We'd started in room 1. Assuming our first exit was north, then we moved north to room 2. The next north was a trap, so we moved east to room 3. North was a trap again, so we moved south to room 4. West was back to room 1, east was a trap, south was room 5. South was another trap... and that's as far as we'd got. But, given that the rooms were all perfect cubes, perhaps their arrangement was a perfect cube. Three safe rooms by three safe rooms... it was then that I noticed the hatch in the floor. What if we had started off in the middle of a three by three by three cube? Since it was impossible to climb up to an exit, perhaps the way out was down? I walked over to the hatch, the echoes of my stiletto heel clicks sounding very lonely in the empty, virtually featureless room. There were two holes in the hatch as before.

I laid down on my tummy, reaching down into the twin holes with my latex-clad arms, and then I had second thoughts. If this was a trap, perhaps I really should treat myself to a few orgasms first..? But maybe if I managed to get free, it would free my companions from their horrible torments... I gripped the handles in the holes and closed my eyes. This was it. I could still back out if I wanted... but I didn't. I took another deep breath and pulled...

The whole room shuddered, and heavy mechanical sounds came from behind the walls. I released my grip on the handles and the hatch slid away to reveal... another empty room, identical to the cube-shaped room I was currently in. A moment passed, and a metal ladder unfolded from the hatch, extending all the way down to the floor of the new room. I'd always been nervous of ladders, but I was excited by my plan and wanted to find out if the hatch in the bottom of this new room led to my freedom. The ladder retracted back into the ceiling once I'd reached the bottom and stepped off it, cutting off my exit. I could now go north, south, east, west or down.

I had a feeling that I was safe, whichever exit I chose, but I also had a feeling that down led to my freedom. So, I chose down. Hands in holes, shuddering of room, hatch sliding back... but instead of another clone cube room, I was met with complete darkness. Another metal ladder unfolded down into the pitch blackness, and realised another of my fears - the dark. I took a couple of deep breaths, partly to quell my fear, partly to quell my excitement - I was going to escape! I climbed down into the darkness and descended the ladder, gripping the rungs hard, a little unsteady in my high heels. I reached solid ground sooner than I expected, and I heard the ladder retract back into the ceiling, and all of a sudden I was standing, alone, in the dark. Feeling a little bit scared, a little bit nervous, no longer aroused.

"Hello?" I asked, timidly.

There was no reply.

"Is there anybody there?"

Still no reply. I opened my mouth to speak again, and was surprised by a soft hiss followed by sudden light. I blinked as my eyes adjusted, and saw that I was in a small room, which happened to be a perfect cube. The walls, ceiling and floor were white, except for one wall which had slid back to reveal a larger room full of people in white lab coats going about their work. Some were walking around clutching white clipboards, some were sitting at computer screens, some were discussing matters that I couldn't make out since all was silent - there was a thick, transparent wall between me and them. They all seemed very busy, totally engrossed in their work.

"Hello? Can you hear me?" I asked, loudly.

Either they were ignoring me, or they genuinely couldn't hear me. I wondered if I would have been able to ignore the sight of a girl dressed in sexy fetish gear suddenly appearing in my place of work. Perhaps they were used to it - perhaps it happened all the time. A group of people walked towards me and stood in front of the transparent wall, looking at me while writing on clipboards, talking to each other, making me feel very much like some laboratory experiment. I shouted, I swore, I banged my fists against the wall, but I couldn't get a reaction out of them. I stepped to one side and peered past them into the room again, at their colleagues, to try to make out what was on their computer screens. I had to stand on my toes to see over a woman's shoulder to discover that she was watching what seemed to be a live video feed from one of the cube traps I had avoided earlier - I could just make out an exhausted Geri, still trying to avoid random whippings from machines she couldn't see.

There was a soft hiss, and one of the walls in my little cube room (to my right, adjacent to the transparent wall) slid aside to reveal another, identical room. The new room didn't have any transparent walls but was well-lit - I couldn't tell where the light was coming from. In the centre of the room was a small white table. It made me feel even more like a lab rat, being ushered along a linear path, but I entered the new room anyway - if only to escape the stares of the scientists. The wall slid shut behind me with another soft hiss.

On the table was a tray, which was labelled with a single word: Gloves. It didn't take a genius to work out what it wanted, and I guessed that I wouldn't be able to proceed until I'd played this little game. Part of me was curious to find out what would happen next, part of me just wanted to end this twisted experiment... I removed my skintight black latex gloves and placed them in the tray. A second later, the wall opposite the one I had entered by slid open with a soft hiss, revealing another cube-shaped room, also containing a table. I ventured forward, and the tray on this table said Shoes.

To be honest, I was quite relieved to take off those strappy heels - although they were very stylish and very sexy, they really made my feet hurt. As before, the opposite wall slid back with a soft hiss to reveal another identical room. This room was for Stockings and the next room was for the black latex Body I was wearing. It was only when I removed the body that I realised I wasn't wearing anything underneath my fishnet bodystocking - all of a sudden, I felt rather exposed and very shy. I wondered if I could somehow cheat the system...

