It had been two weeks since the Masked Avenger told me that she needed a sidekick... and I hadn't heard a word from her. I had even gone so far as to hand in my notice at the museum (much to the delight of Jessica and Sarah). So why hadn't I heard from my favourite superheroine?

I slowly climbed out of bed, blinking at the harsh sunlight that crept in through the curtains. Today was my last day of work, and I wanted to look my best. But, first, I had to check my answerphone, snail mail, e-mail, text messages... but none of them contained even a hint of the Masked Avenger. I sighed - perhaps she had changed her mind. Perhaps she had discovered that I'm really just an ordinary person, no matter how I looked in her catsuit - perhaps I wasn't cut out for the superheroine lifestyle. I despaired, as I went through my morning routine - feed the cat, feed myself, have a shower, get dressed. Even choosing my outfit for work wasn't as much fun as it usually was - I decided to go for plain outer garments and very sexy underwear, in a futile attempt to cheer myself up.

I tried to think positively. At least my fantasy of being rescued by the Masked Avenger had come true. I grabbed my keys and opened the front door of my house, blinking again at the harsh summer sunlight. I took a step back when my eyes focussed on a figure standing before me. I thought for a moment that it was the Masked Avenger, but the woman standing in front of me was covered from head to toe in black latex - it covered every millimetre of her body, apart from a couple of small holes for her eyes.

"Erm, can I help you with anything?" I asked, trying not to get too aroused by the way the catsuit hugged her figure and left absolutely nothing to the imagination.

Her only reply was to reach forward and push me, making me stumble back into my house. I fell on my ass, my legs splayed, as she strode into my house and shut the front door behind her. It was then that I realised that I was in danger - perhaps this was some accomplice of the Dark Succubus and Dark Incubus, come to punish me for the recent arrest of her colleagues? I quickly turned and scrambled away from her on my hands and knees, heading for the kitchen to find some sort of weapon. Where was the Masked Avenger when I needed her?

I felt strong fingers closing around my arms, pulling me back. I gasped with surprise - a mistake, when I saw a red rubber ball with black straps attached to it appear in front of my face. I had never seen such a device before, and couldn't begin to guess what it was for... until the red ball was pulled into my mouth and the straps fastened quickly and expertly around my head. I tried to scream but it was too late - I was effectively gagged, and could only mumble into it. I panicked, the sudden loss of my voice giving me the motivation to thrash and struggle hard, knocking my assailant away.

She was between me and the kitchen, so I decided to head upstairs. My fingers explored the strange harness around my head, trying to find a buckle or lock to remove so that I could get that red rubber invader out of my mouth - halfway up the stairs, I thought I found something but my victory was short-lived, for I felt a latex-gloved hand close around the hem of my skirt. I stumbled, and managed to grab hold of the bannister as I felt the catsuited intruder try to pull me back down the stairs. I reach down with one hand and quickly ripped open the buttons on my skirt, feeling it slide down my legs. I was briefly embarrassed when I remembered what underwear I was wearing - the intruder had a great view of my long legs in black stockings and suspenders, with a tiny black g-string showing off more than it hid... but now was not the time to be embarrassed. I hopped out of my skirt and continued up the stairs, the intruder hot on my heels.

I got to my bedroom door and flung it open, managing to take one step inside before I felt her hands on my arms again - this time I was pushed to the floor, and in a moment she was sitting on top of me, pulling my arms behind my back. I heard the handcuffs before I felt them closing around my elbows, tightly locking my arms behind me. I grunted into the gag as I thrashed beneath my assailant, not caring as I felt my blouse rip open - the intruder took a step back, surprised at my ferocity, and I took the opportunity to kick her square in the stomach, sending her back across the upstairs landing. I kicked the bedroom door shut and wriggled over to it, leaning against it to stop her coming back in.

I took a moment to regain my breath and my composure. I tried reaching up to remove the gag from my lips, but with my elbows cuffed behind my back I couldn't quite reach. I tried to think of my options, and decided that phoning the police was the best course of action. Hopefully, somehow, they would be able to work out that I was in trouble if I mmmphed enough into the receiver! I got to my feet and turned the key in my bedroom door, locking it. I crossed the room towards the phone...

...and I happened to catch sight of my reflection in the mirror of my dressing table. My hair was a mess, bordering the black leather harness around my head that kept the red rubber ball tight between my lips. There was a little drool on my chin, but I could do nothing about that. My blouse was ripped to shreds, revealing my 34C breasts straining against my little black lacy bra underneath - straining even more due to my elbows being drawn so tight behind my back by the shiny metal handcuffs. With my skirt missing, there was nothing to hide the rest of my very racy underwear - black g-string, stockings and suspenders were all on display, and my black high heels finished off the ensemble. In a different situation, I would have looked quite sexy. I winked at my reflection...

