"Truth or dare?" Pauline asked, grinning mischieviously.

I smiled to myself, knowing it was a leading question. I turned my attention away from her and looked out of the window - we were on one of the higher floors of the hotel, and could see over the buildings across the road to a spectacular view of the city which included the Eiffel Tower. Or, at least it would be a spectacular view if it wasn't obscured by torrential rain. How dare the weather be so awful while we were on holiday? Sitting bored in our hotel room, we had already exhausted the card games we knew, had eye-spied every object in the room and it was too early to get drunk enough to glean maximum enjoyment from playing Pin The Tail On The Donkey with a butt plug...

"Dare," I replied, entering into the true spirit of the game.

"Okay," she said, "I dare you to stand naked in front of the window and give the city of Paris something to talk about."

I raised a well-plucked eyebrow. "Naked?"

"Well, I might let you wear a pair of handcuffs..."

"No, no, that's quite alright," I said, hurriedly, stripping off my clothes before she added to the dare.

As I pulled off my underwear, sitting on the edge of the double bed, Pauline just lay on a pillow and watched me. Covering myself up as best I could, I walked over to the window and had a look outside.

"Do you call that naked?" she asked.

"I'm not wearing any clothes..."

"Don't get smart with me. You're covering yourself up!"

"Okay, okay," I said, stretching my arms above my head and posing for the outside world, "How's this?"

"Much better!"

The windows were not double-glazed, and I could feel a very faint breeze playing over my naked flesh. Peering outside, I couldn't see anyone who had noticed me. Perhaps a rain-soaked tourist at the top of the Eiffel Tower was looking over in my direction with a pair of binoculars. I gave a little wave just in case. And that was the limit of my bravery - I quickly drew the curtains closed and breathed a sigh of relief.

"How was that?" I asked.

"I'll accept it..." Pauline murmured, her eyes never leaving my body.

"Your turn - truth or dare?"

"Dare!" she responded, immediately.

"Okay. Here's some money," I said, dropping some coins in her hand, "Go and get me a Coke from the vending machine in the corridor."

"That doesn't sound too difficult."



It was her turn to strip. Soon, she was standing before me in just her tight jeans and boots, one hand at her side clutching the money and the electronic keycard to our room, the other across her tanned chest. I wrapped a towel around myself and watched her nervously checking up and down the corridor before she stepped out. I caught the door before it closed behind her, and peeked out into the corridor to watch her progress. She trotted as fast as she could, her blonde hair (currently in a pony tail) bouncing up and down above her tanned back. Once she had disappeared from sight, I closed the door and sat down on the bed. At the rate she was going, she would only be a couple of minutes. I decided to give her something to come back to.

I dumped my towel on the floor and had a quick search through my suitcase for the items I needed - a ballgag, a blindfold and a couple of short lengths of rope. I climbed onto the bed and quickly tied my wrists together in a cinch knot, gripping the rope with my teeth to tighten it. Then, I quickly pulled the ballgag into my mouth, fastening it behind my head, and pulled the blindfold down over my eyes. I curled up into a ball and pushed my feet through the loop made by my arms, so that my wrists were bound together behind my knees. I felt around for the last piece of rope and used it to tie my ankles together tightly, looping the loose ends of rope around the rope around my wrists and tying them off at my ankles. Then it was simply a case of rolling onto my side, letting my knees stretch out towards the bottom of the bed and wriggling onto my tummy... and there I was, fully hogtied, gagged and blindfolded in no time at all!

I struggled a little, testing my bonds, shifting my position to get more comfortable, enjoying the sensation of my breasts crushed under me, moaning softly into my gag as I tried in vain to reach between my legs for some more stimulation... my nipples were hard already, and I could tell that I was drooling out of the gag as I moaned and writhed, bound naked on the bed. I hoped Pauline would be getting back soon, since I was feeling really horny.

I wonder how long I've been laying here? I wondered to myself a few minutes later, Surely Pauline should have been back by now.

But she wasn't back. I wondered what could have happened to her. Perhaps she had run into some hotel manager who had been so shocked at her nudity he had dragged her down to the local gendarme... and she was trapped in a cell, her hands cuffed behind her back, still naked, unable to cover her modesty. I was grinding as best as I could into the bed now, feeling even hornier than I had been earlier, but was nowhere near getting that much-coveted orgasm... What if a maid came into the room before Pauline returned? What would a cute little French maid in an abbreviated black dress and fishnet stockings do with little ol' helpless me, trapped on the bed, bound by my own hand? Would she stay to explore..? Or would she run away and tell her friends, inviting them all to come regardez the silly helpless English girl?

