'Laura, hurry up! We'll be late!'

I ignored Chrissie's warning - this was my last night of freedom, and I wanted to look my best. I finished touching up my makeup and admired myself in the mirror - my raven black hair had been tied up in a topknot and I had made my makeup as gothic as possible. I wore a black strapless rubber dress that went from just above my nipples to just below my buttocks, black knee-length boots with uncomfortably-high heels and the tiniest of black g-strings, only just out of sight. And tomorrow, I would be standing opposite my beloved Clark - I would be dressed entirely in white and I would say "I do."

I purred at my reflection - I wondered if the black nail varnish was over the top, but it was my last night of freedom and I was going out with a bang. I stepped out of the bathroom to a cheer from Chrissie, Angela, Sophie, Suzy and Kat - my best friends and my companions for the evening. Within minutes, we were walking along the streets of Amsterdam, looking for the club we had booked a room in for the night. As we walked, we received a number of wolf-whistles and various invitations for 'a good time' in both English and Dutch. I couldn't speak Dutch myself, but Chrissie was always happy to translate.

Eventually we arrived at the club and were shown to our room - it was larger than expected, consisting of a number of tables at which we could sit, and a stage upon which the male strippers would be putting on a show. As we ordered our umpteenth drinks that night, I heard a cheer coming from the next room - sounded like a stag night full of rowdy lads. I hoped that our evening wouldn't be spoiled by them.

As we took our seats, the lights dimmed and a spotlight highlighted centre-stage. The lights dimmed to reveal a very hunky young man dressed as a fireman. My friends shouted such things as 'Get your hose out!' and 'I'm on fire!' - "Hot Stuff" began to play on the sound system and he began to undress. Since you're not reading this story for mental images of men, I'll not go into too much detail - please correct me if I'm wrong.

He eventually got down to his boxer shorts, amid many cheers and whoops from my friends and I. And then, with a beautiful smile on his face, he beckoned to us. My friends prodded me but I wasn't yet drunk enough to go onstage. Kat jumped at the opportunity, and was soon dancing next to him - I was very happy to watch and admire those two beautiful bodies from afar. As they danced together, he slowly removed her clothes. Soon she was snuggling up to his big chest, wearing just a thong and her shoes. And I felt jealous.

He took her to the back of the stage where there was a raised platform - he sat her on it and began to kiss her breasts while she ran her hands all over his back. I was feeling rather aroused, watching all this, so when the next man came on - dressed all in black with a few items of bondage gear at his belt, I jumped to my feet and rushed onstage. He grinned as he caught me and I heard my friends behind me cheering - all of my friends apart from Kat, who was now moaning very loudly.

'My name's Karl,' he whispered in my ear, 'you're going to be my slave. But I'm going to have to take you backstage to find clothes in your size.'

I nodded and turned back towards my friends, giving them the thumbs up. They cheered again. I felt Karl's hands above my head as he lowered some black leather straps over me - a hard rubber ball forced it's way into my mouth and the straps were fastened behind my head. I was gagged, and couldn't make a sound! I glanced back to my friends but most of them were watching Kat and her fireman get naked...

A leather mask appeared in front of my face and was pulled in place - it was a snug fit, and even had a hole in the top for my hair. I could still see and breathe, though, so I didn't panic too much. Karl then grabbed my wrists and handcuffed them behind my back - suddenly, my friends' attention turned back to me, as he began to kiss my neck and shoulders. I didn't know what to do, but there was nothing to do except moan into the gag as his fingers roamed over my hips and breasts.

'Time to get you some suitable clothes,' he whispered.

I turned to face him and he hooked a finger in the front of my dress and pulled me behind him as he walked offstage. I could do nothing to stop him, but didn't want to. We passed behind the curtain and I suddenly felt a little scared - what if he decided to take advantage of me? There was nothing I could do to stop him...

Backstage was a giant dressing room, full of gorgeous men and women in various states of undress. Karl led me to a quiet corner and released my hands from the handcuffs, a pleasant smile on his face.

'Wait here, I'll be right back.'

So, while he walked off to find some suitable clothes, I had a look around. There were more thongs here than I had ever seen in my life, but I didn't feel like I was intruding - behind the mask and gag, I felt like a pure observer.

