I slowly open my eyes, woken from a deep and refreshing sleep by the soft beams of sunlight filtering in through gaps in the blinds. I still have a warm and fuzzy feeling inside me, the last vestiges of a very arousing dream that even now is slipping from my memory. I go to roll over, but am prevented by my bondage - I don't remember being handcuffed spreadeagled to the bed when I went to sleep, so Pauline must have taken advantage of me while I slept... just the thought of her tightening cold metal cuffs around my helpless and vulnerable wrists and ankles whilst I was in the land of nod sends shivers down my spine.

On the subject of Pauline, I can feel her under the duvet. She has one arm draped over my naked breasts, and one of her legs is entwined with one of mine.

"Pauline?" I ask, "Are you awake?"

There is no response, unless you count the steady rise and fall of the duvet with her sleeping breaths. She is fast asleep, bless her little cotton socks. I crane my head around, looking over the big plush pillow to inspect the handcuffs attaching my wrists to the bedposts. They look very tight and very secure, and there is no sign of the keys. It looks like I will have to wait for Pauline to wake up before I can gain my freedom. I decide that there is no harm in speeding up the process... bound as I am, there are not many movements available to me, but a few pelvic thrusts are enough to make her stir into consciousness.

"Pauline?" I ask again, "Are you awake?"

She doesn't reply, but I can feel her moving about underneath the duvet. One of her hands cups my right breast while her other hand goes down between my legs... I feel her lips close softly around my right nipple and I can't stop myself from moaning softly and arching my back as she plays with me. She pushes a freshly-licked finger slowly into my pussy and I close my eyes, smiling, knowing that this is going to be a wonderful day. As I writhe in ecstacy, I have a niggling thought at the back of my mind, vying for attention in a brain completely focussed on sex. And then the thought hits me - today is Friday, the weekend has not yet arrived, I have a day of work ahead of me.

"What time is it?" I moan, my voice wavering as Pauline pushes a second finger into my very moist pussy.

"What does it matter?" she replies, only just understandable with my nipple between her teeth.

"Ooooh... I have to work today."

"No you don't," Pauline replies, every syllable illiciting a groan from my lips, "you're phoning in sick."

"I can't do that..."

"You don't have any choice," Pauline says, switching to my left nipple.

"It's dishonest!"

Pauline's head emerges from under the duvet and she sits astride me, grinning evilly, looking me in the eye.

"Do you want me to phone on your behalf, and say that Sexybum isn't coming in because she's handcuffed to the bed?"

"Erm... well... no..."


Pauline slides off me and fetches the phone from the bedside table. She takes the receiver off the cradle, listens to the tone and dials the direct-line number of my boss. She puts the receiver on the pillow next to my face, and I can hear my boss' phone ringing. As I lick my dry lips and try to think of something convincing to say, I feel Pauline climb back onto the bed and under the duvet. The phone is answered just as Pauline's tongue pushes deep into my waiting pussy...

"Hello?" my boss asks.

"Hi," I say, trying not to sound too bright and cheerful and aroused.

"Oh, hi Laura. I was wondering what had happened to you."

"I'm not feeling too good..." I say, my voice weak as I try to concentrate on the conversation and ignore the wonderful things Pauline is doing between my legs. I wonder what he would say if he knew exactly what was happening on the other end of the phone... and the threat of being discovered is distinctly arousing...

"You don't sound too good either. Take the day off. See you on Monday."

"Thanks," I moan in reply, and am very relieved to hear the click of my boss hanging up.

"There," Pauline says from between my legs, "that wasn't too difficult."

"Just you wait until I get hold of you..." I moan.

"You're in no position to make threats," Pauline says, before her tongue finds my clit.

I don't reply. The combination of her tongue licking my clit and her fingers slowly pushing inside me are enough to change my priorities... and it isn't long before I feel the waves of orgasm washing over me... and I relax on the bed, contented, smiling up at Pauline as she slides out of bed, places a key in my hand, pulls the duvet off me and leaves the room, naked. It takes me a few minutes to gather my thoughts - if Pauline had left the luscious warm duvet covering me, I smile to myself, I'd be tempted to stay in bed all day. But as it is, with me laying bound spreadeagled and naked on top of the bare bed, I decide that perhaps it's time to get up.

