"Okay," Übergirl says, looking somewhat beaten, "I'll do what you want."

You smile at Venom and she kisses your cheek... success! You grip your sidekick's waist tight as you look the heroine up and down - she is stretched into a tight spreadeagle position by a robot that wouldn't look out of place on the back of Dr Octopus, and the facemask that hides her true identity is currently in the pocket of your long coat. You are also carrying a digital camera that contains a photograph of her face minus her mask, which you're using to blackmail her into helping you steal the Randolph Diamond from the City Museum. To be more accurate, she'll be helping your sidekick, Venom, in the task.

But, first, you need a little more insurance...

You order Venom to remove the bound superheroine's gloves - as she approaches each hand, you make your robot release it temporarily so she can perform her task. Once she has finished, you open the bottom drawer of your desk and pull out two thick metal bracelets - you hand them to Venom, and she clamps them around Übergirl's wrists. The bracelets are another invention that you're particularly proud of - simple and elegant, they become highly magnetic at the touch of a button on your remote control, rendering the wearer utterly helpless. They'll be useful if (when) Übergirl decides that she wants to become a heroine again...

A second, more psychological, form of insurance will be a change of costume - if she's dressed more like a villain than a heroine, she might be more likely to go along with your plan. And she won't have to worry about another crime being added to Übergirl's list...

"But what shall I wear?" Übergirl asks, after you've explained this to her.

"How about a black sack with holes cut in it?" Venom asks, trying to sound innocent.

"How about," you smile to your sidekick, "you take our new friend to your wardrobe and pick something out for her?"

"I don't think my clothes will fit her..." Venom mumbles.

Women! You glare at your sidekick - it looks like you're going to have to sort this out yourself. You press a button and your robot releases the heroine from it's grip - she drops to the floor and rubs her wrists and ankles briefly before you grab her and haul her down to your basement bedroom. You cross to Venom's wardrobe, yank it open and pull out the first outfit you find, which you thrust into Übergirl's hands and tell her to change into.

"What? Here?" she asks, "With you watching?"

Women! You've really lost your patience now. You press a button on your remote control and a robotic arm reaches down into your basement bedroom and snares Übergirl's wrist. It leads her out into the basement proper and lowers her into the metal cage where she spent the night. You peer down into the cage at her, your hands on your hips as you put on your best supervillain pose.

"You have five minutes to get changed, Übergirl, or the deal's off."

And, with that, you turn and walk away. And see that Venom is glaring at you.

You have two choices. Do you:

It's Good To Talk

"What is it?" you ask your sidekick, once you've stood before her.

"What's what?" she asks, defensively.

You decide that the aggressive approach probably won't get you anywhere, so you go for a different approach: "Do you think that there is a flaw in my plan?"

"I don't trust Übergirl - she'll turn us in at the first opportunity."

"I know, I don't trust her either. But I trust my plan. We'll steal the diamond and get her arrested in one fell swoop. It'll be perfect."

"Isn't it a bit risky? Can't we just tie her up and hand her over to the police?"

"You said yourself that you'll need some help infiltrating the museum labs. With me monitoring the security systems and her providing backup, I can't see how we can fail. And at the first sign of trouble, all I have to do is flick a switch and she'll be rendered utterly helpless..."

"Well... okay... but I'm not happy working with her. Especially since you've given her one of my favourite outfits to wear..."

"Are you jealous?"

"Of what?"

"Of her? Of me?"

"Erm... err... no..?" she says, looking away.

You sometimes think that you'll never understand women. You turn from her and head back to Übergirl to see if she has finished changing yet. Disappointingly, she has... You look down into the cage to see a changed woman. Her old costume lies, folded neatly, in a corner. Her new costume consists of nothing more than a black fishnet bodystocking, a skimpy black sling bikini, the belt from her Übergirl costume and the metal bracelets your clamped around her wrists earlier. You smile - she looks great. And the way her generous breasts bulge from beneath the sling bikini looks positively obscene, especially since she chose to have the bikini outside the bodystocking.

At the press of a button, your robot helps her out of the cage.

You have one choice. You:

Alternative Therapy

You walk past your sidekick and head down to your basement bedroom. You sit on the bed and reach for the remote control on the bedside table and press a button on it - at the foot of the bed, a huge widescreen television blinks into life, showing live feeds from six hidden cameras in the basement, all of which are trained on Übergirl. All you've missed is her taking off her boots.

She removes her yellow belt and places it on the floor before looking around somewhat nervously, checking that no-one is watching before she unzips her green leotard. Her large, generously-proportioned breasts bounce free of the tight lycra and you can't help but grin at the sight. She pushes the leotard down her long, stockinged legs and steps out of it, before folding it neatly and placing it by her boots. You can see her panties through the yellow mesh of her tights, but at the moment you're more focussed on her naked breasts. She tucks her thumbs into the waistband of her tights and pulls them down, slowly, stepping out of them so that she's standing in the basement wearing just her panties. As panties go, you haven't seen cuter - although cute isn't what you normally look for in panties. They are pink, with little fluffy bunny rabbits frolicking playfully on Übergirl's bottom - not the panties of a superheroine, not by a long shot. They are quickly removed, and you catch sight of her trimmed mound as she places them on the pile of clothes in the corner.

It's then that you become aware of someone watching you. You look up, to see Venom standing at the top of the steps, her hands on her hips as she looks down on you. You open your mouth to say something, but she turns on her heel and walks away. Shrugging, you decide that you still don't understand women, and you turn back to your viewing.

The naked superheroine has picked up the first item of her new costume: a black fishnet bodystocking. She slowly, deliberately, pulls it onto her body, smoothing it onto her pale skin, and you admire how the pattern of fishnet is deformed by her full curves. Despite the fact that she is covered from head to toe, she is still quite naked... She then picks up a black sling bikini, which she quickly climbs into, arranging it so it covers her pussy and nipples - it only barely manages the task, and you anticipate it failing as soon as she exerts herself. She grabs her yellow belt from her discarded-clothes pile and fastens it around her waist. And then she looks up at the cage entrance and waits, patiently, her hands on her hips showing off the metal bracelets you had clamped around her wrists earlier.

