On N1tEGeeK's Tail

You dash down the alleyway, in the direction you saw N1tEGeeK take. You soon arrive at a junction, but have no idea which way he went.

If he went right, he would have headed straight towards the well-lit high street where the police are probably still searching for you - if he somehow managed to avoid them, then he'd be on-course for the City Museum, where the Randolph Diamond is currently on display... but with her background in burglary, perhaps that's where he sent his sidekick, Venom. If he went left, he would have run through the welcoming darkness of a system of alleyways, in the direction of the docks - but you have no idea why he'd want to go there.

Your gut instinct tells you that he went left - but he's never been the most predictable of foes.

You have two choices. Do you:

On Venom's Trail

You follow the fishnet-clad buttocks of Venom, keeping just far enough away to avoid being noticed without her noticing you. Without breaking stride, she uses a dustbin to launch herself into the air to catch hold of a ladder hanging from a fire escape - she clambers up the ladder like a trapeze artist and then up the fire escape towards the roof. You follow her footsteps, jumping onto the dustbin and bouncing high into the air to catch the bottom of the ladder. You hang there for a few moments, catching your breath, before you pull yourself up the ladder and then climb the many flights of stairs to the roof.

Once on the roof, you are surprised at how well-lit the streets seem - you must be closer to the high street than you thought. Unfortunately, there is no sign of your quarry. You move towards the edge of the roof that looks down onto the high street and notice a wire running from your rooftop to a rooftop on the opposite side of the street. Obviously, that's where she's gone.

You remove your belt and throw it over the wire, gripping each end tightly (just like you saw in a film once). You take a deep breath and run towards the edge of the building... and jump... the belt slides along the wire, with you dangling underneath. You look down to the high street as you shoot over it, and a couple of heads look up to see you flying above them. Oh well, this will add to the rumours of you having superpowers... you're guaranteed front-page exposure in tomorrow's newspapers. You might even be asked, in your secret-identity day-job, to pose for some pictures - although you have explored many careers in fitness and modelling, you find that the most money can be gained these days by pretending to be Übergirl and posing for topless photographs in tabloid newspapers... if only they knew!

You land on both feet on the opposite rooftop, and quickly re-fasten your belt around your slender waist. You continue your journey in the same direction, since you know the roof of the City Museum is just ahead. You hide behind an air conditioning unit on the next roof, since you can see Venom climbing into the museum via an open skylight.

You have two choices. Do you:

The High Street

You quickly exhaust your supply of alleyway, and find yourself skulking in the shadows on the edge of the high street, peering back and forth along the well-lit area for any sign of your quarry. Unfortunately, he is nowhere to be seen. Perhaps he went to the docks after all? You turn back, to retrace your steps, but are surprised to see dancing torchlight approaching in the alleyway - the police are closing in on you!

You have no choice but to dart into the high street, and run as fast as you can, once again wishing that your brightly-coloured, tight lycra costume was slightly less conspicuous... this time, however, there is nowhere to hide and it's only a matter of time before the police catch up with you.

"Freeze! You are under arrest!"

You have to do as they say, and put your hands obediently behind your back as they handcuff them. Your superheroine days are over.

You have no choices. You have achieved nothing in this game, unless all you wanted to do was run around for a while in a skintight outfit and end up in handcuffs... You have scored 5%. Have another go.

The Docks

After the next turn, you catch a glimpse of your quarry, N1tEGeeK, running through the system of alleyways. You follow at a discreet distance, and eventually see him entering an old, abandoned warehouse via a small door. This must be his new base. A thrill of excitement runs through your body - this could be your chance to catch him and bring him to justice! But should you follow him and take him by surprise, or take your time to scope out the place?

You have two choices. Do you:

Breaking And Entering

You enter via the same skylight, and find yourself standing on a glass display case that contains two stuffed tigers in mid-combat. You quickly lower yourself down the side of the case and follow the signs towards the rare diamond exhibit...

You don't know how, but Venom has somehow neutralised all of the security systems in the building... except for the guards. You have to hide behind a stuffed iguana for five minutes while a pair of guards chat about mundane things before they move on. By the time you get to the diamond display, Venom has already succeeded in her task.

