My name's Missy. I have to tell you my name first, just so you don't get confused - I have an identical twin, Gabrielle, and we're always being mistaken for each other. It generally leads to plenty of mischief, particularly where boyfriends are concerned, but the occasion that I'm writing about here went much further than I expected... and introduced me to the wonderful world of bondage.

It was a Friday afternoon, and Gabrielle had invited me around to the house she shared with her boyfriend, Mike. She had warned me that she might be detained at work, so I should let myself in and make myself comfortable. Sure enough, when I arrived, no-one answered the door so I used the key under the loose paving stone of her path to let myself in.

"Gabrielle?" I called, as I walked into the hallway.

There was no answer, but I decided to have a look around anyway, just in case she was asleep in the bedroom, or toiling in the back garden, or pottering around in the basement. I wandered up towards the bedroom, calling her name, but there was still no answer - I peeked in the door, and once again admired her beautiful four-poster bed. The sheets were in disarray (she always had been a bit absent-minded) and there were some clothes tangled within the sheets. I looked closer, and saw that the clothes were, in fact, very sexy underwear. I smiled to myself, wondering what Gabrielle had been up to. As I picked them up to examine them, I found an interesting object hidden underneath - a red rubber ball, surrounded by a number of black straps with a buckle. I had no idea what it was, even though the sight of it sent a brief chill of excitement and anticipation down my spine.

I walked to the bedroom window and opened the curtains, peering out over their extensive back garden, but there was no sign of my sister. Shrugging, I decided to head to the basement on the slim chance that she was down there. I opened the door under the stairs and stepped down into the cold, inky blackness. There was a candle and a box of matches on a little shelf just inside the door, so I lit the candle and ventured down the old, dusty steps.

"Gabrielle?" I called, softly, feeling a little bit scared and intimidated by the surrounding, oppressive darkness.

The flickering flame of the candle illuminated a sight that I hadn't expected to see. I didn't even begin to understand the object that sat in the centre of the basement until I'd walked around it three times and examined it in detail. It was basically a large dining table, with a metal handcuff bolted to each corner. There was a track ran from from the middle of one of the shorter edges a third of the way along the centre of the table - at the end of the track, at the edge of the table, was sat a box from which protruded a very large vibrator.

"Gabrielle," I grinned to myself, "what have you been getting up to? And why haven't you told me about this?"

In the centre of the table was a pair of keys on a keyring - after a quick bit of experimentation, I found that one of them fitted the cuffs on the four corners of the table. The other key fit a hole in the box to which the vibrator was attached, and caused the device to spring into life - the vibrator began to buzz, rotate and thrust in and out of the box, while the box itself slowly advanced along the track towards the middle of the table. I turned the key again and the box stopped it's vibration before retreating back to the edge of the table. Just seeing it in action had me feeling somewhat aroused... and I knew, then and there, that I had to try it out. It could be hours before Gabrielle got home from work, and I could have my fun in just a few minutes...

Not knowing exactly what I was doing, driven by the sexual need to try out this toy that had me so aroused already, I quickly stripped out of my clothes. I folded them neatly and placed them on the least-dusty shelf I could find. I shuddered in the damp cold of the basement, my naked body illuminated and heated by only a small candle flame. I briefly asked myself what I was doing here, naked in my sister's basement, about to try one of her sex toys without even asking her... but my need was greater than my common sense.

I climbed onto the hard table, and sat with my legs apart, either side of that very large-looking vibrator. I picked up the keys and inched down the table so my feet were dangling over the edge and the vibrator was mere millimetres from my naked pussy. I stroked the hard shaft, a mischievious grin on myself as I thought about what I was planning to do. I reached forward and put the key in the slot, and turned it. As before, the clever little device hummed into life, and the buzzing vibrator began to thrust back and forth. I scooted back along the table, out of its range, not wanting it to touch me so soon... I was feeling so aroused, I felt that one touch might send me over the edge.

I reached down the table while spreading my legs, and quickly fastened the cuffs either side of the machine to my ankles - nice and tightly, since I didn't want to struggle free by mistake. I shivered as I felt the cold metal enclose my delicate ankles, and I knew that I'd have to finish the job quickly before my growing excitement got the better of me. I laid back on the table, stretching my arms up to the cuffs in the top corners of the table. I closed the cuffs slightly, so they formed a circle, before I pushed my hands through them - then it was a simple case of pressing the cuffs against the table to close them tightly around my slender wrists. And that was it.