I dropped the latex body into the tray and the next wall opened to reveal another, identical room. I grabbed the latex body from the tray and ran as fast as I could towards the next room, but the wall slid back swiftly into place before I could reach it. I soon gave up when I realised I had no choice - I left the latex body behind and continued into the next room feeling rather naked.

"This is going too far," I muttered, when I read Bodystocking on the next tray.

I had no choice, though. I could have sat on the floor and waited forever, but something told me that that course of action wouldn't get me anywhere. Instead, I slowly stripped out of the fishnet bodystocking and placed it in the tray, feeling a little cold as I stood there, wearing just a collar...

The next wall slid back, to reveal a room that looked identical to the one I had arrived in - featureless, apart from the transparent wall. I peered around the corner to see the same room full of scientists, from the same angle as before, and wondered how this was possible... I had been travelling in a straight line, so how could I end up back where I started? Unless this was an identical room full of scientists, or the cube rooms had somehow rearranged themselves without me noticing. But that wasn't important right now - the important thing was that someone wanted me to enter this cold, clinical observation area completely naked apart from a collar around my neck. I considered going back for my bodystocking, but I had learned that cheating the system just didn't work. So, instead, I chose to continue my journey - covering myself as best I could, I walked boldly into the next room and was almost disappointed by the lack of attention I received.

Luckily, the next wall slid away with a soft hiss and I was able to dart into the relative safety of another featureless cube room... which contained a small table in the centre, upon which was a tray, which contained what I recognised as a black leather body harness. It hardly counted as clothing, since it left the wearer's breasts and buttocks totally bare... but it was better than nothing. Feeling like I was being funnelled further down this path, and wondering what this was heading towards, I quickly put the harness on, fastening it at the back of my neck. I wished I had a mirror to admire myself in my new outfit - my confidence was beginning to return, along with my arousal.

I was disappointed when I realised that the next wall wasn't sliding away to reveal a new room. What had I done wrong? Then I noticed a small padlock on the tray, which handily fit the clasp at the back of the body harness perfectly. So, I was supposed to lock myself into this item of clothing. I shrugged, smiled, and quickly fastened the padlock to the clasp - a second later, the next wall slid aside with a soft hiss to reveal another room. The tray on the table in the middle of this room contained a pair of thigh-high leather boots, complete with stiletto heels and padlocks. I knew I would look great in them, and picked them up, stroking the soft leather, taking in the scent and smiling. Perhaps I had passed this mysterious laboratory experiment, perhaps I was now being rewarded. Not knowing, and not caring, I quickly pulled the boots on and locked them in place, before strutting up and down in them, grinning. I really wished I had a mirror.

The next room was unsurprisingly identical, but felt very sinister to me when I saw what was waiting for me on the table - a pair of nipple clamps.

"Do you really expect me to wear these?" I asked, picking them up by the chain connecting them, as the wall slid shut behind me with a soft hiss.

There was no reply, and I knew that I wouldn't be able to proceed until I'd attached them to my nipples. Upon closer examination, I saw that they were no ordinary nipple clamps - each clamp was mostly enclosed in a small metal box, which contained the spring and the means to open them. It was only when I held the clamps near my nipples that a small motor whirred and opened the clamps... and gave me a horrible feeling of dread. I knew that these clamps wanted to close on my nipples and lock in place, I wouldn't even be able to control the pressure. But there was no other way to proceed... I felt like I had no choice.

I rubbed my bare nipples and thought nice thoughts... at least, I tried to think nice thoughts. My fantasies kept returning to the fates that had befallen my companions, and although I tried to class them as horrible tortures, I found myself getting more aroused the more I thought about them... and imagined myself in a similar position. My nipples hardened very quickly, ready to be clamped. I held up the first clamp near my right nipple, and it opened its jaws, ready... I held the open jaws either side of my nipple and they slowly closed, applying a little pressure. There was a slight pain, but it wasn't anywhere near as bad as clover clamps. I breathed a sigh of relief and applied the second clamp in the same way. It was only after the second pair of jaws closed that the clamps really applied pressure... I swear I squealed with pain as they bit, and quickly scrabbled at my breasts, trying to remove the clamps but there was no budging them. I was stuck. I cursed myself for putting them on so readily, but in the back of my mind I knew that it was the only thing I could have done. The next wall slid aside and I stepped into the next room, my stiletto heels clicking on the hard floor, not feeling quite so confident now.

