"Okay," you say, trying not to look as beaten as you feel, "I'll do what you want."

Your captors grin at each other, but you don't share their joy. You are stretched into a tight spreadeagle position by a robot that wouldn't look out of place on the back of Dr Octopus, wearing just a pair of panties (and what cute panties they are, pink with little fluffy bunny rabbits frolicking playfully on your bottom). You begin to wonder what exactly you've let yourself in for by agreeing to help them... but they have photographs of your true identity, and you don't want those to find their way to the police since you're wanted as a vigilante.

N1tEGeeK approaches you and clamps a pair of thick metal bracelets around your wrists - you wonder what their purpose is, but guess that perhaps they are some form of insurance... The robot releases your wrists and ankles and you drop to the floor - you instinctively cover your breasts and glare at your captors.

"Do you expect me to rob a museum dressed like this?" you ask, feeling somewhat vulnerable in just those bracelets and your panties.

"We could get you a black sack with holes cut in it," Venom says, smiling at her own joke.

"How about," N1tEGeeK says, looking at his sidekick, "you take our new friend to your wardrobe and pick something out for her?"

"I don't think my clothes will fit her..." Venom mumbles.

That is especially true now, you note, looking down at your comicbook-proportioned body. Your breasts are considerably larger than they were, your waist considerably smaller and your lips fuller and poutier without being obscene. Plastic surgeons are wonderful people.

"CUT!" yells the director, walking onto the set holding a clipboard and clearly very angry, "Have you all forgotten what you're supposed to be doing? You, villain, you're meant to grab the heroine and take her down to your sidekick's wardrobe, give her a costume and watch her change on your secret video cameras! Amateurs, you're all amateurs! Right, did we get enough from that scene? Good! Right, we'll film the next bit later! I want to film our heroine getting dressed in her new costume! Where's that makeup girl when I need her?"

His voice trails off as he wanders off in search of the makeup girl, giving you the chance to catch your breath. It's been three years since the museum robbery, and many things have changed - not just your body. The guy standing in front of you is not the real N1tEGeeK, he's an actor. The girl standing in front of you is not the real Venom, she's an actress. But you're the real Übergirl... or, at least, you were.

Three years ago, you found yourself at the mercy of the villain and his accomplice, blackmailed into helping them steal the Randolph Diamond. Their plan went well, even down to the point of using you as a diversion to distract the guards... but you managed to turn the tables. Suffice to say, N1tEGeeK never got his hands on the diamond and Venom ended up in prison. You somehow managed to escape from the museum with your hands trapped behind your back by the thick metal bracelets (which mysteriously became magnetised when things started to go wrong for N1tEGeeK), but never managed to catch the villain. He disappeared underground, and you spent the next few months living in fear, worrying that he would reveal your secret identity to the authorities. But then you began to wonder if the authorities would believe him anyway, since your cunning secret identity was that of a model, who would regularly be photographed topless for tabloid newspapers partially-dressed in an Übergirl costume.

Venom's capture made big news, and you suddenly got more modelling work - Übergirl was recognised as a true heroine by the newspapers (although the police still wanted to 'question' her), and you decided to retire her from the heroine business... The heroine known as Übergirl was no more, and you had more time to branch out into other areas of modelling and even acting. Last year, Venom published a book from her prison cell describing the failed museum robbery from her point of view, and someone decided to make it into a film. There were two girls who seemed perfect for the role - the respected young actress, Veronica Veil, and the topless model who used to dress as Übergirl, you. The casting director had a difficult choice, but when you turned up at the auditions sporting a silicone-enhanced body, you landed the part. Veronica Veil was given the role of Venom, much to her disappointment.

You look across at Veronica - she's wearing the Venom costume, modified only slightly for the big screen by covering her nipples with crosses of black tape. She is glaring at you, obviously still jealous about your playing Übergirl. But, thinking about it, you're the best girl for the part... given that you actually were Übergirl... once. In some ways, you're glad you're not a superheroine any more - it never seemed right, doing good but still being pursued by the police as a vigilante, never being paid, only getting recognition in a few newspapers so they could sell pictures of you topless...

The man playing N1tEGeeK is Pete Tranter, a vain actor who only really reached the limelight because of his more successful sister. And you keep telling him that his voice isn't as deep as you 'imagined' N1tEGeeK's would be, but he never listens.

"RIGHT!" shouts the director, directly behind you, making you jump, "I want you, Übergirl, down in the changing room, changing into your new costume! Now!"

You nod, and quickly scurry to the changing room - another part of the elaborate set. A member of the crew hands you the new costume and you close the curtain behind you. There is a camera, supposedly hidden, above your right shoulder, focussed on your reflection in the mirror.

"And... action!"

You take a moment to admire your reflection - your enhanced bosom says sexy while your panties say cute, but you think your breasts win on this occasion. You quickly slip out of your panties, relieved to be finally rid of them, and stand there naked except for the thick steel bracelets. You pick up the first item of your new costume: a black fishnet bodystocking. You slowly, deliberately, pull it onto your body, sliding it up your legs, pushing your arms into the sleeves, smoothing it onto your pale skin, admiring the way the pattern of fishnet is deformed by your full curves. Despite the fact that you're now covered from head to toe, you still feel quite naked... so, you pick up the next item: a black sling bikini, which you quickly don and arrange so it covers your pussy and nipples - it only barely manages the task. You remember three years ago, while running from an army of museum security guards with your hands bound behind your back, feeling so helpless and vulnerable because your sling bikini was no longer covering your nipples... The last two parts of your new costume are a yellow belt and facemask. You notice how your costume doesn't have any gloves, and wonder how you managed to avoid leaving fingerprints all those years ago. You leave the changing room, a new woman.

"Cut! That was perfect! Take a break, everyone, and we'll recommence filming at three!"

"Well done," Pete says - he has removed his N1tEGeeK mask, and is quite handsome underneath.

"Thanks," you smile, before turning to Veronica: "What did you think?"

"Yeah, whatever," Veronica says coldly, before walking away.

You watch her go - she is a good match for the original Venom, Melissa Mountshaft, right down to the icy personality and sexy bottom. But the original Venom is still languishing in a jail cell, looking forward to many years of imprisonment. The real N1tEGeeK, however, is still out there somewhere... Still, you smile to yourself, enough of that - you have a few minutes' break and you are feeling rather horny.

You are surprised as you feel a hand squeeze your bottom. You turn, and see the director walking away... you don't like him at all, he's creepy and bad-tempered. But sleeping with him helped you land this role, so he's not all bad. And maybe if you slept with him again, he might let you have some more creative input into this story which is really your story... even if you're not allowed to admit to it.

You have four choices. Do you:

Pete Tranter

You watch Pete Tranter, dressed as N1tEGeeK, leave in the direction of the catering tent. You follow him, order the same capuccino as him, and sit down opposite him. He glances up at you and nods an acknowledgment to your presence.

You'd hoped for a little more. Particularly given what you're wearing. The black fishnet bodystocking enhances the full curves of your breasts and buttocks, and makes your waist look particularly narrow, and the black sling bikini does nothing to hide the hardness of your nipples... There are usually hordes of papparazzi photographers following you around, and they'd go wild to see you in this particular costume. So why doesn't Pete Tranter seem to be in the least bit interested? A spontaneous erection might be a little too much to ask, but still...

"Hi, Pete," you smile, leaning forward to give him a better view of your assets, slowly stroking your bottom lip with your index finger.

"Hi, Sarah," he mutters, not even glancing in your direction - instead, he pulls a small hand-mirror from one of the large pockets of his coat and begins to examine his eyebrows.

"I thought you were particularly good in that last scene," you say, crossing your fishnet-wrapped legs, "the evil villain really came through to me."

"Erm... yes, thanks."

"And your voice is really improving," you smile again, stroking your collarbone through the fishnet before letting your fingers slide down slowly towards your almost-naked breasts, "you almost sound like him. Well, I mean, like how I imagine he'd sound."

"Yes, thanks..." he says, totally occupied by his reflection, "look, do you mind? I'm busy here..."

"Sure, yes, sorry..." you mumble, getting up and leaving.

Why isn't he interested in you? Any other man would be fighting to sit next to you... perhaps you weren't flirting enough? Maybe you should have played with your hair a bit? Your self-confidence has taken a hit, but it soon swells when you see the number of pairs of eyes that follow you out of the catering tent. Even though you seem to have no effect on Pete Tranter, the rest of the cast and crew can't help but stare at you, drooling, as you pass. As you exit the tent, you turn to smile at your adoring fans and run your fingers up your fishnet-covered hip, seductively, before turning and leaving.

You go to your dressing room, which is really a trailer with a star on the door, but before you even open the door one of the crew shouts that the break is over and shooting is starting in the museum. You know better than to be late, since it really annoys the director, so you run over to the museum set.

You have one choice. You:

Veronica Veil

You watch Veronica Veil, dressed as Venom, leave in the direction of her trailer. You follow her, but she soon notices that you're behind her, so she stops and turns to face you.

"What do you want, Überslut?"

"I thought that maybe we could have a chat? There's some tension between us, and..."

"I can't think why there's some tension between us," she says, fixing you with an icy stare as she puts her hands on her hips, "perhaps it's the fact that you were chosen for the starring role over me?"

"I earned the right to be Überslut... ahem... Übergirl, fair and square," you say, keeping your eyes on hers, mirroring her body language.

"The director had a choice between me and my acting talent, or you and those... things..." she replies, reaching forward and grabbing your breasts.

"I don't think it was as simple as that..." you say, enjoying her touch for a moment before brushing her hands away.

"It was much simpler, actually - you slept with him, I didn't! And that's why I'm furious! And since Venom and Übergirl are mortal enemies, I think that this tension between us is good for the film. So, I'll act with you... just don't expect me to socialise with you!"

And, with that, she turns and enters her trailer, slamming the door behind her, leaving you opening and closing your mouth as you try to think of a reply. But it's too late now, and you head towards your own trailer (the one with the big star on the door), but before you get there one of the crew shouts that the break is over and shooting is starting in the museum. You know better than to be late, since it really annoys the director, so you run over to the museum set.

You have one choice. You:

The Director

You watch the director leave in the direction of his trailer. You follow him, keeping your distance since the last thing you need is a rumour going round that you've slept with him, and after a couple of minutes you knock on his door. He answers it and smiles when he sees you - well, it's probably a smile to him, but from where you're standing in your fishnet bodystocking and sling bikini it looks more like a leer.

"Do come in," he says, stepping aside as you enter his trailer.

The inside of his trailer is a mess - the main cause of the mess is various pages of the Übergirl script strewn around the place. He brushes a few off his sofa onto the floor, and then sits on the sofa, his eyes never leaving your mostly-naked body.

"I was wondering if we could talk about the film..." you begin.

"Actually," he says, "I was thinking that you'd be receptive to my creative input."

"Your creative input?" you ask, but then you see him unzipping his flies and you understand what he meant, and you can probably guess where he wants to input it. Still, it wouldn't hurt to improve your standing with him, and it might get your suggestions heard...

You kneel before the aging director and lick your lips, looking up at him seductively. You reach forward and pull his hardening cock from his pants, and lean forward to wrap your moist lips around it.

"Put your hands behind your back," he says, his voice wavering slightly with the excitement.

