I've never got on well with alarm clocks, and this morning was no exception. The annoying mixture of buzzes and beeps coming from the other side of the room was always enough to get me out of bed, no matter how much I wanted to wrap myself in the comforting snugness of my duvet and avoid the real world. But today was a day full of lectures, and my grades would suffer if I missed them.

I kicked the duvet off the bed and staggered, bleary-eyed, to the clock on the chest at the bottom of the bed. I caught my reflection in my full-length dress mirror that had the perfect vantage point in the corner of my tiny student room - I never looked my best first thing in the morning, so I stood up straight and admired the way my prominent nipples strived for attention through the thin material of my nightie. At least they took the observer's eye away from my impressive thicket of unruly hair, which would be attacked with a hairbrush later.

I hit the button on the top of the alarm clock to finally quash the horrendous noise it made, and immediately went back to bed and put my head down. It was then that the doorbell rang, and as the only responsible person in the house I felt that I really should go downstairs and answer it. I rolled out of bed a second time, put on my dressing gown and stepped out of my tiny bedroom to face the waking world.

The waking world was rather shocking for first thing in the morning.

It consisted of Nicole, the beautiful European housemate with lustrous dark hair and a beautiful year-round tan that covered her whole body, standing on the landing, leaning over the bannister to see who was at the door. I could tell that her tan covered her whole body, since she was utterly naked. She turned when she saw me, giving me a view of the rest of her tan, and smiled in greeting. I mumbled a hello (better than my usual early-morning grunt) and she replied in her native language (no-one in the house had worked out where exactly she was from yet) and I wandered downstairs. I was used to seeing Nicole naked, since she regularly wandered around the house with no clothes on.

Jemma was just closing the front door with her bottom, both of her hands occupied by the large box she was carrying. Jemma was a tall, blue-eyed blonde who could have any man she wanted... and generally did. Her attire was brief - a tight t-shirt and a white thong. She looked up at me as I walked down the stairs, and the smile faded from her face.

"Oh, it's you," she said, simply.

"Good morning to you, too," I smiled, trying to ignore her rudeness - she had never liked me, and I had never been able to work out why. I was always nice and polite to her, always friendly and helpful... but she had just somehow taken a dislike to me and nothing I could do changed her low opinion of me. "What's in the box?"

"No idea - the postman just delivered it. It's not for us, though, it's addressed to a house across the road."

"It is a bit early to be receiving post - perhaps the postman is as tired as I am!"


"If you want, I'll deliver the parcel to the correct address on my way to the campus this morning."

"No way! Finders keepers! This is mine now!"

"That's not very honest..."

"I know."

I could tell that I wasn't getting anywhere with the conversation, so I wandered into the kitchen to make my breakfast. Jemma followed me and dumped the box on the table - the contents rattled slightly, and I wondered what on earth was in it. Just then, Heather entered the room - she was wearing a tight t-shirt and a white thong, just like Jemma. In fact, she looked very similar to Jemma - blue eyes and blonde hair, but not quite as tall... and not quite as rude. Heather and Jemma were the best of friends - and they didn't seem to want to befriend anyone else.

"Morning, Jemma!"

"Morning, Heather!"

"Morning, Laura," I muttered under my breath, completely ignored by the two blondes.

While Heather prepared breakfast for herself and Jemma, the taller blonde grabbed a sharp knife from the draining board and quickly sliced open the box. She gasped, her icy-cold exterior fading briefly in her moment of surprise.

"What is it?" Heather and I asked in unison, which somehow earned me a glare from Heather.

"Look for yourself," Jemma said, quietly, taking a step back.

Not wanting to be left out, I looked in the box at the same time as Heather. The contents were a very interesting mixture of sex toys, fetishwear and bondage gear. I'd always been fascinated by bondage, but had never had the guts to try it for myself - my computer was full of bondage stories, some downloaded from the Internet, some written by myself, but I'd always been too shy to broach the subject with boyfriends. As the three of us stood there, looking into the box, transfixed, our reclusive Japanese goth housemate wandered into the kitchen, glanced in the box, prepared her breakfast and took it back to her room without saying a word.

