"Jessica! What are you doing in there? We're waiting for you!"

I looked up when I heard my name. I was in the ensuite bathroom of Tony's hotel room, removing the last of my makeup and finishing off my vodka-and-orange. I looked at my reflection in the mirror - tall, slim, hazel eyes, dark hair, wearing a white hotel bathrobe with sheer black underwear underneath. And on my way to becoming quite drunk.

It wasn't just Tony waiting for me in the hotel room - Kelli, Michelle and Kevin were also waiting for me. And also quite drunk. We had been on our best behaviour for the past few months, while we toured Europe, and now we'd reached the end of our tour it was time to let our hair down. It was a stressful life, being a member of a successful band, but the pros far outweighed the cons. This time tomorrow we'd be home with our respective families, and wouldn't see each other again until the new year. I thought we deserved to enjoy ourselves and celebrate...

"Jessica, if you're not out of there in five seconds I'm coming in there to drag you out!"

That was Kelli's voice - the ebony-skinned goddess of the group whom I secretly fancied. The idea of her dragging me out of the bathroom was quite inviting, but perhaps I'd been too long - I opened the door and returned to the main hotel room.

Kelli was standing in front of the door, also wearing a white bathrobe - she smiled at me and stood aside to let me pass. Spiky-haired and stubbly Kevin was sitting on the bed in a t-shirt and jeans with the gorgeous, dark-haired Michelle (who was wearing a halter-neck top and shorts), while Tony (who was the eldest, but I thought looked the youngest) was sitting on the plush leather sofa also in a t-shirt and jeans. There were cushions and pillows arranged in a circle on the floor, so I found a comfy cushion to recline on, making sure that my bathrobe didn't reveal too much to my band-mates. Kelli sat down next to me.

"What's the plan for tonight?" I asked, holding out my glass for her to re-fill with vodka and orange.

"Tony and Kevin have come up with a game for us to play," she replied.

"Is it going to be pervy again?" I asked, suspiciously, remembering games of Sardines in our underwear, Musical Chairs where Tony and Kevin were the chairs, and Musical Statues which ended up with us three girls trying to remain motionless while the guys distracted us as much as possible... and as for Postman's Knock... well...

"We can only hope," she whispered to me.

Before I could wonder if my feelings towards her were reciprocated, Kevin spoke: "How pervy can a game of Pass The Parcel be?"

Tony reached behind the sofa and produced the most badly-wrapped Christmas present I had ever seen - the wrapping paper was hideous, there was tape everywhere and the huge present bulged in strange places. He placed the present in the middle of the circle of cushions, then sat back on the sofa and placed his ghetto blaster on his lap. Kevin and Michelle slid off the bed - she opposite Kelli while he sat opposite me. It looked like the four of us were playing, while Tony was in charge of music.

The music started (it was one of our more recent hits) and I reached forward to pick up the parcel. It was surprisingly heavy. I passed it to my left to Michelle, who passed it to Kevin, who passed it to Kelli, who passed it back to me... and then Tony stopped the music. The others in the room cheered, and I blushed as I tore open the first layer of wrapping paper - the next layer of wrapping paper contained a note which read: Finish your drink. Shrugging, I did as it said, knocking back my vodka-and-orange and coughing as I felt the harsh liquid fill my throat.

"Are you okay?" Kelli asked.

"I've had worse forfeits," I smiled.

Before she could reply, Tony started the music and I passed the parcel to my left again. The next time the music stopped, the parcel was in Michelle's hands. She ripped the awful paper to shreds and was greeted with a note that read: Kiss the person to your left. That person was Kevin - he grinned meekly.

"Better get it over and done with," he smiled at her.

"What a terrible forfeit..." Michelle said, before pouncing on him and pinning him to the floor while she kissed him passionately on the lips. While I watched them, I secretly wished that Kelli had received that particular forfeit, since I would have loved to enjoy the experience of her pinning me down and snogging me mercilessly... Eventually, Michelle returned to her cushion, leaving Kevin gasping for air. It was good to see that she was getting into the spirit of things.

