Gromet's PlazaSelf Bondage Stories

It All Started With A Roomba

by Canadom

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© Copyright 2024 - Canadom - Used by permission

Storycodes: F/f; bond; chastity; remote; enema; rope; electro; reluct; X

Continues from

Part 8

Time Remaining in Chastity: 30 Days.

Ana continued to lay on the couch as she watched Netflix, the exertion from trying to get herself out of her bonds had exhausted her. She drifted in and out of sleep as she laid on the couch, occasionally glancing down at the timer on the time-release lock, the black LED numbers slowly ticking away the hours of her secured state. “Only a couple of hours left.” She thought to herself, “Cass should be home soon.” 

She sighed and sat herself up with some help from the couch cushions, she took a drink of the water Cass had left her. She positioned the straw so that it filled the hole in her gag and was surprised that when she made a sucking motion, the water did flow into her mouth via the straw. She took a few sips and maneuvered it out of the gag, heeding Cass’s warning not to have too much since she couldn’t reach the washroom in her present state.

Ana was halfway through the season of her Netflix show when she heard the clicking of the condo door unlocking. Glancing down at the lock again, she saw there was just over an hour before it would release the chain. A few seconds later, Cass entered the condo and greeted Ana, “Hello plaything.” She said in a stern tone.

Ana said nothing in response, not that she could say much with the gag in. She heard Cass’s footsteps behind her as she walked over to the couch. 

Cass was looking at her with a stern expression and said, “We need to talk.”

She began to unlock the buckles of Ana’s head harness, unstrapping each of them as she went. Ana stretched her jaw as Cass removed the gag, setting the harness down on the living room table.

She looked her friend over and asked, “Is this a game to you, Ana?”

Ana was perplexed and asked, “What do you mean, Mistress?”

Cass said, “Well, it really seems like you don’t want out of your restraints or chastity. With the way you keep adding on days, you may never get out.”

Cass looked at her sternly and asked, “Is that the case? Do you want to stay stuck in those for good?”

Cass’s expression changed to one of mischief, “Because there is an option for that. It just requires your consent, a few e-signatures and speaking with a representative at the company.”

Ana could feel herself becoming turned on by the thought of permanent chastity, it was a tempting proposition. She quickly shook off the feeling though, no, she had to get out of the belt and bra as soon as she could!

Ana answered Cass, “No Mistress, I want out of these as soon as possible.”

Cass chuckled, “I don’t think ‘as soon as possible’ is really an option at this point, Ana. You’re looking at a solid month locked in those.” She tilted her head slightly, “Can you really go a month without having an orgasm?”

Ana gasped; she knew Cass was right. She would want another orgasm at some point and that would add even more time to her sentence. Ana’s instincts kicked in and she began to move her fingers towards the belt, “Wait!” Cass cautioned her, “You remember what happens if you try to remove the belt or bra, don’t you?” 

She stopped. Cass was right. Plunging her fingers under the belt’s waistband would just add more time to her sentence. She grunted in frustration, “I hate these fucking things, Mistress! They’re impossible to remove!”

Cass nodded, “That’s the whole point, Ana. They’re so secure because of the settings I set for you and how they penalize you if you try to get yourself out early. The belt and bra will also teach you patience and self-control.”

She mused, running her finger along the belt, “If you think about it, they really are the perfect devices for an unruly sub like you.”

Cass sat down beside Ana and began to untie the rope binding her elbows together, “I should let you know, Ana. The average time for a sub to be released from Hell’s Gate Chastity is approximately three months.”

Ana was shocked, “Three months, Mistress?! You can’t be serious. I can’t go three months in these!”

Cass confirmed, “Yes, I’m serious. If you behave yourself, you could be out sooner than that. But as it stands right now, you look like you’re on track for several months stuck in chastity.”

Ana’s heart sank at the news, she had only been locked in for a few days and was already desperate to get out of the devices. She wasn’t sure how she’d be able to stand months in them.

Cass uncoiled the rope, releasing Ana’s elbows from its snug embrace. She coiled up the rope and set it beside her on the couch. She looked down at the time-release lock, seeing that Ana had 40 minutes remaining before the lock would release the chain.

With a yawn Cass said, “Looks like you’ve got a little more time to wait this out. I’m tired from my day and frankly am in a bit of a mood, I don’t feel like cooking tonight.” Cass pulled up the Food Jockey app on her phone, “I’ll order us some takeout, Ana. Chinese sound good?”

“Yes, Mistress, that sounds great.” Ana agreed, her mood improving slightly now that she had a little more mobility.