"So, what now?" Heather asked.

"I vote we tie Laura up," Jemma said, grinning very evilly at me.

"Err... no, thanks," I smiled, politely - despite my love of bondage, the last thing I wanted was to let this rude, dishonest, manipulative bitch have any power over me.

Having finished my breakfast, I left the two girls to their box of bondage and returned to my room upstairs. I wondered who had ordered such a large box of sex aids, and how disappointed they would be when it didn't arrive at their house this morning! There had to be many hundreds of pounds of equipment in that box. I grabbed my towel from my bedroom and stood outside the bathroom for my traditional morning wait, listening to the sound of Nicole in the shower. Eventually, she emerged, drying her hair with a towel but otherwise completely naked. We exchanged smiles, and I went about my usual morning routine.

In under an hour, I was ready to face the world. Dressed in comfortable jeans and a t-shirt, I returned to the kitchen. Jemma and Heather were messing about with some of the toys - they were both still wearing their tight t-shirts and thongs, but now Heather's mouth was filled with a large red ballgag, her bright blue eyes covered with a leather blindfold, and her hands securely cuffed behind her back. She was struggling a little, testing her bonds, while Jemma dug through the box looking for more interesting toys.

"Are you sure you don't want me to deliver this box to its rightful owner?" I asked.

"No way," Jemma replied, not looking up from her excavation, "that sort of talk might earn you a whipping, girl!"

"Okay," I smiled at the back of her head, "suit yourself."

I'd had enough of Jemma, but didn't want her to spoil my day first thing in the morning. I reached across and tweaked the bound Heather's right nipple - she gasped into her gag, looking around wildly despite her blindfold, pulling at the handcuffs binding her wrists behind her back. I smiled to myself and left the room, and bumped into Saki. Saki wasn't her real name, it was a nickname coined by Jemma that had stuck. She usually kept to herself, interacting with the rest of the house as little as possible - she disliked Jemma and Heather as much as I did, and that shared opinion meant that we got on quite well. Her shyness seemed to stem from her lack of confidence with the English language - she rarely ventured from her room, and when she did it was in full gothic makeup and dressed head-to-toe in black. Today was no exception.

"Good morning," I smiled.

"Morning," she replied - I never had any trouble understanding her.

"And how are you today?"

"Fine, thanks, you?"

"I'm good - thanks for asking."

And, with that deep and meaningful conversation completed, we went our separate ways. My day of university lectures was rather dull, in comparison with my daydreams about that huge collection of bondage equipment in the kitchen. I wondered if, now that the house had claimed it, I could sneak a pair of handcuffs and a gag into my bedroom and have some fun on my own... I arrived home late that evening, to find the house a hive of activity. I had completely forgotten that it was Friday - Friday was the day we all dressed in our skimpiest tops and shortest skirts, got completed hammered on cheap alcohol, then wandered to the Student Union for a night of loud music, bad dancing, handsome blokes, cheesy chat-up lines and general fun. How could I have forgotten? Friday night was my favourite night of the week - not necessarily for the cheesy chat-up lines, but more for the dancing.

A different tune was blaring out of each bedroom in the house, as everyone went about their nightclubbing preparation rituals. I had a lot of catching up to do, especially where alcohol was involved. One hour and countless gins later, I stepped out of my bedroom (a little unsteadily, since all that gin on an empty stomach was not a good idea) ready for a night on the town. I was wearing my favourite little black dress with spaghetti straps and my favourite black strappy stiletto heels. Despite my tardiness, I was ready to go out before Nicole - I caught sight of her naked, tanned body wandering downstairs. Sometimes I wondered if she actually owned any clothes.

