Okay, I'll admit that I'm not a very nice person, but it's just part of who I am. Some people get the things they want by working hard for them, some people have special gifts and talents... but me, I use less conventional means to get my way and I don't mind hurting a few people along the way. But, even so, I don't think I deserve this punishment...

My name is Eliza, by the way. I'm a control freak. I love to be completely in charge of every situation, to know all the possible outcomes and to minimise surprises. I may not be the most beautiful girl in the world, but I can still get my way by fluttering my eyelashes and smiling sweetly... I wish I was blonde, though, since I'm sure they have more fun.

Anyway, you probably want to know what I'm doing here. I suppose that, technically, it all started in September last year when I came to this town to attend university. I was lucky enough to get a place on a psychology degree course here, and lucky enough to get a room in the halls of residence. I was lucky enough to meet a sweet guy who loved me, joked with me and gave me orgasms... but unlucky enough to have a cute room-mate who stole him from me.

Sarah, my room-mate, is a tall, statuesque, buxom blonde with blue eyes and a light, friendly laugh that instantly endears her to anyone she meets. She always wears the skimpiest of outfits and earns extra money by modelling between lectures. I found myself insanely jealous of her the moment I met her, but I put on a friendly show whenever our paths cross... which is quite often, since she is a human biology student and our lectures are in the same area of the campus... and I'm sure I've already mentioned that we're room-mates.

My ex-boyfriend, Nicolas, went out with me for just nine and a half weeks before he dumped me for some unknown reason... but in the space of a few days he was dating Sarah. I was heartbroken - not only had I lost my love, but I had to see him most evenings kissing my room-mate! I confronted him about it, but he just said that he was attracted to her and wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. I confronted her about it, and she said that she was sorry and realised how difficult it was for me, but surely I could understand that she had to seize her chance at happiness even if it could potentially spoil her friendship with me. Potentially spoil? I'll potentially spoil her...

Our halls of residence consists of many identical floors, of which Sarah and I live on the top. We share a dual bedroom and an ensuite bathroom, and we share a kitchen with four other rooms. One of the other rooms is empty, one of the other rooms is occupied by a couple of gothic girls who remind me of vampires, another room is occupied by a pair of male computer geeks and the last room is occupied by a couple of sportsmen. We are quite a mixed bunch, really, and the only floor in the halls to have students of both sexes. We all get on fairly well when we happen to meet in the kitchen, but the geeks and goths tend to keep to themselves and the sportsmen are hardly ever around. Which is a shame.

When I first moved in, since I'm the paranoid sort, I kept my webcam on my PC on so I could spy on my room-mate... the last thing I wanted was her going through my stuff. I reviewed the recordings when she wasn't around and soon came to the conclusion that I had nothing to worry about. I was just about to dismantle the setup when one evening (before I had even met Nicolas) I had a very pleasant surprise...

I sat at my computer, cloaked in darkness, sipping at a freshly-prepared mug of hot chocolate. Even though it was the start of Autumn, the halls of residence soon lost their heat once the sun had disappeared below the horizon. Being on the top floor, I would have thought that the heat from the lower floors would have risen to warm my feet, but it just didn't seem to happen that way. My room-mate, Sarah, was out on the town and I was taking the opportunity to review what my webcam had recorded earlier that evening when she had been alone in our room... I didn't yet trust her around my possessions, and needed to know that she wasn't rummaging through my private things. Naturally, I had already rummaged through her private things, read her diary and stolen some of her makeup, but that wasn't the point...

The start of the recording was rather bland and rather empty... I had to fast-forward through the first hour to even catch a glimpse of Sarah, darting into the room to grab a sweater before she darted out again. Given the time on the clock on the wall, I assumed she was preparing and eating her dinner. She eventually returned to the webcam's field of view and began to take her clothes off. I leaned back in my chair as I watched the pixellated display, sipping at my chocolate, as she stripped down to her underwear, neatly folding her clothes and placing them on a set of drawers. I had to admit that she had a beautiful body... I've never really been attracted to other women, but I wondered if I would be able to say no if she approached me... Not that she was gay, since I knew she wasn't. She grabbed a towel from a drawer and disappeared into the ensuite bathroom... and didn't emerge again for another half-hour.

