It's Not All Work, Work, Work!

It was late on Friday afternoon, and I was bored. Only a few people remained in the office, and none of them had said anything to me in hours. I had whiled away the majority of the afternoon online, chatting in my favourite chatroom with men and women from all over the world about my favourite subject... and it had made me really horny.

I decided that it was time for action. I would bind myself to my chair in such a way that it wouldn't affect my work, and anyone coming in wouldn't be able to see that I was bound. The very thought of being bound at work made me feel even hornier. I stood up and headed for the toilets, picking up my handbag and a small roll of tape on the way. I smiled at a few people I recognised as I passed them, trying not to look too eager. Once in the toilets, I locked myself in a cubicle and set to work.

Pic by lalverson - of all, I unbuttoned my white blouse and took it off. I removed my white satin bra and put it in my handbag, and tried to think of neutral thoughts to stop my nipples getting too hard as I made a little cross of tape over each. I hoped that the tape would stop them poking through my blouse once I was back at my desk. I experimented briefly with cupping my breasts in my hands and squeezing them a little, and felt my nipples hardening and straining against the tape. Good. I put my blouse back on and buttoned it not quite all the way to my neck.

Next, I slipped off my heels and reached under my skirt to pull down first my tights and then my panties - they were a little moist already from my arousal. I put my tights and panties in my handbag before slipping my heels back on. I was ready for the next stage of the plan. I flushed the toilet and headed back out into the workplace.

Once back at my desk, I had a quick look to see if anyone was around before standing in front of my swivel chair and steadying myself on the desk. I lifted my right leg and put it through the unbroken loop formed by the armrest and the seat, and then did the same with my left leg, so I was standing in the chair with my legs spread wide. I then hiked my skirt up a little and slid down to a seated position, very similar to how I normally sat at my desk... but, now, my legs were spread wide by the chair and the only way to bring them together would involve standing up again.

I opened the top drawer of my desk and took out the pile of folders inside - underneath was my pair of emergency handcuffs (kept for such situations as this, although I hadn't used them at work before). I left the handcuff key in the drawer, but took the handcuffs - I reached down behind me and found my ankles. I closed one cuff around my right ankle, made sure the chain was behind the chair's central column, and closed the other cuff around my other ankle. There... trapped. I put my handbag inside the drawer on top of the handcuff key and then closed the drawer and locked it. I gripped the desk and pulled my chair closer and smiled to myself. I was feeling so horny now... I just wanted to play with myself. My wide open pussy was soaking now and marking the chair but I didn't care. I told myself that if I got all the work done that I needed to do that afternoon, I would give myself an extra special reward.


I jumped. I hadn't noticed Josh, the boss' son, enter my little sub-office.

"Hi, Josh," I smiled, hoping that he hadn't seen anything he shouldn't.

"Is Dad in?" he asked, leaning on my desk, completely unaware of my moist pussy held wide open by my bondage within a metre of him.

"I'm afraid he's gone home," I said, "is there anything I can help you with?"

I seriously hoped that he'd respond in the negative, since I wasn't in much of a position to help him. I hadn't actually expected anyone to talk to me for the rest of the afternoon. Perhaps I'd gone too far this time...

"Actually," he said, "I was wondering if you'd like to come out for a drink."

"I'm sorry, Josh," I smiled, "I'm a bit tied up with work at the moment. Maybe another time?"

"Sure," he grinned, "I've got to be going - I'll see you around, okay?"

"See you," I said, watching him leave.

My heart was thumping, my body was filled with adrenaline and I was even hornier than ever. What a rush! I pretended to go through the bottom drawer of my desk so I could quickly play with my breasts... ooooohhhhhh, that felt good. One of my hands ventured down between my legs and found my soaking pussy. I gently stroked my clit while I fantasised about what Josh would have done if he had discovered my self-imposed bondage. And then I fantasised about him being underneath my desk, staring at my pussy, kissing my bare thighs... My eyes were firmly on the door of my sub-office as I squirmed in my chair, slowly bringing myself to orgasm, ready to try to look busy if anyone passed by. But no-one did, and a moan escaped my lips as I came.

This was too good.

The light outside was beginning to dim, and I noticed a few people packing their things up to go home for the weekend. Since I couldn't reach the lightswitch from where I was sitting, my little sub-office got darker and darker until the only light came from my PC monitor. I breathed a sigh of relief when I eventually finished the work that I had to do. It was time for that reward. Just as I was thinking about an interesting use for the pen on my desk, I saw a figure at my door.

"Miss Gibson, will you be here much longer?" asked Toby, the security guard.

"Maybe another hour or so?" I smiled.

"Okay, well, everyone else has gone home. Don't get too lonely up here on your own, working in the dark. I'll be back around this area in a couple of hours, so if I don't see you again, have a nice weekend."

"And you, Toby," I replied, and waved as he left.

A couple of hours? That was enough time for me to seriously enjoy myself. I unbuttoned my blouse and carefully took the tape off my nipples. They were hardening with anticipation of what was to come. I reached into my stationary drawer and picked out a couple of bulldog clips, a few elastic bands and a large collection of pens. I picked up my drawer key and unlocked the other drawer to retrieve my panties, handcuff key and the roll of tape I had used earlier. I scrunched up my panties and pushed them down between my legs, rubbing them against my open pussy... letting them soak up my juices before I opened my mouth wide and popped them inside. I savoured the delicious taste for a few seconds before I made some more crosses of tape, but this time they were over my lips, effectively gagging me.

I reached down behind me with the handcuff key and released my ankles from their bondage. They were a little sore, but not too bad. My legs were still forced apart by the chair, and I would still have difficulty releasing myself even without the handcuffs attached. The next step was to wrap the elastic bands around the bundle of pens to keep them tight together... and slowly push them between my legs, filling me completely... I moaned into my panty gag as my widened pussy was stretched further by the intruders. I was feeling very aroused now, and knew that it was only a matter of time before I had a mind-blowing orgasm. I tried to calm myself down, since I was far from finished.

My hands moved back to my breasts and I flicked my nipples a few times to make them even harder before I slowly, gently, delicately placed the bulldog clips on them... Luckily, my loud moans were muffled by the gag! The clips hurt more than I had expected them to, but I didn't care now, I was too close to the end. I grabbed the handcuffs and quickly cuffed my wrists together behind my back. There... finished.

I wriggled. The clips were hurting my poor little nipples more now. I tried to reach around with my cuffed hands to relieve the pain but I couldn't quite reach... as I shifted my position, the pens inside me moved and stimulated me deeper... I moaned into my gag, squirming with pleasure... still trying to reach my aching nipples... the pens shifting inside me as I writhed on my chair... the taste of my previous arousal in my mouth... it was all too much and I came, grinding myself against the pens as I reached that higher place...

I relaxed, high on the ecstacy of orgasm. Well, I relaxed as much as I could with my nipples in such agony. It was time to free myself. I looked to my desk for the key to the handcuffs, and was shocked to find that I couldn't see it. In my rush to bind myself, I hadn't even considered releasing myself. I desperately tried to think back, retracing my steps, trying to work out what I had done with the key after freeing my ankles. And then I remembered - it was in my desk drawer. With my toes on the floor, I slowly wheeled my chair away from the desk and spun myself around so my filled pussy was facing the wall and my hands were next to the drawer . I pulled it open and reached inside. I panicked briefly when I couldn't find the key but then my fingers found it and I moaned with triumph. Careful not to drop it, I undid the handcuffs and removed the bulldog clips. The blood rushed back into my nipples and caused even more pain, but it was mercifully brief.

I removed the soaking stack of pens from my nether regions and the tape and panties from my mouth. It extracted myself from my chair and grinned. It was time to go home but, for the first time in my working life, I was looking forward to returning to work on Monday morning...