I twirled, letting my stiletto heels click on the hard floor as I moved, my long black coat rising as I spun, revealing black thigh-length boots. I stopped, stock still, and grinned at my reflection in the full-length mirror, opening my coat and putting my hands on my hips. I felt so gorgeous - dark makeup, dyed burgandy hair, a black leather collar, a pair of black opera gloves, a tiny black pleated skirt that hid nothing in the slightest of breezes and a pair of fishnet stockings just peeping over the tops of my boots. I thought for a moment about adding a bra to the ensemble, but I knew that Pauline would only rip it off the moment I got into the hotel room.

Oh yes, the hotel room. In the middle of town, Pauline was waiting for me to arrive. I didn't know what to expect. Would she ambush me the moment I entered the room? Would I find her bound to the bed? Or would there be a note waiting for me, to give me further orders? My heart was pounding with excitement already, and I hadn't even left the house. I was tempted to pleasure myself there and then. Instead, I wrapped my coat around my almost-naked body and headed downstairs and out into the cool Autumn evening.

The days were getting noticeably shorter, and I could see my breath in front of my face. I was feeling rather cold under my coat, and already regretting not wearing a scarf. Instead of going back for one, I decided to keep thoughts of hot sex on foreign beaches under the scorching sun going through my head.

Without thinking, I turned down an alley. It wasn't really a conventional alley - it was more a country path that had stayed put while suburbia had developed around it. It wasn't very well lit (the occasional pool of light from an overhead lamp punctuated the darkness), but I found that if I stuck to the right-hand side, next to the eight-foot white-painted wooden fence, then I didn't feel too scared by the experience. The concrete changed to gravel underfoot, and I had to pick my way a little more carefully now in my stiletto heels. I found myself looking at the floor whilst under a light, but for the moments between lights in which I was in pitch darkness, I always looked ahead to the next pool of light. Perhaps that's why I didn't notice the hole in the fence. Perhaps that's why I was surprised.

A pair of hands reached through the fence and grabbed my waist. I was pulled off-balance, dragged backwards by my hips through the fence - not all the way through, though, just my mid-section. For a moment, nothing happened - there I was, my legs and the top-half of my body on one side of the fence with my bum poking through a hole! I was still in shock, still taken by surprise, not entirely sure what was happening. Then I felt a plank of wood being slid across in front of my tummy, trapping me in place!

"Hey!" I said, trying to struggle and turn around, unable to pull myself forward through the hole, "What on earth are you doing?"

The only reply was a banging on the plank across my tummy - I guessed that my captor was nailing it to the fence. I put my hands down to the wood which was restraining me like a seatbelt but I couldn't budge it. I strained against this simple bondage, and was surprised at just how helpless I was. And I wondered what my captor had in store for me. I shook my head - I was getting aroused, when I was meant to be getting scared and panicky. My heart was thumping in my chest as I continued to pull at the plank. Giving up on that approach, I tried to push the top half of my body backwards through the hole in the fence towards my captor, but my coat bunched up under my breasts and made the task impossible. And then I felt a hand, stroking my right buttock through my coat, and I froze. I wanted to say something, but the words caught in my throat.

My captor tugged at my coat, pulling the long loose end that went down to my ankles through the hole, revealing my long boots and fishnet stockings to, well, anyone who might have happened to pass by. Luckily, at this time of night, the alley was deserted. I shook my head again - I definitely didn't have my priorities right! I needed a passerby to find me, to rescue me from whatever it was that was about to befall me. I heard (and felt) more banging against the fence, and felt the cold night air on the backs of my thighs... whoever was behind the fence had lifted the back of my coat to reveal my woefully-inadequated miniskirt and was nailing the ends of my coat to the fence to keep me exposed.

This was getting worse and worse. And I was beginning to get panicky. The banging stopped, and I decided it was time to scream. I looked up and down the alley, took a deep breath and... I saw someone, approaching. I couldn't even make out if they were male or female yet, but they were marching towards me at a decent speed. I mouthed a silent thanks to whichever deity was looking over me. Whoever was behind the fence could, even now, be getting ready to do something nasty to me. I really wished that I had put some underwear on. And then I wondered if I wanted to be found like this... wearing next to nothing under my coat, and what I was wearing suggesting a taste for the fetishy side of life. The figure was better defined now - female, young, blonde hair... Pauline.

"Am I glad to see you!" I grinned, relieved.

"What'cha doin'?" she asked, leaning against the fence, looking me up and down.

"What does it look like I'm doing? Someone's pulled me through this fence, and even now they're getting ready to... to..."

I stopped when I saw the grin spreading across her face. It was my favourite, sexy, mischievious grin that made her eyes sparkle.

"It's you," I continued, "isn't it?"

She nodded. She reached into her long coat and pulled out a torch, which she aimed at the fence beside me and activated. I strained to read the sign hanging next to me: Trespassers Will Be Prostituted.

"Looks like you're due some sort of punishment," Pauline smiled, flicking off the torch and putting it back into her pocket.

"Just you wait until I get you..." I said, struggling in vain against the thick plank holding me in place, even more aware now of the cool night air under my tiny skirt.

"If I were you, I'd be more worried about the current predicament..." Pauline smiled, taking a step back.

"Which is?"

"You don't know what the sign on the other side of the fence says. Or what the rugby team will do when they read it..."

"Rugby team?!?" At least, that's what I tried to say. It was interrupted by Pauline pushing a very large ball-gag between my teeth.

"Anyway, I can't stay here and chat. I've got to get back around that fence to take their money. Let's just hope they won, eh?"

And, with that, she winked, grinned, opened her coat (revealing a distinct lack of clothing underneath) and wandered away into the darkness. And all I could do was struggle and grunt into the gag while I waited for the inevitable...