"What do you think?" I asked, looking across the pillow to where Pauline was deep in thought.

"I think you're a kinky perv," she replied, her blue eyes lighting up as she smiled cheekily.

"Does that mean you'll try it?" I asked, hopefully.

"Okay - it sounds like fun," she grinned, "What's the dress code - naked or fetish?"

I lifted up the duvet cover and started down the length of her naked body, with that gorgeous new summer tan, before I replied: "Naked, definitely."

"Hey!" she grinned, obviously taking offence at my casual exposure of her flesh - she quickly rolled on top, pinning my wrists to the pillow as she sat astride me, her delicious breasts filling my vision.

"Shouldn't we be saving our energy?" I asked, refusing to struggle, which would let her know just how helpless and aroused I was.

"You're oh so vulnerable like this..."

"Well... yes..."

Two and three quarter hours later, we eventually made our way downstairs to the warm furry rug on the living room floor. We had six padlocks and a few short lengths of chain, as well as two pairs of handcuffs, two collars, a ballgag, a ring-gag, two collars, a blindfold and a chastity belt.

"So, what are the rules again?" she asked.

"We each get some keys to our own bondage. We'll then hide the keys, so the other doesn't know where they are. We'll then tie ourselves together, and try to be the first to get to our own keys... The first out of their bondage is the winner, and gets to torment the loser with clover clamps and other nasty things for the rest of the day."

"Sounds like fun... but I didn't think you liked clover clamps."

"I like them on you..." I grinned, "and I'm not going to lose."

"That sounds like a challenge."

"It is. Now, I'll blindfold myself while you go hide your keys."

I reached for our collection of bondage toys and quickly pulled the blindfold over my eyes. I sat in the middle of the rug, naked, listening to the sound of Pauline picking up her three keys and wandering slowly around me. I couldn't tell if she was hiding keys, but after a couple of minutes she left and headed through the dining room to the kitchen. A couple of minutes later, and I was surprised by her lips brushing against mine.

"You're very quiet," I smiled, returning her soft kiss.

"I wouldn't want to give you an advantage," she said, removing the blindfold.

"I don't need one," I winked, picking up my keys.

"Pride comes before a fall."

"You just get that blindfold on. Oh, and slip into the chastity belt while you're at it."

"Gladly," Pauline grinned, reaching for the chastity belt and the lube while I pulled the blindfold down over her eyes.

Standing up, I walked slowly around a room a couple of times, watching Pauline don the chastity belt. The belt deserves special mention, since it has two dildos on the inside and one on the outside, so the wearer is double penetrated and can use the strap-on to penetrate someone else. It's probably Pauline's favourite item of clothing, and it is always a pleasure to watch her put it on. I tore myself away, and concentrated on hiding the three keys that would release me from my bondage.

I wandered slowly, looking for suitable hiding places at around waist height. The first key I placed behind the stereo in the living room, directly opposite the door, since I thought I might be able to trick Pauline into going in that direction. I then moved into the dining room and placed my second key on a small shelf behind the telephone. I then moved into the kitchen, and was just placing my third key behind the toaster when I spotted that Pauline had already hidden a key there... and an evil thought crossed my mind. As quietly as I could, I donned a large coat and slipped out into the back garden with her key - I placed it on the latch of the gate at the bottom of the garden and returned to the house. Hopefully, she would pull the two of us towards the toaster in the kitchen, where I would be able to grab my key and she would find that hers had been... well... relocated. It wasn't cheating as such... just a ploy to give me a slight competitive advantage.

I removed the coat and returned to the living room, to find Pauline sitting in the centre of the floor, wearing the chastity belt. I silently creeped up to her and grasped the strap-on dildo in my hand before slowly, gently, moving it around in small circles... the movement transferred to the dildos inside the belt, and Pauline gasped.

"Shall we begin?" I asked, removing the blindfold from her eyes.

"Let's," she smiled, obviously enjoying the stimulation of the twin dildos penetrating her, moving inside her whenever she moved.

"Face to face?" I asked.

"No, I have a better idea. Come here."

She stood and turned me around so I was facing away from her - I could feel the rather large strap-on dildo pressing between my buttocks in a very pleasant way. Pauline had a ballgag in her hand, which she transferred to my mouth, fastening it tightly behind my head (after moving my hair out of the way) and using a padlock to keep it there (the key to which was behind the toaster). I mumbled into the gag, enjoying the sensation of having my mouth tightly filled by the rubber ball, my hands going up to my face to feel it, knowing that I had no way to remove it without the key... which I had hidden behind the phone. I returned the favour, pulling a ballgag into Pauline's mouth and locking it securely in place with a padlock. We continued to flirt with our eyes, even trying a gagged kiss, before Pauline picked up a pair of handcuffs (the key to which was behind the stereo) and closed the cold metal around my slender wrists, binding my hands in front of me. She then picked up a collar and fastened it around my neck, before using my last padlock (the key to which was behind the phone) to fasten the handcuffs to the front of my collar.