You spend a few minutes, looking at the feed from the different cameras, admiring her sexy body in her new outfit, before you finally leave the bedroom and return to check on the heroine in person. At the press of a button, your robot helps her out of the cage.

You have one choice. You:

Are We There Yet?

You hear a noise behind you, and tear your gaze away from Übergirl to see that your sidekick, Venom, has donned a utility belt full of useful gadgets - a utility belt that you designed for her a few weeks ago, but she has never had a chance to test out. Until now. You smile, looking her up and down, taking in her very sexy costume: elbow length gloves, thigh length boots, under-bust corset, mask, thong and a fishnet bodystocking. With the similarities in costumes, she and Übergirl could almost be twins. Almost. Now, there's a thought...

You are half-tempted to use your tentacled robot to bind Übergirl helpless and strip her, then get Venom to do very rude things to her with a strap-on before you join in the fun... but you suspect that Venom might not go along with that plan. She has been acting rather strange lately. Your thoughts are interrupted by Übergirl speaking:

"Don't I get any useful gadgets?"

"Sure," Venom smiles, throwing her a torch, "here you go."

"Err, thanks..." Übergirl says, looking somewhat crestfallen and disappointed - but you think it's sensible to give her the minimum equipment, since you know she will take any advantage she can to bring Venom and yourself to justice.

"Let's go," you say, indicating the main door of the warehouse.

The two girls in black fishnet bodystockings walk past you, and you take the opportunity to admire their toned bodies, the distorted pattern of the fishnet enhancing their every curve. Venom's breasts and buttocks are on full display, and she marches confidently, a contrast to the slightly more covered Übergirl who is nervously ensuring that the sling bikini keeps her nipples hidden. The girls wait outside in the dark alleyway for you to lock the door and reactivate the traps - before you do so, you quickly pick up Übergirl's old costume from the cage, and then you lead the girls around to a side alley where your van awaits.

From the outside, the van looks innocent enough. Inside, there are banks of monitors and computers, as well as some manacles attached to the roof and floor to keep disobedient sidekicks in check. Übergirl and Venom look at each other when they see your Übergirl screensaver on the computers, but you ignore their meaningful glances and jump into the driver's seat. There's enough room beside you for the two girls to sit in the passenger seat (but they are squished together most pleasantly) and the windows are dark enough to hide the fact that you're all wearing masks. You start the engine and head off to the museum.

The journey is uneventful, and within minutes you've parked the van in a rather convenient dark alleyway behind the City Museum.

"How are we getting in?" Übergirl asks.

"Well," Venom responds, "I tried the roof last time and no-one spotted me, but I think the Randolph Diamond is most likely stored in the basement with plenty of security. It might be easier to sneak in through a window, but there will probably be more guards around."

"Given that the museum is open," Übergirl says, "couldn't we just go in through the front door? You may be an expert catburglar but I have no experience in the area... what do you think?"

"Well... erm... yeah... maybe..."

You have three choices. Do you:

Roof Access

"Take the roof," you order, and watch the girls obediently leave the van and head away into the shadows.

You smile to yourself, confident that the Randolph Diamond will be in your hands before the end of the day. But first things first - you head into the back of the van and sit at the computer, wiggling the mouse to remove the Übergirl screensaver. You are presented with your Übergirl background (a signed picture of the model who dresses up as Übergirl and poses topless for tabloid newspapers, whom you met at a comicbook convention) and you spend a moment admiring her nipples before bringing up a console window and hacking into the museum's security grid.

It only takes a couple of minutes to get a number of displays up on your monitors, each showing a live feed from one of the museum security cameras. You can see museum guests wandering around examining the exhibits, museum guards wandering around watching the museum guests, and Venom and Übergirl wandering around a closed-off section on the top floor. The two costumed girls perform an excellent job of making their way through the museum without being spotted by guests or guards, partly thanks to you monitoring everyones' movements via the security cameras and informing Venom via a small receiver planted in her ear. You manage to get them down to the second floor, when you notice something of interest in one of the display cases - it looks like some sort of silver catsuit...

You have two choices. Do you:

Breaking And Entering

"Take a window," you order, and watch the girls obediently leave the van and head away into the shadows.

You smile to yourself, confident that the Randolph Diamond will be in your hands before the end of the day. But first things first - you head into the back of the van and sit at the computer, wiggling the mouse to remove the Übergirl screensaver. You are presented with your Übergirl background (a signed picture of the model who dresses up as Übergirl and poses topless for tabloid newspapers, whom you met at a comicbook convention) and you spend a moment admiring her nipples before bringing up a console window and hacking into the museum's security grid.

It only takes a couple of minutes to get a number of displays up on your monitors, each showing a live feed from one of the museum security cameras. You can see museum guests wandering around examining the exhibits, museum guards wandering around watching the museum guests, and Venom and Übergirl silently breaking in via a ground floor window.

Or, at least, Venom was silent. Übergirl makes a bit more noise climbing in through the window, and gain the attention of a security guard. You turn to the microphone at your desk and whisper into it:

"Venom, security guard at five o'clock!"

Your message is transmitted to a receiver worn in Venom's ear, and she quickly turns and spots the approaching guard. On the security camera, you see her melt into the shadows, leaving Übergirl to confront the guard.

The guard says something into his walkie-talkie as he approaches, and he is visibly leering at the superheroine's skimpy costume. He hasn't spotted Venom skulking in the shadows, manouevring herself behind him. It looks like Übergirl's sling bikini was dislodged slightly as she climbed in through the window, and has now revealed one of her nipples - the security guard has definitely noticed, but she hasn't. He licks his lips as he approaches, one hand out in front of him to try to calm her... but it looks more like he's groping for her breast.

Just as he's about to make contact, Übergirl whips out her torch and shines it into his eyes - he blinks, momentarily blinded, and Übergirl pushes him away... right into Venom's spinning high-kick. The guard collapses, but within seconds the room is filled with more guards. You begin to think that this plan isn't going too well...

You have two choices. Do you:

Full Frontal Assault

"Take the front door," you order, and watch the girls obediently leave the van.

They open the back door and pull out a couple of large coats, which they don to hide their revealing costumes. The last stage of their disguises is to remove their masks... and then they head away into the shadows.

