I stepped out of the black London taxicab and heard the gravel crunch beneath my bright red boots. I looked up at the huge mansion as the other three girls climbed out of the taxi - most of the building was dark, but a few windows on the ground floor were illuminated by multi-coloured lights flashing within. The still night air was filled with the thump thump thump of the bass of the music playing inside.

"Looks like the right place, Supergirl," said Wonder Woman, at my side.

Yes, I was dressed as Supergirl for this particular party. I was wearing a blue leotard with the traditional 'S' logo on the front, a tiny red skirt that refused to hide anything during the slightest of breezes, knee-length red boots with impractical heels and a cute little red cape. The girl beside me was dressed as Wonder Woman (red-and-gold bustier, gold headband, blue-and-white briefs, red boots), and our other two companions were dressed as the Invisible Woman from the Fantastic Four (blue catsuit) and Barb Wire (black leather and fishnet).

"Are we going inside, or are we going to wait out here all night?" asked Barb Wire, having finished paying the cabbie for our journey.

"Inside, please," Wonder Woman said, quickly, rubbing her bare arms, "I don't think my costume was designed for winter!"

"Don't be a wimp, it's only autumn," grinned the Invisible Woman, probably quite warm in her figure-hugging catsuit.

Wonder Woman had every right to complain, I reflected - it was not like we had chosen our own costumes. The invitations we had received had specified the costumes we were to wear to this Hallowe'en Heroes & Villains Ball. In fact, we weren't entirely sure who the invitations had come from, but it's not every day that you get to go to a party in a huge mansion in the countryside. During the ride in the taxi, we had discussed likely fellow-students who might have access to a mansion... but hadn't come up with any definitive answers. Still, we had found the costumes as instructed, and arrived at the exact time on the invitations.

Barb Wire reached forward and pulled the bell-cord on the large, imposing double-doors. We heard deep chimes from within the entrance hall and, a moment later, the doors were opened by a man who looked uncannily like Riff-Raff in the Rocky Horror Picture Show. I smiled to myself - it would have been either him or Lurch from the Addams Family. Without saying a word, he opened the door wide and stepped aside. I took a deep breath and was first into the entrance hall. The other three heroines followed me inside, and Riff-Raff manouevred in front of me - he gestured to one side, where there was a table covered in handbags and purses.

I glanced at the Invisible Woman and she glanced back - she was the only one of our foursome with a handbag, but it contained all of our purses and keys and phones... but it looked like a large number of others had made the sacrifice to enter the party.

"Is everyone okay with this?" the Invisible Woman asked.

"Yeah, go for it," Barb Wire smiled, accompanied by nods from Wonder Woman and myself.

The Invisible Woman placed her handbag on the table, and Riff-Raff smiled (well, leered) and opened the final door between us and the party. The thumping bass suddenly increased in volume, and it felt like we were pushing through an invisible barrier as we entered the party proper. The main room for the party was dominated by a huge staircase in the centre, which split into two staircases that curved up towards a landing that overlooked the main room. A band was on a stage at the far end, playing some gothic punk-rock music I'd never heard before. The other guests were dancing, drinking and being merry - I didn't see anyone I recognised on my first scan of the room, but since everyone was in costume that wasn't surprising.

Barb Wire pushed past me, on a mission for drinks - I followed her, with the Invisible Girl and Wonder Woman in tow. We reached the wall furthest from the band, but unfortunately found no alcohol. Looking back at the crowd of partygoers, I noticed that most had drinks in their hands. And then I noticed that something wasn't quite right... they all seemed rather well-established in this party, but surely it had started at 10pm as stated on our invitations. They looked like they had been partying for a few hours at least, and still going strong. How come we four were the only guests to arrive at 10pm, as stated on our invitations? Had the other guests received different invitations?

I looked closely at the other guests. They were all in costumes, of course... there were plenty of wolfmen, vampire lords, Frankenstein's monsters, etc - as would be expected for Hallowe'en. And there were even some notable supervillains, like Dr Octopus, Sabretooth, Ming The Merciless, Darth Vader, etc - as would be expected for a Heroes & Villains ball. But something still didn't seem quite right... And then I noticed that a large number of the other guests were glancing towards the four of us, while talking and drinking and dancing... I suddenly felt very out of place.