The music started again, and the next forfeit was Kelli's: Finish your drink. She did so without hesitating, and I re-filled her glass. I began to wonder if this game was rigged, and whether the guys were trying to get us drunk. I received the next forfeit: Kiss the person to your right.

I looked at Kelli and blushed. She smiled sweetly at me in reply. I looked around at my band-mates, and they were watching us, intently. The alcohol in my system certainly helped - I leaned forward, and kissed Kelli softly on the lips. She responded, her hand discreetly moving inside my bathrobe to grip my bare waist. I could feel my nipples becoming more sensitive inside my sheer black bra, and the passion of our kiss increased as I stroked her soft black hair away from her cheek.

"Ahem," coughed Michelle, "are you two quite finished?"

"No, no, please carry on," Kevin said, as we parted, a single shared strand of drool hanging between our lips for a moment.

"I doubt that that was the last kissing forfeit..." Tony smiled, as he started the music again.

Michelle received the next forfeit: Finish your drink. As she completed her task, I noticed Tony discreetly hiding a piece of paper. I wondered if it was a list of all the forfeits, so he could choose who would have to do what... It was rather suspect, what with Kevin not having received any forfeits yet. The music started again, and stopped just as Kevin was handing the parcel to Kelli.

"It's not my forfeit," Kevin said quickly.

"Oh, I think it is," I said, "you haven't had any yet. It must be your turn by now."

"I think Kelli had the parcel..." Tony said.

"Is this game rigged?" I asked.

"Of course not!" the two guys said, as one.

"Let's take a vote," I smiled. "If you think it's Kevin's turn for a forfeit, raise your hand." Michelle, Kelli and I raised our hands. "It's decided, then."

Kevin took the package and unwrapped it, not looking very happy about this turn of events. His forfeit read: Remove an item of clothing. Michelle and Kelli cheered and helped him remove his t-shirt, and I noticed Tony mouthing the word "Sorry" to Kevin - it was definitely rigged. But I was enjoying myself, and too drunk to care. And I wanted to find out what the strange bulges in the parcel were.

I sipped at my drink as we passed the parcel to the music some more, slightly distracted by Kevin's bare chest. The next forfeit fell to Kelli: Remove an item of clothing. She didn't hesitate to remove her bathrobe, revealing a very sexy set of black leather underwear consisting of a bra, thong, stockings, suspenders and a choker. It certainly got a warm welcome from everyone present, and she wasn't in any way shy about showing off her gorgeous body. The next Remove an item of clothing was mine, and I got a similar reception to my sheer black bra and thong - I felt a little shy, sitting there in my underwear, but I was quite drunk and with friends, so didn't mind too much... and I was also feeling rather horny, thanks to Kelli's kiss earlier.

"What exactly do you mean?" I asked, when I received the next forfeit: Fondle the person to your left.

"Do you want me to come down there and show you?" Tony asked, grinning from the sofa like a Cheshire cat.

"That's okay," I smiled in reply, "I think I can work it out."

I moved over to my left, towards Michelle, and looked her up and down. She was wearing a tight white halter-neck top through which I could see the outlines of her hardening nipples, a pair of incredibly-short blue denim shorts and a white thong (the sides of which were visible above the hips of her shorts). I moved my hand up her bare waist to her bulging breasts... I stroked my fingers over first her left breast then her right, smiling as her nipples hardened even more. She closed her eyes and moaned very softly as I gripped her left breast, trapping her nipple between my fingers, and squeezed. I looked around the room and noted that while Tony was on the edge of his seat, taking in every detail, Kelli was trying not to notice and Kevin was looking green with envy. Not wanting to hurt Kelli's feelings, I quickly stopped and returned to my cushion and discreetly stroked her stockinged thigh while the guys watched Michelle recover. Tony quickly started the music again, obviously eager for more entertainment.

