Dear Reader,

I'm writing to inform you that I need a holiday. So I'm going to take one - I won't be writing so often in the future, since I'll be concentrating even more on the real world. That doesn't mean that I'm stopping completely... and it doesn't mean that I'm not grateful to you, for reading my stories and appreciating my website. But I need a rest, and I need to live in the real world for a while.

Since you'll be missing out on new and exciting stories from me, at least for a little while, I've included here some of the stories that I've started and never finished... just so you can see some of the things I've been considering over the past few years. I hope you like them. This isn't the complete collection... I'm keeping a few of my better unwritten stories on standby... you never know...

Anyway, on to the stories! The following is the sequel to Stop! Thief!


It was early evening, and it wasn't going the way I'd expected when I had volunteered to take part in the Castle Preservation Society's annual Medieval Re-enactment Festival. I was being led by a cute Medieval page-girl who had a firm grip on the collar around my neck, which was the only item of clothing I had apart from the handcuffs which attached my wrists to the front of the collar. Following us was a large group of slightly-inebriated Medieval re-enacters, who were no doubt staring at my bare bottom... but I didn't care, since I was still revelling in post-orgasm afterglow. The page-girl had used her tongue to convince me to let myself be led naked into the main banquet hall for a slave auction.

With a roaring fire opposite the main entrance, the banquet hall was considerably warmer than outside. I was led onto a podium, on which three naked girls were already standing... and all three had their wrists cuffed to the front of their metal collars. There was an asian girl, a blonde and a redhead, and none of them seemed particularly bothered by their nakedness. I stood alongside them, and looked out at the crowd which had gathered before us and were making no effort to conceal their examination of our rude bits.

I began to feel self-conscious, but couldn't do anything to hide my nakedness... so I just had to stand there and try not to think about it. The page-girl stood before us on the podium and addressed the crowd:

"My lords, ladies and gentlemen! Behold, the slaves for the auction. Please bid generously, since all proceeds go to charity! But, first, we are going to give one of our slaves the opportunity to earn her freedom... let the trials begin!"

The page-girl turned around to face us, and pointed at the asian girl and the blonde before gesturing for them to follow her - she led them off the stage while the redhead and I looked on. The crowd formed a circle around the two girls, who were released from their bonds for a moment before they had their wrists and elbows handcuffed together behind their backs. The naked, bound girls faced each other, and the page-girl produced two pairs of clover clamps.

The idea was to have a slave auction, but to help the buyers choose from the slaves a number of contests would be held. These included a tug of war with clover clamps, a race while hogtied, a wrestling match while bound and so on... After these, the auction would take place, and the gentleman who bought the heroine would introduce her to some of the interesting devices in the castle dungeon...

While we're on the subject of Medieval events, the following is the start of a Medieval story...


It was strange - a sudden feeling, as if something had changed. My senses were keener than most, but I couldn't quite put my finger on what was different. My room looked the same as it always had - a plush four-poster bed, with just enough room between the piled books and papers to get a good night's sleep, a large desk which didn't have enough room between the piled books and papers for anything and a shuttered window that let a thin beam of morning sunlight shine on my bare flesh. I looked down at my body, feeling a slight tingle as my eyes ran over my smooth curves. Perhaps my surroundings hadn't changed, perhaps I had changed. I was sure I'd never felt this sexy before. Before what, though?

As I tried to remember my past, I was aware that it all seemed somewhat hazy. I remembered my upbringing on the streets, learning to steal to stay alive. I remembered breaking into the town-house of Marduk'el The Enchanter and being captured in one of his magical traps, where he discovered me still trying to escape hours later. He had been so impressed with my ingenuity and persistence, he had offered to make me his apprentice, and it was from him that I learned the lore of magic. But I couldn't remember anything else, and I wasn't sure that what I could remember had really happened.

I knew I was an insightful and instinctive person, that my training as both a catburglar and an enchanter gave me the ability to see things that others couldn't. But I still couldn't work out what had changed. I rolled over in my bed, and a stack of old manuscripts tumbled to the floor where they landed on a small pile of grimoires. I ignored the mess I had created, and instead I ran my fingers down my naked body, letting them caress the curves of my breasts, my waist, my hips, my thighs... and it was then that my fears were confirmed - I realised that I had definitely changed. I had never felt this aroused before... I was sure of it. But why? Had someone cast some mystical enchantment on me? Or was my body simply rebelling against years of sexual repression while I concentrated on my studies? I had to know.

"El illumin'ta monda, umbra dispers'a," I chanted, and I smiled as my spell took shape.

My perception of time slowed, and my eyes grew keener - I looked around the room, searching for clues to this change, but everything seemed normal. A few of the grimoires on my desk glowed with enchantment, as did my knife which hung from the door of my wardrobe, but that was expected. I cancelled my spell, and watched as time returned to normal and the glows faded from my enchanted possessions.

It was then that I remembered an ancient artifact I had been reading about before I went to bed. It was simply called Feline - I didn't know what it looked like, but it was rumoured to give the wearer knowledge about the nature of reality. And since my reality seemed to have changed, beyond my ability to detect, it seemed like a good idea... I resisted the urge to stay in bed and play with myself - instead, I got up and found something to wear. Ignoring the ceremonial robes of my mystical order, I selected an outfit in leather - it was dark, so I could avoid detection, and was tough enough to reduce the impact of most weapons. According to the grimoire I read last night, the artifact I wanted was last known to be in the possession of Fay the Chaste, an enchantress who lived alone in a tower beyond the city walls... and I very much doubted that she would part willingly with an item of such power, so I would have to take it. I couldn't see any other option.

Still, it would be an interesting change, stealing for myself instead of being paid to steal for someone else.

I strapped my knife to my belt and headed downstairs. After a fruit and milk breakfast, I headed outside. I normally liked to perform my crimes under cover of darkness, but on this occasion I wanted to solve the mystery so desperately I threw caution to the wind - perhaps Fay the Chaste would be out of her tower during the day, perhaps she wouldn't be expecting, ahem, daylight robbery..?

I planned to continue the story by letting the heroine find the ancient artifact, which took the form of a collar. While wearing the collar, the heroine would experience weird dreams and visions that she doesn't understand (but are actually snippets from the other stories on the website). Things get really strange when she has a dream from N1tEGeeK's point of view, and another dream about snakes and spiders (the same dream as experienced in Arachnophilia and Übergirl). I wasn't sure how the story would end, so never got around to writing it... but it had something to do with the fact that the heroine realises that she is a fictional character on a website.

And now, for those of you who like superheroines, here is a brand new one.


Tara had always been shy - dreadfully shy. She'd always been reluctant to engage in... well... anything... involving other people. When she was little, her parents had tried all sorts of things to prise her away from her beloved books, to get her to socialise and to come out of her shell - they tried ballet, gymnastics, martial arts... and she threw herself into studying those disciplines, but she was never brave enough to engage with her fellow students. Even at school, she kept very much to herself, only ever speaking with her teachers - she was known as the geeky shy girl who studied quietly at the back of the class and who never put her hand up to answer the teacher's questions (she knew all the answers, she was just too shy to speak in front of her classmates). University was much the same, and the random experimentation of university life seemed to pass her by.

Which is why, at the age of 25, she found working in a library the perfect occupation - admittedly, it involved some conversations with the public, but she usually managed to hide behind a bookshelf at the right moment and leave the public to her colleagues. The library itself was a huge, ancient building steeped in history - before it had been a library, it had been a museum, and before it had been a museum, it had been a convent. She found the building, and the books it contained, fascinating... particularly the basement, which contained row upon row of dusty shelves holding relics from the building's museum days, just left to rot undisturbed...

The night that forced her out of her shy little world, and into a harsh, terrifying world involving other people, started off like any other. It was late in the evening and the other library staff had left to go home to their families. There was a security guard roaming around the building, but apart from him she was alone with the books.

