"You are the best assignment I've ever had," I smiled, licking my lips seductively, "Really."

"I'm honoured," Quaid panted, still exhausted from our recent exertions.

"Sure you don't want to... just for old times sake?" I asked, scanning his face hopefully.

He said nothing.

"C'mon... if you don't trust me, you could tie me up," I grinned, entangling my wrists in the straps of my leotard to make the point.

"I didn't know you were so kinky!" Quaid replied, as usual sounding like a complete idiot.

Don't get me wrong, I definitely fancied the guy. It's just that I only fancied him when he didn't open his big, stupid mouth. Anyway, I only had to keep him talking for a few minutes - I knew that my real husband, Richter, and his cronies would come bursting through the front door and capture him within that time. All I had to was keep Douglas Quaid talking.

"Maybe it's time you found out," I smiled seductively.

His eyes wandered, but I saw that he was definitely considering it. Men can be so completely ruled by their dicks, I sometimes wonder how they survive. All I had to do was keep his attention away from the vidscreen behind him. I slowly slid off my stool and winked at him before bending over away from him to untie the shoelaces of my trainers. Since my wrists were still entangled in the straps of my leotard, the action caused my leotard to be pulled down my body, gradually revealing the pink thong I was wearing underneath.

I took off both my trainers, and then my socks, all the while revealing more of my underwear and my pert buttocks. I looked over my shoulder at Quaid - he was grinning like a kid on Christmas morning. Since my leotard was halfway down my slender thighs already, I pulled it the rest of the way off and walked into the bedroom, disentangling my wrists and throwing my leotard into the corner.

I sat on the bed, and Quaid sat next to me. He began to remove his clothes, and I reached across to the bedside table and pressed a hidden button underneath it. There was a mechanical whirring and a secret drawer slowly appeared. And I felt a gun being pressed against my cheek.

"It's okay, Douglas," I smiled, a little bit scared by his jumpiness, "this drawer only contains the things I needed for bringing you in. If you want to tie me up, this is the stuff you'll need."

The gun left my cheek and Quaid peered at the drawer contents. Inside, there was a pair of standard police-issue handcuffs, a plate-gag (an automatically-inflating ballgag which attaches itself to the wearer's mouth and, from the outside, looks like a metal plate has been rivetted to the wearer's face, completely covering their lips), a collar with attached lead and...

"What on earth is that?" Quaid asked, pointing at the last thing in the drawer - a shapeless, rubber blob the colour of slightly-tanned skin.

I blushed.

"It's... erm... what I use to pleasure myself..."

He looked at me, and I continued.

"You don't know how boring it is, being a housewife! I'm used to the highlife of a secret agent, not the drudgery of looking after a man! So..."

"So this is how you pass the time," he said, "I don't want to know about it. Anyway, we have business to attend to."

He picked up the handcuffs. I was getting worried - Richter should have been here by now. I didn't fancy getting too close to Quaid right now, since Richter might come into the bedroom shooting. And if I was in a compromising position with Quaid... well, let's just say that you don't want to make him angry. A vein on the side of his forehead usually begins to throb and when he loses his temper you don't want to be on the same planet.

There was a clicking sound, and I felt the handcuffs being tightened around my right wrist. This was definitely going too far, but I couldn't stop for fear of Quaid realising that I was stalling him. I obediently offered my left wrist for him to fasten the other cuff around and he grinned evilly at me. Perhaps it was his grin which attracted me to him. He certainly had a nice smile. Then again, it could have been his absolutely huge, bulging muscles that I found so attractive. Whatever it was, it was beginning to affect me.

I let him move my arms above my head and lay me down on the bed. I felt a click as he padlocked the chain of the handcuffs to the headboard of the bed... I was helpless, wearing the skimpiest of clothes, and this enemy agent had complete power over me. He finished undressing, getting all the way down to his boxer shorts, which completely failed to cover his excitement at the prospect of giving me a good seeing-to. Where was Richter?