You smile to yourself, confident that the Randolph Diamond will be in your hands before the end of the day. But first things first - you head into the back of the van and sit at the computer, wiggling the mouse to remove the Übergirl screensaver. You are presented with your Übergirl background (a signed picture of the model who dresses up as Übergirl and poses topless for tabloid newspapers, whom you met at a comicbook convention) and you spend a moment admiring her nipples before bringing up a console window and hacking into the museum's security grid.

It only takes a couple of minutes to get a number of displays up on your monitors, each showing a live feed from one of the museum security cameras. You can see museum guests wandering around examining the exhibits, museum guards wandering around watching the museum guests, and Venom and Übergirl nonchalantly wandering into the main ground floor display area - you barely recognise them without their masks.

"Lookin' good..." you say quietly into the microphone on your desk, which transmits the message to a receiver planted in Venom's ear.

Venom waves discreetly at a security camera and smiles. The two girls head to a doorway under a staircase - a quick glance each way to check that no-one is looking and they step into an office area, obviously used by the museum staff when the museum isn't full of guests. There are no security cameras in this area, so you will have to wait for them to progress to the labs before you can catch sight of them again. The last thing you see as the door closes behind them in the two girls dumping their long coats, revealing their fishnet-covered bodies briefly for your viewing pleasure, and donning their masks.

You have one choice. You:

Hasty Retreat

You dive into the front of the van, start the engine and drive away as fast as you can!

You have no choices. You've abandoned your sidekick to the long arm of the law and completely failed to steal the Randolph Diamond. You have no idea what fate will befall Übergirl, but knowing your luck she'll probably get away... Taking into consideration the fact that you've managed to avoid being arrested, you score a measly 12%. Have another go.


As you watch, the guards pile into the room - Venom and Übergirl put up a good fight but are soon overwhelmed. You watch as the guards pin them to the ground in their very sexy fishnet outfits and handcuff their wrists behind their backs - Venom puts up more of a struggle than Übergirl, but you find the plights of both girls quite a turn-on. The helpless criminals have their legs spread on the floor and their full breasts crushed beneath them as they are frisked by the guards. Venom's utility belt is removed from her and Übergirl's torch is confiscated. The last stage of their humiliation is to have their masks removed...

The two girls are helped to their feet and marched out of the room. Übergirl's sling bikini has become disarrayed, and her breasts are clearly visible beneath the fishnet - something that the guards have noticed too, and they are taking much interest in her hard nipples.

You look away from the screen, and notice that there is a police car parked at each end of the alleyway. You suddenly realise that you're trapped! With nowhere to run, it's only a matter of time before you're caught...

You have no choices. You and your sidekick have been arrested and you've completely failed to steal the Randolph Diamond. You have no idea what fate will befall Übergirl, but knowing your luck she'll probably get away... but at least you got to see two beautiful, fetish-clad, handcuffed women manhandled by a team of security guards. You score a rather poor 3%. Have another go.


A few close calls (but no actual encounters) with security guards later, and the girls successfully reach the ground floor without being spotted. Their target, which you inform Venom of via her earpiece, is a doorway under a staircase in the main display area, which should lead them to an office area. The ground floor, however, is a lot busier than the other floors and it looks unlikely that the girls will be able to get to the door without being seen.

You need some sort of distraction...

As luck would have it, that's exactly what you get. A rather inebriated old man is trying to gain access to the museum, and is causing quite a commotion as he attempts to push his way past the staff - you're not sure why they don't want to admit him since he seems at the very least quite entertaining... A couple of security guards rush over to help out, and soon a crowd forms around the scene.

Venom and Übergirl take the opportunity to dash across the room to the door under the staircase. A quick glance each way to check that no-one is looking and they step into the office area. There are no security cameras here, so you have to wait for the girls to progress through to the labs.

You have one choice. You:


You re-position the camera so the exhibit is centred on your screen, and then you zoom in the view, bringing the display into sharp focus. The display case contains a mannequin, a very shapely mannequin with superheroine proportions, wearing a superheroine costume. The costume consists of a silver catsuit, a black belt containing numerous pouches for weapons and other equipment, a pair of black thigh-high stiletto-heeled boots, a pair of black elbow-length gloves and a black facemask. A beautiful and sexy creation, you recognise it as the costume of the Masked Avenger. Whatever happened to her?

You wonder if you should order Venom back to this room, to pick up the costume on your behalf. It looked like it might be her size... you smile to yourself, imagining making love to Venom while she wore the Masked Avenger's costume. Yum. Maybe tying her up and making her pleasure you orally... or clamping her nipples through the silver spandex... You feel a tightness in your jeans, and wonder if you should order Venom back to the van to aid you...

You return your attention to the other security cameras, and notice that Venom and Übergirl are about to cross paths with a pair of security guards. Both groups are heading towards the same blind corner, oblivious to the others' presence. Disaster is only seconds away - you have to act fast. You open your mouth to speak into the microphone to instruct Venom.

You have two choices. Do you say:


Venom stops and grabs Übergirl's arm. The two of them quickly melt into the shadows, hiding behind a large display case of pottery. You observe the guards on the security camera - they walk slowly through the room, chatting to each other, but don't notice the two girls. You realise that you've been holding your breath, so you let out a sigh of relief before telling your sidekick that the coast is clear. She smiles at the security camera and leads Übergirl on through the museum.

You have one choice. You:


Venom stops, and looks up at the security camera - it feels like she's looking right at you. She mouths some words to you: Did you just call me Übergirl? You replay your words back through your head, and you don't remember calling her Übergirl. But perhaps you did, perhaps it was a slip of the tongue. Either way, she doesn't seem to have grasped the urgency of the situation.

"Quick! Hide!" you yell into the microphone, but she chooses not to pay any attention.

Übergirl has almost walked around the corner by now, and Venom quickly closes the distance between them. But instead of pulling Übergirl back to safety, Venom pushes her into the path of the two security guards. You watch, mouth open wide, dumbfounded, at the complete randomness of your sidekick. What on earth did she do that for? And then you realise: she's jealous of your obsession with Übergirl because she wants you all to herself.