...and picked up the receiver, breathing a sigh of relief as I heard the dial tone. The intruder hadn't cut the phoneline, like they always seem to do in the movies. I put the receiver as close to my mouth as possible and was just straining to reach the buttons when I heard the bedroom door explode - I looked around to see the latex-clad intruder advancing towards me, the remains of the door on the bedroom floor. She reached me before I could do anything and pulled me onto the bed. I was helpless, completely in her power and feeling very exposed as she revealed two more pairs of handcuffs. She pulled my legs apart, obviously intending to handcuff them to the posts at the foot of my bed. I relaxed... there was nothing I could do to stop her now.

Or was there? I quickly drew my legs back, taking her by surprise - she lost her grip on them and just stood there, looking at me, unsure of what was happening. I grinned as much as the gag allowed as I lashed out with my feet, sending the intruder staggering backwards into my dressing table. She sat down hard on the floor, and I wasted no time in jumping to my feet, grabbing a vase of flowers off my bedside table and smashing it over her head. She slumped to the floor and I could finally relax. Not wanting to take any chances, I cuffed her wrists behind her back and her ankles together. She wasn't going anywhere.

I was about to cross the room to the phone when curiosity got the better of me. I wanted to know who it was who had attacked me. The manouevre was a little difficult since my elbows were still bound behind my back, but I managed to grab the zip for the head of her catsuit - I pulled the head free and saw long brown hair, pale skin, full red lips and a black facemask. Who on earth would wear a facemask underneath a catsuit?

My question was answered when her eyes flickered open, and recognition dawned. I grabbed the zip at the front of the catsuit and pulled it down - I wasn't surprised when instead of pale flesh I saw a silver catsuit underneath.

"I think we can safely say that you've passed the test," the Masked Avenger smiled.

I sat back on my bed, half-relieved, half-confused.

"I need to make use of your services," she continued, "and I had to be sure that you were ready."

She brought her hands out from behind her back, minus the handcuffs that had been binding her, and proceeded to release her ankles. All I could do was sit there and watch, and try to not feel too exposed. She eventually got to her feet and removed the handcuffs and gag that were binding me - and my fantasy of being saved by the Masked Avenger was again fulfilled.

"You could have given me some warning..." I began, but she interrupted me.

"But then it wouldn't have been a test. Don't worry, you passed with flying colours."

"Oh, that's okay then... what do you need me for?"

"There's a madman holding the city to ransom," she replied, sliding the black catsuit off to reveal more of her silver catsuit, "and I need to be in two places at once. He has a pair of nuclear bombs, at opposite ends of the city, and both need to be disarmed within a minute of each other. So, you can see where you come into all this..."

"I've never disarmed a nuclear bomb before..."

"Oh, it's easy - just open the control panel and cut the black wire."

"This won't be like in the films, with lots of black wires or any other dangerous decisions like that?"

"No, the companies that make these devices have very strict safety protocols. They don't want their employees or customers to get confused, now do they?"

"No, I suppose not..."

"I'll pick you up tonight. Be ready. Oh, and you may want to get used to this..."

She handed me a smallish box and winked before turning on her heel and striding out of my bedroom. I just sat on the bed in my ripped clothes, still in a state of shock. The box was purple, with a large black gothic-looking 'F' written on the top. I slowly opened it and saw a typed note inside.

You have been chosen to be my sidekick. From now on, I will refer to you as Feline. Good luck!

Feline. So that was my superheroine name. I liked it. It sounded sexy, sassy, independent and maybe even slightly violent. It would inspire fear into the hearts of my enemies... I hoped. Underneath the note was the costume. I gasped - it was a little too revealing for my tastes, but the little black mask would give me some anonymity. And if the villains were distracted by the amount of flesh I would be exposing, then so be it! As well as the mask, the costume consisted of a pair of black mesh elbow-length gloves, a pair of hefty high-heeled boots and a fishnet and vinyl teddy. I'd look more like a dominatrix than a superheroine, but perhaps that was the idea.

I stripped off my clothes and tried on the teddy - it was a snug fit, and looked very sexy. My tummy button was covered by a black 'F', which I assumed was my symbol. The underwiring of the vinyl cups gave me so much cleavage that I blushed at my reflection in the mirror. I quickly pulled on the gloves and boots, and twirled in front of the mirror. Very cute, although the thong rear to the costume meant that my buttocks would feel the cold tonight. The last touch was pulling on the mask... and it was then that I felt like a superheroine. I felt confident, I felt brave, I felt like I could take on the world.