I followed her into the communal living room, and was as surprised as she was when Jemma grabbed her and Heather quickly handcuffed her hands behind her back. I would have been quite scared in the same situation, but Nicole just laughed it off, looking down at the shiny metal handcuffs tight around her wrists with a smile.

"What's going on?" I asked, stepping into the room.

"Change of plan," Jemma grinned, "we're not going out tonight. We're staying in and playing with our new toys."

"Fair enough," I said, cautiously, sitting on the sofa across the room from the two of them.

Jemma and Heather were both clearly quite drunk, and I didn't want to be pounced on and handcuffed as their next victim. I wondered if I had been first through the door instead of Nicole, if I'd now be handcuffed. Nicole was still smiling - she was fairly drunk too, and enjoying the attention, even if she didn't understand the conversation. It was then that I noticed what Jemma and Heather were wearing - even with my alcohol-addled wits, I was surprised I hadn't noticed their attire before.

The shorter blonde, Heather, was dressed all in black - her waist was squeezed by a tight corset from which her breasts were obviously trying to escape and only just failing, her neck was encased in a leather collar and her legs were encased in fishnet stockings. She was also wearing a leather thong and stiletto-heeled boots. Jemma was dressed in more outrageous attire, again in black - latex opera gloves, latex stockings, stiletto heels and a very large strap-on dildo... leaving her beautiful, perfect breasts bare. Seeing the two girls chatting together as if this was a normal day, both dressed in their extreme fetish outfits, struck me as very surreal.

Nicole sat down next to me, still naked except for her handcuffs, and I couldn't help but admire her tan. I was a little disappointed, since I'd been looking forward to a night of dancing... but I was feeling very curious about how a night full of bondage toys would pan out.

Just then, Saki entered the room. I was about to yell her a warning, in case Jemma and Heather decided to ambush and handcuff her, but then I saw what she was wearing. Saki was dressed in deep red latex - a matching leotard, gloves and stockings. It was the first time I'd seen her not wearing black, although her makeup was still very dark and gothic.

"Looking good, fetish girl," Jemma grinned, looking the Japanese girl up and down.

I couldn't help but agree. Perhaps this was going to be a fun evening after all - I didn't mind so much if Saki was in on the action, since I trusted her a great deal more than I trusted Jemma and Heather. The five of us leaned over the box, which was sitting in the centre of the floor, and peered inside for more toys to try. Jemma, Heather, Saki and myself actively dug through the box - Nicole could only watch, since her hands were still cuffed behind her back.

"What's this?" Heather asked, pulling out a black monoglove.

"A monoglove," I replied, automatically.

"You seem to know a lot about this stuff..." Jemma said, her eyes seeming to bore into me.

"Well, erm... wasn't there one in Pulp Fiction?"

"No," Saki smiled, "that was ballgags."

"That still doesn't answer my question," Heather said.

"Well, since Laura is such an expert, perhaps she should model it for us?" Jemma grinned.

"Erm, no, I wouldn't know where to start..."

"Don't worry," Saki said, helpfully, "I do. Put hands behind back."

I looked around the room, and all four girls looked right back at me. I felt I couldn't say no... peer pressure is a terrible thing. I turned on the sofa, towards Nicole, away from Saki, and put my hands behind my back. Saki had obviously used such an item before, and as she tightened the straps I felt my elbows drawn together behind my back and my chest thrust forward. I looked over my shoulder and she smiled reassuringly at me as she continued her work, tightening my bonds. A few minutes later, and she was finished... and I was helpless.

"Looks good," Jemma smiled.

"Very effective," Heather said.

"Right, now you've seen it, are you going to let me out?" I asked.

"No," Saki grinned, mischieviously - obviously enjoying the fun we were sharing.

I shrugged (well, I shrugged as much as I could in my current predicament) and relaxed back into the comfortable sofa, resting on my bound arms, and watched as the three unbound girls in fetish gear continued to dig through the box. Jemma pulled out a pair of door hangers, and I smiled when I saw them - at least with me wearing the monoglove already, I wouldn't be tied to a door with them.

"Okay," Jemma asked Saki, "what on earth are these?"

"They for tying to door," Saki replied.

"Show us," Heather smiled.

Saki looked from one to the other, obviously trying to decide on who to attach to the door. But then she stood up and walked over to Jemma's bedroom door (since the other door in the room led to the main hallway and she didn't want to block access to it). Saki padlocked the door hangers around her wrists, making sure they were tight and secure before she threw the weighted parts of the straps over the door, and closed the door with her bottom. It locked shut, trapping the weighted straps between door and frame, leaving Saki bound helpless with her hands above her head.

"I hope you have key," she said, shifting her position - since she wasn't very tall, having her wrists bound to the top of the door meant that she had to stand on her latex-stockinged toes.

I returned my gaze to the two remaining unbound girls - the girl who had taken an immediate dislike to me, Jemma, and her best friend, Heather. And I suddenly felt rather worried. Heather was still digging through the toybox like an excited child at Christmas, while Jemma was sitting back in a comfy chair, idly playing with the large strap-on dildo between her legs, and smiling mischieviously at me. I looked at the other two bound girls in the room - Saki seemed to be quite happy tied to the door for the moment, and the naked handcuffed Nicole was busy trying to drink from a beer bottle.

Heather pulled a second pair of handcuffs from the parcel, and Jemma snatched them from her - I couldn't believe how rude Jemma could be sometimes, but Heather didn't seem to mind. Jemma stood up and walked across to Nicole - she helped the naked, tanned European to her feet before guiding her to lay down, on her tummy, on the coffee table. Nicole gasped as her naked flesh came in contact with the cool wood surface, but Jemma didn't pay any attention - she bent Nicole's legs at the knees and handcuffed her ankles together, tangling the ankle handcuff chain with the wrist handcuff chain to hogtie her victim. Nicole was still smiling, though - I had no idea what she was thinking, but she seemed to be enjoying herself.

Heather then pulled a ring-gag from the box.

"Shall we gag her?" Heather asked, looking at Nicole laying on the coffee table in a strict hogtie.

"No point," Jemma said, "no-one can understand a word she says anyway. Gag Laura instead."

"Hold on a moment," I said, "this is going too far... mmmmmph! Mmmmmph!"

"That was not nice," Saki said, from her high vantage point bound to the door, "I don't think Laura is happy with... mmmmmph! Mmmmmph!"

I struggled with my bonds, my arms firmly held behind my back by the monoglove, my mouth firmly held wide by the ring-gag. I looked up at Saki, who was now wearing a red ballgag that went quite well with her red latex outfit, and her eyes seemed apologetic as she looked back at me.

"Now," Jemma said, "who's going to be first to sample my strap-on?"

She was obviously getting off on the feeling of power and dominance... and having a huge strap-on dildo held erect before her probably added to the feeling. And I began to worry that the power was going to her head. My worries were confirmed when Jemma knelt down in front of Nicole, and made the naked girl perform oral sex on her strap-on dildo... Even though Nicole was giggling and clearly enjoying herself in this absurd situation, I was wondering how far it would go. I suddenly felt very vulnerable...

And then the doorbell rang. Jemma withdrew her strap-on from Nicole's mouth, and stood up.

"You're not going to answer the door dressed like that, are you?" Heather asked, looking Jemma up and down.

"Yes, we're going to answer the door dressed like this," Jemma smiled, taking Heather's arm and leading her out into the main hallway.

I shared some meaningful glances with Nicole and Saki, as we listened to the conversation at the front door.

"Hi," Heather asked, "can we help you?"

"Erm..." came a man's voice, clearly shocked to see two girls in fetish gear answer the door.

"Did you come here for a reason," Jemma asked, "or are you just going to stand there and stare at my tits all evening?"

"Err, yes... erm, I mean no. Erm... I think a package I ordered got delivered to this house by mistake. You don't happen to have it, do you?"

"A package?" Jemma asked, "sorry, we haven't had any post for ages. Have you tried next door?"

"It was full of... erm... are you sure?"

"Positive. You can come inside and check, if you think we're lying."

Come inside? The other two bound girls in the room either weren't listening or didn't understand, but I didn't fancy the idea of Jemma inviting in a man who we'd obviously stolen from... especially since I was currently bound helpless!

"Ahem. No, that... err... won't be necessary. Thanks."

"Suit yourself - we've just tied up our housemates and you're welcome to come in and have sex with them."

"Erm... no... thanks... err... where did you get those outfits from?"

"We've had them for years. Do you want to come in and see our other outfits? Or see what we look like without them?"

"Err... thanks... erm..."

I heard the sound of the door closing - Jemma had clearly scared the poor, shy man away! Heather returned to the living room alone, and smiled at the three bound captives.

"Well, that seemed to go okay," she smiled, pouring herself another drink.

"Mmmmmph?" I asked, hoping to somehow reason with her and be freed from my bonds - when she was on her own, she was nowhere near as bad as Jemma.

"What is it, Laura? Is your gag too tight?"

"No," Jemma said, entering the room brandishing a large pair of scissors, "she's just feeling left out of the fun!"

I looked at the scissors, wide-eyed.

"What on earth are those for?" I asked - well, I would have asked it if I wasn't gagged, but luckily Heather asked my question for me.

"I think that our slavegirl here is a little overdressed, actually..." Jemma replied, crossing the room so she was standing over me.

I looked up at her, and she grinned very evilly at me, softly stroking the huge strap-on that was now level with my open mouth. She opened the scissors and grabbed the straps of my little black dress... a couple of snips later, and my favourite dress was ruined and I was sitting there in just my stiletto heels and a black thong (and my bondage, of course).

"Mmmmmph!" I yelled at her, furious.

How dare she ruin my favourite dress? This was going too far! I glared at her and struggled with my bonds.

"Feisty, isn't she?" Jemma asked, smiling at Heather.

"Cutting her dress wasn't very nice..." Heather said.

"I'll make it up to her... with these..." she said, pulling a pair of clover clamps from the box.

I couldn't really see how a pair of nipple clamps would make me feel better about my favourite dress being destroyed by my least favourite person. And then I looked down at my bare nipples, and I realised that I was now half-naked. And, for some reason, my nipples were very hard... Jemma reached forward and tweaked my nipples - I gasped into the gag, unable to do anything to stop her doing anything she wanted... She grabbed my right breast and held it steady while she applied the first clamp - I screwed my eyes up tight as the harsh device gripped my tender flesh, and a long low moan escaped from my gag as she let go. She repeated the process on my left nipple, and within moments I'd forgotten about my ruined dress... my whole world focused on my nipples...

I didn't resist as Jemma turned me so my back and bound arms were pressed against the side of the sofa. She sat astride me, pinning me down on my bound arms, and then she spread my legs, putting her legs between mine to keep my legs apart. And then she reached down between her legs to start her huge strap-on vibrating, and guided it between my legs... I gasped again into my gag as she found my clitoris through my thong, and I immediately began to writhe... but I no longer wanted to escape, I just wanted more stimulation...

"Err, Jemma?" Heather asked.

"Go find your own slave-girl to play with," Jemma snapped, clearly enjoying having her wicked way with me.

Not that I was complaining. I closed my eyes and arched my back, groaning louder and louder as she pressed the strap-on against my clit... and then she grabbed the nipple clamp chain between her teeth and gently tugged... I was helpless to do anything but enjoy her attentions... and drool everywhere. I squirmed beneath her, spreading my legs wider, trying to lean forward to lick her soft skin through my ring-gag, wanting her close to me... We must have been a sight to Nicole, hogtied naked on the table next to us... but all I could think about was getting more stimulation, more pleasure from the vibrator and pain from the clamps, and I wanted to show this wonderful woman how much I appreciated her attentions...

And then the doorbell rang, and I snapped out of my trance. Jemma quickly stood up, and the pleasure left my clitoris but the pain remained in my nipples. I closed my legs, suddenly feeling very shy... and somewhat ashamed, at enjoying the attentions of this girl I really disliked. I looked over my shoulder to see that Heather had been pleasuring Saki, rubbing her fingers up and down the latex-clad Japanese goth's body.

Jemma and Heather immediately went to the front door, again making no effort to hide their fetish outfits. I laid on the sofa and recovered my breath and my thoughts. And then I decided that I didn't want to be bound helpless when the two girls returned. Unfortunately, with my hands firmly trapped inside the monoglove, I could do nothing to help Saki or Nicole... or even myself. My only chance would be to run away and hide - not that I'd be able to get far in this small house, but I needed to at least make the effort.

I went to the door the two girls had just left through, and nudged it open with my foot. Looking out into the hallway, I saw that the two girls were halfway out the front door, talking quietly with whoever was there. This was my chance to sneak up the stairs - difficult, in stiletto heels, but somehow I managed to make the journey. I stood on the landing, and eavesdropped on the conversation at the front door.

"But I thought we'd already established that we didn't receive your package," Heather said.

"I didn't believe you then, and I don't believe you now," came the same man's voice as before, sounding more confident now.

"Do we look like liars to you?" Jemma asked.

"Yes," came another man's voice.

"That's just not on," Jemma replied, "coming to our house, interrupting our evening and accusing us of being liars!"

"But you are," came yet another man's voice, "since we delivered the box to your house this morning. Don't you recognise me? I was dressed as a postman last time you saw me..."

"But why?"

"Well, we've done this a number of times. Usually, the occupants of the house just give the box to its rightful owner. But, on this occasion, we've struck gold - we've found a house full of kinky girls ready to become our slaves."

"You... what?"

"Enough talk - get 'em!"

Three men pushed into the house, overpowering Jemma and Heather in seconds. The two blondes were pushed back against a wall, and their wrists and elbows were quickly handcuffed behind their backs, and ballgags were pushed into their mouths. One man took particular interest in Jemma's bare breasts, and took the opportunity to give them a good grope and fondle...

"Nice tits..." he grinned, "I'll enjoy playing with these later."

"Hey, look at this!" called another man from the living room.

Within moments, the three men were in the living room - no doubt marvelling at how their job had already been done for them, since Nicole and Saki were bound helpless for them already. I stepped back, my heart racing - I had to hide from these invaders, free myself from my bondage and help my friends. But how?

"Shouldn't there be another girl in this house?"

"Yeah - there should be five. Check upstairs. She shouldn't be too much trouble - the monoglove isn't in the toybox."

"Cool - I'm going to enjoy this. Come out, come out, wherever you are!"

One of the men ascended the stairs. I dashed into my bedroom and quickly looked for a place to hide. In my panic, I decided that under the bed was the easiest option, so quickly got down on the floor and wriggled underneath... a rather difficult manouevre, with my arms bound behind my back and vicious clamps on my nipples that kept getting caught on the carpet. But, within moments, I was safe under the bed. And I saw a pair of shoes walk into my bedroom.

"Well," came the man's voice, "I guess she must have left the house. She's not upstairs..."

I breathed a sigh of relief and drooled on my carpet... I half-expected a rough hand to grab my ankle and pull me from beneath the bed, but didn't. The man just returned downstairs, empty-handed. I heard the sounds of my four housemates being led out of the house by these three devious men. I wriggled back out from underneath the bed, and stood up. I caught sight of myself in the mirror - wearing just a skimpy black thong and strappy stiletto heels, I was almost naked... and bound with a ring-gag, monoglove and clover clamps, I was quite helpless. And alone.

I looked at my reflection. I had no way to free myself from my bonds. What do I do now?