As you ponder what this all means, you see Übergirl run back into the room away from the guards - she doesn't stop when she comes face to face with Venom, instead she leaps onto her, pushing her to the ground. You watch as the two girls tumble to the floor together, wrestling for the advantage, their fishnet bodystockings somehow surviving the intensity of their conflict. Venom manages to wriggle on top, sitting astride the heroine and pinning her down, and you find yourself getting aroused again. You are tempted to zoom the camera in on the action, but then you notice the two security guards standing in the doorway, talking into their walkie-talkies to call in backup, also entertained by the catfight in the middle of the floor. You begin to think that your plan isn't going too well...

You have two choices. Do you:

Museum Labs

The best you can do, while the girls are travelling through the offices, is disable as many security systems as you can. Once you've finished, there is still no sign of the girls - you begin to worry, but on the security cameras you can see the security guards patrolling as normal... so, you guess that the girls haven't yet been spotted. To quell your impatience, you open up your Internet browser and read a short story online about a girl going to a fancy dress party who is mistaken for a supervillainess by a madman who decides to deal out his own special form of justice... You get to the end of the story and sit back in your chair, smiling to yourself - and then you notice that Übergirl and Venom have finally arrived in the basement labs of the museum.

Watching the feeds from the cameras in the labs, you realise that security is much higher than you expected - probably because of the presence of the diamond, and the failed attempt to steal it last night. Security guards are wandering the tight corridors in pairs, and you can't see many places for a pair of costumed criminals (for Übergirl is, at the moment, considered a criminal) to hide. On the plus side, you think you've found the room where the Randolph Diamond is being stored.

It's time to set up the distraction. You press a button on your remote control, and the solid metal bracelets you forced Übergirl to wear earlier buzz into life, suddenly very attracted to each other. Her wrists clamp together behind her back and you see her gasp in surprise, as suddenly she is rendered helpless. Venom takes the chance to rearrange Übergirl's costume slightly, so that the sling bikini no longer covers her nipples. Then it's simply a case of her pushing the heroine into the path of a pair of security guards... the guards look as surprised as Übergirl is, but the costumed superheroine recovers first - she turns, and runs as fast as she can the other way, into the museum offices. The guards chase after her, shouting into their walkie-talkies for backup.

Even though the guards are on high alert, there are now fewer guarding the diamond. It's now Venom's turn to shine, and you take great pleasure in watching her perform her task. She is both acrobatic and athletic, stealthy and violent, sexy and efficient. She dives through a corridor behind a pair of patrolling guards, not making a sound as she rolls into the next room - they don't hear her. She picks a lock to gain access to a lab, and hacks the computer she finds inside (you smile to yourself - you taught her that) to unlock the electronic safe that houses the diamond. She grabs the diamond, and turns to find herself face to face with a pair of security guards. Damn, you'd been so busy admiring her handiwork you'd forgotten to keep close tabs on the guards!

It doesn't matter - they seem to be rather entranced by her fishnet-covered breasts. She takes the initiative, spinning around to kick the first guard in the face and the second guard in the feet - both fall to the ground, and she steps on them with her stiletto heels as she runs towards the offices. You lose track of her, but you see security guards from all parts of the building running towards her position. Then you see a figure emerge from the ground floor office entrance - it's Übergirl, her hands still trapped behind her back, still on the run from the guards. She heads upstairs, trying desperately to avoid capture, extremely limited by her bondage, drawing the guards away from Venom. Venom emerges from the offices next, and finds the main museum entrance blocked by security guards so turns and heads upstairs.

It's then that the two girls encounter each other again. They freeze, looking each other up and down, aware that they are seconds from being caught. Übergirl is slightly quicker off the mark than Venom, though, and manages to shoulderbarge your accomplice into a stone-age tool display. Four security guards charge into the room and surround the struggling girls. Venom jumps to her feet and, using the display case as leverage, manages to vault over the heads of the guards and ascend the next flight of stairs. You see the helpless Übergirl being helped to her feet and frisked by the guards before you focus all your attention on getting Venom (and the Randolph Diamond) safely out of the museum and into your grasp.

Unfortunately, Venom has quite a following now... a veritable army of guards are chasing her, and yet more are trying to anticipate her route and block her path. You yell warnings and directions into her earpiece, but the future looks bleak - there is no escape for your accomplice, and soon she is cornered in a room full of stuffed animals. As the guards surround her and quickly pin her to the ground, her last action is to throw the diamond... you have difficulty tracking its path on the security cameras, but its flight seems to last forever as it arcs over a stuffed crocodile and smashes through a window...

You kick open the rear doors of your van and leap outside in time to catch the falling diamond. It's finally in your grasp... the Randolph Diamond! You quickly return to your van and look at the monitors to determine Venom's fate - she has been pinned to the floor by a mob of security guards and had her hands cuffed behind her back, and is now in the process of being frisked very thoroughly... and one of the guards reaches down to remove her mask...

There is no saving her now - it's time to go. You climb into the front of the van and start the engine... but are surprised by a loud thump as something lands on the roof. That something rolls onto the van's bonnet, blocking your view out of the windscreen. You realise, with much surprise, that it is Übergirl... with her hands still bound behind her back. She is glaring at you furiously, but you are more distracted by the way her sling bikini no longer covers her nipples...

You have two choices. Do you:

Foot On The Gas

Übergirl slides from your windscreen as you accelerate down the alleyway - you find yourself looking in your rear view mirror, nervously hoping to catch a glimpse of her. Her sudden appearance on your van obviously rattled you... so much so, that you fail to notice the police car blocking the end of the alleyway until it is too late! You slam on the brakes and your van skids to a halt, millimetres from the police car, and the engine stalls as you try to put it in reverse too quickly - moments later, you are surrounded by police with nowhere to go.

You have no choices. You and your sidekick have been arrested and you've completely failed to steal the Randolph Diamond. You have no idea what fate will befall Übergirl, but knowing your luck she'll probably get away... You score a low 33%. Have another go.


"Right, you, get off my van!" you snarl, dragging Übergirl from your windscreen.