I closed my eyes, and thought about my situation. Handcuffed naked, spreadeagled to a table in my sister's basement. I hadn't noticed it before, but the movement of the vibrator was causing the whole table to buzz slightly - I could feel the vibrations in my buttocks and shoulders, as well as coming through the handcuff chains. I smiled, since it tickled a little, and made me anticipate the eventual touch of the vibrator even more. I raised my head to look down the length of the table, between my generous breasts, to where the box from which the vibrator protruded was making its slow, inexorable journey towards my helpless pussy... and then I saw something which made me swear. From the side of the box protruded the key which I'd used to start it... and from the key hung a keyring, and from the keyring hung the key to the handcuffs...

How could I have been so stupid? The key was well out of my reach, and I now had no way to release myself! I looked up at the handcuffs on my wrists, and tried pulling as hard as I could, but they were too tight - I wouldn't be getting out without assistance. But how would I explain this to my sister? That was assuming that Gabrielle found me... what if her boyfriend found me? That would be even more embarrassing... I blushed at the thought. I had always fancied him, but I'd rather die then let him see me like this. My thoughts turned to escape, but I had no options - I pulled at my bonds again, beginning to feel a slight panic fill me. It had been fun to start with, but I wanted out.

"Gabrielle!" I called, "Are you there? I'm in the basement! I'm... a bit stuck!"

There was no reply to my shouting, but then I hadn't really expected one. I looked down the length of the table again and saw that the vibrator was a lot closer than I'd thought it would be - and was now looking a lot bigger than I remembered. I hoped that I'd be able to take it. My heart fluttered as I felt panic trying to take over my sensibility again, so I forced myself to relax and enjoy the pleasant vibration of the table.

Bzzzz! I almost jumped out of my skin as the vibrator briefly touched my sensitive labia. The four handcuff chains went taut as I pulled on them, feeling both scared and excited as I waited for the next touch. This one last slightly longer, and briefly brushed my clit. I moaned softly, knowing that despite my lack of foresight and planning for release, this had been a very good idea.

"Ohhhhhhh..." I moaned, as the vibrator touched me again... but this wasn't just a touch, it was more of a press.

I couldn't part my legs any further, but I wanted to... the tip pressed against my labia again, pushing inside a little way, and I shut my eyes tight and groaned aloud, pulling at my bonds as I began to writhe on the table, impaled on the vibrating monstrosity... It pushed inside further, making me gasp, getting me very aroused, very quickly... another thrust, and it was feeling very big inside me, filling me... it was still inside me at the end of each retreat now, alternating between the tip vibrating against my labia and the tip vibrating deep inside me... it was all becoming too much for me, and I bit my lip to stop myself from screaming with pleasure. My body tensed and I pulled at the chains as a particularly deep thrust sent me into orgasm after orgasm after orgasm...

The vibrator was still advancing up the table, pushing deeper and deeper inside me, as I came down from the orgasms. It was still arousing my sensitive, tender areas, but I was now beginning to find it rather uncomfortable. The chains attached to my ankles were pulled tight as I inched up the table, away from the vibrator, to reduce its penetration. I was panting now, my body slick with sweat, feeling wonderful... but I'd had enough for now. I can only take so much arousal... but the vibrator didn't know this, and it was still advancing.

A few more thrusts was all it took before it was deep inside my soaking pussy again, and I had run out of room to retreat. I arched my back as its hard thrusts filled me completely, and a deep, guttural moan of intense, animalistic pleasure escaped my lips as I came again, impaled on the vibrating dildo, completely helpless, a victim of its relentless assault, feeling like it would drive me wild with desire and its unceasing energy. And it was beginning to hurt. It was very deep inside me now, thrusting back and forth, in and out, and it took me a while to realise that it was no longer advancing - the box had reached the end of the track. Then, all of a sudden, the vibrator stopped and withdrew with a slurping sound. I looked down the table to see the box return to its starting position. And I lay back, panting, smiling, satisfied. But still bound helpless. How on earth was I to escape?

Then I heard a sound I didn't want to hear. The unmistakeable buzzing of the vibrator. I looked down the table again, to see the vibrator slowly thrusting back and forth from the box, and the box ever-so-slowly moving back up the table towards me.

"Oh no, not again," I moaned, thinking of my poor, sensitive pussy having to endure another assault.