You do as he says, and he presses a button on a remote control... the thick metal bracelets on your wrists instantly magnetise and attract each other, pinning your wrists together behind you. You jump with surprise, but his other hand is in your hair keeping your mouth on his cock. Suddenly helpless, you have no choice but to continue to pleasure him, and he takes full advantage of your vulnerability as he thrusts into your mouth. You squirm - this wasn't quite what you expected... and then you hear someone knock at the door.

"Come!" calls the director, keeping a firm grip on your hair.

The door opens and someone walks in - you have no idea who it is, but there is no way to hide or disguise yourself. The director continues to bob your head up and down on his cock, and you feel your face go red as you blush.

"I can see you're busy..." says Veronica Veil, behind you.

"No, don't worry about it, I can still talk," the director says.

"I wanted to make a suggestion for the film..."

"Go for it."

"I think we need to focus more on Venom being captured by the police. She is the author of this story, after all, and I think we should do her full justice. And I've been working on my bound struggling..."

"I was thinking something along those lines myself. I'll see what I can do."

"Thanks," she replies, leaning over you to kiss him on the cheek before leaving - you wonder what on earth she thinks of you now.

As the door closes, the director grunts and cums suddenly inside your mouth. You struggle, but he holds you in place and you have no choice but to swallow his load as best you can. He eventually releases his grip and you sit back, licking your lips. He presses another button on his remote control, and your wrists are free again.

"Actually," you say, "I had a suggestion for the film..."

"Sorry, Sarah, but it's time to shoot the next scene. Tell me later. And don't follow me out of this trailer immediately - we can't have the cast and crew spreading too many rumours."

And, with that, he leaves... leaving you kneeling in the middle of the floor, licking his cum from your lips. You stand, neatening your costume in a handy mirror, before leaving the trailer and making your way to the museum set.

You have one choice. You:

Private Time

You head off towards your dressing room. Actually, your dressing room is a trailer with a star painted on the door... but it serves its purpose. Your favourite aspect of the trailer is the fact that it contains a decent-sized wrought-iron bed... perfect for attaching handcuffs to. And that's precisely what you intend to do now.

You jump onto the bed and roll over to grab some items from a drawer in your bedside table. Four pairs of handcuffs, a blindfold, a bit-gag, a pair of clover clamps and a vibrator should be sufficient for a quick orgasm before the next scene.

Scooting around the bed, you attach a pair of handcuffs to each corner. You then return to the centre of the bed and spread your legs, leaning forward so you can attach your ankles to the foot of the bed. Once they are secure, you place your hands on your surgically-enhanced breasts and tweak your nipples through your costume. Your nipples respond very quickly, which isn't surprising given your excitement and arousal... you grit your teeth as you attach the vicious clover clamps to your hard nipples, the two layers of clothing not providing as much protection as you'd hoped against the evil grip. You grab the vibrator and turn it onto its lowest setting - you then place it on the bed between your legs... so, you'll be able to press yourself against it, but if you press too hard you'll push it out of reach. You can feel the bed vibrating very slightly against your thighs. The next step in your bondage is to pull the bit-gag into your mouth, bite down on it and fasten it tightly behind your head - which you do. Not wanting to risk changing your mind halfway through, you quickly pull the blindfold over your eyes (and over your superheroine facemask). Then it's simply a case of reaching up, and...

Hold on a second, how could you have been so careless? You forgot about the keys! You quickly feel around in the open drawer and your fingers soon find your handcuff keys. You place them on top of the bedside table, where you'll be able to reach them once bound. Now, you can reach up and close the handcuffs around your wrists, securing you to the bed.

And there you are, helpless. Wearing a fishnet bodystocking, sling bikini, belt, facemask, blindfold, bit-gag, nipple clamps and four pairs of handcuffs that keep you secured spreadeagled to the bed. You move your hips slightly, and jump as you feel the vibrating toy between your legs... but you soon recover, and press yourself against it again. You fantasise about being a captured burglar (well, you are dressed for it), awaiting discovery by the police... completely helpless, all you can hope is that you achieve plenty of orgasms before they discover you...

Your fantasies are interrupted by a knock at the door. You mmmmmph into your gag in surprise, pulling at your bonds and pushing the vibrator away from you by mistake. Whoever is at the door might have heard you, since they knock again, this time louder. Just as you're trying to remember if you locked the door, you hear the sound of it opening. Someone steps into the room, and closes the door behind themselves. You dare not make a sound, as you reach for the keys on the bedside table... you hope that the intruder just won't notice you. But you hear them approach and feel them sit on the bed beside you. They don't say a word, and you find yourself wondering who it is - but it could be anyone in the cast or crew.

Your fingers close around the handcuff keys... and the intruder plucks the keys from your grasp. You moan into the bit-gag, your keys to freedom confiscated by this mysterious stranger. Why haven't they spoken? What do they want? And then you hear the vibrator being turned onto a higher setting, and you suddenly have an idea of what this intruder wants to do... before you know what's happening, the vibrator is pressed against your pussy and you are struggling wildly, groaning into the gag, trying to get free, trying to identify this intruder... You feel your sling bikini being pulled to one side to reveal your wet pussy through a very thin layer of fishnet... and the vibrator is pressed against you even harder, and you squirm wildly in your bonds... the vibrations seem to go through your whole body, and the buzzing toy is moved around your sex, from hovering over your hard clit to pushing as far into your pussy as the fishnet will allow...

Helpless, you bite the bit-gag between your teeth and struggle all the harder... but you've done too good a job, your bondage is too complete, you will have to wait to be released... you arch your back as the vibrator is pushed into your pussy, stretching the fishnet, and you gasp as the chain between your nipple clamps is pulled... hard... you instinctively try to move your chest forward, which results in you lowering your pussy onto the vibrator, and it seems to fill you, and you bite the gag harder, and you struggle all the more, and it all becomes too much, and you cum, and you cum, and you cum...

You are only dimly aware of the vibrator being withdrawn, of the grip on the nipple clamp chain being released, of the handcuff keys being placed into your open hand, of the mysterious intruder leaving your trailer and closing the door behind them. You hear a voice from outside your trailer, one of the crew shouting that the break is over and shooting is starting in the museum. You know better than to be late, since it really annoys the director, but it still takes you a few minutes to recover enough to release yourself from your bondage and neaten your costume. Hopefully, no-one will notice the wet patch on your fishnet bodystocking...

You have one choice. You:

The Museum

"You're late!" snaps the director, as you wander onto the set - you're sure other movie stars don't get treated like this, but you don't say anything.

You walk quickly to where Veronica is waiting for you, and she tuts.

"Which scene are we shooting?" you ask her, quietly, not wanting the director to hear you.

"You don't know?" Veronica asks, incredulously.

"No," you reply, "Come on, give us a clue!"

"ACTION!" yells the director.

You look around, trying to work out what you're meant to be doing. You're inside a set that seems to be a corridor passing between laboratories. It looks a little bit like the museum basement... although your memory of those events all those years ago is a little fuzzy now. You gasp as the metal bracelets you're wearing suddenly buzz into life and clang together behind your back - all of a sudden, your wrists are trapped behind you and you're helpless! You look to Veronica for help, but she is grinning from ear to ear as she reaches forward and rearranges your sling bikini so that it is no longer covering your nipples... You wriggle in your bonds, but your action only results in your enormous breasts wiggling from side to side... Veronica reaches behind you and pulls up sharply on the back of your sling bikini, making you gasp again as it buries itself in your pussy and ass - she continues to pull, forcing you up on your toes to relieve the pressure. Finally, she lets go and you try to rearrange your outfit with your bound hands - but you don't get a chance. Veronica slaps your left buttock, hard enough to make you stagger around a corner and into the path of two security guards.

You know what you have to do - you turn and run, past Veronica and through the set of winding corridors, your hands firmly trapped behind you, your large breasts bouncing wildly in front of you. As you run, you wonder if this part of the film will be played in slow motion...

"And... CUT!" yells the director.

You slow down, turn, and walk back to Veronica. Your hands are still trapped behind your back, and you're feeling a little breathless from your sudden run.

"You didn't have to give me a wedgie, Veronica!" you say as you approach your co-star.

"Why not, Überslut?" she smiles, "I was just playing in character."

"I'm sure the real Venom didn't give Übergirl a wedgie..."

"And why's that, Überslut?"

"Well... it just doesn't seem right..."

"I think the director liked it. Shame. I was hoping to give you another wedgie."

"Don't even think about it."

Veronica grins at you evilly, reaches behind you and tugs up on your sling bikini again. You close your eyes and grit your teeth, going up on your toes again until eventually she lets go.

"Bitch!" you gasp.

She just smiles in reply and tweaks your right nipple - you can't do anything to stop her, and suddenly realise that your little confrontation has attracted a crowd of (mostly male) onlookers.

"What are you going to do about it?" she asks, walking around you.

Before you get a chance to reply, a man dressed as a security guard intervenes - he steps between Veronica and you, and just glares at her. She rolls her eyes and walks away, not saying a thing.

"Thanks," you smile, as the guard turns to face you.

"No problem," he grins, "I'm Carl. If there's ever anything I can do..."

"Actually, you could scratch my nose, Carl - I have an itch."

"Sure," he says, scratching your nose gently for you, "anything else?"

"If I get an itch anywhere else, I'll come find you," you smile, seductively.

Carl winks at you, but before he can reply the director shouts for everyone to get to their places for the next scene. You spend the entire afternoon running around the set, your breasts bouncing in front of you, your wrists bound behind you, chased by security guards who never quite manage to catch you. You are very relieved when the director finally announces the end of the day's shooting, and you can finally stop running - at least, you stop running once you've caught up with the director and reminded him to demagnetise your bracelets. Then, finally, you can rearrange your costume to cover your nipples and de-wedgie yourself. You're hot, sweaty and exhausted, and head back to your dressing-room-cum-trailer to have dinner and a shower.

You emerge from the shower wrapped in a towel, and collapse on your bed. It's then that you remember that you have an appointment with a photographer to promote your film... but you're tired, and can't be bothered to go. You'd rather stay in your trailer and pleasure yourself with some self-bondage.

You have two choices. Do you:

Photo Opportunity

You decide that going to the photoshoot is probably for the best - you don't want to incur the wrath of the photographer, since he'll be responsible for making sure you look beautiful. And the photos will no doubt help promote the film, which in turn will help promote your superheroine alter-ego. Speaking of which...

You open your wardrobe and pull out your superheroine costume. It seems odd, just having your superheroine on display in your wardrobe where anyone could see it... but, then, you have spare superheroine costumes all over the place these days, a couple of which are even now being cleaned by a maid. But, then, it's not the costume that makes the heroine...

You lay the costume out neatly on your bed, and turn to a chest of drawers to find yourself a suitable pair of panties - a yellow thong catches your eye, and you discard your towel and put it on. You then sit on the bed and pull on your yellow tights - the snug material deforms as your foot pushes through it, and moulds itself to fit your curves like a second skin. Next, you grab the green leotard and step into it, pulling it up your legs and then fastening the zip at the front, smiling to yourself as it draws your huge breasts together... The next item is the simple yellow belt that goes around your waist. The last few items, the green boots, the yellow gloves, the green cape and the yellow facemask, you put into a sports bag. You open your wardrobe again, and find an inconspicuous grey trouser-suit, which you quickly put on, over your costume. You don't want to draw too much attention to yourself on the journey to the photostudio...

You decide to walk, since getting hold of transport would draw attention to the fact that you're going to this photoshoot... and the director doesn't know, and would probably disapprove. He seems to want you all to himself, but there's nothing in your contract stating that you can't have your picture taken.

