"Good morning, beautiful," came Pauline's voice, rousing me from my sleep and closely followed by a tender kiss on the lips - there is no better way to wake up.

I returned her kiss. I couldn't do much else, since she was pinning my arms to my sides under the duvet with her thighs. I opened my eyes and looked into hers with a smile.

"What time is it?" I asked, taking the opportunity to look her up and down - she was dressed for work, most noticeably in an obscenely-short skirt which showed off her tanned legs.

"Time for you to get up - you've got an important presentation to give, remember?"

"Oh, yes," I frowned, my initial good mood fading as I thought of the presentation - I hate giving presentations, I hate standing up in front of people and talking, I hate being the centre of attention in such a stressful situation. If I was partially-drunk, dancing with Pauline in a smoky nightclub, flirting with every guy there, it would be a different story.

"There's no getting out of it, you've been preparing it with Roger for a week now."

Ah, Roger. One of my few 'real-life' friends who knew of my lust for and love of bondage.

"By the way," Pauline continued, "there's a parcel for you downstairs. Plain wrapping, so probably some more toys..."

"I'm not expecting anything - are you?"


"Wanna go find out what it is?"

"No, Laura, I've got to go to work. I'll see you this evening. Have a nice day..."

And, with that, she dismounted me and left the room with a cheeky grin on her face. That skirt of hers barely covered her buttocks - I had no idea how she got away with wearing it to work. And then I thought of where she worked - an estate agents in which she was the only woman, in which her desk was situated by the main window, so that she could lure male customers in with her long, tanned legs. Such a shocking way to do business, I'm surprised she hasn't been arrested yet. Or had at least hung a red light in the window...

After a quick shower and breakfast, I decided to investigate the mysterious parcel. I ripped it open to find a few items of black, shiny latex clothing, a small unlabelled bottle and a note. I recognised the handwriting on the note immediately as Roger's. He had discovered my love for bondage by accident - he had popped round the house one evening to deliver a document he had written for me to preview and had discovered my front door wide open. Fearing that I was being burgled, he had called my name and entered... not knowing that at that moment I was hiding in the front garden, in full bondage paraphenalia, looking for the key I had tossed there earlier. I had watched him go in and close the door behind him, effectively locking me out of my own house. And I knew that when he left, he'd close the door behind him again... so my only choice was to walk up to the front door and ring the doorbell (after locating the key to my handcuffs, naturally). It had taken a lot of explaining, but it had been made easier by his revelation that he, too, was heavily into bondage.

I put the note to one side and picked up the items of clothing. There was a pair of shoulder-length gloves, a pair of stockings and a body (which contained two interesting protrusions on the inside of the crotch). I looked up at the clock on the wall. There was enough time for me to have a little play before work. Perhaps it would even relieve some of the stress from which I was suffering.

I opened the bottle and inside I found some odourless, white powder. That was very considerate of Roger, supplying me with some talcum powder. But didn't he realise that I had loads of my own? Still, it was odourless, so wouldn't overpower the lovely new smell of the latex. A quick trip to the bathroom gained me a small bottle of lube for the plugs and then I was ready. I stripped off my bathrobe and stood naked in the middle of the living room.

First, I lubed the plugs and myself. Then I took the small bottle of talcum powder and liberally talc'ed my torso. The body was very tight, and the talc wasn't the most effective I'd used, but I eventually managed to pull it on, feeling the plugs pulled tight into my pussy and ass, feeling the skintight latex delicious snug against my breasts and buttocks. It was cold at first and a little uncomfortable, but soon warmed up to my body temperature. I looked down at myself, with my new shiny black second skin, and smiled. I took an experimental walk around the room, and the two plugs moved inside me in a wonderfully stimulating way. I was so tempted to bring myself to orgasm right there, but I knew I wouldn't forgive myself if I did. I had more clothes to try on.