The music stopped just as Kelli was going to hand the present to me. She smiled at me and shrugged as she peeled back the festive wrapping paper to reveal her next forfeit: Fondle the person to your right. Kevin grinned from ear to ear as Kelli leaned in close and began to stroke his bare chest in exactly the same way I had stroked Michelle's... even down to gripping hard with his nipples between her fingers, which caused the rest of us to fall about laughing.

When Tony had had enough of witnessing the hilarity, he started the music again. We were still giggling, and the music continued for a long time while we passed the parcel between the four of us. One track ended and another started - I recognised the second song on our latest album, and smiled as I listened to it. I've always thought it would be a good idea to create music that I'd like to listen to. Kelli refilled my glass for me - it had somehow mysteriously emptied itself over the past few minutes, and my increasingly-slurred speech and clumsy movements had nothing to do with it.

Ankle cuff yourself to the person to your left. I looked at the forfeit as Kelli unwrapped the parcel, and noticed that in this layer of wrapping paper was helpfully included a pair of ankle cuffs. Well, that explained the strange shape of the parcel and extra weight - I wondered what other weird items were included.

"Where are the keys?" I asked Tony.

"In the middle of the parcel," he replied, tapping his fingers impatiently on the silent ghetto blaster.

I watched as Kelli closed the cold metal cuff around her stockinged left ankle, the ratchetting sound of the mechanism making it sound very final, very secure. She then leaned over towards me and delicately gripped my right ankle - she looked me in the eye, smiled in response to my smile, and closed the other cuff around my ankle, tightly. It felt cold on my skin, and I couldn't help but shudder. We were stuck together until the end of the game. I found the whole thought rather exciting. In fact, I was so distracted that Michelle had to take the parcel from me after Kelli handed it to me, when the music started again. Tony stopped the music at that moment, and Michelle unwrapped the parcel with much trepidation until she found her forfeit: Remove an item of clothing.

"But I'm only wearing three items of clothing!" she complained to Tony.

"It'll make it an easier choice, then," he grinned at her.

Muttering under her breath, she slipped out of her tiny shorts, until she was sitting there in just her halter-neck top and thong. The music started again, and she passed the parcel to Kevin, who passed it to Kelli, who passed it to me, and so the game continued. Tony stopped the music when the parcel next reached Kevin's hands, and he grinned broadly as he unwrapped the paper, almost as if he knew what was coming: Fondle the person to your right. While I rolled my eyes, Michelle closed hers and leaned back on her elbows as Kevin sidled up to her and stroked her tummy with one hand before moving it up to her breasts - I noticed her nipples harden as he squeezed, and her lips parted slightly... she even started licking her lips a little, at least until Kelli spoke.

"How long are these forfeits meant to last?" she asked, possibly in an attempt to save Michelle from being over-groped.

"As long as they take," Tony smiled from the sofa, clearly enjoying the show.

Kevin took the hint, though, and returned to his position on the circle of cushions. The music started and stopped immediately, before Kevin could even pick up the parcel, let alone pass it. He grinned again as he unwrapped the next layer to reveal his next forfeit... although 'forfeit' probably wasn't quite the right word: Fondle the person to your left.

"Are you sure this game isn't rigged?" I asked, as Kelli closed her eyes and leaned back, submitting to Kevin's enthusiastic groping inside and outside of her leather bra.

"Of course not," Tony smiled, "everyone's getting forfeits, aren't they?"

Before I could reply to that, Tony started the music again and Kevin, clearly disappointed at not having longer to play with Kelli, returned to his position and passed the parcel. Tony was grinning right at me as the parcel reached my hands, and stopped the music at that moment. I glared at him as I tore the paper and only looked away to read my forfeit: Remove an item of clothing.

"But I'm only wearing two items of clothing!" I complained.

"Not for much longer," Kelli grinned, refilling my glass.

I pouted in protest, and turned away from the guys as best I could with my right ankle cuffed to Kelli, and removed my bra. I threw it to the side, and turned back to them with one arm covering my breasts, and the other free for drinking vodka, passing the parcel and unwrapping paper. I felt thoroughly victimised by Tony, and decided not to make such accusations in future in case I got the same forfeit again. The music started, and continued for a few minutes - presumably because Tony was too busy watching my attempts to pass the parcel while not revealing my nipples to even think about stopping the music. Eventually, he stopped the music while Michelle had the parcel. Her forfeit was Ankle cuff yourself to the person to your right.

"Hey, that's me!" I complained.

"So?" Kevin grinned, "You have a spare ankle!"

Michelle moved closer to me, brandishing the ankle cuffs she had received in the parcel. She closed one around my left ankle, then the other around her right. She then moved away, back towards my position, and I found myself spreading my legs. Kelli and Michelle giggled as they forced my legs wide apart - I could do nothing to stop them, since any attempt to resist was hampered by not wanting to show off my nipples.

"I hope you all find this very amusing," I pouted.

"Don't worry," Michelle said, "we do."

The music started and the game continued, with me feeling more regretful about questioning the fairness of the game. Surprise, surprise, the next forfeit was mine... but, contrary to my fears, it was actually quite good: Handcuff the person to your left. Time for revenge. I took the supplied handcuffs in my left hand (still covering my nipples with my right) and beckoned for Michelle to scoot closer.

"Turn around," I grinned, evilly, "and put your hands behind your back."

"No, surely not," she said, surprised, clearly not wanting her hands cuffed behind her.

"You don't get any choice in the matter," I smiled, sweetly, "I'm handcuffing you, remember?"

"She's right," Kelli said, and Kevin and Tony murmured their agreement.

Michelle submitted, eventually, and I made sure I fastened the cuffs tightly to her wrists. She wriggled back to her position in the circle of cushions, a little awkwardly. How she would pass the parcel was anyone's guess... she had little movement, what with being ankle-cuffed to me, so she could hardly twist around and perform the task backwards.

The music started, and after Michelle had failed to move the parcel any significant distance Kevin reached forward and took it from her before passing it to Kelli, at which point the music stopped. Kelli's forfeit was: Remove an item of clothing. She smiled, and immediately reached behind for her bra clasp.

"Wait a sec," I whispered to her, "you can remove any item of clothing you want. Why don't you remove your choker? Or your suspender belt?"

"I wouldn't want to spoil the spirit of this game these two boys have obviously been thinking about for a long time," she smiled, "and you're getting all the attention at the moment with your bare chest, I feel like I'm a wallflower. I don't want to feel left out."

"You're crazy," I smiled, "Oh well, suit yourself."

She unclasped her bra and pulled the straps from her shoulders before tossing it aside, making no attempt to hide her nipples. I was quite shocked, and quite shamed at my own shyness. I suddenly felt considerable peer pressure to reveal my nipples to everyone, and I found it difficult to resist. I was very thankful when the music started again, and continued to hide my nipples as I passed the parcel and sipped my drink. And I took every opportunity to glance in the direction of Kelli's naked breasts. The music stopped when the parcel reached Kevin, and his forfeit read: Finish your drink. Which he did.

The music stopped after I had pushed the parcel to Michelle. She sat there, looking at it, her hands firmly cuffed behind her back. Kevin scooted over to her and unwrapped the next layer for her. The forfeit read: Remove an item of clothing.

"I'm hardly in a position to do that!" she said.

"I can do it for you," Kevin smiled.

"Would you?"

I think that she had assumed that he had meant that he'd remove one of his own items of clothing. From himself. She looked quite surprised when he reached behind her neck, under her hair, and untied her halter - handcuffed as she was, she could do nothing to stop him removing her top and revealing her very shapely breasts for the room to admire. She tried to twist to get her bound hands up in front of her to cover them, but soon gave up when she realised it was futile.

Despite my alcohol intake, I was beginning to sense a pattern to these forfeits... and I anticipated the next forfeit by holding onto the parcel a little while longer than was absolutely necessary. I smiled when I unwrapped the paper and read the slip of paper inside: Handcuff the person to your right.

"Did you know that was coming?" Kelli asked me, as she backed towards me, holding her hands out behind her.

"Who, me?" I asked, innocently - I attached the cuffs to her wrists, my hand lingering for a moment, stroking the soft skin of her arms before she returned to her position.

Tony took the opportunity to refill everyones' drinks, and help those who were handcuffed to have a few sips. I looked around the room, taking stock of our situation. Tony had the prime viewing position on the leather sofa, hugging his ghetto blaster and secret list of forfeits. Directly in front of his position was Kevin, who's only inconvenience was a lack of shirt. I was directly opposite Kevin, wearing just a sheer thong, trying to cover my bare nipples with my arm, my legs spread wide by ankle cuffs attached to the girls on either side of me. Michelle was the girl on my left, wearing just a white thong, but she had the added inconvenience of having her wrists handcuffed behind her back. Kelli was the girl on my right, who shared the same handcuff inconvenience, but was wearing slightly more clothing in the form of a choker, a thong, stockings and suspenders. And we were all very drunk. I noticed how quickly and easily the two guys had effectively incapacitated us three girls - and got quite excited by the thought. Who knew where the evening would lead?

Kiss and fondle the person to your left. I smiled at the forfeit in my hand, and turned to the helpless Michelle. She smiled at me, nervously, as I moved in closer. My movement was halted by my right ankle not moving - I turned to look at Kelli, who was attached to my right ankle, but she put on a display of mock innocence. All I could do from this distance was brush my lips against Michelle's and stroke a finger across the underside of her breast before Kelli pulled me back to my seating position.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" I asked her.

"No, I just want to see what's in the centre of the parcel. I really should have gone to the toilet before we started this game."

"Too late now," I hoped - I didn't fancy the idea of us three girls, chained together, squeezing awkwardly into the ensuite to attempt to fulfil her wish.

The music started and stopped again before I had the chance to pass the parcel. My next forfeit was: Kiss and fondle the person to your right.

"Any objections?" I asked Kelli.

"None at all," she grinned.

I leaned in close to her, finally removing my hand from my nipples as I gripped her waist, brushing my lips against hers softly at first before pressing them against her firmly. I stroked her hair away from her face as our kiss grew in intensity - I could hear her handcuff chain rattling as she tried to reach around to touch me, and that sound spurred me to play with her more. My fingers explored her body, from her face to her neck, over her shoulders to her breasts, to her hardening nipples... then I let one of my hands explore further down, as my tongue pushed into her mouth... my hand moved down her waist to her thighs, stroking her stockings, tracing the outline of her leather thong...

"Ahem," Michelle coughed, interrupting us, "aren't we meant to be playing a game of Pass The Parcel here?"

Blushing, I returned to my position, but made no attempt now to hide my nipples. Instead, I put my hands on the floor in front of me to hide the moistness in my thong... which I couldn't hide with my spread legs. But at least I now found it easier to pass said parcel. It next stopped in front of Kevin, who beamed when he read his forfeit: Handcuff and fondle the person of your choice.

"I choose Jessica," he said, without hesitating.

Picking up the handcuffs, he stood and walked around the outside of our little circle and stopped directly behind me. I sighed, resigning myself to this next level of bondage, and put my hands behind my back so he could cuff them. Which he did. And I was rendered even more helpless and vulnerable. I closed my eyes as he reached around from behind me, his hands going immediately to my breasts and my hard nipples - he squeezed my breasts hard, roughly, and I could only groan as he kneaded them from behind and planted a small kiss in the side of my neck. I wondered what would happen if he decided to take it a stage further - if his hands ventured south, I wouldn't be able to do a thing to stop him - hell, my ankles were already spread wide by the two girls they were cuffed to. I found myself getting wet with anticipation, and I was disappointed when he didn't try to get into my underwear - perhaps his definition of a fondle didn't go that far. Still, the kneading of my breasts left me breathless, and I was panting as I watched him return to his position in the cushion circle.

The next two forfeits were his too, because no-one could take the parcel from him and he didn't want to pass it: Kiss and fondle the person to your right and Kiss and fondle the person to your left. I looked on as he first played first with Michelle, and then with Kelli. They were quite helpless, and he was quite eager - by the time he had finished, both girls were panting and licking their lips, and both had rock-hard nipples.

The music started and stopped again, and there were no more forfeits - Kevin had found the prize in the middle of the parcel, and he was the game's victor. He tore the last shreds of paper apart, to reveal what his prize was - a set of keys for handcuffs and anklecuffs, a set of keys for hotel rooms and three red ballgags.

"Well done," Tony smiled, putting the ghetto blaster to one side, "what are you going to do with your prizes?"

"Hmmmm," Kevin grinned, looking at the three helpless, half-naked girls before him, "I know the perfect thing to do with these gags."

He picked them up and walked back outside the circle. He approached Kelli first - she obediently opened her mouth and he pulled the gag inside, buckling it tight under her hair. He then walked behind me, and repeated the process - I bit down onto the gag as he fastened it under my hair, and tried to dislodge it by shaking my head but had no success. He then approached Michelle and kissed her softly on the lips before gagging her. Kelli, Michelle and I looked at each other, our eyes full of unanswered questions.

"Now," Kevin said, "I'm going to take all these keys up to my hotel room. 416, in case you've forgotten. You can come get them when you want to get free."

"Mmmmmph?!?" the three of us asked, simultaneously.

"I think I'll go up to your room too," Tony said, "and wait for the girls to arrive. Since I'm vacating my room, girls, I'm afraid you're going to have to leave..."

We fought as best we could, but the two of them helped us to our feet and ushered us out of the door into the hotel corridor. What a sight we must have been... three girls in our underwear, bare breasts, hands cuffed behind our backs, ankles cuffed to each other, gagged. Luckily, there was no-one around to witness this spectacle. Tony locked the room behind us, and quickly walked down the corridor towards the elevators with Kevin. We tried to keep up, but were slightly hampered by our bondage and just arrived at the elevators in time to see the doors closing and the two guys waving to us from inside, before the elevator whisked them up two floors.

The three of us stood still for a moment, bewildered. What were we to do? And if either of us came up with a plan, how would we communicate it to the other two? This whole situation was very irresponsible of the guys... who knows what could happen to us, bound almost naked and helpless? And what would happen if someone with a camera spotted us? We'd be all over the tabloids in the morning... It was then that I noticed that an elevator was heading up towards us from the ground floor - I mmmmmphed into the gag and indicated as best I could towards the elevator display. The other two girls took my hint, and we returned to the main corridor which was, luckily, still uninhabited. Kelli led the way, and somehow found a utility cupboard that the three of us could squeeze into to catch our breaths - Michelle closed the door behind us.

While I tried to take stock of the situation and Michelle paced about on the verge of panic, Kelli knelt down on the floor between us and pressed the back of her head into my hip. It took me a moment to work out what she wanted, but I soon cottoned on and turned around so I could use my bound hands to remove her gag.

"Thanks," she grinned, spitting out the ballgag.

The process was repeated, and soon all three of us were de-gagged.

"So, what's the plan?" Michelle asked.

"I suggest we make our way upstairs," I said, "and beg the guys to release us."

"...and turn the tables on them at the first opportunity," Kelli grinned.

"But, first, we need to get to their room. What was the number?"

"I think it was 415. Something like that."

"Best not to get the wrong room..."

"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it. How do we get to the room in the first place?"

"The elevator is too risky... who knows who could be waiting for those doors to open?"

"The stairs, then."


"I think I can hear someone outside the door..."

We immediately went silent. I looked first at Michelle, then at Kelli, and the fear on their faces matched the fear I felt. Who was outside? Did they know we were in here? Did they know we were helpless? And as we stood there, petrified, I began to find the whole situation very arousing.