Or so she thinks.

"Damn!" she moans, putting the huge Randolph Diamond back in its display, "It's a fake!"

"Did you expect the real diamond to be left out in the open, Venom?" you ask, emerging from the shadows.


You are blocking the room's only exit, so she runs straight towards you.

You have two choices. Do you:

Rooftop Vigil

You find a relatively comfy place to sit and wait for N1tEGeeK's sexy sidekick to re-emerge. The night is beginning to get quite cold, and you regret not using a thicker material in the construction of your costume. You wrap your arms around your legs and hope that Venom won't be too long.

While you wait, a plan begins to form in your mind. You realise that if you ambush her as soon as she exits the museum, you'll lose any chance you have of finding N1tEGeeK... so, it might be better to let her go, and follow at a discreet distance. You smile to yourself, pleased with your logical thinking, and the waiting doesn't seem quite so bad.

After what seems like hours, the black-clad villainess eventually re-appears on the roof of the museum. She jumps across to the next rooftop, and you give chase...

You have one choice. You:

A Late Arrival

You manage to keep your quarry in sight as she leads you towards the docks. Eventually, she makes the journey down to street level and stands before the front door of a large warehouse. The door opens, she enters, the door closes behind her - you guess that this is where N1tEGeeK is hiding out. You cross to the roof of the warehouse and look around for alternative entrances - you decide against entering via the front door, since you doubt it will open for you. Luckily, there is a door on the roof. As you approach it, you happen to spot an air vent, partially obscured by a pile of crates.

You have two choices. Do you:

Too Many Cartoons

You step aside at the last minute and stick your foot out - you succeed in tripping her, but she grabs your lycra costume on the way past and pulls you down on top of her. You try to pin her down but she is too fast - she lashes out with a foot and you fall back. She is on you in a moment, wrestling for the advantage. You shift your weight, throwing her to the side, and the two of you roll across the floor, your breasts pressing together as you struggle.

She pulls your hair, hard - this move surprises you, and before you know what's happening she has your waist gripped tightly between her thighs, and your hands pulled behind your back. You kick your feet against the floor to launch yourself over her, and manage to break free of her grip.

You have two choices. Do you:

The Best Form Of Defence

Your charge takes her by surprise, and the two of you collide in the middle of the room - you quickly gain the advantage and wrestle her to the ground. You soon have her securely pinned down beneath you, and are in a good position to interrogate her.

You have one choice. You:


"Where is N1tEGeeK hiding?" you ask, using your most intimidating growl.

"Why should I tell you?" she asks in response.

"I'll put a good word in with the police when they arrest you..."

"The police are hunting you too - you don't have any influence on them. You can't promise me anything."

You pause - she has a point. And, then, a plan forms in your mind. Perhaps you can get her to lead you to N1tEGeeK... To your side is an area cordoned off with ropes. You grab one of the ropes and use it to tie Venom's wrists together behind her back, and to her ankles. She struggles in the hogtie as you climb off, satisfied with your handiwork - you made sure that the knots were just loose enough to allow her to get free in a few minutes time.

"I'll find him myself," you smile to N1tEGeeK's struggling sidekick.

All she can do is growl at you as she writhes on the floor - you can see the fear in her eyes as she anticipates the museum security guards patrolling this room any minute from now. You blow her a kiss as you quickly exit. Then, it's just a case of leaving the museum via the open skylight and waiting...

Sure enough, a few minutes later, Venom emerges from the skylight, rubbing the rope burns on her wrists. She jumps across to the next rooftop, and you give chase.

You have one choice. You:


You pull her hair, hard - she gasps, but was expecting a retaliation like that. She twists, and manages to throw you off balance - within seconds, she's pinning your wrists to the floor with her shins. She lowers the moist crotch of her fishnet-covered thong onto your face, and moans as your struggles accidentally rub her clitoris and labia.