Cass looked at her sternly again after placing the order, “Now, I have to go pick up the food. I’ll be back in about an hour. The lock should release the chain in forty minutes or so and then you’ll be able to move around the condo again. But remember, you have a safe zone you can move around in, so don’t try anything funny, understood?”

Ana nodded, “Yes, Mistress. I’ll behave myself.”

Cass looked at her with trepidation, “I’m skeptical, this is an exercise of trust, Ana. Maybe things can get easier for you if you show me that I can leave you alone without you getting into trouble.”

Cass pulled up the Hell’s Gate app on her phone, “But as a precaution, I’ve removed my room from the safe zone. If you go in there while I’m not here, *zap*. Understood?”

Ana nodded her agreement.

“Good, behave yourself while I’m out, plaything. I’m generously leaving you ungagged as well, your jaw could use a break.”

Ana smiled, “Thank you Mistress, it’s much appreciated.”

Cass nodded, “Don’t make me regret it, Ana. Stay out of trouble.” She held up her phone, “Remember, I’ll be watching while I’m away.”

With that, Cass left the condo again, this time leaving Ana less secured than before. She smiled slyly to herself, knowing that Ana wouldn’t be able to resist the added freedoms; she would slip up somehow.

Meanwhile, Ana turned her attention back to her Netflix show and waited for the countdown to finish.

She gritted her teeth as she felt the vibrators spring to life again and shut off moments later. Deep down, she hated that Cass had activated torment mode, it made this much harder for her…but she knew that was the idea, Cass was punishing her for going through her things.

She calmed herself down and glanced over at the lock, ten minutes remaining until she’d be able to move around the condo again.

She turned her attention back to her program and a short time later, several beeps from the lock signified that the lock could now be opened. Ana sighed, “Finally.” 

She reached down to unlock the braided wire holding the chain in place. The chain clinked as it dropped to the living room floor. Ana paused her program and stood up to stretch, at least as best as her restraints would allow her to. She had more mobility now but was still very much secured in the rest of her restraints.

Meanwhile, Cass watched the video app on her phone from the parking lot of the restaurant. Focusing intently on Ana, she watched to see what she would do now with her limited freedom. She had some time to kill until the food was ready, the restaurant was quite busy and the order had been delayed as a result. She watched as Ana made her way to the condo’s washroom, shuffling her way down the hall and closing the door behind her. Cass didn’t have a camera in there to respect Ana’s privacy but would be able to tell if she got up to something while she was in there due to the belt and bra’s security measures.

In the washroom, Ana relieved herself and made her way over to the sink. After washing her hands, she noticed the vanity’s light catching the faint barcode on the back of her belt. Of course! She had almost forgotten about the forum post she had read during her shift the other day. She carefully sat on the bathroom counter and turned herself as best she could. She could barely make out the numbers and letters with the way she was sitting. 

“4….C..” she began to say to herself as she winced to see them better. She would never be able to remember them all, the barcode was too long. She needed a way to record them.

She got down from the counter and shuffled her way to her room, retrieving a pen and piece of paper, all the while being watched by Cass via the cameras, “What is she up to?” Cass asked herself.

Ana made her way back to the washroom with the pen and paper in hand, writing down each character as the vanity light revealed them, “4…C…H…6…” The barcode was sixteen digits long by design, another security measure by the company to ensure subs stayed secure in their belts. The average person wouldn’t be able to remember all those numbers but a crafty sub like Ana would still figure out ways to get them. She continued to position herself so the light hit the barcode and revealed the faint digits, “….J….9….” Ana’s blood ran cold, she noticed the middle four digits were missing.

“What the fuck?? No!!” She exclaimed. “Ugh!! She’s thought of this already!” she grunted to herself throwing down the pad and paper on the counter as a frustrated sigh escaped her lips. Ana knew that she’d never be able to get the override password for the belt without those four digits.

She leaned forward with her head in her hands, wondering how she was going to endure months in her chastity. Her train of thought was broken by her phone chiming, she glanced at the screen and saw that Cass had texted her. Ana’s heart began to race, Cass must have seen her with the pad and paper on camera. She opened Cass’s message, “What are you up to in there, plaything? ;)”

Ana knew she couldn’t lie to Cass; she was smart and would figure it out one way or another. She sighed and took a picture of the pad with the numbers and letters written down, sending the picture to Cass and awaiting her fate.

Cass’s phone chimed as she received Ana’s reply, the food was almost ready, and she would go into the restaurant soon to retrieve it. But first, she wanted to see what Ana said. She laughed as she saw the picture, “Oh, Ana.” 

