I squirmed as Pauline pulled the ropes tighter, feeling my last illusion of freedom dispelled with the tying of the last knot. My arms were behind my back, forearms tied together parallel to the floor, and I was completely helpless. Despite knowing that I was completely helpless, I still felt it necessary to put up a struggle and mmmmmph pathetically into the ring-gag.

"There's no use complaining now, Laura," Pauline grinned, her expression mischieviously hinting at evil intent, "this is for your own good. You've been bouncing around ever since winning that gold laurel, and I'd hate it if you hurt yourself. You said yourself that you should be tied down for your own safety..."

I pulled at the ropes again as she continued to talk, concentrating more on getting comfortable. We were sitting in an expensive hotel room (having already had an evening of celebration involving a film and a meal) getting ready for a night of kinky bedtime fun. Pauline was freshly showered and naked as she applied the finishing touches to my bondage. I was also naked, except for the ropes binding my arms and the gag keeping me quiet. On the bed beside Pauline was a large sports bag full of bondage toys...

It was then that the fire alarm sounded.

"What's that?" Pauline asked.

"Mmmmmph!" was all I could reply, but I thought that Pauline grasped the urgency of the situation from the look of wild panic in my eyes.

"Is that the fire alarm? What do we do?"


"Oh... right..." Pauline said, reaching behind me to undo the gag - I spat it out, and it hung around my neck, forgotten.

"We have to get out of here," I said, "We're on the top floor."

"Good point," Pauline smiled, but her smile soon faded as she picked at the knots she had tied around my arms.

"In your own time..." I said, my calm voice hiding my rising anxiety.

"It's no good, I can't untie them!"

"Did you bring a knife? Scissors? Chainsaw?"

"No... no... no!"

"Then I'll have to go out like this. Come on."

Pauline jumped to her feet and grabbed our long overcoats. She threw mine over my shoulders and quickly fastened it up to hide my nudity and bondage, and then threw hers over her own naked body. We then rushed out into the corridor (after I had made Pauline go back for the room keys).

The corridor was a panicked bedlam of hotel guests rushing towards the elevators and stairs. They had also realised that being on the top floor was not ideal if there was a fire. There was no smoke visible, but then there was very little visible apart from the various people of all ages rushing along the corridor in the one direction. The fire alarm was much louder out here, and added even more of a sense of urgency. Pauline and I were scooped up in the flow, and even though she tried to keep hold of me we were soon separated. I found myself being pushed towards an open elevator and, despite my warnings to those around me that the stairs are much safer in event of a fire, was soon pushed inside and against the back wall. The other guests piled inside, crushing me against the wall of the elevator - I managed to turn around, but I couldn't see any sign of Pauline. I hoped she was okay.

And then my thoughts turned to my own predicament. Forearms bound together behind my back, naked underneath my coat... helpless and vulnerable to anyone who happened to find me and realise my situation. My bound arms were pressed against the elevator wall, while my nipples were hardening as the other hotel guests pushed and jostled each other in front of me. I realised that if any of them happened to catch the front of my coat, they could rip it open and bare me... and I would be unable to cover myself. The thought made me feel slightly scared... and very horny...

The elevator doors closed, and I felt it lurch before moving downwards - the fire alarm didn't seem any quieter. There was a muffled ding and the elevator decelerated, before stopping at another floor where another large crowd of hotel guests were waiting to evacuate. A few of them managed to push onto the elevator before the doors closed and our descent continued. The press of people had me crushed against the elevator wall, with my buttocks pressed against the hand-rail. There was another muffled ding, and the elevator stopped again - some people shifted around, to try to make room for more, but the people waiting soon gave up and our journey continued again.

I noticed that when the people had shifted around, my coat had opened slightly. The ring-gag dangling around my neck was now visible, and any further movement threatened to expose my breasts. The elevator stopped yet again, and there was some shuffling and movement from my elevator companions as they again tried to conjure more space out of nowhere. As they moved, I felt my coat opening further, so I clenched my teeth and turned to face the elevator wall - lucky I did, since my coat opened and my bare nipples were pressed against the hard surface as strangers pushed into me.

