I closed my eyes, trying to shut out the jeers from the crowd. This was so humiliating! The guard pulled at the leash attached to the collar around my neck and I stumbled forward, opening my eyes again so that I stayed on my feet. My balance was off because my hands were tied tightly behind my back with rough rope, and the dirt track I was walking along (in unsuitable footwear) was very uneven. Behind me, the rest of the group of guards were marching in formation, no doubt admiring the distinct brevity of my outfit as I struggled with my bonds and cursed under my breath. This was all meant to be in good fun, but I was feeling distinctly uncomfortable. A member of the crowd lining each side of the path threw something - luckily, it missed, but they were obviously taking this far too seriously.

Just because I was the last volunteer to turn up to help the Castle Preservation Society hold their annual Medieval Re-enactment Festival, I was given the worst role to play. Some might think that the worst role was a lowly servant, or some sort of animal cleaner-outer, but it wasn't - the worst role was thief, especially if the thief was caught red-handed by the castle guards.

My first feeling that something wasn't quite right had come when I had been handed my costume to wear. No self-respecting Medieval thief (outside of Hollywood) would have worn anything so revealing... but it was the only outfit they had had in my size (so they had said). I had gritted my teeth and put it on, losing my cute summer dress in favour of a light brown bodice that cinched my waist and provided more support than a Wonderbra, a matching pleated leather miniskirt that barely covered my buttocks even when I stood up straight and tugged it downwards, and a pair of matching knee-length boots with heels totally unsuitable for a life of thievery (outside of Hollywood). The last item of clothing was a soft brown leather thong - the man who had supplied my outfit said that my white bra and panties hadn't been invented yet! I had been too shocked to make a point about how I had very much doubted that any Medieval woman had ever worn a thong (outside of Hollywood). He had then given me a small purse of gold coins and sent me on my way.

I had stepped out of the dark into the bright sunshine and had stood there, blinking, getting my bearings, watching the crowd of normal-clothed tourists milling around the castle grounds, when I had heard the shout that sealed my fate.

"Stop! Thief!"

The eyes of the crowd had turned to the shouter - a middle-aged man dressed in the expensive finery of a Medieval merchant. He had been pointing straight at me - more correctly, he had been pointing at the small purse of gold coins in my hands... I had been set up! But, given that it was all for entertainment, I had decided to put on a show. Absently-mindedly tugging my skirt down, I had waved to the merchant and then ran in the opposite direction... straight into the waiting hands of a group of castle guards. It hadn't taken them long for them to relieve me of the gold and my freedom...

I struggled a little harder, since the rope tight around my wrists was beginning to get uncomfortable. Walking along a gravel track in high heels was difficult at the best of times, but it wasn't helped by the random tugs on the leash by the guard who was leading me. I decided to remind him that this was all meant to be fun - I walked a little faster until I was right behind him, and whispered in his ear (so the crowd wouldn't hear the exchange).

"Don't you think you're being a bit rough? I can barely walk in these heels, and you're not helping by pulling on this bloody collar!" I hissed.

He stopped - so suddenly, I walked straight into him. I staggered backwards as I bounced off him, and he turned to look at me, a leer on his face as he looked me up and down, taking in the way the bodice made my breasts bulge and the skirt showed off my long legs. I looked away, suddenly feeling very vulnerable, and I noticed that a large number of men in the crowd were looking at me in a similar way.

"Is the thief having trouble keeping up?" he asked, loudly, playing to the crowd.

I felt very shy all of a sudden, and initially decided not to reply. But then I remembered that I was meant to be entertaining the crowd, so I played along with him, against my better judgement.

"Yes," I said, loud enough for the crowd to hear, "you're marching too fast!"

"Let's see what we can do about that!"

With no warning, he quickly stepped towards me and scooped me up in his arms, putting me over his shoulder in a fireman's lift. I gasped and squirmed in his grip, but bound as I was I couldn't do anything to get loose... not without getting too violent, anyway, and spoiling the show for the crowd. He turned and began to walk, with me bobbing on his shoulder as he moved. I looked up, and saw the rest of the guards following behind, all leering at what I guessed was a rather pleasant view of my heaving bosom. And then I wondered how far my skirt had ridden up in the process of my being scooped up - the glowing warmth of sunlight on my bare buttocks answered my suspicions, but when I tried to move my bound hands to pull it down, I found that it was scrunched up underneath me and wouldn't budge. My captor felt my movement and gave my ass a playful smack as he carried me - I just hoped that the clapping, cheering and jeering crowd couldn't see too much...

It seemed like an age had passed before he eventually stopped, by which time my face was as red as my buttocks - from blushing at one end and occasional spanking at the other. He shrugged me off his shoulder into the hands of another guardsman, who led me into the centre of the castle courtyard, the hub of the festival activity and where most of the tourists seemed to be milling around. The collar was removed from my neck and the rope removed from my wrists - I took a moment to rub the ropeburns and tug my skirt down over my ass, glaring at the guard who had carried me as I did so. He just smiled at me, and nodded at something behind me. I turned so see an open pillory - wooden stocks for trapping the wrists and neck of some poor victim, raised off the ground by a wooden pole. I was pushed towards it and, before I could complain, I found myself bent over, my neck in the centre groove, my wrists either side... the top half was then closed down, trapping me in place, and I saw a brand new (definitely not Medieval) padlock being fastened to stop me from escaping.

