'What was that bang?' I asked, almost startled enough to drop the sweets I was eating. I had been almost hypnotised by the constant pounding rain on the roof of our car, and the windscreen wiper going back and forth in front of me.

'We must have a blow-out,' Brad said - he had been reversing us back up the wrong fork we had taken on our way to visit our ex-tutor and friend, Dr Everett Scott.

'Oh...' was all I managed to say before I was interrupted by a bolt of lightning striking a tree.

'You'd better sit here and keep warm while I go for help.'

'But where will you go?' I asked, 'We're in the middle of nowhere.'

'Didn't we pass a castle back down the road a few miles? Maybe they have a telephone I might use.'

As he unbuckled his seatbelt, I was overcome by a feeling of dread and foreboding: 'I'm coming with you,' I said.

'There's no point both of us getting wet.'

'I'm coming with you,' I repeated, unbuckling my seatbelt, 'Besides, darling, the owner of the phone might be a beautiful woman and you may never come back!'

He laughed at that, but was drowned out by a clap of thunder. I jumped out of the car with a newspaper held over my head and suddenly had an urge to sing. I successfully fought it and had a brainwave.

'That castle we passed was miles away,' I shouted above the noise of the rain, 'I say we continue past the dead end to where those bikers came from!'

'Are... are you sure, Janet?' Brad asked, looking a little confused, as if someone had taken away his script, 'Life's pretty cheap to that type.'

'I know, you said that earlier! C'mon, Brad, it can't be far! They're sure to have a phone!'

'I don't know about this, Janet...' he said, but I grabbed his hand and pulled him along behind me.

'There's a light!' he said, a few minutes later.

I looked up from underneath my newspaper and saw that he was right. We hurried up a long drive to what turned out to be a large house that looked more like a castle. I shuddered, suddenly feeling as if I had made the wrong decision. Brad, however, suddenly seemed very sure of himself and he marched ahead... and I remembered what had attracted me to him in the first place. His manners, his chivalry, his politeness, his properness. He was perfect. His perfection didn't stop me feeling just a little bit afraid when he rang the doorbell.

'Oh, Brad, let's go back. I'm cold and frightened!'

'Just a moment, Janet. They may have a telephone.'

The door opened. I expected to be bathed in light, but the inside of the house was just as dark as it was outside. A convenient flash of lightning illuminated the face of the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Her high cheekbones and well-defined jaw, along with her ghostly pale skin, made her look more like a carving than a living, breathing human being. Her long, dark hair fell like a waterfall over her right shoulder and her eyes were similarly dark, but so alert and full of knowledge and wisdom that I would have been lost in them forever if Brad hadn't spoken.

'Uh... oh... hi! My name is Brad Majors. And this is my fiancee, Janet Weiss. I... ah... wondered if you could help us. Our car has broken down about two miles up the road. Do you have a phone we might use?'

'You're wet,' the lady purred, her voice seeming to vibrate up and down my very being as her eyes scanned me.

'Yes, the rain has been very heavy,' I said, wondering if it had been the rain that she was talking about.

'Yes,' said Brad.

'Yes,' she said, and then she broke into a smile: 'I think you had better both come inside.'

An offer I knew Brad wouldn't refuse: 'You're too kind,' I said.

She stepped aside, and Brad led the way into the main hall of the mansion. As I passed through the threshold, I felt a chill run up and down my spine. I turned to the woman and was surprised to see that she was smiling at me.

'Call me Mistress Bordello,' she smiled.

'Bordello?' Brad asked, 'Is that a European name?'

'You could say that,' Mistress Bordello replied, 'I was just about to eat. Would you care to indulge?'

'Oh, I wouldn't want to impose,' I said, 'We just want to use your phone.'

'The phones are out. The storm.'

'Oh,' I said.

'Oh,' Brad said.

'Follow me,' she said.

And we did. As we ascended a grand flight of stairs, I noticed that the ballgown she was wearing had a very revealing slit at the back. She wore stockings, suspenders and very high heels underneath, and I even caught a glimpse of black underwear... I caught myself looking and turned my attention to Brad. He was gazing up after her, so I hit his arm to get his attention.

'We need to get to a phone!' I hissed.

'The phones are out. We'll just have to wait. Anyway, I'm sure you're as hungry as I am. And she doesn't seem too dangerous.'

'Well, as long as she doesn't steal you away from me.'

'There's no danger of that, Janet.'

Judging by the way she had looked me up and down earlier, I would have to agree with him. There was more chance of her stealing me away from him. We reached the top of the stairs and continued down a long, dark hallway which was flanked by portraits of women throughout the ages. And they all bore a striking resemblance to Mistress Bordello.

'Your clothes are wet. Get changed, then meet me downstairs for dinner,' she said, standing by a large set of double doors.

We thanked her and disappeared into the room, closing the doors behind us. The four-poster bed dominated, but the huge mahogany wardrobe in the corner was far from submissive. Inside, we found a dinner jacket for Brad and the most beautiful ballgown I had ever seen for me. The black material seemed to cling to me like a second skin and the slit down the left leg revealed more thigh than I was normally comfortable with. But the padding at the bust and the bare shoulders made me feel like a million dollars.