The pain was quite distracting, and all I could think about was rushing through the next few rooms, hoping to find some way to remove the clamps. This new room contained a ballgag on its tray, complete with padlock. I quickly buckled it in place, rushing things a little since I was distracted by the pain in my nipples, and hurried into the next room as soon as the wall slid aside. The next room contained a simple pair of handcuffs - I felt like I was nearing the end of this test, so quickly fastened the handcuffs around my wrists (ensuring my hands were in front of my body) and rushed into the next room... which was the first room again, complete with transparent wall and busy scientists. The wall slid back in place behind me, and no more walls opened up, leaving me trapped like an animal in a zoo, trapped in my bizarre bondage, feeling rather vulnerable and exposed... with very sore nipples. It was then that I noticed that, as my nipples began to go numb, to relieve me of their pain, the horrible little mechanised clamps began to tighten and loosen subtly to stop them going numb... Just the thought of it made me very excited and very wet, which made me feel rather embarrassed and self-conscious, displayed as I was in front of all these strangers. I tapped on the transparent wall, to try to get their attention.

There was a soft hiss from above - I looked up to see a metal tentacle snaking down towards me from a hatch in the roof. Before I could move, it had grabbed the chain between my handcuffs and pulled upwards, leaving me hanging by my wrists in the middle of this observation room. I swore into my gag, feeling totally helpless - all I could do was kick a bit, but I couldn't reach anything with my feet. It was then that I noticed that one of the scientists before me was wearing a black leather coat - he was a tall man, with dark hair and a wicked smile. He looked straight at me as he walked towards me, and stopped in front of the transparent wall, looking me up and down. I shuddered. He spoke. I didn't question how I could hear him when I couldn't hear the scientists in white lab coats.

"You have passed your test with flying colours," he said, his voice quiet but firm, "and now I can offer you a job."

A job? This was all some sort of job interview? My kidnapping, the cube traps, this lab rat experiment? But, I hadn't applied for any jobs... then I remembered. I had applied for a job, a few weeks ago. It had seemed innocent enough, just secretarial work. I hadn't heard anything back from them, so I'd assumed that they weren't interested in me. I wondered if the other girls had also applied for that job...

"We've recently had a couple of vacancies appear in Deletion," he continued, "I think you would make a good Deletion Manager - don't worry, we would train you. I think I could find a position for you under me."

A Deletion Manager? I shuddered, as I wondered what horrors that entailed.

"Of course, if you no longer want to be employed by us, you can look forward to a lifetime of slavery for one of our many international customers..."

I had had enough of this. I hated the fact that I had been plucked from the street, treated like some laboratory experiment and humiliated. I hated this man, who was standing in front of me and grinning, taking great pleasure in my nakedness and vulnerability. This place was monstrous, and I wanted no place in it. I tried to muster up the words to get my point across, to convey my true feelings of hatred and revulsion towards this sinister corporation.

"Mmmmmph!" I yelled, into the ballgag, and the word was accompanied by a generous flow of drool onto my chin.

"I'll take that as a no, then," the man replied, watching as I struggled and thrashed wildly.

He turned away and the robotic tentacle lowered me back to the floor. As soon as my heels found terra-firma, my hands were pulled over my head and down behind my shoulders, where a chain was used to attached the handcuffs to the rear of my body harness... so that whenever I struggled, I would pull up on the crotch of my body harness... The wall opposite the transparent wall slid aside with a soft hiss, and I turned to see a machine emerge from the darkness - it was a large, sturdy robot that ran on caterpillar tracks and consisted of a large number of metallic tentacles. One of the tentacles reached forward and grabbed the chain between my nipples - the robot reversed away from me, pulling me after it into the darkness...

I found keeping up with this robot a difficult task in my high heels, but again I had no choice... especially given how much my nipples hurt. We were passing through a dusty corridor in what seemed to be a Medieval-style dungeon - cells lined the walls, each containing a girl in bondage. I stopped when I spotted Vicky, bound naked, asleep on the floor of her cell, obviously recovering from her ordeal - I tried to call to her but was gagged, and my call turned into a moan as the robot tugged at my nipple chain. Another metallic tentacle opened an empty cell - I was pushed inside, and the door slammed shut (and locked) behind me.

"Please," said the girl in the cell next to me to the robot, "there's been some mistake! I'm Charlotte Kochanski, I work in Deletion!"

I turned to look at her - she was very attractive, with short red hair and rather intense eyes. Her hands were taped closed and her arms taped into a reverse prayer position, while her legs were bound in a full-lotus. Chains looped at her shoulders, knees and crotch kept her suspended from a hook in the ceiling of her cell. The robot had been travelling away past her cell but it stopped when she spoke.

"I'm sorry," came the voice of the man who had spoken to me earlier from a speaker in the robot, "we have no record of your existence."

As the robot continued on, the red-head turned to the girl in the next cell - this girl had dark hair and large eyes, and also had her hands taped shut. Her arms were folded behind her back, her legs were frogtied with leather belts and she was wearing a ring-gag.

"Bitch!" the red-head shouted to the dark-haired girl, "You deleted me!"

I didn't have a clue what they were talking about. All I was interested in was trying to get my wrists out of the handcuffs so I could make another attempt to remove the nipple clamps... I knew that such a task was impossible, but it was all I had to do to pass the time while I waited for the next stage of my ordeal...