"Enjoying the party, girls?" came a voice from behind us, making all four of us jump.

We turned as one, and found ourselves face-to-face with a tall, slim, pale-skinned woman in her mid-thirties. She was dressed in black - her white shoulders were bare, but her arms were encased in opera gloves, her neck in an elegant choker and her torso in a tight corset. Her jet-black hair fell loose over her shoulders, contrasting with her white face... Her makeup was black, from her eyeliner to her lipstick, and a couple of sharp, elongated canine teeth poked out from between her lips. Her skirt was tight leather, with a slit all the way up the left side to her hip. Underneath, she wore thigh-length stiletto-heeled boots.

"Allow me to introduce myself," she grinned, showing off her vampire teeth, "my name is Lilith. And this is my party. There's no need to introduce yourselves - you will be known as Wonder Woman, Barb Wire, Supergirl and the Invisible Woman."

"Thanks for inviting us," Wonder Woman said, her voice faltering a little - she was clearly as nervous as I felt.

"Where are the other heroes?" I asked, trying not to sound rude.

"What do you mean?" Lilith responded.

"Erm... well... all the other guests are dressed as villains. And, for that matter, all the other guests are male. We're the only girls here, the only heroes. What's going on? Is this a set-up?"

"Nonsense," Lilith grinned, "there's a superheroine over there."

I turned in the direction she indicated. And, sure enough, there was a girl dressed as a superheroine. She was dressed as Catwoman (the Halle Berry version) and serving drinks. Possibly not through choice - her arms were bound tightly together behind her back (her forearms parallel to the floor) and the tray of drinks was hanging from a collar around her neck. Her mouth was held wide open by a ring-gag, and a chain affixed to her ankles prevented her from moving at any great speed. A werewolf took a glass of blood-red wine from her tray and slapped her bum, making her jump - somehow, she avoided spilling her other drinks. She glared at the wolfman, and then turned and saw us four new heroines, freshly arrived. Her eyes flashed a warning before Ming The Merciless grabbed her and guided her deeper into the crowd.

"I'm beginning to think that perhaps we've outstayed our welcome..." Wonder Woman muttered under her breath.

I turned to speak to Lilith, but she was no longer standing behind us.

"How did she do that?" asked the Invisible Woman, pointing to the central staircase - Lilith was standing there, tapping a glass with a spoon.

The music stopped so she could make her announcement. "Gentlemen... I'm sure you've noticed that a new consignment of heroines has arrived. We'll give them a few minutes' lead... and then the hunt will be on!"

As one, the villains turned to look at us four heroines, standing in the corner. We suddenly felt very alone... I looked to the side, and saw that Riff-Raff had opened the double-doors leading outside.

"What's happening?" Barb Wire asked, "Can she do this? Is it legal? What if we don't want to?"

"I don't think that that's a concern here," Wonder Woman replied, "I think we ought to get out of here right now. Or spend the rest of the evening tied up serving drinks while drunk vampires pinch our bottoms."

"Let's get out of here," I said, leading the other three past the rows of monsters and villains, and into the entrance hall. Unfortunately, the handbag containing our keys, purses and phones had mysteriously disappeared... Disappointed but not surprised, I led my companions out into the cold, dark night.

The taxi had long gone. We were on one end of a long gravel driveway that led to a little-used country road... surrounded by thick forest. We were cut off from civilisation, and about to be hunted by a gang of monsters and villains. Our future seemed fairly bleak. Barb Wire began to head along the driveway, but Wonder Woman grabbed her arm.

"Not that way," she said, "they'll track us down and catch us in no time. We need to head into the forest. And be ready to split up."

"Split up?" asked Barb Wire, nervously.

"Less chance of us being caught - keep moving until we find a road..."

"I'm staying here," said Barb Wire, "They can't do this to us. I'm going to tell them that I refuse to participate in their little game."

"I don't fancy your chances," Wonder Woman said.

"Let's go," I said, leading the girls towards the edge of the forest.

I reached the trees and stopped. I looked at the damp earth beyond the gravel with some trepidation - not from the point of view of trying to run across it in high-heeled boots, but more from the point of view of not wanting to get said boots muddy. My two companions paused alongside me, presumably for the same reason. The sound of voices behind us was motivation enough to make us enter the forest. Once safely hidden from view, we turned to look back at the mansion. Barb Wire was still standing outside the main entrance, unsure of what to do. And then her decision was made for her - Lilith strode out of the building, at the head of a large group of villains. She saw Barb Wire standing before her, and smiled.

We were too far away to hear what she said, but at a click of her fingers a group of her party guests pounced on our companion... Barb Wire was pinned to the ground, and we watched her struggle and scream as her wrists and elbows were handcuffed behind her back. A metal collar was fastened around her neck, and Dr Octopus grabbed the chain at the front and used it to lead Barb Wire back into the mansion. She struggled as hard as she could, but didn't stand a chance.

I was shocked - how could they treat us like this? I had half a mind to go up to them and complain. Wonder Woman put her hand on my shoulder, bringing me back to reality.

"We have to leave. Now."

I nodded, and we headed deeper into the forest. I looked over my shoulder, one last time, to see the villains and monsters dividing into search parties. We leaped over an old, gnarled root and fled - the Invisible Woman in the lead, her skintight blue catsuit very sexy in the moonlight... Wonder Woman right behind her, her red, gold, blue and white costume looking very brief... and I brought up the rear, my skimpy Supergirl outfit doing nothing to keep me warm in the cold night, but I guessed that continued running through the forest would soon solve that.

The ground was wetter the deeper into the forest we travelled, and getting slightly muddy boots was soon the least of our worries. We jumped roots, ducked low branches and carefully stepped around muddy puddles - always fleeing the sounds of voices as the search parties spread out in their hunt for us. And then it started to rain...

Sheltering under a tall tree blessed with thick foliage, we took a few moments to catch our respective breaths and take stock of our situation.

"Why are we running?" the Invisible Woman asked.

"Do you want to be enslaved by these manipulative people, who invited us solely to this party for that reason?" I responded.

"Well, it beats freezing to death out here..."

"What are you saying? You want to be tied up, serving drinks while lecherous werewolves grope you?"

"No, definitely not... I wouldn't be able to stand the humiliation. And when would they get around to freeing us? And would anyone believe us if we reported them afterwards? No, I'm not for giving in... but I'm just saying... how much will we have to endure to escape them? Will it be worth it?"

I went to speak, but Wonder Woman interrupted me: "Yes, it will be worth it. We're not going to freeze to death - we'll hit a road soon, and then it will only be a matter of time before we can get a passing motorist's attention. We're definitely dressed for that job..."

"Okay," the Invisible Woman replied, "if you're sure..."

Before anyone could speak again on the subject, we heard the sound of a nearby search party cursing and swearing as its members slipped in the mud. We decided that sheltering under the largest tree in the immediate area was probably not a good idea in the circumstances, so we fled in the opposite direction from the approaching villains and monsters.

Unfortunately, we were spotted... there were shouts behind us and then sounds of pursuit. I risked a glance over my shoulder to see how close they were... and promptly tripped over a root and landed in a large puddle of mud! I spat the mud out of my mouth and, forgetting about my pursuers, took a moment to see how ruined my costume was - the answer was very, I doubted I would be able to get all the mud out of it. As I wondered how my evening could get any worse, rough hands grabbed my arms and pulled me from the puddle.

I was turned around, and found myself at the mercy of a werewolf and two zombies. I wondered for a moment how the zombies could have moved so fast to catch me, forgetting that everyone was in costume... I struggled in the werewolf's strong grip as the zombies pulled my arms behind my back - I felt handcuffs fastening my wrists together, then a second pair of handcuffs fastened my elbows together. A metal collar was quickly closed around my neck, and the chain hung loose between my breasts, which were jutting forward more than usual since my elbows were handcuffed together behind my back. The effect was enhanced by my bullet-like nipples, which hadn't appreciated the dip in a cold, muddy puddle...

The werewolf grabbed my collar and pulled me forward - I staggered after him, with no choice but to go anywhere he led. It was then that one of the zombies gave a shout and pointed into the trees - I followed his gaze, and caught a flash of blue catsuit. The two zombies immediately gave chase, leaving me alone with the werewolf. I looked at him, and he looked at me... but not at my eyes. He was looking at where my muddy blue leotard was trying to enter me into a wet t-shirt competition, at where my nipples were trying to poke through the material, at where my tiny skirt had ridden up to reveal my soaking crotch... He leered, and I suddenly felt very vulnerable...

Wonder Woman appeared from behind a nearby tree and ran full-pelt into the werewolf - he lost his balance, he lost his grip on my collar chain, and landed with a loud splash in the puddle of mud... I grinned - he would never get the mud out of his fur!

"Thanks!" I grinned.

"Let's get out of here!" Wonder Woman replied, grabbing my arm.

"Do you have the keys?" I asked, looking down at my bonds, hopefully.

"Nope," she said, "and I don't even know if he has them..."

We looked down at the werewolf slowly emerging from the mud, and decided that flight was the best option. My progress was hindered somewhat by my bondage - I had no way of moving branches out of my way, I had no way to protect myself if I slipped and fell... it all felt very dangerous, and I began to wonder if the Invisible Woman had been right in questioning our flight.

Somehow, sometime later, we could no longer hear any sounds of pursuit. I was exhausted, as was Wonder Woman, so we decided to stop for a rest. My companion could do nothing about my bonds which were firmly locked in place, but she made an effort to neaten and clean my muddy, ripped Supergirl outfit.

"I wonder what happened to the Invisible Woman..." I began, aware that she had risked being caught in order to save me.

"I suspect the zombies got her," Wonder Woman replied, "I don't think her heart was in running. She's probably being marched back to the mansion in chains as we speak."

"How am I going to get out of these?" I asked, shifting my position slightly to try to get more comfortable, "We don't have any keys, the only keys are probably in the mansion."

"We could hide out until morning, then go back to the mansion and ask very nicely?"

"You mean spend the night, outside in the cold, with no shelter... while bound? I've heard better plans..."

"I know, I know... are you also thinking of giving up?" she asked.

"No. Yes. Maybe. I don't know."

It was then that we heard the sounds of a search party, moving through the forest towards us. I looked to Wonder Woman for support, and she smiled, nodded and helped me to my feet.

"Whatever happens," she grinned, "let's not make it too easy for them..."

She was interrupted by a very muddy werewolf bursting from the undergrowth and grabbing her - she screamed and span, struggling to break free of his strong grip. I took a step backward, looking around for some way to help her, but lost my footing and fell to the ground... unfortunately, the ground was further away than I had thought, since it was at the bottom of a large muddy slope, down which I hurtled at breakneck speed, my arms uselessly trapped behind me by the metal cuffs...

Slipping and sliding, turning and spinning, I had to use my feet to slow and guide my descent, steering myself around trees, roots and bushes... and I eventually came to a halt in a large, thick bush. As I caught my breath and thanked the gods for my safety, I heard shouts from the top of the slope. The choice was then to either try to stay hidden in the bush, or to flee. I shuddered, partly due to the cold... and partly due to the woman who was suddenly crouching over me.

I looked up into Lilith's eyes, and she smiled very evilly.

"Hello..." I ventured, feeling completely helpless under her.

"Hello, Supergirl," she purred, looking my mud-coated body up and down, "I seem to have captured you without the aid of kryptonite."

"Everyone has off days..."

"I'm amazed you've evaded capture for so long," she said, pressing her body next to mine - I expected her to be warm, but she was colder than I was. "Especially since you are hampered so by these chains." Her gloved hand moved over the handcuffs binding my elbows together behind my back, and then ventured up to my shoulder.

"What do you want from me?" I asked, aware that she was the owner of the mansion and organiser of this particular party.

"Well, my immediate wants are probably obvious," she whispered, her hand moving from my shoulder to where my right nipple was trying to poke through my blue leotard, "but my long-term needs are very long-term. I have chosen you, the one out of all my guests, who is worthy of the most valuable gift I have to give."

"And what's that?" I asked, trying to ignore her fondling of my breast, trying to keep my voice level, feeling completely disarmed by this rather surreal experience.

"The gift of blood, the gift of life, the gift of eternal love..."

"What are you talking about? Blood? You don't really think you're a vampire, do you?"

Feeling a little spooked, I tried to shrug her off me - bound as I was, though, it didn't have the desired effect and only resulted in her giggling lightly at my predicament. She gently stroked my breast and made soft cooing noises in my ear. I shivered.

"I don't think I'm a vampire..." she began, but was interrupted by two werewolves (neither of whom was particularly muddy), a zombie, a male vampire and a man dressed as N1tEGeeK discovering us.

Rough hands pulled me from the bush and to my feet - but I was more surprised by rough hands doing the same to Lilith. She looked equally surprised, especially when a pair of handcuffs was fastened around her wrists.

"What are you doing?" she demanded, her voice imperious and commanding, "You will regret this!"

"Looks like the slave-girl is very full of herself..." grinned the zombie.

The next few moments completely tested my sanity... as I watched, Lilith closed her eyes and pulled at her bonds... the chain between her handcuffs snapped and she was free. She then grabbed the zombie and threw him into the undergrowth - he travelled far higher and further than I would have thought possible. The two werewolves then closed on her, trying to grab her arms, but she knocked them both aside... one of them colliding with the vampire and knocking him to the muddy ground. And then she turned on N1tEGeeK and I decided that I had seen enough - somehow, for some reason, she possessed more strength than was physically possible for any human, let alone a slender, pale-skinned woman in her thirties. Perhaps what she had said was true, perhaps she really was a vampire. Whatever the case, I realised that I definitely didn't want to be caught by her - while she was busy quelling the rebellion, I turned and fled...

And, within moments, I was face to face with a river. Well, more of a stream, really. I quickly splashed across it, gritting my teeth against the intense cold penetrating my boots and thanking the gods again for preventing me from slipping on the rocks... and eventually arrived on the other side, and found myself faced with a muddy slope leading up to more forest. How on earth was I meant to scale that, with my arms bound tight behind my back?

I turned back and looked across the stream - Lilith had obviously finished disciplining her party guests, and was standing on the opposite bank. But she wasn't approaching. Maybe it was right, that story about vampires not being able to cross running water? I smiled, now feeling a little more encouraged, and turned back towards the muddy slope that lay between myself and freedom. I gritted my teeth, and prepared to climb it...

But it wasn't to be. A group of monsters and villains appeared at the top of the slope and quickly descended towards me. I was grabbed and manhandled back towards the mansion, with Lilith nowhere to be seen. I struggled in the mens' grips, but had no chance of escaping. I even tried reasoning with them, telling them that Lilith was a real vampire, but they just laughed at me and slapped my bum. How humiliating...

We eventually reached the mansion and entered via a side door. I guessed that I was too muddy to be allowed near the guests yet. I was examined by Ming The Merciless, who ordered my captors to hose me down. But as they were taking me to the back of the mansion, they were intercepted by Lilith (now wearing just a black satin robe) who told them to give me to her. Which they did, despite my protests. Lilith led me upstairs, along a candlelit corridor, through a gothic dungeon-style bedroom to her personal ensuite bathroom. The bathroom was also candlelit, was decorated in white and gold, and the centre of the room was dominated by a large ornate bath, sat on four gold-plated feet. It was half full with hot water (and many bubbles), and the air was full of steam and the soft lavender scent from the candles.

"Erm..." was all I managed to say as I turned towards Lilith, feeling rather scared... even though the hot steam surrounding me was dispelling the cold from my flight through the forest.

"There's no need to say anything, there's no need to be scared," she smiled, soothingly, as she let her satin robe fall to the floor... she stood before me naked, her perfect pale skin illuminated by the flickering candlelight.

She took a step towards me and I took a step back. She grabbed my arms and pulled me tight to her, and I felt her full breasts pressing against mine... I closed my eyes and tried to relax, but then I felt her tugging at my costume. I opened my eyes in time to see her effortlessly rip my costume to shreds with her bare hands - she grinned at me, revealing her elongated canine teeth, and in less than a second I was standing before her, completely naked... bound helpless... very accessible... defenseless... exposed...

She gestured towards the bath, dispelling my trance. I didn't have any choice. I obediently turned to the bath and stood on one leg, dipping a toe in the hot water. I gasped - it was very hot, but after a few moments I got used to it and lowered the rest of my leg into the water. The other leg followed, with Lilith steadying me, and I soon knelt down in the bath. She slowly joined me, kneeling before me in the hot water. It was so hot, I was sweating already...

The vampire Lilith picked up a flannel and rubbed soap into it, her eyes never leaving mine. She then applied the flannel to my shoulders and arms, rubbing the soap into my skin, cleaning me. The flannel moved to my sides, then around to my breasts... my nipples hardened again as she soaped them, and a soft moan escaped my lips... I surrendered to the pleasure, not that I had any choice with my arms bound tight behind my back... she leaned forward to kiss my nipples and I arched my back further, moving my nipples to her lips... her flannel moved south, cleaning the mud from my most intimate parts... I closed my eyes and squirmed with pleasure, and groaned loudly when she pushed two soapy fingers deep inside me... she curled her fingers, stroking either side of my g-spot, while her thumb gently manipulated my clitoris... I leaned back on my bound arms, giving in to the ecstacy...

I don't know how long we were together in the bath, but when I finally opened my eyes again the candles were burning low and I had lost count of the number of orgasms she had taken me through...

"You are perfect," she whispered in my ear, "You will make the perfect companion through the years..."

The words barely registered with me as she helped me out of the bath and dried me with a towel before she dried herself. I stepped towards her and kissed her neck - she gasped, as I sucked on her throat, teasing her skin with my tongue... she put her hands behind her back and closed her eyes, spreading her legs as she stood naked before me... I kissed her throat again, then my kisses moved south, between her breasts, over her stomach and down to her sex... I plunged my face into her pussy, burying myself in her scent and her arousal... a long, low groan escaped her lips as my tongue pushed inside her, exploring... and then I tasted something I didn't expect, something warm... salty... metallic... I pulled back, knowing I had tasted her blood, feeling a sudden revulsion.

She looked down at me, and smiled when she saw the blood on my lips.

"It's too late for you, my dear," she purred, "Now that you have tasted my blood, you are addicted. It will give you strength, it will stimulate you... and it will bind you to me, stronger than any chain... you are mine..."

"No..." was all I managed to say, before she grabbed the chain attached to the collar around my neck and pulled it between her legs... pulling my face to her pussy again...

I struggled, but my movement only caused her to moan all the more... and I suddenly felt an urge, a hunger, like I'd never felt before... and before I knew what I was doing, I was burying my face in her sex, licking and sucking for all I was worth. And her laughter was music to my ears...

I blinked, realising that I must have passed out. I was lying on Lilith's huge gothic bed, no longer bound. I was dressed in a black rubber catsuit - completely skintight, very shiny. I was also wearing a black corset, black opera gloves, black thigh-length stiletto-heeled boots and a tight leather collar. I took a few moments to enjoy my new situation, running my gloved hands over my rubber-clad body, relishing in the sensation of the tight material completely encasing me.

Suddenly feeling self-conscious, I looked around the room but I was alone. I could hear the bass of the party, thump-thump-thumping in the distance, so decided to go and join it. I walked down the length of the candelit corridor and arrived at the top of the central staircase. I looked down on the party and smiled - the male guests were milling around, dancing, chatting, enjoying. A few female figures were visible in the crowd, serving drinks as best they could despite their bondage. I saw Wonder Woman, the Invisible Woman and Barb Wire enduring endless spanks and fondles as they delivered their drinks and returned to the kitchen to get more. None of them glanced my way. I also saw Xena, Batgirl and Catwoman serving drinks, also bound helpless, also being leered at and groped by the guests.

And then the front door opened, and a trio of fresh superheroines entered the party. Not bound, yet... not even aware of the danger they were in. They didn't see the already-bound superheroines serving drinks, they just headed away from the noise of the band. I decided to intercept them.

They gasped with surprise as I appeared behind them. They were dressed as Lara Croft (tight green leotard with tiny brown shorts), Tinkerbell (cute miniskirt with fairy wings) and Storm (white catsuit with flowing white cape). They looked at me, questioningly.

"Enjoying the party, girls?" I asked, smiling warmly, showing my teeth, "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Lilith. And this is my party."