favourite panties! You vow nasty revenge, hideous retribution on him for his actions - or, at least, you try, but it is rather difficult while he is doing such a good job of making your nipples rock-hard with his fingers.

As your body responds to his touch, you feel that it is betraying you - you take every opportunity to glare at your captor, but he doesn't seem to care. One of his hands moves back to where your pussy is moist and ready... he rubs your clit and you groan aloud, beginning to forget that he is the master criminal you are here to capture. Spending all your spare time fighting crime means that you rarely find the opportunity to find yourself a boyfriend... and it's been a while since you had a good mind-numbing, body-rocking, quiver-inducing orgasm. And despite the fact that this evil man has you totally in his power, you think you might be able to take advantage of this situation and at least enjoy yourself.

He presses a button at the rear of the device and the vibrator buzzes into life. You look over your shoulder and can see it thrusting back and forth, moving closer to your waiting pussy with each thrust. Even from this angle, the vibrator looks very intimidating... You peel your eyes away from it send a token glare towards your captor, and are surprised to see that he has undressed - he now stands before you, naked except for his facemask, his body more toned and muscled than you had imagined, his reasonably-sized cock standing proud and erect. He kneels in front of you and grabs your hair...

Just as you realise what he intends to do, he does it. He places his hard cock at the entrance of your mouth, just inside the ring-gag. You try to struggle but you can barely move, and you so want to bite him... It's then that the thrusting vibrator touches your pussy for the first time - you had almost forgotten about it, and it makes you jump... forward... taking N1tEGeeK's hard cock into your mouth by mistake. You try to pull away but his grip on your hair holds you in place as he begins to thrust with the same rhythm of the large vibrator that is slowly, steadily, trying to fill your helpless pussy...

You do your best to push his cock out of your mouth with your tongue, but the sensation only seems to arouse him further. He's moaning loudly now, muttering to himself as he thrusts. The vibrator behind you seems to feel larger and larger with each thrust, and your whole body is writhing now as you feel your pleasure growing... you're moaning as loudly as he is, despite your gag, your large breasts wobbling back and forth beneath you, pushed by the thrusts of these two cocks inside you... and all you can do is take them, and enjoy them...

You feel his cock begin to throb, and then he tenses... and releases his hot cum inside your mouth and down your throat, before he withdraws and pumps his load all over your yellow facemask and blonde hair. You shake your head from side to side, covered in his cum, even closer to orgasm now, the vibrator behind you thrusting hard and deep... but you see N1tEGeeK standing up and moving to the controls to turn off the vibrator... you bite down on the gag as hard as you can, concentrating on the pleasure, wanting to reach that elusive orgasm before the sensation is taken away by this villain...

You are just on the verge of orgasm when he turns off the machine, leaving you panting, wanting more... frustrated... you want to hit him, but you're bound fast... your body is still rocking slightly, remembering the heavy thrusts of the vibrator... but the sensation is fading... much to your disappointment...

"Stop what you're doing and place your hands above your heads!"

The voice comes from the top of the stairs, and you look up to see a group of policemen looking down at you. You blush... which is a reasonable reaction, given that you're naked and covered in cum... given that you're still wearing your Übergirl facemask and are covered in the cum of the villain you're here to fight... how humiliating!

"N1tEGeeK, Übergirl, you are under arrest!"

The police advance down the stairs. Although their guns are pointed at N1tEGeeK, they are leering at you...

You have no choices. Although you've succeeded in your main task of having N1tEGeeK arrested, you've been arrested (and humiliated) yourself... and Venom is long gone. You have scored 85%. Good effort. Have another go.