11th February, 2002. Late evening. My new house.

even the shower has to be part of your story, everything from here now

I smiled to myself. I had been ordered by one of my online friends, whom I shall refer to as 'Z', to perform a dare for him, and document every second. So here I am, minutes after completing the dare, typing away.

good slave

His message made me smile - we played the Master/slave game sometimes, although I would rather describe myself as a 'bottom' than a 'slave' - a pert bottom at that! It was my time to write something, so I did:

Okay. Going now. Bye, if I don't get to speak to you later.

bye, have a good time - his reply.

*kiss* - I quickly replied before killing my Internet connection. I printed out the transcipt of the conversation and wandered out of the study. Did I mention that I was naked? Well, I was. Pauline certainly got a shock when I hopped down the stairs and we almost collided in the hallway!

"What on earth are you doing?" she asked (well, I think that's what she said, I can't remember for sure - it was an hour ago, after all).

"Read this," I said, giving her the printout, "I'm having a shower."

And, with that, I turned on my (bare) heel and walked back up the stairs, conscious of her eyes on me all the way from the bottom step to the top. I grabbed a towel and walked into the bathroom, turning the water on so that it could get hot while I put the towel on the radiator. I was still feeling rather horny from the online conversation and wanted to get to the dare as quickly as possible. I forgoed my usual shower rituals, including washing my hair, and went straight for the full-on body soap with a rough flannel. The shower has a decent amount of power behind it, and I soon found a suitable temperature (just shy of scalding). I relaxed under the hot, powerful massage of the water, feeling it pounding against my upper back and washing down my body. Once I was sufficiently moist, I grabbed the soap in one hand and the flannel in the other, and brought them together to create a decent lather. I scrubbed my arms, my hands, my chest (twice), my tummy, my back, my more private areas and my legs and feet. I then focussed my attentions on the trickier parts of my anatomy until I was happy with my state of cleanliness. I was disappointed that I didn't take my usual amount of time I take to enjoy my showers properly, but I was in a hurry to get to the dare...

I dried myself off, making sure I did a thorough job since I knew that I would be going outside soon...

I walked into my bedroom and was pleasantly surprised to see that Pauline had been preparing the necessary equipment while I was in the shower. On my bed lay a pair of fishnet stockings, a black lacy suspender belt, a pair of handcuffs and a ballgag. On the floor next to my bed were my favourite pair of strappy heels. I sat on the bed and put on the suspender belt before sliding the stockings up my legs and attaching them. I slipped my feet into the high heels and fastened the straps. I then pulled the ballgag into my mouth and fastened it behind my head before I walked downstairs (I didn't want to handcuff myself before trying the stairs in heels, for safety reasons). I tried an experimental mmmmph into the gag once I reached the bottom of the stairs.

"I'm in the kitchen!" Pauline called.

I handcuffed my wrists behind my back and walked into the kitchen. And what a sight awaited me. As per the instructions on the transcript, Pauline was dressed to thrill. Black choker, black fishnet teddy, black leather miniskirt, black leather boots. Amazing. She smiled when she saw me, and took her time looking my mostly-naked form up and down. I couldn't stop myself from blushing under her intense gaze.

She took a step towards me, her large breasts millimetres away from my hardening nipples. Her hands found my arms and checked the handcuffs while she kissed my neck. A soft moan filtered through my gag as one of her hands found my buttocks and the other found my breasts, and she pressed her lips against my gag. Just as I was getting aroused, she pulled away.

"It's cold outside," she said, "Let's get this over with."

She helped me outside - luckily, it wasn't as cold as I thought it would be. But dressed in as little as I was, it was still quite nippy. It was dark, and the only light came from a few windows from the backs of other houses. Luckily, there was no light on us - hopefully, we weren't visible from anywhere. She led me to the back of the garden, to where the back gate led into a path that goes along the back of the houses. I was beginning to feel the cold by now, and tried to express my feelings through my gag. I think Pauline understood, since her fingers went for my hard nipples... and I began to feel a little bit warmer.

She held up two pairs of handcuffs and I knew what was coming next. The dare was to stand, outside, handcuffed to an immovable object... until Pauline brought me to orgasm. It seemed to be getting colder, and little goose-pimples were appearing all over my body. I knew that I would start shivering soon, and the cold would take my mind off the work at hand...

"Ready?" she asked, and after I nodded she continued: "It's bloody freezing out here, Laura. The sooner we get back inside, the better!"

I agreed with her wholeheartedly. She opened the gate and checked that the path was clear before leading me between the gateposts. She then knelt at my feet and tapped the inside of my legs, to make me part them. I saw a glint of metal and heard the rattle of chains before I felt the familiar sensation of cold handcuffs closing around my ankles... two pairs of handcuffs, attached to the gateposts, keeping my legs apart. She grinned up at me and as I looked down at her, I had a very satisfying view of her full, round cleavage. And I could imagine what her view was like... I was feeling horny again.

I felt her hot breath on my inner thigh. She was wasting no time. Her lips found my most sensitive areas and I suddenly had trouble supporting myself - she gripped my hips as her tongue pushed inside my very moist pussy... she swirled, she explored, just the way I like... and it wasn't long before I shuddered my way to orgasm.

I looked down at Pauline, who was wiping her smiling mouth. She crawled between my legs (since the gate was now impassable, what with me being handcuffed in the opening) and then I felt her hands on my hips again. She kissed the back of my neck and whispered some words that I didn't want to hear:

"I just have to go inside to get the keys..."

What?!? My mind raced. She had to go inside to get the keys?!? Here I was, stuck outside, almost completely naked for anyone to come along and see, freezing my nipples off... and she had forgotten to bring the keys with her? I tried to express these sentiments through my gag but they only came out as a muffled grumble. She got the point, though, and unfastened the gag so I could speak.

"How could you forget the keys?" I asked.

"In the transcript of your chat with Z, you described my clothes as slutty..."


"I thought that forgetting the keys would be funnier than it turned out to be."

"You can't leave me here like this!"

"It'll only be for a minute."

"What if someone comes along?"

"Try to look like a gate!"

I was about to reply when she pulled the gag back into my mouth and fastened it. All I could do now was turn as much as my bonds allowed and glare at her as she walked (far too slowly) back towards the house. I swore into the gag when she reached the kitchen and turned on the light, since it partially illuminated the garden... and made it easier for any nosey neighbours to see my nakedness. It was then that I heard a movement from the alley. I bent forward a little, to try to peer into the darkness... and was very relieved to see one of the local cats nosing through a bin bag, instead of the innocent neighbour out for an evening stroll that I had imagined!

Pauline was back with me within moments, releasing me from my bonds. I rubbed my wrists as we walked back into the house together.

"I'm sorry about the keys. Did you enjoy it anyway?" she asked.

"Actually, if we do it again, you could forget the keys for slightly longer," I grinned.

She gave me a funny look before slapping my bottom and suggesting I get upstairs to write up the story. Which is what I'm doing now. Sitting on my comfy swivel chair, wearing just my heels, suspenders and stockings. I would have immediately put this story in an e-mail, but my Internet was playing up again, so I decided to write it in story format. Hopefully, I'll be able to get online before the night is out. But most of all, I'm looking forward to going to bed, since that's where Pauline is waiting for me now...