Training Of A Superheroine

"And introducing the new challenger... Feline!"

I grinned at the audience as I strutted around the wrestling ring, feeling like a superstar. I was wearing my superheroine costume, but now it felt more like a professional wrestling costume. The Masked Avenger's words were still ringing in my ears:

"Laura, you need to familiarise yourself more with fighting and bondage if you're going to be a successful superheroine sidekick, and I have the perfect way to kill those two birds with one stone. There's a new craze sweeping the city at the moment, calling itself World Bondage Wrestling - and I've entered you as a wrestler. It's for a rather adult crowd, since victory goes to the contender who brings her opponent to orgasm... and, generally, the only way to do it is to tie them up first. So, the perfect training..."

My thoughts were interrupted by the tolling of a bell. It was now Round One, as the boards held up by cute girls in sling bikinis outside the ring proclaimed. But my attention was fully on my opponent, who was even now pacing slowly around the ring towards me. I glanced away from her briefly, at the coils of rope in each corner of the ring, and wondered if I should go for them or go for my opponent. Alas, she made the decision for me.

As wrestlers go, she was very small - I guessed that she was Japanese, and then a term popped into my head: Japanese Rope Bondage. I hoped she wasn't an expert. Her costume was fairly simple - a white leotard, with red and orange flames creeping up from her crotch to her breasts, drawing attention to her assets. Obviously, she was trying to gain popularity with the largely-male crowd... as well as the viewers at home.

Before I could do anything, she had closed the distance between us. She was lightning-fast, and I gasped as I felt one hand go to my shoulder and the other go down between my legs. She twisted underneath me and I flew through the air, landing in the centre of the ring with a thud, feeling most of the pain of impact in my breasts. And then she was on me, pulling my hands behind my back where she quickly tied them together in a cinch knot. I reflected that this could be the shortest wrestling career in history if I didn't do something soon.

Once my wrists were securely tied behind my back, she turned her attention to my ankles... and I took the opportunity to twist beneath her, onto my back. I raised my knees so I could put my feet just under her breasts, much to her surprise. She could do nothing as I straightened my legs, launching her into the air. She thudded into the corner post of the ring, and I quickly rolled on the floor, pulling my bound hands down past my buttocks and under my feet, so that my wrists were now bound in front of me, not behind. I looked down at the knot she had tied - I wouldn't be getting that undone in a hurry. My only chance would be to tie up my opponent while I was still bound.

I dashed to one of the corners of the ring, grabbed a length of rope and dashed back to where my opponent was slowly getting to her feet. I grabbed her arm and pulled her back down to the canvas, and sat astride her, using my slight weight advantage to keep her pinned down while I pulled her arms behind her back and tied her elbows tightly together, surprised at how flexible she was and how easy it was to get her elbows to touch. I was also surprised that I managed it at all, given that I was wearing gloves and my wrists were bounds together. And then it was her turn to twist underneath me and kick me away.

We lay there, on opposite sides of the ring, panting, eyeing each other, struggling with our bonds. I smiled to myself, since I knew that she had no chance of escaping from hers - but she didn't seem to realise this, and just continued to writhe and struggle. As I picked at the knot binding my wrists, I noticed that I was beginning to feel rather aroused watching my opponent squirm in her bondage. I would enjoy bringing her to orgasm...

And then I was free. I quickly closed the distance between us and tied her wrists together behind her back. She was now my prisoner, and it was only a matter of time before I secured the victory. I took the opportunity to walk around the ring, smiling to the applause of the crowd and gathering up as much rope as I could find. I returned to my victim and bound her ankles together, before bending her knees and tightly tying her ankles to her wrists in a vicious hog-tie. I rolled her onto her side, facing the cameras, and the crowd roared with approval.

I looked down at my prisoner... she was still struggling furiously, trying to escape. The white parts of her costume were now completely transparent, since her entire body was slick with sweat. And, peering closely, I could even see her nipples poking through the orange and red flames. It was time to end this fight.

Using my last length of rope, I put the centre behind her neck and draped the two ends over her shoulders, down her tummy and between her legs, before pulling them up between her buttocks and tying them off, tightly, behind her neck. Now, whenever she pulled at her bonds, there was constant pressure on her crotch... and I could tell that it was having an immediate effect on her. Her struggles had slowed, they were more rhythmic... she seemed to be bucking slightly, and I guessed that she was on the verge of orgasm. I cupped her breasts, squeezing her nipples between my fingers, and she groaned... I could get used to this. I let one hand trace a line down her tummy and she was completely helpless, unable to stop my fingers moving down to where her costume was soaking wet... I gently rubbed her, and she bucked hard, grinding herself against my fingers as she came, pulling at her bonds, writhing and struggling and moaning with ecstacy as she reached that higher place.