Dinner took place in a huge dining room, with just the three of us sitting at the table. Not a word was spoken, apart from Brad occasionally trying to break the silence. Mistress Bordello spent the entire meal staring at my throat and sipping from a huge glass of red wine. What was really strange was that I didn't ever see her touch her roast lamb, but it had gone by the time Brad and I had finished eating.

It was late by the time we had finished, and we were too tired to go back to the car so the very kind Mistress Bordello let us stay the night. We said our goodnights and retired to our room.

'Oh, Janet, I am so tired,' Brad yawned, closing the doors behind us.

'Are you sure?' I asked, cuddling up to him, my hand going to his chest to feel the definition of his muscles through the thin fabric of his shirt.

'We shouldn't even be sharing a bed, Janet. We're not married yet, remember?'

I pouted my lips at him, disappointed. Perhaps it was Mistress Bordello staring at me for the entire meal that had got me so horny. Brad gently held my wrists and moved them away from him, so he could step past me to the wardrobe. He opened it, and gasped.

'What is it?' I asked.

'There's been some sort of mistake...' he said, 'There are pyjamas here, laid out neatly for me. But the only other clothes in here, which I imagine are intended for you, are...'

'Are what?'

'Well... don't look. You can wear the pyjamas, I'll wear the dinner jacket.'

'What are you talking about? What shouldn't I look at?'

I was intrigued now. I pushed past him and saw what was waiting in the wardrobe for me to don. I gasped.

'It's... amazing...'

'That's not the word I would have used.'


'It's not your usual style. You're not seriously considering it, Janet!'

I didn't have time to be impressed by Brad's uncharacteristic perceptiveness. I was too busy taking in the clothing that I wanted to wear to bed. It was black. It was leather. It had metal studs. The main part resembled a leotard, but it completely failed to cover the buttocks and breasts. There was also a long, lace-up sleeve that looked just big enough to accommodate both arms. Simple, yet somehow elegant. And oh so sexy. Perhaps it was the wine I had had with my dinner, or Mistress Bordello's constant appraisal, but I was feeling like a real sex kitten. Previously, I had thought that there was no use getting into heavy petting (it only leads to trouble and seat wetting) - but, now, my views had changed. I wanted more than anything to wear the outfit in the wardrobe. Whether Brad wanted me to or not.

'It would be a shame to disappoint our hostess,' I said, quietly.


'But what?'

'Judging by the look of that single sleeve, you're going to need my help.'

'Oh, thanks Brad!' I grinned, planting a huge, wet kiss on his lips and wrapping my arms around him tight.

Minutes later, I had slipped out of my clothes and into the comfortable, tight, black leather. I was constantly using my hands to cover my bare breasts and buttocks, and Brad was doing his best not to look. But then came the leather sleeve, and with my arms fastened securely by it behind my back I could do nothing to cover myself. Brad finished tying it (he was very good with knots, what with being a scout in his youth) and kissed me on my neck.

I moaned at his soft touch, feeling his hands gripping my bare hips as his tender kisses moved down to my shoulder. I turned, and he was greeted by the sight of my full, ripe breasts for the first time... and he looked very pleased to see them. He pulled me close to him (and in my current position I could do nothing to resist him) and I felt his gentle kisses on my right breast in ever-decreasing circles, getting closer and closer to my hardening nipple. And then he got there, and a small animal noise escaped my lips... he gripped my nipple very gently between his teeth and sucked. I writhed in his firm grip, now feeling very wet down below, but unable to do a thing about it. He moved to my other breast and flicked the nipple with his tongue. He then took it into his mouth and sucked, and I felt very weak at the knees.

He gently pushed me down, so that I was kneeling before him. I knew exactly what he wanted. He removed his clothes, slowly, before me - eventually revealing his well-muscled body. And I could now tell for sure how much he really liked my black leather outfit. I had to open my mouth very wide to take him in... and it didn't take long to suck, lick and nibble him to orgasm. As I licked my lips and savoured the taste, he helped me to my feet and almost threw me onto the bed. I was laying face-down, my bare breasts pressing against the firm mattress. He pulled my legs apart and sat between them, but I was so horny I hardly noticed him - I was too busy grinding against the bed, trying to get enough friction and stimulation to my more sensitive areas to reach orgasm.

And then I felt his thumb. The only part of him I could feel, but it was pressing against the leather between my legs, against a very sensitive part of my anatomy. I wriggled and writhed, my hard nipples pushing down into the bed, my legs spread far apart, his thumb just applying a firm pressure to me... I bit into the pillow as my muscles tensed and I reached the plateau... I groaned, I moaned, I writhed, I ground... I came.

My body was covered in sweat, but I was feeling so happy. He lay down next to me, naked, and I somehow managed to wriggle over to him and snuggle up against him. I was in heaven.

I woke. It was still dark, but I felt like I had slept for ages. There was something soft next to my mouth, and it tasted like nipple so I sucked on it... and was surprised when it hardened immediately. I looked up to see that the person I was snuggling up to was Mistress Bordello.

'Where's Brad?' I asked, trying to conceal my complete surprise - I was more worried about not looking too scared or vulnerable, given that I was still wearing the clothes I had gone to sleep in.

'He has gone to find a phone. I said that I would look after you until he returns.'

'How long will be be?' I asked.

'Who knows? I sent him up towards the Frankenstein place,' she replied, her grin revealing a pair of very long canine teeth.