He laid down beside me, and softly kissed my neck and shoulder. It felt good, and when his kisses moved slowly down my body, it felt better. One of his big, meaty hands went underneath my back and unfastened the clasps on my pink boob tube, freeing my breasts from their captivity... He cupped my right breast, and gently kissed around in ever-decreasing circles until his lips found my nipple. He sucked my hardening nipple into his mouth and flicked it with his tongue. It was too much - a low moan escaped my lips, and I knew that I would really enjoy this. I even stopped testing my bonds, so that I could concentrate on his kisses.

His hands went down to my hips, and his kisses followed. He hooked his thumbs into my thong and, with one single fluid motion, moved it all the way down my long legs and tossed it into the corner of the room. He gently stroked the trimmed fur between my legs and I purred with pleasure. I felt his breath playing over my thighs and they parted for him...

"Did you hear that?" he asked.

The moment had gone - and I was suddenly feeling rather frustrated.

"I didn't hear anything," I said.

"No, I definitely heard something..." he mumbled, getting off the bed and heading for the door, a gun in his hand as he peered out into the main living room.

There was a loud bang, and a bullet hole appeared in the door next to his head. I gasped with surprise and he darted out into the main living room, closing the door behind him. I began to frantically struggle with my handcuffs as more shots rang out, but I was utterly helpless. All I could do was wait for the victor to come into the bedroom. Would it be Quaid? Would it be Richter? Or was one of his cronies destined to stumble across me, bound and naked, totally at his mercy? The thought was rather arousing, and I wished then that my hands were not so securely bound so that I could reach down and pleasure myself.

The gunfire from the next room was now interspersed with the occasional scream of pain - it didn't sound like Quaid who was screaming, though. In fact, it sounded like he was winning. What would happen when he realised that I had been keeping him with me for the sole purpose of capturing him? I shuddered at the thought, and began to struggle again.

All too soon, the gunfire stopped and the bedroom door opened. Quaid was standing there without so much as a new bruise on his perfectly-muscled body. He placed the gun between my legs and sat on the bed. I was very surprised when he began to get dressed.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"What does it look like, Lori?"

"But... what about..."

"I was so stupid."


"You kept me here just so your thugs could surprise me."


"I'm not going to stick around for when the reinforcements arrive."


"But what?"

"But what about me?"

I looked up at the handcuffs currently securing my wrists to the headboard. He smiled and reached to the bedside cabinet for the key. At least, I thought he was reaching for the key. My eyes widened when I saw that he was holding the shapeless rubber blob the colour of tanned skin. The official name of the device was the PleasurePlus Intellimorphic Stimulator. He held the blob between my legs before he pressed it against my pussy lips. There was a low hum as it activated itself - the stimulator attached itself to my skin, gripping me tightly as I felt the blob grow slowly inside my vagina, filling me as it expanded to map out my interior. Then it stopped, and hardened, and a little panel on the outside slid open to reveal an array of buttons.

"What are those?" he asked.

"Power settings..." I began, but was interrupted by him stabbing one of the buttons with his finger.

Immediately, the humming became a buzzing and it stimulated me in all the right places. He stood up and left, but I barely noticed. The setting he had chosen was lower than I usually used, and was not quite stimulating me enough. I writhed on the bed, trying to rub my crotch against the bedclothes in an attempt to select a higher power setting. I didn't complete my task, but my wriggling did serve to arouse me further and I slowly but surely began to climb towards the plateau of ecstacy...


Richter! I opened my eyes - he was standing at the foot of the bed, looking incredibly angry.

"Richter... I..."

"I don't believe you!"

"I was trying to..."

"I can guess what you were trying to do! And I can guess what he's been doing with you too! You little slut, I'm going to make sure you regret this!"

"But I..."

I was interrupted by him shoving the plate-gag into my mouth - the rubber ball expanded immediately and I couldn't say a word. I looked at him, eyes wide with terror as he fastened the collar around my neck. What did he intend to do with me? And all the time, the stimulator was stimulating me in a rather pleasing manner...