Having finished her filing and other menial chores, she was wandering around the bookshelves making sure that the novels, tomes, grimoires, comics, texts and periodicals were properly ordered when events began to unfold. The library management liked to save money in the evenings by turning off the lights and heating, so she was armed with a torch and a turtle-neck sweater as she roamed amongst the books in the dark. She wasn't afraid of the dark - she was only afraid of people.

Her wandering was interrupted by a sound that pierced the complete silence of the library like the crack of a whip - to her, it had sounded like a muffled explosion, and it had come from the basement. She knew that she had a choice, at that moment, to either investigate the sound or to go and locate the security guard. She couldn't just ignore the sound, since if the explosion had started a fire down in the basement all those wonderful relics would be engulfed... Since she was far too shy to talk to the security guard, even in a potential emergency such as this, she decided to investigate on her own. So, clutching her torch tightly in her hands, she walked past the books by authors beginning with G and found the door that led to the basement. She slowly, gingerly, pushed it open and pointed the torch down the old stone steps before venturing forth into the inky darkness.

She wrinkled her nose at the musty smell of the basement, and walked past dusty shelves and cobwebs as she ventured deeper into the bowels of the library. Her torchlight bounced around in front of her, illuminating her path, but also making her very visible in the pitch blackness. And then she felt a cool breeze playing over her skin.

"That's funny," she said quietly to herself, "there shouldn't be a breeze down here."

Courageously, she continued to press forward and soon found herself next to a small window, high in the wall, which looked out at ground level... and which had been left open. Since she was the only person who ever used the basement, she knew immediately that there were one or more intruders down there in the basement with her. She turned off her torch and waited in the darkness, letting her eyes get used to the lack of light, and listening to the sound of her own breathing and heartbeat.

Once her eyes had adjusted as much as they could, she ventured slowly forth... with her hands stretched out in front of her, she felt her way along the shelves, looking for any sign of intruders. Her suspicions were confirmed when she saw a torch lying on the floor ahead of her. It was in the middle of a bare room, next to what looked like a minor excavation. Someone had dug up some flagstones from the floor and had made a hole in the earth underneath. Wondering who would do such a thing, and why, she switched on her own torch... and gasped.

Next to the hole in the floor lay a couple of unconscious men dressed in black. They certainly looked like burglars, with their black balaclavas, and she guessed that they had been the ones who had left the window open. But why had they dug a hole in the floor? And why were they unconscious? She took a step closer, and saw something on the floor between them. It looked like a silver gem-studded collar - it looked very valuable, and looked far too shiny to have been left buried under a library for however-many years.

Aware that the two burglars could wake up at any moment, she took a step forward and quickly picked up the collar. It shone in the torchlight, and seemed to tingle slightly in her hand. It was beautifully-constructed, a work of art, and looked absolutely priceless. How it had come to be under her library, and how these two burglars had known about it, was anyone's guess.

One of the burglars groaned, regaining consciousness. Tara gasped with surprise, and his eyes locked with hers. As he groggily found his feet, she turned around and fled. Within seconds, there were sounds of pursuit and torchbeams illuminating her from behind. Panicking, she took random turns, darting between the dusty shelves until she found a space between two cupboards to hide. She turned off her torch and clutched the gem-studded collar to her bosom, trying not to pant too loudly as the two burglars slowly searched the basement for her.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are," one of the burglars called.

"There's no need to run, we just want the collar," said the other, from the other side of the basement.

Tara looked down at the collar in her hands, and it seemed to be glowing slightly in the darkness. She needed to escape, and she knew that she couldn't let these burglars steal this priceless artefact. It belonged to the museum. She decided that she would hide it beneath the turtle-neck of her sweater, so that the gems wouldn't reflect the burglars' torchlight. She lifted the collar to her neck and donned it, fastening it at the back - it was a tight fit, and she gasped as it began to glow brightly.

Silver ribbons flowed out of the collar, down her body, wrapping themselves tightly around her. Her clothing disintegrated in the path of the ribbons as they coiled tight to create a new, skintight outfit for her. Two thick ribbons crossed on her chest, hiding her nipples from view but not her breasts, and then continued to cross down her body before they went down between her legs to protect her modesty but left her buttocks bare. Thinner ribbons coiled around each arm and leg, the coils getting tighter and tighter as they headed towards her wrists and ankles, until they formed skintight silver gloves on her hands and skintight stiletto-heeled boots on her feet.

"What... on... earth..?" was all she managed to say as her clothing was transformed.

More silver ribbons flowed down from the back of the collar, to form a loose cape that reached to the middle of her back. The last silver ribbons flowed up from the collar, completely encasing her head in a skintight, featureless mask that protected her identity. She gasped, and then breathed a sigh of relief when she realised that she could breathe. She put her gloved hands up to her face, smiling under her featureless mask as she felt it, before she moved her hands down to the rest of her costume. The silver material was slightly stretchy and very tight. In fact, it was the tightest material she'd ever had against her crotch, and she found the pressure slightly arousing...

"There you are!" said the two burglars in unison, standing over her.

She blushed, behind her mask. Being a shy girl, she always wore clothing to bed and always went to shower with a towel around her. She had been too shy to shower with the other girls at school, and had certainly never had a boyfriend who had seen her naked. And, now, here were two men, two strangers, two burglars... looking down at her as she knelt in a cupboard wearing an impossible outfit that would make a pole-dancer blush. She froze, her shyness taking over, her fear absolute - she couldn't move a muscle. But she didn't need to.

The burglars grabbed her arms and pulled her out of her hiding place. One held her wrists firmly together behind her back while the other looked her up and down - his gaze lingered on her full breasts, bare apart from two silver ribbons that hid her nipples... he licked his lips, and raised his hands to touch her. And that's when she regained control of her body, and realised that the last thing she wanted was to be groped and fondled by this pair of criminals.

She struggled, and was surprised when the grip on her was released. She lashed out with her fist, hoping to at least deter the burglar intent on fondling her, and was surprised when she hit his chest and sent him flying backwards! The next few moments were a blur, but somehow she could anticipate their every move, dodge their every attack and hit them with enough force to hurl them across the room. She suddenly felt powerful and confident, and decided that despite her shyness she could live with her new costume for the moment...

The burglars called a retreat, and fled - she chased after them, harrassing them all the way since she was faster than them, stealthier than them and could see perfectly in the dark as if the basement was bathed in midday sun. The burglars left via the window and Tara decided not to give chase. She turned on a stiletto heel and marched back through the dusty basement towards the staircase that would lead her back up to the library.

She stopped at the door and unfastened her collar. The silver ribbons obediently retreated up her body and disappeared into the gem-studded collar... but her old clothing did not re-appear. She was left naked, cold, alone in the dark.

"That's not good," she said to herself, suddenly not quite sure of how to proceed.

She needed to go home and think about what had happened - her life had been taken over by impossible events, and her whole world picture needed to be reshaped. She needed to study the collar, to work out what it was and where it had come from. She could probably guess why the two burglars had wanted it... and she knew that she couldn't possibly let it fall into their hands. And she needed to work out what she would do with it - would she give it to the museum, would she send it to a lab for analysis, or what?

For now, though, she needed to get home. And for that she needed clothes. And the only clothes she had were at home. Sighing, she put the collar back on - as before, the silver ribbons covered her body and her face, turning her into an anonymous superheroine. She had no problem sneaking through the library to pick up her handbag (which contained her housekeys, amongst other things) and then sneaking out into the street. She stayed hidden in the shadows, invisible to passersby, as she swiftly moved across town towards her house. And then she heard a faint cry for help, from a nearby alleyway.

She leaped straight up, swinging over a fire escape and leaping again so she landed on a rooftop. She jumped across to the next building, and found herself at the perfect vantage point to see events unfold in the alleyway. She didn't stop to think about how human beings shouldn't be able to leap tall rooftops in a single bound... her shy, theoretical mind had become focused by this newfound power... and this newfound responsibility.