She fastened a collar around her own neck before her hands went to my hips and she turned me around, so that I was facing away from her again, and she bent me forward. I felt her strap-on pressing against me... she had one hand keeping me steady by gripping the padlock at the back of my ballgag, while her other hand guided the dildo... with my hands cuffed to the front of my collar, I was quite helpless and could do nothing to stop her stimulating me, making me wet, pushing into me... deeper... making me groan loudly, already drooling around the gag... She pulled on the padlock, forcing me to straighten up, the movement making me moan even louder... I was so aroused, I barely noticed the cold chain going around my waist... she pulled the chain tight, and padlocked it to the front of her chastity belt... and I almost came when I realised that I was now bound to her, unable to wriggle free from the dildo penetrating me...

She used another padlock to fasten the front of her collar to the back of my ballgag, forcing me to stay upright... and her last step was to handcuff her wrists together behind her back. We stood there together, for a while, not daring to move... I was feeling rather stimulated, and was trying to gather my thoughts... I was counting locks. My hands were cuffed, so that was one. The cuffs were attached to the front of my collar, that was two. My ballgag was locked on, that was three. Pauline's gag was locked on too, that was four. Her collar was attached to my gag, that was five. Her wrists were cuffed behind her back, that was six. And her chastity belt was attached to the chain around my waist, that was seven... Seven? Where had the extra lock come from? And what had she done with the key?

I would have accused her of cheating, but the gag just turned my words into mmmphs and drool.

I shifted my position, closing my eyes as the dildo moved inside me, unable to prevent myself from drooling over my breasts. As I moved, I heard Pauline grunt behind me, as the movement transferred to the twin dildos locked inside her, and I felt her drool on my back. I decided that it was time to go find keys, before I got lost in our combined saliva. I took a step forward, and moaned loudly - I hadn't expected it to be quite this stimulating, and I was really finding it difficult to concentrate on the task at hand. Pauline followed, moaning too, and I was surprised at how easy it was to guide her towards the stereo. Perhaps she had hidden a key in this area too, or perhaps she too was having trouble concentrating.

We reached the stereo and I bent forward to look behind it, Pauline bending forward with me, both of us moaning at the new stimulation from this change in position. I tried not to drool on the stereo as I looked for the key, but it wasn't there. Was I really so distracted that I'd forgotten where I'd hidden it? Or had that cheating Pauline moved it while I was hiding my other keys? The moan of satisfaction behind me answered my questions - I knew then that she had moved it. The cheating little minx. It was then that I heard the sound of a key in a lock, followed by the sound of a pair of handcuffs falling to the floor. Not only had she cheated, but she had anticipated me guiding her in this direction so had placed her handcuff key within easy reach... I moaned softly as I felt her now free hands on my hips, slowly sliding up my body, and I was surprised to feel that she was holding something cold and metallic in her hand. I made a questioning noise into my ballgag and she obliged by holding her hands in front of my face... and I saw that she was holding a pair of clover clamps. Bitch.

I shook my head, but it did not deter her. My nipples were rock-hard already (I had been rubbing them a little with my arms while we had struggled across the room) and she was in the perfect position to attach the clamps... and I was in no position to stop her or to remove them. I closed my eyes tight as I felt the familiar, unwelcome bite of the first clamp on my right nipple - I couldn't stop a long, low moan escape my gagged lips as the clamped gripped me... and the moan quickly became louder as she attached the second clamp to my left nipple. I wriggled, but only succeeded in stimulating the two of us further as the movement transferred to the dildos... it was so frustrating, having my hands bound so close to my breasts but unable to reach those pesky clamps. I vowed revenge, but that was as far as I got - the added stimulation served to distract me even more, and I didn't resist as Pauline guided the two of us out of the room, her hands rubbing my hips and thighs.

I didn't even notice her pick up her next key - the first I knew of it, the padlock connecting her collar to the back of my ballgag fell to the floor and I could bend forward, which I did in a futile attempt to reduce the intense stimulation. I knew I was soaking wet, and the dildo penetrating me only served to arouse and frustrate me further... I wondered if it would be enough arousal for me to reach orgasm, since that was all I cared about now. It was clear that Pauline had won this game, I just wanted her to get free and make me cum and cum and cum...

Our journey took us near the phone, and I suddenly remembered that I had placed a key there. I couldn't remember which key it was, and I didn't really care, but the thought of getting it was a much-needed distraction from the crippling arousal that was causing me to writhe and squirm on the huge dildo impaling me from behind. Pauline saw my movement as I tried to reach for the key - with a quick thrust of her hips, she managed to change my direction and guide me past the phone into the kitchen. I groaned with frustration, watching the phone recede from view, but I was helpless in her hands.

Once in the kitchen, she triumphantly guided me to the toaster and reached for the key behind it. It was then that I remembered that I had switched the key for one of my own, so I waited patiently for her to realise... but she didn't try to unlock her gag, as I had expected, but she went for the padlock holding us together... the padlock keeping me impaled and stimulated... I could sense her getting a little panicky when she realised that the key didn't fit, but she soon realised what I had done. She tried the key in the padlock on my ballgag and it worked - I worked my jaw once she had removed the gag, and used my bound hands to wipe the drool from my chin.

