"Captain, are you there?" came a voice, crackly over the radio.

I tutted to myself - how come I always got calls when I was in the shower? Luckily, on this particular model of spaceship, I had an intercom in the shower. I pressed the button and the little monitor sprang into life, showing the face of the Admiral. His expression had to change from one of ill temper to one of mild amusement before I realised that he could see me in all my naked glory. Duty overrode modesty, unfortunately, and I quickly stood to attention and saluted.

"I'm here, sir," I said, wishing I could cover up my naked breasts.

"At ease, captain," the Admiral smiled, and I relaxed a little, spreading my legs and clasping my hands behind my back.

"Permission to cover myself up, sir?" I asked, feeling a little uncomfortable beneath his lecherous gaze.

"Permission denied, captain - you haven't got anything that I haven't seen before. Now, to business - Ray of Neptune has been spotted in your district. You're to find him, apprehend him and bring him back to Earth."

Ray of Neptune - the name sounded familiar. I remembered him as a 'collector' of rare marine life. He was wanted on numerous worlds for abducting aquatic creatures and holding them captive in his spacefaring zoo.

"You can count on me, sir," I smiled, saluting again, aware of my breasts jiggling as I moved.

"I knew I could," came the Admiral's reply, his gaze fixed firmly on my chest, "now carry on with what you were doing."

I reached forward to press the intercom button, to terminate the communication, but he shook his head. I sighed... men! He wanted me to continue with my shower while he watched. I smiled to myself - I knew what a powerful distraction my body could be, so it couldn't hurt to practise...

I stepped out of the shower ten minutes later, towelling myself off. I briefly wondered why this age of amazing technology hadn't yet come up with a safe way to dry oneself after showering, but I still found some pleasure in rubbing the soft material all over my body. I walked over to my wardrobe and picked out my uniform - a red skintight catsuit with an integral gun belt and a rather imposing helmet. I quickly donned it and stepped into the cockpit of my spaceship, sitting at the helm with a smile on my face. It was time to catch a criminal.

It didn't take long for my scanners to track Ray of Neptune's ship, the Nautilus, to the sixth planet in the system. Unsurprisingly, it was an ocean world, famed for its huge marine mammals. I plotted the course and the autopilot did the rest of the work. I switched the controls to manual once I had entered the planet's atmosphere, and brought my ship alongside the Nautilus.

"Come in Nautlius," I said into the radio, "the show's over. Ray of Neptune, you're under arrest."

There was no reply. I had to assume that either he was ignoring me, or that he was already in the ocean capturing more exhibits for his zoo. I decided to board the Nautilus and find out for sure. Little did I know that getting into his ship would be a lot easier than getting out...

I stepped up to the airlock and waited for the pressure to equalise before the door opened automatically and let me into his ship. It was massive - but, then, it had to be since it was used for capturing marine giants for his zoo. I found myself in a long, metallic corridor - I drew my gun from its holster at my belt and advanced, slowly. Who knew what surprises were waiting for me? Just then, I heard an alarm - damn! I had been detected already. I had to get to the bridge of his ship to disable it - I broke into a run and, as I rounded a corner, almost collided with a robot sentry. It was taller and wider than a man, and it's prehensile arms curled towards me while a robotic voice spoke in a loud monotone: "Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert!"

I ducked under those writhing arms and jumped backwards, executing a perfect backflip so that I landed on my feet, my gun pointing at my robotic assailant. I fired, and a bolt of energy streaked across the distance between myself and the robot, impacting it squarely in the chest and knocking it over. I grinned to myself and blew the small coil of smoke from the muzzle of my gun. And then disaster struck... a second robot had managed to sneak up behind me, and one of it's flailing arms knocked my gun out of my hands! I had to dodge in the opposite direction, and found myself being forced into a dead-end corridor. The robot steadily advanced, and I wondered if all was lost. And then I saw the air duct...

It was too small for me wearing my bulky gun belt and imposing helmet... so I quickly removed my uniform, throwing it at the robot to distract it while I dived, naked, into the air duct. The prospect of wandering naked through this strange, dangerous ship was not a pleasant one, but at least I was still in with a chance. It was very tight in that air duct and I had to wriggle like crazy to make any progress at all - it was at times like this that I wished I hadn't had those enhancement operations on my breasts and buttocks to please my boyfriend back on Earth. At least I had escaped from the robot.

After what seemed like an hour of crawling through that hot, claustrophobic duct, I eventually came to a vent. I pushed it open and squeezed through the tiny hole... first my shoulders, then my breasts, and then the rest of me. I fell onto the cold, hard, metal floor, panting.

"What do we have here?" came an amused male voice.

I looked up to see Ray of Neptune standing over me, grinning from ear to ear.

"You're under arrest, Ray of Neptune," I said, getting unsteadily to my feet, feeling a little dizzy from the long confinement.

"We'll see about that," Ray of Neptune said, drawing a gun from his belt.

I leapt forward, spinning around so my foot could connect with his gun and knock it across the room. He retaliated with a backhand slap that sent me stumbling. As I regained my feet, he reached to his belt for another weapon, which I recognised as a tapebomb - illegal in all of the known galaxy due to its inherent cruelness. He threw it at my feet and I knew what would happen next - streamers of tape would erupt from it, wind around my head and suffocate me. Not a nice way to go.

I dodged to the side as the streamers erupted from the device but they tracked me and followed me, making a beeline for my face. I could do nothing to defend myself except put my hands over my face, to try to keep some sort of air hole open so that I could breathe. And then I felt the streamers wrap around my head and hands, tighter and tighter, blocking out the light... but not the air.

"What an interesting sight," came Ray of Neptune's voice, slightly muffled since my ears were covered with tape.

And I suppose he was right. I was completely naked, with my hands tightly bound to my face with a roll of tape. I struggled, but couldn't get it loose. I was trapped. He quickly picked me up in a fireman's lift and carried me away, while I struggled furiously and tried to kick him. And all he did was pat my bare buttocks, which further added to my humiliation and helplessness. I wished so much that I was somewhere else...

"Don't struggle too much," he said, "I have such plans for you. You're going to be my little toy to play with whenever I want..."

And then I felt a finger pressed against my naked sex, and I struggled all the harder. And I felt the tape give a little, so I struggled all the harder as he probed my helpless nether regions... and then I was free! I grabbed his gun from his belt and managed to wriggle off his shoulder, backing away, pointing the gun at him, relieved to be free again.

"I wouldn't go that way," he said, grinning.

As I wondered if he was trying to distract me, I stopped abruptly when my bare buttocks contacted cold glass. I looked behind me to see that I had backed into a large, open-topped aquarium which seemed to contain the biggest, meanest octopus I had ever seen... I was very glad that it was on the other side of a big, thick pane of glass. I looked forward again to see Ray of Neptune advancing towards me.

"Halt!" I shouted, aiming the gun at him.

It was then that the octopus reached over the glass and grabbed my wrists with one of its tentacles... I was so surprised that the gun fell from my fingers, and I was yanked up into the air. A second tentacle encircled my waist and I was pulled down into the cold water of the aquarium, face to face with the octopus. I kicked, punched and struggled, fighting my way to the surface so that I could gasp for air.

"Be careful in there! It's mistaken you for a mate!" came Ray of Neptune's voice.

"What does that mean?" I shouted, my voice cut off by a tentacle encircling my neck.

Before I could hear his reply, I was dragged back down into the water. As I struggled, I felt tentacles tightly coiling around each of my wrists and ankles and, then, all of a sudden I was stretched out into a spread-eagle position... I opened my eyes underwater and was faced with this evil octopus, stretching me as far as my limbs would allow... and it had four tentacles spare to do what it liked with me. One of the tentacles wrapped around my chest, squeezing my medically-enhanced breasts, while another tentacle curled around my thigh before gently exploring between my legs... a third tentacle pushed into my ass and, as I open my mouth to scream, a fourth tentacle filled my mouth. I struggled as much as I could, but was completely helpless to do anything as this creature explored every inch of my body...

And then I was promptly released. I quickly thrashed and kicked my way to the surface to get another breath of air.

"It means that he'll mate with you and then eat you!" came Ray of Neptune's reply to my earlier question.

I swore to myself as I felt a tentacle draw my elbows behind my back. The octopus was behind me now, and I felt two more tentacles pulling my thighs apart as far as my body could take. I began to sink to the bottom of the tank with the octopus on my back, and I felt two more tentacles encircle the base of each of my enhanced breasts, squeezing them until they went red. Two more tentacles gripped my feet to stop me kicking and the last tentacle bound my wrists together... I felt slightly relieved - as far as I could count, it had run out of tentacles. And then I felt something pressing against my pussy... and it definitely wasn't a tentacle!

The octopus held me fast as I struggled violently, pushing its 'something' slowly into me, inch by inch... I could do nothing to stop or slow its progress, but that didn't stop me from writhing in its clutches. It spread my legs wider so I could take even more, and I groaned as I was stretched... helpless... by this uncontrollable beast.

And then it withdrew, and released me again. I managed to break the surface just long enough to catch my breath before I was dragged under again - this time, eight tentacles wrapped tightly around my body, mummifying me in a tentacle coccoon, as the body of the octopus floated over my head... and then I felt that certain 'something' pushing against my lips. And I decided that enough was enough. I opened my mouth, wide, to take it in and then brought my teeth together. Hard.

As the octopus retreated, spinning out of control to the far corner of the tank, I looked out through the glass to see Ray of Neptune brandishing his gun. Out of the frying pan into the fire? Not if I could help it - I spotted a vent in the wall of the tank and swam towards it, pulling it from the wall and crawling into the claustrophobic tunnel. My lungs were burning by now, since I had been holding my breath for a very long time and exerting myself. I crawled faster and was pleased when the tunnel took an upward slant... soon, my mouth and nose were out of the water and I was crawling along a duct similar to the one I had used earlier. And then I remembered something very unpleasant... that octopi could fit into very small, enclosed places.

I saw light up ahead, and crawled quickly towards it. The enclosed duct changed from solid metal to transparent glass, and I found myself looking down into some sort of workshop. And, to my surprise, I saw Ray of Neptune below me, looking up, smiling. Well, I suppose that the view he had of me crawling naked through the duct was quite pleasant... I looked ahead and was dismayed to see that the duct promptly ended in a solid glass panel. I had nowhere to go. A brush of something wet against the sole of my foot reminded me of the octopus...

"Keep going!" Ray of Neptune shouted, "I'll get you out!"

I did as he said, pulling myself along that tight little duct, the octopus hot on my heels... and all the time the duct was getting narrower and tighter. At this rate, I didn't think I'd be able to reach the end. Ray of Neptune had seen my predicament and he darted ahead of me and used a laser cutter to melt two large holes in the bottom of the duct just before the dead end. I briefly wondered what they were for, and then I realised... my breasts...

Still, I had no time to think about what he was doing. I had an octopus bent on revenge right behind me. My fingers found the dead-end, and then a little groove in the bottom of the duct that I could use to pull myself up. It was so tight now, my breasts pressed into my body and I thought that my enhancements would burst. I turned my head to one side, grunted, and pulled myself up with all my strength, gritting my teeth against the pain... and then my breasts found the holes Ray of Neptune had cut for them and they quickly pushed through, bulging slightly once out the other side since the holes were a little too small...

"Pull your legs up!" Ray of Neptune shouted.

There was no room for my legs to go beneath me, so I had to spread my knees and draw my legs up either side of my body, my knees and shins scraping against the glass as I strained. I briefly wondered what the octopus would make of me in such a vulnerable position, since my pussy was now very available to it... but Ray of Neptune acted quickly to save me. He pushed a pane of glass between the octopus and myself, saving me from that vicious beast... but trapping me in the very end of the duct, with no room to move or even change my position.

He smiled up at me. I was trapped. A large robot arm lowered from the ceiling and clamped onto the section of duct in which I was trapped - the section was removed and I found myself being carried in this small, glass box to one of the workbenches. And there I was, trapped naked in a glass box, everything on show... and my breasts protruding from two holes cut in the glass. I was placed gently down on my back (since if I had been lowered onto my front it would have squished my breasts) and all I could do was lay there... helpless... like a bug in amber.

"I have just one slight adjustment to make," Ray of Neptune muttered, and I felt him cutting another circle into the glass... this one was near my feet and pussy... and I could guess what it was for. Once he was finished, he gripped the sides of the glass box and pulled me along the workbench towards him. He leered down at me, trapped there, with just a few small airholes to breathe through, while he removed his clothes.

I felt his hands massage my swollen breasts as his hard cock pushed slowly through the hole in the glass and into my pussy... my nipples hardened at his touch, and my pussy moistened as I was penetrated... I couldn't move at all, trapped as I was, and could do nothing to stop him taking full advantage of my predicament... and I found the very thought of it strangely arousing...

"As I said earlier, I intend to make you my toy. And a toy you now are. I hope you enjoy your new status in life... and I hope you don't mind me sharing you with my friends..."

And with that, he began to slowly thrust inside me, while he leaned forward to lick and nibble my breasts...