"The coast is clear," Jeff grinned.

Sarah returned his grin, and knew exactly what he meant. They had stopped their meander through the park by a recently-painted fence overlooking a large pond populated by mallards and moorhens - but that wasn't the main reason why Jeff had brought a camera with him. As he took the cap off the lens and stepped back, Sarah quickly whipped off her coat and draped it over a low-hanging branch before walking back to the fence and posing in front of it.

She was tall in her six-inch heels, well-proportioned but slim, with curly red hair that tumbled to her shoulders like a copper-tinted waterfall. Nestled inside her six-inch heels, her small feet were encased in fishnet stockings, held up by suspenders attached to a black lacy suspender belt. A tiny black g-string, more mesh than substance, matched the bra that was fighting a losing battle against her 36D breasts. The last part of her outfit was a small, Victorian-style choker that encircled the pale flesh of her neck.

She went through a quick series of sexy poses in her very revealing underwear, showing off her pale curves for Jeff's camera. And all the time, he spoke words of encouragement, urging her to experiment with new and sexier positions. And then, out of the corner of her eye, she saw a pair of elderly American tourists approaching.

"Uh-oh!" she smiled, winking at the camera.

She dashed for her coat, as yet unseen by the tourists, while Jeff continued to snap exposure after exposure of her. She quickly pulled it from the branch and over her shoulders before she took a deep breath to calm herself, checked that the tourists hadn't seen her running around in her underwear, and walked to Jeff's side.

"I don't know why you're in such a hurry to hide yourself," Jeff smiled, putting an arm around her shoulder, "Your body is certainly something to write home about."

"Hey, you may be an exhibitionist but I'm not... I don't want to be caught out here in my undies!"

"Oh, you do really..." he winked, trying to open her coat as the tourists approached.

They giggled together as she fought him off, and they tried to regain their composure and look normal as the tourists passed and glanced at them disapprovingly, before breaking down into hysterics. Moments later, the path was clear again and they had found a new location for their photographic fun - the shade of a huge weeping willow tree.

"This time," Jeff said, "I want you to be topless."

"You what?"

"You heard me - give me your bra."

"No way! Being out here in my underwear is bad enough... you don't want me to bare even more of myself, do you?"

"Of course I do - I'm a man! And think of the results..."

"Well, yeah..."

"Plus I'll buy you that corset you've had your eye on for the last month..."

That was all the persuasion she needed - within seconds, her coat and bra were draped over Jeff's arm as he backed away, his camera shutter snapping as she posed topless against the trunk of the tree. She leaned against it, the old bark rough against the smooth skin of her buttocks, and stretched her hands up towards the lower branches. She imagined herself tied like that, unable to move, unable to hide when the next passersby passed them by... unable to cover herself, unable to protect herself from their curious eyes, feeling even more naked under their gaze...

"Sarah! Quick! Someone's coming!"

She opened her eyes, and saw to her horror that a small group had just rounded the corner of the path - if she didn't act quickly, she would be seen. She looked to Jeff, but he was standing too far away - she had to hide. A nearby bush offered the only solution so she ran as fast as her heels allowed, her hands covering her naked breasts as she dived into the undergrowth. She parted some leaves so she could peer back onto the path and see when the coast cleared, but her attention was taken by Jeff, leaning against a sign, chuckling to himself.

"Bastard!" she grinned to herself - it reminded her of how they had first met.

It had been on a beach on the South coast, while she was on holiday with a group of friends. After an entire day of nagging her, they had finally convinced her to sunbathe without her bikini top. She had been laying on her tummy, happily snoozing as the hot sun warmed her bare back, when she had become aware of someone watching at her, and the sound of panting. Opening her eyes, she had found herself looking into the face of a golden retriever. It had barked at her before it scooped up her bikini top in its mouth and pranced away towards the sand dunes.

With one hand covering her naked breasts, she had jumped to her feet and yelled after it before giving chase... and she had come face to face with its owner, Jeff. And after a brief moment of embarrassment, they clicked... But she had always had the nagging thought that he had trained his dog to steal bikini tops...

She had been so scared of revealing herself on that beach but now, here she was, half naked and hiding in a bush whilst a group of schoolchildren wandered past, pointing and aaahing at the sights. And if just one of them happened to notice her... she couldn't even think of the consequences. Instead, she slowly let the leaves cover her as she retreated further into the undergrowth and waited.

"Sarah? The coast's clear again!"

