I open my eyes slowly and blink at the harsh light shining into my cryogenic sleeping pod. I move to press the release button but my movement is restricted - looking down, I see that I'm wearing a prison-issue black rubber straitjacket. I roll my eyes and smile as my memories come flooding back to me.

I was standing in the changing room in just my vest and panties, carefully folding my blue latex prison warden uniform and hanging it in my locker. I almost jumped with shock when my fellow warders appeared out of nowhere (thanks to the ship-wide teleportation device).

"Surprise!" they shouted, as I tried to remain as calm and collected as possible... even after I saw that one of them was holding a birthday cake.

"You can't have candles burning in a spaceship," I snapped, trying to downplay the situation and reverse the blush I could see spreading across my face.

"It's a special day today," grinned Liz, the captain, "we've been doing our research."

"You've been looking in my personal files?" I asked, folding my arms over my breasts, suddenly aware that I was standing in front of all my colleagues (both male and female) in my underwear.

"Cheer up," winked Reg, "it's your birthday! We've got such a special present for you!"

"Have you forgotten that we're about to go into cryogenic sleep for six months? I'm not going to be able to enjoy my present..."

"Oh, you will," Liz replied, her eyes sparkling as her grin turned decidedly evil, "blow out your candles and make a wish."

I leaned forward and did as she had asked: "I wish I meet a tall, dark, handsome stranger," I smiled.

"And now for your present," said Reg, pressing a button on his wrist.

My surroundings shimmered and vanished, and I was floating in limbo. I recognised the experience - I had travelled by teleporter many times in the past. It had been a little discomforting at first, being suspended in light, unable to move, but I had become acquainted with the sensation. The shimmering lights surrounding me had taken on a reddish tinge, however, and I knew exactly what that meant.

"Why has the prisoner transportation mode been activated?" I asked myself, "Where are my colleagues teleporting me?"

As I continued to float in limbo, the red lights grew stronger and I felt a tingling sensation over my skin. I gasped as I felt my underwear disintegrating... and I knew what the next stage was. I had used this method on countless criminals in the past. I felt my arms being moved by the teleporter into the correct position... and then the black rubber prison-issue straitjacket beamed onto me, tight and shiny on my naked body, completely inescapable without access to a teleporter...

The lights faded and I was amongst my colleagues again. The straitjacket barely covered my modesty - the thin strap pulled tight between my legs made my buttocks feel cold and exposed...

"As you can see," Liz said, looking me up and down as I fidgetted with my bonds, "we managed to extract quite a lot of information from your files. We know you like this sort of thing. Even though I don't understand it myself..."

Having my private deviances revealed to the entire crew was too much for me - I went bright red and struggled all the harder, but all I accomplished was getting my crew-mates to stare at my helpless body all the more. Most of my body was covered by tight black rubber, but my long legs were bare from toes to buttocks, and I could feel a slight breeze coming from somewhere.

"It's nap time," Reg said, taking hold of my rubber-clad shoulders and guiding me to the cryogenic chamber which held the sleep pods - I could do nothing to stop him pushing me into a pod and closing it behind me.

My last memory was seeing my crew-mates waving at me as everything faded to blackness...

"Those bastards," I smile, hitting the release button with my nose, "just wait until I get them back."

Staggering out of the sleep pod, I notice that the room is lit by emergency backup lighting only. Still, it's enough light for me to see that none of the other sleep pods are occupied - I'm alone for the moment.

"Perhaps they're hiding," I murmur to myself, creeping forward into the corridor, "those bastards know that I need one of them to get myself out of this damn straitjacket."

I pad barefoot along the corridor, the pale flesh of my legs contrasting starkly with the black, reflective rubber on my torso and arms. I get to the locker room and crouch, peering carefully around the corner. Inside, I see two men talking softly... but they're not wearing warden uniforms. But I recognise them...

"Prisoners," I whisper, "they've escaped. Damn. If only I wasn't in this damn straitjacket... oh my god, I hope they don't find me like this! They haven't had female company for years..."

I slowly creep backwards towards the corridor but freeze when I feel a rough hand clutch my bare buttock while a tattooed arm wraps around my chest.

"Now, now, what do we have here?" comes a deep voice next to my ear, the accompanying halitosis making my nose wrinkle.

I spring forward, trying to escape, but his grip is too strong! I'm trapped! And then...


The lights come on and I blink as the director marches forward into the scene. The actor playing the escaped prisoner lets me go as the spaceship corridor suddenly fills with grips and makeup people and assistants and all the other crew associated with making movies. I take a breather, fidgetting a little with my straitjacket, while the director shouts at the prisoner for giving such a poor performance. Amateurs...

"Do you need help with that?" comes a voice from beside me.

I turn to see a handsome, older man who is smiling as he looks me in the eye. I smile in return - it's nice to meet a man who doesn't immediately stare at my body.

"No, thanks," I smile, wriggling a little and lifting my hands above my head, "the girl who strapped me into this didn't do a very good job."

"Maybe I should strap you into it for the next take," he replies, "I never do half a job."

I pull the sleeves up my arms until my hands are free, and take the opportunity to smooth my hair out of my eyes and scratch my nose. I've been wanting to do that for what seems like hours. We walk over to the canteen area together and grab a styrofoam cup of coffee each.

"I might take you up on that," I grin, "it might help me get into character more. I found it helped some in my previous movies."

"I'm sorry, I'm not much of a moviegoer. What else have you done?"

"That's okay, my movies don't tend to hit the big screen. I did a fun futuristic one earlier this year, in which I had to rob a bank dressed in a PVC catsuit. Lots of acrobatics until I got caught by the guards and they had their wicked way with me..."

"Cool. Did you get tied up in that one too?"

"A couple of times. It was all handcuffs and chains, although I'm more of a rope gal."

"Me too. Have you done anything with ropes, then?"

"There was a Tomb Raider spin-off last year. Most notable for me getting my boobs trapped in two holes in the wall..."

"Good grief, really? How did they contrive that plot-line?"

"It's a long story... I'm Laura, by the way."

"I know. I'm Joe."

The director begins barking orders into his megaphone, and we know that we're wanted. I put down my cup of coffee and wink at Joe before turning away from him, crossing my arms tightly over my breasts. I hear him put down his cup of coffee but he surprises me by first gripping the strap between my legs... he yanks it up tight and I bite my lip to stop myself yelping! Before I can complain, he grabs the straps on my sleeves and pulls them tight behind my back, buckling all of the straps together and making me feel very restrained and helpless. I struggle, but there is absolutely zero give - it's so tight, I can only just breathe. There's no way I'm going to get out of this straitjacket without help. I feel Joe's hand on my bare buttock, gripping tight, and I appreciate just how deliciously helpless I am...

"Laura!" shouts the director, "Loved the scene. But we're going to try it again. We've decided to remove your lines - you're going to do everything with your eyes."

"With my eyes?"

"Yeah. Your lines are just too cheesy, stating the blinking obvious. We're going to try it with you gagged."

I open my mouth to ask if I'm still going to be paid as much for my performance if I don't get as many lines, but am interrupted by Joe pulling a black ballgag tightly into my mouth and buckling it behind my head. I turn to give him an evil look but he looks the picture of innocence.

"Just doing my job," he winks, grabbing my waist as he guides me back towards the set.

I swear at him in gag-speak, but I'm enjoying myself really. Every little struggle pulls against that tight strap between my legs, and I really am wearing nothing underneath... it is a wonderful sensation, and all I can do is hope that I don't orgasm while the cameras are rolling...

"And... action!"

And I repeat the scene, from the cryogenic pod to being caught by the criminal... but tightly gagged. My movements are less smooth, since the new tightness of the straitjacket is rather restrictive. And I'm so aroused, when the criminal grabs me from behind I almost cum!

"CUT!!! And that's a wrap! Same time again tomorrow, folks!"

I breathe a sigh of relief. At last, it is time to get out of this very restrictive straitjacket... and then, once I was back in my trailer, I'd be able to finally satisfy my heightened lust...

"Hey, Laura, over here," comes Joe's voice, amid the rush of grips bustling about their business as they dismantle the set.

I quickly pad over to him on my bare feet, mmmphing into my gag and looking generally helpless and pathetic. He smiles as I approach and raises an eyebrow questioningly when I turn around and present my back to him. Instead of unbuckling the straps, he slaps my ass!


"Come with me, I have plans for you," he whispers into my ear.

"Mmmmmph?" I ask, letting him move me back towards the set.

"Don't worry, you'll be quite safe. We just need to hide you until everyone's gone home."

He guides me into the locker room, and I feel his strong hands fondling my firm buttocks... I can't do anything to stop him, but I'm quite enjoying it so I don't protest. Then he turns me around, and plants a long, lingering kiss on my gagged mouth, his hands gripping my ass as he holds me close, pressing his muscled chest against my bound arms... and I feel myself going weak at the knees. He gives me a gentle push and I stagger into one of the lockers. With an evil grin, he closes the door, shutting out the light, and I hear the click of the locker locking.


I hear his voice through the door: "I'm your biggest fan, Laura. And all my friends are huge fans of yours too. We're going to have so much fun with you..."

And then I feel the locker rock forwards, then backwards, then forwards, then backwards, coming to rest leaning back by 45 degrees... and then I feel movement, as I am wheeled away to some unknown destination... and even though I'm bound helpless in dire peril, my struggles are focussing more on pulling the strap tighter between my legs than escape...