"This is the punishment for common thievery!" exclaimed a guard, "Feel free to tease, humiliate and torment this wretched thief - she deserves everything she gets!"

And, with that, the guards dispersed, leaving me with a huge crowd of tourists. I smiled, shyly, and pulled at the wooden pillory experimentally - it wasn't going anywhere, and neither was I. I wriggled my bum, hoping it would make my skirt move into a position for better buttock coverage, but then stopped when I realised the show I must be putting on for any tourists behind me. I closed my eyes and tried to ignore my predicament, to ignore the various humiliating insults and suggestions for further punishment coming from the crowd, and just enjoy the prospect of a pleasant afternoon in the sun.

I opened my eyes again to see that the crowd had largely lost interest in me, and had returned to their touristing. A small number had ventured closer to examine the pillory, and I soon found myself answering questions about Medieval law and order - I like to think I bluffed my way through the majority of them, and managed to gain a new-found respect for the old-fashioned ways... I'd never consider becoming a thief if this was the punishment! I found it very difficult to put on such a professional front, to answer questions and explain quickly and efficiently, when I was bound helpless in a pillory, wearing the briefest of costumes which wouldn't have looked out-of-place next to a well-oiled Arnold Schwarzenegger. Plus, I was constantly distracted by thoughts about my bottom... I hoped that too much wasn't revealed, but from where I was standing I couldn't tell if it had attracted more of an audience than my front!

"Sorry, could you repeat that please?" I asked, aware that I had been day-dreaming and had missed the question posed by the middle-aged man standing right in front of me.

"Why are you kept in that pillory by a modern padlock?" he asked, again.

"Oh... erm... I don't know. I guess that they didn't want me to escape."

"It's hardly authentic," he said, turning the padlock over in his hand.

"Perhaps they didn't have any Medieval ones?" I ventured.


"I just work here. Look, you couldn't do me a favour, could you? You couldn't..."

I was about to ask him to get me something to drink, but he was distracted by his wife calling to him, and he wandered away... ignoring me, as if I was just another exhibit. Which, in a way, I guess I was. The majority of my audience seemed to be men, for some reason - I secretly hoped for a woman to come talk to me, so I could ask her to check up on the status of my skirt. I couldn't tell if it had ridden up at the back or not, but I could feel a definite breeze. The sun began to get low in the sky and the shadows lengthened - I smiled to myself as the crowds thinned, sure that my ordeal wouldn't last much longer. It was while I was cursing myself for volunteering to help out at the Festival (I could at least have demanded payment) when I was surprised by a slap on my bum.

I jumped, pulling at the stocks, shocked by this liberty that some unknown person was taking with my bottom. I looked around, but couldn't see anyone around - I remembered that a Medieval banquet had been advertised as part of the festivities, and I guessed that that was where the crowds had gone. Well, almost all of the crowds - I could hear a group of kids sniggering to themselves behind me.

"Hey, stop that!" I demanded, in my strictest, sternest voice.

The laughing stopped, and there was silence. I breathed a sigh of relief, relaxing... and felt a second slap on my bum! I wriggled in the stocks again, stamping my feet in the hope of catching some poor unfortunate with my high heels (but had no such luck).

"What're you going to do about it?" asked one of the kids - he walked around into my field of vision, and wasn't as young as I had first thought.

I guessed that he was about 17 or 18. Not good, from a certain point of view, since the spanking of my bottom had lost its innocent overtones. They were probably getting turned on by my bondage. Bloody kids. I glared at him - he was obviously the ring-leader.

"You don't want to find out," I threatened, firmly.

"Try me," he grinned, walking around behind me.

I felt my skirt being lifted up, and then his hand on my ass. I wriggled, violently, trying to kick him, but he easily avoided my blind attacks.

"Stop it!"

Deaf to my protests, he began to fondle my buttocks, egged on by cheers from his peers. I smiled to myself when one of my kicks finally connected with his shin - I followed it up by stamping on his toes with one of my heels.

"Bitch!" he shouted, backing away.

I grinned, evilly, revelling in my little victory. Then, I saw a young woman dressed as a Medieval page-girl enter the courtyard - I called out to her for help and she began to stride briskly towards me, shouting at the teenagers. But they hadn't finished yet - I felt fingers hook into the hips of my thong and quickly pull it down my legs. They ripped the thong from me, slapped my ass again and ran away.

"Are you okay?" the woman asked, quietly, stroking my hair away from my eyes.

"Yes, I think so," I smiled, relieved.

"Little rascals," she smirked, walking around behind me and tugging my skirt back into place.

