Sarah groaned into the gag, a ribbon of drool escaping her lips to drop to the carpet below - the tight ropes tied around the base of each of her breasts were proving to be very distracting. Her breasts were swollen and red, and this made her pierced nipples even more sensitive. She wanted so much to cup her aching bosom to relieve the pain, but her wrists were securely handcuffed to the rear of her crotch rope... and any movement provided even more distraction. The knots on the ropes binding her were well out of her reach, so all she could do was moan and squirm until the ice above her melted and dropped the handcuff key to the floor.

She was a tall, slim, 21-year-old woman with long brown hair and a high-paying office job. As a teenager, she had matured slowly - she had always been petulant, blaming others and her circumstances for her own problems, and had never taken responsibility. She had regularly fled the real world to lose herself in fantasy worlds, which had made connecting with her all the more difficult for her devoted father and step-mother. But something had happened to her, one night when she was babysitting her step-brother Toby, which had completely changed her outlook on life - she took control, she took responsibility, she learned to live with the fact that life wasn't fair, and became a go-getter - with that more positive attitude, she gained drive and ambition and soon worked out exactly what she wanted and how to get it.

Right now, though, all she wanted was to struggle in helpless self-bondage, with just enough stimulation to keep her on the edge but not take her over... She moaned again, shifting her position, wishing she had tied her legs somehow - she hadn't wanted the bondage to be too complicated, and with long-term bondage like this she had wanted some mobility.

She jumped, startled by a scratching sound behind her. She quickly scanned the corner of the bedroom from which the sound had come, but saw nothing untoward. Another sound, a scurrying, to her right this time. She looked to the side, but again saw nothing. Had rats somehow entered the house? Was someone teasing her? She shook her head, and would have smiled if she wasn't wearing a ballgag. Those were the sort of paranoid thoughts her younger self would have entertained - she was a professional businesswoman now, and she would get to the bottom of this mystery. Despite her bondage, she was able to make a quick circuit of the room, even going so far as to peer under her bed. Was it a rat, or some sort of insect? She shuddered, quickly putting thoughts of foul creatures exploring her vulnerable, bound, naked body from her mind.

Another sound, and she turned to see a tall, slim, nude woman with long brown hair standing in the doorway. The woman looked somehow familiar... it only took Sarah a second to recognise herself. She mmmphed into her gag in surprise.

"There you are," said her double, "I thought I might find you in here, playing with my things!"

Her things? That was quite a presumption. Sarah forgot about the surreality of the situation, her teenage possessiveness coming to the fore.

"Did I catch you at a bad time?" her double asked, grabbing her by the left nipple ring and pulling her roughly out onto the landing.

Sarah squealed into her gag, staggering after the intruder, her mind filled with questions - who was this twin, what was she doing here, why was she treating her so badly? Her double seemed to be furious. Sarah was led downstairs and towards the front door - when she realised where she was being pulled, she began to put up more of a fight, but it was to no avail. Helpless as she was, she could do nothing to stop her twin opening the door and pushing her outside. She turned, to try to beg, to plead, but all she saw was the door being slammed in her face.


It was a soft, melodic, man's voice, which somehow cut through to her soul and made her heart beat faster. She turned, and to her surprise, she wasn't where she expected to be. She wasn't outside her front door. She was standing on a dusty hill, surrounded by a desolate landscape. And standing by the battered remains of an ancient, long-dead tree was the man who had spoken. She recognised him instantly, as the fog that hid her buried memories was lifted - this was Jareth, the Goblin King, and she was standing at the start of his Labyrinth.

"I was hoping you would return."

Sarah turned away, suddenly very aware of her nakedness... and her vulnerability. But, bound as she was, she could do nothing to hide herself.

"I see you have changed," Jareth smiled, walking around her, stroking her hair and playing with her nipple rings, "for the better."

She turned again, trying to avoid him, trying to avoid looking into his sexy eyes, trying to avoid the arousal she felt as he examined her. She tried to think of other things - she guessed that the double who had thrown her out of her own house had been created and sent by him, to somehow replace her in the real world while he toyed with her in his... She knew, then, that she had to escape and replace her replacement. But how? The keys to her handcuffs were far from accessible...

"I live," the Goblin King continued, "to give you what you desire."

He placed his hands on her shoulders and looked her straight in the eyes as he gently pushed her down to her knees. He smiled, and she suddenly felt ropes tying her ankles to her thighs - looking down, she saw that they matched the other ropes she had used on herself. Well, she had wished earlier that she had thought to tie her legs... When she looked up again, she saw that she had been transported to the great hall in his castle. And that a crowd of goblins had gathered to gawp at her.

