The city is blessed with a superheroine to watch over it - although not everyone sees her presence as a blessing. Even though the streets are now a much safer place due to her activities, the police are currently hunting this heroine (dubbed Übergirl by the tabloid newspapers) to bring her in for questioning about her illegal vigilanteism. The police are also hunting a supervillain (the self-styled N1tEGeeK) who is suspected of being behind a number of major diamond thefts across the country. Despite the obvious danger, the priceless Randolph Diamond has recently been put on display in the City Museum...

Your first choice in this adventure is your role:

Do you choose the role of Übergirl, the young woman trying to bring some justice to a world full of crime?
...or the role of N1tEGeeK, the muscular criminal mastermind with a talent for robotics and a sexy sidekick?

Click on one of the underlined links above to continue...

Image created in Hero Machine and Paint Shop Pro 7.

NOTE: This is another interactive story, just like Inter Action. To keep the number of files down, I've put many choices on the same pages - so, try not to get lost (if you do get lost, perhaps you need to try again in a smaller window). This time, I've given you a choice of two viewpoints of the same story - a dominant male and a submissive female. Have fun!