She responds by kicking your shin, which proves enough of a distraction for her to wriggle free from your grasp. But instead of fleeing, she turns and charges straight at you! Surprised, you only just manage to avoid being knocked down by her attack - but you do manage to recover quick enough to grab a handful of fishnet and pull her backwards. With her hands bound behind her back, she has no way of balancing and you quickly pin her to the ground. As she writhes beneath you, you reach into the deep pockets of your coat and pull out a bottle of chloroform and a rag. You apply one to the other, and then the other to the heroine, and within seconds she's unconscious. You pick up her limp body and dump her in the back of the van. You take the opportunity to squidge her breasts with your hands before you jump into the front of the van and drive away.

Almost a complete success, you have the diamond and you have the heroine. It's a shame that Venom got caught, but her secret identity had been compromised anyway... and you have no more use for her, now you have the diamond. Sure, she was nice to have around, but you have Übergirl now. You are slightly surprised by your heartlessness but, then, you're a criminal mastermind and allowed to be.

You are forced to swerve your van to the side to avoid a police car, and suddenly you find yourself being pursued across the city by flashing blue lights. Luckily, with your superior driving skills, you manage to evade capture and you bring your van to a rest in another dark alleyway. You take the opportunity to head into the back of the van and inspect your captive. She is still unconscious - just as well, since you have plans for her.

You press a button on your remote control and her bracelets demagnetise. You take the opportunity to photograph the helpless heroine in her burglary outfit, with and without her mask, since such photographs may come in useful later... You remove the bracelets from her wrists, and then remove her sling bikini too. You look down at the superheroine, naked underneath her fishnet bodystocking, vulnerable... and you feel quite aroused. But you wouldn't take advantage of her while she was unconscious - you want her to be awake to witness her humiliation! Or do you? You remove her belt and then remove her bodystocking, until she is naked except for her facemask... you notice that her fishnet costume didn't consist of any gloves, so you wonder if she left any fingerprints at the scene of the crime... You grab a new costume from a drawer in your van - well, you say new costume, but it's actually her old Übergirl costume. You want her to be identifiable as Übergirl.

You dress her in her yellow tights, green leotard, yellow belt, green boots and yellow gloves. You decide against letting her have her cape, and you keep her cute panties as a souvenir... The final step is to zip up her leotard, and you watch as her breasts are drawn together inside the skintight lycra. Then it's a simple case of picking up the unconscious superheroine and attaching the manacles set against the inside wall of your van to her wrists and ankles. You step back and admire your handiwork - the unconscious superheroine is standing in the back of your van, spreadeagled... limp... and then she groans, finally waking up.

"Hello, Übergirl," you grin, looking her up and down.

"Where am I?"

"You're in the back of my van. So, you thought you could thwart my plans, did you? Well, I now have the Randolph Diamond in my clutches... and there's nothing you can do about it!"

You take the diamond out of your coat pocket and admire it - it's huge, and beautiful, and the way the light plays over its surfaces is enchanting... you can see why it's worth such a huge amount of money.

"I think I managed to thwart some of your plans..." Übergirl mumbles.

"Well, I hadn't expected Venom to be arrested... but it's a minor setback. Her secret identity was known to the police anyway. It was only a matter of time..."

"She loves you, you know."

You have two choices. Do you:


You reach into your pocket and pull out a black cleave gag. You push it into the heroine's mouth before she can say another word, and tie it tightly behind her head. She glares at you, and can't stop from drooling as she struggles in vain. You smile, stepping in close, reaching around behind her with both hands gripping her buttocks, thrusting her crotch forward so she can feel your erection through your clothes. She is so helpless, she can do nothing except whimper slightly...

You give her a wedgie to remember you by and return to the front of the van. It just takes one phonecall to a little-known firm in the city that secretly specialises in slavery, to let them know where they can get their hands on a tentacled robot and into which bank account they should deposit the payment. Satisfied, you then stick a sign to each side of the van, advertising a painting and decorating business. That should keep the police off your scent...

Back in the van, you start the engine and head back out onto the main roads, all the time listening to Übergirl's gagged struggles behind you as she tries in vain to remove her leotard from tight between her buttocks. You decide it's time to celebrate your victory - apart from Venom's capture, your plan couldn't have gone any better. You have the diamond, you have Übergirl. So, where does a supervillain go to celebrate a successful day's work?

It's early evening by the time you park your van outside the town's seediest stripclub. You return to the back of the van where you blindfold the captured heroine and release her from her bonds. She is too exhausted to put up much of a fight, and only makes a token resistance as you handcuff her elbows together behind her back, and then her wrists. You wrap a large overcoat around her and guide her out into the cold carpark. She shivers, but you make no extra effort to keep her warm - grabbing the front of her coat, you lead the blindfolded, gagged and bound Übergirl into the main club entrance.

The walls of the foyer are decorated with pictures of girls dancing around poles, and you wonder if soon those photographs will be joined by one of your captive... You glare at the cute girl behind the desk who is inexplicably wearing a bunny tail and bunny ears, and she makes no attempt to charge you admittance. You pull the blindfolded heroine into the main room, and are hit immediately by the thump-thump-thump of the bass, the thickness of the smoke and the flashes of disco lighting. There are three girls dancing around poles on the main stage, all in various states of undress. There are tables around the main stage at which guys are sitting and watching the show, as well as tables in dark corners of the room where men are getting private dances. There are also hidden-away cubicles where, you know from experience, guys are getting more than dances from the girls.

"Hi, honey, can I do anything for you tonight?"

You look at the girl who has approached you. She is quite petite, but with her ridiculously-high heels she is almost as tall as you. She is wearing just a red thong, a red choker and red nipple tassles - you don't recognise her face, but then you don't look at the girls' faces when you come here.

"Yes," you smile at the stripper, gesturing towards your captured superheroine, "you can give a private dance to my friend here."

She leads the way to one of the private cubicles, and you make no attempt to hide the fact that you can't help staring at her bare buttocks. The girl opens the door, and you push Übergirl into the room - the air is less thick with smoke here, and the music not quite as loud. You sit the superheroine on a chair and quickly tie her legs apart before you remove her blindfold. You make yourself comfortable in a chair nearby, and settle back to watch the show. The stripper approaches the superheroine, standing between her spread legs, and watches as the superheroine struggles in vain.

"Are you sure she's alright with this?" the stripper asks.