"Lost something?" I asked, surprised at how weak my voice sounded, but very satisfied to suddenly have the upper hand.

She reached behind her for her last key and removed her gag before replying: "You little cheat..." she said, her voice weak like mine.

"Me? You're the one who... you know... whatever you did..." I said, my argument losing its coherence as she slowly gyrated her hips, thrusting the dildo deep inside me in a slow, rhythmic motion.

"There's no point arguing... and we're hardly in a position to..." she replied, obviously affected by the way her actions were moving the twin dildos that were penetrating her.

"We're stuck... with each other... for the moment..."

"There's no way... I'd rather be..."

"In that case... I can put off telling you... where I put the key..."

"No... please... I don't think... I can take much more..."

"Nor me... but first... would you remove these clamps..?"

"I don't think... you've been good enough... to..."

Her voice trailed off as I grinded on the dildo, sending fresh new sensations her way, and also causing myself to shudder with pleasure... Pauline picked that particular moment to tug on the chain between the clamps, making them bite even harder into my nipples, giving me a sore reminder of their presence... the extra stimulation was enough to take me over the edge, and I grinded harder and harder as I came, violently, relying on Pauline to keep me upright.

"Wow..." was all I had the strength to say.

"No fair," she murmured, "I want an orgasm..."

"Clamps?" I asked, reminding her of our situation.

"Sure," she said, obviously having a change of heart.

I bit my lip as she removed the clamps, the blood rushing back into my numb nipples, restimulating them, refreshing the pain... She put the clamps on the kitchen work surface and gently cupped my breasts while I recovered. I usually like to have my nipples blown on after clamping, but she was in no position to.

"The key is outside," I said, eventually.


"I thought it was one of your keys..."


"I didn't think it would be needed for both of us..."

"And that's supposed to make me feel better?"

"No, this is..." I smiled, grinding on the dildo again, the movement transferring into her chastity belt, causing her to groan very loudly.

"Stop that," she managed, weakly, "we have to go outside."


"It's warm. It's dark. It's perfect."

"What about my hands?" I asked, rattling the handcuff chain, still attached to the front of my collar.

"You won't be needing them..." Pauline replied, nuzzling my ear, her own hands feeling down the front of my body, rubbing very gently between my legs...

We eventually stepped outside - we had tried freeing ourselves without the padlock, but my waist is very slender and the chain was tight around it. At our furthest stretch, there was still an inch or so of dildo firmly inside me... I wasn't going anywhere. Pauline had grabbed a coat and put it on, but it completely failed to cover my nudity. Bound as I was, though, I could do nothing to stop her from guiding me outside, like some bizarre bondage-boat prow. Luckily, the neighbours were nowhere to be seen - still, we kept as low and quiet a profile as possible.

We were halfway down the path when we saw a light go on in a neighbour's house, shortly followed by the back door opening. There was a yapping as a small dog ran outside into the neighbour's back garden, and the neighbour himself stood out on his back step, watching the dog, smoking a cigarette. Meanwhile, Pauline and I were lying flat on the ground, dead still. Well, I was still - Pauline was taking the opportunity to slowly thrust her strap-on dildo in and out of my helpless pussy, and I could do nothing to resist... all I could do was pray that the dog wouldn't come over to investigate us, and that I would manage to keep quiet during my fast-approaching orgasm.

I could feel the arousal building up inside me, welling up, and I felt like I would explode. I knew that I wouldn't be able to keep quiet... already, slight whimpers were escaping my lips in preparation for a scream of pleasure... I could hear Pauline making similar noises, and I guessed that she was close to orgasm too - there would be no stopping her now...

"Here, boy!" called the neighbour to his dog, before stepping off the step into his garden, walking along his own path, drawing level with us, a short fence the only thing separating us.

I bit my lip as Pauline continued to thrust, and I found myself responding with gyrations of my own, unable to contain my passion. She was building my arousal, taking me to higher levels, and I knew that I would reach critical mass any moment. I couldn't think about the neighbour and his dog any more, I didn't care, I was well on the path to orgasm and wanted to make the most of it, no matter what the consequences were. A loud moan escaped my lips, and Pauline joined in - we couldn't help ourselves. We were both panting now, loudly, oblivious to our surroundings, moving faster and faster, the thrusts getting deeper and deeper... wondering in the back of our minds if we'd be caught... wondering what would happen if we were... thrusting... panting... writhing... cumming... cumming... cumming...

"Wow," Pauline whispered into my ear.

I smiled, enjoying the afterglow, craning my head so I could look up to see if any neighbours were watching us. I couldn't see from where I was, so we slowly, cautiously, regained our feet and discovered that our neighbour had gone back inside his house with his dog. Pauline and I breathed a collective sigh of relief and quickly finished the journey to the key and she removed the padlock and withdrew the dildo before removing her chastity belt. We sat there, leaning against the gate at the bottom of the garden, her wearing a coat, me wearing a pair of handcuffs attached to my collar, with her arm around me while I nuzzled her breasts, for what seemed like hours before we headed back inside the house.

We were both so aroused by the whole experience, we didn't even begin to look for the remaining keys until the following morning.