She knew exactly what the letters and numbers were from. She opened the car door as she typed out her reply, “LOL! Trying to escape the belt, are we?”

Ana saw the reply and sighed. She knew that she had to come clean, lying would just make her situation worse. “Yes, Mistress. I’m sorry, I panicked when you mentioned that it takes months on average to get out of the belt.”

In the restaurant, Cass grabbed the bag of food and thanked the cashier who apologized for the long wait.

“No worries, have a good night,” Cass said with a smile as she exited the restaurant. 

She opened her text messages again and saw Ana’s confession to the crime. She grinned to herself as she typed her response, “I filed off those four middle numbers of the barcode after I bought the devices…just in case whoever I locked in the belt would try something like this. ;)”

She sent her reply and typed another, “Don’t worry though, I have the full code securely stashed away somewhere – you don’t need to know where. But I can always get the override code from the company if we need to get you out of things in an emergency.”

She got back into her hot car, the evening sun warming up the interior to an uncomfortable temperature. She started the car to get the A/C on as she finished her reply, “As for your penalty: Since you were honest with me, I’ll only add two more days. If you had lied, it would have been five days! Don’t get up to anything else, Ana. You’re in enough trouble as it is. I’ll be home soon with the food, behave yourself in the meantime. ;)”

Ana’s heart sank as she read Cass’s punishment for her, “Ugh, two more days of this hell.” She said in defeat as she tossed her phone down beside her.

She lifted herself off the counter and left the bathroom, the pad of paper still strewn clumsily where she had tossed it earlier. She rushed to her room and opened her laptop, rifling through her emails until she found the one with the link to the forum post. Hoping against hope that she had missed something about how to get the belt off when she initially read the post.

However, as she read the replies on the user’s post, she realized the news was grim. One particular reply shed light on why she wouldn’t be able to get out of the belt until her time had been served:

NOTE: This method no longer works. I’m a former customer service manager from Hell’s Gate Chastity and I can tell you that the company was looking into this issue shortly before I left. Due to a few subs discovering this method of escaping their belts, they decided to step up their security:

Needless to say, with these two steps in place, once your belt is locked you’ll be staying in it until your sentence is up. Sorry to burst your collective bubbles but you’ll just have to serve your time.”

Ana held back tears as she read the post. Wishing to herself that she had read this earlier as it would have saved her an increase to her already daunting sentence.

She flopped down on her bed, exhausted from trying to escape her bonds earlier and from the stress of the news regarding the override code. She stared at her ceiling wondering what else Cass had in store for her in the coming months, since it seemed like she wouldn’t be getting out of things for a while. As she laid there, the belt and bra administered small shocks, causing Ana to wince and grunt her disapproval. 

The shocks weren’t excruciating but were painful enough to give her constant reminders of her situation. She thought about Cass’s wording regarding the barcode being ‘securely stashed away’ and it made her wonder if it was in Cass’s bedroom. Not that she could get there at the moment since it was outside of the safe zone that Cass had set.

A short time later, Cass returned to the condo with the food. Entering the condo she made her way to the kitchen and set the brown bag on the counter, pulling each of the dishes out and setting them down beside the bag. She called out for Ana in a sing-songy fashion as she removed the lid from the lo mein, “Oh Ana, dinner time.”

Ana sighed, getting up from her bed she shuffled out to the main room to see Cass in the kitchen unpacking the food from the takeout bag. 

“Can I help with anything, Mistress?” She asked, hoping to get back into Cass’s good graces.

Cass smiled, “Sure, why don’t you get out some plates and some spoons to dish everything up with.”

Ana hobbled her way over to the cupboard and got some dishes out and some spoons from the drawer. Setting the items down beside the food and placing spoons in each of the containers.

Ana nodded and smiled, “You can go first, Mistress.”

Cass chuckled, “Sucking up to get the days removed, eh?”

Ana had to admit, Cass did have a good sense of what was on Ana’s mind. She nodded slightly, trying to reason with her, “Can we just call that one a freebie, Mistress? I promise it won’t happen again. I can’t get out of the belt without the full barcode anyway.”

Cass chuckled and shook her head as she dished up some fried rice, “Absolutely not. You need to learn that there are consequences for your actions, Ana. These thirty-two days you’re stuck with should be a very good reminder of that I’d say!”

Ana took in a breath when she heard the number. She knew she had over a month but to hear the actual number left a sinking feeling in her stomach.

“Thirty-two days,” she sighed, “I’m so fucked.”

