The alarm clock rang and I rolled over, opening my sleep-encrusted eyes just enough to see it so I could hit it. The alarm stopped, but the ringing in my head continued. I hated having hangovers, but they were a common hazard of student life. I rolled back to my original position and bumped into my room-mate, Thelma. Her dark hair was a mess and she was snoring, but she still looked gorgeous... and hungover. I jabbed her in the ribs with my elbow, noticing with a smile that she, like me, was completely naked. She snorted into wakefulness.

"Wha... what?" she asked, blinking.

"Cold last night, were you?" I asked.

"Err... yeah... whatever, Cassie..."

"You've got yourself a boyfriend now. At least, that's what we were celebrating last night. You can't keep climbing into my bed in the middle of the night. He might think something funny was going on between us."

"He might also get excited by the idea..." she smiled, rolling towards me, draping her arm over my tummy.

"I know you do," I said, softly, stroking her arm - I got quite excited by the idea too, but I wouldn't admit it.

"What time's the first lecture?" Thelma asked, suddenly looking a little more awake.

"Don't worry," I grinned, "It's Saturday. We have the whole weekend ahead of us. What do you fancy doing?"

"Well..." she purred, her hand moving up to my breast where my nipple hardened at her touch.

"I was thinking more of an early-morning trip to the holiday camp," I said, "then we can start thinking about other things."

"Sounds like a plan," she said, softly, gripping my nipple softly between finger and thumb, "but is it really that urgent?"

"Well, it is nine o'clock but... well... if you insist..."

"Nine o'clock? I didn't realise it was so late! C'mon, let's get up - we've lost half the morning already!"

"But what about..?" I asked, as she removed her hand from my breast - I let my own hand sneak down between my legs where I found myself moist in anticipation.

"There'll be time for that later. Come along, sleepy head, let's get moving."

She rolled out of bed, dragging the covers with her, leaving me lying naked on the bed with my hand between my legs. She looked back and saw what I was doing - I blushed, and quickly rolled off my side of the bed. She wrapped a towel around herself and wandered to the shower while I dressed in a robe and prepared breakfast. After we had eaten, I had a quick shower and then we got dressed.

"You're not wearing those, are you?" she asked, as I slid a pair of cute pink panties up my legs.

"Whyever not?" I asked in reply.

"They're horrible!"

"No-one's going to see them. Besides, they're the last ones in the drawer."

"Here, wear this..." she said, tossing a tiny black mesh thong to me.

"If it will make you happy..."

"I just can't stand the thought of you wearing those horrid knickers!"

I returned the pink panties to their drawer and donned Thelma's thong instead - it was very small, smaller than anything I would normally wear, but I was quite excited by the thought of wearing it under my clothes. I then dressed in a white gypsy-style top and a blue denim skirt while Thelma dressed in a floral summer dress. We both donned backpacks, sandals and sunglasses. We quickly left our student halls of residence and crossed the neighbouring field until we were at the fence that bordered the holiday camp. We quickly climbed over it, and entered the forest that harboured the holiday chalets in which the guests stayed.

"Which way?" I asked.

"Erm... that way," Thelma replied, confidently setting off into the shadowy depths.

It wasn't long before we came across a holiday chalet, nestled between the trees. Thelma sneaked to the front of the chalet, to where a road passed to connect it to the other chalets in the forest, while I skulked in the shadows behind. A few moments later, she returned with a smile on the face.

"Is the coast clear?" I asked.

"Yup," she grinned, "I just saw two guys getting into a car."

"And there's no-one else in the chalet?"

"Not that I could tell..."

"Let's do it!"

I led her to the back of the chalet, to a bedroom window. I dug my fingernails between the window and the frame and levered the window up by just enough to get my fingers under, at which point it was very little effort to fully open it. I blew a kiss to Thelma and quickly climbed inside - she followed, and closed the window behind us. Why a holiday company would build chalets with no locks on their windows was simply beyond me... You may be wondering what we were doing, breaking into a holiday chalet - I admit it looks bad, but we weren't there to steal anything. We just got our kicks from breaking in and moving stuff around, and then giggling to ourselves as we imagined what the occupants would think when they returned. All good, clean, harmless fun... in fact, we sometimes left little gifts, like fishnet stockings in guys' sock drawers and so on. Incredibly immature, but great fun.

We made our way into the main room, where to our delight we found a large suitcase in the centre of the floor.

"I can't resist," Thelma whispered, immediately crossing the room to it and opening it, "What on earth..?"

"What is it?" I hissed, keeping one eye on the front door while I joined her.

"These," Thelma replied, holding up a pair of handcuffs.

"They're not police, are they?" I asked, suddenly worried, not wanting to be caught - even though we weren't in the habit of stealing, it would look rather bad if we were caught breaking-in.

"Do police generally pack nipple clamps and ballgags?"

"What and what?"

"Oh, you're so innocent!" she grinned, "Don't worry, I'll show you sometime..."

"Sex toys? But I can't see any evidence of women around here... do you think they're gay?"

She smirked before she replied: "Possibly. And transvestites, too." I looked at her, and she held up a rubber miniskirt.

"That would look very nice in my collection..." I smiled.

"Well..." Thelma said, "Why don't you try it on?"

"Sure," I grinned, putting my backpack on the floor and my sunglasses on top of it. Thelma did likewise, as I kicked off my sandals and removed my denim skirt. I blushed when I remembered that I was wearing Thelma's skimpy thong underneath, and she looked on very approvingly as she handed me the rubber miniskirt. I put it on, and it seemed to be a size too small - it was very tight around my hips and buttocks, and barely reached the tops of my thighs. "This is just obscene," I said, twirling around as I modelled it for my friend.

"I know," she replied, "I can't take my eyes off it!"

"Anything else in there for me to wear?"

"Loads of things. Now, turn around and I'll surprise you with something."

I turned around, obediently. "You're not going to put the handcuffs on me, are you?"

"Of course not," she replied, pulling my arms behind my back and handcuffing my wrists together, "what do you take me for?"

I smiled at her, trying to convey an air of sarcasm, before I looked down at the handcuffs and tried to pull free of them. I'd only worn handcuffs once before, and that was when we'd found a rather interesting bar on holiday in America... the bartender served us free drinks as long as we were handcuffed to the bar... but that's another story. My reminiscences were interrupted by Thelma gripping the shoulders of my gypsy-style top and pulling them down to my elbows, revealing my breasts and making me feel quite helpless.

"Hey!" I said, struggling in the handcuffs, "Do we have time for this?"

"Of course we do," she said while admiring my wiggling breasts.

I looked away, feeling a little self-conscious and embarrassed, as she stepped close to me and ran her fingers down my sides, letting them linger at my rubber miniskirt before she let them continue south to my bare thighs... her fingers moved around to my inner thighs, and I began to feel quite excited... there was just a thin strip of meshy thong between her fingers and my moist sex, and I suddenly wanted, more than anything, for her to tear off the thong and... The sound of keys in the front door startled us, and for a moment we didn't know what to do. The keys turned, and Thelma quickly closed the suitcase, grabbed our backpacks and ran into the bedroom we had entered through. I felt very foolish, incapacitated by handcuffs, while she tried to open the window - but it was stuck. She looked at me, her eyes filled with panic, and dashed back into the main room. I decided not to take any chances, and quickly dropped to the floor and inched under the bed (difficult, in handcuffs). And waited, my bare breasts squished underneath me, my nipples hardening as my body filled with adrenaline.

A pair of shoes walked into the room, and I held my breath, frightened. The wearer of the shoes spotted our backpacks next to the window and picked them up, before returning to the main room. I could breathe again, I hadn't been spotted - hopefully, the guys who had returned would think that Thelma and I had escaped. It was then that I heard voices.

"Hey, Gary, look what I found!"

"Not as bizarre as what I found, Jim... look at this!"

My heart sunk when I heard Thelma's voice: "Get your hands off me!"

"Hey, these backpacks contain student cards, bank cards and driving licences... very nice of our burglars to bring ID with them. So, this one must be Thelma... so, where's Cassandra?"

"She escaped, she'll be..." Thelma began, but was interrupted by Jim.

"Then whose feet did I just see poking out from under my bed?"

"Oh... err... Cassie? I think we've been caught..."

I cursed under my breath, and gasped as a pair of hands reached under the bed and pulled me out into the light. I was lifted onto my feet and all of a sudden was face-to-face with Jim. He was tall, dark, handsome... with bright, intelligent eyes and a strong build... and his smile made me go weak at the knees. I seemed to be having a similar effect on him, but that was probably because my breasts were bare and I was unable to cover them... He marched me back into the main room, and Gary wolf-whistled when he saw me - Gary had lighter hair and a goatee, and trouble keeping his eyes off my nipples.

"Do you mind?" I asked, trying to seem confident.

"Not at all," he grinned, completely failing to avert his gaze.

I wished that Thelma would reach across and pull my top back up to cover my breasts, but it was then that I noticed that her hands were also cuffed behind her back.

"So," Jim smiled, "looks like we've caught ourselves a couple of burglars. What shall we do with them?"

"I have a few ideas..." Gary grinned.

"Please," Thelma smiled, "let us go. We didn't take anything."

"Apart from a rubber skirt and a pair of handcuffs," Jim said, looking me up and down, "but you look so good in them, I'm tempted to let you keep them."

"So, you are letting us go?" I asked.

"You're not getting it so easy. You think you can just break in, flutter your eyelashes and be set free? I think not. We should hand you two over to the police. I'm sure they'll have some very interesting questions to ask you..."

"No, please, not that..."

"You'll probably be kicked out of university, for a start. And when your parents ask why, you'll definitely have some explaining to do..."

"Please, there must be something else..."

"Well... how about you two be our slaves for the weekend? Our unquestioning servants, who will do anything for us that we ask."


"If you'd rather go to jail..."

"No, no... erm... can the two of us discuss it? In private?"

"Okay. Your first task as our slaves will be to make us a nice picnic to eat in the woods, so you can discuss your situation while you're preparing the food. How does that sound?"

"That sounds great. Thanks."

Jim and Gary led us into the kitchen, and padlocked collars around our necks. They padlocked a chain to the front of each collar, and padlocked the other end of each chain to a metal bar on the front of the oven... to stop us leaving the kitchen until they wanted us to leave the kitchen. They removed our handcuffs and left us in peace. While Thelma rubbed her wrists, I quickly hid my breasts back inside my top.

"Well," Thelma started, as we began to prepare the picnic, "this is quite an interesting development."

"I don't fancy being their sex slave for a whole weekend..."

"Why, what do you think a pair of gay transvestites are going to do to you?"

"The way they were looking at my breasts, I very much doubt that they're gay. Perhaps the clothes are in the case since they were hoping to meet a couple of girls on their holiday who might like to wear them..."

"Looks like they have."

"Can't we just escape?"

"They know everything about us - I think we should play along."

"But what if they want to... you know..."

"Well, I think that Gary is quite cute... you can have Jim."

"Well, Jim is, to put it bluntly, gorgeous, but still... you have a boyfriend!"

"I'm sure he wouldn't mind."


"I think we should please these guys as much as we can - after all, I think that we'd probably enjoy it..."

"Hmmmm... okay... I think. But I don't think you should be unfaithful to your boyfriend. We spent all of last night celebrating - you can't forget him so quickly. That's just cruel!"

"Hey, I'm a burglar... sort-of... I'm allowed to be cruel. Just follow my lead, and we'll get a very enjoyable weekend out of this."

"Do you think they'll let me have my denim skirt back?"

"No," Thelma grinned, slapping my rubber-coated bottom, "I think you're stuck with that miniskirt for the moment..."

A voice called from the main room: "How are you girls coping in there?"

"Fine!" Thelma called back, "We've just finished!"

The guys returned, packed the sandwiches we'd prepared into a bag, and detached the chains from the oven. They used the chains like leashes, to lead us back into the main room. It felt very demeaning.

"So," Jim asked, "have you come to an agreement?"

"Yeah," I replied, "we'll do as you ask. But only until ten on Sunday evening, since we have lectures on Monday morning. At that point, you'll give us back our things and let us go."

"Come Sunday evening," Gary smiled, "you might not want to go. But we'll see. First, we need to prepare you for our picnic."

I was about to ask what he meant, but my question was soon answered when Jim reached into the suitcase and produced a rather strange pair of handcuffs - I sighed, resigned to my fate, and put my hands behind my back but he shook his head. I looked again at the handcuffs, and realised how they were strange - they had three cuffs instead of two, and the third was considerably larger. He smiled as he stepped towards me and fastened the larger cuff around my neck, just below the leather collar - it was very cold against my skin, and the two smaller cuffs hung down just above my breasts. He took hold of my wrists and brought them up to my neck, where he fastened the cuffs around them, rendering me helpless with my hands cuffed to the front of my throat. I felt really rather vulnerable, since I couldn't bring my hands down to protect me from... well... anything. I looked to Thelma for help, but saw that she was now wearing an identical item around her neck and wrists.

"C'mon, girls," Jim grinned, taking hold of both leashes and pulling the two of us after him as he left the house - Gary brought up the rear, carrying the bag containing the food. I only just had enough time to step back into my sandals before I was pulled out of the front door.

I suddenly felt very self-conscious as we made our way out into daylight. I was almost comfortable with these two guys seeing my body and my bondage, but I wasn't so comfortable about innocent passersby noticing me. Admittedly, I wasn't showing off any more flesh than I was used to, although I did consider the shockingly-tiny rubber miniskirt to be at the limits of good taste. I glanced at Thelma, but she seemed perfectly comfortable with the situation and had even lagged behind to have a chat with Gary. I accelerated my pace so I could draw level with Jim.

"So..." I started, a little nervously, not entirely sure if I should be calling him Master or something, "where are we going?"

"Don't you mean, 'Where are you taking us?'" he smiled.

"Okay, where are you taking us?" I conceded.

"None of your business," he winked.

I was about to glare at him when I heard Thelma calling from behind: "Hey, Cassie, we can see your bum!"

I had noticed that my rubber miniskirt had started riding up a little as we walked, but I had hoped it wasn't too obvious. Obviously, it was. I looked down, over my shoulder, and my fears were confirmed - my white buttocks were clearly visible, bisected neatly by the tiny black thong. I pulled at the steel cuffs around my neck, but knew I had no chance of rectifying my wardrobe malfunction.

"Err... Jim..?" I asked, a little nervously.

"Yes, Cassie?"

"You couldn't help me with my skirt, could you, please?"

He looked at me, then looked down at my bottom, as we continued to walk. He smirked, and weighed up his options, but then he saw the pleading look in my eyes.

"Sure," he said, reaching down behind me to tug my skirt back into place before giving my rubber-coated ass a hard slap, "just don't let it happen again or I might not be so charitable."

"Thanks," I smiled at him, relieved.

We had been walking along a dirt path in the forest, watching the sunlight filter through the leaves, but now we had come to a rather pleasant little grassy clearing. Jim stopped and padlocked our leashes to a root at the edge of the clearing, while Gary laid out a blanket in the centre of the clearing and arranged the food on it. The two guys then sat on the blanket and began to eat, while Thelma and I looked on.

"Erm..." Thelma began, "Don't we get any food?"

"You have to earn your food," Gary said.

"Earn it?" I asked, suddenly feeling somewhat dubious about this arrangement.

"Just entertain us and you'll be fed," Gary continued, before turning to Jim: "How do you think they should entertain us?"

"I think they should kiss each other," Jim smiled, leaning back on the blanket so he could watch us.

"There you have it, then," Gary grinned, "kiss each other, on the lips, with tongues, and you can eat."

I opened my mouth to ask Thelma what she thought of this, but before I could say a word her tongue was in my mouth and she was pushing me back down to the ground, sitting astride me in her rather flimsy summer dress, her fingers intertwined with mine as her tongue hungrily probed my mouth. I responded to the kiss with passion, suddenly feeling very aroused, wanting her more than anything... and yet I couldn't move my hands away from my throat to feel her body. Her thigh pressed between my legs, and I could feel her hard nipples pressing against my breasts. I pushed up against her, trying to take control, but bound as I was I had no leverage and resigned myself to my fate of being pinned beneath her as she kissed me... not that it was an unpleasant fate, I was really quite enjoying it. She's a great kisser, and it was a great kiss - she sucked, she nibbled, she licked, her tongue playing with my tongue, my tongue playing with hers. It seemed like it lasted forever, at least I wanted it to, and I was very disappointed when she eventually broke off the kiss and looked at the two guys. I turned my head to see them, and they were obviously hypnotised by our performance.

"Now can we get something to eat?" I asked, hearing a tummy grumble but not quite sure if it was Thelma's or mine.

"Definitely," Jim said, walking over to us and releasing our chains from the root.

We sat down on the blanket with the guys, and somehow managed to eat our lunch... despite our hands being bound to our throats. I found myself relaxing in this strange situation - not yet as relaxed as my room-mate, but beginning to feel slightly more comfortable...

"I'm still hungry," Thelma pouted, having finished her lunch.

"How about some sausage?" Gary asked, leering as he looked her up and down.

"Don't be so crude!" Jim exclaimed, clearly surprised by his friend's words, but it was what Thelma said next that surprised him even more:

"Sausage sounds good to me - let's go find somewhere private where I can enjoy it in peace."

I was equally surprised, and could only stare at Thelma as she got to her feet and was led by her collar deeper into the woods by Gary. And that left Jim and I, in a very awkward silence. I sat there, wondering if he was trying to think of something to say that would result in me giving him oral sex deep in the forest. And I was trying to think of something tactful to say that would let him know that I had no intention of giving him oral sex deep in the forest, but without hurting his feelings or resulting in me being punished. He gave me a sidelong glance, and I shuddered - I knew exactly what he was thinking. And I didn't want any part of it. He shifted his weight, looking like he was about to get up and walk over to me... what did he intend to do? Grab me by the collar and lead me into the woods anyway? Not if I had anything to do with it... struck by a sudden overwhelming feeling of panic, I jumped to my feet and ran off into the woods!

"Hey... hey!" was all I heard of Jim, as surprised by my flight as I was.

I caught sight of Thelma and Gary, just getting ready for her next course, and veered away from them. I heard the sounds of pursuit behind me.

"You'd better let them catch you!" Thelma called after me.

And there I was, running through the forest, my hands cuffed to my throat, a leather collar around my neck, wearing a cute gypsy-style top and a rubber miniskirt... I wondered what would happen if some stranger found me like that, bound and helpless? And then Thelma's words sank in - these guys had complete power over us, and we really didn't want to annoy them. I slowed down a little, and my arms were grabbed by Gary and Jim. They didn't say anything, they just looked straight ahead as they escorted me back to the clearing.

They released my hands from the handcuffs attached to my neck, and quickly put my hands behind my back, around a tree, and handcuffed them together with another pair of handcuffs. They then stood back to admire my handiwork, and I struggled but was securely handcuffed to the tree. They then led my room-mate over to me, removed her three-way handcuffs, and attached her wrists to the three-way handcuffs around my neck, so her wrists were effectively bound to my throat.

It was then that Gary got out a pair of scissors.

"Don't worry," he smiled, "I'm not going to hurt you!"

He approached the two of us, and despite his reassurance we struggled nervously in our bonds. He quickly and efficiently used the scissors to cut away my white gypsy-style top, leaving my breasts bare... and then he cut away Thelma's summer dress, leaving her completely naked. I wasn't sure what was worse - being rendered topless, or having one of my favourite tops destroyed!

"Hey," I said, forgetting the situation I was in when I noticed her nakedness, "why aren't you wearing any underwear?"

"You're wearing my underwear, remember?" she replied, grinning seductively, not minding at all that she was bound naked with two strange men leering at her.

"Girls," Gary said, "Jim and I are going for a walk. We hope you take this time to reflect on your perilous situation, and decide to be more obedient in future."

And, with that, the two guys wandered off into the forest. I looked at Thelma, and she looked at me.

"Well," she began, "this is another fine mess..."

"I'm sorry," I blurted, "I just felt pressured to... you know..."

"Perform oral sex on a stranger?"

"Yes. Well... I'm not..."

"You're not what? You seemed very different in that bar in America, the one with the handcuffs. You were perfectly happy to give oral sex to strangers..."

"Well, this is different..."

"How so?"

"Erm... well... I'm not being plied with free alcohol for a start."

"I don't understand you sometimes. I'm not talking to you any more."

"That could be rather awkward, given we're handcuffed together to this tree. What are you going to do?"


I gasped as her lips clamped around my right nipple, and she began to suck, almost hungrily. My nipple hardened immediately, and she responded by gripping it gently between her teeth while she continued to suck... and then she began to flick it with her tongue, and I couldn't stop myself from moaning aloud. She moved to my left nipple, and I closed my eyes as she worked her magic.

A few minutes later, she was kneeling in front of me, her arms stretched up towards my throat, using her nose to push my rubber miniskirt upwards.

"Cassie, you naughty girl, you've got those nice panties I lent you soaking wet..."

"I'm sorry, Thelma, I won't... ohhhhhhhh..."

I was interrupted by her licking my clitoris through the thin, meshy thong which provided no protection at all against her rampant lust. She pressed her face into my crotch, rubbing herself against my sex, making me squirm and writhe helplessly as she pleasured me... I pulled at the handcuffs, but could do nothing to stop her from arousing me further... I no longer cared about the chances of some stranger happening upon us in this bizarre situation, and hoped that if anyone did... they would have the good sense to leave us to it, or possibly even join in. And speaking of strangers...

"Don't stop on our account," Jim smiled, as he and Gary returned to the clearing.

"Not really much of a punishment," Gary mused, "was it? Anyway - we're going to release you now. Don't run away, you've had your last chance... any more funny business, and we're going to the police. Understand?"

I nodded. Thelma nodded too, but she hadn't moved from my crotch, and her nod caused me to moan softly... Smiling, the two guys quickly released us from our bonds and the four of us walked back to the chalet... At least we weren't in bondage, but I was now topless and Thelma was completely naked apart from her sandals. Funnily enough, while I kept my breasts covered with my hands, Thelma seemed perfectly happy to walk naked through the forest without even attempting to cover her nudity. I was beginning to get more comfortable with our predicament - thinking about it, Thelma should be more uncomfortable than I, what with her boyfriend. Perhaps I wasn't scared of the two guys who had made us their prisoners, perhaps I was scared of enjoying myself. I wondered what the rest of the weekend would hold in store for us.