Gromet's PlazaSelf Bondage Stories


by Geetwo

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© Copyright 2024 - Geetwo - Used by permission

Storycodes: Sbf; F/f; gag; cuffs; collar; caught; tease; denial; reluct; X

After a stressful and frustrating week at her job, Loretta was in a hurry to try out her newly-purchased medical restraints and find out whether the thick, heavy leather straps were really as secure and escape-proof as they seemed.

Pausing only long enough to strip off her everyday work clothes and replace them with her “fun” outfit of sheer black stockings, suspender belt, cupless bra, long fingerless gloves and extreme high-heels, Loretta rushed to the spare bedroom she used for her games, quickly locking the heavy steel collar she had bought for herself around her slim neck and completing her costume by buckling her favourite ball-gag into her mouth.

Already excited by these preparations, she took the two pairs of wide leather straps and buckled them snugly around her ankles and wrists, then moved to the wall where five open padlocks dangled from the steel rings she had personally installed at just the right height and spacing.

Spreading her legs apart, she bent to hook padlocks through the D-rings on her ankle cuffs and shivered in delicious anticipation as she squeezed the locks shut to secure her ankles in their wide straddle.

Being right-handed, she then brought her left wrist up to the shoulder-high steel ring to her left and used her right hand to close that padlock, making sure that her fingers had a firm grip on the keys that would undo all of the locks.

In her early experiments with self-bondage, Loretta had always kept the keys in her right hand, but for the last month or two, she had taken to holding them in her left, just to make life a little more difficult when she finally and reluctantly chose to free herself.

It took longer that way and made her work harder to manoeuvre the keys into the lock, but that only made the challenge even better.

Of course, being a careful and level-headed girl, she had practised undoing the padlocks one-handed many times and was totally sure that she would have no trouble releasing herself.

Confident that she was in control of events, Loretta reached behind her neck to lock the ring welded to the rear of her collar to its waiting anchorage , forcing her to hold her head erect, then lifted her right wrist to the final steel ring and manoeuvred the D-ring of her cuff through the hasp of the open padlock, carefully twisting her wrist so that the padlock was wedged between her cuff and the ring screwed into the wall behind her.

It was a technique she had worked out and perfected months before and as always, when she jerked her wrist sharply backwards, was rewarded with the solid click of the tumblers snapping shut to secure her limb.

Her freedom was gone and as she tugged at the thick leather clamping her wrists and ankles, her eyes gleamed with pleasure to the knowledge that she could not possibly break the restraints and that her only means of freeing herself were the keys in her left hand.

Her nipples stiffened to aching hardness and her sex moistened with excitement as she gazed at her reflection in the full-length mirror she had installed on the wall opposite where she stood, relishing the image of her own securely-restrained body.

Luxuriating in her own self-imposed helplessness, Loretta closed her eyes, using her vivid imagination to conjure-up her favourite fantasy of being the captive of a ruthless pirate Captain and crew, bound to the mast of their ship and helpless to resist their merciless pillaging of her body.

The combination of her erotic daydream and the thrilling grip of tight leather and steel on her limbs and throat, sent her delicious arousal climbing higher and still higher, until she gasped and writhed in her bonds, her belly fluttering and sex oozing damply to the fierce, swirling heat of her need.

Focused so intently on her sexual passion that she was barely aware of anything else, it was several seconds before Loretta realised that the voice calling her name was not part of her fantasy…

“Hello? Hello? Loretta? It’s me, Maisie. Where are you, honey? You’ve left your lights on in the car again. Are you upstairs in the shower? I’ll turn them off for you if you like. Where are your car keys? Loretta? Loretta? Come on, babe, I know you’re home.”

Loretta’s eyes sprang open and she gave a gag-muffled squeal, her eyes wide with shock and dawning horror as she heard her best friend’s voice from the hallway downstairs.

It was the squeal that precipitated the disaster, for Maisie heard it, “Loretta? Are you all right? You screamed, babe. What’s wrong? I’m coming up.”

