Gromet's PlazaSelf Bondage Stories

Being Naughty

by Jackie Rabbit

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© Copyright 2024 - Jackie Rabbit - Used by permission

Storycodes: F/m; fpov; outdoors; naked; Sbm; cuffs; caught; oral; mast; cons; X

…I love to hike in the woods, always have ever since I was a child, many times with my dog for both company and protection. It's an amazing bond that one can form, and it may be terrible to say but I sometimes prefer the company of dogs over certain humans. So she's a good dog with an incredible nose, but not what you'd call aggressive, although if somebody put their hand on me she'd probably get pretty nasty and protective. Anyway, where I live there are things in the forest that can potentially eat you, especially if you present yourself as an easy meal, and as insurance against that I not only have my puppy dog - with her very good nose - but also a revolver in my day pack, just in case.

So sometimes on these kinds of hikes I don't wear a thing, it's quite liberating, but this particular time it's a sports bra and a little pair of cut off short shorts, with a more proper shirt and some water and snacks in my pack, along with the pistol and some spare ammo. I'm dressed this way only because I've found a single teenager-type car in the trail head parking lot, and that likely means that there's somebody hiking this trail system with me on this rather wonderful morning, maybe even a fellow dog walker for all I know. Anyway, my puppy dog is well trained for hiking, so as soon as we're away from the parking lot her leash goes around my neck as she likes to be the one out in front, searching for threats with that incredible nose of hers for this two element "pack" that we form. It's a magnificent warm day for a hike too, but it's early enough that I don't see - nor hear - a human soul on the trail, even though there is that single car in the lot along with my own now…

So we're maybe a mile or so in on this trail through the woods to a rather picturesque waterfall - where I assume the other hiker already is - and I take notice that the more common sounds of the forest have suddenly gone silent; the birds have stopped their happy chirps, and I don't hear much else either, like the squirrels moving about and chittering. Sometimes it's not what you hear, but what you don't, and on top of that my pup has been nosing the ground, following an invisible trail that I can't, almost like one of those silent squirrels might if on a leash. It's odd behavior, but not really threatening, although I am paying a bit of extra attention to my surroundings now. She knows this hike well, and the trail is an obvious trail, but despite this she eventually follows her nose off to the left and off the actual marked trail, but instead of redirecting her I allow her nose to guide me too now, allowing myself to get caught up in her curiosity. It's not what you'd call heavy brush that she's going through, but she is a bit closer to the ground than I am - and excitedly "on track" - so I'm not exactly keeping up either.

I then notice her fresh paw prints in the soft soil next to the trickling stream we're following, and a single human adult sized bare footprint as well, and I now understand what she smells. In my own kinky mind barefoot means nude, but that's obviously only one possible explanation, although my mind still drifts to the possibility of another "nature lover" out here with me. A part of me wants to allow for that person's privacy here - male or female - but the bigger part of me is humanly curious as to what's going on; and for whatever reason I go with natural curiosity.

I'd been following the jingle of my pup's collar and the sounds of her going through the brush, but now those sounds are stationary, in one place, telling me she's found something, or perhaps even somebody. She's making happy puppy sounds, like she just found a new dog-friend, so I take my time coming up on her, perceiving no threat to either her, or my own safety. Dogs obviously don't really speak, but you can tell a lot from the noises they make, and I know this dog well.

All that being said, I'm simply not prepared mentally for what I find though, as in this obviously man made little campsite clearing - with several small trees and raked smooth soil - I also find a bound and naked teenager, he's maybe just out of high school, or maybe even first year college. It at least explains the teenager-car in the parking lot, but not necessarily his present perilous predicament. My puppy dog is prancing all around him, nosing him playfully, clearly wanting to play with this new friend she's just discovered. One can tell a lot from the way your dog treats a new person, the old saying that "if your dog doesn't trust somebody, neither should you" comes to mind. Anyway, I tell her to sit and she reluctantly does, and that young man and I make eye contact, but no words are exchanged as he's also ball gagged, but the expression on his face is priceless; both the terror of discovery, and his "this can't really be happening" look all rolled into one.