In the alleyway, a girl was being mugged by two hooded youths. All three jumped as Tara appeared in their midst, and a moment later the youths were lying on the floor, bound with silver ribbon, ready for the police to find them. And the girl was leaning against the wall, catching her breath, looking in awe at her saviour. Tara realised that, under normal circumstances, she would have blushed and fled if someone looked at her for any length of time... but behind the mask, she was anonymous and powerful and her shyness had been dispelled. And she no longer minded wearing such a scanty costume that showed off her breasts, buttocks and legs so effectively. She just grinned behind her mask, deciding that she liked her new role in life as superheroic defender... and her disappearance into the shadows made the girl gasp in surprise.

The next few weeks passed quickly, and she incorporated her heroic escapades into her normal life with no trouble. By day, she was shy, retiring librarian Tara... but by night, she was her superheroic alter-ego. She hadn't thought of a name for herself, and soon regretted it when the newspapers unimaginably called her Silvergirl. She quickly became famous, and hordes of photographers roamed the streets hoping to catch a glimpse of the mysterious masked superheroine... but she always managed to avoid them, not through shyness... but purely because she enjoyed the thrill of the chase!

And, over the weeks, she found her confidence growing in her normal life. Tara, the shy librarian, was slowly but surely coming out of her shell... all seemed to be going well, until events took a turn for the worse one fateful evening...

And now for a little history. The two burglars who originally invaded the museum were working for an evil villainess who wanted the collar for herself. She hadn't realised, however, that only women could touch the collar... it protects itself if touched by men (which is why the burglars were unconscious when Tara first discovered them, and it also explains the loud bang that tempted her down into the basement in the first place).

The villainess realises what happened, and decides to trap Tara... by pretending to be a helpless damsel in distress (being tormented by her burglar cronies). The heroine Silvergirl is grabbed from behind and unmasked (which results in her shyness flooding back)... but the baddies can't remove the collar without her permission. So, they bind her and degrade her, they tickle and fondle her, they spend an extraordinary amount of time just playing with her naked breasts... and they confuse her, making her choose between different forms of bondage, and before she realises it she's beginning to enjoy some of the torments (particularly when the villainess is involved).

Eventually, the heroine relents and agrees to let the villainess have the collar. But once she removes it, she throws it to the two burglars... where it knocks them out, and provides Tara with the distraction she needs to escape. But the villainess grabs the collar and puts it on... and the chase begins...

And now for something completely different...


I turned the key in the lock and pushed open the door - it creaked loudly, its hinges complaining about their sudden awakening. The front door of the old mansion hadn't been used in years, but it was my front door now and I wouldn't have anything slacking while I was in charge. I was the new mistress of this mansion, having inherited it the day of my 21st birthday, and I wanted to explore. The previous owner, my Uncle Lucas, had died when I was just a child but for some reason had left his mansion to me alone... to be claimed today.

And here I was to claim it. A huge house filled with cobwebs, dust and long-forgotten memories. The front door led into a large reception area, dominated by a chandelier and twin curved staircases leading up to an internal balcony-cum-landing lined with doors. There were some ancient armchairs between the staircases, and a desk which contained an old photograph of my uncle - a stern, strict-looking fellow who was probably at his happiest under Victorian rule.

I climbed the staircase, a suitcase in each hand, looking for a comfortable bed - it was already dark outside, and I wanted to spend the night in my wonderful new home. The last step creaked, the wooden floorboard groaning, and it was answered by a creak from somewhere else in the house. I paused, wondering if there was anyone else here... or if the noise was just the old house settling for the night. I shrugged, and continued my journey, looking in the rooms. Fortunately, the electricity, gas and water had all been turned on this morning, so I had plenty of light to aid my survey of the bedrooms, drawing rooms, bathrooms, etc... I eventually found a smaller bedroom which contained a beautiful mahogany four-poster bed... and I fell in love. I dumped my suitcases, unpacked some essentials, changed the sheets and pillowcases, stripped and climbed into bed. It was so comfortable, I feel asleep almost immediately... and I dreamed...

I dreamed that I wasn't alone in this bed... I dreamed that I was sharing it with a beautiful, buxom brunette. I'd never really entertained any lesbian thoughts before, but she made it all seem so comfortable, I let my instincts take over... I lay on my back while she laid beside me, on her side, facing me, her legs intertwined with mine. She whispered sweet nothings in my ear and I learned her name, Maria. Her hand ran up and down my body, playing idly with my hair, my lips, my nipples, and all I could do was lay there and moan, softly, as she pleasured me gently.

She moved to sit astride me, pinning me down as she leaned over, flicking my nipples with her tongue, all the time talking softly in her sweet, seductive voice... and I felt that I could do nothing to resist her... I was mesmerised by her charms, and when she moved my hands above my head so she could pin my wrists with one hand, I didn't stop her... a low groan escaped my lips as she pinched my nipples, and I writhed beneath her as she parted my legs with her feet and let her fingers trace a line down my body to my moist, waiting sex...

I woke, sitting up straight, covered in sweat, my dream interrupted by a loud bang from downstairs. I closed my eyes, trying to remember the dream, but it was beginning to fade from my memory... all I had left of it was a name, Maria... and a warm, fuzzy feeling inside... and rock-hard nipples... and a soaking-wet pussy... I reached down between my legs and stroked my hard clit, groaning to myself as I writhed on the bed, thinking about a girl called Maria pleasuring me, and it wasn't long before my groans turned to gasps and I became a shuddering mess of orgasmic jelly on the bed.

I looked across at my watch on the bedside cabinet - it was three in the morning. I was thirsty, so I wandered naked downstairs to find a kitchen. The house wasn't too cold, and I eventually managed to set myself up with a glass of water. I leaned back against a cupboard, enjoying the cool water, and happened to notice a name carved into the wood on the inside of a cupboard door: Maria. I shuddered, even though it wasn't cold.

Still feeling very tired, I wandered back upstairs, somehow managed to find my room again and flopped onto the bed. I pulled the sheets around me and snuggled in the welcoming warmth as I drifted back to sleep... and I dreamed... again...

I dreamed that I was walking through the dark, dusty corridors of the mansion, exploring, the only illumination moonlight streaming in through the windows. I heard a soft, musical humming in the distance, a young girl singing quietly to herself, and I ventured towards it, along a corridor, around a corner, and into what appeared to be the master bedroom. It was dominated by a huge four-poster bed, but my attention immediately turned to Maria. She was dressed as a maid, and was busy cleaning with a large feather duster whilst singing and humming.

She turned as I entered the room and smiled at me, warmly. I returned her smile and approached, and within moments we were hugging and kissing and rolling about on the bed. I brushed her hair away from her face so I could see her beautiful eyes, and she stroked my cheek before planting a series of kisses on my neck.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Maria," she replied, "Have you forgotten already?"


"Shhh! Listen! He's coming!"

"Who? Who's coming? Why are you so scared?"

But I couldn't get through to her - her eyes were wide with fear, and she was looking around, wildly, for what I couldn't tell. I tried to calm her, but she dashed out of the room. I jumped from the bed and made to follow but I stopped when I heard her scream...

I woke, covered in a cold sweat, shaking all over, wondering who she had been so afraid of and what had happened to her. I sat up, and noticed that I was holding a large feather duster in my hand... where on earth had that come from? This was just too weird for me... I looked across at my watch on the bedside cabinet - it was half past five in the morning, but I knew I wouldn't be getting back to sleep. Time to get up, then.

I busied myself with exploring the house, to try to take my mind off my strange dreams.

Spooky... this old house is haunted by the maid, Maria, and a kinky old sadistic poltergeist... who is the ghost of a former owner, who liked to punish the maid in very kinky ways. The heroine finds an old photograph of him whilst she's exploring, and just his stern visage gives her the creeps.

She explores the house in her next dream, and discovers the old man punishing the maid... he sees the heroine and gives chase, eventually capturing her and chaining her to the bed. Just as he's about to punish her, she screams and wakes up... but wakes up chained to the bed. After some struggling, she eventually uses some handcream on her bedside table to slip from her bonds. Terrified now, she decides not to fall asleep again... instead, she faces her fears a different way by exploring the basement. But then the lights go out and she panics, she runs, she falls, she loses consciousness... and the evil ghost can have his wicked way with her.