That was the last thing Loretta wanted and as she heard Maisie running up the stairs towards her, she panicked.

In a desperate bid to avoid the dreadful humiliation of being discovered by her best friend, in bondage, half-naked and massively and all-too-obviously sexually excited, Loretta twisted her left wrist inwards, rushing to fit the keys clutched in her fingers into the padlock.

Rushing too much, for instead of sliding into the lock as they always had in her previous self-bondage adventures, they hit the base…and the impact jarred them from her grasp.

Her fingers strained and clawed in a frantic attempt to retrieve her error, but the keys were already beyond her reach, falling to the floor before her appalled gaze.

She couldn’t believe it, simply couldn’t believe she’d made such a catastrophic mistake…but the evidence, the keys, lay there on the floor by her left foot, glinting in the light as if mocking her.

She could see them, could almost touch them with her foot, but for all the good that did her, they might as well have been on the Moon.

Knowing that she only had a few seconds before she was discovered, Loretta wrenched frantically at the broad leather straps on her wrists in what she feared would be a vain bid to somehow escape her self-imposed bondage.

She was right, the straps holding her with ease despite the cording of her muscles and clawing of her fingers, so that when the door to the room opened, she was still helplessly bound and gagged with her breasts and sex fully exposed.

“Loretta! Oh, honey, what happened? Are you OK? Who did that to you? Is that a gag in your mouth?” Maisie stood in the doorway, her face filled with shock and voice shrill with concern as she stared at the astonishing sight of her best friend’s embarrassing plight.

Loretta’s face flamed a vivid scarlet and she tried to explain, but the ball-gag she had buckled into her own mouth turned her words into incomprehensible gibberish, bringing a frown to Maisie’s face.

“I can’t understand a word you’re saying, babe. Let me get that thing out of your mouth and then you can tell me what’s going on and who tied you up like that,” and she hurried across the room, intent on freeing her friend.

Until she caught sight of the keys lying by Loretta’s foot…

“Hey, wait a minute,” she said, frowning again, “Are those the keys? And how come you’re dressed like that? You certainly didn’t wear that outfit and those shoes for your work, so you must have put them on for whoever was here with you. But why would somebody tie you up, then just go away? With you looking like that and unable to get out of those straps, or even argue, they could have done whatever they wanted. But they obviously didn’t and just left you. It doesn’t make any sense…” she paused to pick up the keys, then hesitated, “Unless…”

Maisie straightened up and when she looked her straight in the eyes, Loretta gulped and the red flush on her face deepened still further.

“There wasn’t anybody else, was there?” Maisie questioned sharply, “You did this to yourself and were playing a kinky tie-up game all on your own. I’m right, aren’t I, Loretta? And you dropped the keys by mistake. That’s why they were down by your foot.”

Loretta couldn’t reply, but her blushes and inability to hold her friend’s eyes with her own, told Maisie all she needed to know.

“So, you like playing games, do you, honey?” Maisie chuckled, then with her lips curving into a grin, she dangled the keys in front of Loretta’s downcast eyes, “I can see you’ve been having lots of fun all on your own, but I suppose you’d like me to let you go now, would you?”

Loretta looked up and nodded quickly, then her blue eyes widened and she swallowed nervously as Maisie shook her head, “Well, I’m not going to. Not yet. You’ve been a very silly girl, honey. Didn’t you realise that if you dropped the keys, you wouldn’t be able to get loose? You could have been stuck like that for hours. What if I hadn’t come along? You couldn’t possibly have got free by yourself, could you?”

She paused for a moment, then added slowly, “Or could you? Can you get out of those straps without the keys, honey, or are you really stuck? I don’t think you can and it certainly doesn’t look as though you can get loose, but maybe I’m wrong. Go on, give it a try. I want to see if you can.”