And now my mind filled with even more panic. At some point in the near future, I would have to leave this elevator, and the relative safety of this wall. I would have to walk out, with my bare breasts revealed to the world, unable to cover them up. I really hoped that Pauline was okay, and that she was waiting for me on the ground floor...

And then I felt what was unmistakeably an erection pressing between my buttocks. I squirmed, trying to get more comfortable, and there was a soft, male moan from behind me. I turned my head as best I could to see who was enjoying their proximity to me so much, and looked into a pair of penetrating green eyes. There was also some designer stubble and a strong build, but my attention kept going back to those eyes.

"Hi," he said, his voice just audible over the fire alarm.

"Hi," I said, blushing, feeling very helpless.

"I can feel ropes," he said, and I blinked as I tried to work out what he meant... and then I realised - his stomach was pressed against my bound arms.

"You must be mistaken," was all I could think of - I couldn't help but squirm, though, and my movement confirmed his statement.

"You look like you need help," he smiled, and I felt myself lost in his eyes - I forgot about all the other people in the elevator, and even the fire alarm sounded distant.

"Well... maybe..." I smiled in reply, suddenly feeling that I could trust this handsome stranger.

"Let me," he said, so softly I only just heard him.

He pushed against the wall with one hand, creating a little space so his other hand could reach around me and slowly re-fasten my coat. He fastened the buttons, upwards, all the way up to my neck. And then his fingers found the ring-gag - I didn't know what I was doing, but for some reason I opened my mouth wide and he pushed the gag inside, buckling it tightly behind my head. He then raised my collar, to hide the lower part of my face. I looked again into his bewitching green eyes, and his smile was full of reassurance and calm.

The elevator came to a stop and the doors opened again. This time, however, they opened into the hotel lobby and the crowd of guests quickly left... to join a larger crowd of guests, to whom a receptionist was explaining that the alarm was just a drill and that we could all return to our rooms. I scanned the crowd for Pauline, but my attention was quickly stolen by this green-eyed man who grabbed the front of my coat and led me away from the crowd. I had no choice but to follow - my gagged protests drew no attention and I was in no position to fight with my captor!

Once we were away from the crowd, he stopped and looked me in the eye - and, again, my resistance melted and I calmed down at once.

"I'm going to take you to my room," he said, even softer now that the alarm had stopped, but somehow firm and commanding, "and you are going to pleasure me. Then I will return you to your friend."

I nodded, obediently, to show my understanding. I didn't obey because I felt helpless and threatened - I obeyed because the commanding tone of his voice was almost hypnotic... He took hold of the front of my coat and led me back into the lift. We shared the elevator with an elderly couple who eyed us suspiciously, and soon left when we got to the green-eyed stranger's floor. He led me to his room and let me in. I noticed a similar layout to the room Pauline and I had rented, but soon forgot about such things when he removed my coat and pushed me onto the bed.

And then I realised what I was doing. Here I was, bound naked and gagged in a hotel room, at the mercy of a complete stranger. A very sexy stranger, admittedly, with strangely-hypnotic green eyes, but a stranger nonetheless. I looked across at him as he removed his clothes, revealing a body as sexy as his face suggested... and a hard cock, ready to use and abuse me. I scooted away from him, moving to the head of the bed, but he quickly closed the distance between us and was, within moments, sitting astride my helpless body, his hard cock between my naked breasts.

I looked up at him, wondering how I had let myself be lured into this situation. And then his large hands cupped my breasts, and his penetrating green eyes met mine, and I gave in to the pleasure... I groaned as he squeezed, and I felt my nipples harden inside the palms of his hands. He gripped my hard nipples as he kneaded, and was soon kneading my breasts around his hard cock... using me for his own pleasure, seemingly unconcerned about my own pleasure or pain...

