I looked up at the display case, in awe of the clothing contained within. A silver catsuit with a virtually invisible zip at the front, a black belt containing numerous little pounches for weapons and other equipment, a pair of black thigh-high stiletto-heeled boots, a pair of black elbow-length gloves and a black facemask. My heroine, the Masked Avenger, had donated one of her old costumes to the museum where I worked. And now I could see it in its full glory.

I adjusted my glasses and caught sight of my reflection in the glass display case. Tall, slim, long brown hair, large brown eyes... but nowhere near as beautiful as the Masked Avenger. She could rescue me any day. In fact, sometimes I even thought about putting myself in a dangerous situation so that she would come to my rescue.

"There you are, Laura," came a voice from behind me, snapping me out of my daydream.

I turned around to see Jessica and Sarah, my co-workers, both smiling at me. I hated them - they were always picking on me, calling me a nerd and so on. I really wanted to be friends with them, but they could be so cruel.

"Aah, looking at the Masked Avenger's costume," grinned Jessica.

"Do you wish you had superpowers?" asked Sarah.

"Or do you wish you could be rescued by our city's superheroine?" Jessica asked.

I blushed, stuttering a reply that neither of them heard. How could they have guessed? Was it that obvious? I felt my cheeks burning bright red.

"Oh, Laura, have we embarrassed you?" Sarah asked, her voice containing just a hint of sarcasm.

"Sarah," said Jessica, "There's no need to tease the poor girl. I know for a fact that you fancy the spandex pants off the Masked Avenger!"

"Really?" I asked, seeing Sarah in a new light.

"Me too," continued Jessica, "We would love to meet her one day."

In fact, I was now seeing both of them in a new light. We finally had something in common. Perhaps it was my chance to become their friends, their bosom buddy. I smiled, seeing the possibility for an interesting new future with the two of them.

"In fact," Sarah said, "I think that that costume in the display case would look great on you."

"On me..?" I asked, cautiously, "No, it's late, I really should be getting home..."

"You've got the body for it," Jessica said, "And if you wore it, it would fulfill our fantasies of meeting the Masked Avenger!"

I looked from one to the other. They were right about me having the body for it - they had always been jealous of my slim figure, and they would never get into that costume. But it had been donated to the museum by the city's protector - I would hate to get on the wrong side of her. Still, it was a tempting idea...

"I don't know..." I began.

"No-one need ever know," said Sarah, "It's just a bit of harmless fun."

"Yeah," Jessica grinned, "And I think you would look great."

They meant it. They really meant it. This was my chance to fulfill one of my fantasies and get on their good sides in one fell swoop.

"Okay," I said, "I'll do it."

"Right," Sarah nodded, "You go into the stock room and start getting undressed. We'll get the costume out of the case and pass it through to you."

I nodded a reply and slipped into the stock room. The room itself was dark and dingy, with rows and rows of drawers and shelves containing various interesting fossilised specimens. I quickly stripped, taking off my shoes, jacket, skirt, tights and blouse, until I was standing in just my underwear. One of my co-workers knocked on the door and passed in a bundle of silver and black clothing. As I moved to accept it, she caught sight of my body and smiled appreciatively.

"I wouldn't wear your underwear underneath," she said, "It'll show through that tight spandex."

I couldn't deny that what she said was true. I took a deep breath before quickly stripping out of my underwear. I grabbed the silver spandex catsuit and struggled into it, pulling it slowly up my long legs, over my hips and over my shoulders. I reached for the zip at the front and slowly pulled it up, loving the feeling of it hugging my breasts as it moved up my chest. It was then that I realised that the catsuit was a size too small for me - it was uncomfortably tight, and I would never be able to pull the zip past my breasts. I left it open, revealing ample cleavage as I bent down to put on the rest of the costume. The belt was next, fastening snugly around my slim waist. I was disappointed to find that the Masked Avenger had emptied the belt's compartments of her gadgets before she donated it to the museum. Next, I picked up the boots and carefully slid my legs into them, zipping the boots up from ankle to thigh. Then I donned the gloves, pulling them over the spandex sleeves of the catsuit. And last came the mask, which gave me a real feeling of anonymity. I wished I had a mirror to admire myself in.

I opened the stock room door and stepped out into full view of my two co-workers, my hands on my hips and my legs apart in a classic superheroine pose.

"I am the Masked Avenger," I said, "Here to rid this city of evil!"

"Not with your tits hanging out like that," Jessica giggled, taking a step towards me and yanking the zip up as hard as she could. She fastened the catsuit all the way up to my neck and it suddenly felt much snugger, much tighter than it had before. I turned to look at my reflection in the display case and was surprised to see that I looked just like the Masked Avenger - I turned around, keeping track of my reflection, admiring the way the light reflected off my shiny catsuit. I was feeling a little bit self-conscious, since the spandex left very little to the imagination - I wondered how the real Masked Avenger felt about wearing the costume.

"Wow..." said Sarah, "You look great!"

"Agreed," grinned Jessica, "Here, borrow my lippy and doll yourself up a bit."

I accepted the lipstick she was holding out and headed for the toilets. I felt on top of the world, striding confidently in the stiletto heels and grinning like a girl placing dress-up. Which I was, I suppose. I quickly applied the makeup and spent a few moments admiring myself in the toilet mirror - especially the way the spandex hugged the curves of my buttocks and breasts. Eventually, I decided it was time to go back and model for my new friends.

But when I returned to the display case, they were nowhere to be seen. Even worse, when I looked in the stock room for my clothes, they were missing too.

"Damn!" I swore to myself, "I've been tricked!"

What was I to do? I couldn't walk home dressed as the Masked Avenger. But I couldn't wait around in the museum hoping that they would bring my clothes back in the morning. Perhaps if I went to some of the other displays I could find some more suitable clothes. As I walked, I began to tug at the zip and was disappointed to find that Jessica had pulled it up too far and it was jammed tight. And I couldn't cut myself out of the costume, since how would I explain destroying one of the museum's prize exhibits? I was stuck... and I didn't know what to do. I paced around for a few minutes, trying to think of a plan of action but being repeatedly distracted by catching sight of my reflection in the display case. I looked damn hot, and if the Masked Avenger could wear this costume outside, then why shouldn't I? Perhaps I would find a useful tool at home which would help me undo the pesky zip. But I couldn't go out of the main entrance, since the security guards would ask too many questions. Or would they?

I walked down the main staircase in the centre of the museum, oozing confidence but inside praying that I wouldn't trip over my heels. The two security guards looked up at me and nodded, smiling. I could sense their eyes roaming over my body as I moved towards them.

"Checking on your donation, ma'am?" one asked as I neared them.

"Yes, it's secure. Carry on," I said, in my best superheroine voice.

I walked past them, and felt their eyes on my buttocks as I walked through the main doors and out into the night. Well, that was the first test passed. Now I had to walk all the way home, since my car keys were in the clothes that my co-workers stole. I decided to stick to the shadows and run as fast as I could... although the black parts of the costume were pretty inconspicuous, the bright, shiny silver catsuit showed up like a flare. I didn't want to be spotted for a number of reasons - the fact that I was still a little self-conscious about the costume blatantly showing off my body was not the least of them!

Everything was going fine until I turned into an alleyway and came face to face with a mugging. A boy, barely a teenager, was holding a knife to the throat of a young woman, of around my age. I tried to sneak away, but the sound of my stiletto heels striking a drain cover got their attention. The boy grabbed his victim and spun her around, using her to shield him from me. I couldn't run away now, so I stepped towards them.

"Don't do anything you'll regret..." I warned, still using my superheroine voice again.

He backed away further, and his poor victim looked absolutely petrified. I reached down towards my belt, pretending to open one of the pouches to get some gadget... it was the last straw for the mugger. He pushed the young woman towards me and ran in the opposite direction. I staggered as I caught her and she immediately wrapped her arms around me, thanking me. I took a moment to enjoy the feeling of her breasts pressing against mine, and was surprised to discover that I was getting rather aroused.

"Do you need to be walked home?" I asked, not believing I was saying what I heard myself saying.

"No... but thanks, Masked Avenger. I'm sure you're needed elsewhere in the city on a night like this."

I nodded, and as I watched her go I finally remember that I wasn't the real Masked Avenger. But I had managed to do some good. Which made me feel great. But I had been lucky - if the mugger had decided to fight, I wouldn't have stood a chance. It was time to go home. I turned, and found myself face to face with the Masked Avenger's arch-nemesis, the Dark Succubus.

"A minor victory," she smiled at me, "and, dare I say it, your last..."

She was as tall as me and as slim, but she was dressed in a black leotard and black fishnet stockings. Her boots and gloves were short and her mask covered her head. As she changed her stance to a more combat-oriented pose, I desperately tried to recall all I knew about her. I remember that she was evil, had succeeded in many crimes but was usually foiled by the Masked Avenger. And then I remembered that she had a partner, the Dark Incubus. As I wondered where he was, I felt a muscled arm wrap around my waist and a hand press a rag to my face... I inhaled with surprise and I knew nothing more...


I blinked, a blinding light shining straight into my eyes. I tried to move but I was bound tight... spreadeagled. I blinked again and found that I was lying on a shiny metal table, my wrists and ankles attached by metal manacles to the four corners. I saw a movement out of the corner of my eye and I turned my head to see the Dark Incubus, pointing a video camera at me. What was going on?

And then I saw the Dark Succubus, standing at the other end of the table, between my wide open legs. She was holding a gun and smiling at me. She turned to face the camera...

"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the live webcast from my secret lair. As you can see," and the turned to pan up and down my spandex-clad body, "we have an interesting show for you this evening, culminating in the unmasking of the Masked Avenger. But, first, a little light entertainment..."

I struggled as she stepped towards me and opened my mouth to speak, but she placed the gun inside my mouth, effectively gagging me. She raised her eyebrows and I got the point - be quiet or be shot. While one hand continued to hold the gun in my mouth, her other hand moved to my waist. She quickly unfastened my belt and threw it into the corner of the room, and I suddenly felt rather bare and exposed. Her hand gently traced a line along my body, from tummy to neck, where she found the zip. With one quick tug, she had it down to my waist, exposing my cleavage but not my nipples. The Dark Incubus was walking round us, trying to get the best angles for the show.

One of her hands darted inside my catsuit and grabbed my right breast, holding it tight, gripping the nipple hard between her fingers. I struggled violently, but didn't have a chance of freeing myself. I could do nothing to stop her from fondling my breasts and, truth be told, I was rather enjoying it. She undid the zip some more so that she could free my breasts from the catsuit, exposing them to the camera. I struggled again, but when she pushed the gun further into my mouth I soon stopped.

"Grip," she commanded, and I obediently gripped the barrel of the gun with my lips and teeth. She let go of the weapon and, with both hands free to play with my body, proceeded to pull the zip all the way down as far as it would go, revealing my flat tummy. While one of her hands went inside my catsuit and behind me to arch my back, the other went down the between my legs, inside my catsuit, to find my pussy moist already... I gasped as two fingers parted my labia and a third pushed its way inside me. I closed my eyes, aware of the camera on me but too busy enjoying my state of arousal. Her finger pushed deeper inside me, and then she pulled it out again and gently rubbed my clit. She repeated this process, each time my breathing getting more and more laboured... It soon became too much for me and I pulled hard at my bonds as I came... and then I relaxed, looking up at the Dark Succubus in a haze of orgasm.

"As you can see," she said to the camera, "she is an ordinary human being. Now, all we have to do is unmask her and find out who she is..."

She walked around the table so she was standing by my head. She grasped the mask with both hands and stopped to smile at the camera. I was in trouble now...

There was a smashing of glass and suddenly there was someone else in the room. I looked up to see the real Masked Avenger standing in front of me, looking incredibly puzzled to see herself... she soon regained her composure and a quick kick to the groin of the Dark Incubus put him out of action. The Dark Succubus pulled the gun from my mouth and aimed it at the Masked Avenger, but was too slow. Within minutes, both villains were out cold. The Masked Avenger sat on the table next to my helpless body and pulled the zip back up, covering my body again.

"Who are you?" she asked.

"I work at the museum..." I began.

"I see - why did you put on my costume?"

"My co-workers tricked me," I said, "They ran off with my clothes."

"Poor you! You were very lucky to avoid getting your face made known to every supervillain on the planet..."

"I'm sorry..."

"It's not your fault. Let's get you home, okay?"

I nodded, and she freed my wrists and ankles. As she worked, I took the opportunity to admire the way the light reflected off the perfect curves accented by her silver catsuit. At last, my fantasy had come true... I was being rescued by the Masked Avenger!


The following morning, I hid inside the stock room, ready for revenge on my co-workers. I was dressed in my usual clothes, but had not yet returned the Masked Avenger's costume to the display case. I smiled to myself as I heard Jessica and Sarah entering the room and calling to me.

"We have your clothes, Laura!" they called.

And then I heard the Masked Avenger step out of the shadows.

"There you are," said Sarah.

"Come and get your clothes, Laura," said Jessica.

I peeked out of the door to see the Masked Avenger's pert rear as she walked towards my co-workers, who moved quickly in an attempt to overpower her. Who knows what they had planned for me? It was over in a few seconds... Sarah and Jessica were lying on the floor, both naked, both hogtied securely with strong rope.

"Mission accomplished," the Masked Avenger grinned, as she returned her donated costume to the display case.

I stepped out of hiding and my co-workers were very surprised to see me. I grinned as I saw realisation dawn on their faces.

"Thanks," I said, "I owe you a lot."

"You don't owe me anything," my heroine replied, "I enjoyed it. There's only one thing left to do."

"What's that?"

"Find a display case to put these two in... they can struggle about for a while, and I'm sure they'll eventually be discovered by a security guard."

I giggled. Perfect revenge.

"And what about me?"

"Well... as for you... I think we'll have to find a costume in your size."

"What for?"

"I need a sidekick..."