She stepped back, an expectant look on her face and although Loretta would much rather have been released, she could tell from her friend’s expression that it wasn’t going to happen until she had demonstrated just how securely bound she was.

Reluctantly, she began to tug half-heartedly at her restraints, wanting to get it over with as quickly as possible… but Maisie wasn’t about to settle for such a feeble effort.

“You’re not trying,” she accused, “I guess that means you want to stay tied up, then. Well, OK, I’ll just leave you and go home. Bye-bye, babe.”

She turned away, then turned back as Loretta gave a wordless squeal of dismay and jerked wildly at her bonds, her eyes full of alarm at the prospect of being left as she was.

“That’s more like it,” Maisie grinned, “I just wanted to be sure you couldn’t get loose on your own. And you really can’t, can you, honey?”

Hugely relieved that her friend hadn’t abandoned her, Loretta relaxed and stopped struggling, shaking her head as best she could to confirm that there was no way she could free herself.

“Mmm. I didn’t think so. You’ve got yourself in a proper fix, Loretta and if I was a burglar or something, you’d be in a lot of trouble.”

She paused and her eyes went to Loretta’s breasts, each topped by a stiffly-erect nipple, “Or was that the sort of thing you were fantasising about before I came over? Whatever it was, you were obviously enjoying it.”

Her cool gaze dropped to the joint of Loretta’s widely spread thighs and she chuckled in amusement, “In fact, to judge by how wet you are down there, I’d say you were pretty close to coming, babe.”

Even if she hadn’t been gagged, Loretta couldn’t have denied the charge and blushed furiously at the accuracy of the comment, knowing that if Maisie had been just a few minutes later arriving, she would already have climaxed.

“Oh, well. Sorry about that, honey. If I’d known you were…busy…I wouldn’t have interrupted you. I didn’t mean to spoil things for you, but I guess there’s not much I can do about it.”

With an apologetic shrug, Maisie stretched her hands out towards the strap sealing Loretta’s lips, then stopped and grinned mischievously, “Well, maybe there is something I can do after all,” she chuckled, “And I suppose, in a way, I owe you.”

Her hands changed direction and Loretta squealed as cool fingers captured her taut breasts, then began to caress her prominent nipples, Maisie’s touch sending shock-waves of devastating pleasure storming through her helplessly-displayed body.

Caught unawares and totally vulnerable, Loretta’s belly was instantly aflame as the fierce arousal of her temporarily-forgotten daydream returned in full force, fuelled by the stunning shock of finding herself at the mercy of her best friend.

It had never crossed her mind for even a single moment that instead of releasing her, Maisie would take advantage of the situation, but as her nipples quivered and sent bolts of electrifying arousal through her spread body, Maisie giggled in delight while Loretta gulped in dismay, knowing just how completely defenceless she was.

There was literally nothing she could do to stop Maisie doing whatever she pleased to her and when her belly kicked powerfully in response to that realisation, Maisie giggled again.

“My, my, Loretta, you really do want it, don’t you?” she grinned, her fingers continuing to toy with Loretta’s rigid nipples, “Well, I can help you with that little problem, but you’ve got to promise me something first. And it’s not negotiable. No promise, no pleasure for you, my girl.”

She gazed straight into Loretta’s eyes, “You have to promise me that you won’t tie yourself up without letting me know first, so that I can be on hand to come around and let you go if you get stuck again. And obviously, judging by the situation you got yourself into today, you certainly can’t be trusted to keep the keys to your padlocks safe, so I’ll keep hold of them for you.”

Loretta’s eyes opened wide as the implications of Maisie’s demands sank into her brain.

Her demands…and the firm, no-nonsense tone of voice her friend had used to make them…

With the keys in Maisie’s possession, if Loretta wanted to satisfy her future desires with the self-bondage fantasies she loved so much, she would have no option but to ask for approval first and then remain in her self-imposed restraints until such time as her friend came over to free her.