From that look alone - along with my own kinky self-interests - I think I have the lay of the land rather quickly in this little pristine hideaway of his; he simply doesn't have the look of somebody grateful to be found and rescued, even face-distorted as he is by the ball gag…

He's 100% nude - head to toe - and looking at it critically it's a very nice and lean body that reminds me of my husband's when he was that age himself, but I've also got a good fifteen years on this young man. He's submissively bound and helpless, down low on his knees before me with his back to a four inch maple tree, knees spread widely for stability, ankles crossed and belted behind him with what looks like his own belt; buckle down towards the earth and out of his reach. His wrists are cuffed around the same tree and also behind him - just like his ankles - and the cuffs look like real-steel, and therefore real enough to do the job. I've played at self-bondage myself in the woods many, many times, so based on both my observations and personal experiences I kind of have an idea that somebody didn't do this to him, but It's still prudent to ask anyway…

"Are you alone?" I ask both softly and diplomatically, in anything but a threatening manner. It's the first words I've spoken to him, and first words are everything as they help form that critical first impression everybody speaks about. I'm calm and in control here, and my demeanor easily projects this. Actually getting caught doing something like this is both my greatest fear, but also my greatest thrill - it plays into my kinky peril fantasies nicely - and here I kind of sympathize with this kinky and naked young man. I could easily ruin this young man's whole life for him with poorly chosen words alone going forward, if of course I were a hypocritical monster; but I'm anything but that, and under certain other circumstances I could almost see our situations being reversed here. I obviously won't harm him, nor do something he really doesn't want me to do either, but my mind is powerfully awash with naughty thoughts and possibilities that might make this an adventure for him that he'll remember his entire life; in a very, very good way. Had situations been reversed I'd be at this young man's mercy myself, and I also know how such things can turn out in the real world, the real damage even words alone can inflict…

He nods his head shamefully in response to my question, but my playful knowing smile is hopefully inconsistent with his shame. "No judgements here" is the message I'm hopefully projecting…

"I'd like to see your release method," I also tell him softly, letting him know that I intimately understand his self-inflicted predicament like only a fellow player possibly could. I then circle the tree he's bound to as he comically tries to follow me with both his head and eyes, I easily finding his intended simple release in the form of a very long bit of automotive speaker wire - maybe three feet of it coiled and in his hands - one end tied to the cuff's center chains and therefore within his reach pretty much no matter what; and at the other end I presume is the key to the cuffs. I don't see his clothes anywhere though, but this is also consistent with the barefoot track that I did see - and his very dirty bare feet - so I assume he stashed them elsewhere and walked here ala-natural. Such makes sense that he'd leave a bit of extra scent for my pup to find being barefoot and all that, so in that case; mystery solved.

Such takes both a bit of kink and some courage too - although for him the trailhead parking lot had been empty - but as I've said I've done some of this myself so I also know that special thrill personally; every random sound you hear amplified, close, and terrifying. In this case though I don't know if his intentions were just for a bit of a solo naked struggle session, or if he had something specific in mind to actually get himself off while actually bound like this, but I can't quite fathom him achieving a for-real man orgasm "hands-free" like this easily. A kinky mind can do some extraordinary things though, as it's possible - but also rare - for my own husband to pop off hands-free, or at least it was back when he was this age himself and perpetually horny, overstimulated as he'd been by my own documented antics.

In any event I've unintentionally spoiled this young man's solo fun one way or the other, and I feel a bit bad about that, my mind racing to figure a way to salvage the experience for him and make it right; maybe even make this a truly positive experience for both he and I…

"So, the way I see it we have a few options here…" I tell him super reasonably, all as he looks into my eyes with a tiny bit of fear. I have both one hundred percent of his attention and all the power here, and from my point of view that's rather exciting, so this is feeding my own ego nicely. I still obviously won't harm him in any way, but now I'm thinking of some way to make this young man's proverbial lemons into some sweet lemonade; maybe even for the both of us to somehow enjoy.