My doorbell rang at six in the evening and I answered it wearing a long coat over my sexy Feline costume. I wasn't wearing my facemask, of course, just in case it was one of the neighbours coming round to ask for a cup of sugar. I need not have worried - it was the Masked Avenger, similarly covered up.

"Let's see, then," she smiled, and I opened my coat for her.

She gasped as she took in my costume and nodded approvingly. Then she turned and signalled for me to follow. I closed the door behind me and wandered out onto the street to where her car was waiting. It didn't look as exciting as Batman's, but it was bright silver and very sporty. Perhaps I would have to get my own form of superheroine transportation at some point.

"We're here," the Masked Avenger said, waking me from my daydreams about speeding through the city on a big black motorcycle, "Now for the plan. I'm going to drop you off here, and you are to find the bomb and disarm it. Hopefully, by that time, I will have found the other bomb and will be in the process of disarming it too. If you see the red light come on above the control panel, it means that I have disarmed the other bomb - you will have only a minute to disarm your bomb..."

"And if I don't manage it in time?"

"Don't even think about it. Millions of lives are at stake. Leave your coat here, and don't forget your mask. Once we've succeeded, I'll meet you back here. Good luck, Feline."

And with that, I pulled the mask over my eyes and stepped out into the night...

I was standing before a large warehouse, feeling a little exposed. The night air was cool on my skin, and I couldn't help but try to cover myself up with my hands. Not a fitting stance for a superheroine, but I'm sure you understand... I vaguely remembered the Masked Avenger mentioning that out of the two bomb locations, this one was the least likely to be housing the man responsible for this madness - so all I had to do was go in and cut a wire. I took a step towards the large, dark, ominous building before deciding that he might have guards posted...

I slinked into an alley behind the warehouse and grinned like the cat that got the cream when I saw a fire escape - a series of metal steps going all the way from floor to roof. I quickly began to ascend, before I realised how much noise my high heels were making on the steps. I slowed my ascent and found a dark window that led into the first floor of the warehouse. I peered inside and, satisfied that there was no-one inside, quietly prised the window open. I slipped inside, silent as a cat.

I quickly took in my surroundings - I was in a small office. A window opposite me overlooked the main warehouse space. And in the centre, I saw a large object underneath a tarpaulin. It had to be the bomb. This was too easy. I crossed the room to the only door and stopped when I saw a figure through the smoked glass - I was right, there was a guard. I couldn't see anyone else in the building, so decided that I should be able to take him out...

I silently turned the door handle behind him and opened the door a fraction of an inch... before taking a step back and kicking the door. Hard. There was a muffled 'oof' from the other side as the door hit the guard and he fell forwards down the steps to the warehouse floor. I darted through the doorway and jogged down the stairs after him, my breasts bouncing in my tight costume all the way down, and I knelt next to him - he was out cold. This was too easy. I crossed the warehouse floor to the bomb and ducked underneath the tarpaulin - the control panel was easy to find. I wondered if the Masked Avenger had found her bomb so easily, and whether she was ready to disarm hers within the next minute. I ripped the control panel open and was relieved to see a single black wire... I reached inside and...

Rough hands pulled me away from the bomb and I struggled free with all my might, turning to face my assailants. Two burly henchmen faced me, one holding a black club the other holding a knife. They beckoned for me to come towards them as they hefted their weapons. This wouldn't be pleasant.

I stepped forward and kicked the first henchman hard in the groin, and smiled with satisfaction as he crumpled to the floor. The second henchman yelled and swiped at me with his knife - I ducked underneath it and lashed out at his knee, making him lose his balance and fall to the floor. I jumped to my feet and got in a suitable position to stamp on his most delicate of areas when I was grabbed from behind again... and this time, I couldn't struggle free. Very strong hands twisted my arms up behind my back into a very uncomfortable hammerlock and bound them in place with rope.

"Let me go!" I growled, and the strong hands did as I asked, spinning me around to face my attacker.

He was tall, very tall. Underneath his tight supervillain costume I could see bulging muscles. The majority of his costume was black, including the large cape - the only colour was a green snake on his chest, in the shape of an 'S'.

"And who might you be?" he asked, his voice deep and booming.

"I'm Feline..." I said, trying to be civil while behind my back I was desperately pulling the rope binding my arms.

"Do you know who I am?"

"I'd guess that you call yourself The Snake..."

"Correct," he smiled, "my reputation obviously preceeds me."

I glanced down at the bulge in his crotch, and I could tell where his supervillain name had come from. He was looking at me and whistling appreciatively - I suddenly felt even more exposed than before, but was completely helpless before him - unable to defend myself even from his lustful gaze.

"I'm glad you superheroines make such an effort to dress nice," he continued, "since I have such wonderful fantasies about tying you up and torturing you. But, first, to business - who do you work for?"

