A moan escaped my lips as she adjusted the position of her claws. Why had Carl abandoned me? Did he have some amazing plan to come back and save me? Or was I going to be a toy for this demon for the rest of my life? And then I remembered that she'd mentioned something about Hell earlier - I guessed that, potentially, I would be a toy for this demon for a lot longer than my lifetime. I shuddered.

'Are you cold?' Ariadne asked, 'I know a place that is hot all year round.'

'That's... q-q-quite alright,' I stammered, 'I'll be okay.'

'Hell is not as uninviting a place as you think it is,' she continued, 'You know already that pleasure comes from pain.'

'I don't know what you mean,' I said quietly, a little distracted by what her claws were doing.

'Observe,' she smiled, taking a step back.

The six limbs which were not supporting her crossed in front of her naked body and I thought I saw a green glow come from within the web her limbs formed. She opened her arms to reveal a small tarantula in each of her two hands. She turned her hands over and they both tumbled to the floor, somehow landing on their feet. I looked at her, ready to ask her question, but she used her featureless eyes to direct my gaze back to the spiders. They were moving slowly along the floor towards me.

'They are meant to bring me pleasure?' I asked, once again trying to free myself.

'No, Laura, they are meant to bring you pain.'


'But you will derive pleasure from the pain.'

I was about to speak when I felt two sets of little hairy legs reach my thighs. They quickly ascended, passing over my hips and tummy before they finally stopped at my breasts. I closed my eyes and swallowed, guessing correctly what was to come. I bit my lip to stop myself screaming as I felt a little set of jaws close tightly, painfully around each hard nipple. I felt one of Ariadne's hands cover my eyes, blocking out all light. I moaned softly.

'Bring Carl to me,' Ariadne said, 'and I will reward you with pleasure beyond your wildest dreams. You do not want to know what I will do to you if you fail.'

And then I felt her cold breath on my shoulder, moving up my neck to my lips - and she pressed her lips against mine, her kiss sent little electrical pulses of pleasure throughout my body. Her four claws cupped my buttocks and breasts while her other hand went down to the waiting wetness between my legs. She pushed her hard, scaly tongue into my mouth at the same time as two large fingers pushed between my labia. I was lost in the moment, my senses overloaded as my whole, helpless body was stimulated and aroused to the point of orgasm and beyond...

I blinked. I was alone. Lying on the cold, concrete floor just beyond the circle of candles, revelling in the afterglow of orgasm. There was no sign of Ariadne and no sign of Carl. I touched my tender nipples carefully, and was pleased to discover a complete lack of tarantulas attached to them. Had I dreamed it all?

I got unsteadily to my feet and had a quick search around for something I might use to cover my nakedness. Apart from the books, scrolls and candles, there was nothing. I would have to find something elsewhere in the library. I opened the door and crept out into the corridor. I eventually found my way back to the main library, and was surprised to discover that it was dark - how long had I been in the basement? I scanned my surroundings to check that the coast was clear before running as fast as I could in the direction of the main entrance. I slammed into the door and managed to wind myself - I hadn't expected it to be locked. I shook my head and cursed myself for not thinking. How was I going to get out of here?

I was blinded by a bright light shining on my eyes.

'Hey, what are you doing here?' came an old man's voice, from behind the light.

I tried to cover my nudity. Being handcuffed by a security guard may be listed amongst my favourite fantasies but right now I had more important things to do. I fled. And he gave chase.

'There's nowhere to run!' he called after me.

I detected a breathlessness in his voice - either he wasn't used to running or chasing after me was exciting him too much. I skidded around a corner and saw my salvation - a window. I ran to it, opened it and climbed out into the night.

Walking home through a major city at night is dangerous and difficult at the best of times. It's even more so if you happen to be naked. I did manage to fashion myself a rather fetching bikini out of carrier bags, and soon enough I was hiding in gardens instead of alleyways - a sure sign that I was almost home.

You should have seen the look on Carl's face when he answered the door.

'Laura? How..? I thought I'd lost you...'

'Never mind that. I'm cold, I'm tired and I'm hungry. Get out of my way.'

A couple of hours, a big meal and a hot bath later, I was sitting opposite Carl at the kitchen table, wrapped in my warmest, furriest blanket. We were both drinking large mugs of coffee, and discussing what to do about the demon in the library.

'She wants you, Carl,' I said, 'And has promised me lots of pain and suffering if I don't deliver you.'

'She'll give you lots of pain and suffering if you do deliver me,' he replied, 'Never trust a demon's word.'

'Then what are we going to do?'

'Sleep on it. We can work out how to get rid of the damn thing in the morning.'

'But what about the pain and suffering..?'

'The demon has no influence outside that circle - we are quite safe.'



'I'm relieved to hear that.'

'Good,' he grinned, 'Let's get some sleep.'

He led me upstairs to the bedroom. Before we got through the door, I grabbed him and pulled him close to me, kissing him passionately on the lips, taking him completely by surprise. He returned my kiss and I felt his hands move inside my blanket, caressing the bare flesh of my buttocks. I pressed against him, moaning softly, wanting him. We stumbled together into the bedroom and onto the bed, still kissing.

He pulled away from the kiss, a glint in his eye as he moved towards the wardrobe for our box of toys. I was about to shake my head when I thought: What the hell - since he's up, we might as well... And I knew that I deserved a treat. He returned, and immediately cuffed my hands together behind my back, engaging the double-lock to stop them tightening. He pulled the blanket away from my naked, helpless body and kissed my neck - I leant back on the bed, moaning softly as I felt his hand on my thigh. I parted my legs for him and was very pleased to feel my vibrator slowly entering my already-moist pussy. My disappointment at it being on it's lowest power setting was soon forgotten as his kisses went down to my breasts and he suckled on my nipples, teasing them with his tongue... which turned out to be his method of distracting me for a moment, while he reached for some more bondage toys.

He pushed my legs together and used a leather strap, looped around my thighs, to keep them in that position. Another pair of handcuffs went on my ankles and he rolled me onto my front... my weight crushed my breasts, which combined with the buzzing inside me to produce a very satisfactory sensation. He bent my legs at the knees and looped another leather strap around the handcuff chain at my ankles and pulled, so that it reached the handcuff chain at my wrists. And then I was in an utterly helpless hogtie, with no chance of getting out of it unaided. I wriggled a little, testing my bonds, but all my movements achieved was further stimulation for my hard nipples and soaking pussy.

I watched Carl get undressed, admiring his body as I writhed on the bed getting hotter and hornier by the second. I could tell that he was as aroused by my bondage as I was, and when he stepped towards me, totally naked, I knew exactly what was on his mind. I opened my mouth obediently and he pushed his hard cock inside... and now it was my turn to suck, to lick, to nibble... his moans of pleasure matched mine, the vibrator taking me slowly but surely in the right direction. His hands went behind my head, gripping me securely so he could gently thrust into my mouth - I struggled again, but could do nothing to stop him... not that I wanted to, anyway. His thrusts got faster, harder, deeper... and his arousal became my arousal. My tongue flicked up and down the length of his member, my lips gripped him firmly as he throbbed inside me, my teeth grazed the underside of his hard cock... it was then that he came, filling my mouth with his salty cum which I gulped down, no time to savour the taste for fear of choking... and I had myself a quiet little orgasm there and then.

Minutes later, we were snuggled up together in bed and I knew that I was safe from the horrors of the night.


The voice sounded familiar. It was that of a young girl... and then I remembered the first time I saw Ariadne, when she had taken the form of a young girl. I opened my eyes - I had no idea how it had happened, but somehow I was back in the library basement. But the basement had changed somewhat since I had last seen it - the entire room was covered in spiderswebs, which coated the walls, floor and ceiling, and stretched across the room. The biggest web, which crossed diagonally from corner to corner, had extra thick, extra sticky strands. I knew this because I was currently stuck to them.

'You have disappointed me,' the demon continued, 'You have failed in your task.'

'B-but Carl said...'

'What did he say?'

'He said that you have no power outside the circle...'

'In the real world, maybe. But we are not in the real world. You are still asleep. And that makes you my prisoner.'

I looked at the thick strands to which my outstretched limbs were stuck. I was in no position to escape. I was in no position to do anything.

'What do you want from me?' I asked.

'Right now, all I want from you is a scream...'

She grinned, as evilly as any demon, and looked above me. I followed her gaze to see two tarantulas, descending from the ceiling on a silky strand of webbing each, and I screamed. I thrashed about on the web, struggling violently in a futile attempt to free myself as the spiders got closer and closer... they passed a couple of inches away from my face and continued down until they got to my breasts. I felt their legs grip me as they clambered onto my body, my scream now silent and my face a mask of fear. They climbed up towards my shoulders, and then along my arms until they got to my wrists. As one, they bit deep into the soft skin on my wrists. The pain was excruciating enough to shock me into consciousness.

I sat up in bed, panting. It was still dark, and Carl was snoring next to me. I decided not to wake him, but I definitely needed a coffee - the last thing I wanted to do was go back to sleep! As I wandered over to the wardrobe, I wondered if he was having similar dreams - he looked so peaceful, though, that I doubted it. I reached into the wardrobe to get my dressing gown, but my hands returned with our little box of kinky toys. I looked at it, puzzled, as my hands reached in and pulled out the ballgag. As it slowly began to dawn on me that I didn't have complete control over my hands, they pulled the gag deep into my mouth and fastened it behind my head.

'Mmmmmph!' was all I could say, and nowhere near loud enough to wake Carl.

My hands disappeared into the toybox again and this time emerged with two pairs of handcuffs. I had nowhere to run - one hand grabbed the bed and pulled me closer to it before they quickly, efficiently, handcuffed my legs apart to the legs of the bed. I sat down on the floor, looking at my legs, cuffed wide apart by my own hands. But were they my own hands? As they moved, I noticed red marks on the underside of my wrists, where the spiders in the dream had bitten me. But, surely, that wasn't possible... But it was possible, and I was frightened.

My hands looped a length of rope around the base of each of my breasts, so tightly that they immediately began to redden and swell. The addition of nipple clamps made me moan very loudly into my gag, and when my right hand emerged from the toybox with my vibrator, I wondered why the demon was bringing me so much pleasure. The vibrator was moved down between my legs and was now buzzing on full power. My pussy was already wet and waiting for it... but that wasn't it's destination. As the vibrator was pushed between my buttocks, I began to struggle - obviously, this was my punishment for disobeying Ariadne. I had never, ever had anything pushed into my ass... but my hands, out of my control, didn't seem to mind. They ignored my feeble, gagged protests and I was forced to lie back, relax and try to cope with the pain...

Luckily, I didn't have to. The next thing I knew, Carl was on top of me. He grabbed my wrists, pulled the vibrator away from me and grinned triumphantly.

'What's this, Laura?' he asked, 'Having some private fun without me? We'll soon see about that!'

He pushed my hands above my head and cuffed them to the leg of the dressing table. I mumbled into my gag, to try to tell him what was going on, but he was too intent on pushing his hard, throbbing cock into my waiting pussy... it felt good, but all too soon it was over. He was lying on me, panting, and I bathing in the afterglow of orgasm. He reached up to release my hands and I frantically shook my head. He looked at me, puzzled, while I mumbled into the gag. He shrugged and removed the gag from my lips, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

'Carl, don't release my hands. Somehow, Ariadne has control over them.'

'You can't be serious...'

'I'm deadly serious. Now, if you'd kindly untie the rest of me, we can try to rectify this situation.'

He left an hour later, armed with a gun and a collection of mystic grimoires. And all I could do was wait for him. I spent my time praying that he would survive, that somehow he would drive that demon out of our world. There was little else I could do, bound as I was - my arms were twisted up behind my back, so that my fingers were touching the back of my neck... and my forearms were tied together with rope, keeping my arms completely immobile. It was the only way to stop my hands from hurting me. I was dressed in just a little white g-string, and I wandered around the house, pacing up and down, worrying.

The umpteenth time that I returned to our bedroom, I noticed that Bernie's cage was open. Which meant that he was loose... somewhere in the house. I suddenly felt very vulnerable... very helpless... and I wished that Carl would return soon to save me!