I stumbled, for the umpteenth time, and winced as the clamps pulled harder on my nipples - I quickly recovered my feet, and gave the back of Christine's head an evil glare. She hadn't turned around to witness my predicament - I didn't think she cared. Beside me, Pauline was faring little better.

Pauline and I were being led through the woods by a woman who obviously wanted revenge for the way we had treated her. Pauline was wearing just a ring-gag, while I was wearing just a ballgag - our bikinis had long since been ripped from our bodies. We both had our wrists cuffed together behind our backs, and were being led by a chain affixed to our nipples by clover clamps. Christine was wearing my blouse and shorts, and didn't look like she'd be returning my clothes any time soon, and had a backpack full of bondage toys hanging from one shoulder.

All Pauline and I could do was grumble protests into our gags as we were led, rather unceremoniously, through the forest to wherever Christine expected her Master to be. And then I saw it - a small cottage, surrounded by a wooden fence, with a rough track leading up to it. I couldn't see any vehicles, and there were no signs of life inside. Christine didn't pause - she led us directly to the fence. Without a word, she attached our nipple chains to the fence with a pair of padlocks and disappeared inside the cottage - Pauline and I were left outside, looking at each other, mumbling into our gags, experimentally pulling at the chains and wincing as the clamps bit harder into our sore nipples, feeling rather exposed. We kept looking up towards the cottage, wondering what our captor had in store for us, but she never emerged.

We jumped when we heard a car motor behind us - we turned to see a landrover slowly advancing up the rough track towards the cottage. Instinctively, we tried to flee but could do nothing to conceal ourselves or even hide our nakedness. We were totally exposed to the viewing pleasure of the man who stepped out of the landrover and looked us up and down.

"Well, well," he leered, "what do we have here?"

He walked over to me first and ran his fingers through my long hair - I tried to back away, but he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer. I protested into my gag but he just laughed and playfully spanked my bum before turning to Pauline. He pressed his body against hers and played with her breasts - this made the clamps move, which made her groan, which only made him more excited.

"I can see we're going to have a lot of fun together. I'd better go inside and congratulate Christine. Don't go anywhere, girls."

We watched him enter the cottage, then looked at each other - Pauline's eyes contained a mixture of curiosity, anxiety and arousal, but I could have been imagining it. What on earth did he have in store for us? We waited for what seemed like hours before we found out...

Eventually, Christine emerged from the cottage. She was wearing absolutely nothing except for a deliciously evil and confident grin.

"You, brunette," she said, talking to me, "you are to be my plaything. You will be trained when my Master and I have taught the blonde how to be his plaything."

Pauline and I exchanged glances as Christine removed the padlock from Pauline's nipple chain and led her inside. I was left outside, waiting, beginning to feel rather cold as the sun set, listening to the gasps of surprise and moans of pleasure coming from inside the cottage... and knowing that it would soon be my turn. I was trying to reach my nipples with my cuffed hands for the umpteenth time when Christine eventually emerged from the cottage again, her face flushed and her nipples hard. I knew it was my turn now, and didn't resist as she led me inside.

Just inside the door, Christine's Master was sitting naked on a rocking chair while Pauline pleasured him orally - his hard member was penetrating her ring-gag and his hands were gripping her hair as he moved her head back and forth. Her wrists were still cuffed firmly behind her back but, instead of struggling, she was doing her best to arouse him with her tongue. She was so engrossed, she didn't even look up as I was led past. Christine made me kneel in the centre of the wooden floor and worked on changing my bondage.

The first thing she did was remove the clover clamps from my nipples - I gasped as the blood rushed back into them. I tried to reach my tender nipples with my fingers, but with my hands in cuffs I still couldn't reach. Christine then proceeded to frogtie me, using strong, rough rope to bind my ankles tightly to my thighs. Similar rope was used to bind my elbows together behind my back, and another length of rope replaced the handcuffs. She then tied rope around my chest, looping it around the base of each breast and drawing it tight, making my breasts bulge as I struggled in vain. She stepped back to admire her handiwork.

"Struggle for your new Mistress," she smiled, "and if you get free, I'll let you go."

I did as she said, pulling at my bonds, trying to reach the knots which were well out of range of my searching fingers, groaning and drooling into the gag as I writhed. I fell onto my side and rolled onto my back, no longer feeling modest, just wanting to find a weak point in the bondage. I was aware of Christine watching me as I struggled, and I knew she was getting aroused by my actions, but I just continued... and then I realised that I was beginning to get aroused by the whole experience too. My groans of frustration became moans of pleasure as I rolled onto my bound arms and squirmed, now trying to reach my more sensitive areas instead of the knots on the ropes. Eventually, I had to stop for a breather - I had exhausted myself with my futile struggling, and Christine knew it. Within moments, she was standing astride me, smiling.

I was on my side now, and she sat on my bound legs, making me feel even more helpless and vulnerable. She ran her hands up and down my naked body, paying particular attention to my bulging breasts, squeezed by the tight ropes that bound them. And then her caresses turned into tickles of my tummy, and I shrieked into the gag, squirming violently to try to get away! She ignored my gagged pleas and protests and continued to run her fingers lightly all over my body, tickling me more, forcing me to buck my body in an attempt to throw her off - she was giggling almost as much as I was. She then promptly stood up and rolled me onto my tummy, crushing my breasts beneath me, before she sat on my bottom, facing my feet. I looked over my shoulder at her as she investigated my helpless feet, and wriggled helplessly as her fingers ran lightly over my legs... and then her fingers found the soles of my feet and I screamed as loudly as I could into the gag.

Eventually, my ordeal was over and I was utterly exhausted. She climbed off and then sat in front of me, her feet either side of my shoulders, her naked sex millimetres from my face. She reached forward and removed my gag. While I worked my jaw, she spoke softly.

"Now, slave, you have a choice. Either pleasure me orally to the best of your abilities... or be tickled again. Do you want to be tickled again?"

"No," I replied, weakly.

"No what?"

"No, Mistress."

"Good girl. Now, come here and pleasure me."

I could smell her arousal, but I couldn't reach her with my tongue... and I so wanted to pleasure her. Not only because of the threat, but because I was feeling really horny and wanted to do something about it. I wriggled and squirmed my way forwards, feeling a little like a caterpillar, but managed to close the few millimetres without squishing my breasts too much... and then I tasted her. I flicked my tongue against her clit... and soon she was moaning, gasping and groaning, clawing at the wooden floor with her fingernails while I pushed my tongue deep inside her dripping pussy. I felt her hands gripping my hair as she came, her body bucking rhythmically before she went still, the only sound coming from her a feeble panting and the only movement an occasional shudder. I rested my head against her inner thigh, quite exhausted.

"Good girls," came the voice of Christine's Master, penetrating my near-sleep.

"Definitely," smiled Christine, mopping the sweat from her brow.

"It's a shame to let them go."

I smiled - our ordeal was finally nearing its end. I glanced around the room to share a happy look with Pauline, but she was nowhere to be seen. Christine saw the look of worry in my eyes, and grinned before leaving the room. She promptly return pulling a small trailer - essentially, a few planks of wood providing a flat surface, on wheels. She and her Master picked me up and put me on the trailer, before taking the rope attached to the front and pulling me outside into the night.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked, feeling rather vulnerable, bound tightly as I was but moved so easily.

"You'll see," Christine replied.

I saw Pauline, standing by the fence. She was blindfolded and gagged, naked except for a pair of ridiculously high heels padlocked onto her feet and a pair of handcuffs keeping her hands behind her back. Christine put the rope from the trailer into Pauline's hand and then spanked her ass, causing her to jump forward, pulling me on my trailer along with her.

"Have fun!" Christine's Master called after us.

"I'm sure you'll find someone kind enough to free you!" Christine called.

But I was no longer listening - I was concentrating on giving the blindfolded Pauline directions so she wouldn't pull us both off the path... and trying to come up with a clever plan to get free before we found civilisation.