I fast-forwarded the video and stopped it the moment I saw her naked form step into view... well, naked except for the talcum powder. She was tall and slender, with amazing skin and bright blue eyes that just begged for undivided attention... which they would rarely get, since her enormous breasts proved most distracting for all who encountered her. I was finding them quite distracting as I watched them on my computer, jiggling about lightly as she walked around the room. She knelt in front of the camera, facing away, and reached under her bed - from beneath, she pulled out a large padlocked box. I already knew about this box, since I had already tried (unsuccessfully) to open it when she wasn't around.

She grabbed the key from her bag and unlocked it, opening it to reveal an interesting array of equipment and clothing... although, viewing through a low-resolution webcam, all I could see was a dark blur. She put a few items on black rubber clothing on her bed, followed by some short lengths of rope, a pair of handcuffs and some items I didn't recognise. I was quite shocked, but my curiosity kept me watching as she donned the rubber clothing. First was a pair of rubber panties with an internal dildo (I'd never seen such a thing before in my life) which she lubricated and donned - I smiled as I saw the expression on her face as she inserted the dildo deep inside her waiting pussy. The rubber panties were tight against her skin, and very pleasantly shiny. She then pulled on a pair of rubber stockings, which somehow made her feet look really tiny, and a pair of rubber gloves that went past her elbow and reminded me of Michelle Pfeiffer's gloves in Batman Returns.

I heard a noise outside my room and my ears perked up, and I suddenly felt guilty for absolutely no reason at all. Well, actually there were probably some very good reasons, but I didn't normally feel guilty about anything. I tiptoed over to the bedroom door and made sure it was locked, before returning to my computer. It was probably one of my flatmates going to the kitchen or something.

By now, Sarah had a length of rope tied around her waist like a belt, with a length tied tight between her legs... it looked like it was making sure the dildo in her panties didn't escape anywhere... I wondered why she had to do this, but soon forgot my question when I saw her take another length of rope and deftly tie her own ankles together. Another rope kept her knees tightly together, and she then kneeled on the floor to tie her ankles to her thighs. What strange behaviour.

I was trying to work out what she was trying to do, but couldn't... her next step was to put a ring in her mouth, between her teeth to keep her mouth wide open, that buckled behind her head. She then put a pair of metal clamps on her nipples which looked quite painful, and certainly made her wince as they gripped her. And, lastly, she threw a small key to the other side of the room and cuffed her hands behind her back, making sure the chain of the handcuffs was threaded through the back of the rope that went between her legs. And, just like that, she was helpless in her bondage and I think I had worked out what she was doing...

She could hardly move, and I guessed from the way she was drooling that every movement tugged on the rope between her legs, which in turn pressed on the dildo inside her. So, she was getting some stimulation and was unable to stop it, at least until she ventured across the room to get the handcuff key, but I still didn't quite see the allure. It was only when she wriggled across the room and had to pause after only a couple of metres to enjoy a shuddering climax that the real eroticism of her situation hit me. She was helpless, stimulated, horny, vulnerable. And I began to feel quite sexy too, as I imagined what I would do if I ever discovered her in that situation... I was also quite entertained by the fact that this recording was only from an hour ago... if only I had returned from my lectures earlier, I might have caught her! And what fun I'd have.

She recovered from her orgasm and continued her journey towards the key. But then she stopped, her ears almost visibly perking up as she heard a sound outside the room. I watched as she changed her direction of travel and quickly headed towards the door of the ensuite bathroom, which she pushed open and closed behind her - difficult, given her bondage. I was very impressed. And then I saw myself enter the room, and stop the camera recording.

Wait a minute... I quickly put two and two together, and darted across the room to her bed. The large box under the bed was open, not closed. And there, on the other side of the room, I could see her discarded handcuff key. Which meant that she was still in the ensuite bathroom - and I'd thought that she was out on the town! I grinned to myself... time to have some fun. I picked up the handcuff key and put it in my pocket.

"Oh well, time for dinner," I said, loudly enough for her to hear, before opening and closing the bedroom door... without stepping outside.

Almost immediately, a helpless Sarah opened the ensuite bathroom door and struggled out into the bedroom, making a beeline for where the key had been... I watched her, bound helpless, wearing her rubber panties, gloves and stockings, her legs tied together tightly beneath her, her wrists handcuffed to the rope going through her crotch, her nipples clamped and her mouth gagged. It was only when she saw that the key wasn't where she had left it that she looked towards the door... to see me standing there. She gasped into her gag and went bright red from embarrassment. She immediately turned her body, trying to hide herself from me as I walked over towards her.

"Hi there, room-mate," I purred, sitting down next to her on the floor.

All she did was try to move away, but I wasn't going to have that. I pushed her down onto her side and tickled her mercilessly... sitting astride her while she struggled and giggled, laughing with the fun of it all, smiling when she glared at me in the few times between tickle bouts that I let her breathe. I soon decided to stop being quite so cruel, and removed the clamps from her nipples - she gasped, presumably as the blood returned to her nipples and relieved them of their numbness and reminded her of their pain... I took the opportunity to cup her enormous breasts in my hands - they were very impressive, and I found myself feeling very aroused by the experience. And then I had a wonderful idea...

One of my hobbies is hypnosis, and I couldn't resist the completely unethical temptation of hypnotising my helpless victim. It took a little while, but she eventually fell under my spell. I made her forget that I had discovered her but I also gave her the command word, Equinox, which would make her fall into a deep hypnotic trance under my control whenever she heard me say it. Then I brought her out of the trance and left the room, so she could finish her little self-bondage adventure in peace... without the knowledge that she was now my secret sex slave.

It was later that week that I met Nicolas, and suddenly my priorities changed - I pretty much forgot that I had my room-mate hypnotised, and spent all my time having fun with my new boyfriend. He made me a different person, a better person - I felt that his influence changed me for the better... which made me feel even worse when I was unceremoniously dumped so he could date my room-mate. I still loved him, but now I hated her with a passion... and I knew just how to wreak my revenge...

I sat on my bed, looking across the room at Sarah. She was strutting in front of her full-length mirror, making sure that the dress for her date was just right. Her date with my boyfriend. I was silently fuming, gripping the duvet on my bed so hard my knuckles were white. I knew that I couldn't hypnotise her to dump Nicolas... it would probably break the hypnosis, and she'd realise what I'd done. But I could still degrade and humiliate her, and that would be fitting enough revenge for me.

"Equinox," I said, softly, with a smile on my lips.

She immediately stopped what she was doing and just stood there, her head tilted forward and her eyes closed, in a deep hypnotic trance. I walked up to her and prodded her shoulder - she swayed a little, but didn't react. I stepped around her, admiring her dress close-up - even though I hated her, I had to admit that she looked beautiful. I couldn't let her go on that date with Nicolas - he'd fall irretrievably in love with her. So, I'd get her to cancel...

"Sarah," I asked, "can you hear me?"

"Yes, Mistress," she murmured.

"Good," I replied, "Now, when I say the word Solstice, you will come out of your trance with no memory of this little conversation. But you will be feeling a little down, like you've got the flu. You will phone Nicolas, and postpone tonight's date - you will say you're not feeling very well, and that you're going to get an early night. Understood?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Good. Solstice."

I sat back down on my bed as she came out of her trance. She immediately put her hand to her head and sat on her bed.

"I'm not feeling so good..." she moaned.

"Is there anything I can do?" I asked, rushing her to side, playing the part of helpful housemate.

"No, I think I'll just get an early night."

"But what about your date with Nicolas?"

"I'm going to have to cancel... do you think he'll understand?"

"I'm sure he will," I smiled, making sure she couldn't see the evil glint in my grin.

I returned to my side of the room and pretended to read a book while I eavesdropped on her phone conversation. Exactly as planned, she cancelled the date... and as soon as she hung up the phone, I turned to face her.

"Equinox," I said, and watched her return to her trance before I continued: "When I say Solstice, this time, you will forget this little conversation and feel much better. But you will forget about your plans to date Nicolas tonight... instead, you'll want to indulge your sexy side in some self-bondage fun. In a few minutes, I will leave the room and go to Jim's room to watch a movie. You will dress in your favourite sexy outfit and join us, briefly, to place your handcuff key in Jim's hand, before leaving without a word. Then, you will bind yourself helpless... make sure you include your ring-gag and your handcuffs... and struggle to Jim's room to earn your release. You will do anything I say, but you will leave your trance as soon as your handcuffs are released and remember everything that you've done to earn your freedom... Understood?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Solstice. How are you feeling now?"

"A little better. Why am I dressed like this?"

"I don't know. I'm going to go watch tonight's film in Jim's room. I think it's Cube, or something like that."

"Never heard of it."

"Probably not your sort of thing. Have fun on your own tonight..."

"I'm sure I can find a way to entertain myself. Now, don't you have a film to get to?"

"Are you trying to get rid of me?"

"Not at all..."

I noticed, with some satisfaction, that she did seem rather eager to get rid of me and indulge her sexy self-bondage side. I walked across the room to the door and turned, to say "See you in a bit!" before I left and closed the door behind me. I went to Jim's room - the door was already open and the lights turned off for this evening's film (every evening was a film evening in Jim's room). The number of people in the room made it seem rather small - the vampiric goth girls (Therese and Jeanette) were sitting on the bed, the geeks (Jim and Craig) were sitting on chairs and the sportsmen were nowhere to be seen. I smiled at Jim and quietly found myself a corner of bed next to a goth - I had missed the start of the film, but I didn't care since I was too busy imagining what my room-mate was up to.

I didn't have to wait long for Sarah to make her entrance. Jim saw her first, and paused the movie - there were a couple of complaints from the other viewers, but all ceased once everyone noticed the figure standing in the doorway. Sarah walked into the room, completely naked except for a collar around her neck, a pair of black latex elbow-length gloves, a pair of black latex stockings and a pair of strappy stiletto heels... She made no attempt to hide her bare nipples and shaved pussy. No-one said a word as she walked up to Jim, placed a key in his hand, turned and left. We were all quite speechless - I was surprised at how sexy her outfit was and how aroused I was by it, everyone else was just plain shocked.

"Okay," said Craig, eventually, "what was that?"

"Please tell me that I didn't just imagine that," Jim murmured.

"What did she put in your hand?" asked Therese.

"A key. I wonder what it's for?"

"Looks like a handcuff key to me," Jeanette grinned, and I wondered how she knew.

"Why? What? How?" Jim was still in a state of shock.

"I assume she's giving you some sort of message," I chipped in.

"But... what?"

He didn't have to wait long for the next part of the mystery... Sarah was standing in the doorway again, wearing the same outfit, but with a few slight modifications. Now, her breasts were bound tight with rope - the rope made them bulge to obscene proportions, and my fingers instinctively gripped the duvet I was sitting on, as I found myself wanting to play with them... and her nipples were clamped. Her mouth was forced open wide by her ring-gag, and her hands were cuffed to the back of the gag. She was quite helpless, but somehow completely in control. She walked into the room, standing in front of the TV, before she knelt on the floor before us.

"Well," Therese smiled, "I think that that's quite a clear message."

"Yes," Jeanette contributed, "quite clear. She wants you to use and abuse her helpless body..."

"And she wants us to watch?" Craig asked, clearly quite excited.

"She wouldn't actually be able to stop you joining in," I smirked, "but I think she planned it that way..."

"Have you lost your mind, Sarah?" Therese asked.

Sarah just shook her head, no, and waited patiently on the floor. Jim stood up and walked over to her, gripping the key in his hands. It looked like he intended to release her, but then he got within groping distance of her breasts and obviously decided to have a little fondle... I looked at my housemates in the room, and they were all on the edge of their seats, watching the show. Sarah moaned as her bound breasts were cupped, and wriggled in her bondage as the chain between her nipple clamps was tugged. I felt my own nipples getting hard in my bra as I watched her writhe.

She behaved like the perfect sex slave, that night. And Jim's movie evening turned into an orgy... Sarah's horniness seemed to be contagious, and soon she had the two guys taking her simultaneously, while Therese and Jeanette pleasured each other on the bed. I felt a little left out, and a little like a spectator in a completely unbelievable porn movie. But it was later, when a panting Sarah decided to sit on my lap, that things briefly took a turn for the better.

I couldn't resist reaching up to touch her swollen breasts, and soon found myself licking the cum that was dripping from her chin as she closed her eyes and wriggled. She looked at me, her eyes full of lust, and slid from my lap to kneel between my legs. She conveyed what she wanted from me by trapping the zip of my jeans between her tongue and her ring-gag... and tugging... I quickly undid my jeans and slipped out of them, revealing my sexy black mesh panties to the room, briefly, before she buried her head in my lap and began licking at me, through my panties, through her ring-gag. I closed my eyes and laid back on the bed as she went to work on me, expertly, her tongue finding all the right places to make me writhe and squirm.

Therese and Jeanette moved closer to me, and began to stroke my body through my clothes... lingering on my hard nipples, pinning my hands to the bed so I couldn't stop the pleasure Sarah was delivering. And I was aware of Craig and Jim, stroking the helpless Sarah, teasing her naked body while she pleasured me. It was wonderful, and I soon found myself panting louder and louder as I drew closer and closer to orgasm...

It was then that Nicolas arrived. He stood in the doorway, unknowingly imitating what Sarah had done twice before that evening, but the expression on his face was one of shock. Slowly, we noticed him. And all he did was glare at Sarah and myself.

"W-We can explain..." I stuttered, as his gaze fell on me, suddenly worrying that I might lose all chance of making up with him.

"No explanation necessary," he said, "I don't want to see or hear from either of you two ever again. Ever."

With that, he turned and stormed out of the building. Jim obviously panicked, feeling guilty about what he'd been caught doing. He quickly released the handcuffs from Sarah's wrists, and the spell of her hypnosis was broken! She looked around, the ring-gag still padlocked in her mouth, shocked as her memories of this evening came flooding back to her... she hid her nakedness as best she could and ran from the room. I quickly pulled up my jeans and followed her, worried.

I was worried for a number of reasons. I was worried about how much she knew of what I'd done to her. I was worried about whether I'd completely destroyed my chances with Nicolas. For the first time in my life, I felt guilty... and the full impact of what I'd done became apparent to me. But hypnosis is a strange thing... you can't make someone do something completely against their will. Some part of them has to want to do it in the first place. At least, that's as far as my hypnotic power went, anyway. And I began to wonder if I'd had my fill of revenge...

It was with some trepidation that I entered the room I share with Sarah.

"Are you okay?" I asked, opening the door.

Sarah didn't answer. She was wrapped in a towel with the ring-gag, clamps, rope and handcuffs lying beside her on the bed. She looked at me and smiled. It caught me completely off-guard.

"Why are you smiling?" I asked.

"What did you do to me?" she responded, with a question of her own, "I've never felt like this before. So horny, so sexy, so satisfied... it's amazing. Did you hypnotise me?"

"Erm... well... yes, I did."

"Then do it again. I want to unleash my inner slut. Hypnotise me to be your sex slave! I'm too shy to give in to my desires... give me the freedom I crave, in the bondage I desire."

"Err... let me think about it."

And I left the room. My plan had completely backfired. I had wanted to humiliate her to get my revenge, but she had actually enjoyed it! And wanted more! And, even worse, it looked like Nicolas, the man over which this whole affair had started, didn't want to see me ever again! Fuming, angry, I went to the kitchen, sat at the table and buried my head in my hands.

"Does she do requests, Eliza?"

I looked up, to see Craig sitting next to me. He smiled, and I feigned a smile in return.

"What do you mean?"

"I have a sexual fantasy I want fulfilled... and I was wondering if your uninhibited room-mate would help."

"I don't know, why don't you ask her?"

"I'm... well... shy..."

"So's she. You'd be surprised."

"But I want her to dress up for me. As a superheroine."

It was then that a new plan started to form in my mind. I stopped listening to Craig, and began to listen to my own inner demons. I wanted to humiliate her, and making her the main attraction in an evening of hedonistic pleasure only seemed to make her happy. But if I could change her personality, through hypnosis, to make her feel humiliated in such a situation... If I could make her an upstanding superheroine, then make myself the supervillainess who would capture and humiliate her. That would be revenge enough.

To make it convincing, I'd need a location... and costumes. It would be straight out of a comicbook.

"You're on," I said, "we'll do it. You and I can be supervillains, she can be the superheroine. She will dress up and meet us somewhere, where we'll capture her, tie her up and use her for our own perverse pleasures. What do you think?"

"Wow... well... erm... yeah... Do you think she'll agree?"

"Oh, yes," I smiled, mysteriously, "She'll agree. You sort out costumes for the three of us, okay? We'll do it next week."

He grinned, and rushed out of the room - I assumed it was to start thinking up ideas for costumes. I returned to the bedroom I shared with Sarah, to grant her request to hypnotise her again. This time, however, I made the hypnosis more subtle. I planted the suggestion for her to respond to the word Ascension - when she heard me say it, she'd think that her normal life was a cover for her superheroine vigilante activities... and she'd know that she had to bring me, her arch-villain nemesis, to justice.

A week passed and, as planned, Craig delivered some clothing to me - my villainess costume, and Sarah's superheroine costume. I looked at hers first - a brightly-coloured mix of green and yellow. My costume was almost identical, but black. I was impressed - he had certainly come through on his end of the bargain.

I arranged to meet him in one of the lecture theatres, that evening at eight o'clock when it would be deserted. He grinned, and left. I placed Sarah's costume in her toybox and put mine in a satchel with some other items... Sarah would be back from lectures soon. I went to the lecture theatre, and waited for the last class to leave. In the darkness, I quickly changed into my villainess costume.

It consisted of a black facemask, a black leotard, black opera gloves, fishnet tights and black boots. The costume fitted me perfectly, and I enjoyed strutting around the deserted lecture theatre in it. I found somewhere to hide, with a collection of bondage items to use on my unwilling victim, and dialled Sarah on my mobile phone.

"Hello?" she asked.

"Ascension," I said, "This is your arch-enemy. I am waiting for you in a lecture theatre. Come and get me..."

I hung up, and grinned. Now, it was only a matter of time. Craig would be here soon, in his supervillain costume, and together we'd overpower the superheroine, humiliate her, degrade her... and generally enjoy ourselves.

Waiting, however, is never easy. There was no clock in the building, and I didn't have a watch on. I just had to wait in my hiding place for Craig and Sarah to arrive. I soon got impatient, and went for a walk around the lecture theatre, peering in rooms to see if Craig had gone to the wrong one. It was as I poked my head into yet another theatre that the superheroine surprised me.

She was a vision of beauty. A dark green leotard, dark green boots and a dark green cape, with a yellow belt, yellow tights, yellow gloves and a yellow facemask.

"You seem surprised to see me, fiend," she said, her hands on her hips, "It is I, Übergirl".

"I wasn't expecting you so soon," I muttered, wondering where Craig was, and wondering where she had come up with such an awful name.

"You should be more prepared, villain - you should have set your trap before announcing your presence here. Now, prepare to face justice for your crimes!"

She lunged towards me, taking me completely by surprise. I fell backwards, and wrestled with her for the advantage on the floor. It took me a few moments of fighting to catch my breath, and use the word that would render her completely helpless: "Equin... mmmmmph!" Unfortunately, she had taken the opportunity to force her ring-gag into my mouth. I was so shocked by this turn of events, I barely put up a fight as she handcuffed my wrists together behind my back.

"I know that your powers of hypnosis are unrivalled, villain, but even your abilities are useless when you are simply gagged!"

I struggled, furious, helpless, as she dragged me to my feet and looked at me. How could I have let myself be overpowered so easily? Now, this insane, gorgeous, hypnotised girl had me in her power, and I had no idea what she was going to do with me. It was really quite scary... She dragged me outside, and I looked about for any sign of Craig... but there was none. Perhaps he had gone to the wrong lecture theatre after all.

Early evening revellers stopped to stare at this bizarre sight, as Sarah aka Übergirl dragged me through the campus... I was glad I had a facemask, but I was sure it didn't really hide my true identity... and I'd have to live with this humiliation for years to come. How come Sarah's humiliation had become my humiliation? It just wasn't fair! I was bound, helpless, wearing a silly supervillainess costume which was really quite tight and didn't leave anything to the imagination... led past my fellow students by this righteous superheroine I had created. I tried to plead with Sarah to release me, I tried to plead with the onlookers for help, but she wasn't listening and they thought it was all a show for their entertainment.

And that's how I came to be here, chained to this fence outside the police station. That's why I'm wearing this ridiculous costume. That's why I'm bound helpless... and feeling really rather scared. Sarah disappeared into the night an hour ago, on some mission to rid the town of crime. I really have to get to her before she hurts herself or anyone else... I can't let her run wild with this insane hypnotic suggestion in her head.

So, I've told you my story. I've explained my situation. Now, will you release me..?