The aim of Übergirl is to bring the evil N1tEGeeK and his sidekick, Venom, to justice.


The life of a heroine is never easy. At least the police, who are currently tailing you, are convinced you have some sort of super-powers, so perhaps they may hesitate and give you a chance to seize the advantage. Or perhaps not. Here you are, trying to do some good and fight crime in the big city, and your only reward is a price on your head. And why did you have to pick such a conspicuous costume?

It's almost evening, and the shops are beginning to close. You consider darting into a clothes shop and trying on a few garments (a cunning disguise), but you left your credit card in your other leotard. Instead, you dart into a dark alleyway and hide behind a pile of rubbish - the smell is appalling, but at least the police officers run straight past.

You get to your feet and dust yourself off, your hands moving slowly over your skintight outfit, following every curve. Your costume consists of a dark green leotard, boots and cape, with a yellow belt, yellow tights and a yellow facemask to protect your identity (and co-ordinate nicely with your blonde hair). After checking that the coast is clear, you head further into the concealing blackness of the alleyway.

What sort of a stupid name is Übergirl anyway? Some so-called journalist working for a tabloid newspaper coined the title, and unfortunately it stuck. As far as you're aware, there's nothing 'über' about you anyway - you can't fly, you can't read peoples' minds and you definitely can't shoot webs from your wrists. Sure, you have a decent knowledge of martial arts, a natural gift with computers and elementary detective powers that Dr Watson would kill for but... well... perhaps that's all it takes to be a superheroine in today's society.

You realise that you've been daydreaming, and that you're feeling somewhat depressed - being hunted by the very people you like to think you're working with can do that to a girl. It's then that you hear a movement up ahead - you quickly hide behind a dustbin and watch as a window opens and your nemesis, N1tEGeeK, emerges. What a stroke of luck!

He is a tall man, with shoulder-length dark hair and designer stubble. He is wearing a black facemask, a long black leather coat, a dark green t-shirt, black jeans and heavy boots. As far as you can tell, he hasn't noticed you. You pause for a moment, watching his actions as he glances up and down the alleyway. Then he turns and runs away!

If you could capture him, maybe it would get the police off your back for a while. You had been hoping to track him this evening anyway, but you hadn't expected to bump into him accidentally - maybe it's fate.

You have two choices. Do you:


You duck under her kick, and counter by pushing her back against the wall.

"Where is N1tEGeeK going?" you ask, pressing your body against hers and pinning her wrists while she struggles in your grip.

"I'm not telling you anything!" she growls, wriggling, her generous breasts rubbing against your ample bosom as she does so.

Slightly embarrassed at being aroused by this whole situation, you pull her towards you and then slam her back against the wall - she gasps with surprise, but is no closer to confessing anything. It's then that you notice the dancing torchlight of policemen quickly advancing along the alleyway towards you.

You have two choices. Do you:

Enter Venom

You leave your hiding place and run as fast as you can after the villain. As you draw level with the window from which he emerged, you are quite surprised when a hand reaches out and grabs your arm - running at full pelt as you are, you can do nothing to prevent yourself from being guided face-first into the wall.

You stagger backwards from your high-speed collision to see N1tEGeeK's dark-haired sidekick, Venom, emerging from the open window... although you also know her as Melissa Mountshaft - you managed to determine her secret identity after your last encounter with her, and send it to the police. In fact, you're surprised that she's still at large - the police should have captured her by now. She grins, looking you up and down as she advances towards you. She is wearing her trademark outfit: a fishnet bodystocking under a leather 'underbust' corset, with thigh-length boots, elbow-length gloves, a skimpy thong and a facemask, all in black - you can see her generously-proportioned breasts through the fishnet, and in any other situation you'd be quite aroused by the sight. She spins on a heel, her foot rising as she turns, aimed at your head.

You have two choices. Do you:


As you look around for something to tie her up with, she takes the initiative and pushes you away. You stagger back against the opposite wall of the alleyway, and she follows, pinning you against the wall. She grins at you, an evil glint in her eye, and she licks her lips - you suspect that she enjoys having you at her mercy. Fortunately, she has no time to enjoy the situation - the police are almost on you now!

She punches you in the stomach, winding you, and runs down the alley, away from the police.

You have one choice. You:


You raise both hands and block her blow, throwing her off-balance. You push her back against the wall and pin her wrists.

"Where is N1tEGeeK going?" you ask, pressing your body against hers while she struggles in your grip.

"I'm not telling you anything!" she growls, wriggling, her generous breasts rubbing against your ample bosom as she does so.

Slightly embarrassed at being aroused by this whole situation, you pull her towards you and then slam her back against the wall - she gasps with surprise, but is no closer to confessing anything. It's then that you notice the dancing torchlight of policemen quickly advancing along the alleyway towards you.

You have two choices. Do you:

Two Routes

You leave your hiding place slowly, cautiously, and thank your lucky stars when you see a second figure emerge from the window. You quickly dart back behind the dustbin as you recognise it as N1tEGeeK's dark-haired sidekick, Venom... although you also know her as Melissa Mountshaft - you managed to determine her secret identity after your last encounter with her, and send it to the police. In fact, you're surprised that she's still at large - the police should have captured her by now. She is wearing her trademark outfit: a fishnet bodystocking under a leather 'underbust' corset, with a thigh-length boots, elbow-length gloves, a skimpy thong and a facemask, all in black. Her generously-proportioned breasts are visible through the fishnet, and you feel quite aroused as you watch her from your hiding place. She turns, letting you glimpse her fishnet-clad buttocks, and runs off in a different direction to the one N1tEGeeK took.

You realise that you can't possibly pursue them both... and N1tEGeeK may already be too far away for you to catch him. You wonder what nefarious task he has set his sidekick...

You have two choices. Do you:

Justice Is Served

"You fool, what are you doing?" she hisses, as the police approach.

You say nothing - all your strength is going into keeping her pinned against the wall. You even manage to weather her kicking and spitting as she desperately tries to get free... until a light shines in your face and a policeman speaks from just behind you.

"Both of you - stop your struggling and put your hands up, or we will have no choice but to shoot!"

Venom reluctantly obeys, and looks at you. You have no choice but to do likewise. The police move in swiftly and turn you to face the wall before gripping your wrists and moving them down behind your back, where they handcuff them. You look to the side to see them doing the same to Venom.

"You, Venom, are under arrest for diamond theft, amongst other things. You, Übergirl, are under arrest for vigilante-ism, amongst other things. You have the right to remain silent..."

With your hands cuffed behind your back, you feel quite helpless. Your breasts strain against your lycra leotard as you struggle futilely in the steel bonds, but you know that there is no escape. You see that Venom is putting up more of a fight, her naked breasts (well, naked under the fishnet) jiggling all over the place while she struggles, and it takes two policemen to escort her to the back of the waiting police van. You go more quietly, and a hand on your hip (well, more on your buttock, actually) guides you to follow her.

You have no choices. Had you forgotten that the police were looking for you? Or did you just want to leer at Venom's fishnet-covered breasts as they bounce around in the back of the police van on your way to a long prison sentence? Well, you succeeded in capturing the sidekick and preventing the theft of the Randolph Diamond, but you didn't manage to capture N1tEGeeK... Taking into consideration the fact that you've been arrested, you score a measly 12%. Have another go.