Gromet's PlazaSelf Bondage Stories

Between Two Trees

by Fliek

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© Copyright 2024 - Fliek - Used by permission

Storycodes: Sbm; mpov; toys; cbt; latex; gag; restraints; outdoors; spreadeagle; cons; XX

It had been almost a year since my . I had been fantasizing about a new scenario for some time now. Finally, spring weather arrived and temperatures have become more agreeable. The mountains still had lots of snow but the hills were lush in green and flowery colors. The last couple of days had seen some rain spells, but the weather forecast for the weekend looked promising.

A few days ago I read about a new toy and decided I wanted to try it out during my session. I bought it on Sunday, but on Thursday the package was still at the distribution center and all I got were notifications about its delayed delivery. Frustrated, I had half given up on my play and made arrangements to go on a cycling tour with friends for the weekend. 

Friday came, and the day was very busy with work. I finished around 17:30, ready to enjoy the weekend. When I looked at my private emails, I received another notification from the delivery company. They had delivered the package, although not at my home but at a pick-up location in the city center. My heart jumped; I may be able to go through with my plan after all. I had to be quick though. The play had to happen tonight, and I needed daylight to scout the area I wanted to use and set up the rigging that would hold me in place.

I took the train to the city – a short ride away – and walked to the shop to pick up the package. It had indeed arrived! I was the happy owner of a MegaWand vibrator and an attachment. A new way to stimulate my penis for the edge play I had in mind. It has 20 different modes and 8 intensities, and has enough battery to run 3-5 hours. Plenty of time for the play I had in mind.

I rushed home and got my bondage gear from the basement. Because I had kind of given up on the play, I hadn’t clearly thought about the exact setup yet. I went through the gear and selected what I thought I needed: ropes, carabiners, a progress-capture pulley (a mini-traxion I used for mountaineering) and dropped them into my hiking bag.

I undressed and prepared my cock and ball punishment. First to go was a stretching rubber with three rings attached to each other. I put the larger ring at the base of my cock and balls. The two smaller rings went around the base of my cock and around my balls. They pull my package tight, preventing me from cumming easily. The CBT ring I took next was something I had purchased recently. It is a metal ring that is locked with an Allen Key. It has a ring on one end that can be used to attach things to. I placed the metal ring around my balls just below the rubber ring and locked it in place. My balls were now snug in place.

Next, I put on my latex suit. The suit has a zipper that runs from my upper chest down between my legs and ends at the lower back. It has three sliders that I can use to create various openings. To hide my suit while I would be driving and hiking to the location where I would carry out my plan I put on normal pants and a shirt. Socks and sport shoes completed my attire.

I went through the different sizes of locks and selected five that can be opened with the same key and put them into my bag. The key to the locks I placed next to the Allan Key on the dinner table. The arm and wrist bands, the mask and the vibrator and attachment went into the bag as well.

What would keep me in place and release me in due time was a MagBound timer lock. I had bought it a while back and used it in plays at home. It can be programmed by connecting to it with a smartphone and has a feature that allows setting the locking time randomly. I took the locking device and a small battery pack to power it. They too all went into the backpack.

I was now ready to set out. I grabbed another small backpack and my car keys. It was 8pm by now. The sun would set in an hour with another 30 minutes more of twilight. The drive took about 30 minutes, driving through a town and up a hill where I parked my car. Farms sprinkled throughout the woods and fields,a few hiking trails criss-crossing the area.

I parked at the crest of the hill. I had scouted the area on Google Maps, using its satellite images to check if I could park. There was another car parked at the same spot, but nobody was in sight. I carefully looked around but could not see anybody. I got out of the car and put on my backpack. I look around carefully one more time, and set out for my play spot.

I was walking on a wide dirt road on the crest of a shallow hill. On my right was the road I drove before; on my left pastures and a few farmhouses a little further down. The evening sun was still warm, and I was starting to sweat underneath my latex suit. I looked back down the trail towards my car. I noticed somebody was there! It looked like a man. Must be the person in that other car. He seemed to pay no heed to me. Good thing I was wearing long pants and a shirt over my latex suit.

After a while I reached another pasture and started looking for the small trail that should lead along the edge through the woods. I followed it a little while until the trees got less dense. I spotted a few trees of medium size that would do well for my setup. I wrapped a rope around one of the trees, tied it off with a noose, and clipped a carabiner into it. I did the same thing on another tree five meters away. I took my ankle and wrist restraints out and laid them out on the ground.

