"No need," you smile, "I've got a car. Do you want a lift?"

"Sure," she grins.

You don't know where all the time has gone, but the club is playing it's usual throwing-out music. It's time to hit the street. You lead the way to the cloakroom and grab your jacket, before leading her outside into the cool night, her high heels clicking on the pavement beside you and her subtle perfume finally reaching your nostrils.

"Don't you have a coat?" you ask, as you see her folding her arms and shivering.

"I didn't think it would be this cold," she says through gritted teeth.

You wrap your coat around her shoulders and she thanks you. You go one step further and put your arm around her as you walk together to the car park, and she seems very grateful for the shared body heat.

"So, do you live nearby?" you ask.

"Just five minutes' drive away," she smiles up at you, before nuzzling her face against your side for further protection from the cold.

You arrive at your car and open the door for her. As she bends down to step in, you can't help but notice her generous cleavage... and as she sits back, her skirt rides up and you can see the top of one of her stockings. Feeling rather aroused, you close the door and walk around to the other side of the car and get in. The interior of the car is illuminated by a streetlight in front of you, and Pauline looks good even in this harsh light - sitting down, her dress reveals more than it did when she was standing up.

You eventually arrive at her place and she insists that you come in for a cup of coffee. Pauline hangs your jacket up just inside the door and tells you to make yourself comfortable while she makes the coffee. You wander into the lounge and sit down on the sofa, hardly believing your luck. And then you see the cardboard box, in the centre of the floor. Curiosity gets the better of you and you have a quick peek inside... and find it full of toys. But not childrens' toys. Adults' toys. Vibrators, handcuffs, nipple clamps, gags... your heart skips a beat and you quickly close the box as you hear Pauline walking in. She hands you your cup of coffee and sits down, surrepticiously nudging the box out of sight with her foot as she does so.

Your choices: Ask about the box or Drink up and go home.