I turn the key in my fingers and aim it at the lock of the handcuffs. The task is not as easy as it sounds, but I eventually manage to turn the key in the lock and release my wrist from the cold metal grip. After that, releasing my other wrist and my ankles is no trouble. I pull on a bathrobe and head downstairs to where the very naked Pauline has just finished preparing breakfast.

"What's the plan for today?" I ask, kissing her on the lips before tucking into my bowl of cornflakes.

"Well, you know you said that you wanted to write a story for your website about your ideal, perfect day..." Pauline smiles, sitting opposite me at the table, "well, I thought I'd give you some inspiration."

"I'm certainly feeling very inspired so far," I grin, stroking her calf under the table with my foot.

"Good. Once you've finished eating, go have a shower. I'll pick out some clothes for you to wear today. We're going shopping..."

"For anything in particular?"

"For anything that will make good reading on your website."


I finish my breakfast quickly, eager to find out what else Pauline has in store for me today. I head upstairs while she does the washing up (it is meant to be my perfect day, after all), take off my robe and step naked onto the scales. 2kg lighter than yesterday. Perfect. I turn on the radio (safely out of the way of the water, before you write concerned e-mails) and step into the shower. The water is not too hot, not too cold, and I soon lose myself in very pleasant, sexy daydreams as I wash myself. I smile as I hear the bathroom door open over the noise of the shower and the music. Pauline enters the shower behind me, naked. Well, almost naked - I can feel her huge strap-on pressing against my bum.

"I thought you might need some help in washing those hard-to-reach places," she whispers in my ear, her hands gently gripping my soapy hips.

I don't reply - instead, I enjoy the sensation of her rubbing soap all over my body, moaning softly as she pays particular attention to my breasts and groin. I put my hands above my head to allow her full access to my body, moving in time with the music - Crazy In Love by Beyoncé. We dance together like that for the duration of the song - I bring my hands down to Pauline's hands, letting her guide my fingers over my own soapy body... I feel her soft kisses on my shoulder before I turn around and we kiss, passionately, moving together in time with the music, our hands all over each other, slipping and sliding over our soapy bodies. I break off the kiss and let my lips trace a line down her chest - my face firmly inside her delicious cleavage, I bring my hands up to grip her breasts and I notice that her nipples are rock-hard too. She moans as I pinch her nipples and I let my kisses travel further south, until I get to her strap-on harness. The veiny dildo looks huge this close, and I take my time kissing along its length, from base to head, letting my tongue glide along the underside, looking up to see Pauline steadying herself on the tiled wall.

"You do know that that's not real..?" she asks.

"Feels real enough for me," I grin, taking it into my mouth, sucking and licking, letting my teeth gently stroke along it before taking it in deep... my hands on Pauline's buttocks, gripping hard... looking up to see her playing with her breasts...

I withdraw and stand, licking my lips, looking my lover in the eye. She responds by gripping my shoulders and turning me around, so I'm facing away from her. Her hands go down to my wrists, which she grips and raises above my head. She closes my fingers around the curtain rail and I take the hint - I grip it firmly as I feel the huge dildo slide inside me... She grips my breasts, hard, as she penetrates me from behind, pushing slowly inside me, inching deeper and deeper... I move my legs apart further as she thrusts into me, slowly at first, building up speed and power, gripping my nipples between her fingers as she pumps... I'm gripping the curtain rail tightly now, my knuckles white, my whole body moving with each of her thrusts into me, filling me completely... as her progress gets easier, I bring my legs close together, relishing the wonderful sensations of her deep penetration... groaning as she crushes my breasts with her hands... and shuddering hard as I cum violently, my hands sliding down the tiles, my face resting against the cool wall, my body shaking as she slows down, still pumping softly, and withdraws...

"Don't stop now..." I mumble.

"I can't afford to wear you out just yet," Pauline replies, hinting at further fun to come.

