I could see absolutely nothing. My surroundings were pitch black. And all was silent. But then I heard the mysterious, disembodied voice of the master of ceremonies.

'And now, for you viewing pleasure, the beautiful Catherine!'

I struck a pose as the curtain in front of me rose into the ceiling. I was dazzled by the spotlights and deafened by the opening bars of Venus by Bananarama. I marched boldly forward along the stage, the light so bright that I could barely see the all male audience. The stage was a simple 'T' shape, the vertical bar of the 'T' stretching out into the audience while each end of the horizontal bar was home to a pair of poles reaching from stage to ceiling. I strode down the centre of the stage, feeling on top of the world and full of power.

I was dressed as a stereotypical burglar - a black face-mask, a black-and-white striped crop top, a black-and-white striped miniskirt and black high-heeled boots. There was a reason for this, which you will discover soon enough. I reached the end of the stage and turned on my heel, like a catwalk model. I looked over my shoulder at the majority of the punters before returning to the middle of the stage.

I moved to my right and swung around one of the poles before stopping myself, grabbing the pole with both hands and pressing my body against it slowly, from crotch to neck. I spun around the pole again until I was sitting on the floor, my legs astride the pole. The men nearby got a great view of the black thong I was wearing underneath my skirt.

I marched across to the other side of the stage and stood between the pair of poles there, side-on, sliding my finger slowly down my body from my neck to my crotch. I flashed a smile and a wink to the audience and returned to the centre of the stage.

Once there, I stood stock still, my legs shoulder-width apart, and began to sway with the music. After a while, I crossed my arms in front of me and gripped the bottom of my crop top. A cheer went up from the crowd and I grinned. I loved this feeling. I quickly pulled my top up over my head to reveal my pert breasts even perter in a push-up bra before twirling the top around my head and throwing it to the back of the stage.

I turned away from the audience and gripped the side of my skirt. With a simple tug, it pulled free from my body, revealing my buttocks and the black thong running up between them. I threw my skirt in the same direction that I had thrown my bra and turned back to the audience. I was wearing just the mask, bra, thong and boots. And feeling great.

I marched down the centre of the stage to the bottom of the 'T', unhooking my bra as I walked. I slipped the straps from my shoulders and turned away from the audience so I could hide my breasts with my hands as I removed the bra and threw it towards the back of the stage. My nipples still covered with my hands, I slowly kneeled with my knees apart, facing the audience. I licked my lips and rolled over onto my back, still hiding my nipples with one of my hands while the other moved slowly up my body to my mouth.

I sucked on my index finger for a little while, pushing it slowly in and out of my mouth before letting it trace a line down my chin, my neck, my chest... I was about to remove my other hand from my breast when I heard a shout from the back of the stage.


I wasn't surprised - it was all part of the script. I couldn't see her, but I knew that Geri was there, wearing an abbreviated policewoman costume. I rolled over and smoothly got to my feet just as she reached me and attached a handcuff to my right wrist. She pulled me towards the back of the stage - I was still using my left hand to cover my breasts. She attached the other handcuff to one of the pair of poles at the side of the stage. She then grabbed my left wrist and a cheer went up as I finally revealed my nipples. Another pair of handcuffs was used to attach my left wrist to the other pole - and there I was, handcuffed between two poles, my arms spread wide. Totally helpless.

Her hands found my hips and she began to kiss my neck, from behind. This was my favourite part of the show. Once she was finished, another burglar would appear and be handcuffed to the poles on the other side of the stage, and then a gang of policewomen would have a veritable orgy. But, for now, I was quite happy to forget all that and enjoy the feeling of her fingers caressing my nipples. She pressed her body hard against mine, and I could feel her hard nipples through her thin uniform. Her hands continued to knead my breasts as her kisses went down my back. Soon, her hands followed until they rested on my hips once again and she was kissing the small of my back and then my rather cool buttocks. I writhed, supposedly for the audience but really because I was enjoying myself so much.

Her fingers hooked into my thong and she gently pulled it down my body, following it with little kisses to my legs. I had never felt really comfortable being totally naked in front of all these men... but there was little I could do about it! Her hands found their way to my ankles and she pulled my legs roughly apart - two more pairs of handcuffs came out to secure my feet to the poles, and make sure my legs stayed spread. I saw the men in front of me ducking down so they could look up for a very revealing view of my most private parts... but I was more interested in what my colleague was doing. She was kneeling behind me now, and I felt her kisses move up the inside of my right leg, past the shin, past the knee, up my thigh...

There was a loud bang and she stopped. I looked around to see what had made the noise and saw the glare of daylight from the club's main entrance silhouetting some familiar figures - the real police! There was panic, and the male clientelle fled as one in the opposite direction. My companion swore very loudly, fumbled at her belt, placed the handcuff keys in one of my hands and fled as quickly as she could. I panicked - trying to manipulate that key into the lock with my slick fingers was almost impossible. I looked up to see the police getting closer - I couldn't see anyone who wasn't a cop now, and I knew that I was in deep trouble. I breathed a sigh of relief as I finally managed to insert the key into the lock but it was too late - a gloved hand closed around the key and I looked up into the smile of the Deputy.

'Not so fast, Catherine,' he grinned, openly looking my naked body up and down.

I would have tried to cover myself, had I not been bound so helpless. In fact, the last time I had seen him I had been bound as well. I had been dancing amongst the tables, wearing a steamy black teddy and hold-up stockings, when I had seen his handsome face. I had decided to give him a treat so I sat on his lap and said that immortal line about whether he had a gun in his pocket or whether he was pleased to see me. He had replied that it was a bit of both, and proceeded to handcuff my hands behind my back while informing me that I was under arrest. While his companions had set about arresting the other girls, he had taken the opportunity to fondle my breasts through my underwear...

'You're looking good tonight,' he smiled, 'what are you supposed to be?'

'What do you want?' I asked, ignoring his question.

'Don't be like that, Catherine. This is a bust,' he said, looking at my breasts.

'Am I under arrest?'

'You sure are. No caution for you this time.'

He stepped closer, so I could feel his breath on my neck. He was just millimetres away from actual physical contact... and I could do nothing to stop him doing anything he wanted. He glanced around quickly to see if any of the other cops were watching and his fingers made contact with my tummy... and moved down into the trimmed fur above my pussy.

'I'll scream...' I whispered.

'Your word against mine. And I'll make sure you are put away for a very long time.'

I closed my eyes as his fingers found my rather wet labia... one finger slowly pushed inside me... I bit my lip... and...

'Sir?' one of his men called to him.

His finger quickly withdrew and he turned to deal with the problem. I couldn't hear what he was saying so I decided to try to free myself - he had taken my key, unfortunately, so I could only pull against my bonds, to no avail. He eventually returned, and I could see from the bulge in his trousers that my efforts were having an effect on him.

'You're coming with me. I'm going to take you down the station.'

Another cop appeared behind me and fumbled with his handcuff keys in the locks binding me to the poles. Obviously, my naked flesh was unnerving him. I presently found myself walking outside, wrapped in a long coat. I was bundled into the back seat of a police car and wasn't surprised to see the Deputy climb into the front. The engine roared into life and eventually we were roaring at high speed through the countryside.

I had to escape.

'Deputy?' I asked.

'What is it?'

'Why don't you stop the car and come into the back with me?'

He looked into his mirror and I could see surprise on his face. I lowered my coat so that he could see my shoulders - he knew that underneath the coat I was naked.

'I don't trust you, Catherine - you're up to something.'

'Little old me? You're afraid of little old me?'

'I'm not afraid - I just have my duty to perform.'

'Perhaps that's your problem... you're afraid you won't perform.'

'There's nothing wrong with me down there.'

'Prove it.'

He stopped talking and seemed to be concentrating on the road. I took the opportunity to slowly remove the coat and fold it neatly before placing it on the seat next to me. The next time he looked in his mirror, he was greeted to the sight of me in my naked glory... the car almost left the road. I smiled to myself, pretending that I didn't notice him looking - I slowly tweaked one of my nipples and licked my lips.

'If you're not going to come back here,' I purred, 'I'm going to have to entertain myself.'

I cupped my breasts and threw my head back as I kneaded them, moaning loudly with pleasure I moved both hands down my tummy to where my legs had parted in readiness for the ecstacy to come. But I was interrupted by the car screeching to a halt. We were in the middle of nowhere. Perfect.

He got out of the front and opened one of the back doors. He took a pair of handcuffs from his belt and wrapped the chain around the handle above the door. He smiled at me and beckoned for me to come closer. As I did, he grabbed my wrists and attached the cuffs to them... so I was trapped in the back of the car, my hands locked above my head. He closed the door, walked behind the car and opened the other rear door. He looked in, and I could do nothing to hide my modesty... I was naked, helpless and at his mercy.

He removed his jacket and climbed into the back of the car with me, his hands either side of my waist as he got closer and closer. One of his hands went behind my head as he pressed his lips to mine and pushed his tongue into my mouth - I didn't resist, I moaned with pleasure and wrapped my legs around him. He broke off the kiss and turned his attention to my breasts, roughly playing with them and kissing my hard nipples while I groaned.

I gasped as two rough fingers forced their way into my pussy - my gasp was cut off by his tongue pushing into my mouth again. His fingers moved very easily inside me for I was rather aroused.

'I think you're ready,' he grinned, 'and so am I.'

He quickly undid the zip on his trousers and climbed on top of me. I felt his hard-on pushing against me and, then, it was inside me, pumping away, back and forth. And I was moving with him, panting, groaning, moaning, feeling so hot. It was great, but my mind was on other things.

As he pumped inside me, I brought my right foot slowly around behind him, my toes feeling for his belt. His rough hands went back to my breasts again and the sensation was very distracting, but I somehow managed to find his keys. I hooked my toe into the keyring and allowed myself a moan of pleasure. He squeezed my left nipple between thumb and forefinger and I almost dropped the keys!

I stretched my leg back towards my head and he obviously recognised the position, since he pushed my leg back so it was pointing straight up while he continued to pump inside me - the new position was one I had read about but never tried... and it felt good. We were both close to orgasm now, and it took all my willpower to concentrate on passing the keys from toes to fingers, but I managed it.

And then it happened. With one final, powerful thrust he went over the edge and took me with him - we came together, panting and gasping with pleasure as we felt our genitals throb in tandem. And then it was over, and it felt good. While the deputy snuggled up to my breasts to recover, I very quietly released myself from the handcuffs.

'Wow,' I said, truthfully, 'that was great.'

'We should do this more often.'

'Actually... I have to go.'

'What do you mean?'

But it was too late for him. I grabbed his hands and cuffed them behind his back. While he struggled, I opened the door behind me and fell back onto the dusty road, naked but free. I reached in to grab my coat, wrapped it around me, threw the handcuff keys as hard as I could and set off towards the sunset.