I briefly considered the possibility of raising my hips, to try to get above the buzzing toy, but the thought of it pressing against and into my ass was enough to disuade me. I surrendered to the knowledge that I was in for another round of deep penetrating fun at the mercy of my sister's favourite toy.

"My, my, what do we have here?" came my sister's voice, from the top of the stairs.

I blushed furiously, completely unable to hide my nakedness or my state of extreme arousal.

"Looks like someone has been playing with my toys," she continued, walking slowly down the steps towards me.

Once my initial embarrassment had passed, I smiled with relief. I was saved. I wouldn't have to endure the advance of the vibrator again.

"I'm sorry," I started, "I couldn't resist playing and got a bit stuck..."

I broke off my apology as she entered the candlelight and I saw what she was wearing. She looked absolutely gorgeous in a black corset which left her beautiful, round breasts bare, a black leather collar with a leash hanging from the front, black fishnet stockings with suspenders, black elbow-length gloves and black boots with heels so high I was surprised she could walk at all. And, since she was my twin, I now knew that I would look similarly gorgeous garbed in similar. In her hand, she was holding the device I had seen in her bedroom but not understood - I had the feeling that she was about to show me what it was for.

"I see you're in a spot of bother," she smiled, looking up and down my naked body, before her eyes lingered on the vibrator which was still advancing towards me.

"Please release me," I said, "I don't think I can take any more."

"Sure you can," she grinned, stroking my hair away from my face, "it's your subsequent punishment you should be more worried about."

"Punishment? What do you mean? You'd never..."

"I'd never... but Mike doesn't like me playing without him."

"But you haven't..."

"He's never been able to tell us apart..."

Realisation of her plan dawned, and as I opened my mouth to protest she pushed the red rubber ball between my lips - she lifted my head and buckled the straps, keeping the ball firmly lodged inside my mouth, and removing my power to speak. I mmmmphed into the gag as I watched her grinning at me evilly.

"...and if you don't say anything, you might even enjoy it," she winked.

She stroked my face, and I was helpless. Her gloved hands moved slowly down to my shoulders, and over my breasts, gently brushing my already-erect nipples. She climbed onto the table, sitting astride my naked, vulnerable, tightly-bound body, as she slowly began to massage my breasts. I arched my back and writhed with pleasure, moaning into the gag as she gripped my nipples between her fingers... and my groans got even louder as the vibrator which had been slowly moving up the table towards me made contact yet again. She cupped my breasts in her gloved hands and began to lick, suck and nibble on my nipples as the vibrating invader pushed harder and deeper inside my waiting wetness... I closed my eyes and gave in to the pleasure as it filled me, and as she began to pull on my nipples with her teeth I felt myself falling into a wonderfully deep pool of orgasm...

Then, all of a sudden, she stopped, and got off the table. I looked at her, my eyes glazed slightly with post-orgasm glow, the vibrator still thrusting inside me as I watched her walk swiftly and smartly to the deepest, darkest corner of the basement... and then I found out why.

"Gabrielle?" came Mike's voice from above.

I struggled in vain as I heard him walking down the steps, desperately trying to escape, to hide - I didn't want him to see me like this. But see me he did, and I felt so exposed when I saw his eyes scan slowly up and down my naked, vulnerable body...

"Gabrielle, Gabrielle, Gabrielle," he purred, "you know better than to play without me."

I wanted to reply, but the gag prevented me. And the huge vibrator thrusting in and out of my pussy was a bit of a distraction too.

"You will have to be punished, naturally," he smirked, walking over to the table and pinching my nipple, hard.

I yelped into the gag, and quickly began mmmmmphing an explanation to him - trying to start with how I was not Gabrielle, but Missy, and how the real Gabrielle was watching from the shadows. But he just ignored my gagged protests, checked that my bonds were secure and disappeared back up the steps. And the vibrator pushed deeper...

"You're going to love this," came Gabrielle's voice from the shadows, while I writhed and strained on the table.

Mike returned, with a collection of toys... and his first action was to turn the key in the box, which stopped the vibrator and made it withdraw to the far end of the table, denying me another orgasm... He took the key from the box, and used the other key on the keyring to release my left wrist from the cuff on the table. I flexed my fingers and looked at the red marks which had been caused by my struggling, before I reached behind my head to unbuckle the gag (so I could explain to him that he had me mistaken for my sister).

"No, no, no, not yet," he said, pulling my hand away from my head.