"Yes," you reply, "she's just role-playing the part of a captured superheroine. It's very important to her. Don't let anything she says or does put you off, now, or you won't get paid!"

The stripper nods, and begins to dance. She gyrates her hips in time to the music, running her fingers lightly over her own body before holding her hands up in the air as she turns slowly around, letting you appreciate her body. You wonder if she's picked up on the fact that you like bondage, since now she is dancing with her hands held behind her back. Her hands move to her hips and she turns, bending over to thrust her bare buttocks towards Übergirl's face. You smile as Übergirl tries to pull away, but is held too firmly by her bonds. The stripper seems to gain confidence, and kneels between the heroine's spread legs, placing a hand on each yellow-stockinged thigh. The stripper strokes up and down the heroine's body, lightly, making the tied heroine struggle even more... but Übergirl can't do anything to stop the stripper quickly undoing the zip on her leotard and pulling the sides apart... You grin broadly as your captive's breasts are quickly revealed, and you can't help but notice how hard her nipples are.

The stripper cups the enormous breasts, squeezing them in her hands as she inches forward to lick the rock-hard nipples. You feel a particularly uncomfortable swelling in your tight jeans, and reposition yourself slightly as you watch. The stripper leans back again, and plays with her own breasts, pulling at her tassles slightly before putting her hands behind her back again to grip her buttocks. The stripper looks over her shoulder at you before spanking her own bum, twice, for your pleasure.

You have two choices. Do you:


"She... what?" you ask, dumbfounded.

"She loves you. Isn't it obvious? That's why she's so jealous - she thinks you've fallen for me."

"Well, that might explain..."

"You mean you couldn't read the signs?"

"You could..?"

"Well, it helps that we had a chat in the museum. In the office area. She confessed everything - she said she was even considering calling the police, back in the warehouse, when you were taking such a keen interest in me. She couldn't bear the sight of you..."

"This doesn't change anything. I'm a criminal mastermind - I can't..."

"Of course you can."

You spend a moment thinking about her words. Perhaps she's right. Perhaps Venom is more to you than just a sidekick... but she's in the hands of the police now, and you can't do anything about it. Not a thing. You had imagined, in your plans, that Venom would be with you all the way... that she would stand beside you as you held the world to ransom, that she could share in your triumph... but now she is in the hands of the police, and the last thing you want to do is deviate from your plan.

You have one choice. You:

Two Girl Show

The stripper turns away from Übergirl and quickly removes her thong, pushing it down her legs and bending forward to give the superheroine an enviable view. The stripper is now naked except for her choker, heels and tassles... The stripper smiles, and takes a couple of small steps backwards, so she is standing between the heroine's spread knees, with her naked buttocks almost in the heroine's face. The stripper sits down on the heroine's lap, supporting her weight with her hands on the heroine's knees, and begins to gyrate to the music again, rubbing her bottom against the superheroine's skintight leotard, before leaning back so the heroine can look down at the stripper's hard nipples. The stripper winks at you before she lets herself go limp and slides to the floor, ending up on all fours in front of the heroine, gyrating her hips still in time to the music.

The stripper stands and turns, approaching the heroine again. The stripper straddles the superheroine, sitting on her lap but facing her, and leans down to kiss her neck. Übergirl writhes in her bonds, obviously enjoying herself but not wanting to admit it... The stripper kisses the heroine's cheek, and then her gagged lips... She stands, thrusting her hard nipples into the heroine's face, still dancing to the music, her hands reaching down to play with the heroine's hard nipples... and then her hands reach down further, delving below the belt, reaching into Übergirl's tight leotard to stroke her pussy...

The superheroine writhes helplessly in her bonds as the stripper's expert fingers go to work - you can't see exactly what's happening, but it's certainly making Übergirl squirm, drool and groan. With one hand playing with the heroine's sex, the stripper uses the other hand to pinch her nipples... and she leans forward, so she can kiss the heroine's neck. All Übergirl can do is struggle... but she struggles slowly, knowing she can't escape, but not wanting to admit to her intense arousal. You look on, idly stroking the huge bulge in your jeans.

Übergirl gasps, throwing her head back as her whole body quivers with pleasure - the stripper doesn't stop, but instead renews her efforts to bring the sexy superheroine to orgasm after orgasm after orgasm... The stripper withdraws, leaving the superheroine a shuddering mass on her chair, and approaches you instead. She quickly unzips your jeans, letting your huge cock free from the confines of your clothing at last. You can't help but grin as she quickly descends on your erection, enveloping you in her mouth, and begins to suck, lick and nibble on your throbbing manhood. It doesn't take long... just a few thrusts before you explode inside her throat... and she laps up every last drop.

As you recover, she holds out a hand. You give her some money and she strides out of the cubicle. You notice that she has forgotten her thong, so you pocket it as a souvenir.

You have one choice. You:

Strip The Stripper

You signal the stripper to come over to you, which she does, still moving in time to the music. Übergirl watches as the stripper stands between your spread legs and dances, gyrating in front of you, turning so you can view every inch of her flesh. She kneels between your legs, looking up at you with big eyes, her hands stroking your chest through your clothes. You reach forward to cup her breasts, and she doesn't complain - she smiles as you knead them softly, weighing her petite orbs in your hands. Her nipples are hard, and you realise that you want this woman, right now... She continues to look up to you as she strokes your thighs, still moving in time to the music, and she unzips your jeans - you breathe a sigh of relief as your huge cock is released from the confines of your clothing, and stands proud before you.

The stripper raises an eyebrow when she sees the size of it, but soon gets over her shock and begins to lick her lips. You reach forward to tug on her tassles, to bring her closer to you, but the tassles come off in your hands... That will never do. You reach into a pocket of your coat and pull out a pair of clover clamps, and hand them to the stripper. She looks at them for a second, wondering what to do with them, but eventually works it out - she puts the first clamp on her right nipple, gasps, and then removes it again.

"I'm not so sure about these..." she begins, but she doesn't get the chance to finish her sentence.

