I've never liked spiders. Nasty things - they give me the creeps. Little ones always look like they're eyeing me up to jump on me, medium-sized ones just stare at me from the edge of their webs waiting for me to get tangled and large ones just plain scare me. And that was before my boyfriend, Carl, got obsessed with the things.

He was a few years older than me and a bit of a nerd, but I didn't mind since he knew exactly what I wanted in bed. But, these days, he had been working longer and longer hours at the library to the point where I hardly ever saw him. And he kept bringing home books about arachnids and pictures of the nasty beasts. I had complained a few times but he just kept telling me to stop being silly.

I decided that perhaps it was I who was over-reacting. So I was going to give him a treat tonight. If he liked spiders so much, a spider he would get - I opened the box that the postman had delivered this morning and looked at the contents for the umpteenth time. It was black, it was brief and it was sexy - a bikini, but the two pieces were joined by a spidersweb of the same material. I quickly removed my dressing gown and changed into my new outfit before admiring myself in the mirror. The makeup I had applied a few minutes ago contrasted with my pale skin, which contrasted with my black hair and bikini. I grinned at my reflection. Tonight was going to be so much fun.

I wandered downstairs and sat in front of the television, a glass of wine in my hand, to wait for him.

I was awoken by the sound of a key in the front door. All was dark, except for the luminous clock on the video - as I tried to focus on it, Carl stepped in front of me.

'What do we have here?'

'I've been waiting for you,' I smiled, my senses still foggy from the sleep.

'You look so sexy, my darling - let's go upstairs.'

'I'm tired.'

'I'll carry you.'

And he did. He lowered me gently onto the bed and kissed me tenderly on the lips, his fingers gently tracing the lines of the spidersweb on my tummy. I responded to his kisses softly at first, but more and more passionately as I began to wake. His hands moved up from the web to my breasts - he cupped them, squeezed them and kneaded them while he pushed his tongue into my mouth. I moved my hands to his chest and helped him out of his shirt, and then his trousers.

He sat astride me, his hands on my waist moving up past my breasts to my arms until he got to my wrists. He gripped them gently and moved my hands above my head to the wrought-iron head of the bed, where a pair of handcuffs was already waiting. This was what I meant when I said earlier that he knew exactly what I wanted in bed. His kisses traced a line from my now-bound wrists down to my neck, and then between my breasts (my nipples were rather hard already) and then circled the spidersweb on my tummy before he travelled further south. I wriggled with pleasure as I felt his lips touch my inner thighs - my legs parted automatically for him. And then he began to kiss the crotch of my bikini, his kisses firm enough for me to derive a great deal of pleasure from them as I wriggled and writhed - but he seemed oblivious to what I was doing, he was concentrating just on pressing his lips against my pussy.

And then I felt his fingers push my bikini to one side so that his tongue could gain access to my most private area - I groaned very loudly as it pushed inside my pussy, and began to pull very hard at the handcuffs binding me since I wanted to stop him getting me too excited... but I didn't want to say anything, in case it did make him stop! And then his tongue left my hot, wet pussy and he began kissing up my body again, past the spidersweb, past my breasts until he got to my throat. He flipped me over onto my front, my arms crossing above my head, causing me to gasp with surprise. He then kissed my back, working his way back up towards my neck. At the same moment that he planted a kiss on the area between my neck and shoulder, he pushed his hard cock deep inside my hot cunt and I almost screamed with pleasure! We moved together, his hands underneath me, supporting me and playing with my breasts, while he thrust into me and sucked on my neck. I pulled my legs together beneath him and screwed my eyes shut as the sheer ecstacy became too much and I came.

Minutes later, we were snuggled up together in bed with the lights out. I was still wearing the spidersweb bikini, at his request, and feeling very happy and very satisfied. As was he.

I was awoken by him kissing me on the forehead. He was dressed for work and, before I could say anything, he had gone. I looked at the clock on the bedside table. 6 o'clock. He left earlier and earlier each day. I wondered what he was doing at work that needed so much of his time.