"…I can take my puppy with me and be on my way, pretend like I never found you, or I could offer you something to drink and eat from my pack and we could have a pleasant conversation, or as a third option, if I wanted to be extraordinarily cruel, I could always steal your key, maybe bring it back later, maybe not even…"

He makes a frantic attempt to speak past the big ball in his mouth - emphatically shaking his head back and forth - when I suggest the third option, but it's obvious that I'll need to remove the ball gag at least to learn what he now wants verbally. I have to ask before I touch him first though, so I do, and in return I get a nod to allow me to actually touch his bound self and remove the ball, which I also do. I pull it out with a trail of goo and sticky saliva, placing it around his neck in the traditional way one does when it may be needed again; which also keeps it off of the dirt too…

"Please don't take my key," he tells me. He gets points for this, both the "please" and his respectful tone with me.

"Okay then," I tell him magnanimously. I have the obvious power here in his mind as well, and his tone acknowledges this.

"Are you going to rat me out?" he desperately asks next, to which I shake my head no, again with a big smile. A part of me realizes that this would also be very "authoritarian" of me to threaten such, but I just don't know this young man, so a hard pass this time on something that could also be a bit of a fun scenario under the right circumstances.

I take my pack off and get to my knees before him - getting down on his proverbial level - and offer him some water and an energy bar, tenderly feeding him some of each. I ask how long he's been here, and he tells me less than half an hour, before of course we found him, further explaining that he didn't retrieve his key when he heard my pup - to make his escape - as it made a fair bit of noise dragging it through the brush when he started to. Presented with such a scenario one could either hide and be silent, or run away like a frightened deer; he obviously only had one of those two options, anchored in place as he was. Running away barefoot and nude was no real option for him anyway, as my pup would have easily ran him down. Both were obviously submissive options, as was being bound up as he was in the first place.

"Are you going to release me?" he asks next, perhaps realizing that a normal dog-walking woman already would have. He also maybe gets the idea that I'm not going to do something truly bad to him, that I'm no psychopath; but it's also obvious that nothing here is going as he thinks it should. He could also easily drag his key in himself and make his own escape now - the noises it would make are now irrelevant - but he hasn't done that either.

"Interestingly enough that wasn't one of the possibilities I envisioned, but I suppose I 'possibly' could, or even you could, as I watched you." There, I made the offer, reminding him of his initial self-release option. He's been properly caught though, and therefore he's also properly submissive to me now, and I haven't given express permission for such.

He's anything but erect during this brief exchange with me, but I also know that a man's appendage isn't always an accurate barometer of his interest either, and that even a twenty year old can turn on almost instantly if something flips their proverbial "switch" for them. I'm down on my knees before him, and I can see the direction his eyes try not to travel towards; so very good for my own ego to be sure. It's a sports bra though, so it compresses my natural assets by design, but I make an educated guess here that this young man is a boob man. In all fairness though I'm looking too, but in his case he doesn't have a secret to keep. I even notice that appendage of his twitching to life a bit now, and I look down at it deliberately with just my eyes, and then back up into his own eyes while still smiling, but now biting the inside of my right cheek. It's my "I'm seriously interested in being naughty here" look, but this young man may not have the depth of experience to realize this; or to be fair he might not be interested for any number of good reasons. I haven't backed away from him though, my sports-bra-covered boobs - that he's staring at on and off - are way less than three feet from his lips, and I also feel his body's radiated heat, and he likely feels my own as our knees are almost touching.

"I wasn't sure if you liked girls or not for a bit there," I told him, commenting on his body's physical interest and letting him know I noticed. "No judgments here," I added a moment later…

"I like girls a lot!" he tells me, and to confirm this his man bits are now responding as one might expect; again very good for my ego as it's not lost on me that he was likely taking his very first breath back when I was in junior high, just discovering boys. Such thoughts can make one feel old if you let them, but his obvious interest is the tonic that I need for that particular feeling. He's also been through a lot himself in just a few minutes, and quite honestly his recovery time is rather extraordinary under the circumstances.

"That's good, because I'm feeling a bit naughty here to be perfectly honest, opportunities like this with a rather handsome and fit young man just don't happen every day you know!"

We're maybe on the same page here now as I can't help but to notice his very genuine smile; the word "naughty" flipping this young man's switch fully on. I tell him I have to do something first, and I go to my pack and fish out my phone, but he sees this and begs me not to take his picture. I tell him I won't, that I need to text somebody first though, thinking to myself; I'd not ever want a picture like that on MY phone, not to mention that the one now burned into my kinky mind is more than adequate…

"'I've met a new friend on my hike and may be a bit late, husband of mine .'" I text my SO. I do have a signed hall pass, but I do like to let him know when things might happen first, when I can. It's a respect thing, and also a "twist him up" thing too, as I'll be sure to get a very warm welcome and a bunch of questions when I eventually do come home. I can see it all in my mind's eye, I'll come back home to him a proverbial mess, and he'll meet me at the door on his knees to welcome me home again anyway, unconditionally…


"'Love you'" I send back, clearly not in the mood to explain myself at that moment and ruin the mood I've got going on. We have a working FLR, but he still obviously counts; it's a fine line to actually walk…

I ask my captive what his name is, it's Kevin, how old he is too, he's twenty, then I give him my name as well; things I believe one should know at a bare minimum if pondering what I now am. I don't know where exactly this will end up - some things just happen in the moment and you just go with them - but Kevin having a big happy finish - of one kind or another - is my eventual goal here now.

"Kevin, if I were in your position myself and you happened upon me, I'd maybe expect you to steal my key and trap me here for a bit, have your naughty fun with me, and then maybe make me earn it back in some fun and creative way. Now that's just me, things that specifically trip my trigger with the right man or woman, but you may have some different ideas. I'm open to having a bit of fun here though, if of course you are."

Kevin doesn't answer me verbally, but I see a few deep breaths, and maybe even a bit of buyer's remorse in his eyes at the fact that he's the one that's actually bound and helpless here. These don't appear to be submissive-leaning thoughts bouncing around in his horny mind, but he may not be all that submissive either. I'm obviously reading a lot into a single "look," projecting one could easily say, and I myself like a bit of self-bondage imaginary-peril, but it can also be argued that I'm not all that submissive with my husband, at least ordinarily. So even for us there are exceptions, and maybe this is just something he's only trying out, trying on for size to see if he likes it; and oh boy, how did that go for him so far?

My pup is getting worked up and agitated now, she either feels, or maybe even smells the mutual arousal in that little clearing, and she gives me this look, as if to say "what the hell are you doing?" She's obviously been present when my husband and I have fooled around, but this isn't my husband either. She likely perceives no physical threat to my safety, but she's also confused as to what I'm intending. Anyway, I preemptively untie the wire from his cuffs and retrieve both it and his cuff's key from the woods, winding it up in a knotted mess and tossing it next to my pack, and therefore well out of his reach without a single spoken word. His eyes follow my actions, but no words are necessary. Too much talking can ruin a good adventure, at least for me; oh to be twenty again, and almost always ready to go…

Now to be fair, if one is going to take, she must also be willing to give something as well, and seeing how I've just removed Kevin's easiest path to self-escape, I must give something at least equal to that in return. But even before that, I think in my naughty mind, I must make sure I'm reading the proverbial room properly. So to accomplish this, and to keep to a tradition that I've always tried to, I saunter back over to my captive with a hungry smile, get down on my now dirty knees, and look him closely in the eyes. He licks his lips, as do I, that non-verbal thing we seem to have going on working magically. I've never made love to anybody without at least a name and a kiss first, and I have no intention of starting now, so when I reach in and peck Kevin on the lips he kisses me back.

To say that Kevin was receptive would be an understatement, and truth be told, making out with a man - or perhaps even a woman under the right circumstances - really turns me on. Reflexively I soon have my hands around his head, and his long hair that my fingers are entwined within even reminds me of my husband's, back when he was that age himself. It's a time capsule back to my own insanely horny youth, and I think I'll enjoy the ride.. I also just love a man who's good with his mouth, that's playfully good with oral things, because quite selfishly I really like having those kinds of things done to me. I don't necessarily like to reciprocate in kind though; call me a hypocrite on that one subject alone. I will actually do that particular thing though, but it's very, very rare, and all my randy planets have to be in proper alignment first.

So Kevin is quite literally my cuffed and helpless prisoner here now, I could do anything I might like to him, but even with this in mind while we're making out he offers me his tongue, just entering my own mouth with it exploratively. I capture it playfully and suck on it, running my own under his, pretending like this was something else of his in my greedy mouth instead. He moans into my mouth as I mock-fellate his tongue, but to be fair to Kevin here I'm making some special noises myself too.

…So truth be told I didn't have a concrete plan for my captive-Kevin, except maybe to eventually rub him off - after some proper teasing - at a bare minimum, all as he was bound before me, releasing his manly tension and making this a rather wonderful experience for him; as opposed to how it could have gone if another had caught him instead. It's still a very personal thing to do for any man, but nothing like going lower and sucking him off while he was helpless to stop me, or instead finding some creative way to mount him and ride him to both of our mutual orgasms.

So I don't really know all that much about Kevin at all, other than he looks impossibly healthy, and that I've managed to ruin his fun this morning, and of course that we have some mutual kinky interests. So I just don't do sex without some kind of underlying relationship first, except for one single time when I was a horny teen and looking for sexual adventure; that one had turned out well enough, but not so well that I needed to ever do a repeat foursome either.

Anyway, I won't be having actual penetrative sex with Kevin here… today, but something almost all the way there and mutually pleasurable I'm obviously open to. I was initially just going to rub him off, but stay clothed while doing so; however his obvious oral skills have me curious as to what else he can do with that mouth of his.

"Hardly seems fair that I'm dressed and you're not," I tell him in a voice that I hardly recognize as my own, all while only inches from his face.

"No ma'am," he respectfully agrees, his face lighting up with these new possibilities. It's a mixed message, but I also think maybe he likes being bare ass naked in my clothed presence - I know my husband does - but my implied offer has obvious advantages for him as well. He'd like to see this body of mine, and I'd like him to see it too, to perhaps show it off and get some confirmation that I just shouldn't need. It's maybe not totally rational of me, but it is real…

I slowly stand with my feet on the outsides of his spread knees - my wide-stance pose lusty, not all that ladylike at all - but I don't back away from him to do so either, instead using the tree he's bound to as a convenient pole to balance myself. This leaves my rather warm and now wet girl parts in his face; I'm almost rubbing his face in it. I realize that he must easily smell my arousal, because I surely can. I'm logistically working things out in my head, like can I do this thing I want to without actually hurting him?

There is a sexual synergy here between us that transcends words though, because Kevin reaches into me - that is my presented girl parts, still covered by my cut off denim short shorts, and a mismatched pair of white cotton panties - and he kisses me there too. I reflexively growl and thrust my hips at both the tree and him, and he easily gets that I'm very into this, that touching is perfectly okay with me too. He kisses me a few more times, and then rakes his teeth down the front of the thick denim seam that still covers my womanhood, it's a near bite as if he's eating a firm apple, but it's also near enough to the good parts that this "teethy" intrusion of his feels very good, like good enough to make me forget that I don't want to mount him.

A couple more mock "bites" at my still covered crotch area has me quite the mess down there, both from his own saliva, and what I'm naturally adding to the cause myself. I feel the wet spot expanding, and when I reluctantly back away from him and get closer to my pack I see it as well, wondering what that will look like if anybody should notice it between here and home. Young Kevin has gotten me seriously wound up here, and as a result I'm on a lusty version of autopilot; my body seeking what it wants directly. I could still exercise some free will and stop this, but I just don't want to.

I then kick off my sneakers and socks as his look suggests that he might like to be helping me strip himself, if of course he wasn't cuffed to a tree; so again very good for my ego to be sure. My sports bra goes over my head and off, messing my long hair in the process and making me half-look like a crazy woman; which one could argue I was emulating nicely. I shuck my tight little shorts and mismatched panties with a wiggle of my hips next, and poor Kevin looks about to orgasm kneeling there before me and passively watching the "show" of me stripping for him.

"WOW!" was his one word comment, so again very good for my ego, but I don't ask if his "wow" was a reaction to this mature body of mine, or the insane boiling lust that I've gotten myself into here; with his obvious help. I saunter back over to him with the exaggerated steps of a runway model, all as he stares at my welcoming landing strip the whole way. I then kneel on his thighs as this presents my boobs at the perfect height for him, as I know he's been eyeing them as well ever since I caught him. He needs no encouragement as he nurses on me like he's starving, and I playfully tease him with a "NO TEETH!" stern wagged finger warning. He then nibbles me there a bit in response, but he's being playful, and it does feel good too. It's not a teenager's firm and small chest, but I'm not a teenager anymore either, although some men still have trouble making eye contact with me if we're just meeting. Sometimes that's endearing, flattering even, and sometimes it's just creepy…

Anyway, I'm the one with the bound twenty year old plaything here, so if anybody's being creepy it's obviously me.

I offer the left when the right gets a bit sore, telling him just like I've told almost every other lover of mine that they like equal treatment. It feels just wonderful, Kevin wise beyond his years, and I almost want to give whatever girlfriend that taught him such a big thank you hug. It's just more foreplay though, as I don't think it's going to take me all the way "there" all by itself.

He's reluctant to let go when I start to stand, but soon I have my hands on his tree again, legs spread wide, steadying my randy body as I present myself once again to his rather talented mouth. I'm not forcing, just offering, but he dives into me anyway. I expect that I'll need to maybe coach him a bit on what I specifically like, but here I couldn't be more wrong…

"Lower, lower, THERE!" I squeal in record time, all as Kevin pops me off in like fifteen seconds flat, leaving me clutching that tree of his like my life depended on it. To be fair, some of this is due to the outlandish kink of the experience itself, but I'm still gushing and trembling like madd here, and Kevin is devouring all of it, also like his life depended on it. Both my trained reflexes and a million years of instincts make me want to thrust into that magnificent mouth of his, but I have to temper this by not wanting to bust the back of his skull open on the tree he's up against.

He hasn't even let me fully ride through the first big O before he's back on target again, and this one's nearly as good as the first. It's a bit overwhelming back-to-back like this to be honest, but I don't stop it either. He does for me again, and even again after that in pure selfless fashion, and the playful part of me wonders, "can I take him home, keep him as my naked playmate even?" It's also clear to me that Kevin has had a fair bit of practice here, has spent some time with somebody that's given him an education of sorts, and once again I'm grateful for such. Too much more of this and my well behaved puppy dog will get short changed on her hike though, as I'll be wanting to crash out and nap myself, and there's still Kevin's needs to attend to as well. He's earned something wonderful himself, but how exactly to make that occur I'm a bit on the fence about…

So reluctantly I back away from my kneeling oral prisoner, although he's reaching out for me anyway, clearly eager to do even more for me. I tell a white lie that he's making me sore down there, but trust me I've plenty more where that came from; my proverbial well nowhere near empty. I sincerely thank him, but if I were an evil bitch instead I'd leave him here with the taste of me on his tongue, unable to reach his man parts to finish the proverbial job; although I simply can't. With a bit of creative positioning I place my left leg between his own spread legs, allowing him something to grind on with his very erect self, our eyes meeting with simple understanding; if he thought he was going inside of me he's maybe disappointed, but perhaps still grateful for even this opportunity.

His apparent disappointment only lasts a second as I wiggle my left ankle a bit to encourage him, and soon he's grinding on me in earnest, moaning slightly while trying to get himself off in this rather lowly way, possibly oblivious to the potential shame of being "forced" to do so like this; like a dog in heat grinding on a visitor's leg. A big part of me would maybe like to do something else either with, or even for Kevin here, but not all the way there on this first proverbial date of ours. "Is he left thinking that his rather nice young man's parts aren't worthy of my mature girl parts?" I'm left to ponder; knowing I must nip that thought in the bud for his own confidence going forward.

So anyway, as he continues to grind on my leg he also reaches once again for the treat that he's been enjoying - that I've been enjoying as well - but it takes a bit of flexibility to get him close enough, in this case with both a firm grasp on the tree once again, and my free right leg wrapped around the tree itself. I'm left standing precariously on my left leg alone, but my right thigh is also half on Kevin's left shoulder, and he's once again busy with me down there. He's trying hard, distracted as he is, but he gets points for trying too. Anyway, overstimulated Kevin doesn't last very long like this, moaning into my girl parts and erupting like my husband once did back when he was this age himself, painting both our bodies from Kevin's chin on down. It was such a violent orgasm for him that I felt the "slap" of his cum hit me in the upper thigh, as well as his chin, and then squirt after squirt… after squirt, until he regained control of his lungs. I felt his heart pound like he just ran a marathon, living vicariously through his exertions. I've had some very nice orgasms here, but nothing as intense as I've just made Kevin have with my left leg alone.

I see the post orgasm clarity in his eyes, the "what did I just do?" look on his face as some of his cum drips from his chin. His hands aren't even free for him to clean himself up, and he suddenly looks ashamed, small, and helpless before me. I know I must put a positive spin on what I just caused, so I tell him honestly that I wish I could orgasm like that, with such intensity. Under the right circumstances I can have many, many orgasms in a night - or even a morning - but it seems that most men trade quantity for quality, or should I say intensity. This is a general observation on my part as I obviously don't know all men, or even all women, so this is primarily based on my own experiences, and of course what I've read.

"Nobody is ever going to believe this," Kevin tells me somberly, and here I'd think this would be something he'd want to keep to himself, but he's also of the internet generation; he just hasn't lived in a world where sharing private things on a global scale wasn't a thing. This makes my mind go in another naughty direction, and seeing how I have a mess to clean up, both on my leg and Kevin's chin, neck, and chest, I disengage and fish out my cotton panties and get ready to use them as a convenient rag, wiping both of us down with a garment destine never to be worn again. If this were my husband I'd force feed him a bit of his own mess as the price to be paid for creaming all over me like this, and he'd let me, merely because I "made" him do so, but that's also a power exchange game between us, and Kevin and I just hardly know each other. I know I can't crush his own ego here, instead I need to let him know that he's a rather fantastic young man, with a wonderful future ahead of him…

Before I start wiping I scoop a bit of Kevin's voluminous mess from his chin, using my index finger instead of the panties. I offer some to his lips like it's the best dessert ever, but he wrinkles his nose and turns his head anyway; but post orgasmic men aren't easily led to do such things, short of some serious conditional training, and of course consequences for disobeying. Mere inches from Kevin's face though I make a big seductive show of licking my own finger clean, hamming it up with "mmmmm" sounds, settling for all time - I hope - if I thought something of Kevin's wasn't worthy to be inside of me. Anyway, with that message hopefully delivered I use my panties to wipe both of us down, and then I open the leg holes wide and hang them around his neck as a sloppy souvenir of our exploits; physical evidence if he should ever want to share such with his friends.

"Just so you know stud, the only reason I didn't let you inside of me this time is that my husband didn't tell me I could," I lie to him, leaving the door open for a potential next time, or more likely, a third date adventure where Kevin gets everything he deserves as a thank you for all this. With these particular words he not only knows that I have a husband, but that said husband is rather wonderful himself and lets me have my naughty fun. Would a potential next time with Kevin be in the woods again, my own home, or even some other neutral place? The back seat of Kevin's little car? Now that would be a blast from the past!

Before I reset his escape wire I ask for his phone number, and then I text a simple and ask that he texts me when he's back in his car, so that I know he's okay…

…Getting dressed and kissing Kevin goodbye I take my very good pup on to the waterfall for a swim, her reward for being so good with me back with Kevin. On the way back I check on Kevin to see if he's still there, but all evidence of our little naughty adventure - less the suggestive bare footprints - are gone. It seems almost like a dream, but then my phone pings with a new text message, thanking me for everything…


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