Which was why I was so surprised when a middle-aged lady spoke to me in Dutch. I had no idea what she had said so all I could do was nod and smile. She tutted at me and looked disappointed before leading me towards one of the racks of clothes. I assumed that this was what Karl had meant about finding me something to wear.

I felt her hands on the back of my dress and was very surprised when she ripped the zip down and pulled the dress away from me. I looked at her but she seemed oblivious to my surprise as she pulled out a few lengths of leather connected by metal rings. Obviously, this was to be my clothing.

She pulled it onto me - it hid nothing. My breasts stood out, framed by a metal ring each, and the leather straps criss-crossed my body to form an intricate web. There was another ring around my neck which seemed to support the entire outfit, but the most surprising part was the crotch - my more private parts weren't covered at all, they were exposed to anyone who happened to look my way... I turned to the woman and tried to complain through the gag and sign language, but she just took my hands and led me to the stage entrance. If my friends saw me wearing this, I'd never live it down!

I kept my eyes open for Karl - perhaps I would be able to get a message through to him. The woman left me on my own beside some curtains so I decided to try and remove the mask and gag - I reached behind my head and began to fiddle but, without being able to see what I was doing, it was slow work.

Just as I thought I had worked out how to free myself, I heard a cough from behind me. I turned to see a beautiful young woman wearing a very sexy outfit - a black leather collar around her neck, a black leather corset that pushed her ample breasts up so far it looked positively painful and a pair of black leather boots that came up to the middle of her thighs. She was carrying a riding crop, which she swished in my direction with a smile on her face. She didn't look like she was part of the entertainment organised for my friends and I. It was then that I began to wonder if there had been some sort of mix-up...

She stepped forward and fixed a leash under the chin of my mask and pulled me onstage before I could resist. The lights blinded me for a second but there was no mistaking an all-male cheer. I felt the riding crop connect with my bare buttocks and I took a couple of steps forward - and then I saw them. A large group of men... drunk, noisy men. And then I saw Clark, sitting at the centre table, a pint glass in his hand and a big smile on his face. With my mask on, he couldn't possibly have recognised me.

But what was he doing here? I had forbidden him from having a stag night. So how had he and his friends ended up in the same club as I had? My thoughts were so focused on him that I didn't notice the large, wooden stocks until it was too late - the girl bent me over and locked the stocks in place, trapping my head and hands securely. I had a good view of the curtains at the back of the stage. And as the girl pulled my ankles to the sides of the stocks and tied them apart, I knew that the men in the audience had a good view of... well... everything.

The girl shouted something in Dutch as I struggled hard - I knew what was coming, and decided that escape would be a great idea. I yelped with pain into the gag as the riding crop came down hard on my buttocks, but didn't stop my struggling. There was a loud cheer from behind me and I guessed that a volunteer had been found from the audience. A few moments later I felt a large hand on my buttock and I froze - here I was, bound and helpless, about to be forced to do something I didn't want to in front of a huge audience. I renewed my struggles.

Another hand cupped my left breast and began to play with my nipple. It felt quite good, and I couldn't stop myself from enjoying it. The other hand found my other breast and I felt a naked body press against my ass - and I was unable to do anything but enjoy the sensation. And struggle.

A very large cock found it's way into my exposed pussy and I froze - this had gone too far. I pulled as hard as I could to try and free myself from the stocks but it was all in vain. I felt the man behind me moving his hands over my body as he slowly began to pump inside me - and the more I struggled, the nicer it felt. His hands returned to my rock-hard nipples and I moved with him, writhing on his cock as he pumped inside me. And then his hands clenched, crushing my breasts as his body shuddered and I felt him cum violently inside me! I could resist it no longer, and I gave in to the orgasm that had been building up inside me.

He slowly withdrew and left me panting, exhausted. And then I saw him walk around in front of me - with my head in the stocks I couldn't see his face, but I recognised the body.

'Hi, Laura, I hope you enjoyed that.'

It was Clark! But how did he know who I was?

'I arranged for all this to happen,' he continued, 'but now I have to go and sleep - I don't want to be too hungover for our wedding. Entertain my friends for me...'

And with that, he left. And as I wondered what exactly he meant by that last remark, I felt another large hand on my bare buttock...