"Worse than that," I said, "I was genuinely scared."

"Well, you should have thought about that before you stole that merchant's purse."

"But I didn't..."

"You were caught red-handed! You can't possibly deny that you're a common thief! Now, I'm going to enjoy the banquet - if you're lucky, someone might bring you some wine... but you don't deserve it."

And, with that, she turned on her heel and left me opening and closing my mouth, in shock. Well, this was the last time I'd volunteer for any Medieval festivals... especially if they resulted in me bound and humiliated in a public place without any underwear. Still, on the plus side, it was rather arousing a situation...

Hours passed, and I found myself getting even more uncomfortable in that awkward position, standing at the pillory. I was sure that mosquitoes were feasting on my exposed flesh, but couldn't do anything about it. I hadn't seen another soul for ages, and there was a definite chill in the air. I could vaguely hear the distant sound of drunken revelry coming from somewhere inside the castle. Then, I saw a group of people approaching, their way lit by lanterns. They didn't pay me much heed as they passed - a group of tourists being led to the exit by volunteers in Medieval garb. A number of similar groups passed by, not paying much attention to me. I just hoped that no-one would forget about me, and leave me bound in the middle of the courtyard for the night. The last group wandered past me... and eventually the volunteers returned, sans tourists.

They were an interesting group of people, of all ages, and just a little bit drunk. They didn't return to the warmth of the banquet hall, instead they hung around the courtyard chatting. It took a few moments for me to realise that they were chatting about me.

"What shall we do with her?"

"Release her?"

"She might steal again - I suggest we punish her."

"Punish her?"

"We have an entire dungeon full of interesting devices. It would be very educational."

"Let her go - the poor girl's suffered enough."

"Hey, she's not wearing any knickers!"

I felt the blush spread across my face as all eyes turned towards me. I tried to look nonchalant, but failed miserably. I turned my attention to the pillory, pulling at it for the umpteenth time, but it was fastened as securely now as it had been all day. It was then that I felt a hand on my bare thigh.

"Hey!" I said, "What're you doing back there?"

"You'll find out," came a woman's voice - in fact, I recognised the voice of the page-girl who had chased away the teenagers.

"Isn't it time you set me free?" I asked.

"I'm going to give you that choice in five minutes time..."

"In five minutes time? What's going to happen between now and then?"


I gasped as I felt her tongue push between my labia... I hadn't realised how wet I was until she pushed so easily inside me. I groaned as her tongue slowly explored - her hands gripped my thighs and held them apart as she pushed her face against my bare flesh, so that her tongue could push deeper. The volunteers formed a circle around us, some watching her licking my nether regions, others intent on the expressions on my face as she aroused me.

"Stop that..." I moaned, my voice lacking conviction.

She ignored me - instead, her hands moved up to grip my buttocks as her tongue withdrew, and she began to nibble on my inner thighs. I couldn't stop myself from writhing and squirming at her attentions, moan after moan escaping my lips as she began to suck on my inner thighs, hungrily, gripping me firmly with her hands, not letting me move away. And then I felt her fingers pushing slowly into my pussy, rotating around, pumping slowly, filling me... I was moving with her now, so aroused, grinding myself against her, so horny, just wanting her touch, just wanting my orgasm. I could feel it fast approaching, and my writhings became more urgent... the crowd stepped forward, watching more intently... I was far beyond simple shyness now, I just wanted to cum. But she wasn't going to let me. She withdrew, leaving me panting... sweaty... aroused...

"Now," she said, "do you want to be released? Or do you want to cum?"

I didn't even have to think about my answer, my shyness was long forgotten: "I want to cum... now... please..."

As soon as the words left my lips, I felt her tongue push back into my waiting moistness, her hands gripping my thighs tight as she thrust inside me, deeper, harder... I groaned, so close... and then she withdrew, replacing tongue with fingers... and her tongue found my clit... I screwed my eyes shut and gritted my teeth... this was so hot... and then I felt her teeth... I screamed aloud as I came, my hot juices gushing over her fingers and face, my whole body squirming in tight bondage...

I stood there, panting, eyes shut. I felt her touch at my lips, and I opened my mouth to taste myself on her fingers... and then on her tongue. She stepped back, breaking off the kiss, leaving me breathless.

"I'm glad you chose not to be released," she smiled.

"So am I," I moaned, softly, my pussy aching for more.

"Now it's time to change your position," she said, grinning evilly.

I was too weak to resist as rough hands pulled me from the stocks. In fact, I didn't resist when they removed my clothes, leaving me standing naked in the middle of the castle courtyard. A metal collar was fastened around my neck, and my wrists were cuffed to the front of the collar, so that I could do precious little to cover my nakedness. The woman grinned at me and, ignoring my weak protests, grabbed the front of the collar and pulled me after her towards the main banquet hall. Looking over my shoulder, I saw the rest of the volunteers following us, chatting amongst themselves, seemingly quite excited by events.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"To a slave auction," she replied, tugging again at the collar.