He rolled me over slightly to the right, and twisted my left hand up behind my back in a rather painful armlock. With my other three limbs tightly bound, I could do nothing but close my eyes and grumble into the gag while he taped my forearm to my upper arm, with my hand firmly pressed against my shoulder blade. He then moved around to my right side and repeated the process, before taping my wrists together just below the back of my neck. He then sat me up, and I adjusted my position slightly to get comfortable - my legs were still spread wide, my ankles cuffed either side of the now-dormant vibrator. Next I felt him pushing my hair to one side, so he could attach a collar around my neck - this collar was particularly strange, since it had a little bell hanging from the front. While I was wondering what the bell was for, he moved around to the end of the table and began to put shoes on my feet - black, strappy high-heeled shoes. Lastly, he released my ankles from the cuffs and helped me to the floor - I eventually found my feet, since I was a little unsteady (the combination of the high heels and multiple orgasms had robbed me of my balance).

"We're going for a little ride," he grinned, guiding me to the steps, the little bell at my neck tinkling as I moved.

I wondered what he had in mind, as he put a long coat over my shoulders. When he opened the door, I finally realised that he meant to take me outside... and I began to struggle hard. With my arms bound tightly behind me, I was feeling very exposed and naked - I could do nothing to cover myself from prying eyes. I'm really quite shy, even to the point of being quite a conservative dresser (in public, anyway), so the thought of being naked, even under the coat, was horrifying. And somewhat arousing, admittedly...

I could do nothing to stop him leading me outside - it was late evening now (I was surprised by how much time had passed) and the streetlights were on already. He opened the passenger door of his car and I had no choice but to sit inside. He fastened my seatbelt, which effectively bound me to the seat... He walked around the car and got in the other side, and put his hand inside my coat. I closed my eyes and groaned into the gag as he gently fondled my breasts and pussy, making my nipples hard and my pussy wet again, very quickly. I hadn't realised how aroused I was by this whole situation. Then, without closing my coat again to hide my nakedness, he started the car and drove us up the road.

He and my sister lived in the suburbs of a major English city - the sort of suburbs where the neighbours' curtains are constantly twitching, and rumour and gossip rule the roost. He stopped the car at the end of the road and got out - he walked around to my side and opened the door, undid my seatbelt and helped me out. Then, it was a simple case of removing the coat from my shoulders and getting back into the car, leaving me standing, bound and naked, on the pavement... shivering a little in the cool air... cursing into the gag... tottering on my very high heels to hide by a high wall.

"You can't stay there forever," he called from the car, "I'll meet you back home!"

And, with that, he drove away. Leaving me to fend for myself. I looked over my shoulder, to where my arms were tightly pulled up behind my back and bound together - I wouldn't be freeing myself in a hurry. And I had no way to cover my obvious nakedness... everything was so exposed. I tried to push the gag out of my mouth with my tongue, but it wasn't going anyway. I had no choice but to go back to the house. I looked along the road - it wasn't very well-lit, but the few streetlights did seem very bright - when I passed under them, I would be very visible to anyone who happened to be looking. And there was always the possibility of bumping into someone out for an evening walk... or being seen from a passing car. I decided that the less time I spent outside, the better, and began to walk.

I wasn't used to being out in the cold, naked... I really felt it on my hardening nipples, and between my legs... and my buttocks were freezing. At least my feet and arms were warm, the former encased in high heels, the latter bound tightly in tape. And if the click of my heels wasn't loud enough to announce my presence, the little bell around my neck surely would. The streetlights were staggered, either side of the road, so I decided that my best bet would be to cross the road repeatedly to avoid the lights, and go home in a zig-zag path.

It was as I was crossing the road for the first time that I caught sight of someone in the distance. I didn't know if they'd seen me, or if they'd noticed my helpless nakedness, but I didn't want to take any chances. I quickly turned around and moved as quickly as I could to the pavement, the bell around my neck going wild. I found a garden with a particularly high wall and crept inside, crouching behind a bush, waiting for the person to walk past. I heard a car drive past, and then I heard the footsteps of the person approaching... they got closer and closer to where I was hiding... and walked past. I hadn't been noticed. I waited a while before I left the relative safety of the garden and returned to my journey.

A couple of minutes later, I heard a car behind me. Knowing exactly what to do, I spied a suitable-looking garden and headed for it. In the darkness, I didn't realise that the drive was gravel and for a worrying moment I thought I would fall over... and I wondered if I would be able to get back on my feet again unassisted. Even worse, it was just a drive - the entrance to the garden was guarded by a gate, and I had nowhere to hide. As I was staggering around, feeling rather exposed, a security light over the garage blinked into life and illuminated me for all the world to see. I could barely move on the gravel, and my heart sunk when the car I had heard stopped on the road opposite me. I breathed a sigh of relief when I recognised it as Mike's car. Had he come to rescue me?