I got up at 10 o'clock, a far more sensible time. After a shower and a change of clothing, I spent the morning doing the housework. What a modern, independent woman of the 21st century... My housework eventually led me back to the bedroom, and I picked up the handcuffs that had been used last night and took them to the wardrobe. Of course, I would probably get them out again tonight, but I liked a tidy house during the day. And you never knew who would come visiting.

As I put them in the wardrobe, I spied a pile of books that I hadn't seen before. I bent down to look at them - it was dark in the wardrobe, but I could just read the titles on the spines - Daemons & Folklore, Pentagrams & Hexagrams and Forbidden Magicks. What was Carl doing, reading books like this? I reached for the top one on the pile to get a closer look but my hand brushed against something small and furry. Something small and furry that moved... I hurriedly pulled my hand back to my chest and saw first the legs and then the body of a tarantula! I screamed and jumped back. What was this spider doing in our wardrobe?

Bravely, I stepped forward and swung the door of the wardrobe shut, and locked it. Carl could deal with the spider when he returned home. And I wasn't going to set foot in the bedroom again until he had dealt with it. I walked downstairs, checking my clothing for spiders as I went, and opened another bottle of wine.

Eventually, I heard his key in the front door and climbed out of my chair to confront him while he was hanging his coat up.

'I had a nasty shock today, Carl.'

'Hello to you too, Laura. What was it?'

'I found a spider in the wardrobe.'

'A spider?'

'A tarantula!'

'Oh, you've met Bernie.'

'Bernie? The damn thing almost bit me! I was just reaching into the wardrobe for a look at those books you brought back from the library when it surprised me!'

You should have seen the look on his face. At the mention of those books, he went as white as a sheet. The next thing he said was soft and quiet, his voice having lost it's life.

'Don't worry, Laura, Bernie's harmless. You found my books? Did you look in them?'

'No, I didn't get a chance. Are you alright?'

'Never better.'

His voice had regained it's life, and he smiled at me with the smile that had first seduced me all those months ago. Without a word, he reached out and gently took my hand before leading me upstairs. He sat me on the bed before he went to the wardrobe and opened it - he reached inside and pulled out a small cage. And inside the cage was Bernie.

'The cage is closed,' he said, 'I think you just imagined that he was roaming loose.'

'But I saw him! I felt him!'

'Are you sure you didn't look in those books?'


He looked at me as if he didn't believe me, but then his expression returned to his heart-winning smile. I returned it and breathed a sigh of relief as he put the cage on the dresser at the far end of the bedroom and put a black cloth over the top. I wouldn't have to worry about that spider again. He walked back across the bedroom towards me and planted a warm, loving kiss on my lips, and I responded with the same.

He helped me out of my clothes until I was lying on the bed, totally naked. He winked at me as he walked around the bottom of the bed and fetched some items from the wardrobe. He sat next to my head and handcuffed my hands to the head of the bed, his face still full of warmth and loving. I pretended to struggle a little, just to keep him smiling - he cupped my left breast and teased my nipple with his tongue and it felt so good!

His other hand held a black bit-gag above my head and he winked at me. We had bought it only a week ago and had only used it once before - I hadn't liked it since it was uncomfortable, and I liked to be able to tell him if he was doing anything that I didn't like. If I didn't keep an eye on him, he had a habit of getting rough - he was a little bit of a sadist, but I definitely wasn't a masochist!

'No, Carl, I don't feel like being gagged tonight...'

'I don't think you're in much of a position to argue, Laura.'

I looked at him, my expression one of surprise. Unfortunately, an expression of surprise involves an open mouth and he took advantage, pushing the bit into my mouth and pulling the straps over and around my head so he could fasten them together at the back. I struggled and mmmphed - what was he doing? What had gotten into him?

He stood up and returned to the wardrobe to retrieve two more pairs of handcuffs. He quickly pulled my feet to the edges of the bed and cuffed them to the foot of the bed, as far apart as he could. And all the while, I was struggling, but he was too strong. And I was scared.

