I applied the finishing touches to my makeup before I returned to the bedroom to get dressed. Noting the time on the clock beside my bed, I realised that I was running behind schedule - I would have to be quick if I wanted to get to the party before fashionably late became just plain late. I unwrapped the towel from my body and opened my knicker drawer - I selected a black lacy thong and climbed into it, pulling it quickly up my legs while hunting around the room for the rest of my costume. I glanced at the square card on my bed, the invitation to the Heroes & Villains Ball, and smiled to myself - it sounded like the perfect night out.

I had decided to go dressed as the Wasp, a supervillainess who could fly, beat macho heroes to a pulp and generally just be very cool. I sat on the bed and pulled on a pair of black fishnet tights while I thought about her evil deeds - although I wasn't too keen on her methods or motivation, just thinking about her flying about in her skintight outfit made me so horny... I had spent a couple of hours earlier attaching her unique black wasp insignia to the front of a deep yellow leotard, and the effort had been worth it - I picked up the leotard and quickly put it on, loving the feel of skintight lycra on my bare flesh. A quick glance at my reflection in the full-length mirror told me that the tightness of the material didn't leave very much to the imagination - anyone would be able to tell if I was particularly cold this evening...

Sitting back on the bed, I quickly pulled on a pair of black thigh-length boots - the heels were not too high, but they made up for it with their stiletto points. The penultimate touch was a pair of black elbow-length gloves, items which I've always found arousing but never known quite why. Lastly, I donned the customary face-mask of the supervillainess and looked at my reflection again, posing with my hands on my hips, glaring evilly (whilst trying not to break into a huge grin). Black mask, gloves and boots, yellow leotard, fishnet tights. Perfect.

Pulling myself away from my reflection, I allowed myself one passing glance at the clock before rushing downstairs, careful not to trip in my stiletto heels on the stairs. I grabbed my coat, checked my keys were in the pocket, and stepped outside. The night air was cool, but not uncomfortably cold. I quickly closed and locked my door before crossing to my car. The drive to the party was uneventful, although a little awkward in my boots, until I got to the venue and saw that there was nowhere to park. I had to leave my car a few streets away and continue the journey on foot. I only had one more block to travel when I saw him walking towards me.

He wasn't particularly tall, but his dark clothes gave him a menacing air which was further enhanced by the way he stared straight at me as he approached. The oddest thing about him was the green rock on a chain, hanging around his neck. Feeling very uncomfortable, I drew my coat tight around myself and walked faster, hoping to pass him quickly and get this unpleasant experience over with, wondering if he had seen my sexy costume. He couldn't miss the face-mask, obviously, but I somehow didn't want him to even glimpse my thigh-high boots and fishnets.

He stopped a few metres in front of me and held up his hand, making me stop too.

"Yes?" I asked, impatiently, anxious to get to the party and away from this creepy guy.

"Your spree of evil-doing is over, Wasp," said the man.

"What? Oh, I see, very funny," I smiled, realising that he had seen my costume under my coat.

"Don't mock me, villain," he said, taking a step towards me.

"Look, I think you've got me mixed up with someone else. I'm on my way to a party..."

"Yes, a convention of superheroes, I saw them gathering. I knew that a villainess like you wouldn't be able to resist the opportunity to destroy them. That's why I'm wearing this!" he grinned, brandishing the green rock which hung from the chain around his neck - in a certain light, it looked a bit like kryptonite.

"I think you've got your heroes and villains mixed up - green rocks only work on Superman."

"Then why haven't you killed me and flown away?"

"Because the Wasp is fictitious! I'm not a villainess, I'm just on my way to a party!"

"Your lies cannot deceive me! You will be brought to justice for your crimes against humanity!"

Before I could react, he had closed the distance between us and pushed me against a wall. I struggled with him, managing to plant an elbow in his stomach and a stiletto heel on his toes, but he was too fast and too strong - within moments, he had me pressed against the wall, my arms held firmly behind my back as he closed a pair of handcuffs around my wrists. I opened my mouth to scream for help, but he was ready even for that... by the time that I realised the rag he was holding over my mouth was soaked in chloroform, it was too late.