Next I took two ropes out of my backpack. The first rope I tied to my right ankle restraint, led it back to the tree, threaded it through the carabiner, and then back and through my right wrist restraint and back to the carabiner where I tied it. This would prevent my right arm and leg from moving once I am stretched out.

I then tied the second rope to my left ankle restraint, threaded it through the carabiner on the left tree, and doubled back again to thread it through my left wrist restraint. I then led the rope to the carabiner, locked the pulley to it and threaded the rope through it, and led it back to my left wrist restraint. The pulley was set up in such a way that I could pull the rope with my left arm, but it would not release any rope already pulled. Pulling the rope thus meant I would only tighten the bondage, but it would never release.

I took the MagBound timer and connected it between the tree and the carabiner. This would ensure my left arm and leg would eventually be free, allowing me to untie my right and release myself from bondage. I programmed the MagBound to a random time - somewhere between 45 minutes and 2 hours - but I could not see how long it would take. The clock has started ticking!

I took off my clothes (the pants and shirt) and put them into the bag. I then put on the leather mask I had brought. It has an opening for my eyes and mouth and can be tied tight at the back using laces. I then put on my panel gag and locked all the straps. The keys were at home, which means I cannot take it off until I retrieved them. 

Time to finish the bondage!

I tied myself into the ankle and wrist restraints. Fortunately I had left enough slack to move about. I opened the zipper of my latex suit and pulled out my cock. I placed the MegaWand around my cock. This would stimulate and torture me during my bondage. Heck, maybe it would even make me cum!

I grabbed from the free rope leading from the pulley on my left and pulled it. I was being pulled left. To compensate, I pulled my right leg also, tightening the rope that led to the tree it was connected to. My right arm and leg were being pulled. I had made sure I still had enough freedom of movement on my left, and turned on the MegaWand. I came to life on the default setting; a continuous vibration which would make me cum very quick. I changed the vibration mode to a random setting and increased the intensity a few notches. I then pulled the rope until my left arms and legs were also pulled tied.

I was bound and at the mercy of anybody who would find me!

Twilight had started. I could hear the road below in the valley. I could also still see shapes and movement. Occasionally I heard a car and saw headlights twisting and turning up the road to where I had parked my car. Then everything became silent again. 

The MegaWand was relentless in its vibration and the CBT ring was pulling my balls down. It changed its pattern every few seconds, not allowing me to enjoy the moment and work up enough excitement to cum. I came close a few times but always I was pulled back by a sudden stop or change in rhythm. 

It was one of those moments when I was trying hard to come despite the random stimulation that I heard something a little down below. A forest road ran below me and a dog appeared in view. It was sniffing. Its owner was strolling relaxed, telling the car to take it easy. When they were almost right below me, the dog looked up straight at me and started barking. It was almost dark but there was still some twilight left and the moon came up a little. If I could see them, they surely could see me. Yet I could not move, let alone go anywhere or hide. I was so turned on when the MegaWand switched to basic vibration. I came immediately. Good thing I was wearing a panel gag that muffled any sounds, because I would have moaned loudly. 

The man seemed to not have noticed and pulled his dog along. He appeared out of view. I was alone again, a load of cum all over my penis and the inside of my latex suit, and the vibrator still going on as if nothing had happened. The CBT ring was pulling hard, and not that I was in my post-cum state, it was starting to hurt like hell. Yet the ropes would not give in. I was still in bondage and couldn’t do anything to ease my predicament.

I had no idea how long it took for the MagBound to release. My arms and legs were weak from being pulled continuously. Suddenly the left rope slacked. I hadn’t noticed at first, but when I tried to change my posture a little to ease my aching body, the ropes gave way. Quickly I turned off the vibrator. Finally relief! 

Next I undid my restraints - first on the right arm and leg, then on the left. I was still gagged but nothing I could do about that until I got home. I undid the rope contraption on the tree (the ropes, carabiners, bagbound, and pulley), put them into my backpack and started the trail down to the car. It was dark now. I couldn’t see if anybody was out there. I walked slowly, trying to make as little noise as possible so as not to be heard but also so I could hear anybody approaching.

I reached the car without incident. I got in and started driving. I could just see enough through my mask and around my panel gag that I could drive safely. I still had to make it home though through a few towns with plenty of street lights that people would be able to spot me. It wasn’t that late at night; 10pm I reckoned. At one of the intersections I had to wait at a traffic light. I hid my head behind the steering wheel. I hope nobody saw me. I parked the car in the communal garage, snuck into the hallway, and entered my apartment. Finally I could take off my panel gag and mask again.

Was I happy to be home? Oh yes! Would I do this again? Definitely!


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