I returned to the box and pulled out the black latex stockings. I rubbed the talc up and down my legs before pulling them on - again, it was a bit of a struggle, but I eventually managed to get my toes to reach the ends and smooth the latex up my long legs. I turned slowly, admiring the way the light reflected off the rubber material, gently running my fingers over my body to make other interesting visual effects. Lastly, I picked up the gloves, but was disappointed to see that Roger's little talc bottle was empty. Shrugging, I fetched my own scented talc from the bathroom - even though it was scented, it was much more effective and pulling on the shoulder-length gloves was virtually effortless. I quickly ran up to the bedroom (the movement of the plugs having a distinctly pleasant effect) and found myself a suitable pair of heels to wear with the ensemble, and then admired myself in the full-length mirror. Yummy.

Looking at the alarm clock on the bedside table, I saw that I really should be going to work. But I felt so sexy, it wouldn't matter if I was a few minutes late. I felt that I owed myself an orgasm, at least. Maybe even two.

I fetched a slender length of chain from the toybox in the bottom of the wardrobe. I placed the middle of the chain at the back of my neck and let the ends drape forward over my shoulders. I crossed them between my latex breasts and behind my lower back, before pulling them down between my legs from the front and up my back. I pulled the ends around in front of me and back over my shoulders to be padlocked to the centre of the chain. I then let the loose ends dangle down my back and reached up behind me to padlock a pair of handcuffs to them.

I tossed the keys onto the bed before pulling a ballgag tightly into my mouth and a blindfold over my eyes. Lastly, I reached up behind me and eventually managed to secure my wrists in the handcuffs. I took a moment to compose myself, since I was panting already - the plugs inside me were serving to keep me in a state of permanent arousal, and the chain pulling against them only made matters worse. The latex tight against my skin made me feel even more restricted... and even more sexy. I turned around a few times so that I lost my bearings and went for a little experimental walk. My breasts found the wall, and I could feel that my nipples were hard already. I rubbed myself against the wall a little, moaning softly into the gag, sensing a small rivulet of drool running down my chin. I pulled down on the handcuffs behind my back, which pulled on the chain, which pulled the two plugs even deeper into my pussy and ass... groaning with pleasure, I pulled myself away from the wall and went in search of the bed. My pussy found one of the bedposts before the rest of me, and the shock almost brought me to orgasm there and then... I rubbed myself against the bedpost, going from standing fully erect to crouching to standing again, my latex pussy feeling every curve and texture of the very ornate bedframe. I fantasised that I was a sexy superheroine, being held against my will by some evil villain, who would soon be returning to do whatever he wanted with me... another pull at my bonds, and it was enough to send me over the edge, into wave upon wave of orgasm...

Catching my breath, I climbed onto the bed and felt around for the keys. I couldn't find them at first, so had to scrape the blindfold against the bedpost to remove it. Then, it was simply a case of sitting on the bed and falling backward so that my gloved fingers could find the keys and eventually release me. Once I'd removed the cuffs, chains and gag, I glanced at the clock - I was definitely running late now, and really should be in work.

I rubbed the feeling back into my latex wrists. My hands wandered down to rub the feeling back into my latex crotch as well, but I stopped myself - I do have a little self-control, after all. I kicked off the shoes and peeled off the gloves, slightly relieved to feel the cool air on my hot flesh. It was when I tried to remove the stockings that I had the shock of my life - they wouldn't come off! No matter how hard I pulled, they were somehow stuck fast to my skin! Feeling a little panicky, I tried to remove the body but it, too, was stuck fast. How could this have happened? Every time I tried to peel the latex away, my skin followed. It was as if the latex was glued onto my skin. But how?

And then I thought of that little bottle of white powder that Roger had so generously supplied. I quickly dashed downstairs (and was reminded again of the two plugs pulled tight inside me) and examined the bottle. There was no label, no markings, nothing. As I was trying to piece the parts of the puzzle together, I noticed the time - if I didn't leave within the next five minutes, I'd be late for my very important presentation. But I couldn't go to work dressed in skintight black latex... could I?