You pull a pair of handcuffs from your coat and quickly cuff her wrists together behind her back, and use a second pair of handcuffs on her elbows. She kneels helpless before you, struggling, suddenly looking a little scared... but you ignore her pleas as you attach the vicious nipple clamps to her hard nipples, making sure that the chain connecting them loops around a horizontal supporting strut under the seat of your chair to prevent her running anywhere... She soon realises that pulling at the clamps means more pain, and that she's not going anywhere until you release her.

You look up at Übergirl and grin evilly, before looking back down at your captured stripper. The final touch to her bondage is a ring-gag between her teeth to stop her biting you...

You stroke the stripper's face, gently, while she struggles and glares at you, mmmmmphing into the gag. You push a finger inside her held-open mouth, and she attacks it as best she can with her tongue... really, a rather pleasant experience. You smile, reaching down to squeeze the sides of her breasts, careful not to go too near the clamps... and then you reach for the back of her head and force it down on your hard cock, which pops into her ring-gagged mouth. She can do nothing about it, except lap at you vigorously with her tongue. Gripping her hair, you pump her head back and forth on your raging horn, using this stripper like a sex toy, not caring for her feelings or arousal... You look up to see Übergirl struggling in her bonds, looking back at you, obviously wondering if she is next... The sight of the heroine's bare breasts bouncing as she struggles is quite a turn-on, and you feel your cock begin to throb in the stripper's mouth. You thrust deeper, and the stripper writhes on you, and it all becomes too much and you release your load, pumping down the stripper's throat as you cum...

After a few minutes, you open your eyes and see two pairs of eyes glaring back at you. You smile, feeling quite satisfied, and remove the clamps from the stripper's nipples. The stripper gets to her feet, glares at you again for good measure, and leaves the cubicle - still handcuffed, still gagged, and with a distinct wet patch on her thong. But you don't care about her - it's time for Übergirl's starring role in tonight's stage show.

You have one choice. You:

The Show

You put your cock back in your jeans and get to your feet. You grin at Übergirl as you approach her, and she suddenly looks scared again. You re-fasten her costume, hiding her huge breasts inside her leotard, and untie her legs from the chair. It's then simply a case of removing the coat from her shoulders and leading the bound and gagged superheroine into the main room of the strip club... it's time for her to put on a show.

You march straight through the crowd that has gathered around the main stage and lead the struggling superheroine to climb up. The two of you stand amongst the half-naked dancing girls, who stop dancing and stare at you. You pull a microphone from your pocket, press a few buttons to tune it to the nearby speakers, and make your announcement.

"Ladies and gentlemen," you say, keeping a grip on Übergirl's leotard to stop her running away, "do we have a show for you tonight! This squirming superheroine next to me is none other than Übergirl! After months of planning, I have finally captured her... and I have decided to show her off to you! Now, take your time to admire her costume - she's not as shy as she makes out to be!"

You twirl your captive around on the stage for the assembled men to leer at - with her elbows cuffed behind her back, she has no choice but to thrust her generous bosom forwards... and her hard nipples are clearly visible through the tight lycra leotard. She is shaking her head, looking at you with pleading eyes, but you have no pity for her - she lost, fair and square, and now she has to live with the consequences. You notice that the dancing girls have been slowly backing away from this madman who has hijacked their stage... you reach out and grab one. She squeals as you pull her towards you (she's tall but curvy, wearing nothing more than stockings, suspenders and heels), but soon calms down when she realises what you want from her - you hand her your camera, and instruct her to record and document Übergirl's degradation and humiliation.

You push Übergirl back towards a pole, and retrieve the handcuff keys from your pocket. First, you release her wrists and then recuff them on the other side of the pole. Then, you release her elbows and recuff them on the other side of the pole. You take a step back - the cleave-gagged Übergirl is looking around herself nervously with wide eyes, handcuffed by her wrists and elbows to a vertical metal pole, unable to prevent herself from thrusting her breasts forward, looking very sexy and very vulnerable.

"Now," you speak loudly into the microphone, "who would like to see more of this helpless heroine?"

Your question is answered by a cheer from the crowd, and many waving hands - mostly from the men, but a few of the dancing girls seem to have been caught up in the moment. You step towards the superheroine and kneel down before her - she has a wonderful opportunity to kick you in the face, but doesn't take it. Instead, she just seems to let you remove her boots. You stand, and throw the boots into the assembled crowd - people grab for them, and the boots quickly leave your line of sight. You turn to the heroine again and remove her belt - again, she doesn't even attempt to resist, and you smile at your victory as you throw her belt to the crowd.

You look at the defeated superheroine, handcuffed to the pole, standing there in just her facemask, leotard, gloves and tights... utterly helpless... and gagged...

You reach forward calmly and pull the zip of her leotard down as far as it will go - the leotard opens as her breasts burst forth from their confinement - they are greeted by a roar of approval from the crowd. You stand in front of Übergirl and rip her leotard... you tear it from her body and throw the tattered remains to one of the dancing girls, who looks at it as if it were a precious relic... and the superheroine looks at her lost clothing as if it were more than clothing which, to her, in a way, it is... you are systematically dismantling Übergirl, dividing her costume amongst a crowd... she'll never be able to recover her outfit. Sure, she might buy herself a new one, but it will never be the same...

The superheroine is squirming again now, trying to free herself from the handcuffs, not liking where this is going. You decide it's time to make her even more uncomfortable...

"It's time," you announce into the microphone, "to put your money to good use! What can compare with the opportunity to touch the flesh of a genuine superheroine? Ladies and gentlemen, if you would please form an orderly queue... you will get two minutes of groping time, but you're not allowed to interfere with her clothing or bondage. It will cost you the price of an ordinary lapdance..."

The punters and the dancers obediently form a line, leading up onto the stage where you are standing. And they all have their money ready to give to you. Naturally, you don't need the money at all... but the fact that they're paying for a grope adds further to the heroine's humiliation. The first guy steps up, hands you his money, and walks over to Übergirl. She squirms as she sees him, and tries to sidestep around the pole away from him, but he grabs her waist and leers at her. His eyes scan up and down her body, lingering for the longest time on her bare breasts and the trimmed fur between her legs, just visible through her yellow tights. He seems to make up his mind, and grabs her breasts, squeezing them in his large hands, flicking her hardening nipples as she groans into the gag and struggles. You keep an eye on your watch, and tap him on the shoulder once his time is up. He leaves, obediently, and rejoins the back of the queue.

