I rang the doorbell and stepped back. I knew that Pauline was home alone for the afternoon, and I was sure that she wouldn't pass up the opportunity for some bondage fun. The door opened and her eyes lit up when she saw me.

'Hi Laura! You'd better come in,' she grinned.

She was wearing a crop top, cycling shorts and trainers - I assumed that she was about to go out for some exercise. I had a better form of exercise in mind, though, and by the look on her face, she had too.

'May I take your coat?' she asked.

I nodded and slowly undid the zip to reveal a distinct lack of clothing. I handed her the coat and she had trouble taking her eyes off me.

'I'm guessing that your husband's not home,' I winked.

'Actually, he's in the kitchen.'


I made a grab for my coat - the last thing I wanted was for him to catch me naked in their front hallway. He had no idea that we were lovers, lusters and bondage enthusiasts. Well, he knew that Pauline was. She was always telling me stories about the latest position he had tied her up in.

'Only joking!' Pauline grinned broadly, 'Follow me.'

As naked as the day I was born, I followed her upstairs. She entered the main bedroom ahead of me and stepped to one side. I followed and was surprised by her pulling a blindfold over my eyes.

'Hey!' I said.

'I don't want you to see what I've got in store for you...'

She led me to the middle of the room and pushed me down so I was kneeling. I heard the sounds of her shuffling through her wardrobe and eventually she returned to me. I felt rope touch the back of my neck, and it was draped over both of my shoulders. Pauline crossed the rope between my breasts and pulled the two ends behind my lower back. She crossed them over again and brought them around to the front of my abdomen.

'What are you doing..?' I asked, but she just shushed me.

The two ends went down between my legs and were pulled up tight between my buttocks - and it felt very nice. She was standing behind me, keeping the rope taught between her hands and the back of my neck, so that it pulled very nicely on my more sensitive areas.

'Hands,' she said, and I obediently put my hands behind my back.

I felt her tying one end of the rope around my right wrist, and then the other end around my left wrist. She pulled the last few inches around my waist so that they met in front of my tummy - she tied them together there, and I was helpless. The only way to free myself was to untie the knot at my tummy - but my hands were tied tightly to my buttocks. I struggled, to try and loosen the rope, but only succeeded in pulling the ropes tight against my crotch.

'This feels nice...' I purred.

'I'm not finished yet, slave,' she replied, 'bend over.'

I bent forward as far as I could, with the ropes tight around my body, until her hand stopped me. I felt another rope, this one against my breast. She tied a loop around the base of my left breast and pulled it tight - I could feel my breast bulging and it hurt a little, but there was nothing I could do about it. She repeated the process on my right breast and then flicked my nipples.


'How does that feel?'


'Legs together.'

I obeyed and felt her tying more lengths of rope around my thighs and knees.

'This feels like it's going to develop into a hog-tie,' I commented.

'How perceptive of you.'

It was then that I heard the sound of a car in the driveway.

'Did you hear that?' I asked.

'He's back early...'


'Just let me check!'

I heard her footsteps as she darted to the window, and then I heard her swear under her breath. She returned to me and helped me to my feet, pulling the blindfold from my eyes.

'I don't have time to untie you,' she said, pushing me towards the wardrobe, 'hide in here!'

I had trouble walking with my knees tied together but somehow managed to climb inside the wardrobe. I sat down on a pile of shoes (and I wish I could describe to you the feeling of the rope rubbing against my crotch as I sat down) and Pauline closed the door before darting down the stairs.

'Hi Matt, what are you doing back so early?' I heard her ask.

'Thought I'd take a half-day holiday, so I can spend some quality time with my good lady wife,' came her husband's reply.

'I'm honoured. You should have told me, though.'

'Then it wouldn't have been a surprise. Hey, isn't that Laura's coat? Is she here?'

'Erm... she was here earlier, but left without it. I phoned her and she said she'll come back for it tomorrow.'

'Oh well. Let's say we continue this conversation upstairs.'

I shifted my position to try to get comfortable. My breasts were hurting more now but trying to free myself only made my nipples harden and get more sensitive... and that made them hurt more.

'Why the blindfold?' came Matt's voice, from only a metre away. I almost gasped with surprise.

'I was thinking of catching up on some sleep after I exercised.'

'Fair enough - I think you should wear it now.'


'And you can remove your clothes too.'

'All of them?'

'All of them.'

I heard the sound of a drawer being pulled open, and the distinctive metallic rattle of handcuff chains. I then heard Matt moving back towards the bed and, a moment later, the click of handcuffs being closed.

'I'm ready,' came Pauline's voice.

'Then come here and lie down for me.'

The click of handcuffs being closed repeated once, twice, thrice, four times. I imagined Pauline, cuffed spreadeagled on the bed, blindfolded, exposed and helpless. I pulled at the rope going through my crotch and smiled to myself. That felt nice...

'Wait a second,' came Matt's voice, 'I have something for you downstairs. Don't go anywhere, okay?'

I heard him close the door behind him and walk downstairs. I took the opportunity to push the wardrobe door open and stretch my legs. I looked down at myself and noticed that my breasts had swollen quite a bit, and were now looking rather red. And they were painful.

'Laura?' Pauline whispered.

As I had imagined, she was blindfolded and spreadeagled on the bed, four pairs of handcuffs attaching her limbs to the bedposts. I approached.

'How do I get out of here?' I asked.

'You could head down to the kitchen and find a knife to cut yourself free. Or, failing that, you could go and hide in the back garden. Then I'll come out and find you.'

'Good plans, but both of them involve going downstairs. And Matt's downstairs.'


I was potentially in a great deal of trouble. But with that rope rubbing against my crotch, the sensitivity of my nipples and the sight of my lover bound and helpless in front of me, I wasn't thinking straight. I bent over her prone, unsuspecting body and touched her left nipple with the tip of my tongue. She shivered, and smiled. I took her nipple into my mouth and sucked gently, and she moaned softly. I gripped her nipple between my teeth and she bit her lip to suppress a groan and a giggle. But then I heard the sound of Matt returning so I quickly scurried to the wardrobe and somehow managed to close the door behind me.

'I'm back,' I heard him say, 'and I have a nice gift for you. A nice, new, shiny red ballgag and a pair of nipple clamps. I know how much you've always wanted these. And here's your chance to try them out.'

A few seconds later, I heard Pauline's muffled voice as she tried to speak through her gag. And then I heard her moans as Matt did something that I couldn't see. But the sound of her voice, so aroused, had a definite effect on me. I pulled at my bonds again, slowly, and bit my lip to stop myself groaning aloud - it felt exquisite.

'One more interruption,' came Matt's voice, 'then I promise I'll take you to Heaven.'

I heard Pauline's groan of frustration through the gag, and the sound of Matt leaving. He didn't go far, though, since I recognised the squeak of the ensuite bathroom door. It was my chance to escape downstairs. I slowly pushed open the wardrobe, careful not to make a noise since Matt was only in the next room. I tip-toed across the floor but then my eyes fell on Pauline - looking the same as I had seen her before, but now wearing a ballgag and a pair of nipple clamps connected by a short chain. Throwing caution to the wind, I moved in her direction.

'Don't make a sound!' I whispered in her ear before gently nibbling on it.

I kissed down her neck to her shoulder, all the time listening out for any noises from the ensuite. The last thing I wanted was to be caught. My kisses moved over her breast, lingering for a moment on the parts of her nipples that were protruding from the clamps. I gripped the chain between my teeth and took a step back, pulling on her nipples. I could see her struggling not to make too much noise, as she pulled at her bonds in her attempts to stop me torturing her nipples. It was my revenge for her leaving my breasts bound so tightly. I heard the sound of a toilet flushing from the direction of the ensuite, so I had to hurry up. I kissed her hard nipples again, before I continued down her tummy to her exposed and inviting pussy, wet and waiting for me. As I bent over to let my tongue reach it, the ropes in contact with my own pussy moved, slick with my juices, making me feel so hot. I heard the sound of a tap running - Matt was washing his hands. As my tongue reached her clit, I wondered what would happen if Matt returned at that moment... I could guess, and the thought made me even more horny. Pauline was groaning very softly now, also careful not to make too much noise.

But then I heard the tap being turned off and knew that it was time to leave. With a quick kiss on her lips (not the ones on her face), I headed for the bedroom door, managed to open it with my bound hands, slipped through and closed it behind me.

I struggled downstairs - my knees were bound together, remember - and found my way to the kitchen. I didn't fancy the idea of waiting for Pauline to come and rescue me, but all of the knives were at the back of the worksurface, out of my reach. There was only one thing for it - the garden.

I stepped outside and let the door shut behind me. It was still daylight, and the path to the shed was visible from the road so I had to be quick. I couldn't stay hidden at the side of the house since a number of other houses overlooked this garden. I took a deep breath and dashed towards the shed. As I moved, I suddenly had a thought - what if the shed was locked? What would I do?

Luckily, it wasn't. I wrestled with the door and eventually gained entrance. And got my breath back. There had to be something I could use to free myself in the shed. And then I saw the garden shears hanging on the wall. Perfect.

You don't want to know how many times I had to jump and try to grab them with my bound hands, each jump pulling severely at my crotch rope. I didn't fancy using my mouth - there were probably millions of nasty bugs I could catch. My legs were sore and the sun had stopped shining in the side window by the time I managed to catch the shears in my hands and pull them off the wall. I turned them around in my hands, and felt the cold metal against my bare buttocks. They were a bit rusty, but I eventually managed to open them and slide them between the rope and my ass. I was about to cut through the rope when I heard a voice behind me.

'No no no, not yet, my slave,' Pauline said.

I turned to face her. She was wearing a furry dressing gown which she opened to reveal that she was naked underneath. She stepped towards me and took the shears from me before embracing me - her breasts pressed against mine caused me a little pain, but I endured it, I was so relieved to see her.

'Where's Matt?'

'He's asleep, satisfied. And I'm satisfied too. That just leaves you. But first...'

She reached for the ropes around my swollen breasts and untied them. I sighed with relief as I expected the pain to subside - but the rush of blood inside my breasts caused more pain but the swelling did go down. She knelt before me and began to suck and nibble at my poor, sensitive nipples - the heady mixture of pleasure and pain turned me on immediately, and I went weak at the knees. She reached into the pocket of her dressing gown and produced the nipple clamps she had been wearing earlier.

'Oh no...' I said.

'Oh yes...' she replied, an evil grin on her face, 'I'm going to pull you around this shed by your nipples until you promise me you'll let Matt join in on our next adventure. And then I'm going to attach this chain to one of those hooks on the wall and eat your pussy until you explode.'

She stayed true to her word. And made me stay true to mine. But that's another story.