And That's Magic

It was time for the grand finale of the show, the teleportation trick. I was waiting in the wings of the stage, watching The Great Supremo talking to the audience. I glanced at my reflection in the nearby mirror and grinned - I was wearing the typical spangly costume favoured by magicians' assistants, and feeling rather sexy because of it. It consisted of white sparkly high heels, white fishnet tights, and a white sparkly sleeveless/strapless leotard. My makeup was, naturally, way over-the-top and I'd even included a fair amount of glitter in the ensemble. I smiled at my reflection and walked out onto the stage when I heard my cue, grinning at the audience and moving to the right spot next to The Great Supremo.

Of course, the teleportation trick didn't involve actual teleportation. I was lucky enough to have an identical twin sister, who was wearing an identical costume to mine. And now that you know I have a twin, you can probably guess how the trick works.

'And now, my beautiful assistant will ascend the ladder...' boomed the magician, and I did as we had rehearsed.

At the top of the ladder was what I called the shower cubicle. It consisted of little more than a platform to stand on and a curtain rail from which hung a thick red curtain. I reached the top of the ladder and parted the curtain, stepping inside the cubicle. The magician now had a member of the audience on-stage, checking a pair of handcuffs for authenticity - the handcuffs were duly switched for a fake pair and handed to me, and I handcuffed my wrists to the curtain rail, trying to hide my disappointment because I'm sure you know how much I wished they were real. I looked across the stage to a second, identical platform - but where my platform had the curtain rail at head height, this one had the curtain rail at foot-level, with the curtain in a heap. And I knew that, in the heap, was my identical twin sister with a pair of real handcuffs.

The magician climbed half-way up the ladder so he could close the curtain in front of me. I gave the audience a little wave with my bound hands as I disappeared from view, and quickly released myself from the fake handcuffs. And then there was a flash, a puff of smoke and the curtain rail fell to the platform and I quickly fell with it, hiding myself under the curtain. The audience gasped, as they always did, since they thought I had disappeared. And then the curtain rail on the other platform rose, and I knew that my sister had stood up with it, and handcuffed herself to the rail. The magician climbed the other ladder, opened the curtain and received a huge round of applause.

After some bowing and curtseying, the stage curtain fell and I could finally get up and climb down the ladder.

'Well done, girls,' The Great Supremo grinned, putting his arms around my sister and myself as he led us backstage, 'That was an excellent show. Smoother than I could have expected. Now... would it be possible to borrow the two of you briefly?'

I glanced at my sister behind his back, and we nodded to each other. We were still high on the applause from the audience, and were in no hurry to remove our sexy spangly costumes.

'Sure,' I said softly into The Great Supremo's ear, 'What can we do for you?'

'There's a new trick I'm working on, and I'd like to try it out with you.'

He stopped and took his arms from our shoulders before walking ahead of us and clapping his hands. The lights came on and we were standing on a different stage, but this one had no audience. In the centre of the stage was a smallish metal box on a pole. We walked closer and I saw that the box had small vertical and horizontal slits in it, and a hole in the bottom behind the pole.

'This is a very simple trick,' the magician explained, 'The beautiful assistant kneels behind the pole, facing the audience. As you can see, that will mean that her head will be level with the box. The box opens up and allows her to insert her head inside it - you can see the hole in the bottom of the box is where her neck goes. The box then locks shut, trapping her head inside it.'

I nodded, understanding it so far, and guessing where it was going.

'Then,' he continued, 'I push swords into the box, seeming to pierce the skull of my beautiful assistant. Of course, the box is deceptively long so the blades pass in front of her head. I then pull a lever on the back of the box, unseen by the audience, and two little mirrors move in front of the assistant's face. Then when I open the box, it will seem like her head has completely disappeared, since the mirrors give the illusion that the box is empty apart from the blades. What do you think?'

'I think it's wonderful,' my sister grinned, and I agreed that it was very clever.

'Would one of you like to try it out?' The Great Supremo asked and I nodded eagerly in reply.