You manage to get off location without anyone noticing you, and are soon walking the familiar streets of the city. It is quite a pleasant place in the early evening - and you're definitely not cold, given your multiple layers of clothing. You pass various people, doing some last-minute shopping before the shops close, and can't help but smile... if only they knew about the costume under your regular clothes. You arrive at the photostudio in good time, and ring on the doorbell.

A young, handsome man answers, and looks you up and down. And then he sees the green material through your thin white blouse, and smiles.

"Good evening, Miss Sexton," he says, "my name is Craig. I'll be your photographer this evening."

"Good evening, Craig," you reply, "Please, call me Sarah. Now, how do you want me?"

He grins, and steps aside - you enter the photostudio and he closes the door behind you. He then leads you up two flights of stairs and into a plain white room, filled with cameras and lights and other photographic paraphenalia. You quickly remove your grey trouser-suit and swap it for the green and yellow items from your sports bag - within moments, you are Übergirl. You admire your reflection in a handy mirror, and touch up your makeup - the green and yellow costume hugs your generous curves.

You hear a click, and turn to see that Craig, the photographer, has already started taking pictures. You smile and turn towards him, standing like a superheroine with your hands on your hips and your legs apart. He takes a few more photos, then takes a light reading, hands you a glass of red wine and switches to a different camera. You down the glass and put it to one side before trying a variety of heroic poses, and he eagerly snaps picture after picture.

"How about something a little more racy?" Craig asks, as you finish off your second glass of wine.

"How about this?" you ask, reaching up to the zip at your throat and pulling it down to your yellow belt, revealing the inner curves of your magnificent breasts - perhaps the wine is doing your thinking for you, but you're feeling really horny.

"Perfect," he grins, resuming his photography.

Your poses get more and more daring, going from heroic to sultry under the influence of red wine. As the minutes pass, you reveal more and more of your cleavage, until your stretched lycra leotard is only barely covering your nipples.

"How about some bondage?" Craig asks.

He asks this question at the exact moment you're moving from one pose to another, and his question comes as such a surprise that you stumble. You look at him for a moment, and his expression is one of hopeful optimism.

"What do you mean?" you ask in reply.

"Some pictures of the sexy heroine, bound tight by an evil villain, struggling heroically in her bonds, helpless and vulnerable yet still strong and defiant."

"Well, if you put it like that... how do you want me?"

He rummages around in one of his bags and pulls out a pair of handcuffs and a black ballgag. He hands them to you - perhaps it's the alcohol, but you smile at him and eagerly set about donning them. You put the ball in your mouth, gripping it between your teeth as you tip your head forward, moving your long blonde hair out of the way so you can buckle the gag tightly behind your head. You hold the handcuffs up in front of you, and quickly close one metal bracelet around your left wrist, before closing the other around your right. You turn back to Craig, who has been taking photographs, and he points up at the ceiling. You look up, and see a hook attached there - a quick jump, and you've hooked your handcuff chain to the ceiling, and you stand there with your arms stretched above your head...

"You've done this before, haven't you?" he smiles.

"Well... erm... maybe a little..." you reply, wishing you'd feigned ignorance when presented with a ballgag.

He takes a few more photos as you stand there, quite helpless (although you could always jump up to release the handcuffs from the hook). After a few minutes, he speaks again: "And now it's time for your surprise. Venom!"

He's right, you are surprised to hear the name Venom, and a door opposite you opens to reveal a dark-haired masked woman in a skintight black rubber catsuit, wearing a black underbust corset over the top, and stiletto-heeled shoes. For a worrying moment, you wonder if the real Venom has somehow escaped from prison... but then, despite the mask, you recognise the other woman as the actress, Veronica Veil. Craig alternates between taking photographs of your reaction, and Veronica's entrance... She quickly closes the distance between you, looking you in the eye and smiling very evilly.

"Bet you didn't expect to see me here," she smiles, walking around you slowly, her gloved fingers stroking your midriff as she circles you.


"I thought it would be good for the movie," she smiled, "having the two main stars in a photoshoot together. Venom and Überslut."

You glare at her - Craig clearly loves your glare, since he takes some close-up photos of your masked face. When he draws away, you see that Veronica now has a long spreader bar in her hands, and is advancing towards you. You consider jumping, to unhook your handcuffs from the ceiling, but somehow you don't think that you'd get very far... and the wine you've been drinking has made you incredibly horny, and you have a strong urge to be made completely helpless...

The Venom actress kneels between your legs, and buckles a very long spreader bar to your ankles, forcing your legs far apart... and forcing you to stand on your toes, since your high heels no longer reach the floor. And, now, there seems to be no chance of jumping to unhook your handcuffs, since you can't get any leverage. Veronica grins up at you, or at least she grins up at where your yellow tights meet your green leotard - you can't close your legs, and no matter how much you wriggle you can't protect your modesty.

Veronica stands up again, slowly, and you take a moment to admire her outfit. The catsuit is really skintight, and unzipped from her throat to the top of her corset, revealing the inner curves of her breasts. The corset is pulled very tight, drawing her waist in - you mmmmmph into your gag as her hands go down to her own crotch, and she rubs herself softly as she looks at you. The photographer takes a flurry of quick pictures, very excited by the whole experience.

Veronica's hand moves up her body, gliding over the corset, until her fingers rest between her breasts. She reaches inside her catsuit and pulls out a pair of clover clamps, attached to each other by a short chain. You realise that it is very unlikely that she is going to wear them so they're probably going to end up on your nipples. She grips the two sides of your leotard, where they're just managing to cover your nipples, and pulls them apart... finally freeing your breasts from their tight confinement, revealing them in their full glory for Craig's camera.

You weren't prepared to bare this much flesh when you entered this photo studio, but now there's not much you can do about it. Maybe mmmmmph in Craig's direction, but it would probably inspire him to take more photos. And Veronica definitely wouldn't do anything to help you.

The Venom actress leans in and licks your left nipple, smiling to the camera as she does so - your perilous situation, combined with the alcohol and your sexy co-star, conspire to make you feel very sexy... and your nipple is soon very hard, as if it is begging to be clamped. Its pleas are soon answered, and you bite the gag as you wince from the pain... and Veronica repeats the process on your right nipple, which becomes rock-hard even faster than your left did.

Veronica then walks behind you, letting Craig photo your clamped nipples as you struggle, and she quickly tugs the back of your costume upwards... your skintight spandex leotard draws tight between your buttocks, and you hear Veronica's laughter from behind you. You wriggle, trying to de-wedgie your costume, but it's stuck tight between your legs... and actually feels quite sexy...

Your co-star walks around in front of you again, and places a gloved finger on your chin, scooping up some of your drool, and she places it to her lips, licking her finger as she looks you in the eye. She bends her knees, squatting down, her finger tracing a line down the front of her costume until it stops at her rubber-covered crotch... Craig has stopped taking photographs of you now, his camera is focussed on Veronica. She gently rubs herself, closing her eyes, her other hand playing with her rubber-coated breasts...

You silently seethe - it's bad enough, this woman taking over your photo session and putting clamps on your nipples, but stealing the limelight away from you is just cruel. You mmmmmph into the gag, but Craig ignores you - he changes his position, to take photos of Veronica, no longer with you in the background. You wriggle in vain, the chain jangling between your nipples and making you wince again, but you can do nothing to attract his attention.

"How about some photos in the bedroom?" he asks, sounding a little short of breath.

"I thought you'd never ask," Veronica purrs, winking at you as the two of them leave the room, and leave you alone.

You stand there, as if you had a choice... very angry with Veronica, but helpless to do anything. Or are you? You pull at the handcuffs, struggling hard, your huge breasts bouncing as you move... but you can't get the handcuffs off the hook. You give up on that plan... and then look down at the spreader bar between your legs. Maybe... You sidle to the right, moving your feet to the side... soon, your right foot can't reach the floor, but your left foot has more purchase. It takes a lot of concentration and balance, but soon you're in a position to bounce on your left foot, which allows you to get slightly higher than before... with a supreme effort, you jump into the air and manage to release the handcuffs from the ceiling hook - you land badly, falling on your back.

You expect someone to come rushing out of the bedroom to your aid, but it looks like Craig and Veronica are very busy doing whatever they're doing... You gasp into the gag as you remove the clamps from your nipples, and you quickly remove the ballgag from between your teeth. You unbuckle the spreader bar from your ankles and get to your feet, beginning the search for the key to your handcuffs. You don't find it. And you don't want to disturb Craig and Veronica. Examining the handcuffs, you realise that you have a key that would fit, back in your dressing room on the film set. Perhaps it's time to go.

With your hands cuffed in front of you, your trouser suit looks like an impossibility... but Veronica seems to have left a large black overcoat in the front hallway that looks like it would be perfect to hide your costume and your bondage for the walk home. You quickly don it, and realise that your breasts are still exposed. Blaming the red wine for you not noticing this, you grab the zip and pull upwards... but nothing happens. The zip has jammed, probably when Veronica ripped your costume open. You pull the two sides of the leotard together, but they don't stay where you put them. You de-wedgie your leotard and try again, but you have no luck. The leotard just about covers your nipples, which will have to do. It's getting late, it's time to go - pulling Veronica's coat tight around you, you head out into the night...

Sticking to the shadows, the walk is brief and uneventful. The streets are virtually deserted, and you breathe a huge sigh of relief when the film set comes into view. Your celebration, however, is short-lived - opposite the film set stands a large gang of youths, all chatting loudly and drinking. You have no choice but to cross the road and try to get past them... your heart throbbing in your chest as you walk faster and faster, your heels making far too much noise on the pavement... but soon you're past them. Or so you think.

"Hey, who's that?"

"Is it a film star?"

"Is it Sarah Sexton?"

You try to walk faster, but stop as a young man stands in your way. You look around, and see that you're surrounded.

"Excuse me," you say, trying to push your way out of the crowd, but they close ranks, keeping you penned in.

"Nice mask, Übergirl," one of them smiles.

"It is, it is Sarah Sexton!"

"And she's dressed as Übergirl! How cool is that!"

You smile and try to push your way through again, but one of them grabs your coat and opens it.

"Why is she wearing handcuffs?"

"Perhaps it's the real Übergirl, come to sabotage the film!"

"Excuse me," you try again, feeling really rather threatened, "I really need to get past."

But the guys aren't listening to you - instead, they pull the coat from your shoulders and admire your body, encased in its skintight costume. You do your best to cover your breasts, but one of the guys grabs the chain between your handcuffs and pulls your hands away. You struggle in his grip, and your breasts break free from their spandex constraints, your nipples bursting forth from your costume. The guys freeze, admiring your naked breasts, your nipples hard in the cold night air.

"Excuse me," comes another voice, from behind the crowd - a figure forces its way between the guys, pushing them away from you. Somehow, that's all it takes to get the crowd to lose interest and leave you alone, returning to whatever they were doing before they found you. "Are you okay, Miss Sexton?"

You look up into the eyes of the actor who was, earlier today, dressed as a security guard... and who, earlier today, saved you from a bullying Veronica Veil. That's twice today he's saved you. Perhaps you should give him a reward?

"Yes... err... yes," you smile, covering your nipples again, "I'm fine, now. Thanks, Carl."

"Perhaps I should escort you back to your dressing room."

"Yes, that would be nice, thanks."

"May I ask how you got into this predicament?" he asks, as the two of you set off towards the dressing room trailers.