He stood at the foot of the bed, and looked me up and down. I felt incredibly exposed, especially with my legs held apart by the handcuffs. I didn't like this game any more.

'Did you look in those books?' he asked me, and I replied by staring at him coldly - why didn't he believe me?

'Be like that, then,' he shrugged, turning away from me and crossing to the dresser.

He returned with the cage in his hand, and I began to mmmph very loudly into the gag as he opened the little door and let the spider drop onto the bed next to my bound ankle.

'Did you look in those books?' he asked again.

I began to shake my head vigorously but froze when I felt a small, hairy leg against my own freshly-shaved, bound leg. I looked down to see Bernie climb up onto my shin and begin to walk along towards my knee. I began to shake, and I couldn't control myself - I tried desperately to stay still, to not alarm the spider too much. I sensed Carl move around the bed until he was by my side - I didn't see him since I couldn't stop looking at the arachnid walking slowly up my thigh.

'Did you look in those books?'

Bernie's leg touched the delicate skin between my legs and I heard a moan slowly escape from my mouth. I couldn't do anything to stop the spider from doing whatever it wanted. Luckily, it seemed to lose interest in my nether regions and began to walk along my tummy. Seeing it get larger and larger was one of the scariest experiences of my life... and then it moved between my breasts and up and around until it got to my left nipple. For some reason, my nipple was hard and the tarantula stopped to look at it.

'I think he's getting ready to bite you. Did you look in those books?'

I moaned into the gag as I slowly shook my head, but Carl didn't look any closer to rescuing me. The spider stood stock still, swaying slightly, until it reared up on it's hind legs. I screwed my eyes shut, ready for the pain of it's bite... but the pain never came. Carl dashed forward and quickly scooped the spider back into the cage.

'I believe you, Laura. I'm sorry I had to go to these lengths, but I had to make sure.'

He put the cage down on the bed between my legs and then returned his attention to me, removing the gag from my mouth.

'You're mad,' I said, 'what has gotten into you?'

'You'll understand why I had to do this. But I can't explain, not yet. It's still too early.'

'Let me go. Release me from these handcuffs! And get that spider out of here!'

'You're angry.'

'You think so?' I shouted.

'I'll sleep downstairs tonight. I'll let you get further acquainted with Bernie.'

And with that, he left. I shouted to him, but he never responded. And I was left there, bound naked to the bed, the spider in it's cage between my legs, looking at me. I didn't dare take my eyes off it, in case it escaped again. And it didn't stop staring at me, either. Eventually, the day took it's toll and I drifted off to sleep... and I dreamed.

I dreamed that I was in a dank, smelly cave, running away from something unseen. I could see sunlight ahead of me, the cave entrance in the distance getting steadily larger and larger as I ran towards it. And then I saw the biggest spidersweb I had ever seen, blocking my path to salvation. I gritted my teeth and charged, aiming to break through the centre of the web... but it was too strong. I struggled and writhed in the sticky strands but all too soon I was exhausted. And trapped.

I struggled some more but it was to no avail. And then I felt something furry brush my hand - I turned my head as much as the sticky web allowed to see an enormous tarantula climbing onto the web, it's many little eyes all focused on me! I renewed my struggles but could do nothing to stop it as it moved along my arm to my naked chest, and then slowly down my body...

I looked away from it and something outside the cave caught my eye. A girl, of about my age, with dark hair and darker eyes. She was naked, like me, and bound spreadeagled with vines between two trees. And she could see me. It was almost like looking in a mirror. I saw something move in one of the trees and she began to struggle when she saw it - a huge snake, some sort of constrictor, coiling around the vine holding her right leg... it moved slowly but purposefully around her foot, her ankle, her shin, her knee, her thigh... I felt the spider's hairy legs on my own thighs, and I looked down in time to see it plunge its jaws deep into my hot, wet, waiting pussy. The orgasm was enough to wake me.

I blinked, sunshine pouring in through the open window, the curtains flapping in the breeze. I was surprised to discover that I was no longer bound, but wrapped up warm in the duvet. There was no sign of Carl. Or Bernie.

An hour later, I was sitting in the kitchen finishing my breakfast, reflecting on the events of the previous night. What had happened to Carl, to make him act so strangely? I guessed that it was something to do with those weird books. I decided that I would go to the library where he worked and confront him.

'He's usually downstairs, in the basement,' smiled Janine, the stereotypical librarian.

I thanked her and headed for the little door between Heraldry and History. It opened into a long, featureless corridor, which ended in another little door. This led to a junction, and after that point I got well and truly lost. It was some five minutes later that I eventually came to a locked door. Somehow, I knew that this door was the right one. I tried it again, just to be certain that it was locked, and was very surprised when it opened. I hadn't heard anyone unlocking it...

The room beyond was candlelit - one doesn't normally expect to see naked flames in a library, but here I saw a large circle of white candles. The walls of the room were filled with shelves, which in turn were filled with old, musty tomes and scrolls of parchment. I felt like I had walked into a wizard's study. In the centre of the circle of candles was a young woman, no older than myself, sobbing. She was naked except for some rusty old manacles around her wrists and ankles, which were attached to a metal ring in the centre of the circle. As I approached, I noticed strange markings on the floor drawn in chalk. Before I could examine them further, the girl spoke.

'Please, you must help me!' she said, her voice weak from crying, 'I fear he will return any moment!'

'Of course,' I replied, smiling reassuringly as I stepped into the circle. What had Carl done to this poor girl?

And then I received the biggest shock of my life. I thought I was stepping onto solid floor, when in fact the floor of the circle was liquid. I stumbled forward, steadied myself and then fell back, my hands going behind me to stop my fall. I looked to the girl for help, but she was clear of the liquid, somehow levitating just above the surface. The liquid was up to the middle of my thighs and my wrists when the floor solidified again.

'What is this..?' I began, struggling to free myself.

'Your worst nightmare,' the girl grinned evilly, "unless you help me."

I looked at the girl, suddenly feeling rather helpless. My hands and legs were very securely trapped in the now-solid floor, and all I could do was rely on her for help. And the tone of her voice indicated that aiding me was the last thing on her mind.

'Who are you?' I asked.

'Ariadne,' she smiled, 'Queen of the Spiders, Greater Demon of Hell, Priestess of Destruction, at your service.'

She got to her feet, the manacles dissolving into the air, along with her clothes. Her hair changed from brown to bright, fiery red as she grew in size, almost doubling in height. Her arms and legs rippled as her muscles expanded and she threw her head back to scream as an extra four limbs burst from her sides, each one ending in a large, curved claw. I tried to back away, even though I knew that such an attempt was futile. And then she looked straight at me - her eyes slowly changed from brown to solid black. And I screamed.

'Scream all you want,' she said as she paced around my helpless form, 'even if anyone could hear you, they would not be able to help.'

She put one of her hands on my shoulder and I shuddered - her touch was cold, and caused my clothing to fade away to nothingness. Her hand moved up my neck to stroke my hair as one of her evil, curved claws gently reached between my legs and stroked my nether regions... given the situation, I was very surprised to discover that I was literally dripping with desire!

We were both surprised by the sound of the door opening. She looked over me and I tried to turn to see who it was, but being trapped in the cold, concrete floor restricted my movements too much. All I could do was listen to the conversation that unfolded.

'Is this another one of your tricks?' came Carl's voice from behind me, confirming my suspicions that he was the one responsible for... whatever she was.

'I am very pleased to say that she is quite real,' Ariadne grinned as another curved claw gently cupped my bare breast.

'I don't believe you!'

'Run home, little human, and you will see that I am right.'


'Yes,' I nodded slowly, afraid to move too much with those sharp claws playing with my more sensitive areas, 'What's happening, Carl?'

'I'm sorry, Laura!'

And then I heard something that I definitely didn't want to hear - the sound of the door closing. He had left me to my fate. I looked at Ariadne and she looked at me.

'Seems like your lover has abandoned you, Laura,' smiled the demon, 'Now it's just the two of us.'