I briefly considered mentioning the Masked Avenger, to try to strike some fear into his heart... but knew that mentioning her might alert him to the fact that she was trying to disarm his other bomb. Remembering the bomb, I quickly glanced at the control panel - the light above it was still off, so she hadn't disarmed the other one yet.

"I'm freelance," I said, "I heard about your plan and decided to come and put a stop to it."

"Didn't you know that disarming one bomb would set the other off?" he asked, his voice impatient as if he was addressing a naughty teenager.


"Good grief, I don't believe it. You superheroines come striding along in your sexy little costumes, with your puffed up egos, trying to get in my way and you don't even get your facts right!"

He was beginning to look quite angry, and he was moving towards me. He spoke again, punctuating his sentence with prods to my chest.

"Bloody self-righteous heroes and heroines, with your sickening," *prod* "do-gooding," *prod* "damned heroic" *prod* "ideals, coming out of the woodwork and for what?"

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed the little red light flicker into life above the control panel on the bomb.

"I'll tell you for what!" *prod* "Publicity!" *prod* "Fame!" *prod* "You're as greedy as the supervillains," *prod* "but without the guts," *prod* "to admit up front that you've basically got the same agenda!"

My breasts were beginning to hurt from his repeated prodding and I turned away, unable to do anything else to protect them. He grabbed the thong rear of my teddy and pulled me backwards into his clutches - he held my bare hips tight as he pressed his 'snake' into my buttocks.

"But I find you all so sexy," he murmured into my ear, "that I could almost forgive you."

His fingers moved up my tight costume to cup my breasts, and I closed my eyes, hoping that he wouldn't detect how hard my nipples were at that moment... I was so turned on, I almost forgot how serious this situation was. I felt his 'snake' hardening behind me... and then he pushed me away.

"Later," he said, "first, I have a city to blow up."

I staggered, trying to keep on my feet, feeling aroused and frustrated at the same time. How could he do this to me? Turn me on and then not give me the release I yearned for? I turned around to face him.

"Just you wait a minute," I said, "you can't do this."

"Oh, I do believe I can."

"If I was a superguy, you wouldn't have acted the same way at all. I'm a strong, independent woman fighting for equal rights, amongst other things, and all you can do is drool over my costume!"

"Well, it is a very sexy costume..."

"Enough! You're pathetic! If I wasn't tied up, I'd..."

"You'd what?" he asked, stepping towards me and grabbing the front of my costume between my breasts and slapping my face.

I gasped with shock, reeling from the impact - he took the opportunity to tug down on my costume, forcing me to my knees (since I didn't want to risk him ripping my costume open and revealing even more of my flesh). His hands went down towards his crotch...

"It's time for you to find out why I'm called The Snake," he said.

I glanced past him at the red light, glowing from underneath the tarpaulin, and knew that I had to act fast. He hadn't seen the light, and we would both be destroyed in the resulting explosion if someone didn't disarm that bomb in the next few seconds. I briefly considered mentioning it to him, at least before he gagged my mouth with his namesake... but then came up with a better plan. I rocked back, rising onto my heels and then standing before him (and somehow managed to avoid falling over in the process). I stood on one leg and hopped onto the other, my right foot rising quickly to strike his chin in the style of the Karate Kid - he flew backwards in slow motion, landing on the hard warehouse floor with an audible thud. I ran to the bomb and ripped out the black wire with my teeth... and breathed a sigh of relief. The disaster had been averted. I had had a hand in saving the city. That last minute had felt like it had taken about half an hour... perhaps time ran slower for superheroines fighting for the cause of justice?

I turned back to see that The Snake had slithered away... there was no sign of him. I wriggled and struggled with my bonds but could do nothing to escape from them - I was trapped, and didn't want to be found this way if he returned with reinforcements. I decided to exit, pronto. I darted back up the stairs into the dark office, out of the window and down the fire escape. The prospect of a complete stranger finding me wearing such a sexy outfit and bound helpless crossed my mind (and was very arousing, might I add) but I preferred the risk of a stranger over the certainty of The Snake's revenge. And then I heard a footstep behind me.

I turned to see... the Masked Avenger. Smiling.

"Congratulations, Feline," she smiled, untying me, "we've won. The city is safe again."

"But what about The Snake?"

"Oh, he'll be back, I expect. But we'll be here to stop him. Sorry you had to face him..."

"That's okay," I grinned, "I enjoyed kicking his ass."

"Hey, that's not the right attitude to have," she grinned, slapping my bare buttocks lightly before she turned to head back towards the car, "but I know exactly what you mean."

I followed her, rubbing my ass whilst admiring hers through her very tight silver catsuit. I could get used to this...