"A photoshoot gone wrong," you mutter, "thanks to Veronica."

"At least it's over now."

"There is that."

"How're you going to get out of those handcuffs?" he asks, as you arrive at your dressing room door.

"I should have a suitable key lying around somewhere..."

"Really? Hmmm... would you like me to come inside..? I could help you look for that key."

Maybe it's the alcohol, the sexy costume, the bondage, or even the sexy actor standing beside you... but you nod, and you let him into your trailer. He sits on your bed as you rummage in your bondage toys collection, and you eventually pull out a selection of keys to try. While you try to unlock your handcuffs, it's his turn to rummage through your collection of bondage toys.

"That's quite a collection you have there..."


"I'd love to see you modelling some of these items for me..."

"I'd love to model some of those items for you," you reply, smiling, "but not tonight. I'm tired, it's late - thankyou so much for rescuing me again, I am forever in your debt. And I can think of a way to repay you. Drop by here tomorrow night..."

"I'd love to," he grins, kissing you tenderly on the lips before leaving.

You finally unlock the handcuffs and add them to your collection of bondage toys, before removing your costume and wrapping yourself in your duvet, smiling broadly.

You have one choice. You:

Play At Home Fun

You unwrap the towel from your naked body and admire yourself in the full-length dress mirror. From your beautiful blonde hair to your expertly-manicured toes, you can't help but stare narcissistically at your gorgeous, slightly tanned curves. Your reflection's full lips pout seductively at you, and you let your gaze wander to her surgically-enhanced breasts, large and pert, her nipples already erect and waiting for your touch... her tiny waist makes you think of corsets while her shaved pussy makes you think of pornography... and you realise that you want her... and that you can have her. Since she is you.

But you don't want to make it too easy for yourself. It's time for a little self-bondage fun. But, first, you need to set the mood. You pick up a box of matches from your dressing table and light the many candles in your room - some of them are scented, and when you turn off the light you smile - the flickering candlelight is the perfect atmosphere, and the heady aroma is making you feel really rather horny... You open a bottle of red wine and down the first glass before refilling it, and sipping from it slowly.

You grab a handful of your favourite toys and kneel in the centre of the bed, naked. And perky. After finishing your second glass of wine and putting it to one side, you take a short length of rope and fold it in half - you loop it around your right thigh and ankle, binding them together as you loop the rope around again and again before pulling it tight, pulling the rope between your ankle and thigh and tying it tight. You repeat the process with another rope on your left side, tying it tight around your thigh and ankle, securely frogtying your legs.

You lean back on the bed and admire your handiwork. You sip from your third glass of wine, and suddenly realise that you're feeling a little tipsy... Reaching back, you grab your favourite cleave-gag and hold it in front of your face - you smile, then bite on it, hard, before flicking your long hair out of the way so you can tie it tight behind your head. A soft moan escapes your gagged lips - the tightness of the ropes securing your legs in their bondage, and the gag nestled in your mouth, combine to make you feel very horny... the candlelight and alcohol just add to the effect... your skin feels tingly and sensitive as you run your fingers over your body, your nipples are hard in anticipation of your bound struggles. Your fingers venture down between your bound legs to where your pussy is moist already, and they prepare to delve between your labia... but you stop them. It's not time yet. Not quite yet, anyway.

You force yourself to move your hands away, but you can't resist putting your hands behind your back and softly stroking your buttocks, gripping your bum as you moan and close your eyes. You grab a pair of handcuffs, the last part of your bondage, and quickly close the metal bracelets around your wrists... binding your wrists together behind your back. And, at that moment, once your bondage is complete, you feel very horny, very sexy...

Since there is only a pair of handcuffs binding your wrists, you can still reach your sensitive nipples and your hungry clit... you close your eyes again as you reach around your surgically-enhanced right breast to gently tease your nipple... and you fantasise about being captured, back in the days when you were a superheroine... you fantasise about being at the mercy of the evil N1tEGeeK, about feeling his hands running all over your body... you fantasise about being rescued from your ordeal by a fellow superheroine, someone like the Masked Avenger, who delays her rescue so she can tease your poor, helpless, vulnerable body with her tongue...

Your fingers reach under your pillow and pull out your vibrator... you turn it on and immediately hold it against your right nipple, moaning and drooling as your nipple hardens. You put the vibrator in your other hand and reach around your other side, holding the vibrator against your left nipple and again moaning and drooling with pleasure. And then you keep your hands behind you, moving the vibrator between your buttocks, between your legs, until it reaches your most sensitive spot... and you groan loudly, squirming on the bed, eager for more stimulation. You withdraw the vibrator, and your cuffed hands reach around your side and place the vibrator in your lap, pressing it against your clit... you gasp, you drool... you lay down on the bed, parting your legs to ease access to your private parts, turning the vibrator onto a higher setting... you let go of the vibrator and lie on top of it, your legs spread as you grind against it, your bound hands straining to reach it... drooling onto your pillow, you writhe on the bed... the vibrations seem to go through your whole body, and your grip your buttocks hard, your huge breasts crushed beneath you, and a loud groan escapes your lips...

"Are you okay in there?" comes a man's voice, from outside your door.

He must have heard your moan. You try to gather your wits, and tilt your head backwards as you desperately try to reach up with your cuffed hands to undo you gag, so you can shout that you're okay... but as you strain to reach, you inadvertently press yourself against the vibrator, and the surprise manifests itself as a noise somewhere between a grunt and a groan.

"What's going on? Are you okay, Miss Sexton?"

You struggle off the vibrator, your mind filled with panic... but your nipples are hard and sensitive, and crying out for your attention... and as you see the handle of the door turning (why don't these trailers have locks?) you quickly slide off the other side of the bed... taking some of the duvet, the vibrator and a lit candle with you...

Luckily, you notice the small fire starting next to you. Unluckily, you're wrapped up in a duvet and can't move at all... Even more unluckily, the vibrator managed to turn itself off in the journey to the floor! You look over your shoulder at the baby inferno, and try to blow it out (difficult, whilst wearing a gag) while attempting to wriggle in the opposite direction. Just as you're praying for the Masked Avenger to rescue you... a pair of strong hands grasp your shoulders and pull you back up onto the bed, a figure moves past you and a moment later the fire is extinguished.

"That was close - are you alright, Miss Sexton?"

You look up into the eyes of the actor who was, earlier today, dressed as a security guard... and who, earlier today, saved you from a bullying Veronica Veil. That's twice today he's saved you. Perhaps you should give him a reward?

You nod, in answer to his question. And he breathes a sigh of relief. And then he looks you up and down, and you can't do anything to hide your nakedness from him. But, then, you don't want to... he's cute, and you're horny - the combination of bondage and alcohol have taken control of your libido.

"You did this to yourself, didn't you?" he asks, and you have no option but to nod in reply... and drool a little on your breasts, before he continues: "I've seen better bondage. Let me make a few adjustments."

As if he needs to ask your permission. It's not as if you could do anything to stop him. And he doesn't wait for your nod of assent anyway - instead, he reaches for a length of rope and loops it around the base of your breasts. He winds the rope tighter, looping it more, pulling it tight between your breasts, squeezing them, making them bulge out even further in front of you, making them bulge to comicbook proportions. And then he puts clover clamps on your nipples.

He sits back on the bed, watching you squirm - you reach around with your cuffed hands, trying to reach the clamps on your nipples... but the security guard actor intervenes, tutting, and ties your elbows together to limit your movement. You try to reach the clamps again, your nipples screaming with pain, and find that you can no longer reach them... your nipples are at the mercy of this handsome hero with a sadistic streak.

As an act of kindness, he decides to take your mind off the pain in your nipples by tickling you... you're kneeling on the bed in your frog-tie, and he kneels behind you, his hands stopping you from wriggling away as his fingers venture to your sides, your armpits, your neck, your breasts, your knees, your feet... and all you can do is scream muffled obscenities as you struggle in vain, giggling all the time in his strong, unbreakable grip. He finally stops, and lets you lay down on your front, recovering... he sits on your ass, pinning you to the bed, and moves his hands down between your bare thighs to tickle you again... you curse and drool, wriggling beneath him, unable to get away, unable to stop him... but at least he's taken your mind off the pain in your nipples...

He rubs his crotch against your buttocks, and you can feel his hardness... you move your hands, trying to reach it, wanting to feel him inside you. He senses your wishes, and rolls you onto your back, pinning your arms beneath you, spreading your legs before him - you are quite helpless, and he undoes his trousers and pulls out his hard cock.

After a brief fumble with a ribbed condom, you feel his cock pressing against the entrance of your moist pussy... he begins to slowly thrust, gently at first as he enters, moving inside a little more with each thrust... you part your own legs, looking him in the eye, moaning softly into your gag as he pushes deeper inside you... he steadies himself on the bed with one hand, and uses the other to gently tug at the chain between your nipple clamps... your groans get louder, and his thrusts get deeper... you're not the only one here with generous proportions, and his huge cock fills you completely as he thrusts deeply inside you... he takes your nipple clamp chain between his teeth and applies a constant pressure, still thrusting, as his hand moves down to gently rub your clit... the rubbing getting harder and faster with each thrust. Helpless, you can't do anything but enjoy this bombardment on your senses, and a few moments later you are groaning louder than ever as you come to a shuddering climax... which triggers his climax... and, eventually, the two of you collapse together, spent.

He withdraws, and disposes of the condom, before neatening himself up and kissing you on the gag.

"I'll be back this way tomorrow night," he grins, "just in case you're in peril again."

He unties the rope binding your elbows, hands you your handcuff key, winks, and leaves... leaving you bound on your bed, still enjoying the aftershocks of your earth-trembling orgasm. You unlock the handcuffs around your wrists, remove the clamps from your breasts, gasp into your gag, and remove the rest of your bondage. Smiling at an evening well-spent, you tip all the bondage toys onto the floor and wrap yourself in your duvet.

You have one choice. You:

Day Two

"Miss Sexton, are you paying attention?" asks the director.

"Yes... erm, yes," you reply, feeling a little dazed.

The first few hours of the morning went by in a blur. You remember the light outside being particularly bright, you remember having a pounding headache and a terribly dry mouth, but apart from that... You blink, and take stock of your situation. Your hands are trapped behind your back by the now-familiar pair of magnetic bracelets. As well as those, you're wearing your facemask and belt, and a black fishnet bodystocking. Your modesty is not at all preserved by the black sling bikini which completely fails to cover your breasts or even your nipples - and the fact that you can't cover your fishnet-enhanced breasts seems to attract the attention of most of the cast and crew, who keep finding excuses to approach you and talk to you.

Right now, though, you're standing at one end of a (fake) museum corridor. At the other end stands Veronica Veil, dressed as Venom in a similar fishnet costume, clutching a large (fake) diamond. You remember what you're meant to do, you remember this moment from a few years ago. You have a small army of security guards behind you, trying to catch you. You've just turned down this corridor and come face-to-face with Venom, the villain who put you in this predicament in the first place. And, all those years ago, you decided to try to catch Venom... or at least slow her down enough for the security guards to catch her too.


You charge forward towards your enemy, smiling as you see the expression of surprise on her face. But her expression of surprise slowly turns into one of premature triumph, since she has remembered that your hands are secured behind your back... and she will beat you easily. But fighting isn't your goal. You duck your head down and barrel into the villainess, your shoulder knocking the wind out of her chest... the two of you fall into a stone-age tool display. You hear the sounds of the security guards behind you, and realise that you only have to keep Venom here for a few more moments...