He unlocked the padlock and I brought my hands down to my chest - perhaps he had changed his mind and was freeing me after all. But then he grabbed the chain between the handcuffs and quickly padlocked it to the front of the collar around my neck... I was helpless once again! I wriggled on the bed, struggling to free myself, and he just sat there laughing at me.

"You are very entertaining, Lori," he said, "so I think you will enjoy some entertainment yourself."

He reached between my legs and pressed a button on the panel on the stimulator before sliding the panel shut. It only took a moment for me to realise which button he had pressed... full power. A setting I had never used, mainly because even half power was too much for me to handle. As the device vibrated, thrusted, explored and twisted inside me, he stood up and walked to the door. I was fast approaching orgasm when he spoke to me:

"I have the key to your handcuffs, and the key to the padlock. The key to the handcuffs I'm going to put on top of the medecine cabinet - there's no way that you can reach that bound like you are. The key to the padlock I'm going to put downstairs in the foyer, in one of the plant pots. I hope you enjoy the journey downstairs to retrieve it - the foyer was very crowded last time I looked..."

And with that, he left. And with that, I finally reached orgasm. Twice. Thrice. As my mind cleared after the third orgasm, and my body prepared for the fourth, I tried to concentrate on what he had said. I had no way of freeing myself, or of removing the stimulator, without going downstairs and retrieving the padlock key. And I didn't really fancy doing that naked. I managed to sit up, ride through the fourth orgasm, stagger to the door, ride through the fifth orgasm and stumble out into the main living room.

I would need a coat and a scarf, so that no-one would be able to see my nakedness or my gag. I briefly considered wearing my robe, but that would seem suspicious to anyone seeing me. Who wears a robe with a scarf? Unfortunately, my coat was rather short and would barely cover my buttocks - but that was a risk, I thought as the sixth orgasm shot through my body closely pursued by the seventh, that I was willing to take. I was exhausted - I couldn't take many more of these powerful orgasms... and I knew that the stimulator was effective enough to keep giving me regular orgasms until its removal. I had to act fast.

I grabbed my coat and somehow managed to swing it over my shoulders, covering my naked skin. I grabbed my scarf, paused to lean against the wall and groan loudly as the next orgasm hit me, and wrapped the scarf around my mouth, covering the gag. Due to my bonds, I couldn't wrap the scarf very tightly so there was a chance of it falling away from my face and revealing the gag - but that was another chance I was willing to take. I pulled my coat as close as I could, which wasn't as adequate as I had hoped, and slipped a pair of shoes onto my feet. And then I left.

I was totally paranoid, and rightly so since I got a few stares from people as I walked across the landing and into the lift. Luckily, I was alone in the lift, so I took the opportunity to relax and enjoy the next few orgasms as I travelled down towards the ground floor. I was interrupted by the doors opening and a tall man in a long coat entering. He didn't even glance at me, which was fine by me since if he had he probably would have realised my predicament. What would he have done? Taken full advantage of my helplessness? In my heightened state of arousal, I almost wanted him to...

The doors opened again and I rushed into the foyer, heading straight for the nearest plant pot. As I bent over to find the keys, I realised that I was giving anyone behind me a good view of my naked buttocks... but I was past the point of caring. I wanted to be free. Luckily for me, the key was in the first pot I looked in, and I quickly headed back to the lift, fiddling with the key in the little padlock until I finally freed myself. My hands were still cuffed together, but I could now pull my coat and scarf tighter around me for the journey back to the apartment. I didn't fancy removing the stimulator from myself until I got back to the privacy of my bedroom, so resigned myself to the fate of a few more earth-shuddering, mind-blowing orgasms...

The lift stopped. The doors opened. I stepped out. I marched quickly across towards the apartment.

"Mmmmmpphh!" I swore into the gag as I saw that the apartment door was closed. And I didn't have the key to open it.

It was then that I noticed Richter, standing nearby, smiling at me.

"I'm glad you've got yourself dressed, Lori - we're going to Mars."

And with that, he grabbed the lead dangling from the front of my collar and pulled me back into the lift...

A movie of the original scene, donated by my generous friend Killatron, can be downloaded here - please e-mail me if the link stops working.