I got to my feet, sucking on my damp fingers, and the referee entered the ring, raising my other hand in triumph.

"And here's your winner... Feline! Stay tuned, folks, for she'll be back in half an hour to face off against her next opponent!"

"Erm... my next opponent?" I asked, but he wasn't listening - I thought this was a one-off match, not a championship.

I marched up the runway that led from the ring to the backstage area, not smiling so much at the crowd now that I knew that I had to wrestle again. And I just knew that my next opponent would be more skilled than this last one.


It was time for my next fight, and I was first in the ring. I strutted down the runway, smiling at the crowd, blowing kisses, wiggling my pert buttocks and generally enjoying myself. I knew that my luck wouldn't hold, and that I'd soon be bound helpless before them - so, I had decided to enjoy myself while this acclaim lasted.

I climbed the corner steps and walked along the edge of the ring, hanging onto the top rope, before I bent down and ducked under it, sliding between the ropes and into the ring. The crowd was still cheering and I leaned against the ropes, facing the runway, ready to see my opponent.

"And here's her opponent, Diana!"

The crowd immediately started to boo and hiss - I guessed that in the grand scheme of wrestling soap operas, my opponent was some sort of 'baddy'. And then she appeared - she was of similar height and build to myself, but her hair was bright red and her makeup dark and gothic. She stuck her pierced tongue out at the audience as she marched towards the ring. She was wearing large, chunky boots, a black leather miniskirt and a black leather collar. Her last item of clothing was a black fishnet teddy, that was cut so high at the hips that there was a good inch of bare flesh above each side of her miniskirt. Her large breasts were bare underneath, and I could see a small metal ring through each of her nipples. Dressed like that, she seemed so confident with herself... and I felt butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

She leaped up onto the side of the ring, and in a second jump was lying on the top rope, somehow balancing there... she looked me in the eye and seductively licked her lips with her pierced tongue. I raised one eyebrow and tried to look as calm and confident as I possibly could, but she had successfully out-psyched me. I was terrified.

"And the weapon for this fight is... duct tape!"

I jumped as a large roll of silver duct tape was thrown into the ring, landing directly between the two of us. I heard the bell sound, signalling the start of the fight, and I made a dash for the tape. Unfortunately, my opponent had different plans and she made a dash for me. Diana grabbed my arm and twisted, changing the direction of my charge so that I found myself hurtling towards the ropes. I turned, and my back hit the ropes - they stretched a little, before returning to their original state - I was catapulted back into my opponent's arm, which left me lying flat on my back, winded. I felt hands grab my ankles and my legs were lifted into the air. Diana pushed her weight down onto them, pinning me on my back with my ankles by my head, her crotch rubbing against mine as she leaned down and looked me in the eye.

"This is going to be too easy, my pretty," she grinned, kissing me on the lips.

I wondered what sort of view the audience was getting... I rolled to one side, somehow managing to make her lose her balance, and she fell to the canvas. I pounced, but she was ready for me, twisting underneath so that I landed on my front. And then she was on me, twisting my arms up behind my back in a hammerlock. I then sensed her stopping, and looking around - I guessed that she was looking for the roll of tape. I looked around, and saw it by my right leg, so quickly lashed out and sent the tape spinning away from us. She cursed, and with one hand holding my wrists and the other on my breast, helped me to my feet. I tried to ignore the fact that my nipple was hardening at her touch and, instead, hooked my leg behind hers and pulled...

We both fell to the floor, landing in a heap. And then I felt two bare thighs wrapping around my neck, and I was trapped! My hands went to her legs, trying to pull them apart, as I felt her pulling the two of us across the ring, possibly towards the tape. I was momentarily distracted by the view up her leather miniskirt... she was wearing no underwear apart from her fishnet teddy, and I could see the glint of metal inside. I was brought out of my thoughts about her piercings by the distinctive sound of tape being torn from a roll - it was time to escape. I dug my fingernails into her thighs and, as I felt them loosen their grip, I rolled away across the canvas, with Diana in hot pursuit.