But all thoughts leave your head as the wind is knocked out of you - Veronica Veil has just punched you in the stomach! That wasn't in the script! Growling, you retaliate, bringing your knee up into her stomach and she pushes you away, watching you fall on the floor, struggling with your restraints. And, then, you are covered in security guards - a crowd of men has surrounded you, pinning you down... although why they all need to have their hands on your breasts to pin you down is anyone's guess. They even frisk you, which is a complete waste of time since your costume is too brief to hide anything...

You see Venom vault over the heads of the security guards, and a group of them peel off to chase after her.

"And... CUT! Thankyou, everyone, that was a perfect take!"

A perfect take? That bitch Veronica deviated from the script by punching you... perhaps you should take revenge. You could ask Carl, who has already saved you twice, to help you a third time. But any attempt to take revenge, while you could possibly justify it, would be very un-superheroine behaviour... You console yourself by saying that you won't sink to her level.

Everyone bustles about preparing for the next scene. You wander off in search of the director, since he has the remote control for the magnetic bracelets around your wrists. With your hands trapped behind your back, you can't even move your sling bikini to cover your nipples, so as you walk you attract a large number of admiring glances from the cast and crew... You can't find the director anywhere, or anyone whom you recognise, so have to resign yourself to standing on the edge of the set and waiting...


You turn, and see the handsome security guard actor who saved you twice yesterday. You can't help but blush, when you realise that he has an unobstructed view of your hardening nipples.

"Err... hi..." you smile, shyly.

"The director has wandered off to brief Veronica on the next scene, but I managed to get a little something for you before he left."

He shows you the remote control for your bracelets, and you can't help but grin. He presses a button, and your bracelets instantly demagnetise - you waste no time in covering up your nipples with the sling bikini and hugging your saviour.

"That's three times now," you say, softly, looking him in the eye.

"I'm only doing this for the reward," he grins.

"Just you wait until tonight, then..."

"EVERYONE TO THEIR PLACES!" yells the director.

You peck Carl on the cheek and he dashes off to film the next scene. You're not in the next scene, so you can just stand by and watch. It's Venom's turn to be caught by security guards, and you look forward to seeing her being manhandled. Veronica spends the next hour running along fake museum corridors pursued by a small army of security guards, and you can't help but admire the way her fishnet-covered breasts bounce as she moves.


The director calls for the start of Venom's capture scene, and you watch her run into a room full of stuffed animals, straight into a waiting group of security guards. They grab at her, and she would have escaped if it wasn't for the group of pursuing security guards entering the room and blocking off her only exit. She throws the (fake) Randolph Diamond away and the cameras follow its path across the room and out of an open window. You can't help but be impressed that she managed to get that throw on-target first time, while being wrestled to the ground by an army of security guards.

You turn back to look at her and notice that some of the guards are taking advantage of the situation, and fondling her breasts and buttocks. The cameras aren't on them... you seem to be the only witness. You smile as you watch your bitchy nemesis struggle and growl, and Carl (who is pinning down one of her wrists) looks up at you and winks.

"What's going on here?" asks the director, approaching quickly.

"Sorry, we thought we were still filming," replies one of the security guards.

"Bastards!" swears Veronica, struggling to her feet, "They were groping me! They fondled my breasts!"

"That's quite an allegation," the director says, before turning to you: "Did you see anything? Did they touch her breasts?"

"They'd have to find them first," you smile, relishing in the expression on Veronica's face, "but they didn't. I saw everything, and nothing untoward went on. Except perhaps the amount of punching and kicking Veronica was doing - I think the guards were holding her down for their own safety, at least until she calmed down."

"No groping or fondling?"

"None at all - I was keeping a close eye on events."

Veronica struggles to her feet and walks over to you - her facemask has been removed and her hands are now cuffed behind her back. She looks you right in the eye, mouths the word 'Bitch', and storms off. You smile, enjoying this little victory over her, watching her trying to remove the handcuffs as she leaves.

"Right," says the director, "I need you, Miss Sexton, back in your Übergirl costume, sans cloak. I want to test a new prop before lunch. Be back here in fifteen minutes."

"Sure," you smile, returning to your trailer.

You quickly strip out of your fishnet costume and have the quickest of showers, to give you time to enjoy your favourite yellow and green outfit (a fresh one, laid out on your bed by a maid). You sit on your bed and pull the yellow tights up your long, slightly-tanned legs, careful not to ladder them. You lie on your back, your feet in the air as you admire your slim but toned yellow legs. You roll off the bed and grab the green leotard - you step into it before pulling it up your body, smiling as the skintight spandex hugs your body and follows your every curve. You slip your arms into the tight material before pulling up the costume until it is tight against your crotch. You fasten the zip, drawing it up your stomach and between your breasts, slowing down as the zip pulls your large breasts together... and picking up speed once it's past them until it stops at your throat. You run your hands over your body, encased in spandex, your hard nipples very obvious... You sit on the bed again and pull on the green boots, zipping them up your legs - they are also tight against your skin, and the way the heels make your legs seem so much longer is so sexy... Next are the yellow gloves, also skintight, which you pull up your arms - you clasp your hands together, making sure your fingers are as far in as they will go. The last step is the facemask - you hold it up, ceremoniously, before your face before donning it slowly. You look at your reflection in the mirror, admiring your superheroic stature and your curvacious body... you run your gloved hands over your leotard, lingering in particular at your breasts and ass... And then you remember that you have a movie to act in... You leave your trailer in search of the director - and find him standing next to what seems to be a block of cement.

"It's a wooden mock-up..." begins the director, but you interrupt.

"I don't remember this... from the book."

"I've changed the script," he grins, "to make things a little more interesting. Your escape from the museum will be interrupted by N1tEGeeK intent on revenge. He knocks you out and lays you down on a wooden plank, which acts as a bridge over a pool of wet cement. Your arms and legs dangle in the cement, so when it hardens you become trapped and he can transport you in comfort back to his hidden lair. The props department have come up with this three-part wooden mock-up of your cement prison, and I need to check that it fits you."

You look at the hollow, wooden box painted to look like cement. It has six holes in the top, two matching rows of three. The director walks around the box, releasing some clasps, and the box separates into three parts - the two rows get split, opening up the holes for your limbs. Following the director's direction, you climb up onto the central portion and lie on your back, letting your arms and legs dangle. The director moves your hands back up, so your elbows are pointing down but your hands are level with your hips.

He closes the box again, and the holes trap your arms just below the shoulders, your hands at the wrists and your legs just below the knee. Lying on your back, you are suddenly quite helpless - the box when closed seems seamless, and your arms and legs just disappear into it... except for your hands, which emerge again next to your hips, but are quite useless since you can't move them effectively.

"I can't move..." you mutter, pulling at the fake cement.

"Well, that is the idea."

It's then that you see Veronica approaching. She is still wearing her sexy fishnet Venom costume, but has managed to remove the handcuffs. She whispers something in the director's ear, and his expression falls. He turns to you to speak:

"Sorry, Miss Sexton, but I'm needed urgently. Veronica here will help you finish testing the prop."

And, with that, he turns and leaves... and Veronica looks at you and grins very evilly.

"Whatever you're thinking," you say, the tone of your voice carrying both warning and threat, "forget it."

"We have to test that this prop renders you utterly helpless," Veronica smiles, climbing onto the box, straddling you, "and I know just the way to do it."

You realise just how helpless you are - she stands and walks on the box, stepping over your vulnerable body in her high heels, and you can't move, can't do a thing about it. She puts a foot on your chest, between your breasts, her stiletto heel uncomfortable as she puts a little weight on it. You squirm beneath her, but you can do nothing to dislodge her - you're stuck, playing her little game by her rules.

"When I get out of here..." you mutter under your breath.

"What makes you think you are getting out of there?" Veronica asks, grinning very evilly, "I was thinking of having you as a permanent fixture. Maybe a toy to entertain the cast and crew. What would you say if I said I was offering your body? I think a quid a minute sounds like a reasonable rate of income... although you won't see a penny. Sounds like a nice little earner to me... shame you're such an ugly bitch, or I'd be able to make some decent cash out of you!"

"Why you..."

As you struggle hard beneath her, she kneels down, straddling your head, her crotch almost rubbing your nose. You look up at her, your nostrils filling with the scent of her arousal, helpless to do anything but wait for her to make the first move... and she does, reaching back behind her, gripping your hard nipples through the green spandex... you moan... maybe this won't be so bad after all...

"What's going on here?" You recognise the voice as that of your security guard saviour, Carl, come to save you yet again.

"I'm just testing this new prop," Veronica grins, looking over her shoulder at him, "making sure that our heroine is truly helpless. Care to have a go?"

"No thanks - I think you should get off."

"I was just trying to... oh, I see what you mean. Sorry, Überslut, but obviously he doesn't find you that attractive - if it was me trapped there, he would have been all over me in a heartbeat."

You glare at Veronica as Carl helps her down from the box. She winks at you, grinning evilly, not minding being thwarted in her evil plan. The security guard reaches forward to lift a catch on the prop to release you, but she stops him.

"No need," Veronica smiles, "the director will be back any minute to release her. And I'm hungry - it's lunchtime."

"Yeah, but..." says Carl, looking at you.

"We've probably missed the pick of the food in the canteen, but I have a few snacks in my dressing room. Fancy coming back to mine for a nibble?"

You roll your eyes - will this woman stop at nothing to try to get some perceived advantage over you? You didn't realise that she'd try to stoop so low. You get yourself comfortable, preparing for Carl's witty put-down - it will really make your day to see Veronica turned down.

"Sure, okay," he smiles, and your world falls apart.

You screw up your eyes and lie back on the fake cement - you can't believe it! How could he possibly betray you like that? You had something together, something between you. Admittedly, you only met him 24 hours ago, but still... You open your eyes again, and see that Veronica and Carl have wandered off... to be replaced by Pete Tranter, in full N1tEGeeK costume.

"Hello, Übergirl," he says.

"That voice... well done, Pete, that's much closer to how I imagine N1tEGeeK would talk. Now, if you could just release that catch on the side there..."

He walks around you, obviously admiring your helpless body, trapped in this effective prop, enhanced by skintight spandex. He places a gloved hand on your left thigh, and an involuntary shiver shudders through your body at his touch.

"You've been quite a thorn in my side," he continues, obviously relishing his more authentic voice, his hand moving slowly over your body, "over these past few years. My schemes have faced unpredictable setbacks, but even without the Randolph Diamond I am back on track."

"Very good," you say, suddenly feeling rather nervous, as his fingers linger on your right breast.

"And so I've come for you, to take you back to my lair, so you can witness the culmination of my work. My greatest invention is finished, and you will see my moment of victory over the world."

"You're beginning to scare me, Pete," you say, pulling at the wooden prop binding you tight.

"What makes you think that I'm Pete?" he asks.

And then you look at him - his stature, the shape of his body, the sound of his voice. This is no actor standing before you. This is the real N1tEGeeK, returned after all this time. Somehow, he has found you, tracked you down...

"I'm not the real Übergirl, I'm just an actress!"

"Nice try," he says, softly, stroking your cheek, "but I know the truth."