Much as she liked to pretend to be the captive of a gang of pirates, her erotic fantasies had never envisaged their Captain being a woman and she was confused and embarrassed at the wave of heat that swirled through her belly as she imagined binding and gagging herself in the full knowledge that Maisie would be the only one who could release her .

There would be nothing she could do to escape on her own…nothing to prevent Maisie taking full advantage of her if she chose to…and as Maisie urged, “Well, honey? I’m still waiting for you to promise. And if I don’t get what I want, you don’t get what you want,” Loretta gasped and her belly fluttered helplessly.

Betrayed by her own flaring need, she swallowed hard and then nodded her head the tiny amount that was all her collar allowed, her eyes filled with a mixture of longing and anxiety as she gave in to her friend’s demand and her own overwhelming desire.

“Right,” Maisie said firmly, dropping the keys to Loretta’s restraints into the pocket of her jeans, “It’s agreed, then. I keep the keys and you check with me first before you tie yourself up again. That way, you’ll be safe and I won’t have to worry that you’ve got yourself into trouble you can’t get out of.”

The determined look in Maisie’s eyes made Loretta wonder if she was already in trouble she couldn’t get out of, but there was nothing she could do about it even if she was, and for the moment at least, she was far too aroused to care.

She wanted desperately to come, longed for the climax that her fantasies and self-imposed bondage had so nearly given her, but without the key to release herself, knew that it was impossible to supply the touch that would trigger her orgasm.

There was only one way for Loretta to get what she desired so fervently and with a nervous gulp, she arched her spine as deeply as she could, proffering her breasts and belly in a mute and quite unmistakable plea.

Maisie’s lips curved into a slow smile as she recognised Loretta’s surrender, “OK, honey,” she chuckled, “I get the message. So I guess I’d better finish off what you started.”

Her left hand stretched out to cup Loretta’s right breast, while the right dropped to her sex and as a thumb and finger rolled Loretta’s already-erect nipple and other fingers caressed the exquisitely sensitive flesh of her labia and clitoris, the hapless blonde squealed into her gag and writhed and strained vainly against her bonds.

For long, endless minutes Maisie toyed with Loretta’s squirming body, revelling in her power over her defenceless friend and savouring the ease with which she could extract ever-more frantic responses from her as her passion and need built higher and higher.

To Loretta, brought to new heights of sexual desire and fevered longing, it was torment…but torment of the most delicious kind…and with no other option but to submit to Maisie’s devastatingly-erotic dominance, she surrendered eagerly and willingly, her breasts jerking and belly churning with savage heat.

Seconds and only a touch or two away from orgasm, Loretta whined into her gag when Maisie took her hands away and smiled into her wide, pleading eyes.

“Oh I’m so sorry, Loretta,” she said, not sounding in the least bit sorry, “I’ve just remembered about the lights on your car. You wouldn’t want the battery to go flat, now would you? So I’ll just nip down and turn them off. Don’t go away, now,” and with a cheery wave, hurried away out of the bedroom.

For two seconds, Loretta stared numbly at the empty doorway, then wailed in frustration and tugged uselessly at her bonds.

She had been so close, so nearly at her release and surely Maisie must have known how desperately she wanted to climax.

Her eyes filled with alarm and she gulped, realising that Maisie had understood exactly how close she was to her orgasm and had quite deliberately chosen to make her wait.

Maisie was teaching her that once Loretta tied herself up, she surrendered all control over what happened to her and must simply accept whatever came her way.

It would be Maisie who would decide when, how…and even if, Loretta would climax and there would be nothing that Loretta would be able to do about it.

Outside the house, Loretta heard a car door slam and as her belly kicked powerfully in anticipation of Maisie’s return, she tested her bonds one more time to satisfy herself that she was still a helpless prisoner, then gazed fixedly at the bedroom door where Maisie would appear to resume her arousal of Loretta and finally give her the shattering orgasm that she longed for with every fibre of her being.

Or so she fervently hoped…although that would be up to Maisie…


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