Cass just smiled, “No argument here. You’ve definitely dug yourself quite a hole.”

She finished dishing up from the last container and brought her plate over to the table, motioning for Ana to have her turn at the food.

Ana began to load her plate up with the various dishes that Cass had ordered. She took a little more fried rice than usual, she loved fried rice and wanted a bit extra to cope with the stress of her sentence.

As she sat down, another set of shocks and vibrations gave her a stern reminder of her situation. She grunted in frustration as she began to eat.

Both women finished their meal in relative silence, Ana thinking about her predicament and what the best way to get out of it was – if there was a way out. Cass was thinking about her day and the mood she was in. The session with her client went fine, but she was a little angry at Ana’s hubris, thinking she could get away with things when she wasn’t around. Something I’ll have to correct, she thought to herself as she scraped up the last of the rice on her plate.

Ana broke the silence at the end of their meal with a question, “What are your plans for me, Mistress? I mean, what else will you have me doing?”

Cass collected the plates as she answered, “Honestly, I’m not sure yet. But don’t you worry, you’ll be busy!” She finished her thought with a knowing smile.

She glanced at the clock, already 8pm, she motioned to the sink and said, “Speaking of you’ll be busy. You can wash the plates and cutlery.”

Ana got up from her chair and voiced her acknowledgement, “Yes, Mistress. I’ll get started right away.”

She shuffled over to the sink and filled it with soapy water, washing the dishes as she was instructed to do.

After she was done, Cass motioned for her to follow her to the washroom. Ana knew what she wanted, Another enema, ugh! She thought to herself as the ankle chain scraped against the vinyl floor of the kitchen.

She winced as Cass filled her up again with the enema kit, it wasn’t a feeling she thought she would get used to. Not easily anyway.


Steph had finished her shift at the mall and headed straight home. The belt felt weird under her jeans, a constant reminder of the deal she had made earlier that day. She was thankful that the belt was low profile though, she figured if she wore jeans no one would notice she had it on.

She set down her purse on the table beside the front door of her condo and took her shoes off. She made her way into the washroom and removed her jeans, a sigh escaping her lips as she did. It felt good to remove them after hours of feeling compressed with them over top of the belt. She sympathized with Ana somewhat, even though she knew Ana’s compressions were much worse than what she had experienced with her tight jeans over the belt.

Steph looked at her reflection and began to blush, she thought she looked hot stuck in the belt and began to run her fingers along the edges of it, feeling the contours of the steel and padding. She started daydreaming about it but snapped herself out of the fantasy, figuring turning herself on would be a bad idea while she was locked in. She already owed Cass $80 and didn’t want to increase that amount by letting her fantasies get the better of her and begging to get the belt off.

She glanced at the clock, 8:15pm. Only two weeks to go! She reminded herself. She could do this! Besides, her ‘sentence’ was easier than Ana’s, right? 

Ana’s insides were still aching from the enema, she dreaded having more of them in the months to come. Cass gave her some privacy to use the washroom after the enema, after washing her hands she shuffled her way out of the washroom. She followed closely behind Cass who had retrieved the notepad and pen from Ana’s escape attempt earlier. Cass looked over the numbers and letters on the notepad, amused by Ana’s attempt, “Well, Ana. You made more progress with the code than I thought you would, I’m impressed!” 

She stopped and leaned in close to Ana’s ear and whispered, “But you should know that I’m always one step ahead.”

Her expression softened, “Shall we get you ready for bed? I’m sure you’re tired after your busy day. Trying to escape from restraints can take a lot out of you.”

Ana knew that Cass was being sarcastic, but she was actually tired. “Yes Mistress, I’m exhausted. Turning in early sounds like a good idea.”

Cass smiled and led Ana to her bedroom, motioning for Ana to get onto her bed and assume her routine position for the night. Cass began to lash Ana’s wrists and ankles to the bed, as she had done the previous nights. She also tied ropes into the D-rings of the belt to further limit Ana’s mobility during the night. Pulling everything snugly she double checked her knots, confident that Ana would have no chance of reaching them.

“Goodnight, plaything.” She said with satisfaction.

Ana groggily responded, “Goodnight, Mistress.”

Ana stared up at her ceiling and wondered why she did this to herself. Why did she have to go through Cass’s things and get herself locked in such a secure belt? She knew Cass was enjoying her predicament but how long would it be before she started to enjoy it, if at all?

Ana winced as another set of shocks broke her train of thought. She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep, knowing she’d need the rest for another busy day tomorrow.


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