I managed to escape the gravel and tottered across the road to where he was parked, ignoring the streetlight directly above him, just wanting this nightmare to end, not caring if anyone saw me now. He watched me approach, and as I drew level with the passenger door, he started the car again and drove away. The words I mumbled into the gag are the most obscene I have ever uttered...

I returned to the pavement and continued my journey. Luckily, the rest of the journey was without incident, although my mind was filled with the possibilities about what would happen if some stranger found me, walking bound and helpless in the middle of the street, completely vulnerable, unable to stop him from doing anything he wanted with me...

I rang the doorbell with my nose, and Mike let me in.

"I hoped you've learned your lesson, Gabrielle," he grinned, fondling my bottom before removing the gag.

I was about to speak, when he pressed his lips against mine, and pushed his tongue into my mouth. With my hands still bound behind my back, I could do nothing except enjoy the incredibly erotic kiss, while his hands roamed my body, feeling my hips, my buttocks, my sides, my breasts, my hard nipples, my tummy, my wet pussy... after what seemed like an eternity of bliss, he finally broke off the kiss.

"I'm not Gabrielle, I'm Missy!" I said immediately, and his hands left my body.

"Wh-what?" he gasped.

"She's hiding in the basement, probably having a good giggle right now."

"I'm... so sorry!"

"Just give me the chance to exact my revenge on her," I smiled, "and you'll be forgiven."

He quickly removed my bonds, and wrapped me in the coat.

"Go upstairs, and find something to wear," he said, "I've got a naughty girl to punish."

I did as he said, smiling to myself, rubbing my aching arms. I looked forward to having my revenge on my naughty sister... I found some suitable clothes in her room - stockings, suspenders and a black leather bra and g-string. Perfect. I quickly returned to the basement, hoping I hadn't missed anything.

The basement was illuminated by multiple candles now, and I immediately saw my sister's fate. She was on the table I had been bound to earlier, similarly spreadeagled and naked... and Mike was in the process of replacing the vibrator on the box with one twice the size, while Gabrielle looked on in horror. Mike beckoned me over, and we shared an evil grin while Gabrielle tried her best to apologise to the two of us.

"I've had an idea," Mike said, ignoring Gabrielle, "Missy - would you mind stripping naked again?"

I thought for a moment, and then decided that it was nothing he hadn't seen before. I did as he asked, and stepped towards the table. He held his hand out, and helped me climb on top of the table, my feet either side of Gabrielle's head. I looked at him, puzzled, while he climbed up beside me and held my wrists.

"How does this add to Gabrielle's punishment?" I asked, a little confused, but happy to be involved.

"It doesn't add to her punishment," he smiled, attaching my wrists to manacles hanging from the ceiling, "It adds to yours, for using our toys without asking first."

He pushed down on my shoulders, so I was kneeling on the table, astride Gabrielle's head, my pussy mere inches from her lips... he used rope to tie my knees to her arms, and then my thighs to her arms, forcing me to stay kneeling over her face. I moaned as she flicked her tongue out briefly... it stroked my clit, and I forgot that this was meant to be my punishment.

Mike climbed onto the table again, kneeling in front of me, and cupped my breasts. In my present predicament, I was once again helpless to stop him from playing with me... but he wasn't playing, he had a purpose. He licked my nipples to make them hard, and attached to large, vicious-looking clamps... their grip and their teeth made me gasp, and I struggled further as I tried to release myself. I wasn't used to this sort of pain.

He reached behind him and pulled the box forward, so it was halfway along its little track. Then, he used two lengths of elastic to attach the clamps on my nipples to the box... and I moaned as my breasts were pulled, and my nipples gripped even harder. He grinned at me as he got off the table and turned the key in the box... and Gabrielle beneath me began to moan as the huge vibrator immediately began to pound against the entrance of her pussy. As the box advanced, the tension on my nipples lessened and I could relax... but I couldn't relax too much, because Gabrielle in her sexual ecstacy beneath me was hungrily licking and sucking at my pussy... and as I gave in to the pleasure, helpless to do anything else, part of my mind was dreading the time when the box came to the end of it's run and returned to the other end of the table... I wondered if it would take my nipples with it...