The pursuit didn't last long - I yelped as her hands grabbed my hair and pull me down. I felt her thighs either side of me as she pinned me on my tummy, sitting on my bare buttocks as she grabbed my wrists and held them together behind my back. I squirmed beneath her but she was too strong, and was ready for my tricks.

"Don't struggle, my pretty," she purred, "or you'll only prolong it..."

I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw that the tape was on the other side of the ring... and my breath caught in a gasp as I felt her fingers move down between my legs, inside my costume.

"What do you think you're doing?" I demanded, feeling one finger slip inside my waiting moistness.

"The rules don't say anything about you being tied up when you orgasm," she replied, and I felt her gently rubbing my clit.

I closed my eyes... that felt good... I relaxed as I felt more fingers entering me, and I began to move slowly with her... I was getting to the point where I cared more about having the orgasm than winning the wrestling contest... I felt the orgasm rising within me... her fingers moved faster, stroking me exactly where I wanted to be stroked... adding fuel to my fire of passion... and then she released my wrists, so that she could plunge fingers from both hands into my pussy... I was so close... but wasn't going down without a fight. I summoned all my strength and pushed her backwards and she fell, a gasp of surprise escaping her lips. I rolled away, panting, the potential orgasm slowly dying as I got to my feet. I looked at her, lying there, cursing, and a plan formed. I pounced.

She easily rolled away from me and was soon on her feet too, sucking my love juices from one of her index fingers and smiling. I charged and she stepped aside, spinning me into one of the corner posts. I grabbed the top rope either side of me as she charged and brought up my feet, planting them in her chest and pushing her back the way she had come. I quickly followed and sat astride her.

"Nice try, my pretty" she smiled from underneath me, "but the duct tape is over there. You can't possibly bring me to orgasm without it..."

"Is that what you think?" I asked, my hands going between her breasts to grip her fishnet teddy.

She nodded, and I pulled, digging my fingernails in to tear the flimsy material from her body. She looked surprised, but unthreatened. And then I grabbed her wrists, and forced her well-lubricated middle fingers up through the small rings in her nipples... I managed to hold her there while she struggled just long enough to wipe my love juices from her fingers with the tattered remains of her costume, before she bucked and knocked me aside. We stood, facing each other, panting... I straightened my costume, covering up my modesty, while she could do nothing... her costume was in tatters and her hands were very firmly trapped by her nipple rings. And as her nipples hardened by this direct stimulation, her chances of escaping got slimmer. But that didn't stop her pulling at them.

I grinned as I stepped towards her, grabbed her by the miniskirt and forced her down to the floor. I sat astride her and quickly removed her skirt, much to the delight of the crowd. I then tore away the remains of her teddy, until she was wearing just her chunky boots and her collar... She growled like a caged animal beneath me as I leaned over the many piercings between her legs and slowly licked them with my tongue...

She thrashed about as I used the rings in her labia to open her up to me, and firmly pushed my tongue deep into her waiting pussy... when I heard a moan escape her lips, I knew that I was winning. I sucked hard on her pierced clit, noticing how all these piercings seemed to make her hypersensitive to even the tiniest stimulus... and she gasped, struggling hard beneath me, fighting all the way until she came...

"And here's your winner... Feline! But there's no rest for the wicked, since she has been challenged by the current champion! Behold... her third and last opponent this evening... Danni!"

I slowly got to my feet. I was exhausted. How could I be expected to fight a third battle? But then I realised that, if I won this, I'd become the champion... and greed got the better of me. I barely noticed Diana rolling out of the ring, her hands still firmly attached to her breasts... she ran up the runway, unable to hide her nakedness, into the arms of my next opponent.

She was taller than me, and looked a lot stronger. She had jet black skin, and was wearing the skimpiest of leopardskin sling bikinis. Her feet were bare, and her eyes were on my previous opponent. She grabbed the gothic Diana by the arms and kissed her full on the lips, a knee rubbing against her pierced crotch, before throwing her aside and marching towards the ring. If I had been scared before, I was terrified now.

My opponent, Danni, vaulted over the top rope and stood before me, grinning like a madwoman. The announcer also climbed into the ring, and kicked the roll of duct tape out. He was holding a large, black box which he upended between us - out of it fell the largest collection of sex toys I had ever seen. Of the items that I recognised, I saw vibrators, and handcuffs, and ballgags, and rope, and chain, and padlocks, and leather harnesses... I shuddered.