And then, abruptly, he turns and leaves... giving you a few minutes to ponder your situation, to work out some way to escape. On a busy film set, you think you'd be able to call for help - but everyone has gone to lunch, and would probably think you were practising your lines anyway. But it's your only hope, you have to try. You take a deep breath, open your mouth, and... are not surprised by N1tEGeeK pulling a large ring-gag between your teeth, since you were half expecting it anyway. You mmmmmph in vain, and mmmmmph even louder when you hear the sound of a forklift truck approaching you from behind. The wooden prop shudders as the prongs of the truck slot underneath it, and you gasp as the prop is lifted. You look up to see N1teGeek smiling at you, driving the forklift truck through the set to where his van is waiting. He loads you and the prop into the back of his van, climbs off the forklift, closes the van doors and climbs into the front. It's then simply a case of starting the engine, and you have been effectively kidnapped!

You have one choice. You:


You open your eyes. You don't know how long you were asleep, or unconscious, or whatever it was... but your circumstances have changed. You're still dressed in your super-sexy yellow-and-green spandex superheroine costume, you're still trapped in the wooden fake-cement prop... but you're now vertical instead of horizontal, since the prop has been rotated and inserted into a large recess in the wall in N1tEGeeK's underground lair. You feel quite a lot like Han Solo (although Harrison Ford never wore skintight spandex, which is a great shame). At least you're no longer wearing that ring-gag.

The room is simple - the walls, floor and ceiling are covered in white tiles, and the only decoration is the superheroine wall ornament (you). Apart from a large set of double doors directly opposite you, the only other item in the room is what looks like a large, futuristic ray-gun mounted on a tripod. The gun is to your left, aimed at the centre of the wall to your right, not pointed anywhere near you. Just as you're wondering what its purpose is, the double-doors opposite you open and N1tEGeeK walks in.

"You may be wondering," he gloats, "just what that device is for. Well... I'll release you from your suspense. In simple terms, that can be understood by even the dimmest of busty blonde heroines, it is a superpower ray. Even saying that term makes me shudder, since it doesn't do justice to the years of research, planning, building and stealing I've had to endure to make my dream a reality. But, now... I have the power to give myself power, as it were. And you're going to witness my moment of glory, as I am changed from man into man-plus."

"You're mad..."

"Those diamonds I stole, they were chosen for their flawlessness... passing a beam of energy through them, through the correct filters... you can't possibly understand. But the mutations triggered by the beam... once tuned..."

He looks at the lack of understanding on your face and turns away, obviously disappointed. He instead walks over to the device, and presses a few buttons on it. Then he turns to face you again.

"You don't need to understand it," he continues, "you just need to see me become a superhuman. And I want to see the expression on your face when you realise that you could have stopped me, but you failed... I want to see your face when you see my amazing new powers, when you see what I can do, when you realise that I am unstoppable."

"I just hope that your machine burns you to a crisp..." you smile.

"Enough! The time has come!"

With a flick of his cape, he walks to the right-hand wall and stands in the spot the ray-gun is pointed at. Some lights on the ray-gun are now blinking, and you can see a red LED display counting down from ten seconds. You look from the device to N1tEGeeK and then back again, suddenly feeling rather worried. What if it does burn him to a crisp? Does anyone know that you're down here, trapped in the wall? You don't even know where in the world you are... you could be anywhere.

The countdown reaches zero and a beam of red light shoots from the device, striking N1tEGeeK in the centre of his chest. He stands there, his hands on his hips, bathed in a red glow - looking at you and smiling. He seems to grow slightly in stature as you watch, but it could just be a trick of the light.

"I can feel it," he says, his voice slightly deeper and stronger, "I can feel the strength within me, growing..."

You can't help but believe him... somehow, it looks like his invention has worked. You look at the device, and wonder what you'd have to do to get it pointed at you. But then something goes wrong... a spark, from within the device, followed by a low humming sound that gets louder and louder. There's another spark, a flash and a bang... and the humming gets louder, and the device begins to glow white.

"Oh, fu..." is all N1tEGeeK can say before the device explodes.

You close your eyes and turn your head, and feel small pieces of machinery bounce off your spandex-covered body - but the hum doesn't stop. You open your eyes again, and see that the small room has filled with smoke. The outer shell of the device has been destroyed, and you can see the crystals within. You look towards N1tEGeeK, but he has gone, as has the pair of thick double doors opposite you. Before you can wonder what happened to him, multiple beams of light emanate from the device... without its outer casing, the beams shine in many directions, each beam a different colour, each beam moving at random. Some of the beams leave black scorchmarks on the white tile as they pass, and you are lucky not to have been touched by one of these beams. You struggle, in desperation, choking as the smoke enters your lungs. A strong white beam bursts from the device and punches a hole through the wall a couple of inches from your head. You squirm in your fake-cement prison, wanting escape, right now... and it's then that one of the beams of light hits you, square on the chest, between your large breasts.

But which beam hits you? Your choice:

Birth Of A Superheroine

You screw up your eyes as the beam of light hits you, expecting the worst. But nothing happens, except for a rather pleasant, warm feeling spreading around your body. You blink, surprised that you're still alive. The device is now emitting more beams of light, and they're growing in intensity - chunks of wall and ceiling are falling to the floor where the beams hit them, and it's only a matter of time before one of these stronger beams touches you. It's time to escape.

You close your eyes and pull at the wooden prop holding you to the wall. You alternate your struggles, pulling first at the right side then at the left. You know it's hopeless, but you have to try. And, to your surprise, your knees touch the floor. You open your eyes again and look down - sure enough, you're now kneeling on the floor. But, when you look back, you see something very disturbing - your wrists and ankles are still trapped in the wall! Somehow, your limbs have stretched... as if they were made of elastic! Not being the sort to look a gift-horse in the mouth, you quickly shrink your hands and feet to release them from the wall, then revert back to your normal shape (and take a moment to adjust your clothes, which don't have super-stretchiness - you decide to leave your gloves and boots behind, since they will only get in the way). It's then that you remember your imminent danger, and you quickly find your way through the thick smoke to the exit.

You feel fantastic. You feel incredible. Powers like this will definitely help in the fight against crime! Speaking of which...

You enter a corridor, and see N1tEGeeK walking towards you in the opposite direction. He is carrying many large bags of cash, obviously recently robbed from a bank vault - but he's carrying far more than any normal human could. When he was hit with the beam of light, you guess, he was blessed with super-strength.

"How did you escape?" he asks, clearly surprised to see you in one piece.

"Put down those bags," you smile, feeling Über-confident, "and we'll take a little trip down to the police station."


He charges towards you - so fast, in fact, that he becomes a blur. One second, he's standing holding the money bags, the next moment he's holding you tight. A moment later, the bags hit the floor. His grip is strong, and you realise that you have no chance of struggling free. So you stretch... your arms, legs and neck quickly stretch and curl around, wrapping around and around his body, binding him as you move, looping and coiling like an elastic python. He struggles, surprised - you feel confident that you have him in your power.

And then he makes his move - his hands are a blur as he unwraps you from him. He moves far faster than you, and you can't keep up with his blurred hands as they disentangle you from him and roll you into a ball. And then he throws you down the corridor, as hard as he can. You have a moment's sensation of flying before you hit the far wall... the impact would kill any normal person, but being made of elastic you bounce! You have no control over your direction, but luckily your bounce takes you back towards N1tEGeeK - at the last moment, you unwrap from your ball and entwine him in your limbs again.

You try to be more tricky, to make more intricate knots with your limbs, but he is still too fast for you - as he unwraps you, he runs at lightning speed until you are both outside, standing in the middle of a crowded high street in a bustling metropolis. People turn from their mundane lives to witness these two super-powered beings battling in their midst. N1tEGeeK throws you away again, but this time upwards. You quickly soar above the tallest skyscrapers and feel very ill... you unfurl your limbs and flatten them, spreading them out so that they catch the air. You look very strange as you glide slowly back towards ground level, your eyes searching the streets for your nemesis.

And then you see him, lifting up a truck in each hand, showing off to a group of women who have gathered to admire him. He hasn't seen you... so you swoop in behind him, and quickly wrap your limbs around him again. But, this time, you make sure that you cover his eyes and trap his arms. The trucks drop to the ground, scattering the crowd, and N1tEGeeK struggles hard...

Your stretchiness is no match for his speed and strength, no matter what your initial advantage is. His movements are a blur, and you feel yourself being stretched and manipulated again - but not into a ball. This time, he ties your wrists, ankles and neck together behind you - his hands a blur as he ties knot after knot after knot, stretching you and stretching you until you can't stretch any more. And then he drops you to the ground, and watches you struggle.

His knots are too tight, too well-tied. With a sinking feeling, you realise that he has rendered you utterly helpless. No matter how hard you struggle, how much you try to stretch, he has found your weakness.

You have no choices. You have been rendered helpless, and N1tEGeeK is free to go on a superpowered rampage. You have scored 75%. Have another go.

Birth Of A Superheroine

You screw up your eyes as the beam of light hits you, expecting the worst. But nothing happens, except for a rather pleasant, warm feeling spreading around your body. You blink, surprised that you're still alive. The device is now emitting more beams of light, and they're growing in intensity - chunks of wall and ceiling are falling to the floor where the beams hit them, and it's only a matter of time before one of these stronger beams touches you. It's time to escape.

You close your eyes and pull at the wooden prop holding you to the wall. To your surprise, it disintegrates around you. You land on the floor in a crouch, and look back at the splintered remains of the wooden prop - perhaps the beams of light weakened it? You decide not to worry about it, and instead run to the open doorway on the other side of the room. Unfortunately, you misjudge the speed slightly - instead of your normal relaxed jog, you accelerate to almost-supersonic speed in that short space and slam into the wall beyond. Unhurt, you extract yourself from the remains of the wall.

"So, you have superpowers too..." comes N1tEGeeK's voice from along the corridor - you turn to see him carrying many large bags of cash, obviously recently robbed from a bank vault. He's carrying far more than any normal human could.

"Put down those bags," you smile, feeling Über-confident, "and we'll take a little trip down to the police station."


He charges towards you - so fast, in fact, that he becomes a blur. One second, he's standing holding the money bags, the next moment he's slamming into you at top speed. A moment later, the bags hit the floor and you crash into the wall behind you. You are unhurt, but your costume is showing signs of wear and tear. You brush some dust from your shoulder, glare at N1tEGeeK, and return the favour by charging at him at full speed - but he's ready for you and neatly sidesteps, letting your feet get caught up in the moneybags on the floor. You sprawl on the ground, not feeling very heroic at all, and the villain pounces onto your back, pinning you to the ground. You quickly push him away - even though he's super-strong, he's not super-heavy.

He responds by grabbing the back of your costume and lifting you up. As you struggle in his grip, he runs forward and uses you as a battering ram to get through the wall and into the busy city street outside. People turn from their mundane lives to witness these two super-powered beings battling in their midst. The villain looks you in the eye, smiles, and launches you skyward. You quickly soar above the tallest skyscrapers and feel very ill... you try to control your path but superflight is not one of your powers... Eventually you stop ascending and start descending... and eventually slam into the side of a skyscraper, making an Übergirl-shaped dent in the concrete wall. From there, it's just a twenty-storey fall to the road below, where you leave another dent. Your yellow-and-green outfit is in tatters now, and you're feeling quite furious. It's time for revenge.

A quick super-speed run through the streets brings you to the main road through the centre of town, and you see N1tEGeeK at the far end, lifting up a truck in each hand, showing off to a group of women who have gathered to admire him. He sees you, drops the trucks, and charges towards you. You charge towards him too - a pair of super-powered beings bent on each others' destruction, charging at supersonic speeds down the middle of the main road, straight towards each other.