The next man is older, and his hands go straight for her tights - he strokes her thighs, he strokes her hips, he lets his fingers slide over her pubic hair while she keeps her legs firmly clamped together. The superheroine glares at you as she is groped and fondled, but you ignore her and count your cash. The next punter is female - one of the dancers, in fact. And she is wearing just a tiny white thong. She pays her money and immediately presses her body against the superheroine, kissing her neck and gyrating while the heroine squirms in her grasp... it is quite an entertaining sight...

The next punter is a young man in a smart suit, who doesn't pay his money straight away. Instead, he presents you with a fistful of notes.

"I'll pay you a grand if you let me do anything I want to her... for an hour..."

You have two choices. Do you:


"Sure," you grin, taking the money and looking forward to the result.

The man returns your smile and approaches Übergirl... who looks distinctly terrified. The man walks around her, looking her up and down, licking his lips as he decides where to start. Standing behind her, and behind the pole, he reaches around for her waist and quickly pulls down her tights before pocketing them. The heroine struggles, as she suddenly finds herself naked... except for her facemask. The stripper you gave the camera has stopped taking pictures now, and she just stands there, looking at you. Perhaps you've gone too far.

The man forces Übergirl down to her knees and unzips his trousers. It's just then that the police burst into the club... and arrest everyone they find. You attempt to slip out the back, but are quickly captured and arrested... and identified as the mastermind behind the diamond robbery! As you are led away to the police van in handcuffs, you notice the police trying to free the still-naked Übergirl from her bonds...

You have no choices. You had it all and threw it away. You score an outstanding 93%. Have another go.

Like A Geek In The Night

"No," you say, "We're leaving."

The man looks disappointed, but doesn't do anything as you grab Übergirl and detach her from the pole. You retrieve your camera from the stripper who had been taking photos, thank her and leave, superheroine in tow. You manacle her inside the back of your van - it's been a long day, and you and her are both exhausted. But you still have time to gloat.

"You are defeated, Übergirl. You were already wanted by the police before you robbed the City Museum on my behalf, now the search for you will be even greater... perhaps they recognised your yellow facemask, perhaps they've managed to get fingerprints from the scene of the crime, and I'm sure Venom will mention your involvement. You've fulfilled your part of the original bargain but, I'm afraid, I'm going to have to double-cross you and keep hold of the camera and the photographs of your true identity... It's for your own good, I'm sure. But I'm not going to turn you over to the police, not yet... I've had the position of sidekick open up in my criminal organisation, and I think you fit the bill just fine. Don't say a word, I'm not asking you to make a choice. You have no choice. Hypnosis is a wonderful thing..."

And, with that, you climb into the driver's seat, start the engine and drive off into the sunset...

Congratulations - you have successfully completed The Geek Shall Inherit, and have scored 100%! Stay tuned...

You Ain't Seen Me, Right?

You look down at the helpless heroine in your power and you can't resist. You remove her belt and put it to one side, your eyes running up and down her naked body underneath the fishnet. You neaten her hair a little, smoothing it away from her face and her facemask, and let your fingers play over the soft skin of her cheek. Her head turns slightly towards you and she murmurs something in her drug-induced sleep. You let your fingers move down to the collar of her bodystocking, and feel the soft material at her throat before moving to draw circles around her shoulders.

As you play your fingers over her shoulders, your eyes are drawn down to her breasts - large yet pert inside the fishnet, the nipples prominently poking through. You sit astride the prone Übergirl and forget all subtlety as you knead her breasts, feeling her generous orbs yield to your grip, her nipples now poking between your fingers. She groans softly in her dazed sleep, and you briefly wonder what she's dreaming about.

You pull the fishnet bodystocking from her shoulders, ripping it as you remove it from her arms and bunch it up around her waist, revealing her magnificent breasts in their true glory. You lean down, hands either side of her as you gently lick at her nipples - she moans a little louder this time, and suddenly you fear that she might wake up! You quickly pull the bodystocking from her before throwing it aside, and suddenly you have a superheroine lying prone beneath you, naked except for her facemask. You grin evilly, oh so tempted to take complete advantage of the situation. Her trimmed pussy is moist from your attentions to her breasts, and you guess that she is blessed with particularly erotic dreams at the moment, the way she is writhing in slow motion in her sleep.

But you have plans that you need to complete, and you can't have her awake and mobile... you need to have her back in her old costume, for a start. You grab her old Übergirl costume from a drawer in your van. First on is the yellow tights - you slide them slowly up her long legs, smoothing them out, taking great care and attention as you dress this beautiful woman in her own very sexy outfit. You then dress her in her green leotard, again smoothing it against her soft skin, but not doing up the zip - you want her breasts to be free and bare for your attentions... You attach her yellow belt around her slender waist before pulling her green boots over her yellow tights. The last stage is the yellow opera-length gloves, and suddenly you are sitting astride a superheroine.

It's then that you notice her cute panties are still in the drawer... oh well, never mind, she won't be needing them. You pocket her panties as a souvenir. You pick up the helpless heroine and hold her upright as you attach the four manacles against the inside wall of your van to her wrists and ankles. You step back to admire your handiwork - the unconscious superheroine is standing in the back of your van, spreadeagled... limp...

You step forward and cup her breasts, and smile when you feel her nipples harden inside your hands. A soft groan escapes her lips, and you can feel a hardness in your jeans wanting to be set free... she unconsciously licks her lips, and you want to feel her lips around your hard cock, her tongue playing along your length, her big blue eyes looking up at you as she sucks you... but then her eyes open - she has woken up! She glares at you, struggling in her bonds, and looks down to see your hands on her breasts.

"What do you think you're doing?" she asks, imperiously.

You don't reply - the moment has gone. You quickly zip up her leotard, and take some pleasure as you watch her breasts drawn together inside the skintight lycra. Her nipples are still very obviously hard, casting shadows on the green material.

"No, really," Übergirl says, "what were you doing inside my costume?"

"Nothing compared to the fate that awaits you..." you say, your evil grin shutting her up for the moment as your eyes roam over her very aroused body.

You have one choice. You: