I looked at the map, trying to hold it steady as the wind and the bumpy road conspired to make it unreadable. I knew that we had gone south after leaving the M5 and had just passed Newton Abbot, but apart from that I couldn't be sure where we were. I looked across to my boyfriend, Ash, who was concentrating on keeping the car on the road.

The sky was a clear blue and the sun was shining hot. Almost too hot for me, which was why we were driving with the top down. I was wearing just a skimpy tankini top, shorts and sandals - and sunglasses, of course. I reached forward and tried to direct the dashboard air jets to where beads of sweat were forming on my skin. While my hand was there, I raised the volume of the radio over the din of the air rushing past the car and the roar of the engine. The DJ was playing some Cranberries song about war or something - not my taste, so I turned the volume down again instead of changing the station.

"Do you know where we are?" I asked Ash, almost shouting to make myself heard over the noise.

"You're the one holding the map," he replied, his white teeth contrasting with his tan, "you tell me."

Just then a roadsign flashed past, but I didn't have time to read it.

"Did you catch that?" I asked.

"Yeah - it said Welcome To e-Ville, the Remote Community. Or something like that. Then listed the number of residents on a digital display."

"Is that some sort of online thing?"

"You haven't heard of it? It's an online community which unites lots of small, out-of-the-way, remote places in the UK and around the world. I'm surprised you haven't heard of it."

"I usually just surf for bondage stuff and clothes..."

"And that's one of the reasons I love you."

I blushed, and furiously concentrated on my map to stop it showing too much. On the subject of bondage, we had a suitcase full of restraints and fetishwear in the trunk of the car - our plan was to find a nice, little country hotel and take some very sexy photos in our room and maybe even in the grounds if we were feeling brave enough. I was especially looking forward to wearing my locking fetish ballet boots - I had been practising walking them for weeks, but had not yet been bound in them. I sometimes fantasised about locking them onto my feet and then losing the key... maybe unsuccessfully trying to pick them myself, before giving up and having to walk down the street in them to a locksmiths.

"That looks like a hotel," Ash said, plucking me from my fantasy and dumping me back into reality, "although 'Watery Fowls' is a bit of a bizarre name."

"It'll do," I replied, "I just want to get off the road and into a room..."


"I'll leave that up to you," I smiled, stroking his thigh and almost making him collide with an old-style mini in the car park.

As we ascended the steps, him in front with the cases, me bringing up the rear, I noticed that there was no reception on my mobile phone. We really were in the middle of nowhere. Still, at least we were near the coast - I imagined that I could almost smell the sea air.

"Oh, I know," came the voice of the woman standing at the hotel reception - she was talking on the phone, but when she saw us come in she paused briefly to call to her husband.

He was a tall man, and was looking about him nervously as we checked in. A shorter man, who only spoke a few words of English, showed us up to our room and we breathed a sigh of relief as we closed and locked the door behind us.

"That was creepy," I smiled, relaxing on the bed.

"Creepy? How so?"

"I don't know. I just got a strange feeling that I'd been here before. I dunno, I just recognised the place. Or remembered something."

"The only creepy thing I noticed," Ash said, unpacking our vanilla possessions, "was that such a huge, multi-storey hotel exists in the middle of nowhere. I'd imagine seeing something like this in a big city, not outside a small village in the south of England. If you'd been here before, you'd definitely remember it."

"Perhaps it's that e-Ville thing. Or perhaps there's some popular tourist attraction here that we don't know about."

"We'll ask at dinner, later. I noticed that their restaurant is having a Deep South American theme tonight - bijou gumbo and fake alligators. Sounds like fun."

"I have a better idea of what you'd find fun..." I grinned, flirtingly.

"I'll need a few minutes to get everything ready."

"Perfect - I'll take a shower."

I emerged from the shower minutes later, wrapped in a towel. As I sat on the bed, drying my hair, I looked at the clothing Ash had laid out for me to wear. The first item was a tight, black PVC teddy, with high hips, a thong rear and cut-outs for my breasts. The second item was a pair of black PVC opera gloves. Next was the obligatory pair of fishnet tights. And last was my fetish ballet shoes, sans keys. Ash was still setting up his expensive camera and lighting equipment, and I smiled as I watched him work. I also let my gaze drift to the open suitcase on the floor, filled with interesting bondage devices...

Once I'd finished drying my hair and applying my makeup, I turned to the clothes. First, I pulled on the fishnets, careful not to catch my toes in the holes. I spent a few moments crossing and uncrossing my legs, admiring the way the fishnets accentuated the natural curves of my long legs. Next, I put on the gloves, and admired the way the PVC almost looked like liquid in the light. I stood up and pulled on the PVC teddy - it was very tight, and the holes for my breasts were slightly too small - I had to pull my nipples to get my breasts through the holes, and I liked the way my breasts bulged slightly once they were through.

There was a loud knock on the door. I gasped, and looked at Ash. He returned my gaze and kicked the suitcase on the floor shut on his way to answer it. I grabbed the ballet boots off the bed and hid in the bathroom.

"Yes?" Ash asked.

"Hello, I was wondering... what's going on in here?" came the voice of the hotel proprietor.

"I'm just going to take a few photos of my girlfriend - you don't have a problem with that, do you?"

"Erm, well..."

"I'd make sure you have a good sweep of this room once we've left. We might leave a few photos behind by mistake."

"Well, err... thanks for the warning. I don't have a problem with you taking photographs. In fact, we pride ourselves on..."

"I'm sorry, but I really need to get started. Was there anything you wanted?"

"Oh, yes, I forgot to give you the form. Do you and your girlfriend want to become honorary Residents of e-Ville?"

"No, thanks."

"Sure? The form is no trouble. I'd do it myself but..."

"We really need to get started. Maybe we'll fill it in at dinner."

"Oh, well, thankyou for your time."

I breathed a sigh of relief when I heard the door shut. I wondered what would have happened if he'd accidentally seen me dressed in my sexy fetish gear. They'd probably never even heard of ballgags and nipple clamps out here in the styx.

"All clear?" I asked.

"All clear," came the reply.

I returned to the bedroom and sat on the bed, smiling when I noticed that Ash couldn't take his eyes off me. I lifted up one fishnet leg and pulled on one of the fetish ballet boots - it was quite extreme compared to what I was used to, since it pointed the foot straight down, meaning that I would be walking on the very tips of my toes. The stiletto heel was just enough to help me keep my balance. I clicked the fastening into place just above my ankle (the click was the sound of the lock engaging), admiring how long my leg looked now with my foot pointed by the boot.

"You did remember to bring the keys to these, didn't you?" I asked.

"It's a bit too late to be asking that question now," Ash grinned, as I pulled on the other boot and fastened it.

I reached out for his hand and he helped me to my feet. Or should I say toes? I took a few experimental steps, teetering precariously, before I found the confidence to walk with a little more purpose around the room. I was taller than Ash now, and had definitely got his attention - I could tell by the flashes and clicks from his camera. I crawled onto the bed, letting him take some shots of my fishnet buttocks and naked breasts, and pleased to take the pressure off my feet for a few moments - those boots took some getting used to.

"What was that?" I asked, my thoughts interrupted by what sounded like a scream, from somewhere else in the hotel.

"Sounds like someone is enjoying themself almost as much as I am," Ash winked, moving around the bed for some more interesting and photogenic angles.

"Is it time for the bondage yet?" I smiled, looking straight at the camera.

"It's always time for bondage," Ash replied, putting his camera down and opening the suitcase.

The first item he produced was a ring gag. I raised an eyebrow when I saw it... I guessed that he had interesting plans involving that later. He handed it to me and retrieved his camera - he took a film's worth of photographs of me pulling the gag into my mouth and fastening it behind my head. He then reached behind me and fastened a padlock to the back of the gag - I moaned, feeling aroused already by the extra security. I then felt his hands on my gloved wrists - he was behind me now, and he pulled my arms up behind my back into a reverse prayer (hammerlock) position. He wrapped a length of chain around my arms and wrists, securing the bondage with two more padlocks. And there I was, rendered helpless in a matter of moments. I struggled a little, testing my bonds, but I knew that I didn't need to - he was an expert, and I wouldn't be escaping without his help.