He opened up the back of the box and I knelt, my knees on a handy cushion, and moved into position. I felt the cold metal bordering the hole in the bottom of the box around my neck and he closed the back of the box... everything was dark inside, apart from a few rays of light from the slits. And I suddenly felt rather vulnerable, kneeling like that, my head completely trapped. I reached up to feel the box, to get an idea of it's size, and to see if I could find the release mechanism to open it.

'There'll be none of that,' my sister said, her voice muffled somewhat by the box around my head.

I wondered what she had meant, but my questioning thought was answered almost immediately - I felt her hands grip my wrists and move them down in front of me, next to the pole. And then I felt the coldness of a pair of handcuffs fastening around my wrists... and I was well and truly trapped. My hands were in front of me and the pole, and I couldn't bring them around or back or even up and over the box.

'Is this a necessary part of the illusion?' I asked, my voice reverberating around inside the box.

'No,' came my sister's reply, 'this is just me having some fun.'


'Oh, don't worry,' came the magician's voice, 'You're in safe hands. All you have to do is say the magic word, and we'll stop. But, until then, we can have some fun...'

I liked the sound of that. And then I felt my sister's deft fingers quickly removing my clothing, peeling it from my body until I was kneeling there completely naked and helpless. I wondered where the magician was, and what sort of view he was having. I felt completely safe, though, since I knew my sister would never do anything to harm me. And then I felt her hot breath between my legs... obviously, she was lying on her back and had slid between my thighs where I was kneeling. A soft, animal-like sound escaped my lips and I moved forward, so that my bare breasts were either side of the pole - this meant that I could reach my hardening nipples with my bound hands. I softly pulled at my nipples as my sister licked my labia, her tongue knowing exactly where to go to turn me on. We are identical sisters, after all.

My moans were becoming louder and more frequent as her tongue darted in and out of my moist pussy, and I continued to tug on my own nipples. And then she pushed her tongue deep into my pussy, hard, and withdrew it so slowly I thought I was going to explode with pleasure. I then felt her lapping at my clit before she gripped it between her lips, so gently... as she sucked on my clit, I felt one of her fingers tracing a line down my lower back, between my buttocks... She sucked hard on my clit as she pushed a finger into my ass! At the same time, I pulled hard on my nipples and it was enough to drive me over the edge... my whole body bucked with my orgasm, and all the time I felt her tongue lapping up my juices, probing deeply to taste me... And then she withdrew her finger and tongue, and I felt her slide away.

I relaxed, a soft groan escaping my lips. That was nice. And then I felt someone undoing the handcuffs, and a wave of disappointment washed over me.

'Don't worry,' said The Great Supremo, 'I'm not releasing you. I'm just making you more comfortable...'

And then my elbows were pulled back behind me, and I felt a metal pole being slid horizontally between my elbows and back. Ropes were used to tie my arms to the pole, and even though my wrists were free I was completely helpless once again. I could hardly move my arms, but at least I could reach my breasts more easily in this position. I took the opportunity to tease my nipples, not feeling in the least bit shy any more about my employer watching me. Perhaps it was the fact that my head was still enclosed - if I couldn't see him, then maybe he couldn't see me.

I felt another rope against my skin. This one was tied around my slender waist, and loops of it went around my wrists, pulling my hands down to my hips and keeping them there. I cursed to myself... I was feeling horny again, but could no longer do anything about it.

'Don't go anywhere,' came the magician's voice, 'Your sister and I have to go attend to something.'

'Hey! Don't leave me!' I yelled, but they had already gone.

All I could do was wait. Helpless. And wondering what would happen if anyone found me like this. Perhaps the janitor would come in and see me bound helpless... and decide to undress, with me being completely unaware of his presence. He'd slide up behind me, kneeling, gripping the horizontal pole between my back and elbows like the handlebars of a motorbike as he slid his erection into me... perhaps he'd start in my helpless, wet pussy, moving slowly back and forth, in and out, filling me completely. And once he was lubricated enough, perhaps he'd withdraw and press his hard cock against my tight little ass...

'We're back,' came the voice of The Great Supremo, interrupting my fantasy.

A pair of hands opened the box, and daylight flooded in. I blinked as I was helped to my feet by the magician, my wrists and elbows still bound. And then I saw my sister. She was standing still, her head lolling slightly to one side, and she looked like she was fast asleep. But the clothes she was wearing really shocked me. The black thigh-boots had stiletto heels so high that it was a wonder that she could stand. I could see the tops of fishnet stockings underneath, and they were attached by suspenders to a black suspender belt. Underneath that was the centre-piece of the outfit - what looked like a leather chastity belt locked on with little padlocks, which had the hugest strap-on dildo I had ever seen protruding from the front. The top-half of her body was completely bare, but I wasn't looking... my eyes kept going back to that monster of a dildo. And I knew that it was meant for me. I took a step towards her and said her name, but she didn't respond - she was still asleep.

'She can't hear you,' smiled the magician, 'I hypnotised her. When I snap my fingers, she will have just the one goal... to pleasure you with her dildo in any way she sees fit. And looking at the expression on your face, you might not want that huge monster being forced inside any available orifice so I'll give you a chance... if you say the magic word, she'll stop. And, for now,' he smiled, snapping his fingers, 'I'll bid you both a good night!'

As he left, my sister's eyes opened and she looked at me. A grin slowly spread over her face and she began to walk towards me, her stiletto heels clicking on the hard floor. I looked at the huge dildo bobbing up and down as she walked and decided that enough was enough.

'Abracadbra!' I said.

'Don't start saying magic words like that,' she smiled, walking quicker towards me, 'You know that you want this monster in your cute, pert little ass.'

'You don't have to do this,' I said, stepping backwards, pulling at my bonds to no avail.

'Oh, but I want to, dear sister,' she grinned.

I turned and ran, my breasts jiggling up and down as I sprinted for the steps at the side of the stage. I trotted down them and then ran in front of the stage and started up the steps between the seats. I yelled as I lost my footing and fell to my knees. I quickly scrambled to my feet and turned to see my sister standing right next to me.

'You're too slow,' she grinned.

'Alla-kazoo!' I yelled, trying to think of magic words that the magician favoured, but it had no effect - she grabbed my arms and pulled me back down to the floor.

'Hocus-pocus!' I said firmly, as she sat on a step and positioned me over her, so the huge dildo was right in front of my face.

'Pif-pof-puf!' I tried, but the last syllable was muffled by the huge dildo being pushed into my open mouth.

I struggled - I was completely helpless and now gagged by the dildo which seemed to be stretching my jaw. I tried to pull away, but she held my arms firmly - I wasn't going anywhere. One of her legs was underneath me, and she rubbed it slowly against my naked pussy... I could tell that her boot was slick with my juices already. Her other leg was raised above me and, as she bent her knee, I felt her long, thin stiletto heel pressing against my bare ass...

I renewed my struggles, as her heel pressed into my ass and her dildo pressed into my mouth. As I struggled, I rubbed myself even more against her boot and was soon becoming very aroused... and then she stopped. She pushed me away and turned me around, before standing up behind me and pressing the dildo against my ass. One hand went on my back to bend me over forwards and I knew what was coming.

'Open Sesame!' I tried - even though I was incredibly aroused and in near severe need of erotic stimulation, I still didn't fancy having my ass penetrated by the monster.

'Oh, you found the magic word!' my sister said, her grip relaxing slightly, her voice sounding surprisingly disappointed as the hypnotic spell was broken.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

'But, just because you found the magic word, doesn't mean that I have to stop.'

I was shocked by her comment. I hoped that she was joking... since I was in no position to stop her if she wanted to continue. And then I felt the dildo against my ass again, this time pressing harder, and I knew that she was serious...

'Open Sesame,' she said.