I heard the click of the door unlocking, and the creak of it opening. I turned my head towards the noise, wondering if Pauline had returned, or whether a real maid had found me... but there was no indication of either. I felt the mattress dip as someone sat on the bed next to me, and a soft hand rubbed my thigh.

"Mmmph?" I asked.

"You'll never guess what just happened to me," came Pauline's voice, next to my ear.

I tried to form a coherent guess, but it came out muffled by the gag.

"Not even close," she said, slapping my bum, making me jump, "Let me give you a clue."

She rolled me onto my side, and I felt her laying on the bed in front of me. She stroked my hair with one hand before parting my legs with the other, and I felt her silky thighs gliding between mine. And then I felt something I hadn't expected to feel... and it was accompanied by a low buzzing sound, as she pushed the huge strap-on vibrator against my already-wet labia... I mumbled into the gag, struggling a little harder, since this vibrator felt larger than anything in our collection. A simple thrust of her hips pushed the tip of it inside me and I groaned, the low vibrations penetrating me ahead of the actual dildo...

"I did your dare," she said, "just as you asked. Didn't see anyone on the way there or the way back, but you hadn't given me enough money for the vending machine anyway..."

I moaned as she thrust again. I hadn't given her enough money on purpose, just so that when she returned she'd have to go back out into the corridor again, topless. The huge vibrator penetrated me further, and I felt her soft kiss on my gagged lips - I wriggled, pulling against my bonds, but my knot techniques were too good.

"So, I rushed back to our room but... somehow... I got lost and went in the wrong door. Somehow, our electronic keycard opened the door to another room. I realised my mistake immediately, but decided to have a quick look... you know... just to see..."

She pushed the huge vibrator further into me, and the sensation of it filling me completely was overwhelming. She began to move back and forth, pushing it further into me in little, gentle thrusts, and I began to grind against it, riding it, barely listening to what she was saying.

"The wardrobe in this room... wow. You'd love it. The kinkiest clothes, the most extreme toys. You've got to see it! It's where I got this little friend from..."

She finished her sentence with a harder thrust, and it was enough to drive me over the edge... I tensed, pulling hard at my bonds as I felt the waves of orgasm wash over me, and I relaxed... Pauline withdrew, and busied herself with untying me. Once I was free, I removed the gag and pulled the blindfold from my eyes.

"Wow," was all I could say when I saw what she was wearing.

It was a black leather harness, which started with a studded collar around her neck and criss-crossed all the way down to her crotch. The huge, black vibrating dildo was part of the harness - she reached down and flicked a switch, turning it off. Where the leather harness encircled her breasts, it was a little small and so pinched at the base of her 36D assets, making them bulge slightly.

"What do you think?" she asked, standing up and giving me a twirl, looking half sexy and half comical with that enormous black dildo sticking out in front of her.

"Gorgeous," I grinned, "but you do know you're going to have to return it..."

"Of course," she said, picking up the long overcoat she had worn to travel from the other room to ours without raising too much suspicion from anyone she happened to meet, "but come with and have a look at the other toys."

I couldn't resist the temptation... putting on a similar coat, I followed her out into the corridor. The room was only a couple of doors away from ours, and looked very similar... except for the open wardrobe packed full of kinky bondage gear!

"Wow," I said again, my astonishment temporarily disabling my imagination.

"I've already picked out something for you to wear," Pauline said slyly, reaching inside the wardrobe, "What do you think?"

It was a black metal collar, with a short metal pole protruding from either side. Both poles ended with a wrist cuff. I smiled at her - it looked perfect. I slipped off my coat and stood naked before her. As she moved behind me, I gathered my hair away from my neck and allowed her to snap the collar in place - it felt cold against my bare flesh, and a little heavier than I had expected. I looked to the side and pushed my hand up through the wrist cuff, and Pauline fastened it tightly around my wrist before doing the same on the other side. And there I was, helpless... horny...

"Mmmmm, my defenceless little prisoner," she purred, her breath playing over my naked shoulders before her fingers traced a route down my back.

I tried not to giggle (I am very ticklish). And then her hands were on my hips and she pulled me close, the monster dildo pressing between my buttocks, her fingers moving up to play with my breasts... I moaned as she pinched my hard nipples, I groaned as I felt her lips on my neck, I pushed back against her as she thrust the strap-on against my bum.

And then we heard a noise outside the room - the noise of someone scrabbling about in their handbag for the keycard to their hotel room.

"Someone's coming in!" I hissed.

"Quick, under the bed!" Pauline replied.

Despite my bondage, I somehow managed to dive under the bed and wriggle out of sight. I looked around to see Pauline's feet dash one way, then the other, before she opened the cupboard underneath the television and dived inside, letting it click shut behind her. And then the person whose room we had invaded entered...

All I saw of her was her boots. They were black leather with stiletto heels, but from where I was laying I couldn't tell how high they went. She paced around the room, obviously looking for something. I wondered what she'd do if she found me - I imagined a pair of strong hands gripping my ankles and pulling me from under the bed... She opened the wardrobe and took something out. I discreetly tried to move my hands around in their bonds, trying to release myself from the contraption Pauline had put me in, but there was no escape. I was trapped. And then our unknown, unknowing hostess left... And I finally let myself breathe again!

I wriggled out from under the bed.

"It's alright," I said to the cupboard, "You can come out now."

"If only it was that simple!" Pauline replied, banging on the cupboard door.

It was then that I realised that the cupboard wasn't designed to be opened from the inside! I knelt beside it and manouevred one of my bound hands to turn the handle and release my captor...

"Thanks," Pauline said as she climbed out, completely failing to maintain her dignity, "now, where were we?"

"It's too dangerous here," I replied, watching her get to her feet, "Can we go play in our room? Less chance of getting caught..."

"I thought you liked the idea of being caught..." Pauline grinned, wickedly.

"I like the idea of being caught," I replied, but was interrupted by Pauline's hand going down between my legs - bound as I was, I couldn't do anything to stop her playing roughly with my pussy.

"You're soaking wet! I thought as much..."

I didn't reply. I was too busy enjoying the feeling of her fingers rubbing my labia and clit. I ground myself against her hand, riding her fingers as I stood there, eyes tight shut, and groaned in frustration when she pulled her hand away. I opened my mouth to protest and Pauline took the opportunity to place a bit between my teeth - she fastened the gag behind my head and stood back, grinning evilly.

"Anyway," she said, "we still have an unfinished game of Truth Or Dare to play. I believe it's your turn. Truth or Dare?"


"Dare it is then. Here's the keycard to our room. I'm sure you know what to do."


"Don't complain," she smiled, her hands on my bare ass as she gently guided me to the door, "or I'll make you do it blindfolded."

And, with that, she pushed me out into the corridor, and locked the door behind me. And there I was, standing naked in the hotel corridor, unable to cover myself, gagged, helpless, vulnerable, horny. I looked left and right, pleased that there was no-one in sight, and quickly jogged to our room, enjoying the sensation of my breasts jiggling free as I moved - at least part of me could enjoy this limited sense of freedom, anyway. Once at the door, it was simply a case of kneeling naked in front of the door, reaching around with one bound hand, accidentally bashing the wrist cuff against the doorframe, dropping the keycard and watching it slide under the door...

"Mmmmph!" I swore, getting down onto all fours (well, knees and nipples, anyway) to look underneath the door.

It hadn't slid far. I slid a finger tentatively under the door and managed to pull the card back towards me with my fingernail. It was then that I heard the ding of a lift arriving nearby... I quickly got back on my knees, slid the keycard through the reader, turned the handle and pushed into our room, closing and locking the door behind me and sighing with relief!


Who was that? Who was knocking at our door? Had someone seen me as I dashed into the room? Had someone caught sight of my naked body, my bonds? And what were their intentions?

"Room service!" called a female voice from outside the door.

I smiled with relief, since I recognised Pauline's badly-disguised voice. I bent down and opened the door. She was wearing a coat once again, but took it off once the door was closed behind her.

"Wow!" she grinned, clearly excited - I guessed that she'd been spying on my ordeal in the corridor, "We have to do this more often!"

"Hmmmmm," I murmured, disapprovingly... despite my arousal... and turned my attention to admiring her beautiful body - she had lost much of her summer tan, and her pale skin contrasted wonderfully with the black leather harness she was still wearing... and I think she had grown rather attached to the huge strap-on dildo which protruded from the front, the way she was idly rubbing it and looking at me!

"I want you," she grinned, walking past me and climbing onto our bed, "right now."

She laid on her back, on the bed, and the huge phallus stuck straight up in the air. It was an invitation I couldn't refuse, a temptation I couldn't resist. I climbed onto the bed and straddled her, on my knees, facing her, moving until I felt the tip of the dildo pressing against my moist labia. Pauline smiled up at me and placed her hands on my hips, guiding me down onto the strap-on vibrator, and I was acutely aware of it moving deeper and deeper inside me until it could go no further, and I was sitting down on Pauline's lap. She reached to either side, to the two short lengths of rope I had discarded earlier, and tied a cinch knot between each ankle and thigh (a frogtie). And then I realised what her plan was... with my ankles tied to my thighs, I couldn't get up on my knees, and I couldn't remove myself from the vibrator. I was stuck!

Pauline put a hand on each of my bare hips and smiled up at me, raising an eyebrow in a mischievious fashion, as she reached down and flicked the vibrator onto full power. I jumped as the huge beast that was filling me sprung into life, and I could do nothing but ride it out... I could feel the vibrations filling my entire, bound body and already I could feel drool running down my chin and dripping onto my breasts as I writhed and squirmed on the monster dildo. Pauline hadn't moved a muscle, she was just laying there watching me enjoy myself. She stretched her arms up to the vertical bars on the bed and I wished for a moment that she could handcuff herself, spreadeagled, while I was tied sitting on her, writhing with pleasure... but she didn't have any handcuffs, and when I felt her hands roam my naked breasts with their hard, erect nipples I was glad.

I was groaning loudly into my gag now, bucking and riding the vibrator, my breasts being kneaded by Pauline's expert hands, my own hands opening and closing as I tried to struggle free from my bonds, my sex absolutely soaking wet with the juices of my pleasure, bathing in Pauline's loving smile as she looked up at me. And then I could feel the fast approach of orgasm, as I rode up and down on that huge black shaft... I closed my eyes tight, tensing... and then opened them, looking up to the ceiling, moaning and groaning into the gag... and then it came, I came... and it seemed to last forever and a day...

"Satisfied?" Pauline asked, a wry grin on her red lips.

I slowly bent over forwards, still very aware of the big vibrating dildo filling my pussy, and she caught my breasts, lowering me gently onto her chest. Then we kissed... or, at least, she kissed my bit gag and I did my best not to get drool all over her face. She moved me over to the side and gently withdrew the vibrator from me. I was happy to close my eyes as she removed the gag from my lips and lay on my back with my knees in the air, bathing in that post-coital afterglow.

"Can you help me with this?" Pauline asked.

I opened my eyes to see her sitting on the edge of the bed, holding her hair out of the way so I could see the clasp at the back of her neck. I smiled when I saw a keyhole.

"Don't you have a key?" I asked, cheekily.

"Err, no..." she replied, looking a little worried.

I smiled - the thought of her stuck in that leather harness was very sexy. Although I don't know if I fancied having a dildo quite that huge as a permanent addition to our arsenal of sex toys... and it would certainly raise some eyebrows since it would be clearly visible under anything she wore.

"You'd better go find it," I said, feeling more in control even though I was the one who was bound helpless, "before the owner misses her leather harness."

"Correction: you'd better go find it."

"Me? Why me?"

"This vibrator is very well-lubricated now. Guess where I'm going to stick it next..."

As soon as I heard those words, I hurriedly hopped off the bed, peeked out into the corridor and quickly sprinted to the other room. It was only when I got there that I realised that I had forgotten the keycard... Pauline was behind me, though, wearing her coat again and brandishing the keycard with a cheeky grin. I took it off her, knelt and opened the door.

"Where do you think the key is?" I asked.

"I don't care," Pauline grinned, staring at my ass, "I want you again."

"Again?" I asked, still barely recovered from the last orgasm...

"Again," Pauline smiled, guiding me around the bed and bending me over it. I could do nothing to stop her pressing the huge tip of the dildo against my puckered hole... "Do you want this?"


"You're going to get it anyway..."

And with that, I felt her push... thrust... that monster into my tight little ass. I arched my back, spreading my legs, moaning loudly as I took it in, inch by thrusting inch... and then the door opened in front of us, and the owner of the toys we were using entered the room. She was tall and stern-looking, with raven-black hair, wearing a long overcoat and the boots I had seen earlier, from under the bed. We froze.

"Hi," she said, tentatively, looking us up and down.

"Hi," Pauline said, sheepishly.

"Hi," I said, blushing profusely.

And then there was an awkward silence. Pauline was still frozen to the spot, and I was still bent over the bed, bound helpless, with a huge dildo in my ass. I couldn't move, and had to wait for Pauline to recover her composure. Eventually she did, and she reached forward, and the uncomfortable silence was defused by the sound of the vibrator buzzing into life...