And then there was a knock on the door. Ash hadn't closed it properly earlier, and it slowly began to open... he left my side and almost vaulted the bed to get to it in time. He put his foot in the way, preventing it from opening any further.

"Yes?" he asked.

"I was just wondering," came the voice of the hotel proprietor again, "if you'd seen or heard anything suspicious..?"

"Suspicious?" Ash asked - I wondered if the proprietor would ask to come into the room, and then realised that I had nowhere to go - the ensuite bathroom door was shut, and I was in no position to open it.

"You haven't..? Haven't seen anything suspicious? Oh, good. Oh, marvellous!"

And, with that, he left. And Ash made sure that the door was shut properly.

"Weird..." my boyfriend said, and I indicated my agreement with a nod of the head.

He walked back towards his camera, and stopped. He then looked at me, and grinned very evilly. I suddenly realised that he wanted a break from the photography... he pushed me back onto the bed and I was completely helpless in his strong arms, utterly unable to resist as his hands roamed the PVC, the fishnet, the flesh... all I could do was groan into my gag and drool on the bed as he sucked, licked and nibbled on my exposed breasts and his hands roamed my buttocks and thighs. He rolled me onto my tummy and rubbed his face on my fishnet buttocks while I writhed and squirmed on the bed, my nipples hardening as my breasts were crushed beneath me. He moved up beside me, pulling me onto him, getting me to sit astride him - he gripped my stilettos in his hands, which meant that I couldn't move my legs - all I could do was sit up straight, grinding my crotch against his, looking down on him as he got more and more excited by the situation. His hands moved up my legs, over my thighs, up the PVC teddy to my bare breasts - I continued to hump and grind on his lap while he firmly gripped my breasts, kneading them, making me writhe on top of him as I found myself getting closer and closer to the point of orgasm, moaning as I could sense the waves getting ready to wash over me...

We both froze when we heard what sounded like an explosion coming from somewhere else in the hotel. The lights flickered, and some plaster fell from the ceiling onto the bed. I mumbled a question into the ring gag, and he nodded in reply. He laid me gently on the bed before sliding off and opening the door to investigate. Outside in the corridor, the lights were off.

"Excuse me!" he called into the corridor, "Do you know what that was? What's going on?"

There was no response from the corridor. I slid off the bed, somehow landing on my toes and stilettos, and stood up straight. I was feeling a little scared and a little panicked, and I wanted out of my bondage. I looked down at the suitcase, but couldn't see the keys to the padlocks. Perhaps Ash had them?

"Excuse me!" he called again, "What's happening? Can you hear me?"

I was in no position to use our safe word, so I used our safe tune - I hummed The Sound Of Silence through my ring-gag, and it certainly got Ash's attention. He turned away from the door just as the person he was talking to came into view. She was dressed as a maid, but there was something terribly wrong - her uniform was spattered with some red liquid which looked like blood, and her face was pulled into an inhuman expression, more an animalike expression of rage and hunger. She pushed my boyfriend, causing him to trip over some of his photography equipment and tumble to the floor - in the blink of an eye she was on him, growling, her teeth bared as she ripped at him with her long fingernails!

I screamed into the gag, but it was to no avail. I walked around the bed as fast as I could, to where my boyfriend was fighting for his life against the crazed maid. A stray foot kicked out and connected with my leg, sending me teetering and tottering out into the corridor, desperately trying to stay on my feet.

"Go!" Ash yelled, "Save yourself! Get help!"

I turned back towards the room, and I could tell that he was losing the fight. I took a step towards him, and then heard a sound coming from further down the corridor. I saw a couple of figures, moving towards me in the darkness. No longer concerned about my nakedness, I squinted, trying to focus on them. They moved ever closer and I took a couple of faltering steps towards them, wondering how I could communicate the urgency of the situation with them. Just then, the lights flickered on - it was just for a moment, but long enough for me to see that the two figures were similarly possessed by the strange, animal-like hunger as the maid. I would be getting no help from them. But perhaps I could help Ash by drawing them away from him...

A couple of small steps turned me around, and I set off in the opposite direction down the corridor, the two figures following. They were moving quicker than I was, but I had had a head start. I ignored the discomfort of the boots as I walked through the darkness, picking up speed as I travelled, not daring look over my shoulder in case I lost my balance - if I fell, I knew I wouldn't be getting up again.

I rounded a corner, staggering a little but using a wall to keep on my feet. I heard my pursuers close behind me and breathed a sigh of relief into the ring-gag when I saw an elevator just up ahead, the doors open invitingly. I picked up the pace, my heels tapping loudly as I moved from the soft carpet of the hall to the solid floor of the elevator. I couldn't stop, and walked into the mirror at the back of the elevator, crushing my naked breasts against those of my reflection, gasping because the mirror was cold.

I turned, looking back at my pursuers - they were almost on me. I staggered forward, and pressed my hard nipples against the elevator buttons. The doors closed smoothly and I smiled as much as the gag allowed, before leaning back against the mirror and panting. What on earth was going on in this hotel? What madness had gripped the staff and my fellow guests? And was my dear Ash okay?

The doors slid open at the main entrance to reception. I darted to the side, suddenly very self-conscious about my nakedness, but there was no-one there to see me. The lights were on, and it was dark outside - I could feel a cold breeze on my bare breasts. And then I saw her - a tall, pale-skinned beauty with raven hair, marching purposefully into the hotel, dressed all in black. She had an air of importance and possibly arrogance about her. And then I saw the maid who had attacked Ash only minutes before - she had fresh blood dripping from her fingers and mouth, and was limping towards the raven-haired newcomer. I staggered into the centre of the lift and mmmmphed my loudest warning into the ring-gag - the woman turned to look at me and raised an eyebrow when she saw what I was wearing. How could I get the urgency of the situation across to her? As I was debating rushing to her side, she finally noticed the maid - she didn't bat an eyelid when she saw the blood and the crazed expression. In fact, she smiled even more. What was this? What was happening? Did this woman have something to do with this madness? Answering my last question with a single gesture, she pointed at me and the maid immediately changed direction and headed towards the lift. I was in trouble. I jammed my breasts against the buttons in the lift again - the doors closed, and I was whisked upwards...

"What's that?" came an elderly male voice from the darkness of the corridor I arrived at, "Have they learned how to use lifts yet?"

An Australian woman replied: "I don't think so, Major. These zombies have proved to be quite dim-witted so far."

A pair of torches was shone into the elevator and I suddenly felt very exposed as they lingered on my breasts and fishnet thighs before settling on my face. A pair of hands grabbed me and pulled me into the corridor - I blinked as my eyes adjusted to the darkness.

"What do we have here?" said the Major.

He was old, and he was clutching a shotgun in one hand. Huddled behind him was a pair of elderly ladies, clearly scared by the entire situation. And standing beside me was a tall woman with a tan, who wasn't trying to hide the fact that she found my predicament somewhat amusing.

"Another survivor," she smiled, "who looks like she was enjoying herself far too much when the zombies attacked."

"She's not in league with them?"

"I doubt that very much," the Australian replied, moving beside me - I felt her hand brush my thigh as she did so, and a brief shiver of excitement ran through my body, despite the terror, pain and discomfort...

The Major harrumphed and led the way ahead, the two elderly ladies never straying more than a metre from him. The Australian woman looked me in the eye and asked me if I was okay, to which I nodded. She had a look at my bonds but, without the keys, concluded that she wouldn't be freeing me in a hurry. She gave me a shoulder to lean on as we followed the Major, brushing my hair away from my eyes so I could see where I was putting my feet. A little moan escaped my gagged lips as she wiped some of the drool from my breasts.

I lost track of how far we travelled through that hotel, avoiding the zombies wherever we could - all I could think about was the growing discomfort of walking in those extreme high heels. I staggered, and almost lost my footing - my Australian friend caught me, one of her hands accidentally cupping my bare breast as she sat me down on a nearby chair. I moaned softly into the gag, relieved to get the weight off my feet.

"Wait there," she said, "I'll stop the Major from going too far ahead."

She kissed my forehead before chasing after the him... and then I was alone, illuminated by a softly flickering light above my head. I wriggled on the chair, pulling at the chains binding my arms so tightly up behind my back, but they hadn't loosened even a millimetre since Ash had locked them in place. Ash. I wondered what had happened to him, whether he had escaped from that maid. True, I had seen fresh blood on her but that didn't mean it was his. And then I saw him... back in the direction we had come, leaning against a wall, panting. The light was bad, but I could recognise him anywhere. I mmmphed loudly into the gag and staggered to my feet, ignoring the pain as I quickly trotted towards him.

But it wasn't him. At least, not anymore. His face was pulled into the same crazed expression as the maid's. When he saw me approaching, his eyes seemed to light up and he moved from where he was resting, licking blood from his lips as he moved purposefully towards me. I yelped into my gag when I realised my mistake - I turned around as fast as I could without falling over and began to flee, but it was too late. I felt a strong hand closing around my arm and hot breath on the back of my neck...

There was a loud bang, and the hand left my arm and the breath left my neck. I looked up, to see the Major standing before me, smoke coming from the barrel of his shotgun. My Australian friend rushed forwards and put her arm around me, draping a large coat over my shoulders to hide my nakedness, and guided me away from the scene... I didn't turn around, I didn't want to see what Ash looked like dead. Seeing him undead was bad enough.

It wasn't until we had entered a lift and the Major had pressed the button that I realised that Ash may have had the keys to the padlocks... but try as I might, I couldn't communicate this fact to my companions. They just shushed me and hugged me, thinking that I was still suffering from the fright.

The lift doors opened on a scene of carnage - there were bodies everywhere in the corridor, and the few zombies standing over them turned to look in our direction. Just then, the lights failed again and the Major began to frantically push the lift buttons to take us to a different floor. Just as the doors began to close, a pair of hands reached into the lift and grabbed my nipples - they pulled hard and I stumbled out of the elevator, tripping in the darkness and being caught by someone who was unmistakeably female. The lift doors closed behind me, cutting off the gasps of surprise from my companions... but there was nothing they could do for me now. They were left inside the lift, surprised, gripping the coat I was no longer wearing.

I recognised my captor as the woman I had seen in reception. I struggled hard, but she had a firm grip on me - I wasn't going anywhere.

"I like a girl with spirit," she said, her voice sounding like pure luxurious chocolate heaven, with a French accent.

I mmmphed something very rude in reply.

"There's no need to be like that, little one. Don't you know what a wonderful fate awaits you?"

A wonderful fate of zombification, I thought.

"No, you won't be made into a zombie. I have a better gift for you."

Could she read my mind?

"Yes, I can read your mind. And you'll be able to read the minds of others, once I've given you your gift. You'll have many, wonderful powers. You'll be able to break free of those chains binding you as if they were not there."

She grinned, revealing elongated canine teeth, confirming my worst fears. She stood up, guiding me to my feet. Standing in front of me, she reached between my legs - I felt a long fingernail pushing against the PVC covering my crotch and was surprised when I felt it rip through... her finger pushed up, finding me wet with arousal... and then she walked along the corridor, leading me unceremoniously via the finger penetrating my pussy - I had no choice but to follow her, tottering in my uncomfortable heels, moaning as I felt her long fingernail scraping against my sensitive insides...

She pulled me into a bedroom, guiding me to a bed and pushing me down onto it. She climbed on next to me, smiling as she saw the terror in my eyes, making hushing noises to calm me as she stroked my face. I wriggled, pulling at my bonds again, as her fingers traced every inch of my helpless body... and I groaned into my gag as I realised that she was arousing me, making me wetter, causing my nipples to harden further... she licked my face and I shuddered, screwing my eyes tight shut as she kissed down my body, flicking my nipples with her tongue on her way before moving down the PVC until she got to my fishnetted inner thighs... and then I felt the pain of her biting into my soft, tender flesh, drawing blood... I felt light-headed as she drank from my thigh, felt myself weakening... that moment seemed to last forever... but, eventually, as I felt myself slipping away, she stopped. I felt her moving over me, and then felt drops of liquid falling into my open mouth. I realised that it was blood, her blood... but with the ring-gag secured in place, I could do nothing to stop her feeding me. And as I felt myself slipping into unconsciousness, I knew that this was the beginning of something new...