Her thoughts were interrupted by Jeff's call, and she emerged from the bush to see him grinning from ear to ear and eagerly taking picture after picture of her. She stalked towards him, grabbed the coat off his arm and covered herself... trying to look annoyed, but secretly she had enjoyed her brief flirt with danger.

"Where's my bra?"

"You won't be needing that."

"I've had enough - that was too close. Perhaps it's time to call it a day..?"

"After one more shoot - I've brought some of your favourite toys along."

Her eyes lit up when he mentioned her toys: "Ooh, what? What have you brought?"

"Let's find somewhere to go take some more pictures," he grinned, leading the way along the path where the party of schoolchildren had appeared from.

They soon found a nice secluded spot - a small clearing in one of the more foresty parts of the park. Jeff put his bag on the floor while Sarah took off her coat, revealing her gorgeous curves to the flora and fauna present. She folded her coat neatly and gave it to Jeff, before having a good look at the toys he had brought with him. As he helped her into them, she thought back to her first time in bondage...

It had been during a photo session in a hotel room - she had been modelling a very tight rubber catsuit for his eager, snap-happy camera when he had suggested trying something a little different. He had produced some white ropes and had proceeded to tie her wrists together behind her back, an act which made her giggle from the absurdity of the situation as well as get rather excited. But it was when he had tied her elbows together that things took a turn for the ridiculous, since her new posture (sitting up straight, chest thrust out in front of her) gave the zip at the front of her catsuit a life of its own - it had decided to head south, and no matter how much she wriggled she couldn't stop her bare breasts from springing forth. He had grinned and snapped a few pictures, while she had struggled in vain to re-clothe herself - but her struggles had only served to provide more entertainment. After much begging and pleading on her part, he had finally relented and agreed to re-fasten her catsuit... only it had proved slightly more difficult a task than he had anticipated. Her bulging breasts had resisted all of his attempts to tuck them back inside the catsuit, and with the constant attention her nipples had just got harder and harder, until they had both ended up rolling around on the bed in hysterics.

"How does that feel?" Jeff asked.

"Mmmmph," Sarah replied, her speech muffled by the ballgag between her lips.

As well as the gag, her bondage consisted of black tape keeping her forearms securely together behind her back in a hammerlock with her hands almost reaching her choker - he had closed her hands into fists and wrapped tape around them, adding to her helplessness. The position meant that she had to stay upright, and made her feel very vulnerable since she could do nothing to cover her naked breasts. As if reading her mind, Jeff produced a pair of nipple clamps from his bag - heavy duty ones, with small weights hanging from them. She moaned very loudly into her gag as he fondled her breasts, licked them, sucked them and bit them to get her nipples hard... and then he attached the clamps, and she all but screamed! She wriggled, writhed, squirmed and struggled in her bonds as she tried to release her hands so she could release her nipples, but all her movement did was cause the weights to bounce around and add to her pain... and Jeff's camera just kept on clicking and whirring as he captured her torment.

And then he stopped, kneeling down to grab her coat and wrap it around her shoulders before quickly removing the ballgag from her lips.

"What is it?" she asked.

"Someone coming," Jeff smiled.

"Thanks," Sarah grinned, leaning forward to kiss him on the cheek.

She was a little surprised when he grabbed her hips and planted a firm kiss on her lips. She melted instantly in his arms, returning his kiss with passion, ignoring whoever it was that was approaching them along the path. And then his hands moved inside the coat and began to tug on the nipple weights, his mouth capturing the moans from her lips. She wondered what sort of a scene they were presenting the passerby, but it probably looked quite innocent... His hands went further inside her coat, feeling up her back to where her forearms were securely taped together, and he checked that the bonds were still holding. She felt so deliciously, perviliciously helpless there as his fingers stroked her soft, bare skin underneath her coat, moving slowly down her back to her buttocks. He gripped her ass, stroking her suspenders as he planted another kiss on her lips, this time his tongue pushing into her mouth.

Out of the corner of her eye, she could see that the passerby, an elderly woman, was watching the two of them intently... but she could do nothing to control the situation. He stroked the top of her stockings, his fingers moving towards her inner thighs, which parted automatically for him... one finger stroked the fine mesh g-string between her legs, and a soft moan escaped her lips. His other hand moved around to her tummy and played with her naked breasts, tugging occasionally at the weights, and her moans became more frequent and louder, and she forgot about the spectator. And when his fingers tugged her g-string to one side, she closed her eyes tight and...

"You two should be ashamed!" the old lady said firmly, pulling them apart - and as Sarah staggered back, her coat swished open briefly to reveal the sexy briefness of her clothing... the old lady gasped, and walked quickly away.