Focus. That's the key. No matter what's going on around you, you have to keep your focus. And that's just what I was doing. A band of terrorists had kidnapped the daughter of the president and it was my job to get her back. But, first, I had to find out where they were holding her. And, for that, the chief weapon at my disposal was seduction. I was tasked with capturing a wealthy banker who was known to have connections inside the terrorist organisational structure.

And that was why I was walking along in the cold and dark, my path illuminated by streetlamps and passing car headlights. And that was why I was keeping my focus. I didn't want to be distracted from the most important mission of my life.

My superiors had told me when I accepted the mission that my target, a Mr George Johnson, was heavily into bondage. And that would be the key to my success. I was posing as a prostitute, and he would not think that anything was wrong if I tied him up. And then all I would have to do was take him out of the back of the hotel to a waiting car. Easy.

I soon arrived at the hotel where I would be meeting him. I checked in with the concierge, who told me that my 'husband' had already arrived. I stepped into the elevator and took a deep breath. My heart was thumping in my chest - I was nervous! But all I had to do was dominate him, bind him and manhandle him out of the back of a hotel. No problem.

I pressed the button for the floor I was headed to and looked at my reflection in the mirror. I was certainly dressed for the part. My makeup was way OTT and my long black coat was perfect since it hid my dominant outfit and provided deep pockets for various items of bondage gear. I let my coat open slightly to reveal my tight black leather corset that made some parts of my body seem smaller and other parts seem larger, my black leather stiletto-heeled boots, my fishnet stockings, my black elbow-length gloves and my tiny black leather g-string. The lift chimed just before the doors opened, giving me ample time to close my coat and hide my sexy attire. I made my way to the room and knocked on the door.

"It's open!" came a distinctly male voice from within.

I pushed the door and was surprised by the fact that the room was pitch black. I was then surprised by a rough hand grabbing me, and a strange-smelling tissue being held over my mouth and nose. I struggled briefly, panicking as I felt a burning sensation in my mouth and throat, but all too soon I lost consciousness...


"That's some collection of toys you've brought for me to play with," said the voice I had heard earlier, waking me from my sleep.

I had intended those toys to be used on him, but it seemed that he had used them on me instead. When my superiors had told me that he had been into bondage, I assumed that he liked to be on the receiving end. And that assumption could be my downfall. The fact that my eyes were blindfolded prevented me from easily taking stock of my situation, but sensations from various parts of my body gave me a few clues. He had used my handcuffs to bind me, spreadeagled, to the bed - I knew that I was naked, and the invasive hardness in my mouth could only be the ballgag that I had brought with me. At least he hadn't used the nipple clamps. I struggled, trying the strength of my bonds, but I knew that escape was impossible.

"I'm going to get my money's worth out of you," he said, and I could tell from his tone of voice that he was enjoying my predicament.

I felt so alone... so exposed... so vulnerable... so amateur! How could I tell him that it was all a big misunderstanding? How could I tell him that he was the one who was meant to be tied up? I mumbled into the gag, trying to get his attention, but the only response was a big hand roughly gripping my right breast. I felt his weight on the bed next to me, and it encouraged me to struggle all the more...

"I like it when they struggle," he whispered into my ear, his sudden proximity making me jump.

He moved over me, and I felt his stubbled cheek against my bare breast. He took my nipple into his mouth and began to suck, to bite, to arouse... I couldn't help but be aroused by his touch, alternating between pleasure and pain as he sucked, licked, bit and nibbled until my nipple was so hard it ached. And then I felt the bite of the clamp on my nipple, and I groaned loudly into the gag, biting down, pulling hard at my bonds. And then I felt him shift his position, and slowly lick my other nipple, and I knew what was coming...

This time I was ready, and it wasn't such a shock when I felt the vicious clover clamp being attached to my hard nipple. Even so, it still caused me to writhe on the bed... but my writhing stopped when I felt his hand between my legs, his fingers stroking my sex, letting me know exactly how helpless I really was.

"You're wet," he whispered into my ear, fingers still slowly stroking between my spread legs, "I think all this struggling and complaining into your gag is a show."

I shook my head, groaning, but my body was betraying me. My nipples were hard, my pussy was wet, I was so turned on... I had completely lost my focus on the mission. I was meant to be capturing him, but I was in no position to do that... and I couldn't see myself getting into such a position. Perhaps I would have the opportunity when he was finished with me... once he released me.

The problem with this story was that I couldn't work out where to go next. But it could be argued that it makes quite a neat little short story on its own anyway...


I blinked and opened my eyes, yawning, just in time to see the last rays of sunlight slip through the heavy velvet curtains with the sunset. I had always been an early riser when I had been alive, and the pattern had continued into my undeath. I slid out from beneath the black satin sheets of my wrought-iron bed and smiled at my reflection in the gothic black mirror - luckily, contrary to popular mythology, the undead do reflect. My reflection was dressed in my favourite cute pink pyjamas (sporting a pattern of scampering and frolicking sickeningly-cute white bunny rabbits) and I noticed that my raven-black hair was a mess, contrasting with the perfect flawlessness of my ivory-white skin. I licked my lips, revealing my elongated canine teeth, and then I pouted - I was hungry, and getting food was usually a complicated business.

Not as complicated as it once was, mind. In the months after that dark night, centuries ago, that had ended with me seeing my last ever sunrise, I had found the prospect of taking a human life quite repulsive. But the hunger inside me grew and my animal instincts took over - I prefer not to remember how I acted when I lost control and my thirst for blood ruled my every action. These days, I feed just so that I won't go back to that terrible, depraved, beast-like state. But part of that state stayed with me - I have some of my humanity. I no longer think the same way, I am now a solitary predator who hunts to feed. Over the years, human life has become of less and less value to me - I have seen my loved ones grow old and die while I haven't changed at all, and the experience has told me that I am more important. I am better.

But I still need to interact in the world of humans - if only to find a suitable meal.

Luckily, last night, I managed to secure my food for tonight. I pick up the business card from my bedside table, read it and crush it into a ball, dropping the crumpled card onto the floor and forgetting about it. I won't be needing it again. And neither will the person who gave it to me.

A few minutes in the bathroom and my hair is neat and my makeup is darkly perfect. I select a black cobweb bodystocking from my wardrobe, and team it with a corset, miniskirt, strappy heels and stockings, all in black, and a blood-red thong. I grab my sunglasses and full-length black coat and venture out into the early evening. I relish in the tight grip of the corset as I walk, and the way it doesn't yield as my breasts move inside it (as much as they can).

Soon, I am at the address on the business card - a plush studio apartment not too far away from the centre of town. I ring the doorbell and it is promptly answered by the girl who gave me the business card last night - a cute, red-headed photography student called Emma who liked my look and asked me to pose for some pictures. I smile a greeting.

"I'm so glad you could make it," she grins, stepping aside so I can enter.

"I've been looking forward to this all day," I reply, admiring the professional-looking photography equipment arranged around the place.

"So have I - you're just the model I've been looking for."

You're just the meal I've been looking for, I think to myself, looking over my shoulder at her as I shrug off my coat and put it to one side.

"I need to take a couple of photos to sort out the lighting," she says, picking up a camera and pointing it at me, "smile!"

I initially blink, anticipating the bright flash of the camera, but it doesn't come. Soon I relax and pose for her, watching the shutter on the camera open and close as she takes the preliminary pictures. I'm beginning to get bored with her already, and am considering just marching across the room and sucking her dry... but, then, I notice the open wardrobe full of fetish gear in her bedroom and I decide to give her a few more minutes of life - I'd love some professional photographs of myself in some of those outfits.

"Feel free to go try something on," Emma says, noticing me looking at her wardrobe as she fiddles with a second camera, "I may be a few minutes here."

Hope you didn't mind the sudden change in tense halfway through there... The twist in this story is that the photography student, Emma, is actually a vampire hunter. She convinces the vampire heroine to try on some bondage - the vampire doesn't mind, since she can break free of chains with no effort. But the bondage has been blessed and is inescapable... but the vampire manages to escape the building, still bound, but soon finds herself at the mercy of other vampires...