He began to thrust his cock back and forth between my breasts, and I squirmed beneath him, very aroused, wanting him so badly... and then he moved down the bed, and within moments I felt his tongue between my legs... his stubble was a little rough on my smooth thighs, but I didn't care... I became very wet, very quickly... so wet, that his huge cock slid inside me with no resistance, and soon he was thrusting slowly and I was in another world...

He rested his weight on his elbows, either side of my helpless body, so he could play with my nipples with his fingers, tongue and teeth... I writhed beneath him, feeling even more helpless now than ever, as he continued his slow, deep thrusting which was driving me up the wall... I wanted to cum so much, I wanted him to cum so much... but still the teasingly-slow thrusting which served to arouse me more and more continued...

I gasped into the gag as a sudden quick thrust took me by surprise... but before I could enjoy it, he returned to the slow thrusting. I glared at him as hard as I could, but as soon as my eyes met his my will faded and I was his obedient sex slave once again... He thrust quickly again... hard... and this time he wasn't teasing, since he followed it with thrust after thrust after thrust... each harder and faster than the last... and somehow deeper... I writhed and squirmed on the bed, moaning loudly, completely out of control as wave after wave of intense orgasm washed over me and carried me away to sea...

I was barely aware of him moving, back up the bed, as I continued to cum... he thrust his hard cock into my mouth... I couldn't resist, with my mouth held open by the ring-gag... my tongue found his cock as I writhed, and he exploded in my mouth... I swallowed as much as I could, barely aware of what was going on, still enjoying orgasm after orgasm...

An eternity passed.

I opened my eyes when I heard his voice. He was speaking on the phone.

"I believe I have something of yours," he said, "and I will be returning her shortly. Just be sure that you are suitably dressed to accept shipment of this slavegirl."

I blinked, barely believing what I was hearing. But when his green eyes met mine, all I could do was melt on the bed. He moved towards me (he was now dressed) and reached into his pocket to pull out a pair of clover clamps. I looked at them, and then looked at him, and shook my head. All he did was nod and smile, and sit astride me while he teased my nipples into readiness... I screwed my eyes shut as first the left clamp and then the right was applied - the pain was initially excruciating, and no matter how much I writhed I couldn't do anything about it! I sat up as he moved away, the cold chain between the clamps dangling in front of me, and I got to my bare feet. At least this would all be over soon.

He grinned as he took hold of the chain between my nipples and he led me towards the door. I stopped when I realised that he wasn't going to be giving me a coat to wear... but a yank of the chain caused me to yelp with pain and follow him out into the corridor. Luckily, it was deserted... and felt very cold, and very quiet. I tried to keep any noise to a minimum so as to not attract attention from any of the rooms we passed, but the occasional metallic clink from the clamp chain seemed to pierce the silence most unfairly!

I tried to take stock of my situation but it was so overwhelming, I barely believed that I was there. Naked, bound, walking through a hotel corridor... where anyone could come out of their room at any moment and see me, being led by my nipples by this stranger. I thought about trying to escape, but what would I do? Where would I go? I groaned aloud as I was unceremoniously reminded of my nipples' torment by being pulled into the elevator. My captor pressed the button for the top floor, and the lift shuddered and ascended.

There was a muffled ding as the elevator stopped. I quickly hid behind my green-eyed captor as the same elderly couple as before shuffled in. Their eyes widened as they glimpsed my naked, bound body trying to hide from them... and they quickly mumbled excuses and decided to exit... saying they would wait for the next elevator. I was aware of a blush spreading over my whole body... and felt very hot, despite my nakedness.

Another tug on my nipples made me moan with pain again, and I was pulled out into the top floor corridor (once the lift had stopped and the doors opened again). This corridor was also deserted, fortunately, and my captor quickly led me to the room Pauline and I had rented for the night. He knocked on the door, and it was promptly answered by Pauline. She was completely naked.

"I found this wandering around outside," my captor smiled, his green eyes sparkling.

"Then you'd better come inside," Pauline smiled in response, not even looking at me, transfixed by his gaze.

I was pulled by my nipples into the room, and saw that Pauline had sat on the bed, amidst a large collection of bondage toys. My captor walked around my lover and our toy collection, examining both in detail - he was still holding onto my nipple clamp chain, and I had no choice but to follow him and drool slightly.

"You're dressed more like a slave than a mistress," he said, eventually, to Pauline.

"You might be right," Pauline said.

"In fact, you're dressed as my slave," he said, his voice firm as he looked her in the eye.

"Yes, Master," Pauline replied without hesitation.

"If you want the ultimate reward of pleasuring me," he continued, "then you will need to show me how good you are. Pleasure my other slave..."

He handed my nipple clamp chain to Pauline, an act which pulled me onto the bed next to her. She grinned at me, her eyes full of lust, with a slight green-ish tinge. I wondered if my own eyes had the same tinge. Pauline reached into the pile of toys and pulled out the double penis gag... two rubber cocks, with straps, to keep two obedient slaves face-to-face...

I could only kneel next to her and watch as she put one of the rubber cocks into her mouth and sucked on it... she slowly thrust it in and out of her mouth, before removing it completely and licking her lips. She moved the saliva-covered cock down between her spread legs and gasped as she pushed it slowly into her waiting, moist pussy... and began to thrust it in and out... I looked on, transfixed by her performance, as she slowly withdrew the rubber cock and presented it to me. With my mouth held wide open by the ring-gag, I could do nothing to stop her from pushing the cock between my lips... and fastening the straps behind my head, silencing me with two gags at once... but now with a rubber cock inside my mouth and a second rubber cock protruding in front of me. I tasted my lover's arousal on the gag, and felt even more aroused myself...

She used the chain between my nipples to guide me downwards, until the rubber cock sticking out of my mouth drew level with her wet pussy... I knew what was expected of me, and pushed forwards, penetrating her... she gasped, and I slowly thrust, moving my head back and forth, moving the rubber cock in and out... tasting her juices on the other cock, inside my mouth... watching her play with her clitoris in front of my eyes...

I sensed that she was close to orgasm, and she made me withdraw... she brought my face level with hers, and smiled before gripping the rubber cock between her teeth and wrapping her lips around it. She fastened the straps tightly behind her head, binding herself to me. We looked each other in the eyes, again seeing the greenish tint... and then I felt her fingers moving over my body, teasing my soft skin as they lightly roamed, threatening to tickle but never causing me to laugh... I couldn't move to get away, since I was bound helpless and bound to her... I was her prisoner... kneeling before her on the bed...

And then the green-eyed man sat on the bed next to us.

"Damn, you two are just too sexy for me to resist," he said.

He grabbed Pauline's wrists and handcuffed them together behind her back, instantly rendering her helpless. He unfastened the straps from behind my head and removed the rubber cock from my mouth... I was disappointed to feel it go... but was still rendered speechless by the ring-gag. He pushed Pauline down onto the bed and she stayed where she fell, watching the man and myself with lust in her eyes, lying on her cuffed wrists and spreading her legs invitingly. The green-eyed man smiled at her before turning to me. He padlocked a length of chain to the chain between my nipples, and led me back outside into the corridor.

"This is your reward," he said, softly, "for winning the gold."

I barely struggled as he passed the long length of chain beneath the hotel room door and closed it... but when I began to realise what exactly my new situation might entail, I began to struggle. I was kneeling in the hotel corridor. Naked. My hands bound behind my back. My mouth held open by a gag. My nipples painfully clamped and attached to the bottom of the door... I pulled at the chain and winced - he had obviously fastened it to something inside the room. There was only enough length for me to kneel, outside the door, patiently awaiting my turn... and hoping I wouldn't be discovered. I heard the unmistakeable sounds of Pauline's pleasure come from inside the room. And then I looked up at the door handle, and saw the sign he had left. It didn't say Do Not Disturb. It said Abuse My Slave. And then I heard the sound of approaching footsteps...