Male goblins, female goblins, big goblins, little goblins, hairy goblins, scary goblins, ugly goblins, uglier goblins. They had formed a circle around her, cautious despite her bondage. Even though she was feeling scared and intimidated, she still managed to look them in the eye and growl into her ballgag - she even managed to advance towards a little brown goblin standing before her and make it jump and hide behind the legs of a larger goblin. But when they realised that she was all bark and no bite, they soon closed in and began to prod her with dirty, hairy fingers sporting yellowing nails. Many rough, callused hands were soon roaming her body, exploring her smooth skin, whilst the goblins oohed and aahed at this strange creature in their midst.

"What is it?"

"It's a girl!"

"Can we keep it?"

"What shall we call it?"

A finger hooked through her right nipple ring and tugged, prompting a grunt of pain from Sarah and a ribbon of drool from her lips. The goblins took that as a good sign, and soon they were taking turns to tug at her nipple rings - all she could do was grunt and drool. She couldn't even back away, they were crowded in so close - in fact, the slightest movement caused her to pull at her crotch rope, which was biting very cruelly between her pussy lips now and rubbing her in all the right places... While one goblin stroked her hair and examined her gag, another began to prod her breasts, and yet another satisfied its curiosity by rubbing her buttocks.

"What do you think of your new pet?" came the voice of Jareth, from behind her.

"It's great but... err... boss..? It doesn't do very much."

"I think we can fix that," the Goblin King replied.

Sarah turned to look at him, a feeling of dread filling her body and soul. He was sitting on his throne, playing with four large crystal balls. He plucked one of them from the top of the rotating pile, and sent it gently floating like a bubble towards her - inside, a scene slowly came into view, of the starting line-up for a very strange-looking race. Sarah blinked when she saw herself in the lineup, and when she opened her eyes she was there.

She was standing, but found it difficult to keep her balance since the boots she was wearing were like nothing she had seen before. They were similar to incredibly high heels, but without the heels... instead, the only support was from a wide hoof under her toes, so she had to keep her weight forward to avoid falling over. The constant movement and the angle of her legs put constant pressure on the butt-plug nestled firmly inside her ass, from which a shiny black horse tail emerged. Her arms were folded behind her back, sealed inside a horizontal black box which hid them, from her fingertips to her elbows, from sight. Her outfit was completed by a head harness, which consisted of a bit-gag, blinkers, and a pair of chains which led from her nipple rings to either side of the head harness.

Looking to each side (by turning her head), there were a variety of other creatures kitted out as steeds - lizard-like, bird-like, even horse-like. She was standing at a starting grid drawn in the dirt in the middle of the goblin city, and the streets were lined with cheering goblin spectators. They cheered even more when the jockeys appeared. Before Sarah could do anything, a goblin had scrambled up her back and sat himself on a saddle affixed to her shoulders, just behind her head. She grunted into her gag and had to take a couple of steps to keep her balance.

"The winner of this race," called Jareth, "gets to have one wish granted!"

Sarah barely had time to take in that information before the race was started by the pained squawk of some unknown avian. Immediately, her goblin jockey pulled on the reins, which pulled at the chains attached to her nipple rings. Groaning into her gag, she took a step back, struggling futiley against her bonds, shaking to try to dislodge her rider. And all he did was to pull at the reins even harder...

It was then that Sarah realised that winning the race could be in her best interests - she could wish herself out of bondage and back to the real world. The other racers had already disappeared around the first corner, but she was sure she could catch them. Leaning forward, she began to walk as fast as she could, burying her pride, her booted legs scissoring quickly. Immediately, she noticed that the plug in her butt felt even bigger as she walked... but she could do nothing about it, and the feeling of the horse-hair lightly slapping against the back of her thighs was actually quite pleasant.

She fast approached the first corner, and her goblin rider pulled hard on the right rein, which tugged hard at her nipple and surprised her so much she almost fell. She quickly recovered, and swearing into the bit-gag she turned the corner and accelerated, leaning forward further, going so fast she was afraid that she might not be able to stop. The other steeds were not as determined as her, though, and she soon managed to shoulder her way past them and take the leading position - three very uncomfortable laps later saw her take the finish line in first place.

Panting, stepping around to maintain her balance, her ass and nipples aching, the bit-gag very uncomfortable in her mouth, she looked defiantly at Jareth as he approached and lifted the goblin from her saddle.

"I am true to my word," the Goblin King smiled, "so, what do you wish for?"

Sarah began to mumble into her gag, but was interrupted by her goblin rider making his wish: "I wish to learn more about our new pet."

"And so you shall," Jareth smiled, "so you shall."

The light dimmed, as if the moon had passed in front of the sun. The light immediately brightened again, and Sarah gasped with surprise when she discovered that the scene had changed again. She was lying on a medieval rack, naked, her arms and legs spread, her wrists and ankles held securely by large metal manacles. The only light came from a few flickering braziers dotted around the stone walls. There was a creaking sound from above her head, and she felt the chains tightening, stretching her out.

"Hey," she said, surprised that she wasn't gagged, "stop that! Stop it at once!"

"It talks!" came a goblin's voice from the darkness.

"What else can it do?"

"Let's find out!"

A goblin landed on the rack, between her spread knees. Sarah yelled at it, but it didn't move - she struggled, thrashing and squirming and writhing on the rack, but could do nothing to stop it peering closely at her sex, using its stubby fingers to part her labia. Another goblin climbed onto the rack and began to prod her full breasts, tugging at her nipple rings curiously. Two more goblins climbed onto the rack and took a mild interest in her tummy button before they wandered further south to sit astride her left thigh and engage in a whispered conversation.

"Goblin King, Goblin King, I won that race! I deserve to have a wish granted! It's not fair!"

"Life isn't fair, Sarah, or had you forgotten that?" Jareth replied, his voice full of amusement.

"But you said that you lived to fulfill my every desire! Being probed by goblins isn't something I desire!"

There was a loud creak as the rack tightened, stretching her even further. The goblins had stopped their probings to listen to the conversation between her and their king, but now they resumed... an act which soon had Sarah biting her lip to stop herself from moaning with pleasure.

"I beg to differ," her captor replied, "you seem to be enjoying yourself."

"I'd rather have you..." Sarah said, softly.

A flash of light, and then blackness - the scene had changed again. She was standing upright in the middle of the floor. Her arms were stretched above her head by tight, rough ropes, and her toes barely touched the ground. A ring-gag was strapped between her lips... and a blindfold was over her eyes. A cool breeze informed her of just how completely naked she was, and a warm hand on her hip told her that Jareth was behind her.

His hands ran up and down her body, fuelling her desire... she was so relieved that the goblins had gone, and so aroused by her earlier experiences, that she responded quickly... her nipples were rock-hard within moments and Jareth's fingers found her pussy moist. She felt his body press against hers from behind, and she sensed that he was naked too... He pushed inside her, his hands cupping her breasts, and she gasped into her gag, drooling profusely as he slowly began to thrust... She shook her head, trying to dislodge the blindfold... she wanted to see him, but was denied even that as his thrusts became faster, deeper and stronger... his middle fingers pushed up through her nipple rings as he squeezed her breasts, making her moan even louder... it was all too much for her, and within moments she was biting hard on the gag as she came and came and came... and her writhing, spasming body was enough to take him to the edge too, and he filled her with his hot load, the two of them moving together in mutual orgasmic bliss... It was so much that she began to feel dizzy as they moved together, and she remembered nothing more until...

She woke. She was lying in the middle of the throne room. Surprisingly, her hands were free. She was naked except for a bit-gag head harness and the horse tail butt plug she had worn earlier for the race. Why weren't her hands bound? Was she trusted more now? She looked up at the throne, where Jareth was sitting, watching her, smiling.

"You've earned a rest," he said, softly, "and I think you're happy here now."

And she was. Strangely. But not quite happy enough. Despite her love and lust for Jareth, she knew in her heart that she had to return to the real world, confront her double and take her life back.

A smaller goblin approached her, cautiously - she recognised him as the goblin she had scared when she first arrived. She got up on her knees and stroked his hair before picking him up and placing him on her back, getting down on all fours so he could ride her like a horse. A plan had formed, and she would take advantage of this new-found trust. She began to crawl around the room on all fours, which seemed to please the goblin immensely, and even had a look of extreme satisfaction spreading across the face of the Goblin King. She completed a couple of laps of the main hall before taking the goblin out towards the goblin city... in the room below, she made sure no-one was looking before she plucked the goblin from her back and pinned him to the ground. She quickly removed the harness from her head and the plug from her butt - she used the horse tail to tie the goblin's hands and the harness to gag him before stuffing him into a large, ornamental jar and running outside, naked, into the goblin city.

She didn't know where she had to go - all she knew was that she had to get home. She heard the sound of an approaching goblin patrol and quickly ducked into the nearest doorway... which, somehow, led her into the entrance hall of her house. Unfazed, she quickly ran up the stairs and opened her bedroom door - somehow, she knew that her double would be in her bedroom. Her twin mmmphed into Sarah's favourite ballgag in surprise - the twin was experimenting with self-bondage. Breast bondage and a crotch-rope with handcuffs attached to the rear completed the ensemble.

"There you are," Sarah said, "I thought I might find you in here, playing with my things! Did I catch you at a bad time?"

Sarah smiled at the irony as she grabbed her twin's left nipple ring and pulled her roughly out onto the landing - with the self-imposed bondage, her double was completely helpless and unable to do anything but squeal into the gag as Sarah pulled her downstairs and pushed her out of the front door.

"There," Sarah grinned to herself, "job done."

It was only a few hours later when she was relaxing in a nice, hot bath, smiling at her victory and confident she wouldn't be hearing from Jareth again for a while, when she heard the sound of a handcuff key landing on her bedroom floor... and she began to wonder if the Goblin King's re-ordering of time meant that she had just done something very stupid and rather paradoxical. Shrugging to herself, she decided that it probably didn't matter and went back to enjoying her bath.