The following is an attempted sequel to Belt, Cubed, Backstab, First Class Post, Übergirl... all rolled into one!


I stood before the main entrance of a skyscraper belonging to a large, well-known multinational company which, for legal reasons, I cannot name here. But I would never have guessed that they had a sideline in stealing advanced technologies from smaller companies...

I wasn't there through choice. To the innocent passerby, it might have looked as though I was... standing there wearing a large purple overcoat, fishnet tights and high heels, protected against the cold by a thick scarf, my hands firmly in the coat's pockets. In fact, I was only wearing one item of clothing - a high-tech belt which could release coloured liquid latex and fashion it into any shape... in this case, the clothes that I appeared to be wearing. Unbeknownst to the innocent passerby, under the scarf I was wearing a posture collar and a gag... under the coat, my hands were bound together in front of me... and the way I kept shifting position uncomfortably had something to do with the huge dildo between my legs. All generated by the technological marvel that is the belt, which I had donned earlier that day hoping for some self-bondage fun...

"Magnificent, isn't it?" said the tall, dark-haired man next to me with a wicked smile, "You'd never have guessed, would you?"

I had to turn my whole body to look at him, due to the restrictions of the posture collar. Even though he worked for a different company than my boyfriend, he had somehow known that my boyfriend (Gary) had given me the belt to test. And he had known how to trap me in it, and how to override my own control of it.

"Mmmmmph!" I yelled, as loud as I could, but it only came out as a muffled whisper - none of the people crowding into this entrance hall even acknowledged me.

"I thought you'd agree," he grinned, turning and walking towards the main reception - at the press of a button on his remote control, the belt moved my legs and made me follow him.

I caught up with him just as he finished talking to the young woman behind the reception desk. He looked over his shoulder at me, winked briefly, then led me into an elevator. Once we were inside, he took a key from his pocket and placed it in a keyhole under the elevator buttons, and turned it. The doors closed, the elevator lurched and we travelled downwards... far downwards...

Eventually, the doors opened and we emerged in some sort of scientific laboratory. Many people in white lab coats were bustling about, holding clipboards and making notes as they observed various television monitors. More lab-coated individuals were sitting at computers, busy typing and again making notes. None turned as we entered, and while my kidnapper wandered off to talk to someone, I found myself just standing there, unable to move. I soon became very bored, and decided to watch some events unfolding on one of the monitors.

The monitor showed some sort of underground garage, in which a white van had just come to rest. Three men got out of the front, and they walked around to the back and opened the doors. They helped out a woman - she was young, about university age, with long blonde hair and a look of defiance. She was wearing all black - latex opera gloves, latex stockings, stiletto heels and a very large strap-on dildo, leaving her beautiful, perfect breasts bare. Her wrists and elbows were bound behind her back with two pairs of handcuffs, and her mouth held open by a ring-gag. She struggled in her bonds, looking furious as a shorter blonde was led from the back of the van - this girl was wearing a tight corset (from which her breasts were obviously trying to escape but only just failing), a leather collar, a leather thong, fishnet stockings and stiletto-heeled boots. Her bondage was identical (ring-gag, two pairs of handcuffs) and her expression was almost as defiant. The next girl to be led out of the van had dark hair and olive skin, and was utterly naked. Again, her bondage was identical to the other two girls. The last girl was shorter, and possibly Japanese. She was wearing deep red latex - a matching leotard, gloves and stockings. Her makeup was dark and gothic, and her bondage was identical to the other girls'. All four girls struggled, and I wondered if they had been kidnapped, as I had been. The three men led them away, out of shot.

I returned my attention to the room I was in, but my kidnapper was deep in discussion with a couple of lab-coated scientists. Unable to move a muscle, I could only wait for them to finish their conversation. I glanced at a different monitor, and tried to make out what was going on. It showed a room which was a perfect cube. In the centre of it was a brunette wearing a bit-gag, a solid black collar, clover clamps, a chastity belt, stockings, suspenders and a pair of fetish ballet shoes. Her forearms were bound together, parallel to the floor, behind her back. There was a chain attached to her nipple clamps, which stretched out of shot. The girl was walking, but not going anywhere - and then I realised why. The floor was a treadmill, and she had to keep walking to stop the chain tugging on her nipples. I shuddered - how horrible! I assumed she wasn't there by choice, I guessed she was another poor, kidnapped victim, doomed to walk endlessly in horribly-high heels while people wearing white lab coats took notes out of sight.

"Here it is," came the voice of my kidnapper, leading an older scientist towards me.

While my kidnapper stood to one side, the scientist examined my garb in detail - I wondered if he'd even noticed that I was in it. The scientist was making appreciative noises, but I could tell he was marvelling at the technology involved, not the curves of the victim trapped inside it. Eventually, he straightened up and turned to my kidnapper.

"Fascinating," he smiled, "now, can we see it in its default state?"

"Of course, but I warn you that the woman wearing it is a little feisty..."

"No matter, I think we have something that will prevent her from interrupting our study."

The scientist produced a remote control from one of the many deep pockets in his lab coat, and I heard the sound of machinery humming into life behind me. With the posture collar keeping me head immobile, I couldn't look around to see what it was... but I soon forgot about it when my kidnapper pressed a button on his remote control...

The latex which had emerged from the belt earlier that day retreated. The gag in my mouth withdrew, the posture collar disappeared, the coat melted away, the fishnet stockings unspun and the high heels beneath my feet shrunk until they disappeared. Within moments, the liquid latex had retreated back into the retro-style around my waist... which was the only thing stopping me from being utterly naked. But at least I was now free. I automatically covered my breasts and crotch with my hands, and backed away from these two men who were now leering at me. I backed into something cold, behind me. I turned, and was surprised to see a large metallic robot that ran on caterpillar tracks and consisted of a large number of metallic tentacles.

"I hope you appreciate our new acquisition," said the scientist, "we recently purchased it from an inventor who called himself N1tEGeeK."

The name meant nothing to me. But I didn't care. I turned, and ran. And I managed to move just over a metre before the metallic tentacles swooped down and expertly grabbed my wrists and ankles, plucking me effortlessly off the floor and holding me upright, spreadeagled... naked... helpless...

"You'll never..." I began, defiantly, but had to stop as my kidnapper pushed a large ballgag into my mouth and buckled it behind my head.

I writhed and squirmed, pulling at the now-immobile robotic tentacles as hard as I could, but my struggles were both futile and completely ignored by the team of scientists who had now approached and were examining the belt around my waist. I tried to tune out their involved discussion, and instead turned my head to examine some of the other television monitors around the room. I watched the fate of a redhaired girl, who was wearing a sort of metal stock which consisted of a collar from which a short metal pole extended from either side, ending with a wrist cuff. A hood on her head rendered her blind and speechless, and she was standing rather unsteadily in a pair of fetish ballet boots. She wasn't sitting down for two reasons. The first was due to a pair of clover clamps attached to her nipples and via a chain to the ceiling. The second was due to a ring of devices around her that occasionally lashed out with a whip or crop, aiming for her unprotected flesh. She was constantly turning and trying to evade the devices, not realising that the floor beneath her was moving to keep her in the centre of the cube-shaped room.

I was distracted from this sight by a finger pushing under the tight belt around my waist. I looked down to see my kidnapper searching for something... eventually he found a catch under the belt, and released a panel on the front into which he plugged a cable. I looked at him inquisitively, and he returned my look with a smile.

"We're upgrading your belt," he said, "with a bigger lexicon, better artificial intelligence, access to the Internet. Everything. You might feel a slight discomfort..."

He stepped back and pressed a button on a computer, to which the cable was attached. I heard a hum of power, and I felt the hairs on the back of my neck prickle... it was as if the room was filled with static electricity... I felt my long hair moving of its own accord, and I began to struggle...

Suddenly, the room went black. I heard many panicked voices...

"Switch it off!"

"It's drawing too much power!"

"It's going to overload the system!"

Within a couple of seconds the room became visible again, bathed in red light. Some of the lab-coated scientists were panicking, but most were staring at me. I squirmed in the grasp of the tentacled robot, but could do nothing... the belt around my waist was now vibrating with unseen power. I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth... the vibrations were really quite pleasant.

There was a bright spark, and then darkness again. The robotic tentacles released their grip and I fell to the floor, landing on my hands and knees. I quickly removed the gag from my mouth and stumbled through the darkness, hoping to find an exit. There was a flicker, and the lights came back on. I saw my kidnapper, looking at the tentacled robot in surprise when he realised it wasn't holding me any more, but then he saw me, crouched in the corner. He grabbed his remote control, and pressed a button. Nothing happened. He pressed the button again, and still nothing happened. He no longer had remote control over the belt. I could escape.

"Bye!" I grinned, unplugging the cable from the belt and dashing towards the elevator.

"WEARER VOICE REGISTERED," said the belt, as I ran, making me stumble slightly with surprise.

"Belt, body," I commanded, as I reached the elevator.


The belt responded instantly, and liquid latex quickly flowed over my body to form a sexy, skintight, black latex leotard. I dashed inside the open elevator, and quickly pressed the button for the ground floor. I saw my kidnapper and a number of scientists running towards me, and I jabbed the button repeatedly... I had to escape. I had to get free. I had to alert people to what was going on down here...

The elevator doors began to close, but stopped when a pair of metal tentacles reached in and forced them apart. Another pair of tentacles reached in and grabbed my wrists, and pulled me back out into the room full of scientists. With my wrists held up above my head, I was quite helpless again... almost. As my kidnapper approached, I lashed out with my feet, trying to kick him. He jumped back, avoiding my feet, smiling. He clicked his fingers and two burly security guards dashed forward to grab my ankles and hold them apart. I squirmed in their grip, struggling hard as my kidnapper walked between my open legs and fingered my belt.

"Quite an impressive piece of equipment, this," he grinned, "but it's time to bring this little show to an end. I don't know quite what happened just now, but your belt accessed our mainframe in the confusion. It's a shame, since I hate to destroy something so perfect, but..."

He looked me in the eye as he plugged another cable into the front of the belt. I looked down, and smiled when I saw the cable drop to the floor. My kidnapper cursed, picked up the cable and plugged it into the front of the belt again. Again, it dropped to the floor, and I couldn't help but grin.

"Enough of this," he said, his smile as cold as ice, "kill her."

The security guards holding my ankles quickly pulled what looked like cattle prods from their belts. I thrashed and kicked, but they maintained their strong grips, and I knew that I only had moments left. I looked to the scientists milling around the room, and wondered if they would care about my predicament.

"Help me!" I shouted, as the guards raised their cattle prods to strike.

But my salvation didn't come from the scientists. It came from the last place I expected. Twin balls of latex, fashioned into fists, thrust out of the belt around my waist and struck the guards... hitting both in the face... and they collapsed to the floor, unconscious. The balls returned to the belt, melting into my costume seamlessly.

My kidnapper looked at me, frozen, his expression one of shock. But the older scientist wasn't so easily distracted from his duties - he pressed some buttons on his remote control, and the two tentacled robot arms which had been holding the elevator doors open quickly whipped around to strike me. I closed my eyes and, when no pain came, I gingerly opened them again... the belt had fashioned similar arms out of black latex, which had caught the robot arms and prevented them from touching me. As I watched, black latex flowed up my body, up my arms, to where my wrists were being held firmly by the other two robot arms. The latex at my wrists bulged, forcing the tentacles gripping my wrists to loosen their grip... and then the latex flattened, and the tentacles were no longer holding my wrists, and again I dropped to the floor. But this time I was ready.

I turned, and dashed around the robot towards the elevator, as the latex arms retracted into the belt. But N1tEGeeK's robot's arms were no longer holding the doors open, and the elevator closed just as I reached it. Cursing, I turned and looked for another exit. And then I saw a large glass wall across the room, which looked into a small, empty white room which was a perfect cube. It had two doors leading out of it, and I decided that that was where I would go.

I felt the story was getting a bit daft, so decided to take a break from it until I thought of a better direction to take it. I still haven't thought of a better direction...

The following was written years ago...


Even though we were nowhere near the speakers, the music still pumped into the changing room and made my heart pound to the beat. I couldn't tell what the song was, but I didn't care - as I slowly put on the costume for my next dance, I was moving to the sound of the bass. Life as a stripclub dancer was very enjoyable. I got a real thrill out of dancing onstage for all those men, being the centre of attention, feeling like the most beautiful (or, at least, the sexiest) girl in the world.

"You're up, Laura!" came a voice from behind me - it was Cherry, rushing into the changing room wearing just a teeny red g-string.

"What's the audience like tonight?" I asked, pushing my chair back and standing.

"Hot and horny," Cherry grinned.

I was about to perform one of my favourite bondage routines - I think they are so popular because they make me feel so hot, and that feeling is transmitted to my audience. I was wearing a fishnet teddy, with cut-outs for my breasts, a pair of high-heeled boots with complicated laces from toe to just below the knee and a large, thick black cloak that covered everything... for now. I checked my gothic makeup one last time before heading for the door.

"Hey, Laura, aren't you forgetting something?" Cherry asked.

I gave her a puzzled look, before I remembered the most important part of my act. The handcuffs. How could I forget them? Cherry held them up and I took them, giving her a wink as I walked out of the dressing room and onto the stage. I heard my announcement and the start of my music (Tainted Love, the Marilyn Manson version). I was wrapped in my cloak, and I marched to the centre of the stage. I stood stock still and scanned the audience for a familiar face - and then I saw him. Chad, my boyfriend, standing by the bar and watching my every move.

The intention was for the heroine to perform her sexy striptease. She then goes back to the dressing room and removes her handcuffs before putting on a nice dress and going to the bar to chat with her boyfriend. While they're watching another girl strip, he wishes her a happy birthday and says he has a nice surprise for her. She realises that she's late for her next dance, so rushes to the dressing room, changes into another outfit and goes on stage for a 'vanilla' strip-tease. As she's getting to the end of her dance, she sees another stripper walk on-stage with a folding chair...

The master of ceremonies announces that it's time for her birthday treat. She is sat on the chair, with her back to a vertical pole, and has her hands cuffed behind her back, behind the pole. Another girl comes on-stage with a big creamy cake, and the other strippers feed the heroine (and each other). Once the cake is finished, the chair is taken away (leaving our heroine handcuffed to the pole) and the girls lick the cream off of the heroine... they then make her kneel, blindfold her and offer her oral services to the stripclub customers... starting with her boyfriend...

The following is another old story that was never meant to be...


I was fresh out of college and needed the cash. The modelling job looked like the perfect opportunity - for both paying off my student debt and getting some much-needed experience of the industry. I convinced my friend Kate to come along with me to the auditions, and somehow we both managed to get through - we opted for the evening show, since it paid a lot better than the afternoon show. It was as easy as that.

"What exactly does 'fetish' mean anyway?" I asked her, turning the pass I'd been given over in my hands.

She peered at me over the top of her capuccino and shook her head, smiling. I looked at the pass again - it was simple piece of black laminated card with purple gothic writing that read Fetish Fashions. There was some extra information on the back, but nothing that answered my question.

"Weird sexy stuff, I think," Kate replied, sounding very knowledgeable, "leather and rubber and so on."

"Doesn't sound too bad," I said, not entirely convinced, turning the pass over in my hands again.

"Don't worry about it - it's a job, and it pays well. Now, are you coming or not? We have to be there in fifteen minutes!"

I didn't like how this story started, so decided to re-write it starting in bondage, as a series of flashbacks. The basic premise was that this naive girl ends up bound in some really fetishy outfit (ballet shoes, gas mask, etc) and does her modelling, but is so tired from walking in the shoes that she finds somewhere quiet to recover... and falls asleep... and is forgotten about. So, she wakes up in a deserted theatre, bound, helpless... and has to go explore.


The bouncer looked us up and down, his expression changing from one of boredom to a big cheesy grin. I didn't blame him. Pauline was showing off her best assets in a very brief blue latex nurse outfit, complete with white fishnet stockings and very high heels, while I was dressed as a policewoman, complete with tiny skirt, black fishnets and, of course, real handcuffs.

The bouncer stepped aside and we entered the dark, smokey atmosphere of the nightclub. After paying the entrance fee, we headed straight for the bar, checking out the talent on the dancefloor as we passed. We'd already had a dangerous mixture of different alcohols before coming out, so decided to go easy on our first trip to the bar and just get some nice tasting alcopops. We found somewhere to sit where we could see the hordes dancing to some 90's dance track.

"What?" I shouted, realising that Pauline had said something.

"I said, I'm going to get some good music playing!" Pauline shouted in reply.


"I'm going to snog the DJ!" she winked, before getting up and wandering in the direction of his booth.

I watched her go, admiring the tightness of her latex dress and the way I could see the curves of her body moving underneath it. And I loved the way I could just see the tops of her white stockings. The way I was sitting, with my legs crossed, any casual glance from passersby would see more than the tops of my stockings - my suspenders were on display too. I peered through the smoke and saw that Pauline was being true to her word - not only was she snogging the DJ, she was letting him fondle her chest, where her 36D breasts were stretching the latex out of shape.

My view was obstructed by a guy with long dark hair.

"If I complimented your body, would you hold it against me?" he asked.

I smiled, looking him in the eye: "Try me."

He was about to reply when Pauline stepped between us and held out her hand to me. I took it and she pulled me to her feet - at that moment, the music changed to something more up our street... Love Shack, by the B52's. I gave the guy a look of commiseration before skipping to the dancefloor with my lover.

Pauline and I love to dance. And, judging by the circle of men that had formed around us, our efforts were appreciated. Going retro to Love Shack was one thing, but we stepped up a gear for the next song, It's Raining Men by the Weathergirls. Some of the braver guys ventured forward to dance with us, forming a closer circle of writhing bodies while Pauline and I danced close together, stroking each others' arms as me moved together, looking each other in the eyes but occasionally breaking off to smile invitingly to the guys around us. Mis-teeq's Scandalous was next, and we used the change in tempo to tease the guys even more... I felt on top of the world, and incredibly horny, especially with the way Pauline was gripping my hips. Halfway through the song, we parted company to dance closely with the guys crowding around us. At the point where the music changed to Kylie's Spinning Around, I was almost sitting astride a well-built, short-haired guy's thigh whilst Pauline was rubbing her latex-clad buttocks into a tall, handsome guy's crotch while he gripped her hips. We gave our respective guys chaste kisses on the cheeks before Pauline led me to the pole in the middle of the dancefloor.

So... what happens next? Well, in my original plan, our two sexy heroines would tease the guys even more, and then just leave the dancefloor to get some more drinks. After some flirting with guys at the bar (including one noticing that my handcuffs were real), we would head back to the pole and Pauline would handcuff me to it... before letting some random guys dance with me and fondle me... We then decide to grab more drinks, so Pauline releases me and we go find a quiet corner to sit in... where Pauline handcuffs me again... lets her hands roam over my body... pushes aside my clothes... all the time with the smoke in the air, the thumping bassline filling our ears, many men wandering past... before Pauline puts the handcuff key somewhere where my bound hands can't reach it, and tells me to go find a guy to retrieve it for me.

And now for a story based on a computer game.


I walked up the tasteless green steps to the huge double-doors of Caligula's Palace, one of the largest casinos in Las Venturas. My shift had seemed to last forever, but now it was finally over - I had been posted on a roulette wheel for most of my shift, and the noise of that little ball clattering around the wheel was enough to drive anyone mad after just a few hours. I saw my reflection in the huge double-doors - tall, slim, dark hair pulled back in a pony tail (as was the regulation for croupiers), cute nose, large eyes. I was wearing a white blouse but everything else was black: the waistcoat, bowtie, trousers, sensible shoes. And, naturally, my underwear was also black, and I felt a special thrill wearing my sexiest of underwear beneath my most boring of work clothes. But today was going to change that - on my way home, I planned to buy something even sexier.

I pushed through the doors, wondering if the punters who turned up at my table to lose their money ever wondered what I was wearing beneath my regulation croupier uniform. I was sure that they'd never suspect that my D-cup breasts were encased in a black leather bra, my shaved pussy in a black leather thong and my long, long legs in black fishnet stockings.

As I blinked in the sunlight, I noticed with some surprise that my little pink hatchback was parked neatly just to my right. I had left it in the casino's car park - I knew that some of the valets fancied me, so perhaps one of them had moved my car at the end of my shift. I also noticed that Joe, a large, powerful bouncer was standing near it, and that a mysterious muscular black man in green clothes and expensive sunglasses was sitting on a motorbike to my left. Feeling a little intimidated by the way the man on the bike was trying to look inconspicuous, I quickly walked towards the bouncer.

"Another shift over - see you tomorrow!" I smiled, cheerily.

The bouncer ignored me, and I was a little disappointed. I was hoping that familiarity with this bouncer would scare off the guy on the motorbike. Nevermind - I wouldn't let this scary stranger get between me and what promised to be the best evening of my life.

I climbed into my car (the personalised numberplate read 'SPANK', which always got my embarrassing questions but that always added to my excitement), started the engine and joined the freeway known as The Strip which passed through the centre of the city. The guy on the bike had slightly rattled me, so I took a rather circuitous route to my destination - I had seen him leave the casino grounds just after me, but now there was no sign of him in my rear-view mirror. I pulled up outside a store called, simply, Sex Shop, which was sandwiched between a 24-hour convenience store and a tourist information centre - even though the window was full of wigs, I knew that there were much more interesting things inside.

I quickly parked my car in one of the parking bays outside, and walked quickly and confidently into the shop. I used to feel shy about entering these sort of places, but now as a fully-qualified perv I had no qualms at all. Especially since I'd seen the titles of some of the magazines the shop stocked - the things I like to do seem positively tame by comparison.

The shop was dominated by racks of videos and magazines, all of a rather dodgy nature, and a modest selection of dildos, vibrators and other interesting toys. But my eyes, as usual, were distracted by the serving staff: all female, all beautiful, all wearing gorgeous fetish outfits. The girl behind the counter to my left, for example, was wearing a large black eyemask to hide her true identity, a black underbust corset that squeezed her waist to form her body into a perfect hourglass shape, small circles of black tape to hide her nipples, a black collar, black latex opera gloves, very high black stiletto-heeled boots.

I walked between the racks of videos to the other end of the shop, past all the shady-looking characters who were discreetly browsing the titles, past the other counter behind which a girl in an identical costume to the first was keeping an eye on the shop, and I turned left towards the outfits and changing rooms. A short corridor ended with a door on either side, and a third girl in an identical costume to the first two standing guard - despite the eyemask, I recognised her as my friend Laura.

"Hi, Millie," she grinned.

"Hi, Laura, how's it going?"

"These stiletto heels are killing me and customers keep staring at my breasts."

"So, good then?" I asked, staring at her breasts.

"Couldn't be happier - where else could I do this all day?"

"You'd be welcome to at my place, anytime," I grinned, "Do you have that item for me?"

"Sure, I've laid it out ready for you - Pauline is waiting in the changing rooms to help you into it."

"Thanks, babe."

I quickly headed through the door to the right, and found the changing room that contained the blonde-haired Pauline and the item of clothing I wished to purchase - a very sexy black corset, slightly larger than those worn by the shop staff since it would at least cover my nipples, but I hoped it would squeeze my breasts very pleasantly and make them wobble tantalisingly with my every movement.

"Hey Millie," Pauline smiled.

"Hey Pauline," I grinned in return, admiring her rather brief and very sexy fetish outfit.

Without needing prompting, I quickly undressed - I removed my bowtie, waistcoat, blouse, bra, shoes and trousers until I was standing before her in just my thong and stockings. She looked me up and down, smiling - I was so turned on, if I wasn't keeping to a tight schedule I could have stayed in that changing room for hours...

The next few minutes involved Pauline's knee in the middle of my back as she fastened the straps as tight as they would go, and I watched in the mirror as my already-small waist shrunk and shrunk and shrunk... and my breasts bulged just as I had hoped.

"Wow, it's nice and tight!" I grinned, admiring my reflection in the mirror - Pauline had kindly supplied me with a pair of stiletto-heeled shoes to wear with it.

"I'm sure you'll squeeze in just fine," Laura's voice came from outside the changing room, "Let's have a look!"

I thanked Pauline and stepped out into the corridor in which Laura was standing guard. I was very aware that, just to my left, a number of shoppers had stopped their browsing of the dodgy videos so that they could look at me in this super-sexy outfit. Although a little shy, I felt very confident in the corset and revelled in the attention.

"Perfect," Laura purred, but was interrupted by the sound of a mobile phone.

It was my mobile phone, which I had in my hand just in case of this eventuality. I had been expecting a call, after all. I quickly answered it.

"Is that my Millie?" came an old voice from the other end of the line.

"Oh, hi Benny!" I smiled - hearing his voice always made me smile.

"Have you collected that item I picked out for you?"

"Yes, Master, I'm just trying it on. You got yours?"

"Of course."

"Cool - I'll see you at my house in just a short while."

I heard the click as he hung up, and I quickly turned off the phone. Benny was amazing - despite his age and his looks, and his many missing teeth, he was a bona-fide perv who could do such wonderful things to me... He had set me up in this city, buying me my car and my house, setting me up with a job at the casino. I owed everything to him, and all he wanted in return was to dominate me once a week. I quickly turned and re-entered the changing room, where Pauline helped me put on my croupier uniform over my corset. Since Benny had paid for the corset in advance, all I had to do was wave to the girls and leave the shop... but something caught my eye as I left, a man standing by a video rack, wearing green. It looked like the slightly scary man from outside the casino, right down to the expensive sunglasses. Was he stalking me? Or was it all a coincidence? Shuddering, I quickly hurried from the shop.

I climbed into my car and just sat there for a minute, calming myself, gathering my thoughts. In a few minutes' time, I'd be home and wouldn't have to worry about that guy who had spooked me. And I'd be looking forward to being used and abused by Benny for the rest of the evening. I started the engine, reversed out of the parking bay and drove out of the city to the suburbs, where my neat little bungalow lived. Listening to En Vogue sing My Lovin' on 103.9 Contemporary Soul Radio soon made me forget about my stalker. Once parked out front of my bungalow, I quickly left my car and entered the house, leaving the door unlocked for Benny. It wasn't your average house - all of the internal walls had been knocked down to create one big room, which was dominated by a huge king-size bed against the right-hand wall. Various chains and other devices (for example, my bondage swing made from leather straps) hung from the ceiling, and the windows had been boarded up long ago. Opposite the door was a large perspex box within which I had been locked on many occasions for being particularly naughty, and arranged around the room were various whips, crops and dildos. I walked around the room with my cigarette lighter, lighting the torches that were attached to the walls by brackets, and smiled as the room was illuminated by flickering firelight. I stripped out of my croupier uniform and checked my reflection in the mirror - perfect. I ran my hands over my body, feeling incredibly horny - the anticipation was killing me.

My thoughts were interrupted by a gunshot, outside. I gasped, and turned - I would have gone to the window, except that it was boarded up. And with such violence going on outside, the last thing I wanted to do was investigate in the briefest of fetish outfits. Violent crime had recently increased in Las Venturas, and I didn't want to become a statistic.

I heard the doorbell ring. I smiled with relief.

"The door's open, Master!" I called, "Come on in, I'm ready for you!"

The door opened, and Benny stepped into my house. At least, I thought it was Benny, but the man who stepped into my house was considerably taller and more muscular than I remembered. I couldn't make out any features, since he was covered from head to toe in a gimp suit. He had a huge double-ended purple dildo in one hand, which certainly made my eyes widen.

"You've been a naughty girl," he said - if it was Benny, his voice and accent had certainly changed a huge amount since our phone conversation, but who else knew I was here?

"Oh I know, I know..." I smiled, walking towards him.

"Spit it out, you filthy worm!"

I was taken aback - Benny never said anything like that to me. What was going on here? I brought myself up to my full height and looked him defiantly in the eyes (or I would have, except that I couldn't see through his expensive sunglasses): "You'll never break me!"

"If you're good, I'll punish you more!"

"Oh, Benny, you minx!" I screamed with delight, forgetting that this man obviously wasn't Benny. Even more obviously, he was the guy who had been stalking me all through Las Venturas on my drive home. And now I think I knew what he wanted.

"I'm not Benny, I'm Carl," he said, quietly, "Benny couldn't make it. He had urgent business out of town. He sold you to me, just like that."

"He wouldn't..."

"He did."

Word for word, based on events in a computer game. Hence the rather odd dialogue... I decided to write the story from the computer game and continue it myself... but never got around to continuing it!


I moaned, squirming in my bonds, as someone's tongue penetrated my most intimate private parts. I didn't know whose tongue it was, but at that moment I didn't care. My mind was still groggy from sleep, and I was beginning to realise that there are few better ways to wake up in the morning...

The mystery tongue withdrew a little way, so that the tongue's owner could concentrate on teasing my clitoris... I could tell that my clitoris at that particular moment in time was a very easy target, and I writhed all the more...

I looked down the length of the bed, but the mysterious person who was pleasuring me remained hidden beneath the duvet. I pulled at my bonds, not wanting to escape but wanting to check that I was secure, and closed my eyes again. I was tied spreadeagled on my back, my wrists and ankles pulled far apart since I was on a king-size bed.

This was the life.

Hands gripped my thighs as the tongue pushed deep inside me, and I found myself responding involuntarily to the stimulation... my back arched, and I remember very little else except for the wonderful sensation of pure pleasure and the distant sound of waves washing on the beach...

Once upon a time, I might have been concerned about waking up in such a situation... particularly not knowing who was pleasuring me. These days, however, I wake up every morning tied and pleasured by a different person. As a very heavy sleeper, it takes quite a lot to wake me... but licking my clit will generally do it. It all started a year ago, when Pauline and I came into possession of a large house... and we had the wonderful idea of starting a commune. A small community of women, dedicated to bondage.

The owner of the tongue threw the duvet aside, and I recognised the young blonde-haired woman known as Honey. She smiled at me, her expression one of coy innocence... as she licked her lips...

"Good morning, Laura!" she beamed, placing her hands either side of my waist as she knelt between my spread thighs.

"Good morning to you too, Honey," I responded, my voice a little shaky since I was still recovering from the intense orgasms.

What a wonderful way to wake up. This bondage community, of which I am the leader and Pauline is my right hand, sounds like a great way of life. The story continues... I get up, get dressed in something fetishy, go down for breakfast (served by a young woman chained in the kitchen), then go for a walk around the grounds. I find Pauline at the stables, watching the pony-girls being exercised in the field. Pauline mentions that there is another recruit waiting outside the front door (a little bit like the Fight Club recruitment system, perhaps) and I go to examine her. The new recruit is sitting on the doorstep patiently. I decide to spend the rest of the day assessing her suitability to join the commune...

It culminates in myself and Pauline playing with each other while the new recruit watches, bound, helpless... and we have the remote controls for various vibrating devices about her person which we decide to use on occasion. But then we let the recruit tie us up and play with us... not realising that she is working for the local dominant male commune (a Dommune, if you will) who then invade and capture us all...

And that's all, folks. Thankyou so much for reading my website, and for voting for me in the Signy Awards. If there are any stories that you really want to see sequels for... you can always write your own versions, and submit them to Gagged Utopia or Gromet's Plaza. Perhaps the stories I've listed here aren't so good... that's why I never finished them. But I still have plenty of ideas, and some other stories that haven't been finished that I think still have potential.

I just need a holiday. I might return with a passion for writing many more bondage stories. But, for now, I'm signing off...


Laura x