She leaves the shower first, and I follow soon after to find an outfit laid out on the bed for me. Strappy wedge sandals, tiny denim cut-off jeans, tight little crop top, sunglasses. Oh, and the tiniest, wispiest, ghost of g-strings past. I don the clothes, and head downstairs to see Pauline in a tight t-shirt, a denim skirt, running shoes and sunglasses. She takes a single look at me and grins.

"Let's hit the shops!" she shouts, leading the way out of the house.

And hit the shops we do. After some window shopping in the more fashionable vanilla shops, we soon find ourselves browsing the clothes racks in a fetish shop.

"How about this?" Pauline asks, holding up a sleeveless PVC body.

"For me or you?" I ask, looking suspiciously at the two missing circles of PVC at the front.

"Guess," Pauline winks, handing it to me, "Go try it on."

I run my fingers over the shiny PVC and smile - it's cool to the touch and reflects the many spotlights dotted around the shop. I can't help but smile, and after handing Pauline my bag I head off to the changing rooms. The shop assistant in charge of the changing rooms doesn't move a muscle, except to raise an eyebrow when she sees the luscious black PVC draped over my arm. Once inside a cubicle, I pull the curtain shut behind me and spend a few moments reflecting on past fun adventures in changing rooms with Pauline... I'm getting aroused already, and I notice that I stripped off all my clothes except my g-string while I was daydreaming. Smiling to my reflection in the mirror, I pull on the outfit - it is certainly tight, but as I see the material filled by my form, it takes on a new life. My breasts poke through the holes at the front, my nipples hard already.

"I really should stop thinking sexy thoughts in changing rooms, or I'll develop yet another fetish..." I mutter to myself, looking over my shoulder at my reflection's bum, revelling in the contrast between the tightness of the PVC and the bareness of my breasts and buttocks.

I jump as a pair of shoes appear in the air next to me - they are dangling from Pauline's hand, which she has pushed through the curtain. I take them from her and her hand withdraws. The shoes are black, with little buckles and incredibly high heels. I see that Pauline has found a perfect addition to my ensemble - I quickly put them on and spend a few moments teetering around the tiny cubicle, trying to get my balance.

"Are you changed yet?" comes Pauline's voice from outside the cubicle.

I poke my head through the curtain, not wanting to reveal myself to anyone out there, and gesture for her to join me. She throws the curtain aside as she enters and reaches around me with both hands to grab my buttocks, pulling me close to her, my bare breasts pressing against her t-shirt. She looks me in the eye, her face millimetres from mine, and grins evilly.

"Don't go getting any ideas," I respond, feeling a little vulnerable, and secretly wishing she would take full advantage of me.

"What sort of ideas?" Pauline asks innocently, letting go of my bum before stepping back and looking me up and down.

"Never mind," I say, giving her an unsteady (thanks to the heels) twirl, "what do you think?"

"It suits you... but you have loads of black clothes. I wonder if they have any other colours?"

"I didn't see anything else..."

"Let's ask."

And, with that, she grabs my arm and pulls me out of the cubicle. I am completely taken by surprise and am almost in the main part of the shop before I realise what's happening and use my spare arm to cover my bare breasts - it's all I can do, since Pauline has me completely off-balance in the high heels and it's a choice between following her and falling flat on my face. I skitter along the polished shop floor behind Pauline, and feel a blush spreading over my face as the other shoppers notice me walking through the middle of the shop in just scanty PVC and very high heels. I whisper urgently to Pauline but she chooses to ignore me as she homes in on a male shop assistant in the bondage section.

"What do you think?" she asks him.

"Erm... err..." he stammers, looking and sounding as nervous as I feel.

"I think it suits her," Pauline continues, "but was wondering if you have any other colours."

"I... err... could go check," he mumbles, not knowing where to look.

"You do that... Sexybum and I will wait right here," Pauline says, encouragingly, and he quickly darts off to the back rooms.

I breathe a sigh of relief, and Pauline releases my arm. I put my hand against the wall to help keep my balance (my other hand is still covering my bare breasts) and I turn to look around the shop. There are shoppers of both sexes trying not to stare too obviously at me... My thoughts are interrupted by the familiar sound of handcuffs ratcheting shut, and the familiar sensation of cold metal around my wrist. I look at the wall against which I'm leaning - trust me to choose a wall full of handcuffs. Pauline steps away, looking like the cat that got the cream - she has just closed one of the display handcuffs around my wrist, and I see that the other cuff is attached firmly to the wall.

"Pauline!" I hiss, "What are you doing?"

"I'm going off to look at some of the other displays. I didn't want the shop assistant to lose us when he returned. So I thought I'd make sure you didn't move from the spot, just to make his job easier."

I'm about to reply, when I notice the other shoppers looking at me again. Pauline has moved far enough away for me to have to talk very loudly to get her attention... so I just stand there and blush, trying to look nonchalant, one hand covering my rock-hard nipples, the other cuffed to the wall... and then I notice a handcuff key on a counter next to me. It is within reach, but I'd have to expose my breasts to reach for it...

Just as I'm mulling over that particular dilemma, the shop assistant returns.

"Hi. I'm afraid that we don't have anything else in stock. But I could order something, if you had a particular colour in mind..."

"No, that's quite alright," I blush, wondering to myself if the redness on my face has spread as far as my breasts, "erm... you couldn't give me a hand here, could you?"

"Err... sure... with what?"

"My friend has handcuffed me to the wall. You don't happen to have a key, do you?"

"Yeah, there's one on the counter behind you."

"I... erm... can't reach it. Would you?"

His shyness reaches new heights as he brushes past my PVC-clad body to reach for the key on the counter. He coughs nervously as he reaches past me to unlock the handcuff, and I notice him visibly shaking slightly. Luckily, it doesn't take long for him to complete the task and I can use both hands to cover my breasts. I breathe a sigh of relief, smile to myself, give him a kiss on the cheek, glare at Pauline and head back to the changing rooms, feeling the eyes of the shop intent on my bare bum as I walk.

Back in the privacy of my cubicle, I lean against the cool glass mirror and take a moment for myself. That was so much fun...

I quickly change back into my street clothes and venture back into the main shop. I don't blush quite as much this time, even though I recognise most of the faces of my fellow shoppers. I walk straight to the cashier and buy the PVC body and the heels - I vow to make Pauline wear the outfit later.

Back outside, we decide to take a break from the shopping and find ourselves a seat at a table outside the front of a small café. The sun is shining brightly and warmly, so we spend an hour sipping our tea, chatting about this and that, playing footsie under the table, flirting with passersby and generally just relaxing and enjoying ourselves. We hit the vanilla shops again in the afternoon, looking for decent clubbing clothes in the sales, wandering around a DIY shop looking for pervertibles... and then we hit the salon, for a facial, manicure, shampoo, condition, blowdry and general chat whilst reading Cosmo... and eventually, overladen with shopping bags, we finally get home. I unpack and sort our purchases while Pauline takes a shower. And I decide that it's my turn to be on top.

I take the shiny black PVC outfit Pauline had me parade around in earlier and lay it on the bed, for her to wear. I find a matching pair of elbow-length gloves and thigh-length boots which she will look great in, and drape them over the back of a chair.

"Pauline?" I call, through the bathroom door.

"Yes?" I hear her reply, over the noise of the shower.

"I've laid out some clothes for you to wear!"

"I was hoping you'd say that!"

I smile to myself, and go to the wardrobe to find myself a suitable outfit. Minutes later, I'm looking at my reflection in the full-length mirror - my reflection is wearing black PVC, in the form of a pair of stockings, a pair of opera gloves and a g-string. The other items on display include a pair of very high heels and a small cross of black tape over each nipple. My reflection pulls her hair up into a topknot and winks at me, looking very sexy. I am brought back to reality by the sound of Pauline turning off her shower - it's time to prepare. I quickly trot downstairs (well, as quickly as I can in high heels, anyway) clutching a small collection of bondage equipment...

Lazing on the sofa, I am ready for her - even so, my breath is taken away when I see her gliding down the stairs in that gorgeous black shiny outfit. She does nothing to hide the bare flesh that is so obviously on display, and I can't help but lick my lips in anticipation - I think the outfit looks better on her than it did on me, and it will look even better on the floor...

"Hey, sexy," Pauline smiles, sitting next to me on the sofa, looking me up and down.

"Hey yourself," I flirt, putting a hand to her cheek as I move in to kiss her softly on the lips.

"What's the plan?" she asks, between kisses.

"Dinner," I reply, "you're the dessert."


I reach past her and grab a length of soft rope. I find the mid-point (marked by a handy piece of tape) and wrap the rope around Pauline's elbows, drawing them together behind her back before tying a tight knot. Another length of rope finishes the job, binding her wrists tightly together behind her... and she is helpless. And I'm in charge.

It's no effort to push her onto her back on the big, comfy sofa and sit astride her, grinning into her eyes as I softly brush my lips against hers. I smile as I feel her struggling against her tight bonds, and take the opportunity to reinforce her feelings of helplessness by squeezing her bare breasts in my PVC-clad hands. She closes her eyes, moans, and stretches beneath me - I plant a trail of kisses down her neck and then down her PVC outfit until I get to her breasts... I spend my time there, kissing around her generously-proportioned assets in ever-decreasing circles until my lips find her hard nipples. I alternate between her breasts, making sure that one doesn't get more attention than the other - and Pauline can do nothing but lie there and enjoy the experience, her legs moving underneath me as she struggles and writhes, utterly helpless. I let one of my hands slide down her PVC tummy and her breath catches in a gasp as my fingers move between her thighs... and I withdraw, making sure she sees the evil grin on my face.

"I don't want you getting too excited just yet," I smile, reaching for more rope.

"Why not?" Pauline asks, doing a poor job of hiding the disappointment in her voice.

"Because I'm just that sort of person."

With her elbows and wrists bound tightly behind her back, she has no way of stopping me adding to her bondage. I tie her ankles to her thighs in a frog-tie and roll her over onto her tummy before tying a nice, tight crotchrope and tethering it to her bound wrists... now her merest struggle gets her groaning, and I take the opportunity to slap her bare buttocks. She yelps a little too loudly for my liking, so I pull a shiny black ballgag between her teeth and fasten it tightly behind her head.

"Mmmmmph..." is all she can say.

"Right, you, no drooling on the sofa," I smile, helping her onto the floor before I stretch myself out on the sofa with a magazine to read.

I let myself glance away from the articles occasionally to watch Pauline's progress - she is struggling back and forth across the floor, moaning and drooling as her attempts to untie the knots pull at the crotch-rope. I find myself particularly distracted by the way her breasts swing back and forth like twin pendulums - in this case, pendulums covered with drool. My tummy growls, and I decide that since the dessert is nicely coming to the boil, I'd better sort out the main course. I place the magazine to one side and wander past Pauline's struggling form into the kitchen. I look in a couple of cupboards before I give up and grab the phone. I dial a distressingly-familiar number.

"Hello?" comes the crackly voice from the other end of the line.

"I'd like to order a large Hawaiian, please."

"Anything else?"

As I'm wracking my brain for a witty retort, I notice that Pauline has managed to struggle her way to the kitchen. She looks so sexy wriggling about on the floor that I briefly forget about the pizza delivery company on the end of the phone.

"Anything else?" the man repeats.

"Erm, no, thanks," I blush.

I give the man our address and hang up. Pauline is looking up at me, sniggering into her gag. I try to think of a suitable punishment... and my eyes alight on the weights she uses for her morning exercises. I think about tethering her to one of the weights with a pair of clover clamps, and making her have to pull it all the way to the lounge, by her nipples, before I free her. An evil smile spreads across my face, but I'm not that cruel. I walk back to the lounge and lay down on the sofa again, picking up the magazine to continue from where I left off, but not really paying attention to the article since I'm listening to Pauline grunting and moaning as she makes the return journey in her restrictive bondage.

She eventually makes it to the floor in front of the sofa, and I put the magazine away. I roll onto my side, so I'm facing her, and she has a good view of my mostly-naked body. I lick one gloved finger and draw a line slowly down my chest, between my taped breasts, down to my g-string... my finger ventures inside my g-string, and I can see from Pauline's eyes that she's enjoying the show. I slide off the sofa and kneel before her, planting a soft kiss on her ballgag as I brush her hair away from her face - I hold her steady as I duck down to kiss her rock-hard nipples, licking her drool off them as I go, before I push her down onto her side, kissing and licking her helpless body all over, not discriminating between flesh and PVC. It's not long before my kisses follow the line of her crotch-rope, and my firm kisses illicit many moans of desire and arousal from her gagged lips, but are not quite enough to drive her over the edge...

I reach behind me and grab the clover clamps. Her eyes widen as she sees them and she shakes her head - just like all the times when I'd shaken my head upon seeing her brandishing said clamps. I pay her the same heed that she's always paid me in such situations - none. She screams into the gag as the clamps bite into her hard nipples, and immediately her struggles intensify. I just sit back and enjoy the show, beginning to realise why she likes to clamp my nipples so much. I reach out and all it takes is the merest, gentlest touch of the chain between her nipples to get her to whimper. But I can only be so evil because I know she is getting incredibly aroused by the experience.

I notice the time on the clock above the mantlepiece - our delivery will arrive any second. It's time to prepare her to meet the delivery man. I quickly untie the ropes binding her legs and help her (rather unsteadily) to her feet before removing the ballgag from her mouth. Lastly, I produce the last item she was expecting - a plastic tube which is meant to be worn around the neck when swimming, to hold coins. I tie the tube to the centre of the chain dangling between Pauline's nipples - her only response is to moan softly as I work.

"What do you think?" I ask.

"What's it for?" Pauline asks, wiggling a little, moaning as the tube swings from her breasts.

"It's for the change the pizza delivery guy gives you."


I grab her coat from the rack and drape it over her shoulders - I fasten a few buttons, letting the coin tube dangle outside the front of the coat. Just on cue, the doorbell rings. I grab a twenty-pound note, place it on the table by the front door, and lead Pauline to stand next to it. Then, I open the front door (and hide behind it, so the pizza guy can't see me).

"Did you order a pizza?" comes his voice from the other side of the door, a little uncertain.

"Yeah, if you could just place it on that table, the money's there too," Pauline replies, coolly.

"Twenty pounds? I'm afraid I haven't got any notes for change - it's going to have to be all coins."

"That's okay," Pauline says, as I grin like a Cheshire cat behind the door, "just place it in this tube."

"Err, sure..." the delivery man says, sounding a little unsure, but I can see his shape through the frosted glass as he does as she requested.

He drops the coins into the tube one by one, and I can only imagine how Pauline is feeling at this moment - as the extra weight pulls at her poor, tortured nipples... but all she does is stand there and smile politely until the delivery man finishes and leaves. If only he knew how utterly helpless she was under her coat. I push the door closed and grin at Pauline.

"You mare!" she says, as I remove her coat.

"Didn't you enjoy that?" I ask, feeling the weight of the coin tube.

"I wish he hadn't taken so long to fill the damn tube..."

I giggle at that, and spank her bum before I lead her back into the lounge. I decide that the main course can wait until later - I want my dessert now.

"This is such a perfect day," I grin.

"The night is still young," Pauline responds, somehow ignoring the pain from the clamps.

"What else do you have planned?"

"You're the boss - what do you want to do?"

"Bring you to orgasm after wonderful orgasm, then eat that pizza, and have a nice relaxing candlelit bath together, then snuggle up with you under the big furry blanket, with the fire and the TV on, before falling asleep feeling wonderful."

"That can be arranged. Especially the first part. Now, would you be so kind as to remove these clamps?"

"I don't think so. Not yet. Maybe after my next orgasm, I'll think about it..."

And as I lead her back into the lounge (by her nipples), I reflect that this is the best day off work I've ever had.