Five minutes later, I left the house. To the casual observer, I was dressed simply in a dark blouse and a pale trouser suit. I would have been the first to admit that the colours didn't quite go, but at least it hid the latex I was wearing underneath.

"Where have you been?" Roger asked, as I breezed confidently into the office.

"It's a long story," I said, "we need to talk."

"Not now, we're late," he replied, "we have a presentation to give."

And give it we did. And although I don't normally like giving presentations, I found that the constant stimulation of the plugs took my mind off my nervousness... and the thrill of wearing the skintight latex gave me an added confidence and flair to my presentation skills. We took a break halfway through, and Roger took the opportunity to talk to me in private.

"It's going very well so far," he smiled, "well done."

"Thanks," I blushed - I've never known quite how to take a compliment.

"If I can make one small suggestion, though..?"


"Don't cross your legs when you sit down. Your trousers ride up a little and I'm sure I'm not the only person who noticed that you're wearing black latex underneath..."

My blush grew to envelope me. I wondered if anyone else had noticed. I was glad that no-one had said anything...

"It's your fault, you know," I said, "there was something very funny about that talc you gave me."


"I should've known something was wrong with it. It didn't help me much in getting the latex on, and once it was on I couldn't get it off!"

"Talc? I didn't send you any talc. All I sent you was... oh..."

He looked me up and down. And then he broke into a grin. And then he broke into laughter!

"What's so funny?" I asked, feeling like the butt of a particularly cruel joke.

"Didn't you read the note I sent you?"

"No... should I?"

"That wasn't talc, you silly girl. That was powdered cow gum. Mixed with water, it will repair any tears or rips in the latex. Your sweat must have melted it to form some sort of glue..."

"How do I get it off?"

"So, you're wearing all the latex I got you underneath your work clothes?"

"All except the gloves," I replied, "but I still don't know how to get it off."

"Can I see it first?"


"In the stock cupboard. Then I promise I'll tell you."

"You're evil. But, okay..."

He led the way, shutting us in the rather claustrophobic stock cupboard together. I looked him in the eye as I removed my jacket and unbuttoned my blouse, revealing the shiny second-skin of latex that covered my chest. It was so tight, I didn't need a bra. He reached forward and traced a finger down between my breasts - I tried to look bored and disinterested, but I was very turned-on by the experience. He turned me around so that my back was to him, and pulled my blouse from my shoulders. Next, he reached around my body and unfastened my trousers, pulling them down my body to reveal my latex legs. And there I was, standing in the stock cupboard at work, wearing just skintight black shiny latex... His hands moved up and down my body, squeezing and gripping the material... and all this movement was having a very pleasant effect on the plugs between my legs. He brushed my hair aside and I felt his hot breath on my neck as his hands roamed my body - I shut my eyes and forgot where I was, just enjoying the wonderful sensations of pure pleasure, reaching back to run my hands over his body. I gasped as I felt his hardness pressing against the plug in my butt, and moaned softly as his fingers pushed against the plug in my pussy. Lost in the moment, my mind wandered and I thought about him stealing my clothes and running away, leaving me trapped in the stock cupboard in just my shiny latex... I wondered how I would explain myself to my boss... and then one of Roger's hands found my hard nipples and I was moments away from cumming uncontrollably when he stopped!

"It's time to continue our presentation," he grinned.

"You bastard," I muttered, the moment lost, my sexual frustration reaching new heights, "at least tell me how to get this latex off."

"I'm not sure," he said, "but I think a long soak in a hot bath might do it."

"I hope you're right," I replied, quickly pulling on my clothes.

The rest of the presentation went well, even though I found myself squirming a little in my seat - partly due to my trying not to reveal my latex legs, partly due to the way the plugs moved inside me as I wriggled... I went home at lunchtime and ran a bath. It was a strange experience, getting into a hot bath dressed in black rubber, but at least it dissolved the glue and I was able to peel off the tight second skin. And as I lay there, soaking in the hot water, gently rubbing my more sensitive areas, I thought to myself: I really must get myself some of that powdered cow gum for Pauline...