And Jeff and Sarah burst into hysterical laughter, which only tormented Sarah's poor nipples more as she couldn't stop shaking with laughter, and couldn't stop the little weights bouncing on the end of the clamps. Her laughter didn't even subside when Jeff pulled the ballgag back into her mouth again, and removed her coat.

"Just a few more pictures," he grinned, getting his camera out again.

Sarah posed in the shade of an old oak tree, surreptitiously trying to free her arms so she could remove those annoying weights from her breasts. And then she saw something that she definitely didn't want to - a park security guard, approaching them. He hadn't seen them yet, but he was walking quickly in their direction. She mmmphed as loud as she could into the gag to warn Jeff, but he didn't take the hint and just carried on snapping away. Sarah decided to take the initiative, and dashed for the bushes, leaving Jeff standing there, wondering what she was up to.

And then he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Young man, I've had a complaint about you causing a disturbance, and some public indecency. If you would care to accompany me..."

"But, but, I'm waiting for my girlfriend."

"You're coming with me now."

"Then she'll just have to meet me at the car, then."

Sarah watched them go, from the safety of the undergrowth. Now what was she going to do? She was sitting in a bush, wearing just a tiny mesh g-string, a choker, stockings, suspenders and heels... her hands were taped behind her back in a hammerlock... her mouth was securely gagged... and little weights were hanging from her nipples. She was helpless, and alone... and very horny. And then she noticed a large, old root, poking out of the ground in front of where she was kneeling... if she could just inch forward... and there it was, pressing between her legs against her waiting moistness, its rough bark tearing her meshy g-string to shreds as she rubbed herself against it, slowly at first, moaning softly into her gag, trying to open her bound fists as she felt herself getting closer and closer to the climax... a long, low, loud groan into the gag signified her reaching that wonderful place, and she relaxed, panting, satisfied.

She stood up on her six inch heels and peered past the trees at the path - there was no sign of Jeff. So what should she do? Meet him at the car - that's what he had said as he was led away. So that's what she would do. She turned, and headed deeper into the forested part of the park, making a beeline for the carpark. Her journey was rather uneventful - somehow, she managed to avoid falling over in her ridiculously unsuitable shoes and somehow she managed to avoid being seen by anyone (particularly when she had to dash across well-trodden paths).

And she eventually arrived at the edge of the carpark, just staying inside the treeline. She had to wait for Jeff to appear... and he could be hours. And hours in those nipple clamps was going to be hell. She decided to remove them. She had a quick scan around her surroundings, and saw just what she was looking for - a low branch coming out of the trunk of a tree at a tight angle. She approached it, smiling through her gag as she began to sway back and forth, the weights hanging from her nipples swinging like twin pendulums. Then, with a quick flick, she managed to swing them up and over, landing the weights on the fork between branch and tree. She pulled backwards, and the weights caught, and the chains went taut. Now, it was just a matter of pulling backwards even harder until the clamps came off her nipples. Easy. Or so she thought...

She groaned into the gag as the pain became too much from her continued pulling, as her breasts and nipples got stretched to their limits. She admitted that she'd had better plans in the past... and then she froze, when she heard a voice.

"Spot! Where are you?"

She glanced towards the carpark to see a young family, obviously looking for their dog. And then a panting sound behind her made her fear the worst. She stepped to the side, away from the alsatian that was looking at her inquisitively, only able to walk in a small semicircle because of the chains attaching her nipples to the tree. She tried to say something calming, but it came out muffled. She'd never been a fan of dogs, and this one was now walking towards her purposefully. She could feel the thrill of the adrenaline in her blood, but was ready for neither fight nor flight. She was helpless, and the dog knew it. It looked at her again, whined, and dashed away into the carpark. And she sighed with relief.

And then she saw Jeff, standing by his car, obviously waiting for her. But she couldn't attract his attention, for fear of attracting the attention of the family. She had to wait for them to go before she risked breaking from the cover of the trees and rushing, in all her bound, almost-naked glory, to his side.

"Where've you been?" he asked, "I've been worried sick! Oh, never mind, you're here now. Let's go home."

She smiled, and nodded her agreement as he opened the passenger door for her and fastened the seatbelt around her once she was in. With her arms still bound, she was utterly helpless once again... and very happy too. She wanted him to remove her gag, so she could tell him all about her adventures alone and bound in the park, but he didn't. He climbed into the drivers seat and turned to her.

"I'm glad you encouraged me to buy an automatic..." he winked.

And, with one hand on the wheel and the other hand between her legs, he started the long (and very pleasurable) drive home.