My throat felt dry. My initial thought was hangover, but then I remembered that I hadn't even made it to the party. I opened my eyes, blinking in the harsh light, and saw that I was in a rather untidy bedsit. I was securely tied to the chair on which I was sitting: my wrists tied behind the backrest, knees and ankles tied apart to the chairlegs, utterly helpless. I noted that I was still wearing my costume, except that an item had been added to it - a green rock hung from a chain around my neck, presumably to prevent my supposed powers from returning.

This man who had abducted me obviously needed help... but what could I say to get him to release me? With him convinced that I was an evil villainess, any attempt to prove my innocence would be seen as another sly deception. But I had to try...

"I see you're awake," came his voice from behind me.

"Let me go," I demanded.

"You're in no position to make demands, Wasp," he replied, walking around in front of me - I had always thought it was the villains who gloated, not the good guys.

"I've already told you I'm not the Wasp," I said, glaring at him, "You're hardly fighting for the forces of good by kidnapping an innocent woman!"

"There is nothing innocent about you," he said, stepping forward to inspect the green rock that hung between my breasts.

I gave up - this line of argument wasn't getting me anywhere. And I didn't want to provoke him when he was so close, and I was so vulnerable. He was gripping the rock, turning it in the light, fingers just millimetres from the skintight lycra that covered but didn't hide my 34C breasts.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked.

"I knew I was special when I found the green rock. It was pure accident that I was chosen to leave my normal life and fight for good. My girlfriend didn't understand my new passion. She left me. But when she sees my picture in the paper, having bagged a criminal like you, she'll come round and my life will be complete again."

"Your girlfriend left you?" I asked, not in the least bit surprised.

"It could have been your doing, for all I know," he said, stepping away and picking up a large camera.

"What's that for?" I asked, changing the subject again.

"I need to record your true identity, in case you escape before you can be brought to justice."

"And how will I be brought to justice?" I asked, not really wanting to know the answer.

"I expect that whoever manipulated fate to bring me in contact with the green rock will send me another message. Now, be quiet while I work. If you scream, no-one will hear you - but I will still be forced to gag you."

And, with that, he stepped forward and ripped the mask from my face. I glared at him, but could do nothing to stop him from taking photograph after photograph. I decide to change tack and try to stop him thinking of me as a villain, but as a person. I began to smile as the camera flashed and the shutter clicked, posing as best I could with my limited movement, and it seemed to encourage him to take more photos. I was still smiling when he lowered the camera and just stared at me, a longing look in his eyes.

"What is it?" I asked, softly, not wanting to risk being gagged.

"It's been so lonely since she left me."

"I bet it has."

"She was my true love and I drove her away," he said, his lower lip wavering.

"I'm sure you can still get her back."

He sank to his knees, putting the camera on the floor, looking lost, lonely and dejected. I discreetly tugged at the ropes binding my wrists, but they were too secure.

"What if I can't? What if it's too late? What if she's found someone else?"

He approached me, on his knees, his eyes glinting as if he was about to cry.

"If she truly loves you, she will wait for you. You'll see," I said quietly, comfortingly, trying to hide the fact that I was completely terrified by this unpredictable madman who had kidnapped me.



He put his hands around my tummy, resting his head on my thighs as he knelt beside me, sobbing quietly. I took the opportunity to look around the room, taking in my surroundings, but didn't see anything that I could use to my advantage. All I could do was sit there while his tears soaked my fishnets.

"What am I doing?" came his voice from my lap.

"Realising the truth?" I asked.

"Being manipulated by your evil lies, more like," he replied, getting up and wiping the tears from his cheeks.

"I'm not evil - you're just confused."

The look on his face made me wish I hadn't uttered those words. I wasn't so discreet about pulling at my bonds this time.

"I expected you to flirt, to use your feminine wiles to get me to release you. Your messing with my head completely threw me. But now I've seen past your scheme, Wasp. I know that my girlfriend is waiting for me to bring you to justice - I don't need you to tell me that."

"You expected me to flirt?"

"Erm... yeah... I was all psyched up to refuse when you offered your body in return for your release."

"You have been lonely since your girlfriend left you. What would it cost?"

"What do you mean?" he asked, confused.

"A kiss? If I kissed you, would you let me go? How about a couple of minutes playing with my breasts?"

"Erm..." he mumbled, staring fixedly at the green rock hanging from the chain around my neck, obviously losing his internal battle to resist my charms.

He stepped forward, his hand going to the back of my neck as he moved in and pressed his lips to my lips. I closed my eyes, concentrating on the kiss, as we nibbled on each others lips. It started off deliciously tender, but steadily became more passionate as his confidence grew. His tongue forced its way into my mouth and I was surprised to find myself moaning - he was a terrific kisser. His other hand moved down my body to grip my right breast, hard, my hardening nipple trapped between his fingers as his tongue pushed deeper into my mouth, playing with my tongue, completely taking my breath away. I broke off the kiss, panting, and looked him in the eyes.

"Wow..." was all I could say.

"Don't mock me," he said, his manner changing in the blink of an eye.


"You don't have to fake enjoyment, Wasp. I know you have a brood of slaves trained to bring you all manner of pleasures I can't even dream of."

"I wasn't faking it - you're genuinely an amazing kisser!"

"You're just doing this to secure your release! And, to think, I don't need your co-operation anyway... I could take what I like anyway, without making any deals with you!"

"But I'm not the Wasp! Why don't you listen to me?"

"And why don't you stop trying to mess with my head?"

He stormed off as he said those words, leaving me alone in the room, pulling at my bonds, feeling a little ashamed at how aroused I had become... and wondering what on earth he was going to do next. I wasn't getting through to him, no matter what I tried. He just didn't believe me... and I guessed that the 'real' Wasp would try similar tactics to those I was employing. What could I say to get him to release me? It was then that the merest glimmer of a plan formed in the back of my mind... but was promptly forgotten when he stormed back into the room and held a chloroform-soaked rag over my nose and mouth.


I groaned, this time knowing that my grogginess was not part of a hangover. I was laying down, on my back, on something soft that creaked loudly when I moved. I could feel a cool breeze playing gently over my bare nipples, and I could feel cold steel encircling my wrists and ankles. It was only after I had looked up at the handcuffs securing my wrists to the head of the bed when I realised that bare nipples meant bare breasts, which meant that my outfit had been removed! I quickly took stock of the situation - I was still wearing my fishnet tights and thong, as well as the green rock on a chain, but the rest of my costume was nowhere to be seen. I was lying on a single bunk, the kind that folds away for storage, little more than a thin mattress on a steel frame. My wrists were handcuffed to the top of the frame, my ankles handcuffed to the bottom. I was quite helpless. Again.

My abductor was sitting on a chair, watching me, a hint of a smile on his otherwise expressionless face. I wondered what he had done with my helpless body whilst I had been unconscious - I wondered if he had done more than just undress me. But with my tights and thong still in place, he couldn't have done too much...

"Why have you undressed me?"

"You have gorgeous breasts."

I wasn't entirely sure if that answered my question, but it was bizarre enough to derail my train of thought and shut me up. He pulled his chair closer to the bed and leaned over me, looking me up and down, concentrating briefly on my fishnet-clad legs but always returning to my naked breasts. He reached for me and I backed away as best I could, the handcuffs scraping against the metal frame, but I had nowhere near enough freedom to stop him tweaking my left nipple. That simple action told me just how dangerous the situation was - it was time for desperate measures.

"You can't treat me like this," I began, fixing his gaze with a glare.

"Why not?" he asked, cupping my breast, squeezing my nipple between finger and thumb.

"Because I'm the Wasp, and my henchmen are looking for me even now. Let me go now, and my retribution won't be too severe."

His hand froze in mid-fondle, and he looked at me in a new light. I saw a grin slowly spread across his face, and I wondered if I had made a terrible mistake.

"Thank you," he said, his voice soft yet excited, "I had my doubts, but you have just confirmed my suspicions. You are the Wasp - I was right! I was worried, at the back of my mind, that you might be an innocent... but now I know..."

"Aren't you afraid of the horrible things my henchmen will do to you if you don't release me at once?"

"You forget - I am protected, I am the chosen one. All I have to do is wait for my next instructions... and I might as well enjoy myself while I wait."

He moved from the chair and sat on the bed by my hip, so that he could play with both of my breasts simultaneously. I couldn't deny that it was very arousing in a rather dangerous, thrilling way, but I couldn't let myself forget that I was (literally) in the hands of a madman. He shifted his position, sitting astride me, leering as he leaned over to brush my hair away from my neck - he kissed my throat, laying down on top of me, his hands roaming up and down my helpless body. I pulled at the handcuffs, but could barely move a muscle - I was completely at his mercy, and he knew it. I was also incredibly aroused, and I was getting the impression that he knew that too... When I found myself squirming involuntarily under him, I knew it was time to act.

"I don't think you'll be receiving any more instructions."

"Be quiet, or I'll gag you."

"They would have contacted you by now. I think you've been abandoned."


"And when my henchmen find you..."

"I haven't been abandoned. I'm sure of it."

"There's only one way to be really sure."

"Stop this, or I'll get the gag."

"Phone the police. Get them to put me into custody. It might be what you were meant to do all along. If it's not, those who brought you the rock will intervene. Either way, you win."

"That's it. Don't go anywhere."

And, with that, he climbed off the bed and left the room. I smiled to myself when I heard the unmistakeable sound of him picking up his phone and contacting the police. I knew that when they arrived, they would rescue me from my abductor. I felt my confidence return, as I knew I would soon be free. He soon returned, and pushed a red ballgag into my mouth, fastening it tightly behind my head. He didn't say a word as he climbed back onto the bed and carried on from where he had left off, and soon had me squirming again. Gagged as I was, I could do nothing to stop or distract him... and part of me didn't want to, mainly because of my fantasies about abduction and bondage - the majority of women would have been terrified, but I was getting steadily hornier and hornier. Even so, when his hand moved down to stroke my thighs, I knew it was going too far, and I began to struggle harder, moaning into the gag, very aware of my helplessness. I was so relieved to hear the sound of his doorbell...

He immediately jumped off me and left the room. I used the respite to catch my breath and try to calm down. Presently, he returned with a pair of policemen, who immediately looked me up and down with expressions of concern on their faces.

"Well done," said the first policeman, "she clearly matches our description of the villain. And with the confession you recorded, it should be no trouble to convict her."

I was shocked... but only briefly. Clearly, they were humouring this madman.

"Is there a reward?" asked my abductor.

"If you'd like to drop by the station tomorrow," said the second policeman, "we'll make sure you get what's coming to you."

"Do you have the keys to those handcuffs?" asked the first policeman.

"Sure," said my abductor, handing them over.

I was quickly released - instead of being handed my costume so that I could cover my modesty, I was very surprised when one of the policemen cuffed my hands behind my back. I was still gagged... I assumed that they didn't want to risk me saying something to make my abductor suspicious. I was pulled to my feet and dragged outside, co-operating with them as best as I could, knowing that my freedom was not far away. They pushed me into the back of their patrol car, climbed into the front, waved to my abductor and soon we were speeding away. It was only after we had been driving for a couple of minutes that one of them turned to me and spoke.

"We've been looking for you for months, Wasp. Your crime spree is finally over, and you will be brought to justice."

I looked at the policeman, utterly surprised. He couldn't possibly think... no... I thought she was a fictitious villainess! As the car sped on into the night, I cursed into the ballgag as loudly as I could.