You try to take advantage of her distraction, but she has the upper hand. To the side is an area cordoned off with ropes - she grabs one of them and turns you over, sitting on your back and pressing your breasts into the floor. She pulls your arms behind your back and ties your wrists together, tightly. She then ties your ankles to your wrists, leaving you hogtied and helpless.

"I would stay to use you for my own sexual pleasure," she smiles, obviously very aroused by your encounter, "but N1tEGeeK is waiting for me..."

And, with that, she flees the room, leaving you bound in the middle of the floor. All you can do is wait for the security guards to find you and call the police...

You have no choices. All you have achieved is a rather arousing catfight with a scantily-clad villainess... You have scored 15%. Have another go.

No Fair!

You grab the back of her fishnet-covered thong and pull it hard between her buttocks... very hard... Your opponent gasps, and frantically reaches behind her to try to stop you. You jump on her, and soon have her pinned beneath you.

You have one choice. You:

Frontal Assault

Quick as a flash, you kick open the main door and charge into the darkness of the warehouse. Just as quickly, the floor disappears from beneath your feet and you fall into a large metal cage in the basement. The lid of the cage shuts with a loud clang, and you realise that you're trapped!

Cursing, you peer into the blackness of the basement, hoping to find something that will aid you. How could you have fallen into this trap so easily? You pace around inside the cage, impatiently waiting for N1tEGeeK to appear to gloat over your predicament... but there's no sign of him. You wonder what's so important that he doesn't have time to come gloat over his nemesis.

You have one choice. You:

Slow And Steady

You move around the perimeter of the warehouse, looking for another way in. All the windows are boarded up, and the other doors have been bricked up. You notice a window that has been less boarded than the rest, and manage to peer in through the dirty glass to see a spot of light in the centre of the otherwise-dark warehouse - in the light, you see your enemy, N1tEGeeK, sitting at a bench surrounded by computers and machinery, working on something. He is too far away for you to tell what he's doing, but he does seem to be totally occupied by his task.

Continuing around the building, you find a fire escape - a set of stairs leading all the way up to the roof. You quickly ascend, and see a door on the roof. You approach the door, and out of the corner of your eye you see an air vent, partially obscured by a pile of crates.

You have four choices. Do you:

The Waiting Game

It seems like hours, stuck in the darkness of the basement in a very solid metal cage, before N1tEGeeK finally deigns to make an appearance. You notice that he has been joined by his accomplice, Venom.

"Thanks for dropping in," he grins, looking down on you from the roof of the cage.

"Still writing your own material?" you ask - at least he could be a bit more imaginative with his gloats.

"Silence," his sexy sidekick smiles, "you don't know how honoured you are."

"Honoured?" you ask, suddenly feeling a little bit worried - what on earth have they got planned for you?

"Yes, honoured," N1tEGeeK grins, "you're going to be the first to test my new toy."

Before you can reply, the lid of the cage lifts up and four metal tentacles dart into the cage. Shocked, you try to fight them off but they effortlessly grab your wrists and ankles and pull you out of the cage, holding you spreadeagled before N1tEGeeK and Venom.

You have one choice. You:

The Only Way Is Down

The door opens easily enough and you descend some stairs in pitch blackness. You find yourself in an office area, overlooking the main warehouse. A quick search uncovers nothing of interest, so you descend to the warehouse floor via another set of steps. You can see N1tEGeeK still busily working, and there's nothing between the two of you except empty warehouse. He hasn't noticed you.

You quickly and silently begin to close the distance between you and your foe, but are surprise by the floor suddenly disappearing from beneath your feet. You yelp with surprise as you fall into a large metal cage in the basement. The lid of the cage shuts with a loud clang, and you realise that you're trapped!

Cursing, you peer into the blackness of the basement, hoping to find something that will aid you. How could you have fallen into this trap so easily? You pace around inside the cage, impatiently waiting for N1tEGeeK to appear to gloat over your predicament... but there's no sign of him. You wonder what's so important that he doesn't have time to come gloat over his nemesis.

You have one choice. You:


You carefully remove the grate from the wall, revealing a square duct into which you wriggle. It's pitch-black inside the ventilation system and you have to use your gloved fingers to feel your way. The duct is so small, your breasts and your hips rub quite hard against the walls, and you find making progress more and more difficult. You have trouble breathing, as your claustrophobia threatens to commandeer your rational mind.

You reach forward to pull yourself along some more, having to move like a caterpillar. Gripping the smooth metal with your fingers, you pull as hard as you can, easing yourself along inch by inch. The next time you reach forward, you're surprised to discover that the ventilation system slopes downwards ahead of you - this fills you with confidence, and you quickly move into the sloping section, and slide slowly downwards. It's then that the duct narrows slightly.

You're stuck. Pointing downwards, your arms outstretched ahead of you, unable to reach back to investigate the obstruction, all you can do is wriggle. As you writhe and feel very stupid about getting stuck in your enemy's ventilation system, you kick the metal walls with your boot and the sound reverberates around your ears. You wonder if N1tEGeeK noticed. You wonder if even now he's closing in on you.

Desperate to quell the rising panic, you twist around in the duct and manage to free yourself - you quickly slide down to the point where the system becomes horizontal again, and find a grate which you use to exit the horrible, confined, claustrophobic nightmare.

You are crouched on the warehouse floor, just behind N1tEGeeK, who is still busily working at his bench. He hasn't noticed you. You stand and dust yourself off, and get ready for a fight. As you approach, you notice a large piece of machinery under a tarpaulin - you wonder if this is what he's working on...

You have two choices. Do you:

A. N. Other

Not wanting to risk a full confrontation with N1tEGeeK, you decide to leave - you head home, avoiding the police out searching for you. On your journey, you spot a phonebox and quickly dart into it, feeling a little like Clark Kent... You call the police and alert them to the location of N1tEGeeK's hideout.

You return home and enter via your back door. You remove your facemask and the rest of your costume, leaving a trail of superheroine all the way through your house to your bedroom. You lie on your bed and turn on the television, in time to see a breaking news story - the police have raided a warehouse at the docks, but found no sign of any criminal activity.

You curse - you have no more leads, no more clues. Except maybe the Randolph Diamond...

The next story on the news is about a break-in at the museum (where the Randolph Diamond is being held) but the burglar escaped empty-handed.

You have no choices. You are a very law-abiding citizen, but not superheroine material... You have scored 18%. Have another go.

Fight For Your Right

You sneak up behind your adversary, but at the last moment he hears your approach and turns to face you. Not wanting to lose the initiative, you leap at him, and the two of you tumble to the ground, wrestling for the advantage. He uses his bench for leverage and manages to pin you beneath him. Growling, you struggle beneath his weight, but don't seem to have any effect. He leers at you, sitting astride you, pinning your arms under his knees, and his hands go to the zip at the front of your leotard.

"No you don't..." you say, but your struggles are futile.

He pulls the zip down a little, revealing the bare flesh of your chest between your full breasts. He tugs the zip more, revealing more of your bulging bosom, but not yet your nipples. You close your eyes - you can't believe that this villain is molesting you!

You have two choices. Do you:


The machine has an open hatch, which contains a vast number of circuit boards. You pull out two boards, and crush them beneath your boot - they crunch in a very satisfying way. You reach in to extract more boards, but hear a noise behind you that stops you - N1tEGeeK has noticed you!

"What are you doing to my masterpiece?" he asks, incredulously.

"Destroying it," you smile, pulling another board from the machine and snapping it in two.

"No!" he yells, swinging a punch at you.

You duck, but he takes the opportunity to push you to the floor. You fall backwards and he is on you in a moment, pinning you down, clearly furious with you. You struggle beneath him, beginning to feel quite aroused by the whole experience, and you notice that he is getting quite aroused too.

You have two choices. Do you:

Power Struggle

Growling with the effort as you brace your back against the floor, you manage to push N1tEGeeK away. You stagger to your feet in time to see him lunging at you - a quick step to the side is all you need to do to send him flailing past you. He is clearly very angry, and it has gone to his head. He lunges again, and this time you catch his arm and guide him head-first into the bench. He slumps to the floor, out cold.

Victorious, you grin and dust off your skintight costume.

You have no choices. You have successfully captured N1tEGeeK, but you've failed to catch his accomplice. Still, it might get the police off your back for a while. You have scored 67%. Have another go.

Damsel In Distress

You whimper beneath your enemy, writhing helplessly, hoping that such delicious vulnerability will distract him and give you the advantage. Unfortunately, he seems to be too angry to notice...

He flips you over, pressing your breasts into the floor as he pins your wrists into the small of your back. You begin to struggle with all your strength now, but he has you under control. You feel him reach to the side for a drawer in his bench, and he begins to place items of bondage equipment next to you.

"These are some of Venom's favourite toys," he says, "I thought you might want to try them."

He handcuffs your wrists together behind your back, and then your elbows together. He pulls a ring-gag into your mouth, and you can see him grinning as you struggle futilely. He pulls you roughly to your feet and you stagger, getting your balance. He pinches your nipples, hard, through your lycra leotard, and you can't help but yelp in surprise. You weren't expecting this... He attaches a pair of clover clamps to your lycra-covered nipples, and uses them to lead you across the warehouse to the main door.

"You've destroyed my creation," he says, pulling hard on your nipples, "and I don't want to look at you again. I've heard that the police are looking for you, so I'll let them deal with you..."

You can do nothing to stop him leading you through the city streets at night, bound helpless in your superheroine costume... heads turn to watch, but no-one steps in to help. He leaves you outside a police station, nipples tethered to a lamp-post.

"Is this some sort of joke?" a policeman asks, when he sees you there.

You nod your head... but he doesn't believe you. Within moments you are caught by the fuzz and banged in the cells... even telling the police the location of N1tEGeeK's hideout doesn't help, since he is long gone by the time they investigate.

You have no choices. You have been out-manouevred by an angry supervillain. You have scored 21%. Have another go.


Growling with the effort as you brace your back against the floor, you manage to push N1tEGeeK away. You stagger to your feet and instinctively re-fasten your zip. Unfortunately, N1tEGeeK isn't so easily beaten and he lunges at you, pushing you back. You lose your footing, stumble, and are surprised by him pushing you hard again. As you begin to wonder what he is pushing you towards, the floor gives way beneath your feet! You yelp with surprise as you fall into a large metal cage in the basement. The lid of the cage shuts with a loud clang, and you realise that you're trapped!

"That should keep you busy until I've finished my work!" comes N1tEGeeK's voice from above.

Cursing, you peer into the blackness of the basement, hoping to find something that will aid you. You pace around inside the cage, impatiently waiting for N1tEGeeK to re-appear to gloat over your predicament... but there's no sign of him, he's busy completing his contraption.

You have one choice. You:


You whimper beneath your enemy, writhing helplessly, hoping that such delicious vulnerability will distract him and give you the advantage. He seems to be very turned on by your performance, since he continues to pull the zip of your leotard, revealing your nipples. You look away as his hands immediately go to your breasts, ashamed at how hard your nipples are. He squeezes and kneads them, and you notice that he is no longer putting so much weight on your arms.

Growling with the effort as you brace your back against the floor, you manage to push N1tEGeeK away. You stagger to your feet and instinctively re-fasten your zip, noticing how your hard nipples poke prominently against your lycra costume. N1tEGeeK lunges at you and scoops you up, throwing you over his shoulder in a fireman's lift - as you struggle to break free of his grip, you're aware that he's carrying you to a dark corner of the warehouse. You finally manage to loosen his grip and slide from his shoulder, staggering away from him... only for the floor to disappear from beneath your feet! You yelp with surprise as you fall into a large metal cage in the basement. The lid of the cage shuts with a loud clang, and you realise that you're trapped!

"That should keep you busy until I've finished my work!" comes N1tEGeeK's voice from above.

Cursing, you peer into the blackness of the basement, hoping to find something that will aid you. You pace around inside the cage, impatiently waiting for N1tEGeeK to re-appear to gloat over your predicament... but there's no sign of him, he's busy completing his contraption.

You have one choice. You:

From The Top

The door opens easily enough and you descend some stairs in pitch blackness. You find yourself in an office area, overlooking the main warehouse - in the centre of the warehouse, you see N1tEGeeK and Venom, talking by a bench covered in tools. You descend to the warehouse floor via another set of steps and now there is nothing between you and the villains except empty warehouse. They haven't noticed you.

You quickly and silently begin to close the distance, but are surprised by the floor suddenly disappearing from beneath your feet. You yelp with surprise as you fall into a large metal cage in the basement. The lid of the cage shuts with a loud clang, and you realise that you're trapped!

Cursing, you peer into the blackness of the basement, hoping to find something that will aid you. How could you have fallen into this trap so easily? You pace around inside the cage, impatiently waiting for N1tEGeeK to appear to gloat over your predicament... and he doesn't disappoint.

"Thanks for dropping in," he grins, looking down on you from the roof of the cage.

"Still writing your own material?" you ask - at least he could be a bit more imaginative with his gloats.

"Silence," his sexy sidekick smiles, "you don't know how honoured you are."

"Honoured?" you ask, suddenly feeling a little bit worried - what on earth have they got planned for you?

"Yes, honoured," N1tEGeeK grins, "you're going to be the first to test my new toy."

Before you can reply, the lid of the cage lifts up and four metal tentacles dart into the cage. Shocked, you try to fight them off but they effortlessly grab your wrists and ankles and pull you out of the cage, holding you spreadeagled before N1tEGeeK and Venom.

You have one choice. You:


You carefully remove the grate from the wall, revealing a square duct into which you wriggle. It's pitch-black inside the ventilation system and you have to use your gloved fingers to feel your way. The duct is so small, your breasts and your hips rub quite hard against the walls, and you find making progress more and more difficult. You have trouble breathing, as your claustrophobia threatens to commandeer your rational mind.

You reach forward to pull yourself along some more, having to move like a caterpillar. Gripping the smooth metal with your fingers, you pull as hard as you can, easing yourself along inch by inch. The next time you reach forward, you're surprised to discover that the ventilation system slopes downwards ahead of you - this fills you with confidence, and you quickly move into the sloping section, and slide slowly downwards. It's then that the duct narrows slightly.

You're stuck. Pointing downwards, your arms outstretched ahead of you, unable to reach back to investigate the obstruction, all you can do is wriggle. As you writhe and feel very stupid about getting stuck in your enemy's ventilation system, you kick the metal walls with your boot and the sound reverberates around your ears. You wonder if N1tEGeeK or Venom noticed. You wonder if even now they're closing in on you.

Desperate to quell the rising panic, you twist around in the duct and manage to free yourself - you quickly slide down to the point where the system becomes horizontal again, and find a grate which you use to exit the horrible, confined, claustrophobic nightmare.

You are crouched on the warehouse floor, in the darkness, just in front of N1tEGeeK and Venom - they haven't noticed you. She is bent over a bench covered in tools, while he is thrusting into her from behind. He has her arms pinned behind her back - she is quite helpless, and all she can do is groan and squirm as he rams his raging hard-on into her, grunting as he does so. You feel rather aroused, spying on the two of them from the shadows - your nipples harden in your skimpy lycra costume, and suddenly you feel embarrassed. You decide to make your presence known.

"Do you mind?" N1tEGeeK asks, as you step from the shadows, "Can't you see we're busy here?"

You brush your blonde hair away from you face and smile - this will be an easy victory. N1tEGeeK reaches to the side and presses a couple of buttons - you rush forward to prevent him, but it's too late. A robot, which consists mainly of four large metallic tentacles, trundles towards you on caterpillar tracks, the claws on the end of the tentacles opening and closing menacingly. You dodge to the side but are too slow - the tentacles grab your wrists and ankles, and hold you spread-eagled in the air, before your enemy.

N1tEGeeK smiles at you, and then returns to making love to his sidekick. He grunts loudly as he cums inside her, and she squirms beneath him as he pumps into her. A few minutes later (once they've both recovered) they stand before you, grinning evilly.

You have one choice. You: