I slowly opened my eyes, blinking the sleep out of them. The sound that had woken me was Pauline's bedroom door closing. I smiled to myself, since I knew exactly what it meant: Matt, Pauline's boyfriend, had left for work. I rubbed my eyes and rolled over onto my tummy (although the fact that my breasts were now underneath me, being pressed by my weight against the bed, was far more noticeable). It was then that I realised how horny I was this morning. I decided to go and disturb Pauline...

It was getting towards the end of my first year at university. Pauline and I had only recently discovered our mutual kinks, but she hadn't gotten around to telling her boyfriend yet. That's why we took every opportunity that we could to enjoy each others' company. We were staying in the university halls of residence - Pauline and I had rooms on the same floor, in the same corridor. I quickly pulled on my robe over my naked body and grabbed my room keys. A brief check of the corridor showed that the coast was clear and I dashed across to Pauline's door. I smiled to myself when I found it unlocked.

I slowly pushed the door open and saw her shape underneath the crumpled duvet, her chest rising and falling as she breathed. I tiptoed over to the bed and wondered how I would go about waking her. And then I had a wonderful idea. I moved over to her wardrobe and found the large cardboard box, inside which she kept our collection of 'toys'. After a quick rummage, I pulled out a pair of handcuffs, a black leather collar and a small padlock. I slipped out of my robe and sat on the edge of the bed, on the other side from Pauline's sleeping form.

I closed the collar around my neck, making sure that the metal loops for fastening it were at the back. I picked up the handcuffs and put them against the back of the collar and then I thread the padlock through both the loops and the handcuff chain. I fastened the padlock... without the key, I wouldn't be able to remove the collar. The handcuffs were dangling down from the collar now, cold against my naked back. For a moment, I wondered where the key to the padlock was... and where the key to the handcuffs was too. But I knew that Pauline would know where they were - she's very organised. I climbed into bed next to her, not quite close enough to touch her naked skin. I was hoping that she would move and find me, bound helpless next to her, ready to be used and abused...

I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and moved my hands to the back of my neck. I found the handcuffs and closed them around my wrists, revelling in the feeling of complete helplessness. I could feel my nipples hardening already against the duvet, but now that my hands were bound to the back of my throat, I couldn't do anything to stimulate them further. And as for the other parts of my body that were getting more and more aroused...

I gave a little gasp of surprise as a hand found my bare tummy. As the hand moved slowly up my body, I smiled to myself - my plan was working. It moved up the mound of my right breast, cupping it gently. I moaned very softly as I felt my hard nipple being gripped between thumb and forefinger but, looking down, all I could see was duvet. The hand moved across to my other breast, and a movement of duvet was followed by the wonderful sensation of lips on my right nipple... followed by a slight grazing of teeth and a touch of tongue as the sucking began. But then I felt something that I hadn't expected to feel - facial stubble. I didn't remember Pauline mentioning that she was going to grow a beard... Unfortunately, my mental processes were somewhat slowed by the combination of sleepiness and arousal, not helped by the hand that was moving from my breast down towards my thighs...

When I had heard the door closing earlier, it must have been Pauline leaving for some reason. Which meant that the person I was now sharing a bed with was her boyfriend, Matt. Although I had often fantasised about letting him join in with the games I had with Pauline, I had never thought that it would actually happen. And what would Pauline say? I had to stop this, at once... but then a single finger pushed its way into the hot, waiting moistness of my pussy and my firm resolve dissolved.

I groaned with pleasure as another finger found its way inside me. Matt's lips continued to suck, alternating between my nipples... I arched my back with ecstacy and at that moment he thrust his fingers hard inside me, stroking my inner walls, and his thumb found my clit... I moaned aloud as my whole body succumbed to a wonderful, shuddering climax.

"Mmmm, Pauline, did you enjoy that?" Matt asked, pulling the duvet away from himself.

"Erm..." was all I could say, when faced with his expression of complete shock.

"Laura! What on earth's going on?"

"I think there's been a slight misunderstanding," I mumbled, wishing that I could cover my nakedness.

"I'll say! What's all this? Handcuffs? Just wait until I tell Pauline about this!"

"Please! Don't tell her! She'll kill me! I didn't know it was you!"

"You didn't know it was... then who..? Oh. Pauline. What do you two get up to when I'm not around?"

I blushed profusely as I saw realisation dawn on his face.

"She'll kill us both if she finds out!" I said, hoping to take his mind off the subject.

"She'll kill both of us? Well, if we're in this together... and if we're both going to be killed... it's hardly fair that you've enjoyed yourself and I haven't... In fact, the evidence seems to point the blame at you, making it all your fault..."

I could see where this was going. Perhaps I could spread the blame a bit...

"Okay," I smiled, "if you were to 'enjoy' this experience, then we would both be at fault?"

The huge grin on his face was all the answer I needed. I shimmied down the bed, until my face was at the same level as his crotch. He put his hands on my shoulders and moved me off the bed, so I was kneeling in front of him. I paused only briefly, thinking to myself that I had never done anything like this while bound in such a way. But I didn't have time to think, since Pauline could be home at any minute. I licked my lips and moved in closer to his already-hard cock. Just my proximity to it seemed to be making it grow, but I decided to help it along with big, long, slow licks from the base to the head, like I was licking a lollipop. I then slowly took it into my mouth, my tongue swirling and playing, making sure I stimulated the more sensitive parts. I felt his hand on the back of my head, guiding me to take him in deeper - I followed his guidance, sucking him into my mouth before pulling back, letting my teeth gently graze along the length of the underside of his cock. The gasp I heard from him indicated that I was doing the right thing.

I took him in deep again, sucking harder, but now had very little control of what was going on. He had his hands on the back of my head and was thrusting his throbbing cock deep into my mouth, harder, faster, both of us giving into the passion. I gripped him with my teeth and my whole head seemed to throb with him as he quickly reached the point of orgasm... I pulled back a little, so I could swallow the tide of semen flooding into my mouth. He withdrew from me, looking very satisfied, while I licked a couple of stray drops from my lips.

"Wow," he smiled at me, leaning back on the bed.

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself," I replied, "now perhaps we're even."

He was about to reply when he was interrupted by the sound of the main hallway door being unlocked. There was a good chance that it was Pauline, and we both knew it. He looked at me and I looked at him, and we were frozen there in a brief moment of shared panic. I recovered first, enough to pull at the handcuffs binding my wrists to the back of my neck.

"Where are the keys?" he asked, quickly and quietly.

"I was hoping that Pauline would know..." I replied.

"In that case, you'd better hide!" he hissed, as we heard Pauline's footsteps approaching the door.

His eyes and mine went to the wardrobe - it was the only place suitable. He helped me to my feet and into the wardrobe - it was a bit of a squeeze, sharing that wardrobe with all those clothes. He grinned at me as he closed the door, and then I was in darkness apart from a tiny slit of light coming from the keyhole.

"I thought you were going to wait for me in bed," Pauline said as she wandered into the room.

"I was, but then I found these in your wardrobe," Matt replied.

I found that if I slowly, carefully, lowered myself then I could see through the keyhole into the room. Matt was pointing at the cardboard box on the floor, which contained our toy collection.

"Oh, I can explain that..." Pauline said, looking visibly embarrassed.

"No need to explain," Matt grinned, "all you need to do is take your clothes off."

I raised my eyebrows at that comment. Matt had only just cum - surely he couldn't again, so quickly. But it looked like he fully intended to do something along those lines. Pauline was naked now, and laying on the bed next to Matt. He was holding two pairs of handcuffs, and attached them to the headboard of the bed. He gently guided Pauline onto her tummy and stretched her hands out to the headboard, snapping the cuffs around her wrists. She looked around at him, smiling, her eyes full of love and lust.

I was beginning to get rather aroused by this voyeurism, but could do nothing about it. My hands were still bound, and I couldn't reach the areas of my body that needed reaching. The only thing I could do was gently press my nipples against the wardrobe door, and hope it didn't spring open...

Matt put one of his hands underneath Pauline's tummy. His hand worked it's way up until it was under her breasts, and a moan of pleasure escaped her lips as he softly played. I couldn't see exactly what he was doing, but if it was anything like he had done to me earlier... then Pauline was in for one hell of an orgasm. His other hand was on her back, and he let his fingers run over the curves of her buttocks. She gasped with surprise when he spanked her.

"That's for keeping these toys a secret," he said, and she glared at him.

He spanked her again and her glare turned into a grin, so he gave her a harder spank. She was writhing on the bed now, moaning softly, rubbing her breasts against his hand, her legs moving seemingly of their own accord. And then his hand found the area between her legs that was getting rather moist. The same area between my legs was positively soaking...

He pushed his thumb deep inside her, using his other fingers to grip her closely. He used his legs to draw her legs together, so she was forced to grip his thumb inside her. I couldn't see what he did next, but it produced a long series of moans and gasps... and Pauline's body shuddered as she came. I leaned back inside the wardrobe, so hot and horny and sexually frustrated! I closed my eyes, but I couldn't make myself reach orgasm with sexy thoughts alone. When I opened my eyes again, Pauline and Matt were gone.

It was time to move. I pushed against the wardrobe door and swore to myself when I found that I couldn't open it. I was stuck! I didn't have long to panic, though, since I heard the bedroom door opening and someone crossing to the wardrobe. The door was flung open and I was very surprised to see Pauline standing in front of me. I was even more surprised when I saw that she wasn't surprised.

"You've been a naughty girl," Pauline said, helping me out of the wardrobe, "Matt's told me all about it."

"I'm sorry, it was all a big misunderstanding..." I said.

"Then we'll have to make sure it doesn't happen again."

"What do you mean?"

"The keys to your freedom are in the communal kitchen... hidden. All you have to do is find them."

"Like this?" I asked, incredulously, "The kitchen's almost in constant use! What if I'm seen?"

"You should have thought of that before you got into this mess," Pauline smiled, leading me to the door.


I was interrupted by the sound of Pauline closing the door behind me.

"And don't come back until you've got the keys!" she called after me.

And there I was, standing in the corridor, completely naked. Bound so that I couldn't even cover my nakedness... and worried about what would happen if someone found me...