The impact is so great, it causes a shockwave to ripple out, smashing windows and overturning parked cars. Both you and N1tEGeek fly back, away from each other, and skid along the tarmac. Your costume is completely shredded now, and the tattered remains do nothing to hide your superheroic body. You stagger to your feet, covering yourself up as best you can, and look around for N1tEGeeK. The two of you are equal - you need to find some way to gain an advantage, some tool or device to render him immobile... It's only when you turn around that you see him, charging towards you holding a huge thick iron girder - you don't have enough time to dodge, the centre of the girder hits your stomach and the impact causes it to wrap around your body. N1tEGeeK runs around you, tightening the girder as he moves, trapping your arms by your sides. It's all over in a second - before you know it, you are suddenly helpless. You struggle, but the thick girder is at the very limit of your super-strength - it's wrapped around you so many times, you don't stand a chance of moving it.

N1tEGeeK runs off down the street, leaving you the centre of attention as a crowd of onlookers gathers. Slightly embarrassed at being rendered helpless so easily, you carefully test your bonds for any sign of weakness. It's then that a large metal hook descends from the sky, attachs to the girder, and hoists you skyward. Looking up, you see that N1tEGeeK has found a large crane from which to suspend you above the city streets - with nowhere to get any leverage, you are even more helpless. You realise that you are beaten. N1tEGeeK has won.

You have no choices. You have been rendered helpless, and N1tEGeeK is free to go on a superpowered rampage. You have scored 75%. Have another go.

Birth Of A Superheroine

You screw up your eyes as the beam of light hits you, expecting the worst. But nothing happens, except for a rather pleasant, warm feeling spreading around your body. You blink, surprised that you're still alive. The device is now emitting more beams of light, and they're growing in intensity - chunks of wall and ceiling are falling to the floor where the beams hit them, and it's only a matter of time before one of these stronger beams touches you. It's time to escape.

You close your eyes and pull at the wooden prop holding you to the wall. Unsurprisingly, nothing happens. The multiple energy beams hitting it have done nothing to weaken it. You're still trapped. But then you experience a revelation - you suddenly feel that you know everything. You can picture the path every object in the room has taken to get to this room, and the future of those objects too. And you have the power to manipulate that knowledge. You have a clear four-dimensional view of the room. Amazing. It's then that the device in the centre of the room explodes... but just before the enormous fireball hits you, you freeze it in time. You look at the wooden prop holding you to the wall, and quickly age it by a millennium.

You step down onto the floor, walk around the frozen explosion, and out of the door. It's then that you see N1tEGeeK, standing at the far end of a corridor, holding many large bags of cash recently-robbed from a bank vault. He's carrying far more than any normal human could. When he was hit with the beam of light, you guess, he was blessed with super-strength.

"How did you escape?" he asks, clearly surprised to see you in one piece.

"Put down those bags," you smile, feeling Über-confident, "and we'll take a little trip down to the police station."


He charges towards you - so fast, in fact, that he becomes a blur. One second, he's standing holding the money bags, the next moment he's holding you tight. A moment later, the bags hit the floor. You're not worried at all - you reverse time, very slowly, and he releases you and runs backwards in slow motion... the money bags levitate back into his waiting hands.

"!reveN" he shouts, in slow motion.

You freeze him in time, grinning at your new-found power. It's then that an earthquake shakes the building. Vowing to come back to deal with the supervillain later, you quickly age the nearest wall and step outside onto a busy, bustling high street. People are panicking as the ground shakes beneath them, obviously not used to earthquakes in the middle of England. The tarmac road splits in front of you, the pavement ripping asunder in moments, and swallows three cars before you can react and freeze it. But then you feel more rumblings from beneath your feet, and the mysterious earthquake seems to get worse - you hear screams all around, and you quickly freeze the whole city in time.

"What on earth is happening?" you ask yourself.

It's then that you feel yet another rumble beneath your feet - the road splits again, despite the fact that you've frozen time. It's then that you take a moment to concentrate, to picture the four-dimensional paths of the objects around you, and you realise what's happened. You realise what you've done. Your blatant misuse of time has created paradoxes, which threaten the very fabric of spacetime... you may have inadvertently brought about the destruction of the world, just by being blessed with a superpower!

If only you'd looked ahead to work out the full consequences of your actions, if only you'd known that this was a danger, if only, if only... You realise that there's only one way out of this, only one way to save the world. You must reverse time on yourself, and the whole universe, to a time before you gained these powers. You close your eyes and concentrate, manipulating countless particles back in time... and your actions cause the ground to open up beneath you and you're falling... falling... towards something which feels so hot it burns even from this distance...

You blink, and you realise that your powers have left you. It is dark, early evening, and you are crouching in an alleyway, behind a dustbin. Your green-and-yellow costume is smoking slightly but undamaged. You hear distant sirens, and know instinctively that the police are searching for you - and the last thing on their mind is rewarding you for your contribution to humanity. Your thoughts are interrupted by movement in the alleyway - looking out from behind the dustbin, you see a window open and a familiar figure emerge. N1tEGeeK. You have been blessed - this is your chance to catch him, before superpowers were ever an issue!

He can't have noticed you, but he still turns and runs away along the alleyway. Obviously, he has business of his own to attend to.

You have two choices. Do you:

Birth Of A Superheroine

You screw up your eyes as the beam of light hits you, expecting the worst. But nothing happens, except for a rather pleasant, warm feeling spreading around your body. You blink, surprised that you're still alive. The device is now emitting more beams of light, and they're growing in intensity - chunks of wall and ceiling are falling to the floor where the beams hit them, and it's only a matter of time before one of these stronger beams touches you. It's time to escape.

You close your eyes and pull at the wooden prop holding you to the wall. Unsurprisingly, nothing happens. The multiple energy beams hitting it have done nothing to weaken it. You're still trapped. But then you experience a revelation - you suddenly feel very aware of all the moisture in the air. Not the most exciting of revelations, you admit, but you feel that you can gather and concentrate the water vapour around your body... absorb it into your body... the process accelerates, a reaction takes place, and you open your eyes to see that your body is now entirely composed of water. The surface of your body ripples, and you are completely transparent. Leaving your costume behind, you shape your body into a spout of water, and pour yourself out of your bondage.

It's then that the device in the centre of the room explodes - although the fireball heats and evaporates some of your body, you soon regain the moisture. Chunks of machinery fly straight through your liquid body, and you barely feel them. You could get used to this. You step out into the corridor outside the room, and stop when you see N1tEGeeK standing there, holding many large bags of cash recently-robbed from a bank vault. He's carrying far more than any normal human could. When he was hit with the beam of light, you guess, he was blessed with super-strength.

"Is... is that you, Übergirl?" he asks, peering at your new body.

"Put down those bags," you smile, feeling Über-confident, "and we'll take a little trip down to the police station."


He charges towards you - so fast, in fact, that he becomes a blur. One second, he's standing holding the money bags, the next moment he's passing straight through your liquid body and smashing into the wall behind. A moment later, the bags hit the floor. You turn and, pulling more moisture from the air around you, send a powerful stream of water shooting towards him. He staggers as the water jet hits him, but quickly ducks under it and charges towards you again.

This time, he stops in front of you and sends a flurry of super-strong punches into your chest. His fists pass straight through your body, and you take the time to absorb more water from the air and grow your own body - you increase in height, in mass, in strength... and he doesn't seem to notice, so absorbed is he in trying in vain to injure you. You punch him with a super-large fist, and he flies back into the wall again. This could be fun.

He decides that this confrontation definitely isn't fun, and smashes through the nearest wall into the busy city street outside. You follow, now twice as large as you were and feeling Über-powerful. He uses his super-speed to flee, and you pursue as fast as you can, diving forward and becoming a wave of water that swiftly washes along the street in his tracks.

You turn corners, you avoid drains, you try to pursue this villain but he soon loses you. His top speed is super-sonic, and within moments you don't have a clue where he is. But he knows exactly where you are, and it's his turn to have the advantage.

"Oh, Übergirl!" he calls, from behind you.

You turn, to see him holding a large gas cannister. As you charge towards him, he spins the release valve and you find yourself passing through a cloud of yellow gas... and beginning to feel very sleepy. With a body made of water, the gas quickly permeates your being, entering your bloodstream (waterstream?) and affecting you much faster than it would a normal person. How could N1tEGeeK have thought of such an effective plan so quickly? You yawn, as the gas quickly sends you to sleep...

Light. You're awake. You open your eyes, but having eyelids made of water means that you can see perfectly well with your eyes closed anyway. It is cold, deathly cold. You look around, you are trapped in a white room. A freezer. The temperature is just below the freezing point of water... and you can feel your liquid body freezing... solidifying... so, this is how N1tEGeeK intends to trap you. You have to escape... but your movements are sluggish, a combination of the sleeping gas and the below-zero temperature... and a minute later you are frozen solid.

You have no choices. You have been rendered helpless, and N1tEGeeK is free to go on a superpowered rampage. You have scored 75%. Have another go.

Birth Of A Superheroine

You screw up your eyes as the beam of light hits you, expecting the worst. But nothing happens, except for a rather pleasant, warm feeling spreading around your body. You blink, surprised that you're still alive. The device is now emitting more beams of light, and they're growing in intensity - chunks of wall and ceiling are falling to the floor where the beams hit them, and it's only a matter of time before one of these stronger beams touches you. It's time to escape.

You close your eyes and pull at the wooden prop holding you to the wall. Unsurprisingly, nothing happens. The multiple energy beams hitting it have done nothing to weaken it. You're still trapped. And then the device explodes - you feel the heat of the fireball burning your costume, burning your skin. Chunks of machinery richochet off the wall next to you, but luckily none hit you. Slightly charred but still alive, you pull at the wooden prop... but it's still holding you firm.

N1tEGeeK emerges from the thick smoke. He looks you up and down as you writhe helplessly before him - effortlessly, he rips the wooden prop to pieces and carries you from the room. You try to struggle in his grasp but his grip is iron and, anyway, you're too busy coughing. Once out of the room and into the corridor beyond, he puts you down on the floor next to a large pile of money-bags recently-robbed from a bank vault. Somehow, it looks like N1tEGeeK was blessed with super-strength when the energy beam hit him.

The moment your feet touch the floor, however, you feel a power surge through you - you suddenly become aware of the earth around you, the rocks embedded deep within it... everything beneath your feet. You realise that you, somehow, possess the power to control the rocks themselves...

"It's time to take a little trip down to the police station," you smile.

"I don't think you understand the balance of power here," N1tEGeeK smiles, patronisingly, "In case you haven't noticed, I am now super-strong and super-fast. The only reason I'd..."

You interrupt his gloating by turning the ground beneath his feet to quicksand. He quickly sinks down into it, until only his head and shoulders emerge from the floor (you don't let him sink further, since letting him drown in quicksand seems very unheroic). You then quickly solidify the floor again, trapping him like a prehistoric mosquito in amber.

"You were saying..?" you ask.

"When I get out of here..."

He closes his eyes and, from the look of the expression on his face, he's making a supreme effort to move. And he succeeds. The floor around him cracks, and shifts, and he begins to emerge, covered in dust. All you can do is watch him, surprised at his amazing strength. Just before he completes his escape, you gather your wits and form the ground beneath his feet into a tower - it quickly rises from beneath him, slamming him into the ceiling and trapping him there.

A moment later, cracks appear in the tower of earth as he struggles free again. You reinforce the tower, using your new abilities to mend the cracks but you're not fast enough - N1tEGeeK emerges, looking very angry. You back away along the corridor and quickly raise a wall of stone between you and him. It is no help - he just smashes his way through it. This isn't looking good - it's time to escape.

You form a spear of earth that rises out of the floor beside you and punches a hole through the ceiling, revealing daylight. You then form a tower of earth beneath your own feet and rise out of the building. The tower curves into an archway, and deposits you on the busy city street outside, where ordinary people stop to stare at this phenomenon. N1tEGeeK smashes his way out of the building, causing a larger stir from the crowd of spectators.

You use your power to lift a large chunk of earth from the ground, and quickly throw it at your enemy. He effortlessly stands aside and watches it smash into the building from which he has just emerged. You raise another chunk of stone from the ground and hurl it at N1tEGeeK - he steps aside again, but this time you split the earth at his feet and he loses his balance, falling into the fissure. You repair the earth, closing the fissure, knowing that he will escape before too long. You need a plan, some way to use your power to render him immobile and powerless.

The ground beneath your feet cracks and you quickly jump aside as N1tEGeeK emerges. He looks even angrier now, and you respond by whipping up the sand and dust that has emerged with him into a storm, effectively blinding him as you turn and run... but he is too fast, and he manages to get the sand out of his eyes and pounce on you in a blink of an eye. He lifts you from the ground, and you struggle in his grip. You try to summon the earth to aid you, but now that you're not standing on it you have no power over it! N1tEGeeK sees the look on your face and smiles, realising that he has rendered you powerless.

"All I need to do," he smiles, "is find something to suspend you from and you will be my powerless captive forever..."

You close your eyes and shake your head, realising that he is right. You are beaten.

You have no choices. You have been rendered helpless, and N1tEGeeK is free to go on a superpowered rampage. You have scored 75%. Have another go.

Birth Of A Superheroine

You screw up your eyes as the beam of light hits you, expecting the worst. But nothing happens, except for a rather pleasant, warm feeling spreading around your body. You blink, surprised that you're still alive. The device is now emitting more beams of light, and they're growing in intensity - chunks of wall and ceiling are falling to the floor where the beams hit them, and it's only a matter of time before one of these stronger beams touches you. It's time to escape.

You close your eyes and pull at the wooden prop holding you to the wall. Unsurprisingly, nothing happens. The multiple energy beams hitting it have done nothing to weaken it. You're still trapped. And then the device explodes - you feel the heat of the fireball burning your costume, burning your skin. Chunks of machinery richochet off the wall next to you, but luckily none hit you. Slightly charred but still alive, you pull at the wooden prop... but it's still holding you firm.

N1tEGeeK enters the room. The air is thick with smoke, and you somehow sense him before you see him. It's almost as if you can read his mind - you forget about your struggles, and concentrate on his thoughts... delving deeper, leaving your body behind...

You open your eyes. The air is thick with smoke, but your vision is keen. You are standing, with your hands on your hips, feeling more powerful than you have ever done before. And you have a very strange feeling between your legs. You take a step forward, and see a sight that surprises you - embedded in the wall, a bit like Han Solo in carbonite, is a beautiful, slightly-tanned blonde in a yellow-and-green superheroine costume. She looks at you, her eyes filled with fear - you feel you have to help her. Reaching forward, you effortlessly rip the wooden prop apart and carry the choking superheroine from the room.

You lay her on the floor, and stop to think. You look down at your own body, in its green and black costume, with a long coat containing multiple pockets and a black facemask. Somehow, you have possessed the body of N1tEGeeK... and transferred him to your own body. And judging by the large pile of money bags recently-robbed from a bank vault, just laying in the corridor beside you, N1tEGeeK was blessed with superstrength when he was hit by the energy beam...

And, for some reason, you have the power to possess... and you currently possess his body, and his power. And your own power. The blonde on the floor backs away from you, as she realises what has happened. If you're inhabiting N1tEGeeK's body, then he must be inhabiting your body... and feeling quite scared, since he realises that he is helpless against your superstrength.

"It's time to take a little trip down to the police station," you smile, speaking with N1tEGeeK's voice.

"Never... erm... hold on. The police are after N1tEGeeK. You're the one they'll want to arrest."

"Well, I'll transfer back to my own body once I've handed your body into the police..."

"At which point I'll get my superpowers back. Nice plan... I'd expect something more intelligent to come out of those lips, to be honest. You carry on thinking, and I'll just lie here and play with your breasts."

As you ponder the situation, the slightly-tanned blonde before you unzips her leotard, revealing her gorgeous surgically-enhanced breasts for your viewing pleasure. You feel a stirring in your loins as she begins to play with her own nipples... and you find the way she sucks on her index finger incredibly distracting.

"Stop that..." you say, "Those are my breasts you're playing with!"

"I know... and they've never felt so good. I can't wait to get to your clitoris."

"No, this is just wrong!"

You move, quick as a flash, and pin Übergirl to the floor. You press her forearms to the floor above her head, with your knees between her thighs, and she struggles futilely in your super-strong grip.

"No, please, save me," she says, in a mock-damsel voice rather like Penelope Pitstop, "Haylp!"

"Stop it!" you say, forcefully, aware of a feeling of tightness and pressure in your trousers.


She writhes beneath you, her large breasts jumping around as if they have minds of their own. You move her hands together above her head and pin them down with your left hand, so your right hand can reach down to your trousers and unzip your flies, to relieve the growing pressure within. Your hard cock emerges from your pants, engorged, ready... ready for this beautiful, sexy superheroine struggling helpless beneath you. Her costume is ripped in all the right places, and you can't resist... And since it's your body anyway, you can do anything you want with it...

One slow, long thrust into that deliciously moist pussy is all it takes, and Übergirl's eyes widen... as do yours. Neither of you was quite prepared for what that particular action would feel like from the other side, as it were... You close your eyes, trying not to get too excited, and slowly thrust back and forth... maintaining a slow rhythm... feeling the beaten superheroine struggling beneath you in the remains of her skintight spandex costume... you thrust harder, deeper, hearing her gasp with your voice, groan with your voice...

You use your free hand to play with her hard nipples, to fondle her huge breasts... you run your fingers over her body and smile as she writhes helpless in your superpowered grip. You may have super-strength, but you don't have super staying power... it all becomes too much, too quickly and you feel yourself beginning to cum... your cock throbs as you withdraw, and you cum all over her, covering her costume and her flesh in your load...

A minute passes. You open your eyes. For some reason, you're back in your own body. Your costume is in tatters, your body is covered in your nemesis's cum. He is pinning you to the ground, smiling. You struggle beneath him, and realise to your surprise that he is no longer super-strong. You push him aside and get to your feet, rearranging your costume in a hopeless attempt to cover yourself. His expression is one of pure shock.

"My powers..." he says, "What happened to my powers?"

"You've lost them," you smile.

"It must have been the orgasm. You bitch, you made me cum and that dispelled my powers! My work, my time, has been wasted!"

You are about to reply when the corridor fills with policemen. They pin you to the ground (you don't see what happens to N1tEGeeK) and quickly search your body for weapons, before handcuffing you and helping you back to your feet.

"N1tEGeeK, you are under arrest for..." the voice trails off as they lead your nemesis away, and you can't help but smile.

"Miss Sexton, or should we call you Übergirl, you are under arrest... but we might be lenient if you tell us what on earth happened here."

"Believe it or not," you smile, ignoring the fact that the policemen seem unable to keep their eyes from your bare flesh, "but N1tEGeeK built a device that gave him superpowers. Fortunately, those superpowers left him when he orgasmed."

"But how... why..?"

"Let's just thank our lucky stars that the powers were only temporary. The last thing we need is a super-powered villain on an unstoppable rampage. Let's hope that such a machine is never built again."

"The world is safe, thanks to you, Übergirl."

The next few days pass in a blur, but they involve endless questioning and interrogation... as you tell your story over and over again to various police and government officials. And after you've had a few days to recuperate, filming restarts on the movie... with a new ending written in, and a very happy director who can't believe the amount of publicity you've generated.

Apart from N1tEGeeK (languishing in a prison cell), the only person who isn't happy is Veronica. You've stolen the limelight from her yet again, and she hates you for it. But at least you now have the power to possess her and make her tie herself up if she ever annoys you...

Congratulations - you have successfully completed this part of the Übergirl saga, and have scored 100%! Stay tuned for the next exciting episode...

Birth Of A Superheroine

You screw up your eyes as the beam of light hits you, expecting the worst. But nothing happens, except for a rather pleasant, warm feeling spreading around your body. You blink, surprised that you're still alive. The device is now emitting more beams of light, and they're growing in intensity - chunks of wall and ceiling are falling to the floor where the beams hit them, and it's only a matter of time before one of these stronger beams touches you. It's time to escape.

You close your eyes and pull at the wooden prop holding you to the wall. As you concentrate, your whole body begins to vibrate. The wooden prop slowly disintegrates and you drop to the floor. You realise that, somehow, when the beam of energy hit you it blessed you with the power of vibration. You close your eyes and concentrate again, and you can feel the vibrations around the room and beyond, you can sense movement around you like a radar. Even now, you can sense someone walking along a corridor just outside the room - N1tEGeeK! He is carrying a large number of large bags, which are incredibly heavy - you guess that he has gained the power of superstrength. You decide that a direct confrontation would be unwise, so instead you run towards the nearest wall. By vibrating your body and the wall to just the right frequencies, you pass through the wall effortlessly...

You emerge into a small dark room, and realise the wealth of power available to you. You can create shockwaves to ripple through the ground and stun your opponents, you can pass through solid objects, you are immune to every attack you face (by vibrating fast enough to let the attack pass straight through you) and you can sense your surroundings like a radar! You grin, realising that you will have no trouble bringing N1tEGeeK to justice.

You vibrate your body again, concentrating to reduce the vibrations to only affect a tiny area... you move them down to your clitoris and grin, having to steady yourself on the wall as the intensity of the stimulation almost makes you faint. That feels so nice. You close your eyes and lie on the floor, letting the vibrations move over your erect nipples and your hard clit... your pussy is wet, and you tear a hole in your costume so you can push two fingers inside yourself... you concentrate the vibrations on your fingers too, and gasp with pleasure.

You're really going to enjoy your new-found ability.

You push your fingers slowly inside you, deeper and deeper, and then begin a slow thrusting motion... still keeping the vibrations centred on your nipples, clit and fingers... you place your thumb on your clit, and the vibrations magnify... you writhe on the floor, in ecstacy, and it's only a matter of time before you cum and cum and cum...

You don't know how long you lay there, your whole body quivering with the aftershocks of that earthquake of an experience. You slowly stagger to your feet just as a door opens, bathing you in light, revealing the silhouetted form of N1tEGeeK. You quickly move to use your vibration power to protect yourself, but for some reason it has left you...

"There you are," your nemesis smiles, entering the room and picking you up, "I don't know how you escaped, but I don't think I'll be letting it happen again..."

"My power..." you say, distraught.

"So, you did have some sort of superpower? I'm sorry to say that the one flaw with my machine is that the superpowers only last until you orgasm. I'm happy to live without another orgasm, since these powers are far too fun to lose. Maybe one day, once I've set myself up with a supply of everything I'll ever need, I might relinquish them. But, for now, they're mine to keep."

You have no choices. You have been rendered powerless, and N1tEGeeK is free to go on a superpowered rampage. You have scored 75%. Have another go.