And then she was standing before me, her fingers clasped around my throat as she lifted me into the air and slammed me into the canvas. I gasped as the air was knocked out of me, and was surprised to feel her fingers hooking into the front of my costume, between my breasts. She pulled, and I felt and heard my costume ripping as she pulled it from my body until I was lying underneath her, wearing just my mask, my gloves and my boots, trying to hide my nakedness from the audience and the TV cameras... and then she was off me, striding towards the pile of toys in the centre of the ring. I got to my feet, covering myself with my hands, wondering if anyone would think ill of me if I fled. I hadn't anticipated being exposed to the entire world like this... whereas once I may have been a strong role-model for young women, I was now reduced to an object for the pleasure of men...

Danni returned, and I couldn't stop her from pushing me down to my knees. I felt cold metal closing around my left ankle and looked down to see a handcuff being fastened. She then grabbed my left hand away from where it had been covering my bare breasts and fastened it to the other cuff... and a cheer went up from the crowd, and I could see the cameras focussing in on my erect nipples. And I was glad that I was wearing a mask. I brought my knees together as she grabbed my right hand from where it was covering my crotch, and she attached it with another pair of handcuffs to my right ankle. The cameras zoomed in on my neatly-trimmed mound, and I just prayed that they couldn't see too much...

I gasped with surprise as I felt her hands grip my hair and pull me backwards - I toppled onto my back, and now it was only my feet preventing the cameras from seeing what they wanted. Danni winked at me as she used a small padlock to fasten a length of chain to the chain between the handcuffs attaching my left ankle to my left wrist - I looked at her questioningly but she just walked away, taking the other end of the chain to one of the corner posts behind me. She wrapped the chain once around the post before walking to the other corner post behind me and doing the same there, before returning to my right side to padlock the end of the chain to the other pair of handcuffs. I wondered what on earth she was doing... perhaps she was securing me in place? She walked to the mid-point of the chain, in-between the two corner posts, and lifted up the bottom rope of the ring to meet it. She used a larger padlock to attach the rope to the chain... and then addressed the audience.

"Shall I?" she asked.

And then I realised what her plan was. Once she released her grip on the bottom rope, it would return to its original position... this would then pull on the chain, which in turn would pull on the handcuffs... which would then pull my feet wide apart... and I'd be completely unable to hide myself from those probing cameras.

"No!" I yelled, but my little voice was completely drowned out by the crowd's answer.

She released her grip on the rope. As predicted, the chains pulled and I felt my legs being pulled apart... and I could hear the tiny electronic motors in the cameras operating the zoom lenses. I wriggled, I struggled, I squirmed, but I was bound completely helpless... I could do nothing to hide myself.

"I think it's time for me to claim my victory," Danni said, standing above me.

She was holding a black box, from which was protruding the largest vibrator I had ever seen. She flicked a switch, and the vibrator began to slowly move back and forth, obviously driven by some sort of motor inside the box. As it began to pick up speed, she turned on the vibrator and placed the box gently between my legs. I couldn't feel anything at first, apart from the vibration of the canvas beneath me. The pumping action of the box, though, drove it forward in tiny, little jumps. Was this how it was going to end? Exposed, humiliated... my thoughts were interrupted by Danni reaching down and peeling off the mask that protected my identity. Now I was in trouble. If The Snake was watching this, he'd be able to find out where I lived... and he'd come for revenge.

Danni smiled and stepped out of the ring - I watched her walk away. Was she so confident that she had won? I hadn't had my orgasm, so theoretically either of us could still win. But without my mask, I decided that no matter what happened I had effectively lost. And then I felt the briefest, tiniest touch of that vibrator against my pussy. It had finally reached me.

At the next thrust, it was pushing against my slick slit... and the next thrust took the head of the vibrating dildo inside... I could do absolutely nothing to halt its progress, as thrust after thrust pushed it further into me... I was feeling rather stretched at the next thrust, since it was considerably larger and thicker than anything I had had inside me before... I pulled at my bonds to no avail... I was stuck here for the entire ride... another thrust, and I gasped... I closed my eyes, no longer caring about anything except that huge intruder invading me... taking me to that higher place... thrusting again and again... deeper and deeper... I was moving with it now, trying my best to accommodate it... writhing as I was impaled on this huge cock... feeling completely filled... and it was forever pushing deeper... and deeper... until I came... but it didn't stop... it continued to thrust inside me... and I came again, and again, and again...